
Hisao and the Chocolate Factory Ch 1: The speed of cow

Nov 22nd, 2016
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  1. Hanako Ikezawa was an orphan. When she was a young girl, she suffered a terrible accident. Her home had caught fire and, in the blaze, both of her parents had perished, and she was left with horrific scarring over the right side of her body.
  3. She had been an outgoing child. A happy child. But now… People starred. People thought that she was ugly, that she was a freak, some silent girl that just kept her head in her books. The probably thought that she was trying to be better than them. How could she be better than them?
  5. She cried when she had left the orphanage. The state had opened up its doors to Hanako, had given to her when there was no one, and the official she had spoken with had vowed to help her with funds for schooling at a high school for young adults with disabilities. She went. She had no opportunity to deny, no way to back out. So she went. With the funding of the state, she went.
  7. During her first week at Yamaku, she left her own room twice. Both times because she was dehydrated to the point where her lips cracked. There were so many new people around, and Hanako was acutely aware that they were all staring. All looking.
  9. Her first year came and her first year went. Her teachers took pity on her, and she had passed. She hated herself more, then. They made exceptions, allowed for excuses, and she felt she was nothing but excuses. Nothing but solemn reasons. What did she care about graduating? She hadn’t an idea what she had wanted to do, no subtle hint from God directing her down a path. Why should she try?
  11. During her second year, her lack of studying showed. Some teachers were not open to making exceptions, allowing excuses, and things began to be tougher for her… but she relished it. They would think that Hanako was lazy, not that she was someone to be pitied but that she was someone that could do more, could do better.
  13. It was this firmness that inspired her to open her door after the third time the person on the other side knocked that week. For a moment, she really believed in herself, and she pulled the door, slowly, open.
  15. On the other side stood a tall girl with long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, her hair falling to just beneath her shoulders in back, her eyes closed shut. Hanako wondered, for a moment, if the girl refused to look at her. Her ugly features. But the tall woman opened her eyes slightly after she bowed, and Hanako could see that they were glazed over with something that even she could recognize as blindness. The girl invited her over for tea, saying she was new to the dorms and wanted to learn her neighbors’ names. Hanako had accepted.
  17. Over the next years, the girls had become remarkably close. Hanako knew she felt an attachment to the girl like she felt to nobody else. She felt better in her presence, even though they spent much of their time together not speaking. Their tea parties developed into a daily occurrence, meeting for lunch and even at night sometimes in their pajamas. Lilly’s sister, Akira, was much more open and friendly. She was a very intimate kind of person, bringing Hanako and Lilly out to town. They had had fun. Hanako committed to studying more, to being more open with Lilly, to just trying to talk to others. She even began to see a school consoler to try and get better with it all, and though it took some effort Hanako loved it. She loved trying, that people trusted her to try.
  19. Their third year, Hanako was committed to studying. She wanted to impress Lilly and Akira, the girls that she had begun to picture as her family. She wanted to receive high marks in all of her classes. Her life was looking pretty good. Her midterms went extremely well, and she even allowed herself to sing karaoke. She had been so proud of herself that night, she felt like her life was finally becoming a truly happy thing. She looked forward to graduating, and though she had no idea what she had wanted to do, she knew she wanted to do something.
  21. And then, during the spring, everything had changed. A boy stood at the front of the class, introducing himself. His hair was messy, as if he’d been wearing a hat and had just taken it off. He didn’t seem exactly sure of himself, and Hanako felt his eyes scan the crowd as he looked around. With her right hand, she covered the right side of her face, which was already mostly obscured by her long purple hair. He’d introduced himself as Hisao Nakai. Something about him, as he sat down at his desk and began talking with another classmate, a girl named Misha who had pink hair twirled into two drills, drew Hanako’s attention. She starred at him. She’d heard his name before, she knew, but simply couldn’t place it. She realized she was starring, and tore her gaze away… but before long, she found herself looking at him again.
  23. Then, he’d approached her in the library, sitting down next to her and introducing himself. And Hanako sat there, like a deer caught in the headlights, unaware of the speeding car heading towards her until it was a moment away, and like the deer she found herself sprinting from the room. Lilly had found her down the hallway, and soothed her panic. Why Hanako had felt so scared, so afraid, she couldn’t say. Lilly reassured her that the Hisao boy didn’t seem like a bad guy, just a bit… eccentric. He’d had tea with Lilly, and had told her that he and his family had created a tea that she simply had to try when it was completed. He seemed to be a part of some sort of restaurant or shop, as she’d smelled food on him and he’d offered her some sweet tasting chocolate when they’d had tea.
