
Short - Rainbow Dash's Confession

Sep 17th, 2015
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  1. >You were at the Ponyville bar, sitting at the counter.
  2. >Rainbow Dash was sitting next to you.
  3. >She has been very quiet this evening. On any other day, she usually was spouting something about the Wonderbolts or some new trick she learned.
  4. >But she was silent most of the time, only speaking in monosyllables to answer your questions about her day and such.
  5. >You are concerned for her, but you know she won't ever confirm that something was bothering her if you'd dare ask.
  6. >You dispensed with the small-talk for the rest of the night, letting her sort out whatever was bugging her in peace.
  7. >You sit staring at the back of the bar, lost in your own thoughts.
  8. >You bring the glass to your lips and take a long sip of your beer.
  9. >Rainbow Dash suddenly blurts out a string of incoherent words.
  10. >You are startled and nearly choke on your beer.
  11. >You compose yourself.
  12. >Raspily "What did you say, RD?"
  13. >Rainbow Dash's eyes wee darting everywhere, trying to avoid yours.
  14. >Rainbow Dash mumbles something as she looks into her glass.
  15. >You are getting a little annoyed.
  16. >Impatiently "What is it, RD? Just come out with it already."
  17. >She closes her eyes, sighs, and looks at you with misty eyes.
  18. >Tears formed at the corners.
  19. >Your jimmies rustle, fearful that she will tell you that someone close to her hurt her in the past.
  20. >You were not ready for that.
  21. >You eye her expectantly, nonetheless.
  22. >"I-I-" her nervous coughing cutting her off. She regains control. Sniffling, she hoarsely continues "I think I'm a l-lesbian" the last part being whispered.
  23. >She quietly breaks down on the bar counter as to not attract attention from the other patrons.
  24. >You remain silent, processing what she had said.
  25. >You knew there was only one appropriate response.
  26. >Breathing, then taking another swig of beer, you set it down and turn to face Rainbow Dash.
  27. >"RD..." placing your hand on her foreleg and gently shaking it.
  28. >Rainbow Dash raises her head and faces you.
  29. >Her eyes were puffy. Tears streamed down her face.
  30. >She was so vulnerable right now.
  31. >With infinite grace you reassure her "RD, It's okay. It does not matter if you are attracted to mares-"
  32. >RD sniffles loudly and wipes her nose.
  33. >"-it only matters that you're happy being who you really are, with the pony you really love."
  34. >You don't receive an answer. Rainbow Dash's head was downcast.
  35. >A tear falls onto the counter.
  36. >You stroke her forearm, trying to comfort her.
  37. >Rainbow Dash looks up at you, placing a hoof on top your caressing hang.
  38. >Sniffling once again "D-do really think so, Anon? You th-think that everypony will still like me if they found out? Do you" putting her hoof on your chest "still like me?"
  39. >Her face scrunches up.
  40. >You take her hoof in both your hands and spoke simply "Yes, Rainbow Dash. I'm still your friend - nothing is going to change that. As for other ponies, I'm certain that they will still love you."
  41. >"Really?"
  42. >"Yes."
  43. >Rainbow Dash beams ans lunges forward, wrapping her arms around your waist, her face planted into your chest.
  44. >She cries there.
  45. >You hold her around the whithers and stroke her mane.
  46. >Looking over Rainbow Dash's head, you watch the rain fall outside the bar window.
  47. >Tears ran down your face.
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