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Apr 24th, 2013
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  2. You are Scootaloo, and today is the day you and your friends, the cutie mark crusaders, get your cutie marks. Scootering through town, the wind flying through your mane, you dodge in and out between the hustle and bustle of Ponyville town square. You can hear “Hey!” and “Watch where you’re going!” being yelled at from behind as you continue to zip around. Occasionally, you do some tricks here and there. Unfortunately, you’re going a little slower than normal. As to why, well, your stomach has been acting up lately and you haven’t been able to go to the bathroom for a while. It’s kind of slowing down your ability to be awesome. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get your cutie mark today!
  4. Finally reaching your destination, you hop off of your scooter and prop it up against the base of the tree supporting the clubhouse. You flap your wings as hard as you can and propel yourself quickly up the ramp and into the clubhouse.
  5. “Hey Scootaloo!” a high pitched unmistakable voice calls out.
  6. “Hiya Scoots.” The southern drawl calls out as well.
  7. “Hey girls! Sorry I was so late.”
  8. Apple Bloom walks up to you, smiling.
  9. “It’s ok, I don think yer cutiemark is gunna be for bein on time anyways” she chuckles out.
  10. “Wonder what it would look like though? Maybe a watch?”
  11. “Oh, oh! It would look like a bunny holding a watch!”
  12. You turn to Sweetie Belle, “What’s that even supposed to mean?”
  13. She gives you a shrug “It doesn’t matter. What does matter is what we’re going to do today to get our cutie marks!”
  14. Apple Bloom moves her way back to the front of the clubhouse and in front of the podium.
  15. “I call to order the meeting of the cutie mark crusaders. First order of business, what’re we gunna do today to try n’ get our cutie marks?”
  17. “Oh! I know, I know!” Sweetie shouts while flailing her hooves about.
  18. “Yes Sweetie?”
  19. “We should go into town and look at what others do, and maybe give it a try. Who ever said there couldn’t be two ponies with the same talent?”
  20. “Excellent suggestion. Anything from you Scootaloo?”
  21. Both of their heads turn to look at you.
  22. “Sounds like a plan to me.”
  23. “Alrighty than.” Apple Bloom bangs a hammer that you didn’t even know she had on the podium. “This meeting is adjourned. Time to go get ourselves a cutie mark.”
  27. With that, the three of you make your way into town. The only problem is that you’re walking and it’s just making your stomach hurt more. Oh well, can’t just leave your buddies behind while you go flying off on your scooter. That’d be so uncool. You finally make it to the town with them and your pace slows down as you all look at different ponies hustling and bustling about the town square, going about their business. After a little bit of searching, Sweetie Belle stops and points to the spa.
  28. “Oh, what if our special talent is spa treatments?”
  29. You pipe up at that, not wanting to do anything to over the top, “Isn’t that a little too girly for me?”
  30. “Com’on Scoots, just ‘cause it might not be yer special talent doesn’t mean it can’t be ours.”
  31. Sweetie nods alongside her, “Yah, if you don’t want to try it, just let us use you as the test subject.”
  32. “Uhhhh, fine.” You reply with a little bit of distaste in your mouth.
  33. “Good, we’re gunna go grab the supplies, jus’ meet us at the clubhouse in a lil’ bit” Apple Bloom says as she waves you off with a hoof.
  34. The girls trot off in the direction of Rarity’s shop, probably to ask her a few questions about the spa. God, how Rarity liked the spa so much, you’d never know. Well, at least this would give you some time to try and make yourself feel a little better. With that, you begin your journey out of the town and back toward the clubhouse.
  36. Instead of taking the path that would normally lead you straight there, you take on that wanders a little closer to the Everfree forest. Everyone is too scared to go in there, so no one will probably follow you when you take a quick detour to try and do your business. It wouldn’t be this hard if you actually lived somewhere. You duck into some foliage and hide yourself behind a bush in the dim light. Moving your back legs into a slight squat, you begin to push, trying to void yourself of the irritating pain. You begin to feel a small trickle as you start to pee. Guess it’s time to try a little harder. RD wouldn’t give up on anything, so why should you?
  37. “Errrghh”, you grunt out and you push harder and hard, being rewarded by nothing.
  38. You take a moment to catch your breath and grit your teeth for the next push. Pushing the hardest you think you ever have, you’re at least rewarded with a small ‘fffrrrttt’ as you expel some gas. Looks like nothings coming today. Just going to have to wait for it to come itself. God this discomfort sucks. Looking around, you grab a few of the leaves off of some plants nearby to wipe where the pee dribbled on your leg and to clean your crotch as well. After you’re sure you cleaned up well enough, you trot back out the forest the way you went in and head to the clubhouse.
  39. “Where you been Scoots?”
  40. “Yeah, where?”
  41. Both the fillies are staring at you waiting for an answer. Can’t really tell them the truth, it’d be too embarrassing. Plus, you didn’t want them to know that you don’t currently have a home. That’d be even worse.
  42. “Oh, I uh, I just took a detour.” You stammer out nervously. “Yeah, just a little detour.”
  43. They both eye you suspiciously, inching closer. Suddenly, once it seems they couldn’t get any closer they both snap back to their original spots.
  45. “Sounds good to me” Apple Bloom declares.
  46. Looking around, you see that they have a kiddy pool, a few buckets of water, a small table, and a towel laying off to the side of the room.
  49. “R’ yah ready to get pampered?”
  50. You nod your head and they get right to work. First they tell you to lay down on the table, stomach down. As you settle yourself down onto the table, you can feel your slightly extended stomach keep you a little higher than you normally would be. You feel hooves begin to smack up and down on your body, sort of like karate chops. One smacks you right above where your stomach rests.
  51. “Ouch! Watch it, will yah.”
