
FoE RPG G0-2 - #039

Jul 25th, 2015
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  1. [2015-07-11 21:12:44]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0-II: *Freedom's Price* - Session #039 starts now
  2. [2015-07-11 21:12:51]<SpiritOfFate> =======================================================
  3. [2015-07-11 21:14:13]* Ignis has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  4. [2015-07-11 21:15:17]* Ignis (androirc@Pony-0ph.t2n.103.189.IP) has joined
  5. [2015-07-11 21:16:03]* Full_Physical knocks on Doll's door
  6. [2015-07-11 21:17:53]<SpiritOfFate> Doll opens the door to her dim little house.
  7. [2015-07-11 21:18:52]<Full_Physical> "Hello Strong Doll, I haven't seen you in a while, how have your joints been feeling?"
  8. [2015-07-11 21:21:37]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh, hm, better." she says."They don't hurt now."
  9. [2015-07-11 21:23:26]<Full_Physical> "I'm glad. Anyway, I've spoken to Kabosu, and she's finished analyzing your tissue sample."
  10. [2015-07-11 21:26:35]<SpiritOfFate> Doll blinks at Full_Physical and keeps looking at him, it doesn't look like she understood what he meant.
  11. [2015-07-11 21:28:49]* Full_Physical looks over his shoulder for other ponies before turning back to Doll. "The discolored vein I removed from your body during your operation. Kabosu has finished examining it."
  12. [2015-07-11 21:29:46]<SpiritOfFate> "That's... good?" She says
  13. [2015-07-11 21:30:39]<Full_Physical> "I just came here to discuss what she learned about you, would you like me to come in?"
  14. [2015-07-11 21:39:00]* Ignis has quit (Connection closed)
  15. [2015-07-11 21:41:12]<SpiritOfFate> "Sure." She trots into the unlit house, making way for you.
  16. [2015-07-11 21:41:20]* Ignis (androirc@Pony-0ph.t2n.103.189.IP) has joined
  17. [2015-07-11 21:42:14]* Full_Physical follows her into the house and closes the door.
  18. [2015-07-11 21:43:55]<Full_Physical> "Now Strong Doll, did you say if you ever had a cutie mark?"
  19. [2015-07-11 21:48:43]<SpiritOfFate> "Me? No! I'm not 'cutie'." She frowns. She glances with worried eyes for a moment.
  20. [2015-07-11 21:49:58]<Full_Physical> "I'm sorry, are you not familiar with the term 'cutie mark?' "
  21. [2015-07-11 21:52:51]<SpiritOfFate> "I know what it is. It's what the stupid wimps get. But I'm better than that!"
  22. [2015-07-11 21:55:05]* Full_Physical cringes in an exaggerated manner. "I'll try not to take that personally. But do you know exactly what makes you better?"
  23. [2015-07-11 21:58:12]<SpiritOfFate> Doll pauses and blinks. "Uh, because I am!"
  24. [2015-07-11 22:00:31]<Full_Physical> "I see, and in the place where you lived before you came to this town, were there a lot of people who were better than these... 'stupid wimps,' as you call them?"
  25. [2015-07-11 22:02:29]<SpiritOfFate> "Yeah. They got cool marks." She nods
  26. [2015-07-11 22:03:29]<Full_Physical> "What can you tell me about these cool marks?"
  27. [2015-07-11 22:06:00]<SpiritOfFate> "They are cool, like, you know, cool stuff." She says
  28. [2015-07-11 22:07:27]<Full_Physical> "Cool stuff? Like what, bb guns? hatchets? monster trucks?"
  29. [2015-07-11 22:08:00]<SpiritOfFate> "Yeah!" She smiles.
  30. [2015-07-11 22:09:03]<Full_Physical> "Did you ever have one?"
  31. [2015-07-11 22:09:16]<SpiritOfFate> She shakes her head.
  32. [2015-07-11 22:11:43]<Full_Physical> "All right. When we first met, I believe you said that you met another doctor before meeting Chroma and I, and you had a series of needlemarks on your flank. Did this other doctor do that to you?"
  33. [2015-07-11 22:13:29]<SpiritOfFate> She shrinks a bit and nods weakly.