  24. And that’s when Hanako’s memory sparked. “A Nakai bar.” She whispered.
  26. “Excuse me?” Lilly asked.
  28. “N-Nakai. H-he must… I think he might… The Nakai factory. I think it’s his family. In Tokyo.”
  30. Lilly smiled. “I’d never heard of that. The chocolate was delicious though. Do you like their chocolate, Hanako?”
  32. “Y-yea… I like it.” Hanako said.
  34. “Hmmm…” Lilly hummed in thought. “How about you and I go and have some tea in my room? You can tell me all about it.” Lilly offered.
  36. Hanako felt that some tea might do her good right now. They were halfway down the hall when Hanako realized that she hadn’t checked out her book when she’d run from the library.
  37. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  39. A few days later, the girls were having tea over their lunch break. They hadn’t spoken a word about Hisao or the incident that had occurred, much to Hanako’s relief. She didn’t really want to talk, to be honest. She just wanted to be near Lilly, to take part in the calming atmosphere. Today, they played chess, and Lilly seemed to have the upper hand on her, though she’d never admit it.
  40. A small knock on the door, and a small girl with brick red hair pushed open the door. She was a bit younger, but she might be some sort of freshman. “Hello?” she asked, peeking inside.
  42. Lilly’s back straightened as her had returned to her lap, opening her eyes partway. Hanako had been drinking from her tea, put it down, her hand slightly shaking as their calm and peaceful environment had been shattered. “Good afternoon.” Lilly said. “Can we help you?”
  44. “I’m kinda lost.” The girl said in a high pitched voice. She stepped inside the room and Hanako could see that she was extremely thin, all of her clothing looked ill-fitting as she wore a red t-shirt and black shorts that were tied around her hips with a belt that Hanako could only barely see beneath the loose hanging shirt.
  46. “I’m looking for an Emi Ibararazaki? And for a Rin… Tetzuka?” The girl read the two names off of a card.
  48. “Emi Ibarazaki and Rin Tezuka?” Lilly asked, repeating the names back to the girl correctly. Hanako remembered hearing about the girls before. Emi was a runner, the best on the track team, who didn’t have legs and wore prosthetics. Rin was a painter that had no arms, and did her paintings using her feet.
  50. The short girl, who stood at most 4’9, nodded her head happily.
  52. “S-she nodded.” Hanako told Lilly, who nodded herself to affirm.
  54. “Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t even notice that… Umm… Sorry.” The girl said.
  56. “It’s quite alright. My name is Lilly Satou, and this is my friend Hanako Ikezawa.” Lilly said. “What is yours?”
  58. “Oh! My sister is looking for the both of you!” The girl exclaimed. “We’ve been asked to hand out these invitations to you folks. My name Is Rai Kato, and my little sister Mikasa and I and our friend Ichigo are here to invite a few people to the Nakai chocolate factory later today.”
  60. “Today?” Lilly asked. “My, my, so soon. Well, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Rai. How old are you?”
  62. “I’m 17! Well, almost.” the girl beamed. “Ichi and I are the same age. My sister is a little smaller, but our friend Hisao promised us a load of chocolate if we could get these to you all, and she was not missing that.”
  64. “Oh, you’re almost our age.” Lilly smiled. She stood from her seat, and unfolded her cane. “Hanako? Would you come along and assist us in locating Ms. Ibarazaki and Ms. Tezuka? We must hurry, if we are supposed to go all the way to Tokyo after school.” Lilly said. Hanako didn’t want to, not really, but she stood from her seat anyways. It’d be good for her to… to try to talk to other people.
  66. The search didn’t take long, as they exited the front door into the school courtyard they were met with a loud “Wahaha~” as Misha, the pink haired classmate from earlier, appeared suddenly before them. “Class representative!” she boomed, her voice filling the silent air. “This boy has been looking for you.”
  68. “Hi Ichi.” Said Rai, with a wave.
  70. The boy, nodded back to her. He stood next to Shizune, who was the class president and Lilly’s cousin. Her and Lilly had a falling out a while back that Hanako had never really asked about. She was deaf, and had Misha as her official sign language translator. He approached Lilly and Hanako. “You’re Lilly Satou and Hanako Ikezawa? I have these invitations for you.” Lilly held out her hand and the boy placed on in her hand, which was set on a golden slip of paper and covered in bumps. He handed Hanako a piece as well, still golden but with words printed on it instead.
