
Beyond the Sky - Session 34

May 1st, 2017
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  1. -3rd Winter's First-
  2. Following the torture, in the late afternoon, as the sun is starting to set, Adrian gathers Night Eyes and Valaire to discuss the results of his information gathering.
  3. Valaire mutters to herself, tracing over the lines of a tome as the small sprite Kylisae looks at the text from a shoulder vantage point.
  4. Adrian sighs, looking around at the others.
  5. Adrian: "We have worse problems than orcs, it would seem; there's apparently a reason there weren't more of them."
  6. Night Eyes: "Interesting. Please go on."
  7. Valaire: "That hardly seems a problem. Anything that crosses my lord's path suffers greatly."
  8. Adrian: "Hopefully. Likely another daemon, from the sound of it..."
  9. Night Eyes: "I wonder why they are all coming out of hiding..."
  10. Valaire narrows her eyes and clicks her tongue, without shifting her focus from the book.
  11. Kylisae: "This... seems like an ongoing issue."
  12. Adrian: "I'm not sure. I just can't think of what else would be going on. In any case, at least it's alone; no pets this time."
  13. Valaire: "It was only one fiend they were fleeing from? I did not know my disrespect for those brutes could increase."
  14. Night Eyes: "I think we should approach this with caution, in any case."
  15. Kylisae: "So... it's stronger than... all of those guys?"
  16. "All of those guys that... were set... on fire..."
  17. Kylisae seems to be troubled by her memories of the day's battle.
  18. Adrian: "Stronger than even more of them. I don't think I'd take this lightly."
  19. Night Eyes: "I do not care for such skirmishes, myself, Kylisae."
  20. Night Eyes considers Adrian's words, tapping her chin.
  21. Valaire: "I don't know what you're expecting. When you hang around us, eventually somebody is going to be running away, screaming, while on fire."
  22. "(Especially now...)"
  23. Night Eyes turns to Valaire.
  24. Night Eyes: "I just don't want us to garner a reputation for exactly that."
  25. Adrian: "The fire is really more for dramatic effect. They could put it out easily if they took a moment to do so, and for that matter I could probably do something else with it, given a bit of time to practice."
  26. Valaire: "But this horrible fate lies in store only for those who cross Lord Adrian. Is it not an advantage to get those to serve him?"
  27. Night Eyes: "I believe there are differences between a pragmatic and capable leader, and a tyrant."
  28. Night Eyes smiles at Adrian from beneath her mask.
  29. Night Eyes: "In any case, I would welcome staking out the daemon."
  30. Adrian: "All I want is for them to keep to themselves, or at the very least to go raiding someplace else. It seems best to handle the daemon tomorrow, regardless, so I suppose I should go have words with Muiri for now."
  31. Valaire: "(And what is wrong with being a tyrant, if it brings justice?)"
  32. Kylisae: "So we're going to fight something utterly horrifying... to help some people that tried to kill us?"
  33. Adrian: "No. I am going to fight something utterly horrifying because otherwise, this place is its next target. I would ask your assistance, but you have every right to refuse it."
  34. Night Eyes: "And whether or not it does come here, it's driving other dangerous forces here to escape it."
  35. Kylisae: "Wait, do I actually have the right to refuse helping?"
  36. Valaire: "No. He was being facetious."
  37. As the sun sets and the light starts to fade from the day, the group make their way back up to the manor on the hill. The lights are off, aside from a lantern on the porch.
  38. Valaire: "(What a warm welcome for their heroes...)"
  39. Adrian knocks at the door, waiting impatiently.
  40. The door is opened more of less immediately, the half-orc servant bowing to the party as he lets them in.
  41. Manservant: "Ah, Lord Adrian, you're back. I trust you bring good news, sir?"
  42. Adrian: "I would say so, but I suspect Muiri may disagree with my assessment."
  43. Manservant: "Of course, Milord. Shall I lead you to her, now?"
  44. Adrian: "Hm. I'd like your own opinion as we go, but yes. How long have you been in her service?"
  45. Manservant: "...about... one year?"
  46. "I've been in the manor for about a year now."
  47. Adrian: "Is it common for her to make decisions such as ordering you not to speak to me?"
  48. Manservant: "...she doesn't normally allow me to speak to guests. Or, well... leave the manor."
  49. Valaire: "Quite the suspicious restriction. Almost as if you hearing contradicting information was dangerous."
  50. Night Eyes: "Is slavery common in this land?"
  51. Manservant: "Uh... it's technically outlawed."
  52. Kylisae: "I don't like the sound of that 'technically'."
  53. Adrian: "'Technically'?"
  54. Manservant: "Well, uh... Mistress Muiri owns me. She bought me out of prison on the black market last year. S'why I'm not allowed to leave, or speak to anyone, normally."
  55. Valaire: "So slaves are illegal, and yet you are a slave. What a curious conundrum."
  56. Manservant scowls.
  57. Manservant: "She treats me like a slave, alright. May get to dress all fancy like and talk all posh, may get an okay room, but I'm still trapped here, working my arse off for her."
  58. Adrian: "...So I see. Anything in particular binding you to servitude that needs to be seen to?"
  59. Manservant: "Slaver's contract, in her room, I think. You're the Lord, are you gonna go do something about this, Milord?"
  60. Adrian: "Yes, I am. Lead the way, I'll get it from her."
  61. Manservant: "'Till you got here, her authority's pretty much been absolute, since ol' Emery passed."
  62. Night Eyes: "Did she really contact the capital? I am beginning to wonder."
  63. Valaire: "You should know better than that by now, Dhal. Of course she didn't."
  64. Adrian: "She sounded honest enough about it, but I really have no good way to know. I'll look into it when we return, but it won't make any difference to handling things here, for now."
  65. Night Eyes nods.
  66. Night Eyes: "Yes, priorities."
  67. Manservant leads the way through the dining room, to another side room, in what seems like a large ornate bedroom, with Muiri sitting at a table in the centre.
  68. Manservant: "Lord Adrian and company here to see you, Mistress."
  69. Governess Muiri: "Fantastic. My dear Lord, have you come back to us with good news for our poor town?"
  70. Adrian: "Yes, as a matter of fact, I have. You are hereby relieved of your position as governess, and any other role you may have assigned yourself regarding the governing of Berstead. I thank you for stepping up to the duty, but that does not change that I am quite dissatisfied with the signs of corruption I've observed."
  71. Governess Muiri looks caught off guard, her normal confident face showing a twinge of fear.
  72. Governess Muiri: "Corruption? Dissatisfaction? My dear Lord Adrian, I have been all that's been keeping this town together, surely you can't suggest throwing a poor widow out into the street?"
  73. Valaire: "Lord Adrian of Black Hills has spoken. Are you dissatisfied with his proclamation?"
  74. Adrian: "I would have, as a matter of fact, had Her Majesty specifically asked me not to. So I would advise you not to push the limits of my mercy, or I may have to look further into what's been done in my absence, which I suspect would sway me toward throwing you into prison instead."
  75. Night Eyes: "Whether or not these actions you have taken were merely to protect your own security, the community seem disgruntled. I do think a co-operative abdication would do best at securing yourself a better future, Governess."