  34. [2015-07-11 22:14:02]* Swiss_Provolone heads to the Blackfeather camp to look for Jamal
  35. [2015-07-11 22:14:45]<Full_Physical> "And the darkly colored veins on your flank, do you remember if they were there before you met this doctor?"
  36. [2015-07-11 22:17:16]<SpiritOfFate> Doll shakes her head.
  37. [2015-07-11 22:17:58]<Full_Physical> "You don't remember?"
  38. [2015-07-11 22:19:37]<SpiritOfFate> "I don't think it was like that."
  39. [2015-07-11 22:21:07]<SpiritOfFate> There is some movement inside the building where Blackfeather has its HQ.
  40. [2015-07-11 22:22:11]* Swiss_Provolone knocks on the door to the Blackfeather HQ
  41. [2015-07-11 22:23:42]* DontAskForCookies ( has joined
  42. [2015-07-11 22:24:12]<SpiritOfFate> "-don't come in!" Jamal says from inside.
  43. [2015-07-11 22:25:22]* Swiss_Provolone raises an eyebrow, "It's Swiss, got a request from Lace. Something wrong in there?" he calls back
  44. [2015-07-11 22:26:36]<SpiritOfFate> "No, no. Don't worry."
  45. [2015-07-11 22:27:15]<Full_Physical> "I see. I suppose I should get to the point. After Kabosu examined the sample from your flank, she determined that those dark veinlike growths are producing chems."
  46. [2015-07-11 22:27:27]<SpiritOfFate> A sound of flapping wings comes from behind the building. The door is unlocked.
  47. [2015-07-11 22:28:10]* Swiss_Provolone looks behind the building to find the source of the flapping
  48. [2015-07-11 22:28:18]* Swiss_Provolone quietly, that is
  49. [2015-07-11 22:28:31]<SpiritOfFate> Doll blinks and looks at her flank. "Huh, weird."
  50. [2015-07-11 22:33:02]* DontAskForCookies is now known as Royal_Lace
  51. [2015-07-11 22:33:40]* Full_Physical begins ask a long droning series of droning questions involving burning heart palpatations, rust colored urination, electric shock sensations, etc.
  52. [2015-07-11 22:33:44]<SpiritOfFate> Swiss_Provolone spots a griffiness flying away.
  53. [2015-07-11 22:34:00]<Full_Physical> (scratch that)
  54. [2015-07-11 22:34:29]* Full_Physical begins to ask a long droning series of questions involving heart palpatations, rust colored urination, electric shock sensations, etc.
  55. [2015-07-11 22:35:39]* Swiss_Provolone shakes his head, walking back to the door and knocks again, "Still need a few minutes?" he asks
  56. [2015-07-11 22:36:41]<SpiritOfFate> Doll finds this moth flying around very interesting out of the sudden.
  57. [2015-07-11 22:36:43]* Royal_Lace Waits for Bubble popers repsonce to her request for the HawkDown Sample plate
  58. [2015-07-11 22:37:55]<SpiritOfFate> "No, come on in." Jamal says fro inside.
  59. [2015-07-11 22:40:23]* Swiss_Provolone steps inside, looking around, "Don't know why you're tryin' to hide that from me; not like I'm some young colt anymore - and neither are you for that matter." he says flatly
  60. [2015-07-11 22:43:09]* Ignis heads up towards Chroma's...currently dilapidated clinic, he had a nagging feeling he wouldn't be a dragon for much longer when the plan comes in motion.
  61. [2015-07-11 22:44:10]* Full_Physical looks at the moth. "How long has she been here?"
  62. [2015-07-11 22:47:55]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal deadpans. "Weeell... this is supposed to be our offices. We need at least to pretend there are some rules. I didn't invite you to watch either, so why did you need to interrupt us?"
  63. [2015-07-11 22:49:03]* Swiss_Provolone points back towards the labs, "Mrs. Lace wanted to know if you had an armourer on staff, someone who might be willin' to try out something experimental." he answers
  64. [2015-07-11 22:50:24]<SpiritOfFate> One of the lab workers brings Royal_Lace a hawkdown plate. Somewhere Hawkeye is very embarassed that there is an alloy with her name and she didn't even die for it.