  72. “Dear Hanako,
  73. I wish to extend an invitation to you and to your friend to come and visit me at my family’s factory. My parents are out of town, so I’ve unfortunately not been able to invite you in person as I have to make things ready here. I do hope that you come, as I have a gift for you as well as for a few other students who have made my transition into Yamaku easier, and I very much appreciate your efforts during this hard time in my life. Rai and Ichi will be able to take you back using our Transmooger, so don’t worry about travel or anything as we will have that covered. Feel free to dress up, as well, as not just anybody is allowed on the site where we fill Japan with chocolatey goodness.
  74. -Hisao Nakai”
  76. “T-transmooger?” Hanako asked. Rai opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the door bolting open as two girl charged through it at a race.
  78. “I win!” Shouted Emi Ibarazaki, pounding her fist.
  80. “No way!” Shouted a taller average sized girl with black hair. “I totally beat you.”
  82. “I think they won. They were here first.” Said Rin Tezuka as she calmly walked through the doors behind them whilst nodding at Lilly and Hanako.
  84. Emi turned and pouted at her. “They weren’t even racing!” she exclaimed. Rin just shrugged and Emi groaned.
  86. Rai and the other girl, Mikasa, both gave out their invitations to the other members of the group. Rai held an invitation out to Rin who smirked at her before attempting to grab the peace of paper with the stumps of her arms, making Rai shriek and apologize profusely. She ended up holding it for her, and she tilted her head as she and the rest of the group read it.
  88. “Wahaha~ a Chocolate factory tour! Doesn’t that sound exciting!?” Misha said, signing it as she did. Shizune signed something back to her, making Misha pout. “I would never shirk our responsibilities, and I know the festival is tomorrow, but come on. We’ll never get a chance like this again!”
  90. Shizune hesitated before signing back, and Misha jumped up and down in the air cheering.
  92. “I knew something was weird when he pulled that chocolate bar out of his pants…” Rin said, nobody understanding what she’d meant.
  94. “No wonder he’s here, he’s probably unhealthy as a… as a… Uhhh.” Emi said, trailing off, unable to think of a completion to her comparison.
  96. “Would you like to go, Hanako? I’d have to cancel on Akira, but I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.” Lilly said to Hanako.
  98. Hanako re-read the letter to herself. ‘I very much appreciate your efforts during this hard time in my life.’ She read the line again and again. She hadn’t done nearly anything for the boy, and here he was going out of his way to thank her. She smiled and held the golden invitation close, it glittered in the sun. “Y-yes. I’d like that.” Lilly smiled, and the bell to return to classes rang. All of the girls balked and hurried off to their classes, with Rai calling after them to meet them by the schools entrance an hour after the final bell.
  99. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  101. Hanako hadn’t met with Lilly after class, instead hurrying to her dorm room to change before they were supposed meet the others at the front. She began to wonder just what a Transmoogifer was when she returned to her dorm. Voices came from Lilly’s room. She thought she recognized Akira’s voice. She must be helping Lilly with her outfit. Lilly had such pretty outfits, no doubt she’d look amazing.
  103. Hanako entered her room and opened her closet. Unbuttoning her shirt and letting it drop to the ground, she looked past the other school uniforms she owned. She realized how much deep colored clothing she had, but guessed that had more to do with her hair and eyes fitting. She withdrew a purple and black dress she’d gotten when shopping with Akira and Lilly, and put I back remembering that everyone else was going to be there too. She sighed, unable to decide, until finally she settled on a soft pinkish-white shirt and a deep purple waist coat. She put a black hat on top, and a pair of brown skinny jeans. She wished at that moment that she had a mirror, for the first time since before the orphanage, she wanted to see her reflection and what she looked like. She sighed, knowing she’d just have to go for it. Checking the time, 40 minutes had passed since classes got out. Hanako hurried out into the hall and knocked on Lilly’s door, but there was no answer. She must have already left, Hanako decided, and she then quickly left the girl’s dorms herself.
