
Celestia's Morning (Giantess)

May 19th, 2015
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  1. Princess Celestia's eyes gently fluttered open. It was about an hour till sunrise. Or at least the time when the sun should rise. The ruler of Equestria lay in her bed for moment gathering her thoughts.
  3. It was funny. Of all her duties, raising the sun was by far the most important. It was also the only one that didn't see her surrounded by a horde of advisors and nobles making sure that protocols and schedules were followed.
  5. She smiled to herself. And just what would the bureaucrats and sycophants do to help her prepare? Assist her in the bath? Dress her? Do her hair? She giggled. Unlike many noble women, Princess Celestia didn't make use of servants to help with her morning routine. Truth be told, she didn't think any of her servants were even capable of helping her. Perhaps many centuries ago, when she had been... more petite. Certainly not now, though.
  7. The solar monarch sighed. Better get moving, she thought.
  9. Linen sheets the size of sail-cloths were pulled aside as the early riser sat up. Swinging her lengthy legs over the edge of her custom made bed, Celestia heard it creak slightly in protest. With a grace that belied her astonishing mass, the Princess of the Sun stood up.
  11. Her bed groaned as it was relieved of its royal burden and Celestia considered how lucky she was to even have a bed that could support her comfortably. For many, many years she had to make do with a pallet of cushions and blankets. The way beds were historically constructed made it impossible to scale them up for someone of Celestia's imposing scale.
  13. That changed about a hundred years ago. Some clever fellow, apparently embarrassed that his princess was reduced to such primitive sleeping conditions, invented the box spring. With a few modifications, his factory had succeeded in presenting her with a bed of such dimension that Celestia could actually stretch out on it!
  15. Of course, the financial cost of manufacturing a bed that was over fifty feet long nearly bankrupted him, but he had refused to take any payment for the delightful present. Celestia, while incredibly grateful for the gift, felt guilty that someone should sacrifice so much for her personal comfort. In the end she had done what she could to make it up to him. She had knighted him for his extraordinary invention and given his company a royal warrant of appointment.
  17. Within a few years, the fellow was one of the richest men in Equestria.
  19. Celestia threw her arms up above her head and stretched, her hands nearly brushing the seventy foot high ceiling. She walked over to her closet, the dense granite flagstones of the floor and thick carpet muffling her delicate, yet heavy, footfalls.
  21. She pulled the well balanced doors of the closet aside and begin to shrug off her night gown. It was a gauzy, diaphanous affair even though it contained enough silk for dozens of such normal sized gowns. She actually would have preferred her clothes be made of something cheaper, but silk was one of the few materials that could stand up to the stresses Celestia put her clothes through on a daily basis.
  23. Finally slipping out of her gown completely, the princess turned to face the mirror mounted on the wall beside her closet.
  25. Actually, it was a series of mirrors, cut and aligned so cleverly that there was only the faintest of seems between the different silvered glass panels. It was another luxury she had long been denied, a mirror that allowed the gigantic woman to see herself all at once.
  27. Although, the enormous woman sometimes wondered if that was a good thing. At just under forty feet tall Celestia was, of course, going to be heavy. But even though she was far from fat, or even pudgy, she still cast a critical eye on her ripe form. As she pinched her plump bottom, the buxom princess remembered a time when she had been much more athletic. A time when she had led armies. When her toned form had been girded with shining battle armor.
  29. Now, after years of ruling from a comfortable throne, her form was clad in a voluptuous layer of feminine flesh. Not enough to ruin her figure, but enough to give her a pleasing hour-glass shape.
  31. Smiling ruefully, the solar princess muttered, "What would Luna think of me now?" She immediately regretted her words as they reminded her of her dear lost sister.
  33. Shaking her head to distract her from the sad thought, the naked woman grabbed a towel and made her way to the bathroom.
  35. To anyone of average height, Celestia's bathroom would have been more akin to an aquadrome. The bathtub was the size of a swimming pool (though a bit deeper) and the sink was the size of a hot tub. When it had first been built, the bath had been designed to be filled rapidly with warm water from massive boilers in the depths of the castle.
  37. When showers had been invented, the ever frugal ruler had insisted that her bath be retrofitted with one. Canterlot was not located in an arid part of Equestria, but she hated how much water she wasted whenever she filled up the tub.