  65. [2015-07-11 22:53:20]<SpiritOfFate> "We have one just good enough to keep our equipment from falling apart. What is the idea?" Jamal asks
  66. [2015-07-11 22:53:58]<SpiritOfFate> "Since last afternoon." Doll says to Full_Physical
  67. [2015-07-11 22:54:35]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly's mother goes to her home to fetch her father so they all can work on the robot
  68. [2015-07-11 22:54:36]* Swiss_Provolone shrugs, "Heck if I know. Not like I understand much of what the boss has cookin' up in that place. Just know she needs someone to work on something is all."
  69. [2015-07-11 22:54:45]* Royal_Lace smiles and lifts the alloy plate to inspect it, checking it for corrosion or any visible signs of degration. "Lovely thank you, last time we used this compoud was to augment that beast of a robot they have at the garage, I am thinking about putting it to use again. Do you remember when we first stumbled upon this last year? Quite by accident during our work on the Arch Angel project"
  70. [2015-07-11 22:56:32]* Firefly walks with her mother, skipping along. Huzzah for family projects!
  71. [2015-07-11 22:58:57]<SpiritOfFate> "It was a great finding" The lab worker says
  72. [2015-07-11 23:01:39]<SpiritOfFate> "I will tell them to go meet her." Jamal says to Swiss_Provolone
  73. [2015-07-11 23:02:46]<SpiritOfFate> Solar Fury leaves the house carrying a toolbox. "Are you going to call t"
  74. [2015-07-11 23:03:07]* Swiss_Provolone nods, "I'll let her know. How've things been on this end of town? I know Tamaras been hard at work trying to whip her ponies into shape." he asks Jamal
  75. [2015-07-11 23:03:09]<SpiritOfFate> "that filly to help you?"
  76. [2015-07-11 23:03:49]* Ignis heads up towards the new and (hopefully) lasting clinic that was set up for Chroma, entering it calm as ever and looking for the mare herself.
  77. [2015-07-11 23:04:03]* Royal_Lace grins and taps it with a hoof, "heh, I know, about the only thing we could find that wouldnt melt from the exaust of our experimental engines. Good thing to, will be nice to put it to use agian with a new project. I should be meeting with a armoror today to see about using it for a new design"
  78. [2015-07-11 23:05:53]<Full_Physical> "As for the chems, you metabolism seems to be accelerated, so you might get hungry faster than other ponies and chems won't affect you for as long, and you seemed to be having a little trouble focusing, although that could just be me boring you. But other than that, you seem fine. Any concerns regarding your health?"
  79. [2015-07-11 23:06:13]<Firefly> "Doll? No, she's been busy with some medical things." She shrugs. "Why?"
  80. [2015-07-11 23:06:14]<SpiritOfFate> "We are trying to stay afloat. We take some armed escort missions when not helping the town, but it's hardly a goldmine. As far as the location goes, it has been calmer than before. There isn't much to do sometimes." Jamal smirks.
  81. [2015-07-11 23:07:24]<SpiritOfFate> "She helped you with your robots before, wasn't it?" Solar Fury says
  82. [2015-07-11 23:08:33]<SpiritOfFate> 6"I'm good." Doll smiles to Full_Physical.
  83. [2015-07-11 23:09:06]* Swiss_Provolone nods, "Well, hopefully things don't get too exicitng 'round here." he replies, heading back to Royal_Lace's lab
  84. [2015-07-11 23:10:30]* Full_Physical smiles back. "All right, in that case, I should be leaving. Come and find me if you need anything."
  85. [2015-07-11 23:13:35]* Firefly shakes her head. "A little bit. She was doing some of the heavier lifting."
  86. [2015-07-11 23:14:57]<SpiritOfFate> "Alright. Lets get to it." Falling Snow says, leading them to the garage.
  87. [2015-07-11 23:18:29]<Full_Physical> "Oh, and leave the curtains open a little bit now and then, the light will be good for you."
  88. [2015-07-11 23:19:03]<SpiritOfFate> "Do I have to?" Doll frowns
  89. [2015-07-11 23:19:09]* Royal_Lace begins to get things together, writing down the comonets needed to creat the alloy and laying out the tools needed to start sketching and blue printing, she taps a hoof to her muzzle and tries to remember if there are any pony forms around she could use.
