

Jan 25th, 2017
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  2. She is an intelligent Human, about average height for her race, and above
  3. average weight for a woman of her size. She is solidly built, with broad hips
  4. and sturdy limbs. She has a round face and long brown hair, left loose to hang
  5. down about her face and shoulders. She has a small, uptilted nose and
  6. soft-looking lips, and her eyes are deep brown, their colour matching her hair.
  7. Her gaze is distant at times, and she seems to have a short attention span, her
  8. eyes wandering almost constantly. Her hands and arms are wrapped with clean
  9. white bandages which have come loose in several places, trailing wispy lengths
  10. of fabric past her fingertips. She is wearing:
  11. a silver wedding ring, inlaid with dark opal, symbolizing eternity
  12. a simple white cotton gown
  13. She walks with the blessing of Niuri.
  15. Akaryuterra arrives from the north.
  17. Akaryuterra wanders in, a quizzical expression on his face and a letter in his
  18. hand. "Elea," he calls quietly as he searches the room.
  20. You have emoted: Eleanor is here, curled beneath the covers of the bed. She is
  21. still and quiet, eyes closed and hands tucked up beneath her chin. The room is
  22. silent, and aside from you nothing moves.
  24. Akaryuterra walks up to the bed and looks over your sleeping form. "Hey,
  25. chicky?"
  27. You have emoted: Eleanor seems to be sleeping in apparent peace, which is odd in
  28. and of itself. You know she hasn't in months, but now she doesn't even stir at
  29. the sound of your voice.
  31. Akaryuterra lays a gentle hand on your shoulder and shakes it. "Elea?"
  33. You have emoted: Eleanor groans quietly under her breath, rousing a little,
  34. though she seems reluctant to wake.
  36. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Hey."
  38. You have emoted: Eleanor begins to settle back into sleep again, strands of hair
  39. slipping down across her face.
  41. You have emoted: Eleanor murmurs sleepily to herself, stirring more now- her
  42. eyes half-open, briefly, before closing again- she licks her lips, turning onto
  43. her back.
  45. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Been a damn long time
  46. since you've slept, finally gettin' some?"
  48. Akaryuterra asks, more loudly, "Love?"
  50. You have emoted: Eleanor opens her eyes for longer now, though not all the way-
  51. it seems your voice has pulled her from her rest. When she finally gets toward
  52. being properly awake, you know it- she sits up a little, giving a luxurious
  53. stretch- her gaze wanders across the room, and when it falls on you, her eyes
  54. light up and she gives the kind of smile you haven't seen on her face in longer
  55. than you'd care to think about. She says nothing, holding her arms out in a
  56. silent request for a hug.
  58. Akaryuterra leans over and gives you a gentle hug. "Finally sleepin', eh," he
  59. asks, again.
  62. You have emoted: Eleanor tilts her head slightly to the side, hands settling on
  63. the covers that sit on her lap now- the look she gives you is wide-eyed and
  64. oddly curious. Still, she doesn't speak.
  66. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "What's that look fer?"
  68. You have emoted: Eleanor blinks a couple of times and then shrugs. She seems to
  69. lose interest in the question quickly, if the way she raises one of her hands
  70. and examines the cuff of her gown instead is any indication.
  72. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Hey, Elea, I'm talkin'
  73. ta ya."
  75. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "What's with the damn
  76. silent treatment?"
  78. You have emoted: Eleanor looks up from her gown again, blinking once more- the
  79. smile she favours you with is nothing short of radiant, and she holds her arms
  80. out for another hug.
  82. Akaryuterra raises an eyebrow and asks, "Another? I just gave ya one. Least ya
  83. could do is say hi'r somethin'."
  85. You have emoted: Eleanor's expression shifts, becoming a pout and pleading gaze,
  86. though she lets her hands drop.
  88. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Fine."
  90. Akaryuterra leans over and gives you another tight hug. As he stands, he
  91. questions, "What've ya been up ta, an' why're ya bein' so quiet now?"
  94. You have emoted: Eleanor shrugs again, her expression the picture of innocence.
  95. Before long her attention wanders again- its span appears to be alarmingly
  96. short.
  98. Akaryuterra creases his brow in a frown.
  100. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Why did you write this
  101. to me, love?"
  103. Akaryuterra holds up the letter in his hand.
  105. You have emoted: Eleanor looks back up at you, curiously- she eyes the letter,
  106. but it's patently obvious that she doesn't recognise it. Suddenly, she shifts
  107. across the bed, toward the opposite side to you- hopping out from under the
  108. covers, she trots over to the window, gown trailing on the floor, and draws back
  109. the curtains- she smiles at the view beyond the glass, pressing her palms to it
  110. as she looks out.
  112. Akaryuterra creases his brow in a frown.
  114. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Love, are you okay?"
  116. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Ya have ta ask if she's
  117. okay? Pretty damn obvious somethin's wrong, ain't it?"
  119. Akaryuterra gives a pained sigh.
  121. You have emoted: Eleanor seems entirely engrossed in looking at whatever is
  122. outside- from this angle, you imagine it must be something on the front path.
  124. Akaryuterra considers you for a long, quiet moment, looking between you and the
  125. window.
  127. Akaryuterra pales slightly.
  129. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Don't go anywhere."
  131. Akaryuterra leaves to the north.
  133. H:3500 M:4920 [eb]n
  135. A comfortably warm living-room.
  136. -----
  137. |
  138. -[+]
  139. |
  140. -----
  141. Barely maintaining its shape, a squishy green chair is here. A pitted and
  142. scratched, dark hardwood table is here, a simple, cushioned wood chair and a
  143. sturdy backless chair placed at it. A beautiful rug woven in brilliant colours
  144. lies here.
