
The Ferret King - The Banquet

Oct 17th, 2016
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  1. >"We'll go in at once."
  2. >Just like that, Celestia ends the discussion.
  3. >You'd have preferred caution, but both Cadance and your sister want action now.
  4. >This strange portal created by a scientist from Ponyville is one of the biggest threats you have faced.
  5. >Not because a few ponies wandered through and never returned, but because Twilight Sparkle and her friends - whom you sent to recover the lost ponies - disappeared as well.
  6. >If a malevolent force can defeat the Council of Harmony so easily, you think it's only fair to fear its might.
  7. >As you step through the gateway, you shudder.
  8. >Portals and teleportation are nothing new to you, but this gate's energy feels perverted.
  9. >You hope it's only your mind playing tricks on you.
  10. >At the other side, you find yourself in a huge stone building.
  11. >After all three of you have crossed through the portal, it closes, revealing a set of grand doors behind you.
  12. >You can still feel the portal's magical presence, it shouldn't be too hard to reopen it once you've found your friends.
  13. >The hall seems to be shaped like a cross, with a pointed roof stretching into the heavens.
  14. >Marble pillars with intricate carvings of all sorts of animals rise up to the ceiling.
  15. >Grand arched stained glass windows adorn the walls.
  16. >Little light shines in from outside, and save for at the centre, none of the braziers on the walls and pillars are lit.
  17. >In the middle of the cross stands a large marble throne, with golden crenellations.
  18. >On that most royal of seats lie several soft cushions, on which a ferret sits.
  19. >The animal is dressed in a red cloak, lined with white fur, at least three times his length.
  20. >On his head he wears a silver crown set with amethysts.
  21. >Before you get the chance to wonder what this is all about, the creature opens its mouth and - to your surprise - speaks.
  22. >"Hussars, to me! Defend your king!"
  23. >Six tall figures emerge from the shadows of this grand hall.
  24. >All of them wear heavy plates of armor and large winglike constructions on their back.
  25. >The closest two, large minotaurs with huge halberds, approach your trio menacingly.
  26. >Celestia aims her glowing horn at them.
  27. >"Stay away!"
  28. >The guards ignore her and keep advancing, closing the little distance between your parties.
  29. >Your sister shoots a bolt of magic, but it bounces harmlessly off your assailants' plate.
  30. >She manages to block a halberd's swing aimed for her head but is knocked over when its wielder sweeps at her legs with the butt of his weapon.
  31. >You back away from the second minotaur, while Cadance rushes forward.
  32. >Nimbly, she evades a blow but is struck down by one of the creatures behind the first two guards.
  33. >From the suit of armour sprout branches as if arms, leaving you to wonder what exactly is in there.
  34. >The things wield huge oaken shields covered in leaves and moss.
  35. >You spread your wings and try to reach the doors, but the last of the guards block your way out.
  36. >Two spears stick out towards you, held by winged arms.
  37. >Inside these creatures' helmets are faces that remind you of griffons.
  38. >Realising you're outmatched, you sink to your knees and lower your head.
  40. >The ferret glares at you from his throne.
  41. >In a squeaky voice, he accuses you.
  42. >"So, you have come to steal my lands and treasure, have you?"
  43. >Cadance opens her mouth in protest, but you motion her to remain silent.
  44. >"First your underlings interrupt my feast, then your warriors attack me at my most vulnerable moment, and now you come to end me! What has the Grand and Magnificent Ferret King ever done to you?"
  45. >If you ever want to leave this place with your friends, now is the time for grovelling and sweet talking, let's hope your life in modern times hasn't made you too rusty.
  46. "Oh, most noble of kings, we beg forgiveness, for we but stumbled into thy grand hall in search of our subjects who meant no harm to thine realm."
  47. >"Hmmm, you seem sincere. Very well, my mercy shall prevail this day, you will not have to rot in my dungeons."
  48. >Looks like you're in the clear; now you need to convince him to release your friends and subjects.
  49. "Esteemed Lord, we wish to take our subjects back to our own lands if thou couldst find the kindness in thy heart."
  50. >A mischievous grin appears on the rodent's face.
  51. >"No, I do not believe I can simply do that. You pony folk caused me some trouble; you will have to work to repay your debts."
  52. >You can hear your fellow princesses' teeth grinding, but you yourself remain calm.
  53. >If you lash out now, things could get very ugly.
  54. >Better swallow your pride and comply.
  55. "Very well, noble King of Ferrets, what wouldst thou have us do?"
  56. >The critter strokes his whiskers in contemplation.
  57. >Your sister tries to get your attention by poking you with her wing, but you ignore, as to not offend the king.
  58. >The ferret begins to speak, his squeaky voice revealing your quest.
  59. >"I will be hosting a banquet for my esteemed friends this evening. You will attend to their needs for the duration of the feast."
  60. >Cadance, wary of treachery, interrupts the briefing.
  61. >"And you will release our friends if we comply?"
  62. >The Ferret King gives her an annoyed look.
  63. >"I will release one, and only one, of the prisoners once you complete this task."
  64. >The Princess of Love grumbles, but a look from Celestia silences her.
  65. >"Please, your highness, do continue."
  66. >"There will be three guests of honour; The Duke of Pigsbury, The Earl of Hogsbottom, and Baron von Bloater. You will each be the personal wench to one of my honoured friends."
  67. >Pink and white turn to red at this insult.
  68. >You silently pray that your fellow princesses will keep quiet, upsetting the king would put your captive friends in grave danger.
  69. "We shall fulfil thine most reasonable request, my lord."
  70. >The ferret dismisses you with a smug look and a wave of his paw.
  71. >"My guards will show you to your quarters and present to you your outfits."
