

Apr 16th, 2016
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  1. Mary seems to be surprised for a moment and then, nods "Yes I had fun, even if it was a bit surprising I have to say . And I think I want to come back again ."
  2. Mary nods and then afte a second adds something
  3. Mary "That is if you want me around for that.."
  5. IcePickLobotomy Time: Breakfast.
  6. IcePickLobotomy Location: Pilot Housing.
  7. =-= Pale_Wolf is now known as Arina
  8. IcePickLobotomy Artyom adds a few more pancakes to the platter before setting them at the table, along with jam, syrup, butter, and fresh strawberries. Several thick cuts of ham, still steaming, sit beside them.
  9. RobinE "Thanks Artyom,"
  10. Reagan hums excitedly.
  11. IcePickLobotomy "You're quite welcome."
  12. Arina smiles. "It looks delicious."
  13. Reagan putting food on her plate, "C'mon now kids."
  14. Arina chuckles, setting to. "It is there for a reason."
  15. JohnH piles ham on his plate. Ham and nothing else
  16. Kasra "John, you really should have something other than meat."
  17. JohnH replies through a mouthful of ham "Shut your commie mouth"
  18. JohnH finishes and quietly says "no offense"
  19. Kasra drops strawberries on Johns plate. "Red for communism, or red for red-blooded american?
  20. Arina coughs into a hand between mouthfuls. "Could at least save that one for the actual communist."
  21. Reagan "Now now--McCarthy's been dead for a while now Mr. Hunter, best not disturb him."
  22. Kasra places a strawberry on Arina's plate. "Contemplate."
  23. JohnH backhands a strawberry towards Kasra "You would try sharing the wealth, wouldn't you"
  24. Kasra " know I'm not a communist don't you?"
  25. IcePickLobotomy Walker emerges from the bathroom, tiredly rubbing at her eyes. She plops down at her seat and quickly grabs a plate plied high with food-stuffs. "Mornin' ."
  26. Arina chuckles, and pops the strawberry in her mouth to contemplate it carefully.
  27. Arina "Good morning, Comrade Walker."
  28. RobinE quietly spreads jam on her pancakes, folds them, and eats them like a taco.
  29. Kasra "That is the sort of efficiency I'd expect from you, Robin. Well done."
  30. JohnH "Communists like effiency, don't they"
  31. JohnH glares at Kasra and stuffs another slice of ham into his face
  32. IcePickLobotomy "John, eat some vegetables." She slides some straw-berries onto John's plate.
  33. Reagan "Were that a vegetable.
  34. Reagan "
  35. Reagan trails off.
  36. Kasra "It's vegetation."
  37. JohnH "Yes ma'am, but these aren't vegetables"
  38. IcePickLobotomy "Eat the strawberries then. Whatever the hell they are, thank you Kasra."
  39. JohnH eats a single strawberry, then slides the rest back onto Kasra's plate
  40. Kasra "Walker, is there something wrong that you can talk about?"
  41. IcePickLobotomy "Nothing wrong per say, but the program is going public today."
  42. Arina nods. "That will be exciting, to say the least."
  43. Kasra "Oh...that.I'm sure it will be fine."
  44. RobinE "/fun/" Robin throws out sarcastically.
  45. Arina "Well, for most of you your identities will still be quite secret."
  46. JohnH "Most of us?"
  47. IcePickLobotomy "Arina is going to help by being the public face of the pilot corps."
  48. Arina nods, winking slightly. "I'll make a good impression for you."
  49. Kasra "May I ask why Arina, in particular?"
  50. IcePickLobotomy "She's received training in handling the public. That said, if any of you would also like to go public we'd appreciate that, but we won't force any of you into doing so."
  51. IcePickLobotomy "It happened to mesh well with her initial schooling before we identified her as a candidate."
  52. Reagan "Well, I'm a little surprised I wasn't asked." She glances up at Walker while she cuts her pancakes.
  53. JohnH "It would be nice to see a face representing more than just one country"
  54. IcePickLobotomy "We didn't expect the issue to be addressed as soon as it did. We'd hoped to build up a few more Intruder kills to try and lessen the blow of our pilot's age."
  55. Kasra "No, I was just wondering." Kasra seems mildly perturbed, but quickly puts up a smile. "I don't think I'd do very well if any reporters were like that interviewer after all!"
  56. RobinE "who?"
  57. Arina "There would be a few, yes."
  58. Kasra "There was unpleasant person at our debriefing, Robin. I let them get to me."
  59. RobinE "eh, it happens."
  60. Kasra "Well, that doesn't mean it should." He seems a little indignant before his expression softens. "But...thanks."
  61. IcePickLobotomy "Indeed. We're planning for a simple press debrief. Arina, I'd like you, and anyone else who doesn't mind going public, to join as well. You won't need to say anything, if we allow any interactions between you and the press it will happen in a more controlled envioment."
  62. RobinE "no thanks."
  63. IcePickLobotomy "I will warn you that your identies will probably be become known even if you don't based on your association and housing." She shrugs helplessly "There isn't much we can do on that front."
  64. IcePickLobotomy *don't go public
  65. JohnH "What are the benefits of going public?"
  66. IcePickLobotomy ". . . You get international fame and acclaim." Walker says drily.
  67. JohnH ."
  68. Arina "It helps."
  69. JohnH "Being famous is fine. But does it help us out?"
  70. JohnH but how does*
  71. Arina "You mean the program as a whole?"
  72. JohnH "The program, but also the people? I came here to serve my country, and being famous doesn't seem like a helpful duty"
  73. IcePickLobotomy Walker shrugs and motions to Arina to field that question.
  74. Kasra "Agreed, John. But civilians like their face appeal. Many war heroes have had to play the show-pony to get the people to support the war.
  75. JohnH turns to Arina "Do I have face appeal?"
  76. Arina "We are public. There's only so hidden giant robots, giant monsters, and the nuclear weapons used to fight them can be."
  77. Arina "So the program has to engage with the public and manage public relations to keep people informed and keep their morale up."
  78. Kasra "She means to say yes, John, I'm sure."
  79. Arina "I was answering Kasra's question actually. To John's... 0x1dhmmmm0x1d..." She ponders for an inordinately long period of time.