  145. You see exits leading north, south(open), west(open) and down.
  148. Akaryuterra arrives from the west.
  150. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "What're ya starin' at
  151. out there?"
  153. Akaryuterra raises an eyebrow questioningly.
  155. You have emoted: Eleanor is at the table, peering at what looks like a
  156. collection of glass beads that have been there for at least a few months. When
  157. you speak to her, she looks up again, and once more you see that radiant smile.
  159. West
  161. A narrow, overgrown path.
  162. -----
  164. -[+]-
  166. -----
  167. The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A Syssin
  168. defender waits nearby, her image flickering in and out. A large, silver
  169. windchime hangs here, occasionally sounding a mesmerising note. A mare with
  170. mist-grey fur flicks her tail idly.
  171. You see exits leading east(open) and west.
  173. Akaryuterra arrives from the east.
  175. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Hey."
  177. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "In the house, ya don't
  178. need ta be wanderin' about out here, not when ya won't say a damn thing an'
  179. won't pay attention for more'n a second."
  181. Akaryuterra points to the house.
  183. You have emoted: Eleanor approaches the horse, patting it fondly- after a moment
  184. she wraps her arms around its neck for a hug, which (to its credit) the beast
  185. suffers without protest.
  188. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Hey, back in the
  189. house."
  191. Akaryuterra begins to look perturbed.
  193. You have emoted: Eleanor frowns a little, looking up at you, her hands still
  194. patting the horse's mane.
  196. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Inside."
  198. Akaryuterra points to the house again.
  200. You have emoted: Eleanor pouts, but begins to move toward the door slowly,
  201. dragging her feet on purpose as she shuffles by.
  203. East
  205. A comfortably warm living-room.
  206. -----
  207. |
  208. -[+]
  209. |
  210. -----
  211. Barely maintaining its shape, a squishy green chair is here. A pitted and
  212. scratched, dark hardwood table is here, a simple, cushioned wood chair and a
  213. sturdy backless chair placed at it. A beautiful rug woven in brilliant colours
  214. lies here.
  215. You see exits leading north, south(open), west(open) and down.
  217. Akaryuterra arrives from the west.
  219. Akaryuterra closes the door to the west.
  221. Akaryuterra follows after, frowning at your sullen expression and walk.
  223. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "What the fuck is goin'
  224. on?"
  226. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "I have no idea."
  228. You have emoted: Eleanor returns to the beads, pushing them around on the
  229. tabletop with a fingertip. Unfettered, her hair has tumbled down over her
  230. shoulders, and now it hides most of her expression from you.
  234. Akaryuterra moves over to the backless chair and takes a heavy seat, turning it
  235. to face you.
  237. Akaryuterra props an elbow up on his kneed and rests his chin in his hand.
  239. You have emoted: Eleanor glances at you from under her hair- it looks like she's
  240. checking to see if you're angry with her.
  244. While a frown still remains on Akaryuterra's features, it isn't the same angry
  245. expression as before.
  247. You have emoted: Eleanor bites her lip, apparently deep in thought- after a few
  248. moments she shuffles across to you, kneeling down in the space between your legs
  249. and leaning under to wrap her arms around your middle. "Love you," she mumbles
  250. against your scales. "Love you."
  252. Akaryuterra looks up at you when you approach, having been staring at his lap
  253. previously. When you wrap your arms around him, he seems partly surprised, but
  254. he doesn't resist. A few seconds of confusion pass before Akaryuterra returns
  255. the sentiment, albeit with a downtrodden tone, "...I love you too."
  257. You have emoted: Eleanor squeezes you tightly. Whatever has happened to her, she
  258. at least seems to have picked up on your mood, beginning to look upset herself
  259. when the hug doesn't seem to help.
  262. Akaryuterra unfurls his fingers and straightens out the surface of the letter,
  263. scanning it with his eyes before glancing to your face.
  265. You have emoted: Eleanor looks up at you, watching hopefully for any positive
  266. changes to your mood.
  270. Akaryuterra forces a weak smile for your sake.
  272. You have emoted: Eleanor gives one in return, but it seems she can tell you're
  273. still troubled- she drops her head, nuzzling her cheek against your scales as
  274. she settles down to simply be close to you, arms still around your waist.
  278. Akaryuterra hesitantly reaches down and lays a hand on your head, curling his
  279. fingers through your hair.
  281. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "What have you done to
  282. yourself?"
  284. You have emoted: Eleanor preens into your touch, eyes closing as she gives a
  285. little smile- she doesn't respond to your question.
  288. Akaryuterra gives a pained sigh.
  290. You murmur to Akaryuterra, "Love you."
  292. Akaryuterra murmurs to you, "I know, love."
  294. Akaryuterra reaches up with his free hand, and strokes the mark on the side of
  295. his neck.
  297. You have emoted: At first, you think the mark must not be working- you don't
  298. really get anything through it as far as Eleanor's thoughts are concerned. Then,
  299. gradually, you begin to understand brief inklings; feelings, first, curiosity
  300. foremost but a touch of sadness as well, that you can tell is related to the
  301. fact that she can see you're upset. Her actual thoughts are slippery, seeming
  302. disjointed and scattered, and everything is a little hazy.