  90. [2015-07-11 23:19:10]* Firefly follows behind, happily humming a tune.
  91. [2015-07-11 23:19:55]<Full_Physical> "Not necessarily, but the light isn't so bad once you get used to it."
  92. [2015-07-11 23:19:55]* Swiss_Provolone walks back to Royal_Lace, "The armourer will be here in a little while ma'am, aparently they're in high demand." he informs her
  93. [2015-07-11 23:22:42]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis soon arrives at the new clinic building.
  94. [2015-07-11 23:22:43]* Royal_Lace nods to Swiss as she continues to clean off of a work space and sett out what they may need, "Oh excellent", she pauses and tilts her head one wan then another... not a traditional pony form but hey, a body is a body. "Mind staying to help us? I know little of armor myself and having a model may be of use to us. Im not really sure"
  95. [2015-07-11 23:24:22]* Ignis negotiates his way around the patiens and whatever paraphernalia to reach Chroma herself, treading behind the mare and hugging her from behind, affably so. "So, we've been giving you too much work?" He asks.
  96. [2015-07-11 23:24:45]* Swiss_Provolone raises an eyebrow, "Sure ma'am, what do you need?" he asks, "It ain't another one of yer spells is it?"
  97. [2015-07-11 23:25:53]<SpiritOfFate> Chroma smiles and nuzzles Ignis. "Lace found some ponies to help me. Setting everything up is still taking some work, but I can handle it."
  98. [2015-07-11 23:26:55]* Royal_Lace shakes her head, "No I shouldnt think so no, I just think the more hooves the better, besides you know the pratical aplication of armor better than me"
  99. [2015-07-11 23:28:26]* Ignis gives a sheepish nod...looked like Lace got things covered up pretty nicely. "Should be good on the long run...and what about the meds? You've decently stocked or you need something special?" The dragon questions, lacing that question with a little smooch on her cheek.
  100. [2015-07-11 23:28:28]* Swiss_Provolone chuckles, "Suppose I know how to use it and how to beat it, if thats what you're implying."
  101. [2015-07-11 23:30:09]<Full_Physical> "Just think about it. See you around Doll."
  102. [2015-07-11 23:30:10]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly and his family get to the giant robot. "Well, it isn't very aerodynamic." Falling Snow says, looking up and down at it. "But we'll see what we can do."
  103. [2015-07-11 23:30:27]<SpiritOfFate> "See you." Doll says
  104. [2015-07-11 23:31:53]* Full_Physical leaves Doll's house and heads on over to Tamara's place
  105. [2015-07-11 23:32:20]* Royal_Lace nods, "It is in fact, the only suit i have ever owned of it was the one I lent to you before, still needs repairs as a matter of fact, but Ill handle that some other day"
  106. [2015-07-11 23:32:49]* Firefly nods. "I marked what I thought was the problem on the robot. She flies ok, just... it rattles."
  107. [2015-07-11 23:33:38]* Swiss_Provolone scratches his head, "Well, it came back in relatively good shape, all things considered."
  108. [2015-07-11 23:35:34]<SpiritOfFate> "There might be some loose parts. We can fix that" Solar smiles to Firefly
  109. [2015-07-11 23:36:39]* Royal_Lace smiles, "And you with it, wich is also good"
  110. [2015-07-11 23:36:44]* Firefly smiles and nods. "Yeah! Let's get to it!" Firefly puts on her overalls and gets to work.
  111. [2015-07-11 23:36:45]<SpiritOfFate> "We are managing it. Those meds you scavenged helped." Chroma smiles to Ignis.
  112. [2015-07-11 23:37:36]<SpiritOfFate> Full_Physical soon arrives to Tamara's camp.
  113. [2015-07-11 23:39:05]* Full_Physical looks for Tamara
  114. [2015-07-11 23:39:13]* Ignis grins. "I'm glad you're handling...we miiight have another crisis on our hands soon, it doesn't hurt to be prepared." The dragon remarks. "And I might be turned into something other than a dragon...again..."
  115. [2015-07-11 23:40:26]* Swiss_Provolone "Mostly in one piece, less whole than I would've liked."