  80. Kasra "That means yes."
  81. Arina (I am a derp. She was answering John's 0x1dfirst0x1d question, not his second one)
  82. RobinE "Is that press thing today?"
  83. IcePickLobotomy "It is."
  84. Arina "Reagan, if you're interested we can 0x1dprobably0x1d get you up to speed quickly enough."
  85. JohnH "So thats a no to my face?" John looks mildly let down
  86. Reagan blinks and looks up from her plate. "Oh.."
  87. Arina "Still thinking about it, John."
  88. Reagan laughs and waves her hand. "I suppose, only if you'd think METI trusts me to do the job right." She laughs again.
  89. =-= scya is now known as Mary
  90. Mary calls out the noise of the freshly unearthed zombie as she shuffles with red eyes into the kitchen clearly on auto pilot in her PJs nearly running into the doorway ...and missing that her twop two buttons are open.
  91. RobinE "Since I'm not gonna go to the press thing, can I say here?"
  92. Kasra jumps up to guide her into his now vacant seat and ties a napkin around her neck, deftly, concealing her oversight.
  93. Arina "Ah, good morning, Mary."
  94. Mary tries to defend herself, and fails with her groaning shuffling flayling, not quite quallifying for being a extra in Thriller.
  95. Reagan coughs into strawberries.
  96. Mary groans as a answer before it finally turns into a "mrorng"
  97. Kasra "And good morning to you!" Settling into his normal spot, it's very obvious that this is all a well-practiced maneuver by now.
  98. Mary thumps as she hits the the table with her forehead
  99. Arina picks Mary's head out of her food. "Kasra, could you pass a napkin?"
  100. Kasra passes a hand towel from the counter top.
  101. Mary "urgh..megan did not let me sleep."
  102. Kasra "Mary, maybe somebody else could take care of Meagan for a bit, let you catch up, you know? Somebody like..."
  103. Kasra "Well, she and Reagan get along pretty well, right?"
  104. Arina wipes up Mary's face. "Well, this isn't too busy a day for you, so you can rest a bit, but try not to rest in your food."
  105. Mary "..maybe?"
  106. Mary leaves it open what exactly she is reacting to
  107. Reagan "Do you need my help with the rascal, then?"
  108. Mary "She is getting a new tooth I think.."
  109. Reagan "Ohh now that's the worst. Have you tried whiskey at all?"
  110. Arina "... Reagan, I know I'm Russian but that's a baby."
  111. JohnH "So I can't go drink, but we can get the baby drunk?"
  112. JohnH "Europe is weird."
  113. Kasra "I think Mary is underage. Besides, drinking herself to sleep is probably worse than not getting much sleep."
  114. Reagan "You just rub it on their gums, is all. Not gonna give the poor girl a shot."
  115. RobinE "A bit of whisky never hurt anyone."
  116. IcePickLobotomy "No, you put a little whiskey in the bottle to numb the gums." Hanna says as she sliped into the room holding Meagan.
  117. JohnH "Not gonna give her a shot? Poor girl indeed"
  118. IcePickLobotomy "As a note, you shouldn't do that." She adds
  119. Reagan "What, no whiskey at all? You're kiddin me!"
  120. Reagan "It's proven ta work!"
  121. Arina hums. "That sounds like an... interesting... remedy."
  122. IcePickLobotomy Hannan narrows her eyes at at Reagan. Reagan you feel the temprature drop several degrees. "Do not give the baby whiskey, or any other alcohol for that matter."
  123. IcePickLobotomy "Besides," She reaches into the medicine cabnet and retries some pain-relief gel "You can just dab some of this on the gums. It's safer and made for infants."
  124. IcePickLobotomy *Retrieves
  125. Kasra " that a good idea?"
  126. Kasra "A pain killer? On a baby?"
  127. IcePickLobotomy She holds up the label, which has a smilling baby on the cover and the note "For Infant Use" on it. "I'm rather sure."
  128. Mary "Not pain killer its like.. the stuff that you put on your muscles when you overwork.."
  129. Mary "But thanks for trying to help Reagan and Kasra , thanks for your concern."
  130. Mary offers both of them a sleepy smile
  131. IcePickLobotomy "Mary, program is going public today. You can join the press conference if you're like, or keep your identity confidential, however I will war you that it will probably get found out anyways due to your association with the other pilots."
  132. Mary was about to stand up but as she hears that she slips and cracks down nearly taking the chair with her.
  133. IcePickLobotomy Artyom comes back into the kitchen, he glances at Mary "Reagan, mail for you." He drops a large envelope into Reagan's lap.
  134. |<-- Mary has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  135. -->| scya ( has joined #TSWIC
  136. Reagan reads the front of the letter and smiles at everyone. "Please excuse me." She gets up from the table and goes to her room.
  137. =-= scya is now known as Mary
  138. Mary "Sorry.. lost my footing there for a moment."
  139. Kasra "...wonder what that was?"
  140. IcePickLobotomy Walker helps Mary back into her seat. "It was from her family." Artyom says.
  141. Arina nods. "Nice to hear from them, then."
  142. Kasra "That's great! I was starting to worry that they didn't talk to her much."
  143. Kasra "Oh, that reminds me, John, how's your family? Talked to them lately?"
  144. Arina pats Mary's hand as she gets back into her seat. "It's fine. You don't have to go up in front of anyone."
  145. Kasra "Don't worry about it Mary, we'll just stay here and watch TV or something."
  146. Mary "I think I am staying out of the spotlight there.."
  147. Kasra "Yeah, it's not for everyone. Let the pop-stars and politicians have their fun."
  148. IcePickLobotomy "Right, everyone who's going to the press conference, get your formal uniforms on. Everyone else, you can stay home for today if you'd rather ride out the worst of school until after the news breaks."
  149. Arina nods, standing up from the table. "Thank you for breakfast, Artyom, it was wonderful."
  150. Kasra "Oh, well...I guess I should go to school. Heh, I forgot it was a week day/
  151. Reagan /me walks back into the kitchen, fixing her hair. "Oh right, of course. Yall ready to get out the door?"
  152. Arina "More or less. Planning on coming?"
  153. Reagan "Yes I think I will! When do we depart?"
  154. Kasra "Well, John. Decision time. Will you be going with to have your picture taken?"
  155. Mary "I. I think I am staying home today.."
  156. JohnH "No. There is no need to be popular. Not to mention that we'll all be famous soon enough"
  157. Kasra "Well, I guess I'm going to school. I'll take notes for everyone who won't be there. Robin, Mary, John, are you ready?