  76. Governess Muiri leans forwards, looking at Adrian sadly.
  77. Governess Muiri: "Are you sure there's nothing I can do to... change your mind? I fear you might have been misled by the hooligans and ne'er-do-wells of our humble town."
  78. Adrian: "Quite sure. Now, perhaps you could explain the matter of young Albion here. He seems dissatisfied in your service."
  79. Governess Muiri scowls.
  80. Governess Muiri: "The boy was brought into my service after I so nobly rescued him from his imprisonment. I've given the savage a second chance at life!"
  81. Narik Albion stays silent, glaring at the floor.
  82. Adrian: "Is this the case, lad?"
  83. Narik Albion grits his teeth.
  84. Narik Albion: "Well... yes and no, sir. I was put in prison from debt, but it's only because there's barely enough money for any of us, because she taxes us most of our earnings."
  85. Valaire: "So she saved you from the horrible fate of... well, herself. How very noble."
  86. Governess Muiri: "See? Look at the lies that come out of his mouth!"
  87. Adrian: "And what has this increase in taxes been used to fund?"
  88. Narik Albion: "I mean, look at this place! A few years back this was a nice, plain ol' home, till she moved in! She's been glitzing the place up on all of our money!"
  89. Governess Muiri laughs nervously.
  90. Governess Muiri: "Boy, go back to the kitchens, you shouldn't lie to guests!"
  91. Adrian: "Now that one I know isn't a lie. Albion, stay here, please."
  92. Valaire: "With extravagances like this, it is no wonder you lacked the money to so much as send a single letter..."
  93. Night Eyes: "Of course, if we saw the ledgers, we could confirm who is speaking the truth here."
  94. Governess Muiri starts breaking out in a cold sweat.
  95. Governess Muiri: "Perhaps a graceful abdication would be nice... free from all this stressful responsibility..."
  96. Adrian smiles at Muiri, eyes lighting up with magic.
  97. Adrian: "Very good. Now, I'd advise you to fetch Albion's contract, and sign it over to me. I'm officially freeing him, and you'd best hope there are no further concerns of the sort." [Suggestion, DC 19]
  98. [Governess Muiri : Will Save: 7]
  99. Governess Muiri: "R-right, I'll go get it..."
  100. Governess Muiri goes off to her bedroom, and shortly comes back with a small scroll case, handing it meekly over to Adrian.
  101. Adrian takes it from her calmly, opening it to read through the contents.
  102. Adrian: "Very good. I suppose that's everything, isn't it? Good day, Muiri Emery."
  103. Governess Muiri: "I... um... I'll go pack my things, then?"
  104. Valaire: "If i may offer one more piece of advice, darling Muiri?"
  105. Governess Muiri turns to look at Valaire.
  106. Valaire: "Don't bother trying to seduce men that way if you don't have the chest for it. It just looks embarrassing for everybody."
  107. Governess Muiri: "I... um... yes."
  108. Governess Muiri goes to retreat back into her room.
  109. Adrian hands the scroll case over to Narik with a shrug.
  110. Adrian: "So, you're free now. If you want and are willing to travel a bit, I can provide you with proper employment, but otherwise, do inform me if you have any further trouble."
  111. Narik Albion: "Aw, seriously? Thanks, Milord!"
  112. "I just wanna get the hell out of this town. I've been cooped up too long."
  113. Valaire: "(But really, that woman's sense of aesthetic is certainly tacky. So much money she embezzled and this dump is the best she has to show for it?)"
  114. Night Eyes: "I am familiar with the leash of tyranny. I can assure you Adrian is a good leader."
  115. Narik Albion stretches, tearing off his cravat with a grin.
  116. Narik Albion: "Sure seems like it if he's willing to bust me out of here."
  117. Kylisae looks around the room at Valaire's comment, having been trying very hard to avoid touching things at the tiefling's instruction.
  118. Adrian: "You have my sincerest apologies for what happened to you. I'd just like to set all of this to rights."
  119. Valaire: "(And that posture... if she has no shame, she should at least pretend she does.)"
  120. Narik Albion: "She really has been a bitch... I hope she hasn't sold my weapons or anything."
  121. Adrian: "Do you know where your things were put?"
  122. Narik Albion: "Maybe... in the cellar, it's one of the places I was forbidden to head into. Shall I go check, Lord?"
  123. Adrian: "Please do. Look anywhere else you want to, as well."
  124. Valaire: "I'm sure they can be bought back. I doubt she really needs these many gaudy trinkets, and the city could use the wealth so they actually can function properly."
  125. Narik Albion heads off downstairs.
  126. Narik Albion: "Man, I forgot what it was like to be free!"
  127. Kylisae: "(I'm beginning to forget it myself...)"
  128. Night Eyes: "If you have need of a blade I can provide one."
  129. Adrian: "If he can find his own things, all the better. I'm going to have to do something about the misplaced funds regardless."
  130. Valaire: "It would certainly be wise to ensure the former governess does not depart with any more than what she strictly needs."
  131. Adrian: "(I don't know what Rozeal expects me to do about the woman...)"
  132. Narik Albion returns shortly after, wearing a suit of armour, with a shield and sword strapped to his back.
  133. Narik Albion: "Ah, feels great to be back in this set! So, Milord, what do you do in your travels?"
  134. "A lot of talking and diplomat work, I imagine?"
  135. Night Eyes looks at Adrian, then at the half-orc.
  136. Adrian: "...It's rather a lot to summarize, but yes. I won't be leaving here until I sort out the matter of that monster, at any rate; something was displacing the tribes."
  137. Valaire: "There are times that, to solidify Lord Adrian's proper position, dissidents need to be made to stand down."
  138. Narik Albion: "Well... as y'can see, I'm a fighter. I'm also a priest of Lord Zulio, if you need any sort of spiritual guidance and stuff."
  139. Valaire: "It should be said that, on this regard, Muiri was pliable enough that violence was not required."
  140. "Some fools only understand a little pain, however."
  141. Adrian: "There are those who might say I am in need of spiritual guidance. I am not among them, but I thank you for the information."
  142. Narik Albion: "Yeah, I'm good at that. Just say the word and point me in the right direction, and I'll bash whoever needs bashing."
  143. Adrian: "A useful talent, especially at the moment."
  144. Valaire: "You'll know when the cue for battle is, when things begin to be on fire."
  145. Kylisae: "...please don't remind me."
  146. Narik Albion: "Oh right, I know Milord, but I don't know any of you. Mind catching me up on that?"
  147. Kylisae stands up, looking relatively prideful.
  148. Kylisae: "Well, you may call me--"
  149. Valaire: "She's a familiar. She doesn't get introductions."
  150. Kylisae: "Valaire! I was trying to tell him...!"
  151. Narik Albion looks over at Valaire, confounded.
  152. Narik Albion: "I'm fine with hearin' her out, if I'm gonna be around her a bunch."
  153. Adrian chuckles, watching the sprite's protests.
  154. Valaire: "Nevertheless, her name is about as important to you as the name of your shield is to me. She is a sprite bound to service. Nothing more."