  305. Akaryuterra drops his hand from his neck, back down to his thigh, beside where
  306. you cuddle against him. A slight tension fills the air and his hand stops
  307. stroking your head. The tension moves inward, filling you as the air around you
  308. briefly presses inward - his gaze is focused not n you, but more past you, as he
  309. focuses on your body and the condition it is in.
  311. You have emoted: Eleanor squirms uncomfortably, but nothing obstructs your
  312. inspection- her body seems to be in pretty good shape, especially compared to
  313. the state she had been in previously. Her scratches are healing up, and beneath
  314. the loose and trailing bandages you can tell her knuckles have scabbed over,
  315. well on the way to getting better. The stitches in her arm and the small of her
  316. back probably need to come out, the wounds having healed enough to be fine with
  317. just a bandage to protect them.
  321. The hand on your head doesn't yet lift, and the tension rises upward toward your
  322. head Akaryuterra whispers to you, cooing, "Shhh, it is almost over, calm down. I
  323. will not hurt you, I love you." He probes deeper, beyond tissues and beyond the
  324. physical, seeking.
  327. You have emoted: Eleanor wriggles some more, making a small, distressed sound.
  328. As your inspection travels up, you find her head at least physically untouched-
  329. no damage or trauma is discernible. As far as her mind is concerned, you receive
  330. much the same answer as the mark gave you- things are fractured, indistinct and
  331. hazy. Looking at how disconnected things are in her mind, it's unlikely she is
  332. even aware that something is wrong.
  335. The tension fades immediately, and Akaryuterra resumes stroking your head. "You
  336. are okay," he reassures, offering another forced smile, although this one is
  337. more genuine given what he has learned.
  338. emote gives a hesitant smile in return, though her eyes are faintly troubled as she gazes at you.
  340. You have emoted: Eleanor gives a hesitant smile in return, though her eyes are
  341. faintly troubled as she gazes at you.
  345. "Oh calm down, yer fine, an' it had ta be done," Akaryuterra says dismissively.
  347. You have emoted: Eleanor ducks her head, apparently having read your tone as
  348. disapproving. She brings one hand back from around your middle, rubbing at her
  349. nose with it- in the draping gown she seems somehow smaller and more fragile,
  350. though that may also be an illusion of her current mental state.
  352. Akaryuterra gives a pained sigh.
  354. Reassuringly, Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Do not
  355. worry, nothing is wrong."
  357. Akaryuterra ponders the situation.
  359. Akaryuterra gives a diminutive figurine of Lyrana to you.
  362. This small figurine of a small, kneeling girl is almost white in its entirety.
  363. With her head bowed and eyes closed, her hands are clasped together in prayer.
  364. Her gown is long and white, perfectly clean and untouched by the blood
  365. surrounding the figure on the circular base plate.
  366. It weighs about 1 pounds and 0 ounce(s).
  367. It bears the distinctive mark of Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega
  368. Junakutz-Lionheart.
  370. You have emoted: Eleanor blinks at the figure- she shifts her posture, sitting
  371. on her behind with her knees drawn up, both hands cradling it as she peers at it
  372. from all angles.
  376. Akaryuterra puts some gold sovereigns in a fur backpack.
  378. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Do you like it?"
  380. You have emoted: Eleanor looks up at you, still holding the figure carefully-
  381. after a moment she nods, hesitantly.
  385. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Hold onto it for me,
  386. don't lose it."
  388. Akaryuterra ponders the situation.
  390. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Leas she understands
  391. words a little."
  393. You have emoted: Eleanor nods vigorously, holding the figurine to her chest. She
  394. continues to examine it, taking great and obvious care as she turns it in her
  395. fingers.
  398. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Ya better have an
  399. idea'a how ta fix this."
  401. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Well...I do, but it
  402. would require linking with her."
  404. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Not like ya an't done
  405. it before."
  407. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Well, yes, but you felt
  408. her mind too, t was scattered. I would have a hard time...organizing it, if you
  409. will."
  411. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "I do not know if I
  412. could even understand what it has become."
  414. Akaryuterra creases his brow in a frown.
  417. You have emoted: Eleanor seems to have become distracted- though she still
  418. cradles the figure carefully, she now gazes off toward the door to the dayroom.
  421. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Go ahead."
  423. Akaryuterra gestures to the dayroom.
  426. You have emoted: Eleanor glances up at you, pausing for a few moments- then she
  427. shuffles back from you a bit, crawling under the table with one hand still
  428. clutching the figure to her chest, instead of standing and going around it. Once
  429. she is out from under it she does stand, shuffling toward the other room now.
  432. n
  434. A well-lit dayroom.
  435. -----
  437. [+]
  438. |
  439. -----
  440. Aged to a deep red and inlaid with jade ornaments, a cherry-wood chest is here.
  441. A large square of an ivory cushion occupies a spot here. An instrument bow lies
  442. here, waiting for a string to play. A rectangular copper box sits here. A plain,
  443. small candle is here. A small glob of red wax lies here. A small sign indicates
  444. that LIBRARY CATALOG will list the materials in this library.
  445. You see a single exit leading south.
  447. You sit yourself down.
  449. Akaryuterra arrives from the south.
  451. Akaryuterra follows in after you, watching you as you shuffle about.
  453. You have emoted: Eleanor sits in front of the shelves, now, staring at the
  454. spines of all the books, the figurine set carefully beside her. She frowns a
  455. little, for the moment just gazing at them as if doing so might tell her
  456. something.
  459. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Can you still read?"
  461. You have emoted: Eleanor looks up at you, with a clueless, wide-eyed look that
  462. is beginning to become unfortunately familiar.