  116. [2015-07-11 23:41:26]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara is watching over a group of mudponies shooting at targets
  117. [2015-07-11 23:42:22]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh, is something wrong?" Chroma asks. "Not that I mind you in any way."
  118. [2015-07-11 23:43:29]<Ignis> "We might have a situation in our hooves soon..." The dragon sighs. "Someone stirred the dogs and now they're howling for retribution."
  119. [2015-07-11 23:44:17]* Full_Physical approaches Tamara "Hello Tamara, how are the troops looking?"
  120. [2015-07-11 23:45:22]<SpiritOfFate> Chroma's eyes widen. "Do you think they will attack us? Where are you staying? Is it safe? Do you think we can ask Tamara for more guards here?"
  121. [2015-07-11 23:46:11]* Royal_Lace nods, "As for what this is for, Ill review, im considering assembling a task force to send out and build good will, maybe convice other settements to allow Nebulous bildings to open of or to at least accept we here at the Mound are not what the dogs say we are. Imagine, a group outfitited with teh best we can offer, out there solving problems and helping ponies"
  122. [2015-07-11 23:46:13]* Royal_Lace smiles
  123. [2015-07-11 23:47:28]<Ignis> "Maybe in a bit over a week if we can't defuse...the conditions that would enable them." he nods. "I'm still discussing with Lace for a plan to foil them...might be worthwhile to strike first..."
  124. [2015-07-11 23:47:59]<SpiritOfFate> "With some work, by the end of the week they might be able to hit something." Tamara says loudly, then turns to Full_Physical. "But what is the matter"
  125. [2015-07-11 23:48:39]<SpiritOfFate> The ponies actually seem to be able to hit the targets well enough
  126. [2015-07-11 23:48:56]* Swiss_Provolone nods, "Sounds like a great idea ma'am. Just... don't make me do any of the talkin'. I ain't great at convincin' ponies to do things. Best I can do is make 'em stop doin' things." he replies
  127. [2015-07-11 23:49:17]<Full_Physical> "We're holding three troubled fillies prisoner, and I can't figure out how to deal with them. How are they holding up?"
  128. [2015-07-11 23:52:18]* Royal_Lace nods, "Im sure we could find some willing ponies eager to help, any idea where we could start looking for new hires?"
  129. [2015-07-11 23:53:53]<SpiritOfFate> "They already learned not to throw their food at the guards, but I am not a foalsitter, all I can do is to keep them locked away from trouble." Tamara says
  130. [2015-07-11 23:55:26]<Full_Physical> "Oh, that bad, huh? Can you tell if they've been cooperating with Chroma's treatments?"
  131. [2015-07-11 23:55:27]* Swiss_Provolone tilts his head, "Other than from your labs, maybe that doc buck thats ya brought on board?" he suggests
  132. [2015-07-11 23:58:54]<SpiritOfFate> "They make a point not to listen to anyone. They don't seem to get the rules are different here." Tamara says
  133. [2015-07-12 00:00:11]<Full_Physical> "I see. So what is it that normal children do in this town? Is there a school, or do they work in the scrapyard or something?"
  134. [2015-07-12 00:00:22]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly and her parents work on the mech, she easily opening the hull as she was the most familiar with it.
  135. [2015-07-12 00:01:55]<SpiritOfFate> "One of the foreign ponies teaches informally, but we don't have an actual school set up."
  136. [2015-07-12 00:02:01]* Firefly uses her wrench and pop pop pop goes the hull. Easily done!
  137. [2015-07-12 00:02:38]<SpiritOfFate> Chroma looks worried at Ignis. "Just... take care."
  138. [2015-07-12 00:02:43]* Royal_Lace considers, "What rolls do we need filled, someone who can talk, someone to heal... and of course ponies to guard the rest, oh and some trained staff. I dont want just a band of hired killers, I invision a group that can SOLVE problems, not just by shooting but identifying problems and fixing them"
  139. [2015-07-12 00:03:55]* Swiss_Provolone chuckles, "Seems right up your alley then. Why not join up yourself?" he asks
  140. [2015-07-12 00:05:32]<Full_Physical> "But the local children don't learn from this foreign pony regularly?"
  141. [2015-07-12 00:06:55]* Ignis nods slowly, as if he took a bit to treasure that thought. "I'll do that..." He says, having a faraway gaze on his semblance. When he focus again on the mare, he whispers to her. "No matter what happens,I love you."