  155. Kylisae: "( make it sound like I'm a slave too.)"
  156. Narik Albion: "Yeah, but my shield doesn't talk."
  157. Night Eyes: "It is Kylisae."
  158. Kylisae gives Night Eyes a sympathetic look, hopping off of Valaire to switch shoulders.
  159. Night Eyes reaches at the sprite with her other hand, gently patting her head with her index finger.
  160. Narik Albion: "Well, hey there, Kylisae, Valaire."
  161. Night Eyes: "You can call me Night Eyes. I am quite versed in the workings of Zulio, and much other knowledge. I am a scholar and bodyguard for Adrian."
  162. Valaire: "To simplify matters, as retainers to Lord Adrian, we each have our roles. Her role is to know things. My role is to see things done."
  163. Narik Albion: "Huh, didn't think any folks around here knew of Zulio. Props on that, where'd you learn?"
  164. Adrian gives Valaire a skeptical look.
  165. Night Eyes lowers her hood, exposing some of her tanned skin.
  166. Narik Albion: "Aaah, you're from down south."
  167. Night Eyes raises her hood once more.
  168. Night Eyes: "I might be able to speak more of it on the ride back to the capital."
  169. Adrian: "With any luck. We may be here for a while, though. I want to set things in order properly this time."
  170. Night Eyes nods to Adrian.
  171. Night Eyes: "Understood, my lord."
  172. Narik Albion: "Right. So I heard somethin' about a monster. What are you gonna be fighting?"
  173. Night Eyes: "Are you familiar with daemons?"
  174. Adrian: "I wish I knew. Something described as looking like a small girl with a scythe, and behaving as if a simple monster. I can only guess at it being another daemon of some sort."
  175. Valaire pauses, looking at Adrian incredulously.
  176. Valaire: "The goblins were fleeing from a little girl?!"
  177. Adrian: "A little girl who breathed fire that left necrotic wounds, yes."
  178. [Night Eyes : Knowledge (Planes): 28
  179. Valaire : Knowledge (Planes): 12
  180. Kylisae : Knowledge (Planes): 23]
  181. Night Eyes: "Hm, that doesn't sound like something I've heard of."
  182. Narik Albion: "Daemons, daemons... yeah, I remember those things."
  183. Valaire: "...Are you sure the goblin had not imbibed any bizarre substances? It IS a goblin, after all."
  184. Adrian: "It spoke consistently and relatively coherently. I have little reason to doubt there was truth to its account."
  185. Narik Albion: "Never heard of a daemon that looks like a little girl."
  186. Night Eyes: "Well, no matter. It just means that we need not prepare silver weapons."
  187. Valaire: "Hm..."
  188. "Ideally, they won't be as stubbornly resilient to fire, either."
  189. Adrian: "With any luck. I wouldn't trust our luck, though."
  190. Narik Albion: "You unlucky?"
  191. "Anyway... are we gonna head out now, or take a break and wait until tomorrow to take out this little monster?"
  192. Adrian: "We set out tomorrow. It's too late and I'm far too tired for any such thing now."
  193. Narik Albion: "Right... er... should I stay here, or come to wherever you guys are staying?"
  194. Adrian: "Whatever you'd prefer, so long as you're ready to meet up tomorrow."
  195. Valaire: "I would ask where you were sleeping before this, but considering that woman, I almost dread the answer."
  196. Narik Albion: "...down in the cellar, on a blanket."
  197. "T'd be nice to get a proper bed, but uh..."
  198. Narik Albion looks down.
  199. Narik Albion: "...don't exactly have money."
  200. Valaire: "Because she never paid you, naturally."
  201. Night Eyes presses a hand to her mask.
  202. Kylisae: "That sounds horrible! Even I get better accommodations."
  203. Adrian sighs and counts out a stack of gold pieces, handing them to the lad.
  204. Adrian: "Fool woman. Here, should be enough for a proper meal and a place to stay for the night, until we can work out further arrangements."
  205. Valaire: " 'Even I'? Does that mean you are becoming accepting of your role in life, little sprite?"
  206. Narik Albion: "Aw man, thanks! You're already a better boss than Muiri, a hundredfold!"
  207. Adrian: "Heh. Hopefully so."
  208. Valaire: "That is not a high bar to surpass, to admit."
  209. The party disband for the night, heading down to the inn, and resting up for their fighting tomorrow.
  210. -4th of Winter's First.-
  211. The following morning, the party assemble at the gates to the town, Adrian bringing the goblin with him to the gates, and commanding him to lead them on to the Orst Hills.
  212. Valaire: "Hmhmhm... sugar and spice and everything nice, hm?"
  213. Kylisae: "Seriously, Valaire, you've been creeping me out all morning."
  214. The Hills are beautiful and expansive, with many different narrow passes between them. Now and then, the party see small piles of bodies in the distance. The Goblin says that these are the people who tried to face what their tribe is calling "The Reaper".
  215. Narik Albion: "Man, I forgot how pretty this place was. A year of indoors really makes you appreciate all this."
  216. Adrian: "I can imagine. It's a pity the place isn't safer to travel through."
  217. Night Eyes: "Agreed."
  218. Goblin Commander: [Orcish] "Reaper very dangerous. Should I lead to dead Reaper first? Living one, we see in old pass south."
  219. Adrian: [Orcish] "Dead one first."
  220. Night Eyes: "(So they did defeat one...)"
  221. Kylisae looks at the goblin curiously, fluttering over to Night Eyes's shoulder.
  222. Kylisae: "(What is he saying? ...And why is he hiding one of his hands?)"
  223. Adrian: "(They defeated two, before attrition kept them from fighting the third.)"
  224. Night Eyes: "(I don't know about the hand, though.)"
  225. Narik Albion: "Well, at least we know they can be killed."
  226. Valaire: "I don't suppose any of the lives they threw away brought them any information as to particular vulnerabilities that even a goblin could notice."
  227. Adrian: "They know sufficient brute force works and don't seem to have attempted anything else."
  228. Valaire: "Well, we certainly have brute force in abundance. And with far greater finesse."
  229. The goblin leads the party over to a shrouded hilly pass, where what seems like a small, dead girl, lying face first, on the ground, surrounded by blood, splattered on the ground, and the steep walls on either side. A few dead orcs and goblins still lie around the girl, many of their bodies cut in half.
  230. Goblin Commander: [Orcish] "We not have enough time to bury all warriors yet. Here is monster."
  231. Kylisae: "Oh, Earth-Mother..."
  232. Night Eyes steps forward, inspecting the dead child.
  233. [Night Eyes : Perception: 32
  234. Adrian : Perception: 11]
  235. Adrian walks up to examine the girl's body as well, unfazed by the gory scene.
  236. Narik Albion: "Jeez, I... haven't seen bloodshed like this before."
  237. "Are some of those guys cut in half?"
  238. [Adrian : Heal: 19
  239. Night Eyes : Heal: 20]
  240. Adrian: "That's what we're up against. You can return if you wish, but I think this is our best chance to stop it."
  241. Narik Albion: "I'm not heading off so easily. Just... wow, that thing is destructive."
  242. Kylisae: "Can I go home, now?"
  243. Valaire: "No."
  244. Adrian: "If it's any consolation, you're small and fast enough that I expect you have the best chance of escape."
  245. Narik Albion: "Feels like we should not take one of these things head on."
  246. Kylisae: "That's... something?"
  247. Adrian: "The hills should be able to provide a good vantage point to try to snipe it from."
  248. Night Eyes: "It seems like it was forged to me. Something created. If it ever was a simple child, it has not been for a long while."