  158. RobinE "your going to school? why not take the day off?"
  159. Mary smiles a bit brittle. "And so I can evade the attack of the Devil Woman."
  160. Kasra "Well...because those guys aren't going to school. Somebody has to keep track of what they misse-wait. Are you guys not going either?"
  161. RobinE "hey, Walker said we could stay home. Might as well."
  162. IcePickLobotomy "It may be a bit of a mad-house today, so might be best to wait it out." Walker shrugs "But it's just a option."
  163. Kasra "I, uh. I don't have a class with all of you, so I don't think I could keep notes for all of you, but I could...yeah, I can at least get your homework and stuff."
  164. RobinE "Kasra, its only one day. We can /all/ get our stuff later.
  165. Kasra "Well, does anybody...anybody want to go into town? Tag along until I head into school on my own? Ha."
  166. IcePickLobotomy Kasra: somewhere in the back of your mind. . . you get a bad feeling about this
  167. RobinE "why not just *join* us."
  168. JohnH "I'll go with you Kasra, if nobody else does"
  169. Mary "Well if john goes you are not all alone. And he can take notes for Reagan and me"
  170. Kasra "No, no, I uh, I understand. Enjoy your day off, it might be fun to go on my own." There's a wavering smile.
  171. Kasra "A-and it's not like John and I share many classes so that wouldn't really do anything. Take a day off! You've all earned it!"
  172. RobinE "haven't you too?"
  173. JohnH "At the very least we can hit the city before class"
  174. Kasra "Wwellll, not really, no. I don't think so. And besides, someone ought to go. Yeah, if you guys want to go out, you can."
  175. RobinE "Alright," Robins voice trails off as she heads to her room.
  176. Kasra "Thank you though, Robin!"
  177. JohnH "So just you and me then?" Directed at Kasra
  178. RobinE 's head pops out of her room, "someone's gotta tell you to relax."
  179. Kasra "I guess so, thanks guys. At least I'll see you at gym? Or were you just going into town?"
  180. JohnH "Anywhere but here. Not enough testosterone without you." John hopes Artyom didn't hear that
  181. Mary "Well, that would require a removal of the stick for the two of them, And I am not putting my hands in there."
  182. Mary "Well I wish all of you good luck with the TV spot. I know you two can do it "
  183. Mary smiles at Reagan & Arina
  184. Reagan "Aww, thank you darlin." She hugs Mary.
  185. Arina smiles. "Thanks for the vote of confidence. Enjoy the show!"
  186. RobinE returns from her room with a notebook and goes to sit by a window.
  187. Mary returns the hug of course and will also give one to the russian girl prior to them heading off.
  188. Kasra "We'd better get going, I guess. Good luck everyone!" Kasra is inexplicably ready to head out the door and very eager to do so
  189. Reagan "Thank you Mr. Nariman!"
  190. JohnH follows behind
  191. Arina "Thank you, see you all later."
  192. Mary will then a good while later leave and rejoin the room, meagan resting against her and she makes herself comfortable on the couch spreading out over it
  193. RobinE "Hey Mary?"
  194. Mary "Yeah?"
  195. RobinE "do you think they will be fine at the school? It's gonna get crazy."
  196. Mary "Well, I did not want to deal with it . And well Both of them should be used to media. Arina is doing her musical tours so she knows fans and with Reagans Family I would think that she has learned to deal with the media."
  197. RobinE "No I mean Kasra and John."
  198. Mary "Well, John is hanging out more with Kasra then with us girls so he might escape a bit there but with how we sometimes tend to bulk up at lunch they might assume that we know about each other..
  199. RobinE "hmm," Robin ponders to herself as she goes back to writing in her notebook.
  200. Mary "I just hope that they won't start to ask us for details... or some idotic herd of boys that tries to use us to get a date with them... the ones that try to do so are bad enough"
  201. Mary twitches with one of her eyebrows as she recalls a particular classmate.
  202. Mary "What do you think RobinE ?"
  203. RobinE "About John and Kasra?" She looks up from her notebook.
  204. Mary "And how the others will deal with the fame of Reagan and Arina
  205. RobinE "I don't know. Those two are tough, I think they will be fine, but..."
  206. RobinE "Well, I don't expect everyone to just act normal. But I'm not sure how crazy it will get."
  207. IcePickLobotomy Mary: Meagan squirms in your lap.
  208. Mary smiles down at her and then pokes megs belly a bit
  209. IcePickLobotomy The baby giggles and grabs for your finger.
  210. Mary smiles and waggles it a bit while answering " Well, both are good looking girls that are now prominent..."
  211. Mary "So every idotic two bit hunk with aspirations will try to /score/ with them for the prestigue
  212. Mary sounds quite displeased
  213. RobinE "Yeah, well... its gonna happen. Not much they can do about it."
  214. RobinE "They are asking for it by going to that thing, they better be able to handle the consequences."
  215. IcePickLobotomy Meagan fusses in Mary's lap.
  216. Mary "Even if I get myself to right to kick any of these folls if they are to disrupting. Hey. Lil' girl, whats up?"
  217. Mary looks down at her
  218. IcePickLobotomy She gurgles happily, as if trying but not quite succeeding in saying something.
  219. Mary "ohh? trying to speak are you"
  220. IcePickLobotomy She giggles and makes some more baby noises.
  221. Mary coos at her.
  222. IcePickLobotomy She coos back
  223. IcePickLobotomy That's when Kasra walks back into the apartment. His hair a mess, his clothing torn in places, and his tie missing.
  224. Kasra "I got your homework, but had to leave early.
  225. RobinE "my goodness."
  226. RobinE "you ok?"
  227. Kasra "I...yeah, I think so."
  228. RobinE "take a seat, you look beat."
  229. Kasra "That's because I was beaten."
  230. RobinE "Shesh," she gets up and closes her notebook, "That's why I didn't go in."
  231. Kasra "Well're a bit more...vocal than normal. Are you alright?"
  232. RobinE "sure, as much as normal anyway." she shrugs.
  233. Mary "Geeze, you luck like a herd of cats was unleashed on you"
  234. |<-- Reagan has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 45.0.1/20160315153207])
  235. Mary walks over to him to look him over
  236. Kasra "Something like that, Mary. And Robin, sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. I'm just tired I think.