  52. “Sorry Scoots, I’ll let Sweetie give it a try.”
  53. A much softer touch comes as Sweetie begins to rub in a circular motion up and down your back. Now this is something you could get used to. She applies a little more pressure slowly.
  54. “Ok, flip over. It’s time for the other side.”
  55. You do as told and she begins to do the same on the front side. Her hooves reach your extended belly and begin to push down on it.
  56. “Ahhh! Don’t do that!” you shout at them.
  57. She pulls her hooves away immediately, “Why not? Is something wrong?”
  58. “I-I’m just not feeling that great, ok?”
  59. Apple Bloom comes up to you, helping you get off the table.
  60. “Why don’cha just tell us what’s wrong, maybe we can help.”
  61. Sweetie nods.
  62. “Yeah, who knows, maybe one of the two of us can get a doctor or a nurse cutie mark.”
  63. Didn’t really think of that either. Maybe they could help and if they got their cutie mark at the same time, that’d be awesome!
  64. “We-Well, I uh, I’m a little bit cons…” you trail off at the end of the sentence, embarrassed to say it.
  65. “Wut was that, couldn’t quite here yah.” Apple Bloom states as she leans in a little closer to try and hear you.
  68. “I’M CONSTIPATED!” you shout at her, your face turning beet red with embarrassment.
  69. “OHHHHH! Well, how come yah didn’t say so sooner. Taint nothin to be embarrassed about. Not yer fault.”
  70. “I-I dunno, I just didn’t want to talk about it.”
  71. “Ok, well, you just stay here and me n’ Sweetie’ll go see if we can get anything from Twilights tah help yah.”
  72. You nod, still coping with the idea that your friends just heard such a private thing about you. The time just flashes by as you wait for the girls to get back. Oddly, they come back with more than just a book. Seems like they have some food with them too.
  73. “What’s all that for?”
  74. They set the things down and usher you over to the small feast.
  75. “We were readin’ the book and it says that these things’ll help out for constipation.”
  76. Looking in front of you, you see pears, some whole grain bread, and some water.
  77. Sweetie moves up towards you and puts a hoof on your shoulder.
  78. “It says that pears and whole grains will help you, and that drinking more water is good too.”
  79. “Since we were getting food for you, we figured we’d get enough for all of us to have a snack.”
  80. All three of you sit down around the small banquet of food.
  81. “Thanks you guys.”
  82. After you all finish the food, the three of you head out of the clubhouse and down to the base of the tree.
  83. “Well, hopefully that’ll help yer little issue Scootaloo. If me er you get our cutie marks, we’ll know fer sure Sweetie.”
  84. “Yeah! I’ll see you girls later, Rarity is probably waiting for me to get home.”
  85. “Same with AJ.”
  86. “Ok, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
  88. With that, the two ponies gallop of in the directions of the home, leaving you at the base of the tree by yourself. Guess it’s time to set up for bed. You walk your way over to a nearby thicker spot of trees and retrieve your duffle bag of belongings and head back up into the clubhouse. Laying out your normal sleeping bag, you go over to the bucket of water that you always kept up here. After brushing your teeth, you make your way back to the bag and pull out a diaper. God, how you didn’t like having to use these, but you couldn’t risk another accident that had left a spot on the floor and had the girls questioning what happened. You lay the diaper down on the floor and sit down in it, the soft and warm feeling pressing against your bottom. After you lift the front and tape it up, you move your tail around and get it through the small hole in back. Well, at least that’s out of the way. You snuggle up into the blanket and close your eyes. Hopefully the food will work tomorrow. You drift off to slumber.
  90. You’re awoken to a small sound coming from under the top of the sleeping bag. Slowly and groggily with a few sharp pains from your stomach, you move your way out of the sleeping bag into a sitting position and realize what’s happening. The pee starts to soak into the padding as it just keeps flowing out of you. Really glad that you wore the diaper to bed, you sit there continuing to gush as the padding soaks it up, swelling on the back slightly. Another strong pain in the gut, almost like being punched really hard, hits you. Without even realizing it, you start pushing. The pee begins to slow, but the pain in your gut is so unbearable. You push harder and harder, a few ‘frtt’s and ‘pffts’ can be heard through the diaper.
  92. Suddenly, you feel your anus start to open slightly. The end of the pain tunnel is getting closer! You push harder and harder, grunting while doing so. After a few seconds, you can feel things moving down there. After a few more seconds of pushing, you feel it stop and become slightly annoyed. You can feel whatever huge thing is coming out of you is keeping your anus open. Realizing that you’re still sitting on your diaper, you list your butt into the air slightly. This helps tremendously, as you feel the poop begin its journey once again. After what feels like a lifetime, you feel something large drop into your diaper, making it sag considerably. But you’re far from done yet, pushing, your job becomes a little easier. You feel another piece coiling its way out of you, piling up in the diaper on top of the large lump that first came out. Pushing, you just feel the diaper growing heavier and heavier as a smell begins to permeate around the room. After a few more minutes of pooping, your body finally runs out. Panting, you relax and your butt drops to the ground. You feel the massive amount of poo smush up against you, the warmth spreading up and all around the diaper, seeping towards the front as well.
  93. “Ugh, gross!”
  94. Oh well, at least you finally got rid of that junk inside you that’s been there for a week and a half. Wow, that made you really tiered. Screw it, you’ll worry about changing tomorrow. You roll your way back towards the sleeping bag, feeling the squish of the overly full diaper against you the whole time. The stink has filled the whole room. You’ll just let it air out before class tomorrow. As you shuffle your way back into the sleeping bag, you can’t help but think that if it weren’t for the fact that it was poop and it stunk, the warmth from the diaper was pretty comfortable.
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