  464. Akaryuterra points to one of the many book spines, "Read?"
  467. You have emoted: Eleanor looks back to the books, frowning. If she registers
  468. your question, she doesn't make a reply- as you watch, though, she reaches out
  469. and pulls one of the tomes from the shelf. It's painful to watch her handle the
  470. book- not because she is damaging it, but because it looks like she has no idea
  471. how to hold one.
  474. Akaryuterra creases his brow in a frown.
  476. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "It would seem not."
  479. You have emoted: Eleanor turns the book over in her hands a few times, staring
  480. intently at it- her expression grows more and more perturbed though, and
  481. suddenly it seems she's had enough- apparently dissatisfied with the book, she
  482. drops it unceremoniously and reaches for another to replace it.
  485. Akaryuterra reaches down and puts the book back on the shelf, sliding it into
  486. place with ease.
  488. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "You can put them back
  489. if you can not read."
  491. Akaryuterra reaches out to you, pausing for a second as he realizes just what he
  492. is doing - he pats you on the head softly.
  494. You have emoted: Eleanor tilts her head as you pat her, but as far as your
  495. instruction is concerned she seems to be ignoring you- this new book seems not
  496. to be what she wants either, and she drops it as well. She begins pulling books
  497. from the shelves quickly, starting with the one you put back- each one she
  498. examines briefly but then discards, moving along the shelf she can reach as the
  499. pile of rejected books grows larger.
  502. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Hey."
  504. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "What're ya doin'?"
  506. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Quit thrown the books
  507. ta the ground."
  509. Akaryuterra leans down and grabs a book up. He waits for you to direct your
  510. attention to him.
  513. You have emoted: Eleanor continues to ignore you- she shuffles along the shelf
  514. now, tipping the books over and letting them slide from it as she goes along the
  515. row, almost frantically as she searches.
  518. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Stop!"
  520. You have emoted: Eleanor jumps, startled by your exclamation- she looks up at
  521. you, wide-eyed, a book in each hand.
  524. Akaryuterra shakes his head, pointing to the books on the ground. "Those don't
  525. go there, what're ya lookin' fer?" He reaches up, then, to touch the mark on his
  526. neck.
  529. You have emoted: Eleanor looks at the books in her hands, and then the mess
  530. she's made- guiltily, she puts the books she holds back on the shelf (though not
  531. the way they were), and shuffles back, keeping her eyes on you all the while.
  532. Though the mark might have told you something while she was searching, now
  533. whatever her intent was slips away, and you find her head full of nothing but
  534. unlinked thoughts and basic emotion.
  537. Akaryuterra sighs and reaches to the bookshelf, pulling out two books.
  539. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Butterflies?"
  541. You have emoted: Eleanor blinks at you, looking mildly startled- abruptly, she
  542. holds out her hands, expectantly reaching for the books you hold.
  545. Akaryuterra hands you two books, one, should you glimpse it, is full of pictures
  546. of butterflies. The other doesn't seem to have many pictures. He points to the
  547. second and he say, "That s about a special garden."
  549. You have emoted: Eleanor holds the first book to her chest, still reaching for
  550. the other one with her free hand.
  553. Akaryuterra gives the second book to you.
  556. You have emoted: Eleanor kicks her legs out in front of her, clumsily handling
  557. the books you've given her- though she examines the second for several moments,
  558. the lack of pictures seems to be a problem for her- the first catches her
  559. attention better, and she begins to flick slowly through the pages, examining
  560. the drawings therein.
  563. Akaryuterra walks over and takes a seat on the daybed, looking decidedly
  564. unhappy.
  566. You have emoted: Eleanor continues to flip through the butterfly book, but
  567. between pages she steals glances up at you from under her hair- a small frown is
  568. tugging at the corners of her mouth, but as yet she doesn't move.
  570. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart asks, "Do you like those?"
  572. You have emoted: Eleanor looks properly up at you, then slowly down at the book
  573. again- she bites her lip a little, and nods several times.
  575. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "It has butterflies. You
  576. used to like butterflies a lot. I suppose you still do."
  578. You have emoted: Eleanor tilts her head curiously, listening to you now, the
  579. book held carefully in her lap.
  582. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "It has butterflies."
  584. Akaryuterra points to the book but seems to be at a loss of what else to say
  585. otherwise. His eyes fall to the pile of books on the floor, and then he looks
  586. back to you again. "It is warmer in the other room. Do you want to go back?"
  589. You have emoted: Eleanor looks to the mess she made as well- apparently, she
  590. feels some measure of remorse, because she shuffles across to it and begins
  591. setting books back on the shelf- they are not in order, and not standing up,
  592. more haphazardly stacked, but she seems to want to make it right again.
  594. Akaryuterra gives a wry smile, "I can fix it later. You can leave it alone. Do
  595. you want to go in there," he asks, pointing to the livingroom.
  597. You have emoted: Eleanor looks to you, her gaze following your point- after a
  598. moment she gets up, and- after picking the figurine you gave her up off the
  599. ground- she pads toward the other doorway, still holding the butterfly book as
  600. well.
  602. You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
  603. South
  605. A comfortably warm living-room.
  606. -----
  607. |
  608. -[+]
  609. |
  610. -----
  611. Barely maintaining its shape, a squishy green chair is here. A pitted and
  612. scratched, dark hardwood table is here, a simple, cushioned wood chair and a
  613. sturdy backless chair placed at it. A beautiful rug woven in brilliant colours
  614. lies here.