  237. Mary "Geze, is that a nail scratch?"
  238. IcePickLobotomy Mary: you notive what looks like half a lipstick stain on his neck as well
  239. Kasra "I dunno, Mary. Maybe? And Robin, are you sure? I mean, I'm just asking. Maybe I'm just tired, like I said."
  240. Mary eyes darken for a moment " And it seems that you already got a upside to fame with girls kissing you"
  241. RobinE "yup," she doesn't make eye contact when she says it.
  242. Mary "Well, let me get the alcohol for the scratches"
  243. Kasra "Wait, Mary what's that me-Oh, I uh, sorry Robin. mistake."
  244. Kasra never dreamed he'd prefer to be alone, but unfortunately, he has appeared to reach the ends of his capacity to shrink into his chair.
  245. RobinE "Its fine"
  246. Mary walks away from him, Meagan in her arms as she leaves the two loverbirds alone.
  247. Kasra There's a hushed sibilant tone that is hardly recognizable as a word from Kasra before he tries again. " was the day here?"
  248. RobinE "We just sat around," she gestured to her notebook, "we got a little worried about everyone else."
  249. Kasra "I guess the worry was fair...what's in the notebook? Uh, I me-you don't have to tell me, sorry."
  250. RobinE "I, my uh," she shies away a bit, "Stories."
  251. Kasra brightens almost imperceptibly. "O-oh! What kind, I love stories ab-I." He scratches his head and shrinks again. "Anything you'd like to share?"
  252. RobinE "It's nothing good. just practice stuff."
  253. Kasra "Oh, that's right, you're doing a creative writing class! That's really cool. Is it fun?"
  254. RobinE "Yeah I always liked writing. I had another book with a nice story, but I... lost it."
  255. Kasra "Oh. What are you working on now, though?"
  256. RobinE "There is this exercise where you write a letter to some random thing. I was writing one to the mug I use for hot chocolate, silly stuff like that."
  257. Kasra "No, no, I think that's cool! I don't even know how I'd start that letter, could I hear it? Or is it too silly for someone else to read?"
  258. RobinE "No no, but if you really are interested you can read the next story I write. Whenever that is."
  259. Kasra "Yeah, yeah that sounds good. But hey, what was wrong with Mary? I didn't get kissed, I got attacked."
  260. RobinE "huh?" she walks around inspecting Kasra, "oh there is, uh, lipstick on your neck."
  261. Kasra appears to have a rather disturbing thought.
  262. Kasra "Oh, uh. Huh." He mumbles about them trying to bite him as he wanders towards the sink to wash himself off.
  263. RobinE "Are you going to be able to go at all anymore? Sounds insane."
  264. Kasra "Yeah, I. Probably. I was thinking that having the rest of the group might help lessen the blow, but John pointed out that I'm probably the only one those girls will go after."
  265. Mary comes back having finally found the medical alcohol in the cabined that Artomyn was hiding it in. "So, lets clean you up there.. "
  266. Kasra "I, ah, I-don't worry about it, I'm fine." Kasra smiles broadly and holds out his hand. "METI has taught me how to take care of my injuries, I'll just take that and...leave."
  267. RobinE goes into the kitchen to get a mug for hot chocolate.
  268. JohnH pokes his head in after hearing his name
  269. Mary "Nah, sit down, and let me do it, ain't the first one that I had to clean wounds up for.
  270. JohnH "What did you say about me? and girls?"
  271. Mary mood darkens while she advances on Kasra. the smell of alcoohol waving ofer from her and the open bottle
  272. Kasra "John! John, good timing, I, uh, I need your help. Thanks anyways, Mary!"
  273. Kasra grabs John by the arm and heads for his room.
  274. JohnH "uhh alright" John allows himself to be lead
  275. Mary "Here " She holds the bottle towards him as he tries to pass by her.
  276. JohnH "Ooh, alcohol" John says, distracted for a moment
  277. Kasra After getting some practice today, Kasra squirms out of the way and gets to his door. "John!"
  278. JohnH snaps to and springs off towards Kasra's room
  279. Mary "Don't drink it all" she says as she then offers the medical proof bottle to the jock
  280. RobinE takes her hot chocolate and sits down enjoying the warm in her hands.
  281. Mary after a moment will also sit down and look into herself
  282. Mary "Urh... I am kinda bitchy today.."
  283. RobinE "It happens," Robin says between sips, "Did he do something wrong?"
  284. Mary "Urgh.."
  285. Mary "Its jst.. the whole day, him getting kissed and being angry about it.."
  286. RobinE "Is... are you jealous?" Robin asks inquisitively.
  287. Mary "What makes you think that ?"
  288. Mary tries to deflect the question.
  289. RobinE "Well, you are all upset with him getting kissed."
  290. RobinE "It's ok if you are
  291. Mary "I am not upset about me not kissing him. It is urgh. John is a bad influence on him."
  292. RobinE "Oh he's not that bad."
  293. Mary rolls her eyes "he is"
  294. RobinE "What bothers you about Kasra, he didn't ask for all that attention?"
  295. Mary "Oh please, he is a boy they are all the same in that regard even if some of them are nicer then others."
  296. RobinE "He didn't even know someone kissed him, he thought they were biting him."
  297. Mary "urgh .. but .. urgh that.."
  298. Mary raises her arms and mutters things that end up incomprehensible as her drawl escapes in full force
  299. RobinE "I honestly think the whole thing scared him."
  300. =-= YOU are now known as IcePickSlumbers
  301. Mary "But..."
  302. RobinE "Look, if he bugs you I cant stop that, but maybe lay off until he can recoup."
  303. --------------------------
  304. [20:07] IcePickLobotomy You're sitting behind the large curtain. Someone in a suit shuffled through some notes at the nearby podium. On the other side of the curtain is the loud murmur of the press.
  305. [20:18] Arina waits calmly, hands folded in her lap.
  306. [20:20] Reagan re-crosses her ankles and leans towards Arina slightly. "How hot do you think it's gonna get on this stage once those curtains move."
  307. [20:22] Arina whispers slightly, managing to direct her voice to Reagan without actually moving. "A little bit. The spotlights feel hotter than they actually are."
  308. [20:23] Reagan laughs under her breath. "But if that's how they feel, then does it matter how hot they really are?"
  309. [20:25] Arina chuckles. "Just at first. It takes getting used to."