  105. Sure enough, Lilly and Akira both stood at the entrance talking with Rai and the other girls. It was enough to make Rai giggle, the contrast between the giant Lilly standing over the small Rai, who excitedly was talking away about chocolate wonders and inventions that the factory held. Lilly had changed into a blue shirt with golden buttons going down her front as well as blue pants. She wore a red ribbon in her hair, as well as a red belt with a golden buckle.
  107. “I wish I could go with you, you’re so lucky!” Akira said, patting her sister on the back.
  109. “We’d love to take you,” Rai said, “but Bessy can only seat up to nine. She’s afraid of even numbers.” The girl finished. Hanako looked past the group and out the gate to see what seemed to be a black and white cow. It looked bored, standing next to the school, and some students walked by giving it strange looks.
  111. “B-B-Bessy?” Hanako asked.
  113. As if in response, the cow let loose a loud ‘Moo!’, scaring the heck out of a girl with blue hair that had wandered too close. Hanako recognized her as one of her classmates. Another girl, one with tanned skin, laughed at the display.
  115. “Bessy!” Rai said, assuredly. She motioned to the cow, and Hanako could see that attached to the cow was some sort of carriage.
  117. “It ain’t the way I’m used to traveling, but hey what do I know about chocolate?” Akira said, making Hanako even more confused.
  119. “OH look Shicchan! Look at the cute cow!” Shouted a voice that could only be Misha. She ran through the front gate and began petting the cow, who mooed affectionately and Misha let out a laugh. She wore a striped red and white sweater and a pair of what looked like yoga pants. The sweater hugged her curves, making her chest and hips appear slightly enhanced from the flowy skirt of the uniform. Shizune walked up behind and to the group, signing towards Misha who was not paying her the slightest bit of attention as she began speaking baby words at the cow, asking it who was a good milk maker.
  121. Shizune wore something fancier than most, a red dress with black buttons that contrasted wonderfully with her blue hair, making it really pop. Hanako couldn’t help but notice the difference between her and Lilly, which was actually rather fitting. Akira seemed to notice it to, as she smirked when her cousin approached. She nodded and Misha “I think she’s going to be out of action for a few moments.”
  123. “Uuu I wish I had a carrot! Cow’s love carrots. Maybe Hicchan has some!”
  125. Both Lilly and Hanako winced at Misha’s affectionate name for Hisao. Maybe there was something going on there that neither woman really understood…
  127. Bessy mooed and Rai checked her watch. “Whelp, that’s an hour, and Ibarazaki and Tezuka aren’t here. Might as well load up.” She said, and she motioned towards the cow.
  129. “Should we not wait?” Lilly asked.
  131. “Oh no! I’m sure they’ll be here soon!” Misha called.
  133. “That’s not up to us. Bessy will get fidgety if we- oh, here they come.”
  135. The group looked over to where Rai was looking, and sure enough there was Emi literally dragging Rin behind her.
  137. Emi wore a black tank top, showing off her toned stomach, and a pair of denim jean shorts that were pulled up over her legs. Her prosthetics were hidden beneath a pair of black and white striped stockings.
  139. Rin, who looked less than enthusiastic, was tugging backwards. She wore a pair of blue overalls over her white uniform shirt, which were splattered with white and blue paint.
  141. “Come on! We’re gonna be late!” Emi whined, tugging Rin who was giving step by step.
  143. “It’s not done it’s not done it’s not done-”
  145. “We can finish it when you get baaaaaaaaaack!” Emi said. “I’ll help you.”
  147. “Pink and white don’t mix, it doesn’t look right. What’ll happen if they mix?” Rin asked.
  149. “I think those paint fumes are getting to your head.” Emi said. She sighed when she finally got Rin to the area and relaxed, and Rin was caught up in looking at everyone. Her gaze wandered over to Hanako.
  151. “That is a good hat.” She said.
  153. “Umm… thank you…” Hanako replied.
  155. Awkward silence filled the air, which Bessy broke with a low moo and an impatient stomp of her foot.
  157. “Alrighty!” Rai clapped. “It’s going time, or Bessy is gonna take us wherever she wants. Misha, please don’t suggest the c-word, or we may end up on a farm.”
  159. The group of invited girls looked confusedly towards the girl as she hurried to the carrage behind and opened the door. The carriage had an opening in front, and four benches for passengers. Ichigo and Mikasa sat in the front row, and the three groups of girls sat on the benches behind them in their pairs. Lilly and Hanako sat in the last row. Hanako took Lilly’s hand and squeezed it, and Lilly stroked Hanako’s reassuringly.