  615. You see exits leading north, south(open), west(closed) and down.
  617. Akaryuterra arrives from the north.
  620. You have emoted: Eleanor weaves her way over and plops herself down in front of
  621. the fire- probably a bit closer than she might usually have sat.
  625. Akaryuterra walks over to the couch and lays down on it unceremoniously. One of
  626. his legs hangs over the end of the couch - so does his tail. He rolls onto his
  627. side to face you more easily, and watches you intently. "That s hot, do not hurt
  628. yourself," he warns. In case you don't comprehend, however, he waves a hand at
  629. the fire and it dim, shrinking slightly.
  631. You have emoted: Eleanor looks briefly to the fire, noting the change but
  632. clearly not comprehending why- but she is quickly distracted by your tail, which
  633. has fallen fairly near to her. She leans toward it, peering intently at its
  634. scaled length.
  638. Akaryuterra says, so you can hear him clearly, "Tail." The end curls upward,
  639. almost as if it is turning to meet your gaze.
  641. You have emoted: Eleanor carefully sets the book and figure aside, thoroughly
  642. distracted now. She watches your tail closely, hair slipping down over her face
  643. as she leans over it- you feel her fingertips against your scales, prodding to
  644. see what effect they have.
  648. Akaryuterra's tail falls back to the floor with a soft 'thump-cack', the bone at
  649. the tip clattering loudly.
  651. You have emoted: Eleanor jumps, staring wide-eyed at your tail- she looks up to
  652. you, shocked, looking worriedly guilty as if she's accidentally killed it and
  653. wondering if you saw.
  657. While he is watching, Akaryuterra seems no more surprised than moments ago, nor
  658. does he look to be in any intense pain. The tail curls idly, revived from its
  659. apparent death with little fanfare.
  661. You have emoted: Eleanor looks down at your tail, and an expression of relief
  662. crosses her face as she notes it moving again. After a moment's consideration,
  663. she shuffles closer- lifting your tail with both hands, she pulls it into her
  664. lap. That done, she begins to pat it like one might a cat, stroking her hand
  665. repeatedly over a limited area.
  668. Akaryuterra cocks his head at you, "What's with her rememberin' some shit, but
  669. not other stuff?" Moments later, with a shrug, he responds, "I could not say. I
  670. do not know what happened."
  672. You have emoted: Eleanor continues patting your tail, apparently oblivious to
  673. the conversation you're having with yourself. Perhaps it's the proximity to the
  674. fire, or the repetitive motion of stroking your scales, but she is beginning to
  675. look drowsy again.
  679. Akaryuterra watches quietly as you continue to stroke his tail. The tail curls
  680. into your touch as Akaryuterra gives a sad smile at you.
  683. You have emoted: Eleanor seems to decide that she's had enough- she lists to one
  684. side, flopping softly onto the floor, her arms wrapped around your tail now- her
  685. eyes slowly drift closed as she gets comfortable, warmed by the fire and still
  686. clinging to your tail.
  690. Akaryuterra's tongue darts out, tasting the air.
  692. Akaryuterra holds his tail still, but rolls carefully from the couch and
  693. silences the sound. Now on the floor, he creeps closer as a crouch, a black haze
  694. clouding about his feet and keeping his movement silent. Once beside you, he
  695. takes a seat on the floor and looks you over.
  697. You have emoted: Eleanor looks peaceful, the lines of fatigue, stress, and pain
  698. which had been constants in her expression smoothed out- in all of this, at
  699. least there is something good; she is finally getting some sleep.
  703. The deepening dusk yields to impenetrable darkness as night claims the land.
  705. A deep, resonant note echoes from all throughout the corridors of the Citadel,
  706. creating a tremulous sound that seems to rattle the sky itself. In its wake, a
  707. chill wind bellows across the firmament, embracing the twilight of a new dusk.
  710. Akaryuterra watches over you silently for a long while, his expression troubled.
  711. "What happened to you?" He murmurs to himself. He turns one hand palm up and
  712. uses one of the thumb claws on his opposite hand to pierce the white scales.
  713. Blood pools up slowly and he smears is to spread it around his palm.
  715. You have emoted: Eleanor mumbles in her sleep, squeezing your tail and shifting
  716. a little bit, but otherwise staying still and peaceful.
  719. Akaryuterra lays his hand gently on the side of your face, situating it over
  720. your temple while you lay sleeping peacefully. A hus comes over the room as he
  721. blocks all outside sounds. Slowly, he closes his eyes - a tear runs down his
  722. scales. He begins to concentrate intensely on you, slowing his breathing and
  723. steadying himself.
  725. You have emoted: Eleanor stirs a little as a trickle of blood runs down her
  726. cheek- she gives a sleepy murmur, but it looks like she's going to stay asleep.
  727. As you concentrate, you begin to hear and feel the rhythms of her body, smaller
  728. and quicker than yours.
  732. As his breathing slows, Akaryuterra realizes he will not have to slow it so much
  733. as he thought and begins concentrating on the link he intends to form.
  734. Carefully, he ventures deeper, seeking your mind with his. He proceeds slowly,
  735. and with care, feeling his way out before progressing.
  737. You have emoted: Eleanor's mind is wide open and undefended- as you search,
  738. faint echoes of dreams begin to reach you. They are nothing complex- merely
  739. colours and emotion, with brief images added in; you catch images of yourself a
  740. few times, shifting between a simplistic view of you with arms open and
  741. welcoming smile, and an angrier, more closed posture and expression.