  310. [20:31] IcePickLobotomy The curtain begins to open, slowly revealing the large crowd of reporters waiting in the room below. There's easily 200. Dozens of lights flash across the crowd as they take pictures.
  311. [20:32] Arina smiles to the crowd.
  312. [20:33] Reagan smiles, blinking a little.
  313. [20:35] IcePickLobotomy The man at the podium clears his throat and taps one of the many microphones before him. "Testing, testing." His voice echoes across the room.
  314. [20:41] IcePickLobotomy "Welcome, I am John Archer." The speech begins much how you would expect it to, with condolences to the lost and a reassurance that their deaths will be avenged. He then goes on to explain the history, how the first Intruder was encountered all those years ago. "The truth is that it was not a Stalinist hold out with a nuclear weapon, it was a Intruder, and the nuclear weapon was deployed by...
  315. [20:41] IcePickLobotomy ...the USSR in order to destroy the creature."
  316. [20:45] Reagan affects a more solemn expression as she listens.
  317. [20:47] Arina quietly sits there, calm and serious-faced.
  318. [20:51] IcePickLobotomy He continues, explaining how the durability of the creature, and a second encounter at sea, meant that use of nuclear weapons was not sustainable. A weapon able to directly counter their AT Field was needed, hence Project OUTRIDER. He goes on to explain, in rather deep detail, that to pilot the Outriders, a high degree of neuroplasticity is needed, a degree found between the ages of 13 and...
  319. [20:51] IcePickLobotomy ...17. Most of the eyes in the room are now looking at Arina and Reagan.
  320. [20:51] Arina simply nods with a polite smile.
  321. [20:52] Reagan watches the speaker attentively, smiling slightly.
  322. [20:54] IcePickLobotomy He continues, adeptly changing the topic from adolescent soldiers to the political history of METI. Throughout the rest of the rather well written, if generic, speech, the eyes don't fully leave the pair of pilots.
  323. [20:56] Arina waves slightly and turns her attention towards the speaker.
  324. [20:58] IcePickLobotomy Eventually the speech comes to a close, and Mr Archer begins to take questions. "Mr. Archer," He's asked rather quickly "A question for Ms. Alkaeva?" He turns back to the pilots "Ms. Alkaeva, would you like to answer this man's question?"
  325. [20:59] Arina smiles. "Sure, I'd be happy to."
  326. [21:05] IcePickLobotomy "How do you feel about your role in this?" Her accent is strong, clearly marking her as a USSR Reporter. "It is dangerous work, and many would say that a young girl should not be fighting. What might you say to them?"
  327. [21:08] Arina "Well, I would honestly be inclined to agree with them. It's entirely true."
  328. [21:08] Arina "But we have left the region of 'should' behind some time after strange giant monsters started attacking. We 0x1dshouldn't0x1d be needed, but we are."
  329. [21:09] Arina holds out her hands. "With the options open to us, we can only do our best to do what shouldn't have needed doing."
  330. [21:14] IcePickLobotomy She nods and takes her seat. You note that a few other journalist hurry to jot down what you've said.
  331. [21:15] IcePickLobotomy Another raises their hand. "A Question for Ms Sinclair." Mr. Archer looks to Reagan questioningly.
  332. [21:15] Reagan "Certainly."
  333. [21:19] IcePickLobotomy "Ms Sinclair, your uncle criticized METI for it's lack of accountability with the American public and alleged that they had failed to uphold their requirement of information discloser with regards to weapons development. This is alongside a long history of criticism of the organization, do you agree with views, having worked with METI in it's most critical role?"
  334. [21:27] Reagan "In any private organization, a certain degree of privacy regarding one’s trade secrets is not only respected but indeed protected, at least in capitalist countries. We do not live in a post-war, post-terrorism world. Terror organizations before would jump on the chance for one nuclear weapon, to say nothing of the magnitude of an Outrider. For a firm such as METI those involved in things...
  335. [21:27] Reagan weapons development, I think their caution in the matter is not unjustified, and I look forward to helping bridge this trust gap between the United State’s and METI.”
  336. [21:39] IcePickLobotomy They nod, seemingly taking your answer at face value. A few more questions go by before Walker taps the two of you on the shoulder and walks backstage.
  337. [21:39] Reagan gets to her feet, flashes one last smile at the crowd, and follows Walker.
  338. [21:40] Arina nods, standing up and curtsies to the crowd before she follows Walker offstage.
  339. [21:40] IcePickLobotomy She heads over to a table and pours herself a cup of water. "Well that went well, thank you both you did great."
  340. [21:41] Arina nods. "Thank you."
  341. [21:42] Reagan sighs and goes to get a water for herself. "So long as you think so, Ma'am."
  342. [21:43] Reagan "You don't think there's anytime for a smoke break, do you?"
  343. [21:43] IcePickLobotomy "Go for it, thouh Reagan? No smoking in public, it gives the wrong image."
  344. [21:44] Arina "At least at our age, I suppose."
  345. [21:44] Reagan "Well then, can we smoke back here?"
  346. [21:44] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah, go for it."
  347. [21:45] Reagan smiles sweetly, pulling out a cigarette. "You're too good to me Lieutenant."
  348. [21:45] Arina gets a glass of water and sips it. "Anyway, it could have gone better, but all around it was a success."
  349. [21:47] Reagan "I'd say you're right." She nudges Arina with her elbow. "Good job out there, little miss."
  350. [21:48] IcePickLobotomy "True. . . . And Arina? I wouldn't be surprised if you get some uncorftable questions on your family history at some point. We vetted the ones for today, but out in the wild?" She shrugs helplessly.
  351. [21:51] Arina nods. "I'm sure I will." She nods to Reagan. "Thank you."
  352. [21:54] Reagan too busy sucking on her cigarette to reply at the moment.
  353. [21:54] IcePickLobotomy "So, what do you girls say to some lunch out in the town?"
  354. [21:54] Arina "Oh, that sounds nice."
  355. [21:55] Reagan "I wouldn't ever say no to a date with you, Lieutenant."
  356. [21:56] IcePickLobotomy "OH look at me, taking two innocent girls out for lunch." She deadpans "Such a cradle robber I am. So, seafood or what?"
  357. [21:58] Arina hums. "Sounds good. For some reason the seafood around here tends to be very nice."
  358. [21:58] Arina "I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that this is literally a piece of coastline."
