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Take The Draw twitch 'FAQ'

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Feb 26th, 2017
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  1. Roaming Support FAQ
  2. You’re trolling! No, I’m not. Also, that’s not a question.
  4. I’m reporting you! That’s still not a question.
  6. Did you know I’m reporting you? That’s nice dear.
  8. Why aren’t you bot if you queued Support? Because I didn’t queue ‘Bot’. I queued ‘Support’. ‘Support’ is not a lane- it is a category of champion characterized by an emphasis on team utility and low farm dependency. It’s also explicitly defined in the client if you select the champion. Nunu is listed as a support, while champions like Brand and Zyra are not.
  10. But aren’t you screwing over your ADC if you don’t go bot? No one said the person who queued ‘Bot’ had to pick an ADC. They can choose whatever they want. If their champion pool limits them to picking only an ADC, that’s just unfortunate. My champion pool limits me to only picking Nunu.
  12. Fine. Aren’t you screwing over your “Bot Lane” if you don’t go bot? That’s pretty arbitrary. If I queued Janna and randomly started supporting Mid, the Mid lane would say I was screwing them over. It’s weird that this mindset only applies to the player who walked downwards from the fountain.
  14. Laning 1v2 is actually stupidly easy because there’s practically no expectation to trade, CS well, or avoid ganks. It’s actually easier than laning 1v1 or 2v2 as long as you actually play the lane properly and give up some CS (which can be made up with solo experience gain). If 1v2 lanes were this nightmarish hell some of my whinier teammates would lead you to believe, then people wouldn’t jungle at all, because it would be better to 2v1 one of the other lanes.
  16. Why not just play Nunu jungle? Because none of the things Nunu does well (counterjungling and god tier dragon/Baron control) require you to farm your own jungle. In fact, Nunu's jungle is actually a liability because it gives the enemy jungler much more flexibility in their jungle routes if it's not being stripped off the map.
  18. Then why not just play Nunu as support in bot lane? Because you can't counterjungle in lane. Because your best ability- Consume- does practically nothing in lane and in fact has a passive component that stipulates that it must be used on jungle camps.
  20. How come you die all the time? Because risky play leads to more outcomes that involve dying. And the further you are behind, the riskier you should typically play because the game has numerous mechanics to rubber band the team that’s losing (killing sprees, bonus experience on epic monsters, etc.). You lose the same amount of MMR whether you lose the game 1/4 or 0/15. Strangely, people in solo queue actually have the complete opposite mindset to risk management where they become more risk adverse when they’re behind. This is because they let psychology trump logical decision making. Taking risks often requires cooperation, and people become less cooperative when you’re losing.
  22. Furthermore, not all deaths are created equal. Killing players actually isn’t particularly lucrative in terms of gold and experience for the amount of time and effort involved compared to steady farming. The reason it’s so powerful is because it correlates to better objective control and farm denial of your opponent. The farm denial doesn’t matter to me because Nunu is probably the least farm dependent champion in the game, and the ridiculous rubber band experience on the jungle item makes it trivially easy to make up lost experience. Objective control from dying doesn’t matter because this strategy confers far more objective control overall than traditional play. And the enemy team actually loses a lot of map presence when they’re sending 2 people to their inhibitor to hunt down the 0/7 Nunu.
  24. Don’t you realize the meta is the way it is because it’s the best strategy in League of Legends? In debate speak, we call this the normative or is-ought fallacy- that just because that’s the way things are, does not mean that’s the way they ought to be. In fact, for a game being played by millions of people, there’s shockingly little innovation in the community, probably because so many people are obstinate jerks. A ridiculously small minority of players basically decides all the strategies that trickle down into solo queue. Just on a probability level, it’s virtually guaranteed that they could not have arrived at the best strategies, and even if they somehow did, Riot would nerf them. Plus, strategies suited for LCS play with organized team compositions are often too narrow and require communication than is typical for even the highest echelon of solo queue. Treating them equally would be like using the same build in solo queue that you do for ARAM.
  26. However good or bad this strategy is will be left to matchmaking.
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