  745. Akaryuterra carefully works deeper, reaching out to make more contact with the
  746. few memories that float by. His presence could barely even be considered
  747. fleeting, the way he cloaks it, a soft warmth spreads, casting a happier hue on
  748. some of the emotions that stir within the scattered mess.
  750. You have emoted: Eleanor's mind, without her conscious to shape it for you, is
  751. chaotic at best- at least, however, it seems not to be a flurry of activity as
  752. usual, either because of her slumbering state or whatever she's done to herself.
  753. The mindspace you enter into seems sparse, and hazy- there might be parts of the
  754. person she once was scattered about, but everything is slippery and elusive and
  755. lacking in structure; it's difficult to tell if it's just displaced, or entirely
  756. missing.
  759. Tension fills the air about you and Akaryuterra as he begins to draw on the
  760. spheres. Recalling his own memory of your mind, he draws into focus colors,
  761. strange and scattered at first, they appear entirely out of mental focus. In the
  762. course of several minutes, that unfocused mess begins to refine itself, in color
  763. and in placement. Tall forms sprout from a wash of lighter blues and greens. As
  764. those shapes and forms become more refined, the tension fades, leaving a cozy
  765. and comforting warmth in its wake, surrounding your sleeping form.
  768. You have emoted: Eleanor's mind seems like it's going to comply with your
  769. shaping, but as you bring the image to bear you quickly realise that very little
  770. of the contents of her head has been constrained to the trees- the rest are
  771. hollow, illusory, and not very useful at all. Overlaying your attempts at order
  772. continue her dreams- here and there, snippets of intact memory stream by, mostly
  773. involving yourself.
  776. Noticing the lack of memory drawn to the trees, Akaryuterra releases the
  777. structure, allowing to it to be broken down in whatever way your mind seems to
  778. deem fit. As your memories flit by, fancifully flowing about your two minds, he
  779. begins to form a sort of wavy, curling line of thought. Slowly and gently, he
  780. winds his way among your thoughts, his presence touching briefly upon each that
  781. passes by.
  783. You have emoted: Eleanor's dreams seem to colour to your presence- as you draw
  784. near, they shift between red, green and yellow, and contain more of what she
  785. remembers of you- even from her sleeping mind, you can tell that she remembers
  786. both your names, and the fact that you're the most important person in the whole
  787. world is readily apparent. As you drift with the flow of her dreams, you begin
  788. to detect faint brushes of knowledge she once had- whether fragments, or the
  789. entire lot still intact, you can't really tell, because they are gone in an
  790. instant and too slippery to grasp. If this is how she feels waking, it is no
  791. wonder she got so agitated when looking at the books.
  794. As Akaryuterra comes into contact with memories floating and flitting about, he
  795. makes contact with each and passes the curling wisp of thought tendril through
  796. them. He pulls it along, drawing it behind his presence and with each contact
  797. that is a made, a connection is implanted into the thought. Before long, the
  798. passing images of him, and memories involving the two of them begin to coalesce
  799. into a more managable bundle of thoughts, spanning several memories.
  801. You have emoted: Eleanor begins to stir a little- as you pull the fragments
  802. together, they seem to fill in the gaps- you hear snippets of your own voice,
  803. though not so much words as tone, and even though there's nothing understandable
  804. in the sounds, they convey basic ideas and emotions as well.
  807. Sensing your stirring, Akaryuterra eases his presence into the background. As
  808. his presence receeds, he releases the tendril of thought he had been trailing
  809. along, allowing the slightly more coherent network of memories to drift as a
  810. mass within your unconscious mind. Rather than allow the link to break or
  811. otherwise become compromised he begins to focus again, now easing your stirring
  812. mind back down to the depths of sleep.
  815. You have emoted: At some level at least, Eleanor's sleeping mind seems to
  816. recognise your presence a little- though in any other case it might have
  817. rebelled, you feel her mind settle under your guidance, dropping back toward
  818. deeper sleep. You feel her squeeze your tail gently, lulling back into
  819. stillness. Unfortunately, there seems little to work with other than the
  820. memories that had occupied her dreams- bits and pieces of words or functional
  821. knowledge float about, but they are sparse, the other bits apparently dormant
  822. while she sleeps.
  825. Taking notice of your sleeping mind's willingness, Akaryuterra's presence begins
  826. to resonate a calm, but simple comfort. The basic happiness and contentedness
  827. you have felt before begins to weave itself deeper among your mind - the warmth
  828. of earlier grows thicker, stronger.
  830. You have emoted: Eleanor gives a happy little sigh, and you can tell within and
  831. without that she is calmed and comforted by the feelings you're setting up. Her
  832. dream has taken a little more structure thanks to your gathering of memories-
  833. now you see snippets of memories of you and her, though the part played by her
  834. and what thoughts she may have had at the time are blurred and largely
  835. unreadable.
  839. Akaryuterra focuses, searching for the deeper, more elusive thoughts of before.
  840. A tint of red contentment and yellow happiness flows deeper as he seeks out
  841. other memories, his presence's intrusiveness lessened by the projected familiar
  842. elements.
  844. You have emoted: Eleanor's mind offers you what it can- you can feel that
  845. actually, most of her memories are intact, if disconnected and scattered. What
  846. you don't feel floating around are things like vocabulary, and acquired skills-
  847. whether they're gone or just lost, you can't tell.
  851. Slowly, Akaryuterra's mind begins an arduous process of embedding words among
  852. memories. As he searches and encounters, even briefly, memories that flicker by,
  853. he reaches out to them with his mind - extending to them handfuls of words.