  359. [21:58] Reagan "Well, no Louisiana girl says no to seafood."
  360. [21:58] IcePickLobotomy "Nice, I found the place a few days ago."
  361. -----------------[20:33] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: In the middle of 3rd period the teacher turns on the TV, citing a special announcement.
  362. [20:33] Kasra has been fidgeting in his seat and truly, any area he's been all day.
  363. [20:37] IcePickLobotomy The screen flickers on, revealing a local news station. The image is of a large room, filled with reporters. A man is standing at the podium, and behind him is a row of chairs, Walker, Arina, and Reagan are visible.
  364. [20:41] Kasra is keeping his head low and jotting things in his notepad. Mostly doodling though."
  365. [20:42] IcePickLobotomy Kasra, JohnH, in both your classes you hear whispers break out 'Yeah, that's her, she;s in my 2nd period." "Yeah, I saw them in Ms. Yang's PE class! She
  366. [20:42] IcePickLobotomy She's Reagan, the other one is Arina Al-something."
  367. [20:42] IcePickLobotomy You can both feel a few eyes linger on you.
  368. [20:43] Kasra "Alkaeva. Her's, uh. It's Arina Alkaeva." Without realizing he'd reared up, Kasra shrinks back to his paper.
  369. [20:44] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: several eyes turn on you. The teacher clears his throat "Attention on the TV and not your classmates please."
  370. [20:45] Kasra "...sorry."
  371. [20:51] IcePickLobotomy The whispering increases when the camera pans and zooms in on Arina and Reagan.
  372. [20:55] IcePickLobotomy Eventually the clock ticks down and the speech ends. The teacher excuses you from your classes.
  373. [20:56] Kasra attempts to mutter about what a waste of a class that was, but nobody hears. Once they have all moved past, he gathers his things and plods to his next room.
  374. [20:59] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You find a small crowd of curious creatures waiting for you outside. Young creatures, female ones. "Hey Kasra~" They intone, a few twirling their hair while others flutter the eyelashes.
  375. [21:00] IcePickLobotomy JohnH: As you emerge from class, you are mobbed by other school-mates, asking you questions, though too many at once to make anything clear out
  376. [21:01] Kasra "I, uh. Hi? I believe you have your eye? Do yo-oh. Excuse me." Kasra presses on through the jungle.
  377. [21:03] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: it seems that having a bona-fid war-hero in their midst, and a rather cute one at that, is too much.
  378. [21:03] IcePickLobotomy JohnH: On the floor below you, you hear the shrill cry of a crowd of fan-girls.
  379. [21:04] IcePickLobotomy The windows shake
  380. [21:05] JohnH just kind of pushes past people, giving yeses and nos where possible"
  381. [21:06] Kasra quickly adapts his outrider and personal combat training and with a swift set of twirls dives and lunges, makes it to the other side.
  382. [21:07] Kasra "I-I'm sorry, I believe I've upset you, but I need to get to class," Kasra risks a glance over his shoulder as he speed walks down the hallway attempting to regain composure.
  383. [21:07] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: Your tie and a few scraps of your shirt however, do not. Risking a quick look back the horde rushes forward, tramping over their own members in a hormonal rush mixed with mob-rule. The screaming grows louder.
  384. [21:08] JohnH 's training kicks in and he attempts to find out the source of the noise
  385. [21:12] IcePickLobotomy JohnH: You come down stairs. The sound is louder, and at the other end of the hallways is a large pack of girls chasing something.
  386. [21:16] JohnH can't be bothered to find out what the girls are interested in and heads to his next class
  387. [21:26] Kasra stops and strikes a powerful stance, prepared to reason with the horde, briefly, before reality sets in, and he dodges out of their cone of destruction and down a hallway.
  388. [21:26] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You feel a few fingers linger on your back as you flee.
  389. [21:31] Kasra During his controlled withdrawal, Kasra attempts to regain his bearings to head for his next class.
  390. [21:33] IcePickLobotomy "Kasra, over here!" Mz Yang steps out from the corner and motions for you to stand behind her.
  391. [21:34] Kasra puts on a boost of speed, blindly trusting in a familiar face.
  392. [21:36] IcePickLobotomy She blows her whistle. The fan-girls slow. "That's enough out of you all!" They stop, wavering a moment. "Do not sexually harass your peers. Do not mob the-" One of them takes a step forward, only to be knocked ass over tea-kettle by a dodgeball to the face "The pilot, or I will have you all running a 10k."
  393. [21:39] Kasra "I'm sorry! I didn't mean whatever it was that agitated you all."
  394. [21:41] IcePickLobotomy A few more start forward only to get nailed by Yang. "Kasra, please be quiet." She hisses. "Now, all of you! Return to your classes!"
  395. [21:42] Kasra snaps to attention and seals his lips.
  396. [21:43] IcePickLobotomy A tense stand-off ensues for a moment. Yang pulls out another dodgeball from her bag and spins it on one finger. SHe smiles in a tiger-like fashion. "Come on girls, it's been a slow day, just /try/ me."
  397. [21:46] IcePickLobotomy They decide to not take their chances and break off into pairs and triads. After they are gone Yang turns to you. "So, Kasra, first time dealing with fan-girls?" She sounds smug.
  398. [21:47] Kasra "I've um, never had them? Is that a normal thing, then?'
  399. [21:48] IcePickLobotomy "Nope!" She nods "Well, it is now for /you/ ."
  400. [21:50] Kasra "Well, I wanted company today, but...not like that."
  401. [21:51] IcePickLobotomy She pats you on the head. "Kind of a wild day, why don't you help me set up the track course?"
  402. [21:51] Kasra "Well, because I have a class to get to...?'
  403. [21:52] IcePickLobotomy "Well alright then, if you want I could walk you back to class to make sure they don't ambush you again."
  404. [21:54] Kasra "I think I'd appreciate an escort, yes. I'll figure out what to do after next class...after next class."
  405. [21:56] IcePickLobotomy ". . . I could write you a note to excuse you from your classes for the day, if you'd like to avoid it." She cracks her neck "And things should settle down in the next few days, though I'd stay close to your friends when they get back from that conference."
  406. [21:58] Kasra "No, that's the last thing I want. I'm here to get everybody's homework since they home to avoid this."
  407. [21:58] Kasra "I guess I was expecting a more reasonable reaction."