  161. “Good luck, girls!” Akira said with a wave.
  163. “So how are we supposed to get to Tokyo from here on this?” Misha translated from Shizune.
  165. “Like this!” Rai said, withdrawing a Nakai Bar from a pocket. She unwrapped it and waved it in Bessy’s face. “Here girl, good girl.” The cow took a bite of the bar. “Want moore?” Rai asked it, extenuating the o to sound like she too was mooing.. She raised the bar again and again the cow bite into it, taking the rest of the bar. “No moore, you’ll have to take us to get moore.” She hopped into carriage and closed the door as Bessy seemed to begin shaking.
  167. “Ummm, I think somethings wrong with your cow.” Emi said.
  169. “It’s going to poo on us.” Rin said, sounding very sure of herself.
  171. Misha squeeled in horror and Shizune made a face a moment afterwards.
  173. Rai turned around in the front seat. “Watch this.” She said, a giddy smile on her face as blue sparks began letting loose from ahead of her. Bessy let out a moo and the carriage bucked as they were jolted forwards with several screams, and their visions were filled with a bright blue and white light, besides Lilly, who was probably still terrified of that “cow poop” possibility.
  175. The carriage halted as quickly as it had started moving, and the air was suddenly filled with clanging and tooting. The sound of a long whistled filled the air. Hanako’s vision cleared to find that she’d grabbed on tightly to Lilly, who squeezed her in return.
  177. “We’re here!” Rai exclaimed, and opened the carrage door. “Please stay on the path at all times, and exit quickly as Bessy is very hungry from all this jumping, and may end up pulling us sliiiightly off course. Come on now, let’s go.” She said, motioning the girls forward. They exited quickly, none really understanding what had happened.
  179. “Hanako?” Lilly asked. “Where are we?”
  181. Hanako looked around, spinning as she did so. They had mooved… moved, they had moved to an entirely different area. In front of them, down a cobblestone path, stood a giant brown and gray colored factory, with smoke stacks that reached for the sky, though Hanako noticed that it seemed like smoke was being pulled in rather than being pushed out. “We’re at a factory. The factory.” She said in aww, forgetting her shyness. She looked to Rai. “How did you do this?”
  183. “I didn’t do nothing, it was Bessy! It was Hisao’s idea, the transmooger system will change travel in rural areas across the world!” Rai said with a smile.
  185. “Do you all work for him?” Misha translated from Shizune as she watched the cow being unbuckled by Ichi and Mikasa, which then happily pranced over to some brown grass and began grazing.
  187. “We’re helpers, though we’re not ‘officially’ paid. ‘Wink’ ‘wink’.” Rai said. “After the tour, you folks won’t have to worry about money either! The Nakai’s are super generous, and apparently the winner of this tour… well, you’ll see!”
  189. Emi and Shizune seemed to gain a bit of a glint to their eyes, which both recognized and then glared at one another. “This is a competition?” Lilly asked.
  191. “A friendly one!” Mikasa said. “Though Rai bet me that no-”
  193. Rai quickly hushed her sister. “No fair, no spoiling!”
  195. All of the girls looked at the sisters confused, when a shout began and they turned to see a group of people standing at the gates. Cameras began flashing as people took pictures, calling out questions.
  197. “Are you friends of the Nakai’s?” A man asked.
  199. “Where are they all?”
  201. “What happened to Hisao!?”
  203. “Can you all pose for a picture!?”
  205. “I don’t see why not!” Said a male voice, making a few of the girls jump. They turned to see Hisao standing there, wearing a giant brown top hat and a purple coat. In his hand he held a brown cane, which he leaned on. “Rai, Mikasa, Ichi, why don’t you go prep reception for our guests while the press takes our picture?” He asked.
  207. “Hello, Hisao.” Lilly said.
  209. “Hicchan! You scared us!” Misha chided.
  211. “That is a good hat.” Rin said.
  213. “Thank you, all of you, for coming. It means a lot to me that you’re all here. You’ve all been such a wonderful treat to meet over this past week, and I can’t wait to go to the school festival tomorrow with you. So, I wanted to throw a little tour together, to show my appreciation for you all.” He said, bowing his head to the group. “Come now, let’s take a picture for the press.”
  215. The girls turned and lined up, posing for the image with Hisao standing above and behind them, arms thrown wide. They all looked excitedly happy as they turned and followed Hisao into the factory.
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