  854. Colors, like red and yellow, white and black, and sometimes orange begin to
  855. coordinate with memories of him, along with words like love, adoration,
  856. beautiful and handsome. "Words," echoes among memories, which declare themselves
  857. as such. Words like wood, metal, home, cloth, book, bed, table, chair and more
  858. begin to wind among memories of the house, of tailoring and of everyday life.
  859. "Lustsexlove," the words echo in connected strings, followed by those such as
  860. "passiontiedsofthard", bonding themselves to memories of the bedroom, of the
  861. beach and a number of other intimate locations and occasions. As each word flows
  862. among your memories, perhaps unknown to Akaryuterra, dimmer but intelligable
  863. echoes of sibilant hiss, growling and more subtle vocalizations accompany them,
  864. held in equivalent to his mind.
  867. You have emoted: The various additions begin to take, attaching themselves and
  868. forming structures like there used to be in her mind- from the haze in her head,
  869. other fragments emerge as if called, joining the additions you made and
  870. reconstructing parts of what there once was. As you work, though, you can feel
  871. Eleanor's mind growing weary, even though she slumbers- the building of
  872. everything back again is taking its toll on her, and in turn making things more
  873. difficult for you.
  876. Sensing the your mind's weariness, Akaryuterra eases himself to shallower, more
  877. fleeting mental images, the passing glimpses offered in the outer edges of
  878. thought. Still, several words echo, he attaches less of them, allowing them to
  879. freely assosciate as his presence dwindles among your memories. The comforting
  880. warmth instensifies, clouding thoughts and weariness with relaxed contentment.
  881. Flickers of being huddled in bed, beneath sheets or embraced by wings. Tender
  882. kisses and soft caresses dance among smiles and rarely, a giggle, or a moment of
  883. delighted amusement.
  886. You have emoted: Eleanor sighs again in her sleep, snuggling against your tail-
  887. as you pull back, you can feel her beginning to wake, slowly, gently, enveloped
  888. in tender emotions and fond feelings. Her mind lazily follows your retreat, but
  889. at the same time you can feel that she might wake with a headache, thanks to all
  890. the work that had gone on in her head while she slept. Whether or not she will
  891. have the usual nosebleed remains to be seen.
  894. Akaryuterra breaks away from your rising consciousness, rather than risk
  895. startling you from a link as your waking mind realizes it. Gently, he eases your
  896. thoughts and consciousness down to the depths it inhabited moments ago. As his
  897. warmth of presence and the colors of emotion he emanated fade once more, he
  898. delicately severs the last of is link to your mind. With that, he takes a deep
  899. breath, rousing his body from the subdued synchronization with your own. As he
  900. opens his eyes slowly, he glances down to your face, taking note of the blood
  901. one it and the crimson trails that streak downward from it. With a concentrated
  902. effort, he lifts his hand. With it, his blood flows in reverse, the smear on
  903. your skin and the gently zig-zagging trails begin to congeal into a surprisingly
  904. gelatinous tendril that extends from the wound in his palm. Before long, it
  905. disappears into the wound, and the wound seals itself closed.
  908. You have emoted: Eleanor groans softly under her breath- she stirs, nuzzling
  909. your tail, and you can see a small drop of blood sitting in her nostril, likely
  910. to drip when she sits up, which looks like it will be soon, judging by the way
  911. her eyelids flutter. The breaking of the link seems not to have startled or
  912. pained her at all, and she seems to be waking normally.
  916. Akaryuterra murmurs to you, "Did you sleep well?"
  919. You have emoted: Eleanor half-opens her eyes, blinking sleepily- she props
  920. herself up, looking to you, and the drop of blood falls, making a crimson spot
  921. on the white of your tail.
  924. You murmur to Akaryuterra, "Znnh?"
  927. Akaryuterra murmurs to you, "You were sleeping, I thought maybe you might like
  928. company."
  930. You have emoted: Eleanor reaches up to rub at her eye, and a second drop of
  931. blood joins the first. "Oh," she mumbles, sitting properly upright.
  935. Akaryuterra reaches forward to stroke your cheek lightly - using his thumb, he
  936. smears the blood that trickles from your nose, disguising the motion as stroking
  937. gently at the corner of your lip. "Oh," he says, with mild surprise in his
  938. voice, "blood."
  941. You have emoted: Eleanor blinks, leaning back to look at your hand. "Blood?" You
  942. can still see hints of the confusion that had been a large part of her
  943. expressions before, but it's not quite as intense.
  947. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "I...I must have missed
  948. a spot when washing."
  950. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Forgive me."
  952. You say, "Why... is there blood... on you?"
  954. You have emoted: Eleanor stumbles over her sentence, frowning at herself as she
  955. picks out the right words for what she wants to ask.
  959. Akaryuterra reaches down and digs into the pouch at his side. "I hunted before I
  960. came home," he responds, his eyes and attention on the pouch at his side. From
  961. it, he draws a piece of cloth, "Here, let me wipe it off for you."
  964. You have emoted: Eleanor sits agreeably still, hands in her lap as she lets you
  965. fuss over her- if she realises the blood is her own, she shows no sign of it.
  969. Akaryuterra draws the piece of cloth across your upper lip, wiping it clean as
  970. he can - clumsily, he drops the cloth and it lands on your shirt. "Damn," he
  971. curses, reaching for it but failing to catch it.
  974. You have emoted: Luckily, the cloth falls blood-side up on Eleanor's gown- she
  975. carefully picks it up (a little clumsily, but well enough) and dabs at her lip
  976. herself, glancing at it now and then to see the blood. "Is it..." she pauses,
  977. brows drawing together, before finishing, "Away?"
