
ball tree measurements

Jul 5th, 2016
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  1. --- nearest point lookup test ---
  2. generating 10000 random points...
  3. generating 10000 random checking points...
  4. reference time: 0.94s
  6. ::: ball tree :::
  7. {
  8. generating nodes... 255 nodes generated
  9. -- nodeval count: 10128
  10. -- tree dumped to 'dump_balltree.wrl'!
  11. tree lookup time: 0.449s (47.766%)
  12. tree validity testing:
  13. - 0 errors
  14. - 0 average distance error
  15. - 0 worst distance error
  16. tree stats:
  17. - # node tests: 1294096
  18. - # node discards: 335895
  19. - # node accepts: 968201
  20. - # point tests: 25110971
  21. - # point accepts: 719394
  22. ::: two-level lookup based on ball tree :::
  23. removing branch nodes...
  24. - leaf count: 128
  25. 2lev lookup time: 0.42s (44.6809%)
  26. 2lev validity testing:
  27. - 0 errors
  28. - 0 average distance error
  29. - 0 worst distance error
  30. 2lev stats:
  31. - # node tests: 1280000
  32. - # node discards: 958847
  33. - # node accepts: 321153
  34. - # point tests: 25110971
  35. - # point accepts: 719394
  36. }
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