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Unfinished FlutterHypno

a guest
Jul 27th, 2013
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  1. >Ever since you moved into Fluttershy's cottage, you've found yourself reacing new levels of stress.
  2. >The cottage is beautiful and luxurious, but the furniture is covered in assorted animal hairs.
  3. >You peak your head out of the door, at 4pm, which is the time Fluttershy usually comes back from the forest.
  4. >The one time she hadn't come back until the next morning you were worried, sick, and was because she was coaxing baby owls to come home and live with her.
  5. >Almost on cue, you see Fluttershy come out of the woodwork, with a basket of fruits and barries held by her mouth as she gently floats towards you.
  6. >You also notice a small furry blob on her back.
  7. >Stepping out of the house, you lean against a support beam, with a wave.
  8. >Shy nods, her mouth still hindered by the basket as she gently flitters along.
  9. >Shy plops to the floor,her hooves making a warm clack as she touches cobbled pathway leading to the cottage.
  10. "Anon, I hope you don't mind, but I brought a friend with me."
  11. >You groan. Great, another one to take care of.
  12. "Shy, you really need to quit taking in new animals. All you've done recently is take them in, and you've yet to release any. Eventually we won't be able to afford this habit of yours."
  13. "But Anon, you know that I can't resist helping these poor, innocent animals!"
  16. "Yes Shy, but we can't take care of all of these animals!"
  17. >Fluttershy's puppydog eyes instantly negate any statements you made before.
  18. "As long as it makes you happy, I guess it makes me happy."
  19. "Oh, thank you Anon. I just knew you'd understand. You've been really stressed out helping out around here. I'm going to help relax you. I mean, if you don't mind."
  20. >Your interest is piqued.
  21. "What is it?"
  22. "I picked it up from Zecora today while I was in the Everfree. She noticed I was having trouble with some of the more stubborn animals. It's a tranquility spell."
  23. >She places a hoof to her chin. "She said something about this spell. 'These instructions, from you must not stray, with or without recollection, they will obey.' She says promptly.
  24. "Right, well, whenever you're ready, I guess."
  25. "Well Anon, I need you eye level with me, if that's okay."
  26. >You squat down, nearly touching her face.
  27. >Fluttershy closes her eyes, attempting to focus by inhaling and exhaling deeply.
  28. >You take your idex, tapping her muzzle with a "Boop!"
  29. "Eep!"
  30. >She races behind the nearest furniture, poking her head out to make sure the coast is clear.
  31. "Anon, don't scare me like that! If I don't follow the instructions it won't work!"
  32. >You promise to allow her to do this hex. You doubt it'll work, but it'll make her feel better.
  35. >She places her hooves to your temples, looking at you with a perfect smile and those adorable glistening eyes of hers.
  36. >The shy mare hums something, as she lightly circles your temples.
  37. >Her warm smile seemed that much better while she was humming the tune.
  38. "See anon, don't you feel better?"
  39. >In your mind, you're unchanged, but for her sake you tell her you feel substantially better.
  40. "Good! Now, I know I just calmed you down, but do you mind going out and feeding the animals with me?"
  41. >Flutters gives you her trademark smile, and you can't help but say yes.
  42. >You follow her outside, throwing feed to the pack of animals. You're surprised at how well behaved the carnivorous one are, even while in the pen with their natural prey.
  43. >A few minutes later, all of the animals are fed. You and Fluttershy both head back inside, another successful day finished.
  44. "Thanks for all of the help, Anon. I really appreciate it."
  45. "Anytime, Flutters. I don't know where I'd live if it weren't for your kindness and generosity."
  46. "Oh you do enough around here, I don't mind housing you at all because you're a big help around here."
  47. "Well, i'm going to get some rest. You should too, Flutters."
  48. "Actually, if you don't mind, i'm going to stay up a little while longer. Good night, Anon."
  49. (Continued tomorrow night)
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