  39. Turning on the water, it begin to fall like rain from an ingenious grid of perforated pipes that criss-crossed the space directly over top of her bath. She stepped under the pattering shower and begin to wash was herself.
  41. There were two barrels full of soap that had been laid out for her the night before by her servants. One was for her body and the other for her hair. Pouring a few gallons of the body soap in her hand, she began to lather her torso and limbs.
  43. Working up her legs, the woman paused at her buttocks, taking a moment to feel their rounded corpulence. She frowned slightly at how full each jiggling cheek felt. Perhaps she could lay off the sweets? Get more exercise? Continuing up her torso she sighed. Who was she kidding? She didn't have time to exercise and cake was one of her few pleasures in life. She supposed that she would just have to live her fat butt for now.
  45. After washing her stomach and scrubbing under her arms, she again paused. This time to examine two feminine feature that she was a little more pleased with: her breasts.
  47. For many years Celestia had worked to cultivate a motherly image amongst her subjects. She had found that it gave her the perfect mix of authority and sympathy in dealing with those around her. One of the keys to that image was her large bosom.
  49. As the soapy fingers traced around her hill-sized mammaries, Celestia let out a small murmur of pleasure. Each of the teardrop-shaped glands that rose off her chest was full and heavy, the creamy flesh just taught enough to resist the demands of gravity. As she kneaded each supple pontoon, the busty ruler had to marvel at how her thrusting mounds had managed to stay so perky over the millennia. And though each fulsome breast did have a small amount of sag, that merely served to reinforce their natural beauty rather than detract from it.
  51. She moved on to her hair, that billowing cloud of ethereal pastels. When it was wetted down, like it was now, it actually hung like any other head of hair. All the better, she thought, as she carefully washed it.
  53. Her shower done, Princess Celestia grabbed her towel and began to dry herself off. Like most of her clothes and bed sheets, her towels were tailored by a large group of palace servant who were employed for their diverse skills. There were seamstresses and tailors to be sure, but there were also ship-rights and sail-cloth makers who built and maintained the looms and rigs that the others used to craft her brobdingnagian clothing.
  55. Not to say that she was the only one who benefited from the efforts of that specialized micro-guild. Her niece, Cadance, also needed clothing, though she stood at a more modest fifteen feet in height. However, the poor girl had been on something of a growth spurt lately, so the army of tailors was laboring mostly for the benefit of the younger princess these days.
  57. Celestia made her way back to her closet and started getting dressed. Pulling on some silk panties, she grinned naughtily. In all respects, except size, the frilly undergarment looked like a normal piece of women's underwear. She thought about what some of the men that worked on her clothing must have thought when they were helping to construct such an oversized piece of lingerie.
  59. Next came her bra. The massive harness of satin, silk, and spring-steel wasn't a strict requirement. After all, the ageless ruler had been born thousands of years before the bra had even been invented! But she found that it helped in other ways beside supporting her jutting hillocks.
  61. For one thing, a good bra held her wobbling bust in place. Even though she led a more sedentary lifestyle these days, Celestia was still required to move quickly sometimes and her breasts were massive. Without proper restraint her heaving bosom could keep moving well after the rest of her came to a halt!
  63. Easing her titanic tits into the capacious cups of her brassiere, the princess turned her attention to her dress.
  65. In truth, her wardrobe was fairly limited. She had a few gowns meant for special occasions, but mostly she wore one of several white, satiny slips that gently conformed to her curvy contours. The skirt was just wide enough to allow her easy movement, and the lack of sleeves let her rotate her shoulders freely.
  67. She sat down on her bed, tied on her cloth-of-gold sandals (how she envied normal women with their stylish boots and pumps!), and used her magic to summon over her crown and other golden regalia.
  69. Here too was another irony of her existence. Most of her regalia, her torc, crown, and arm bands, were actually crafted with as much steel as they were gold. The fact was, gold was simply too heavy and soft to be formed into jewelry that would fit Her Royal Highness properly.
  71. Again looking in the mirror, she nodded in satisfaction at the image it presented.
  73. Her preparations done, Celestia, Princess of the Sun, Ruler of Equestria, turned and headed for the courtyard to raise the sun and start the day.
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