
Stuffed to the gills

Feb 3rd, 2014
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  1. >Dawn broke over Canterlot
  2. >You were still blissfully asleep in your federally subsidized, yet supremely comfortable, bed
  3. >You were, that is, until a particularly bright ray of sunshine broke through your window
  4. "Ugh, fine, I'll get up!" You lamented at the giant glowing alarm clock outside your window
  5. >You had somehow managed to sleep through your alarm, which is surprising considering you were getting complaints about it from Celestia and Luna
  6. >Who were on the exact opposite side of the castle
  7. >Time to start the day
  8. >Shit, shower, shave, the usual
  9. "It's Friday, let's put on something nice for Twily." You murmured to yourself, thoughts of that purple mare rampaging through your thoughts
  10. >Black dress socks: Check
  11. >Clean white dress shirt: Check
  12. >Light blue waistcoat: Check
  13. >Solid blue pants: Check
  14. "And now for the hardest part." You said to yourself as you retrieved a red tie from a drawer
  15. ---------------
  16. >Several attempts at self-asphyxiation later, the tie was secure around your shirt collar
  17. "And now, the hair."
  18. >You meticulously sculpt it in "his" image, making sure to capture every spike
  19. >Pleased with the results, you button up the waistcoat, grab the solid blue blazer from the closet, and apply your ambassador's badge to the blazer's left lapel
  20. "Ohp, almost forgot."
  21. You take a golden chain with a locket at the end, put the locket in your left coat pocket, and head downstairs for breakfast
  22. >You were at the breakfast area, yet Celestia and Luna were missing
  23. >You inquire about it when one of the servants brings you your breakfast
  24. >"Ah, they've gone away on business. Something about keeping poachers out of Equestria." He said, in an accent that you couldn't quite place
  25. 'Damn, it's happening already. I guess I'll be expecting some flack for this.' You thought to yourself as you scarfed down your breakfast
  26. ---------------
  27. >Finished with your breakfast, you head down to the garage, eager to get on the road
  28. "The roads aren't snowy anymore, but they're still rough." You thought aloud
  29. >You fancied the G63 for this one
  30. >Stepping in, you put the key in the ignition, turned it, and listened as the beast under the bonnet coughed and then roared into life
  31. >You put on your seatbelt and began on your way
  32. ---------------
  33. "Man, what the fuck. I didn't even know that many ponies commute from Ponyville to Canterlot." You say astounded at how congested the road coming from Ponyville was as compared with the one going to there
  34. >You made it, though, safe and sound
  35. >As you enter town, however, something doesn't seem quite right
  36. >It seems to be deserted, despite it being a Friday
  37. >No bustling market trade, no ponys out for leisurely walks, no fillies going to class
  38. >They all seem to be locked indoors
  39. >You ventured to be a bit brave and rolled down the window to ask
  40. "Excuse me!" You yell to a pony whose window was still open
  41. >"Y-yes, w-what do you want?" She responded timidly
  42. "What's going on around here? It's like a ghost town!" You inquire amazed
  43. >"S-something's happened in Princess Twilight Sparkle's Library last night. N-no one knows what, though." She said, looking around as though on alert for a predator
  44. "I see. Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it's no big deal. Thanks, citizen!" You say rolling up the window and driving on to Twilight's place
  45. >"D-don't do anything risky, A-ambassador!" the mare shouted after you
  46. ---------------
  47. >You arrive at The Golden Oak Library
  48. >You park outside and take a cursory glance
  49. >Nothing seems out of place
  50. >Twilight's SLS AMG is still here, so you know she must still be here
  51. >You knock on the door
  52. >A soft shuffling is heard inside
  53. >The door swings open, with Spike at the door
  54. >"Oh, thank Celestia! Come inside, quick!"
  55. >You have no time to react as your hand is grabbed and you are tugged inside
  56. >You manage to free yourself just before you get to the stairs
  57. "Hold the phone, Spike. What are you so worked up about?" You ask, dusting off your suit
  58. >"Look there." He says in a scared voice as he points to a pile of scrolls on the floor
  59. >You walk over to where he's pointing
  60. "Haha, poor Spike, scared witless by a bunch of fallen scrolls! I'll help you pick them up!" You exclaim, stooping down and picking up a scroll
  61. >As you roll it up, you think you see something purple buried under all of the scrolls
  62. "Eh? That's odd." You mutter as you clear off some of the scrolls
  63. >A short, soft-looking cylinder-esque object is revealed to you
  64. >You decide to pick it up
  65. "GYAH!" You exclaim in complete and utter shock as you drop the object and stumble to behind the table in the middle of the room
  66. >"See what I mean now?" Spike chimed in
  67. "Okay Anon, breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out." You repeat to yourself in an attempt to calm yourself
  68. >Upon doing so, you and Spike both make your way back to the object which is now on top of the scrolls
  69. >The object is a medium-sized plushie toy made to look exactly like Twilight Sparkle
  70. >Every detail is anatomically correct, even the wings have individual feathers on them
  71. >The eyes look like glass marbles, but there's something eerily life-like about them
  72. "How the...what even...I...huh?" You manage, completely flabbergasted by the turn of events
  73. >"I don't know how she got like this, Anonymous! All I know is that she was trying to make her coat softer last night when I went to bed and now she's like this!" Spike said hurriedly
  74. "Spike."