  408. [21:59] IcePickLobotomy She nods "We could stop by your classes, pick up everyones homework, then send you home. In all honesty I don't think you or your classmates will get much done today anyways."
  409. [22:02] Kasra "Well, maybe that /would/ be a better solution...would that count as breaking perfect attendance though?"
  410. [22:22] JohnH -------------------------------------------------------------------
  411. [22:22] JohnH catches up to Kasra after school
  412. [22:24] Kasra "Hey, John. How was your day?"
  413. [22:25] JohnH gives Kasra a once over. "More like how was yours? You look...well traveled"
  414. [22:27] Kasra "It was...disgraceful. I don't know how I could have handled the situation better but..." he places his hand on his chest where his tie would have securely fallen, had he only the bravery to return for it. "...but I didn't."
  415. [22:27] JohnH "And exactly what was the situation?"
  416. [22:29] Kasra "When I left my class after the report-our teacher /completely/ neglected our syllabus schedule to watch TV for a day, by the way-there were a bunch of agitated girls. I don't think they were all...but I provoked them."
  417. [22:30] Kasra rubs a hand across his weary face. "The situation went downhill.
  418. [22:30] JohnH "You don't strike me as the type to provoke girls. How did you go about that?"
  419. [22:30] JohnH "All I got was people questioning me, but nobody persisted."
  420. [22:32] Kasra "I...don't really...know. John, I'm not very good with people."
  421. [22:32] JohnH "Your words, not mine. But you're saying that the girls shredded your tie? and tore your clothes?"
  422. [22:33] JohnH "Even a ladies man such as myself finds that hard to beleve"
  423. [22:33] Kasra "I-" There's a flicker of some malignant expression before it erodes back into fatigue. "I guess. I guess they did."
  424. [22:33] Kasra "Heh. Thanks for the confidence."
  425. [22:34] |<-- Reagan has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 45.0.1/20160315153207])
  426. [22:36] JohnH "What was that look for?"
  427. [22:38] Kasra "I'm just...I had perfect attendance! I've never skipped a day of /anything/ for *anything* less than severe physical injury and I-" John's not sure if Kasra is about to scream or cry, but he does neither and slumps his shoulders again. "I mean, how stupid is this?!"
  428. [22:39] Kasra straightens and takes a deep breath. "Right, I'm better. I apologize for the outburst."
  429. [22:39] JohnH "But you didn't skip. And you're practically a war hero, especially after surviving an onslaught of women."
  430. [22:41] Kasra "I didn't finish the day. That's a mar on my attendance. And I'm not sure there's a medal for losing your calm and inciting a riot.
  431. [22:41] Kasra "Maybe for federal government agents, but not for us."
  432. [22:43] JohnH "You didn't incite a riot. I wasn't even there and I know you didn't incite a riot"
  433. [22:43] JohnH "You're not that kind of person"
  434. [22:44] Kasra "Well, if you'd have seen them, and heard them? You'd agree."
  435. [22:44] Kasra sighs. "I just wanna go home."
  436. [22:45] JohnH "Let's go."
  437. [22:45] JohnH "We can jog if that would take your mind off it."
  438. [22:45] JohnH "a little bit of physical discipline always helps...always"
  439. [22:48] Kasra "I can't jog right now. How was your day though? Better?"
  440. [22:49] JohnH "Well, I wouldn't have minded a bunch of girls, but I definitely didnt nearly get trampled, so I'd say we're about the same."
  441. [22:50] JohnH "Just imagine if our faces had been on tv..." John trails off and grimaces
  442. [22:50] Kasra "Next time, can I just hold you in front of me, and you'll take the hit?"
  443. [22:50] JohnH "I'll take all the hits. Wanna show me back inside?"
  444. [22:52] Kasra "Where's 'back inside'? In the school?"
  445. [22:55] JohnH Retconned to "I'll take all the hits. Want me to join your classes tomorrow?"
  446. [22:56] Kasra "I don't think making a bigger disturbance would help. Thank you though. It will probably be better when we're all there though."
  447. [22:59] JohnH "All where?"
  448. [23:00] Kasra "Back at school? Disperse the blast a bit."
  449. [23:02] JohnH "Well I don't think the mobs of girls will go after anybody else on our crew..."
  450. [23:03] IcePickLobotomy JohnH: Up in the windows, you can, for a moment, see a dozen female faces pressed against the glass. Unblinking predatory eyes observe you before they scuttle out of sight.
  451. [23:03] Kasra "Well, I. Huh. Yeah, I guess if they didn't attack you, I guess not."
  452. [23:08] JohnH "Oh I see what you mean..."
  453. [23:10] Kasra "Wait, what?" Kasra follows John's gaze. "Oh. Ohhh. Let's get to the metro station and get home..."
  454. [23:27] JohnH "deal"
  455. [23:27] JohnH ---------------------------------------------------------------
  456. [23:28] Kasra After closing the door, Kasra begins to pace, productively.
  457. [23:29] Kasra "So...girls were chasing me, and that was a kind of exaggerated example of something pretty normal for this age, right?
  458. [23:29] JohnH "uhhh....I can't really say so, I am usually the one going after the girls. But just for the sake of amusement, sure."
  459. [23:31] Kasra "I JUST ME-*ahem* I just mean, teens chase after other teens of the opposite gender. That's pretty normal."
  460. [23:31] JohnH "Yeah, i suppose so"
  461. [23:32] Kasra "Okay, so...I get back here, and Mary seems concerned at first, but /then/ she sees some lipstick that I guess got on me, and she gets all scary."
  462. [23:33] JohnH "She's jealous" John sounds confident
  463. [23:34] Kasra "And-don't judge me-I've read a couple of...sort of...whatever, I read romance novels for a bit, whatever. She's /also/ been acting really quiet and shy and stuff around me."
  464. [23:34] Kasra "And /then/ she wanted to clean up my wounds! I've read about that sort of thing in sci-fi books, I know what that means!"
  465. [23:35] JohnH "And what does that mean?"
  466. [23:35] Kasra "S-so, does it sound like it to you?"
  467. [23:36] JohnH "Sound like what?"
  468. [23:36] Kasra "It means, I think she," at this pivotal word he leans in and hushes his voice, "I think she likes me."
  469. [23:37] JohnH "Probably"
  470. [23:37] Kasra "So...what do I do?!"