  249. Valaire idly observes the battlefield from a distance, balancing a flame on her clawtip.
  250. Adrian: "I would agree with that. It's uncanny."
  251. Night Eyes treads over to a nearby body, pulling a scythe out from beneath it. [Detect Magic]
  252. [Night Eyes : Knowledge (Local): 25, Knowledge (Engineering): 25]
  253. [Adrian : Knowledge (Local): 20]
  254. Kylisae shivers, trying to hide herself in Night Eyes's hair.
  255. Night Eyes: "Adrian, I am ready to present an assessment."
  256. Adrian: "Please do."
  257. Night Eyes: "This creature was likely once a child of Zeltrian blood. It looks like she was twisted and shaped in some manner, turning her more into some sort of puppet than person."
  258. Valaire: "So, a product of someone else's sick imagination."
  259. Night Eyes: "Indeed. The blood and flesh no longer bear properties of any race I've seen."
  260. Adrian frowns darkly, but listens in silence.
  261. Valaire: "What are little girls made of... I wonder if the child they defiled is still 'alive'."
  262. Night Eyes: "That would be one more reason to put the abomination down."
  263. Kylisae: "This is just all so many kinds of wrong. I don't want to be here. Can I just not be here?"
  264. Adrian: "If that is indeed the case, and I see no reason to doubt your assessment, I should very much like to find who is responsible for it."
  265. Valaire looks to the fallen child, her expression darkening.
  266. Narik Albion: "I'm sure you can like, hang back or something, Kylisae."
  267. Night Eyes: "Well, the one sign I do have is that whoever forged this is also capable of forging runite metals."
  268. [Valaire : Knowledge (Engineering): 21
  269. Kylisae : Knowledge (Engineering): 20]
  270. Valaire: "There are certain things that are beyond forgiveness. Crimes that deserve far worse than punishment."
  271. "So someone just casually has been giving runite weapons to tortured little girls."
  272. "Lord Adrian, out of respect for you, I feel I may have to warn you ahead of time; there is likely very little that may keep me from hurting this individual or individuals."
  273. Adrian: "I have no intent to stop you."
  274. Night Eyes: "Nor I."
  275. Narik Albion: "Damn, whoever did this to a girl isn't gonna be getting away alive."
  276. Valaire looks at Narik, smirking sadistically.
  277. Valaire: "Simply letting them die is better than they deserve."
  278. Adrian: "Sometimes death is a mercy. One monsters of this caliber do not merit."
  279. Goblin Commander approaches the party, trying not to stand near the Reaper.
  280. Goblin Commander: [Orcish] "We think we know where Reaper come from."
  281. Night Eyes: [Orcish] "This is important information."
  282. Kylisae: "(Please go away, please make all the bad stuff go away...)"
  283. Adrian: [Orcish] "Yes? Out with it."
  284. Night Eyes: "(That's what we're here to do.)"
  285. Adrian: "...All of you. While it's unlikely we might find the identity of any family she has, take note of anyone who does mention a missing child of the right age. And as far as they are to know, we found her slain by raiders, but at least it was a clean and quick passing."
  286. Night Eyes: "I am not sure this creature will represent the child's actual age, but I will bear that in mind."
  287. Goblin Commander: [Orcish] "You want go now? Or after living Reaper gone?"
  288. Valaire: "While it's not an incantation I prepared for the journey, I'm sure it's something I can ask about when we return to the inn."
  289. Adrian: "I suppose that is so."
  290. [Orcish] "Tell us now, but lead us to the living one first."
  291. Goblin Commander: [Orcish] "There is hidden cave near tribe village. Hard to find without help. I show you and go back to village when Reaper not alive?"
  292. Adrian: [Orcish] "You think this thing came from a cave?"
  293. Goblin Commander: [Orcish] "We saw it come out of cave. Tribe too worried to investigate."
  294. Adrian: [Orcish] "How far is it?"
  295. Valaire gives an irritated expression at the conversation, annoyed at the exclusion.
  296. Goblin Commander: [Orcish] "...not far from village, but hidden from normal view."
  297. Night Eyes: "(They saw it come out of a cave nearby, Valaire.)"
  298. Adrian: [Orcish] "Show us the way, then you can lead us to the living one, then you can leave."
  299. Goblin Commander grumbles.
  300. Goblin Commander: [Orcish] "Fine, we go now."
  301. The goblin leads the party a short distance to a small cave, hidden from normal sight, taking obvious steps to stay as far away from it as possible, before leading the party over to another part, a narrow mountain pass, explaining that where the Reaper was seen, would likely lead it to this pass soon.
  302. Adrian: [Orcish] "How do you know it will return here again?"
  303. Goblin Commander: [Orcish] "Narrow pass, only... single way. Tribe fight it here days ago. Walks slowly! Would sure be here soon."
  304. Kylisae quietly sings to herself from her hiding spot within Night Eyes's hood, trying to use a Sylvan melody to calm her nerves.
  305. Goblin Commander: [Orcish] "Careful of blue fire, try to stay away from scythe, at all cost. Reaper is already weak, but tribe lack strength to finish."
  306. Narik Albion hums, giving his sword a few practice swings,
  307. Night Eyes: "(Stay strong, little one. But do remember I will be fighting it head-on.)"
  308. Kylisae: "(Can't I just be here for a little while? Your hair is warm.)"
  309. Adrian: "Stay out of range, watch out for blue fire. Kylisae, why don't you stay near me again."
  310. Night Eyes flushes beneath her mask.
  311. Night Eyes: "(...yes, you may.)"
  312. Adrian gives the goblin a skeptical look, nodding.
  313. Adrian: [Orcish] "Very well. Go."
  314. Kylisae reluctantly leaves Night Eyes' hood, moving over to Adrian's shoulder.
  315. Goblin Commander bows nervously, scampering off as fast as its small legs will take it.
  316. Valaire: "And here I was beginning to wonder when its base cowardly instincts would kick in."
  317. Night Eyes: "Shall I await it at the bottom of the pass?"
  318. Valaire walks over to the edge, gauging the distance.
  319. Adrian: "I'll leave that up to your judgment. I think I can fight it best from up here."
  320. Night Eyes limbers herself, before springing down the rocks to a hiding spot.
  321. Narik Albion: "Right, I'll get down there, too."
  322. [Night Eyes : Climb: 17]
  323. [Narik Albion : Climb: 25]
  324. [Stealth: 25]
  325. After a few minutes, in the distance, a small figure can be seen walking down the pass.
  326. Narik Albion backs against the cliffside to wait.
  327. Adrian concentrates, readying for battle. [Intensify Psyche]
  328. Valaire perches from atop the cliff edge, watching out for the target.
  329. Night Eyes conjures a few doppelgangers, bracing for battle. [Mirror Image: 5, Extended Heroism]
  330. Narik Albion conjures a shield of matte white energy around himself. [Protection from Evil]
  331. A minute later, and the figure is much closer, and the party can see that the figure is a girl, carrying again, a large scythe, it looks up at the party with blank, soulless eyes. A black aura seems to surround her.