  142. [2015-07-12 00:09:14]* Royal_Lace rolls eyes, "Please, Im hardly an adventurer, I am just a somewhat clever pony who is frankly a bit of a workaholic. Besides, I have a family, and as much as I would love to just teleport from one town to the next my wife would not appreciate it very much if i did so, Besides there is also Minty to worry about"
  143. [2015-07-12 00:11:30]* Swiss_Provolone nods, "Fair enough ma'am. So what were you thinking for that armour? Something original, or an upgrade to some existing one?" he asks
  144. [2015-07-12 00:14:48]<SpiritOfFate> Solar Fury checks the insides of the robot. "This might be it. You might have to change the oil."
  145. [2015-07-12 00:15:07]* Royal_Lace "Well we will see what is even possible before making to many hard plans, shall we?"
  146. [2015-07-12 00:17:30]* Firefly blinks. "Really? That was the problem?"
  147. [2015-07-12 00:20:28]* Swiss_Provolone "Suppose so." he replies, "Don't work yourself too hard, chances are it'll bite you in the tail later."
  148. [2015-07-12 00:20:28]<SpiritOfFate> "We will need to try and test it. This machine is one-of-a-kind after all." Solar Fury says
  149. [2015-07-12 00:20:47]* Firefly smiles and nods. "So I get to fly it again, right?"
  150. [2015-07-12 00:21:19]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara nods to Full_Physical. "He also works on construction and repairs."
  151. [2015-07-12 00:22:30]<SpiritOfFate> "Only if you are careful. Flying machines is much harder." Firefly's father says
  152. [2015-07-12 00:22:38]* Royal_Lace sighs, "It cant be helped"
  153. [2015-07-12 00:23:13]<SpiritOfFate> "I love you too." CHroma whispers back, holding Ignis tightly
  154. [2015-07-12 00:24:23]* Swiss_Provolone shakes his head, "You know it can. Things might be tough, but ya've got plenty of people here to back you up. Don't go and miss the important things 'cause you were always working. Got me?" he replies sternly
  155. [2015-07-12 00:25:56]* Royal_Lace waves a hoof, "I have already said I wouldnt be going out and adventuring, now the least I can do is run my lab to the best of my abillity"
  156. [2015-07-12 00:26:34]<Full_Physical> "I see. I don't suppose anyone here is trained as a social worker, or a probation officer or something?"
  157. [2015-07-12 00:28:35]* Ignis presses his face to her cheek, feeling...touched. The dragon was, deep down, a sensible soul. After what feels like a lifetime, he breaks the embrace. "I'll see to it, I promise I'll be careful." He speaks before parting with the mare, leaving her clinic and treading up towards NL to talk to the headmare...and the one who did the magic.
  158. [2015-07-12 00:28:51]* Swiss_Provolone nods, "Just keep what I said in mind."
  159. [2015-07-12 00:29:18]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara ponders. "Most here are ex-slaves and outcasts, but I don't know if anyone worked with that before."
  160. [2015-07-12 00:31:36]* Firefly nods. "I flew it before. It's ok... not very responsive."
  161. [2015-07-12 00:32:30]* Royal_Lace nods her head, "I will keep it in mind"
  162. [2015-07-12 00:34:39]<Full_Physical> "I see. Would you mind if I go to see them some time? Try to figure out what they want?"
  163. [2015-07-12 00:37:20]<SpiritOfFate> "The fillies?" Tamara asks
  164. [2015-07-12 00:37:42]<Full_Physical> "Yes, them."
  165. [2015-07-12 00:38:38]<SpiritOfFate> "Feel free. Just be careful, they can be... irritating." Tamara says
  166. [2015-07-12 00:39:16]<Full_Physical> "That's fine, I can handle irritating."
  167. [2015-07-12 00:40:15]<SpiritOfFate> "Do you have oil?" Firefly's parent asks her
  168. [2015-07-12 00:43:22]<Firefly> "Maybe? If I don't, Miss Lace might." She nods.
  169. [2015-07-12 00:45:06]<SpiritOfFate> "Once we change it, we can test again." Solar Fury smiles
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