  471. [23:38] JohnH "I dunno. Do you like her?"
  472. [23:40] Kasra "Wh-I, I dunno! How am I supposed to-." Like the brave little professional he is, Kasra cups his face in his hands and sits down at the edge of the bed. "I don't know, but it doesn't really matter. We're a member of the same high-risk unit, and having /any/ relationship like that is strictly off limits."
  473. [23:40] Kasra "So, how should I tell her that that would never be acceptable?"
  474. [23:41] JohnH "However you think is best, I guess"
  475. [23:42] JohnH "But make sure to do something. We could very well die tomorrow, and you don't want /that/ on your conscience, do you?"
  476. [23:43] Kasra "NO! That's why it can't happen I just, I don't know, I don't wanna upset her, but I can't let her think that way because then priorities might get skewed and...well, you get it." The force of this statement appears to have blown him back into a laying position on his bed.
  477. [23:44] JohnH "Yeah man, I get it." John only understands half of it, but doesn't let on this fact
  478. [23:45] Kasra "John, that's why I like you. You get that we're probably going to die. i can't just tell a civillian 'hey, we wouldn't work because one or both of us is almost definitely going to die before we're twenty."
  479. [23:47] JohnH "She's not a civilian, though"
  480. [23:47] Kasra "I mean...she pretty much is."
  481. [23:47] JohnH "Right. She's a civilian adriving a 200ft tall robot for a super secret military organization."
  482. [23:47] JohnH "my bad"
  483. [23:48] Kasra "Exactly! It's not like she's a soldier, she's a civillian contractor at best! She shouldn't even /be/ here."
  484. [23:49] JohnH "You know Kasra, I was actually saying the opposite of what you're thinking. You should totally do something. You're young, that's what it's all about"
  485. [23:50] Kasra "I know. You're right." He stands up, practically aflame with determination.
  486. [23:51] Kasra "I'm just going to go out there, and calmly and eloquently tell her that she has no right to be here, to take her sister and go home, and that we would never work."
  487. [23:51] Kasra "It's all for her own good."
  488. [23:51] JohnH throws his hands up defensively "No! No! No!"
  489. [23:52] JohnH "Don't do that!" Almost shouting, he positions himself between Kasra and the door
  490. [23:53] Kasra "John, you know I should. She's soft! She has to go, she should never have been here."
  491. [23:53] JohnH "Wrong!"
  492. [23:53] JohnH "She is a good pilot, she has every right to be here"
  493. [23:55] Kasra "...I know. METI wouldn't have brought here if she wasn't."
  494. [23:56] JohnH "Then are you trying to send her home because you like her and want her to be safe?"
  495. [23:57] Kasra "Yes! That's why we're here, John!"
  496. [23:57] Kasra "Okay, we got off topic here. It's been a really rough day for me."
  497. [23:58] JohnH "So you do like her."
  498. [23:59] Kasra "I am going to tell her that any notions of affection to me are unprofessional and a liability. Whether or not I 'like' her, doesn't matter, but she has a right to be here, I get that. Sorry.
  499. [00:00] Kasra "Does that sound fair?"
  500. [00:01] JohnH "That sounds fair. But try to be gentle, girls don't like being let down. Especially since we all live together"
  501. [00:01] JohnH sighs
  502. [00:01] Kasra "Right, that's why I asked you for help, Lady Killer."
  503. [00:02] JohnH "Well I can't say I'm /that/ much of a lady killer."
  504. [00:02] JohnH "You're the one with mobs of women chasing you, and I can't even get the one I want to notice me"
  505. [00:03] Kasra has been smacked by an invisible hand. "Wait. Who?"
  506. [00:03] JohnH scratches the back of his head and turns away "uhh nobody"
  507. [00:04] Kasra "No, no, no," Kasra pokes a finger into Johns chest. "No, that's not a nobody, who?"
  508. [00:06] JohnH mumbles under his breath
  509. [00:07] JohnH looks like he gets a second wind "Relationships aren't allowed, so let's not bother with it, shall we."
  510. [00:08] Kasra "Are you sure?"
  511. [00:09] =-= YOU are now known as IcePickSlumbers
  512. [00:10] JohnH "Of course. That's what you said after all." John falters a bit with his wrods
  513. [00:11] Kasra "Jooohn?"
  514. [00:12] JohnH gets quiet "Well I mean she is cute.."
  515. [00:13] Kasra "Okay, and what is her cute little name?"
  516. [00:13] JohnH gets even quieter "For a russian"
  517. [00:13] JohnH turns away
  518. [00:14] Kasra "Ohhh, yeah, yeah i guess that does make sense."
  519. [00:14] JohnH "They just don't make them like that in America, man"
  520. [00:14] Kasra scuffs the ground with his shoe. "Kind of mean though."
  521. [00:15] JohnH "..a bit, yeah"
  522. [00:16] Kasra "Well. At least you get why you shouldn't though. Well done! Here I was panicking and you, the better soldier, never letting on! Your composure is amazing."
  523. [00:17] JohnH "Composure, we'll go with that"
  524. [00:19] JohnH "One day, though. One day"
  525. [00:19] Kasra "Well, obviously, I'm behaving like a brat compared to you, so I think I should probably just not act on any of the stupid decisions I made today."
  526. [00:20] Kasra "And sure John, maybe if the war ends. I'll tell her that she's the red in your red,white, and blue."
  527. [00:21] JohnH "You tell her and I'll make sure to report you to Walker"
  528. [00:22] Kasra "Well, then, you'll have to tell her yourself. Let's get out of this room. I really do want to wash myself up."
  529. [00:24] JohnH "If you decide to talk to Mary, just make sure not to upset her too much"
  530. [00:26] Kasra "I know, I know. Sorry. Today was just...awful for me. I tend to get a little crazy when I'm this tired. Thanks for helping me to wear myself out."
  531. [00:27] JohnH "Yeah man, no problem"
  532. [00:27] JohnH stands up and seems a little aggressive "But don't you dare tell Arina."
  533. [00:28] Kasra laughs a bit but stifles it. "Of course not. Confidential, top-secret."
  534. [00:29] JohnH "Your eyes only."
  535. [00:29] Kasra -------------------------------------
  536. Mary "Yes I. I should go.."
  537. Mary stands up and hastly walks to her room
  538. RobinE continues to sip at her warm hot cocoa.
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