  332. The girl seems to be sporting numerous wounds, as well as most of her clothing being ripped, exposing pale flesh, and a large dagger seems to be stuck in her left breast.
  334. [Kylisae : Initiative: 22.07
  335. Night Eyes : Initiative: 17.06
  336. Narik Albion : Initiative: 16.02
  337. Adrian : Initiative: 15.01
  338. Reaper : Initiative: 11
  339. Valaire : Initiative: 9.04]
  341. Kylisae quivers lightly, poking Adrian with a thin bone wand before hiding under his cloak. [Use Magic Device: 12]
  343. Night Eyes shifts her posture, charging her blade with energy, and vanishes. [Arcane Pool, Vanish]
  345. Narik Albion steps out of cover, reciting a prayer as the air around the girl condenses into a blade, striking at her.
  346. [Narik Albion : Spiritual Weapon: Longsword
  347. Attack: 22, Damage: 9]
  348. The sword strikes it, causing the small girl to stop for a moment, before walking forwards and looking up at Adrian.
  350. The girl's eyes and mouth start turning an eerie blue, until they seem like they are consumed in a powerful blue light, emanating from them.
  351. What sounds like a scream comes out from the girl, twisted, distorted. [Reaper : Intimidate: 22 vs all]
  353. Adrian winces from the sound, pressing a hand to his head, and straightens again, glaring down at the girl. [Touch Treatment]
  354. Adrian: "I would advise you go no farther. We are not such easy prey as a few brutes."
  355. [Suggestion, DC 20]
  356. The girl seems entirely unaffected by Adrian's words. It doesn't even look as if she registered them.
  358. Valaire leaps down from the cliff edge, snapping her claws and imbuing the group with a warm aura. [Acrobatics: 19] [Haste]
  360. Kylisae continues to cower underneath Adrian's cloak, trying to make it seem more impressive in the meantime. [Readying Aid Another on Intimidate]
  362. Night Eyes takes place, ready to intercept the Reaper. [Readying an attack if she moves closer]
  363. Narik Albion steps forward, holding the line alongside Night Eyes. [Readying attack]
  364. [Narik Albion : Spiritual Weapon: Longsword
  365. Attack: 23, Damage: 7]
  366. The sword continues to wear down the creature, dealing a bad cut to her gut, yet no blood pours out.
  368. Reaper looks at Adrian with its burning blue features, before the distorted scream becomes uncomfortably loud, and a beam of blue fire is shot at Adrian, the screaming cutting off, and the light fading.
  369. [Reaper : Blue Fire
  370. Attack: 12 vs Touch, Damage: 13 + 4 Con Drain]
  371. Adrian screams in pain, the beam of fire striking him in the shoulder.
  372. Reaper advances further, looking at Narik and raising her scythe.
  373. [Night Eyes : Rapier, Frost
  374. Attack: 32, Damage: 10 + 6 Frost]
  375. [Narik Albion : Longsword
  376. Attack: 20, Damage: 3]
  377. Narik's blade hits the girl, but bounces right off her skin, whereas Night Eyes is able to do some damage, the rapier striking the creature soundly.
  379. Adrian winces, gritting his teeth and watching the creature unnervingly, attempting to draw it away mentally.
  380. [Hypnotic Stare, Instigate Psychic Duel, DC 17]
  381. [Reaper : Will Save: 9]
  383. Valaire darts around the combat, flinging a rapid set of flaming bolts at the child.
  384. [Valaire : Mystic Bolt [Two-Weapon Fighting, Rapid Shot]
  385. Attack: 4 Touch, Damage: 8 Fire
  386. Attack: 4 Touch, Damage: 9 Fire
  387. Attack: 15 Touch, Damage: 10 Fire
  388. Attack: 22 Touch, Damage: 6 Fire]
  389. Reaper is struck by two of the bolts, being knocked back slightly, but remaining solidly upright as her pale flesh singes.
  391. Narik Albion strikes at the motionless girl repeatedly.
  392. [Narik Albion : Longsword/Spiked Shield
  393. Attack: 22, Damage: 4
  394. Attack: 13, Damage: 3
  395. Attack: 23, Damage: 9]
  396. The sword hits twice, but only once causing a visible wound on the girl's face, slashing open a cheek.
  397. [Narik Albion : Spiritual Weapon: Longsword
  398. Attack: 15, Damage: 4]
  400. Night Eyes maintains her position, staying between the creature and Valaire. [Studied Combat]
  401. [Night Eyes : Rapier, Frost
  402. Attack: 21, Damage: 14 + 6 Frost
  403. Attack: 31, Damage: 10 + 5 Frost]
  404. Reaper takes both hits head on, turning her head to look at Night Eyes, and then down at the rapier in her stomach, barely registering the attack.
  406. Reaper steps back, the rapier coming out of her gut, and swinging her scythe at Night Eyes twice.
  407. [Reaper : Reaper Scythe
  408. Attack: 32, Damage: 26]
  409. [Night Eyes : Parry! - Attack: 36]
  410. [Reaper : Reaper Scythe
  411. Attack: 32, Damage: 28]
  412. [Night Eyes : Parry! - Attack: 21]
  413. Night Eyes deflects the first strike, but her parry betrays her position and exposes her to the full brunt of a follow-up swing. [Mirror Image: Hit]
  415. Adrian breaks out of a trance, shaking his head in disorientation before turning back to the girl, raising one hand to direct a beam of flame toward her.
  416. [Phantasmagoric Breath, Damage: 13 Fire, DC 18]
  417. [Reaper : Will Save: 14 - unaffected]
  418. Reaper is struck by the gout of flame, but seems completely unaffected by the fire, looking up at Adrian as her eyes glow blue again.
  420. Valaire: "I'd complain that it's not dead, but it's far too late for this broken little doll, I fear."
  421. Valaire ignites the runes lining her claw, flinging fire at the child to attempt to fell it.
  422. [Valaire : Mystic Bolt [Two-Weapon Fighting, Rapid Shot]
  423. Attack: 14 Touch, Damage: 5 Fire
  424. Attack: 3 Touch, Damage: 3 Fire
  425. Attack: 13 Touch, Damage: 6 Fire
  426. Attack: 25 Touch, Damage: 13 Fire]
  427. Almost all the the flaming bolts strike the girl, all doing fairly minimal damage, until Valaire's last bolt, hitting the girl square in the face, as she screams, and falls still.