  980. Akaryuterra looks you in the eyes and then scans your face. "Yeah, it's gone,
  981. yer clean."
  983. You have emoted: Eleanor smiles at you- it lacks a little of the unrestrained
  984. childish joy of earlier, but is no less sincere. "Ryotega," she says fondly,
  985. holding her arms out for a hug.
  989. Akaryuterra leans forward, spreading his arms - something glistens out of the
  990. corner of your eye just before he wraps his arms around you.
  993. You have emoted: Eleanor tilts her head, distracted by the glint she saw- still,
  994. she leans into the hug, nestling her head beneath your chin. "What's that?" she
  995. asks sleepily.
  999. Akaryuterra asks, his voice muffled slightly, "What was what?" He continues to
  1000. hold you in his arms, but leans back to look you in the eye again. Now you see
  1001. it, a trickle of liquid down his cheek - a tear.
  1004. You have emoted: Eleanor frowns, reaching up to lightly touch your cheek. She
  1005. hesitates, clearly considering her words, before finally asking, "Why do you
  1006. cry?"
  1010. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Been a while since I've
  1011. seen ya, y'know? I missed ya."
  1013. You have emoted: Eleanor strokes your cheek gently, still looking concerned.
  1014. "Was it that long? I can't tell."
  1018. Akaryuterra murmurs to you, "Sure as hell felt like it."
  1020. You have emoted: Eleanor leans up to you, pressing a soft kiss to your chin.
  1021. "I'm sorry," she murmurs, still caressing the side of your face.
  1025. Akaryuterra gives you a tight hug.
  1027. Akaryuterra murmurs to you, "I'm gettin' kinda tired, after huntin' an' shit."
  1029. You have emoted: Eleanor snuggles softly against you. "You will..." she trails
  1030. off, searching for the right word. She is quiet for several moments and you can
  1031. feel her growing a little distressed- finally, she settles for "...lie down
  1032. then?"
  1036. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "I was thinkin'a
  1037. restin'. D'ya want me ta lay down with ya fer a little bit first?"
  1039. You say, "...Rest. That's the word." She looks up at you, biting her lip gently.
  1040. "Please?"
  1042. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "C'mon then."
  1044. Akaryuterra slowly stands up and offers you a hand.
  1047. You have emoted: Eleanor stands as well- she looks a little unsteady though, and
  1048. as she straightens up she stumbles a little, falling against you softly.
  1052. You begin to follow Akaryuterra.
  1055. You follow Akaryuterra to the south.
  1056. A spacious bedroom.
  1057. -----
  1058. |
  1059. [ ]
  1061. -----
  1062. A large, fuzzy blanket lies here in soft folds. Dazzling the eye with intricate
  1063. weaves of blues and violets, a soft djeirani carpet covers the floor here. Laid
  1064. out here is a blanket of the night sky. A cheerfully-painted tin music box sits
  1065. here. A thick, grey, fur-lined robe lies here.
  1066. You see a single exit leading north(open).
  1068. Akaryuterra walks over to the bed and sits down. For a moment, he stares ahead,
  1069. at a featureless spot on the wall a he thinks. He soon shakes his head and lays
  1070. back, looking up to you.
  1073. You have emoted: Eleanor follows after you, a little uncoordinated but mostly
  1074. functioning as she should. It's clear that she saw your stare- she looks down at
  1075. you silently for a few moments before asking simply, "What?"
  1079. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "I was just thinking."
  1081. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Thinking about the next
  1082. time I will see you."
  1084. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, " happy it will
  1085. make me."
  1087. Akaryuterra gives a small smile - it seems genuine.
  1090. You have emoted: Eleanor hops up onto the bed, nestling by your side. "Why
  1091. thinking that when... I am here?" She stops after her sentence, frowning and
  1092. well aware of its poor structure.
  1095. Historian, Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Oh, I do not know. It
  1096. just came to me is all."
  1098. Akaryuterra turns to face you now and throws an arm over you, he smiles again
  1099. but buries his snout in your neck for comfort.
  1101. You have emoted: Eleanor wraps her arms softly over you, holding you close- she
  1102. is silent, probably thinking, though it's impossible to tell about what.
  1106. Akaryuterra gives you a peck on the cheek.
  1109. You murmur to Akaryuterra, "I love you."
  1112. Akaryuterra murmurs to you, "I love you too, Ks'iasanya."
  1114. You reach out and gently caress Akaryuterra.
  1116. Akaryuterra gives you a tight hug.
  1119. You murmur to Akaryuterra, "Are you going to rest?"
  1121. Akaryuterra murmurs to you, "Yeah. I think I will."
  1123. Akaryuterra murmurs to you, "You tired too?"
  1125. You murmur to Akaryuterra, "Yeah... head is sore."
  1127. Akaryuterra murmurs to you, "Love ya."
  1129. Akaryuterra gives you a tight hug.
  1131. Akaryuterra grows still and his lips begin to move silently.
  1133. You wrap your arms gently around Akaryuterra and hold him close in a tight hug.
  1135. The deepening dusk yields to impenetrable darkness as night claims the land.
  1137. Akaryuterra is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, his soul
  1138. safe until he returns to Aetolia.
  1146. And finally, to give this little time capsule some date reference:
  1148. (The Society): Osifer says, "Alpha Barborossa Nihm has just filled the vacant
  1149. position of Archon of Ashtan."
  1151. (The Society): Osifer says, " just keeps getting worse."
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