  75. >"Y-yeah?"
  76. "I want you to calm down. Panicking will get us nowhere."
  77. >"I guess you're right." Spike said, breathing in deeply
  78. "All right, well first thing's first, we need to check some of these scrolls for a possible clue. You can read Equestrian, right?"
  79. >He responded with a nod
  80. "All right, then, let's get cracking." You say, picking up a scroll from off the floor
  81. "Ohp, wait." You say as you pick up Twilight's plushie self and put it on a table
  82. ---------------
  83. >"Alright, I think this one's it!" Spike said triumphantly, holding up a scroll
  84. "How can you be sure?"
  85. >"Listen to this." Spike said, clearing his throat
  86. >"'This spell will cause any object to be softer than a pegasus' wings, from top to bottom. But be warned: This level of softness is not meant for mere mortals.'"
  87. "Alrighty then. Does it say anything about spell reversal?"
  88. >"I'm looking for that." He said, squinting at the parchment as he muttered some words to himself
  89. >"Aha! Here it is! 'If you no longer wish for your enchanted object to enchant you with its plushiness, then wrap it in something softer than it."
  90. "Oh boy."
  91. >Spike looked at you with a puzzled look on his face
  92. "I'm not sure if you've felt this, but I don't think there's anything softer than this material." You lamented as you gave Spike the plushie to feel for himself
  93. >Upon holding it, Spike's face contorted itself to wear a look of horrified realization
  94. >"Oh no! Then how will we get Twilight back?" He lamented
  95. "Hmm, how indeed." You pondered
  96. >Your nervous tick had caught up with you, as you found yourself running a hand through your hair, which wasn't as relieving as you thought
  97. >"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask, what's up with your hair? It looks like it could stab someone." Spike inquired
  98. "Hm? Oh, this? It's an homage to a very important person back in my world. Now, normally my hair is let down and touchable, but the gel made it a bit stiff-"
  99. >You had a lightbulb moment
  100. >Eagerly, you began digging through all of your pockets
  101. 'Come on, come on, I know I have some in here.'
  102. >Spike looked on curiously as you rummaged through all of your pockets with unmatched ferocity
  103. >After a few minutes of searching, you produced a small blue tube of hair gel
  104. >You walk over to the plushie, tube in hand
  105. >As you open up the top of the tube, Spike finally ventures to ask what you're doing
  106. "Why, cheating, of course." You say giddily as you apply the hair gel to Twilight's plushie
  107. >Coating it all was a breeze, since it wasn't that large
  108. "And now we wait."
  109. ---------------
  110. >Once the gel has dried, you hold it to inspect your work
  111. "Ah, perfect! Now all we need is something softer than this, like say, a blanket."
  112. >"I'm on it" Spike yelled as he was already halfway up the stairs to Twilight's room
  113. >He returned with a blanket moments later
  114. "All right, now for the moment of truth." You say hesitantly as you wrap Twilight in the blanket lightly
  115. >As soon as you set it down, you can feel it growing and gaining warmth
  116. "Hit the deck!" You shout as you dive for cover
  117. >The doll grew to the size of a pony in no time at all
  118. >The sack of cloth then started to move and make muffled noises of frustration, as though trying to escape
  119. "Hang on." You say as you go to help take off the blanket
  120. >Under it was revealed one life-sized (and alive) Twilight Sparkle
  121. "Twily!" You shouted with glee as you went to hug her
  122. >Her gelled coat had other plans, though
  123. "Yeow!"
  124. >"Spike! Anon! I'm so glad to see you two!" She exclaimed as she kept her distance, noticing how pained you were
  125. >"Come on, let's get you washed, I'll explain on the way."
  126. ---------------
  127. >"Really? A stuffed toy?" Twilight marveled as she dried herself
  128. >"Yeah, and it was Anon's quick thinking that saved you from being a toy forever."
  129. "Aw, it was nothing." You say as you put a hand behind the back of your head
  130. 'Nothing but pure genius!' You thought, triumphant as ever
  131. >"Still though, hair gel? You'd think these spells are a little more permanent than that." Twilight said, musing over the spell
  132. "Eh, the way I see it, spells and inter-dimensional laws are the same in one basic regard: They both have loopholes." You say with a small smirk
  133. >This got a giggle out of the both of them
  134. "I have one question, though: Why did you do it?"
  135. >Twilight looked down a bit
  136. >"I thought I'd get ready for our date." She said sheepishly
  137. "Oh, come on. You know damn well you look absolutely stunning every day, no work needed." You said incredulously
  138. >"I can't say the same for your hair, though." Twilight giggled as she held a wet towel in her magical grip and lobbed it at your head
  139. >It hit you square in the hair
  140. 'Ugh, the things I do for love.' You thought as you took off the towel
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