  429. Valaire clicks her tongue, looking at the child with annoyance.
  430. Narik Albion: "That was... disturbing."
  431. Night Eyes stumbles, momentarily clutching her wound and mending it lightly. [Cure Light Wounds: 7]
  432. Narik Albion: "Crazy blue fire, and it's like it was some sort of supernatural endurance."
  433. Adrian sits down wearily against the rocks, looking down at the blackened wound left by the thing.
  434. Night Eyes: "Yes, it was. Adrian, did it get you?"
  435. Valaire: "...If it did have a soul, it's free now."
  436. Night Eyes: "I pray so."
  437. Valaire: "Don't bother praying. If any god still cared, this blasphemy would never have happened."
  438. Adrian: "It did. Ngh... blasted little thing. At least now it can't hurt anyone, or be hurt itself anymore..."
  439. Night Eyes: "Mmmm... yes."
  440. Narik Albion says a prayer for the fallen girl.
  441. Narik Albion: "(May The Empty Lord guide your soul to rest.)"
  442. Kylisae: "(Maybe if I blow the cloak this way, it will scare off the creepy thing into not attacking...?)"
  443. Adrian: "(It's down, Kylisae. Scaring it didn't seem to go very well anyway.)"
  444. Night Eyes dismisses her duplicates, looking up at Adrian.
  445. Adrian looks down the slope, judging the distance, and tries to climb down again with some trepidation, Night Eyes helping him to the ground. [Adrian : Climb: 11]
  446. Kylisae flutters out from behind Adrian's cloak, looking at the fallen child with a sad expression.
  447. Narik Albion: "Everyone doing okay?"
  448. Valaire: "...Do we know where the mastermind came from?"
  449. Adrian: "That cave's our only lead..."
  450. Valaire: "Works for me."
  451. Adrian clutches one shoulder, trudging over to the others.
  452. Kylisae: "It's so sad though..."
  453. Night Eyes looks at Adrian's shoulder with concern, raising a hand to it. [Cure Light Wounds: 11]
  454. Narik Albion: "I only hope her soul can now know peace."
  455. Adrian: "(Thank you. I'm not sure how much this can be healed, though...)"
  456. Valaire: "True peace will come when her abductor is punished."
  457. Night Eyes: "(We'll... find a way.)"
  458. Valaire: "I know how this goes. Even if her soul is freed beyond, whoever did this to her still lives."
  459. "A crime cannot be solved while the criminal lies still unpunished."
  460. Night Eyes: "I agree."
  461. Adrian: "Goblin said one of them looked they came from the south."
  462. Valaire offers Night Eyes a faintly bemused look.
  463. Narik Albion: "I can't wait to give this guys what's coming to them."
  465. The party head over to the cave the the goblin pointed out, heading inside. It seems quite dark, and the walls, from a short way in, seem to start being made of metal. Various plants seem to be growing in between the metal sheets, giving an eerie, abandoned feel. However, you see lights at the end of this long tunnel.
  466. Kylisae looks around the cave with wondrous curiosity, occasionally fluttering off to touch something and being pulled back by Valaire before she can.
  467. Adrian: "Whether this is where they came from or not, it shouldn't be here."
  468. Narik Albion: "Man, this place is creepy... I've never seen a place like it before."
  469. Night Eyes: "There is nothing natural about this place. It certainly fits what we've learned."
  470. Valaire: "There was certainly nothing natural about what was done to the child either, so this certainly is consistent."
  471. Night Eyes: "Precisely."
  472. The party continue down the passageway, coming into the lighted room.
  473. The room is well lit, and quite large, the walls lined with metal once more. There are three wooden doors, one on each side of the square room, but what is more immediately obvious are the various corpses littering the room, dried blood splattered all across the place.
  474. Kylisae squeaks in horror as she notices the corpses, trying hard not to flee.
  475. Night Eyes covers her mouth.
  476. Valaire: "Curious..."
  477. Adrian grimaces, walking over to one of the corpses to examine it.
  478. Narik Albion: "That was... not what I was expecting."
  479. Valaire: "If the dead could tell tales..."
  480. Valaire smirks.
  481. Valaire: "Well, they can, if you know the right trick to it."
  482. Adrian: "I wonder if they fell victim to one of their own sick creations."
  483. Night Eyes joins Adrian's observation, trying to assess what kind of people the dead were..
  484. Upon further examination, it seems that there are five bodies on the floor of this room, and the northern door has been broken off of its hinges.
  485. Valaire: "I'm sure you remember my old trick, my lord, if you ever need me to start asking questions."
  486. "With appropriately due compensation, of course... these scrolls are not easy to come by."
  487. Adrian: "That would be useful. You'll be recompensed for it."
  488. Valaire smirks, raising her tattoos and procuring a scroll case from within it. [Blood Biography]
  489. Valaire searches for the corpse with the most important-looking outfit, kneeling besides it.
  490. Adrian: "(Damn goblin wasn't exaggerating about what those things could do...)"
  491. Valaire pulls out the scroll from the scroll case, dipping a claw into the man's wound while reciting magical words in an arcane tongue.
  492. Night Eyes: "(It got past all my defences. Not a creature to be dismissed.)"
  493. Kylisae: "(i don't suppose there's any way to make this all just... not creepy?)"
  494. Adrian: "(Are you alright? I can still barely lift my arm.)"
  495. Narik Albion: "(Maybe we should take a look at your arm, Milord.)"
  496. Night Eyes: "(Large slice into my side. I treated the wound but it's still quite bad.)"
  497. "(We will have to look our wounds over when we are done.)"
  498. Valaire stands up from the corpse, clicking her tongue.
  499. Adrian: "(Agreed. Once we've dealt with this hellhole.)"
  500. "Anything, Valaire?"
  501. Valaire: "The usual information."
  502. "Certainly, this girl died due to having a scythe ripping through a vital organ."
  503. "If it weren't painfully obvious that was the case, I mean, we know for a fact now that it was from one of those things."
  504. Night Eyes: "I think these may have been Eribans."
  505. Valaire: "This one was, at least."
  506. Night Eyes: "But that is just going by the attire."
  507. Valaire: "A chirurgeon of sorts."
  508. Night Eyes nods to Valaire.
  509. Night Eyes: "It is good to have confirmation."
  510. Valaire: "This incident appears to have happened four days ago. My best guess is that one of these corrupted children broke out. Violently."
  511. Night Eyes: "There must be a journal somewhere. Something that documents why they were doing this."
  512. Valaire: "Dhaltra, darling. I don't suppose you know anybody who goes by Lest?"
  513. Adrian: "Start with one of the rooms the thing didn't break into. It doesn't seem likely to have left much intact."
  514. Valaire: "I'll go down the broken one, in case there is anything left there. ...Bring the sprite with one of you, taking her down this one seems unwise."
  515. Night Eyes: "Lest?"
  516. [Night Eyes : Knowledge (Geography): 32]
  517. Narik Albion: "My best guess is that we'll find more answers heading through the smashed door. (Man... what have I signed on to?)"
  518. Night Eyes: "I recall there may have been a Greymage with that family name. Not one as important as Azzanadra."
  519. "Maybe they were related."
  520. Valaire shrugs, pulling back the broken door and going to explore on her own.
  521. Adrian: "I think I will contact Kharsha to see if anyone with her can learn much from this place."
  522. Kylisae: "...Why does this place have to just be so... so wrong?"
  523. "None of this is right. None of this is natural!"
  524. Night Eyes checks over the bodies for insignia.
  525. Narik Albion: "Tell me about it."
  526. Adrian: "Some things aren't right. I intend to put it right if I can."
  527. Kylisae: "I'm gonna have to do my part, won't I..."
  528. Night Eyes: "Gain enough power, and you start to forget your own place in society. Commoners become nothing."
  529. Adrian: "Valaire, hold up. This is somewhere I'd rather be careful about what we might still find."
  530. Valaire: "It's a matter of what we might still find that is on my mind."
  531. Night Eyes looks up at the others, pocketing a small token and joining Adrian.
  532. Valaire: "There is no doubt in my mind that this tunnel holds reveals far too much for the squeamish among us. Even worse than all... this."
  533. Night Eyes: "All the more reason for me to see, then. This woman was a Greymage. Eriban authorities were responsible here."
  534. Adrian: "It wouldn't hurt for someone to stay behind to search this room further, and that shouldn't complicate finding each other again in this place. I want to see this for myself, though."
  535. Valaire shrugs dispassionately, putting the broken door back into place as a crude obstruction and turning back towards the group.
  536. Valaire: "It's not your stomach that concerns me, milord. It's the newcomers."
  537. Valaire motions towards the sprite still panicking in fear at the sights of the room.
  538. Narik Albion: "Hey, I'm... mostly okay with this stuff."
  539. Valaire: "...I'm skeptical."
  540. Adrian: "(All the same. Would you mind staying with Kylisae?)"
  541. Narik Albion: "(Yeah, I can try and keep her calm, we'll wait away from the corpses)"
  542. Kylisae whimpers lightly, moving over to curl up on Narik's shoulder.
  543. Narik Albion pats the small sprite on the head, taking her down the tunnel.
  544. Kylisae: "(Just... why is it so wrong...)"
  545. Adrian: "I suppose we may as well get this path over with, in that case."
  546. Valaire: "At your lead, my lord."
  547. Adrian removes the broken door, walking down the center tunnel.
  548. Down another tunnel, the party arrive to a rather violent sight, of various men and woman in armour in pieces around the room, the floor is red with blood, and on either side of the large room are metal surgery tables, each with various surgical instruments. Five cages lie at the very end of the hall. The first's door has been smashed off its hinges and hangs limply off, a researcher in brown garb dead, face up. The second cage has had several bars bent and snapped out of place, and the third seems to be in a similar state to the first. Of note, is the body of a young girl, curled up in the corner, no more than eleven, in the fourth cage: the fifth is empty.
  549. [Valaire : Perception: 21
  550. Night Eyes : Perception: 17
  551. Adrian : Perception: 7
  552. Adrian : Heal: 30
  553. Night Eyes : Knowledge (Local): 28
  554. Adrian : Knowledge (Local): 16]
  555. Adrian looks around the room with a grimace, checking the body of the caged child.
  556. Night Eyes walks up to the cage, assessing its locks.
  557. Adrian: "See if you can get this open, she's still alive!"
  558. Night Eyes: "Understood."
  559. Night Eyes dismantles the cage door, pulling it open. [Disable Device: 30]
  560. Valaire fumes in silent anger at the audacity of the situation, rummaging through a pile of clothes to sort out any that might have belonged to the girl
  561. The door's lock springs open easily from Night Eyes' skillful work.
  562. Night Eyes: "This child is likely Eriban. Partially beast-blooded."
  563. Valaire: "So they're experimenting on their own citizens."
  564. Adrian: "And they're not taking them from a single place, possibly."
  565. Night Eyes pulls the girl out of the cage slightly, into better light.
  566. Night Eyes: "Most likely."
  567. Valaire extracts a few choice clothes from the pile, offering them in a handful to Night Eyes.
  568. Valaire: "Dress her. The least she deserves is modesty, after what those monsters tried to do."
  569. Night Eyes nods to Valaire, seeing if any seem to fit, and complying.
  570. The girl weakly opens her eyes, mumbling things.
  571. Small Girl: "(No, please... no more...)"
  572. Adrian: "Anything you can do for her condition now? She needs food, most of all, but making sure she can survive the trip back comes first."
  573. Valaire: [Eriban, imitating accent with Mockingbird] "You are safe now. We are saving you from the bad people."
  574. [Night Eyes : Heal: 20
  575. Adrian : Heal: 11]
  576. Across her chest are numerous scars, and what seems like stitching.
  577. Night Eyes: "(There are signs of her being drugged from the people here.. I think we would need some kind of purge.)"
  578. Small Girl weakly turns her head at Valaire, trying to focus her eyes.
  579. Adrian rubs his chin in thought, watching the child carefully. [Read Aura - Health: 29]
  580. Adrian: "The researchers had to have been living here enough that there have to be basic supplies..."
  581. Night Eyes: "Should I go searching?"
  582. Valaire clicks her tongue, turning her attention to the vials adorning the room. [Detect Magic]
  583. Adrian: "That may be best."
  584. Adrian looks around the walls of the room, picking up the faintly glowing sword in the meantime.
  585. Night Eyes follows suit, searching for cupboards and other forms of storage.
  586. Valaire scoops up the vials with a level of disdain, slipping them one-at-a-time into the tattoo markings on her arm.
  587. Valaire: "Everything I can see would just make her worse."
  588. "Let's go to the other rooms. Maybe there are more useful supplies there."
  589. Adrian: "Agreed. Do we carry her, or...? I don't like to leave her in this place."
  590. Valaire: "I'll carry her if it's an inconvenience. There's no way in the hells that I'm leaving her."
  591. Night Eyes: "There's a medicine cabinet here, but I don't know common remedies so well."
  592. Adrian: "Bring what you can. I might be able to make use of it later."
  593. Adrian picks up the girl, lifting her onto his good shoulder carefully.
  594. Night Eyes hauls what goods she can into a box.
  595. Adrian leaves the room, giving it a last glance around and looking away in disgust.
  596. Reentering the main room, the larty head right into the other set of doors. Progressing down the metal passageway, the party come to another well lit room. This one appears to have several iron surgery tables laid out, various tools spread across small desks beside them. The naked body of a teenage boy seems to have been opened up, and a syringe seems to be stuck in one of his arms. A dead body, presumably another researcher, lies here, and there are three cages at the back of the room, all empty. Another researcher lies beheaded at one of the desks, a blood splattered book underneath her slumped body.
  597. [Valaire : Perception: 4
  598. Adrian : Perception: 14
  599. Night Eyes : Perception: 26]
  600. Adrian gives the youth's body a quick look, before turning back. [Heal: 30]
  601. The boy seems to have died from blood loss, and lack of support after being cut open, presumably as his surgeon was murdered. His body seems to have perished a little after the researchers.
  602. Valaire sighs at the sight, kneeling down and pulling out the book from underneath the headless researcher.
  603. Night Eyes disappears from sight briefly, before returning.
  604. Night Eyes: "(There's a door to what looks like an arms room here. I think they might have trained them there.)"
  605. "(I'm going to investigate.)"
  606. Adrian: "Good thinking. This place is revolting..."
  607. Night Eyes disappears into the adjacent room, sensing for magic.
  608. Valaire: "Poor darling, betrayed by your own kinsmen..."
  609. Night Eyes returns, with a bow strapped around her.
  610. Adrian: "There has to be something resembling living quarters in here. That or somewhere nearby..."
  611. Night Eyes: "You would think so..."
  612. Valaire: "There's always the third path..."
  613. Night Eyes bends down to the bodies of the scientists, looking over their faces and dress.
  614. [Night Eyes : Knowledge (Local): 31]
  615. Night Eyes: "Hm, no new discoveries otherwise."
  616. "I am ready to try this third avenue."
  617. Adrian: "Agreed. If there's nothing there, we turn back for now and get the little one back to town."
  618. Valaire: "Perhaps you should allow me to carry her? Your arm barely looks to be in shape, and the poor darling likely needs a mother's touch."
  619. Adrian: "I suppose you have a point."
  620. Night Eyes: "Yes, that's true..."
  621. Adrian pauses to pass the girl to Valaire.
  622. Valaire accepts the girl from Adrian, holding the child against her bosom and humming a soft wordless melody to her.
  623. The girl seems quite unresponsive, mostly unconscious.
  624. The party head back into the main room, heading down the third path. Going through the right door, the party see what seems like a recreational area for people who aren't being tested on. There is a wooden dining table with some half finished breads and foods, some now either hard or a little mouldy, in the centre of the room, with various beds on the sides of the room, desks near them. At the end of the room, in the right corner, is a metal door. Another researcher lays dead here, slumped in the corner.
  625. Valaire: "Speaking of living quarters..."
  626. Adrian: "There we have it."
  627. Night Eyes: "So this puts the time of the breaking out into better context."
  628. Adrian steps over to the corner, moving the researcher's corpse aside to open the door.
  629. What is inside seems to be a pantry of sorts, locked tightly behind a metal door. Various runes are placed on the walls, and it is quite cold compared to the rest of the facility.
  630. Valaire: "Poor darling... you were here for four days all alone, weren't you...?"
  631. Night Eyes looks down at the body of the fallen researcher before moving on with the others.
  632. Adrian: "There's some food in here that's still good, at least. Valaire, think you can help her with it?"
  633. Valaire: "Gladly, my lord."
  634. Valaire moves to the room Adrian indicates, casually assessing the food and accepting something that seems easy for a child to imbibe.
  635. Adrian looks around with a sigh, searching through the desks along the side of the room.
  636. Various fiction books are in the desks, as well as what seems like some journals. Most of them seem to contain inconsequential nonsense, but one of them seems to be in an unidentifiable language.
  637. Adrian: "(It looks like she's quite a bit older, but she still reminds me of Genevieve...)"
  638. Small Girl opens her eyes, doing her best to eat the food Valaire gives her.
  639. Night Eyes: "(Her eyes concern me. I just hope we can find someone able to cure her.)"
  640. Adrian: "(Her eyes? I didn't notice anything about them.)"
  641. Small Girl: "(Th... thank you...)"
  642. Valaire brushes her hand gently across the girl's hair and lagomorphic features, trying to soothe her.
  643. Night Eyes: "(It might just be my imagination, that bright blue.)"
  644. Valaire: "You're safe, darling. Auntie Valaire is going to make sure nobody is going to hurt you..."
  645. Adrian: "(I wasn't sure if it was normal.)"
  646. "Mind taking a look at this for me? See if you can make anything of it."
  647. Adrian passes a journal from one of the desk drawers to Night Eyes, looking annoyed by it.
  648. Night Eyes opens the journal, scanning through its text.
  649. Night Eyes quivers as she looks further through the pages.
  650. Night Eyes: "...vile."
  651. Small Girl looks up at Valaire, tearing up and smiling, trying to eat more.
  652. Valaire: "I could have told you that without needing to read a book, darling."
  653. Night Eyes: "The good news is I think we should be able to save this girl."
  654. Valaire: "Speak it and I will move heaven and hell to oblige."
  655. Adrian: "Good. That's the important thing for now. And if anyone still lives to continue this project, we will put a stop to it."
  656. Night Eyes: "Well, I don't mean there's any magic method to it. I mean that the irreversible parts of their methods have not yet happened."
  657. "I would rather not speak them in present company."
  658. Adrian: "Understood."
  659. Valaire nods, returning her focus to cradling the child.
  660. Valaire reaches over into the extradimensional pocket through her tattooed arm, procuring a waterskin to see if the child needs a drink to follow the food.
  661. Night Eyes: "Other than that, it reaffirms my thinking that some kind of purge for would be good for the child. Hopefully there's one in the supplies we found."
  662. Valaire: "If not, we could always attempt the cure to whatever magic it is afflicting Lord Adrian on her as well."
  663. Small Girl tries drinking, coughing a little from having fluid for the first time in a few days.
  664. Night Eyes: "I believe what affected Adrian was necromancy."
  665. Valaire: "Tch. Daemon magic offers no solution to that."
  666. Adrian: "Unfortunate, as I suspect she's right."
  667. Night Eyes: "Are there any apothecaries in this fiefdom, Adrian?"
  668. Small Girl seems to have recovered enough to hold onto Valaire.
  669. Valaire pats the child's back, giving her a gentle smile.
  670. Valaire: "Do you have a name, little dear?"
  671. Small Girl: "(G-ginei...)"
  672. Valaire: "Little Ginei. Do you know where your family is?"
  673. Small Girl: "(G-gone.)"
  674. Valaire: "Would you like a new one?"
  675. Adrian: "(There are, if that hasn't changed as well. No one particularly skilled, though.)"
  676. Night Eyes: "(I suppose they could at least figure out some of the medicines.)"
  677. Small Girl buries her face in Valaire.
  678. Small Girl: "(I don't know...)"
  679. Valaire: "You don't have to decide right now."
  680. "But I'm here for you for as long as you need."
  681. "You're safe from those cruel people, adorable little Ginei."
  682. Ginei sniffs, starting to cry quietly, holding onto Valaire.
  683. Adrian: "Hm. I'd rather not stay any longer than necessary, if she's well enough for the trip back, and that's everything in the place."
  684. Valaire: "Shall we leave, then, my lord? I suspect the less she sees of this metallic cave, the better."
  685. Night Eyes looks glumly at the child, in thought.
  686. Night Eyes: "You're right. ...we should... leave."
  687. Adrian: "(Something on your mind?)"
  688. Night Eyes: "(N-Not about the investigation, at least.)"
  689. Valaire looks at Night Eyes, before deciding to move on ahead to give the two a bit of privacy.
  690. Adrian: "(That's not what concerns me, currently.)"
  691. Ginei scrunches up her eyes and whimpers, seeing the dead body in the corner.
  692. Night Eyes: "(I can't share it yet. The best help for me right now... is to leave this place.)"
  693. Adrian: "(Very well. Soon, hopefully.)"
  694. Valaire: "Don't look at them. Look at Auntie Valaire. We'll get you somewhere safe."
  695. "If you need more food, or more water, just let me know."
  696. Ginei: "Mm."
  697. Night Eyes huddles close to Adrian, significantly more shaken than earlier.
  698. Night Eyes: "(Now I wonder... does Azzanadra know of any of this..?)"
  699. Adrian: "(I... could contact him, if you think it wise. Long-distance telepathy, ineffective for communicating at length, but I could speak to him of it.)"
  700. Night Eyes looks up at Adrian.
  701. Night Eyes: "(I'm not certain. I trust him, but not his company.)"
  702. Adrian: "(Agreed. Perhaps after we learn more.)"
  703. Adrian sighs wearily, leaving with one arm around Night Eyes.
  704. The party depart from the forsaken facility with Ginei in tow, happy to leave it behind.
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