  73. --------------------
  75. >"Well, at least these dresses are beautiful."
  76. >Twirling in front of the mirror, Cadance admires her attire.
  77. >You'll admit the garments are stunning, although you don't understand why they leave your cutie mark uncovered.
  78. >You assume it must be some sort of local custom.
  79. >Celestia stands at the window, quietly watching the sunset.
  80. >"Isn't it strange, sister, how the sun and moon move on their own here?"
  81. >After everything you've seen today, this little difference in the behaviour of celestial objects does little to stir your mind.
  82. >A knock on the door redirects all royal attention to the door.
  83. >It swings open, revealing a servant of the Ferret King.
  84. >Another strange creature, resembling Twilight's description of a 'human'.
  85. >His skin is matched by robes of all kinds of shades of green.
  86. >He carries an ebony box, decorated with shards of dragon glass.
  87. >He takes a deep bow before he addresses you.
  88. >"Princesses, your splendour blinds me, I bask in your divinity, I wish we had guests as beautiful as you at every banquet."
  89. >While Cadance blushes like a filly, and your sister rolls her eyes, you respond.
  90. "Thine words humble us, good sir, thy own robes suit thyself well."
  91. >His next move is a slight bow to acknowledge the compliment.
  92. >"Thank you for your kind words, my lady. I should introduce myself; I am Chamberlain Dinar, my lord has sent me to invite you to the feast."
  93. >A very tactful way to convey a summons, this Dinar fellow knows his etiquette.
  94. >"We are grateful His Highness allows us to join in his marvellous festivities."
  95. >After exchanging smiles, he presents to you the ebony box and opens it.
  96. >Inside you find three pieces of jewellery.
  97. >They all have the same shape, a circle with two oval-shaped holes near the sides, but different sizes.
  98. >The largest is made of pure gold, the smallest of shining bronze and the middle one of sparkling silver.
  99. >Your visitor picks the gold ornament and approaches you.
  100. >"May, I?"
  101. >You lower your head and the creature fastens the piece to your mane.
  102. >Then Celestia receives the silver trinket and Cadance the bronze one.
  103. >"They suit you perfectly, my ladies. Now, if you would follow me?"
  104. >As you follow Dinar out of your chambers, four guards surround you as an escort.
  105. >They aren't part of the ferret's personal guard, wearing leather armour and wielding rapiers.
  106. >It seems humans can be many colours just like ponies, as you now see red, white, blue and orange are also possibilities.
  107. >You feel your sister's wing asking for your attention and turn your head.
  108. >"Luna, I have a bad feeling about this."
  109. "Why? We've been treated fairly well."
  110. >As a testimony to your words, you hear Cadance laughing at something Dinar said.
  111. >"Don't forget, we're here as prisoners even if the King of Rodents pretends otherwise."
  112. >You sigh.
  113. >Of course, you know that, but it doesn't matter, you need to focus on fulfilling the task at hand.
  114. "Tia, please, let's just do what he says so we get our little ponies back and let us not worry too much. It's not like we could stop him if he tried anything anyway."
  115. >The painful truth leaves your sister silent.
  116. >Meanwhile, you have arrived at the main hall, where servants of various species are finishing the preparations for the feast.
  117. >The throne in the middle is empty, and only once the chamberlain catches your attention with a cough, do you see the Ferret King.
  118. >He is dressed in a purple toga that trails behind him and a golden sash with the word 'Excellent' embroidered on it in white.
  119. >But that isn't the most extravagant part of his appearance, that honour goes to his mount.
  120. >The ferret sits on a young black griffon, reins in his little paws.
  121. >The black leather of his tiny saddle shines in the torchlight.
  122. >Dinar takes a deep bow before his lord, and you decide to follow suit.
  123. >"Your Highness, I have brought the princesses."
  124. >The ferret signals on of the minotaur Hussars, who passes his halberd to a fellow guard and then picks up the griffon.
  125. >He raises the steed high above your heads, elevating his prince.
  126. >"So glad you could make it! Now, no time for chitchat, my friends will be here soon."
  127. >A small paw gesture makes his steed-bearer turn around and march off, followed by the rest of the Hussars.
  128. >"I'll see you ladies during the feast," he says, not even bothering to turn his head back at you.
  129. >You thought he was going to give you instructions, but the rodent must feel too important to be bothered with it.
  130. >Apparently, that is Dinar's task.
  131. >"Dear princesses, His Highness has asked me to instruct you on your role for this evening. Please listen carefully, as we do not have much time."
  133. --------------------
  135. >As the small crowd of dignitaries simmers down, the performers on stage bow before their lord.
  136. >"Marvellous, marvellous! A stunning performance, gentlemen! Next!"
  137. >While you're still trying to process what you just witnessed, the minotaurs leave and the next couple takes the stage.
  138. >A centaur with a white coat and pale upper body, accompanied by a yellowish human female.
  139. >The contestants bow before their king.
  140. >"Kerit, Ambrosia, I hope you have prepared an exquisite act as always!"
  141. >"As always, Your Highness," the centaur says with a smile.
  142. >Then the couple starts their 'dance'.
  143. >The woman drops to the ground, posterior raised.
  144. >From the other end of the stage, her partner comes rushing, member ready.
  145. >He hardly slows down as he inserts himself, but lifts the girl up by her arms.
  146. >While he runs a few rounds across the stage, she slides back and forth, moaning softly.
  147. >The king looks on approvingly, while the pig lords cheer wildly.
  148. >You can't help but notice just how 'excited' they are.
  149. >Celestia and Cadance seem equally disgusted, but manage to keep their cool.
  150. >The Duke of Pigsbury turns to you.
  151. >"Blue, wine empty, get more!"
  152. >You bow before your master and take his chalice to the barrel.
  153. >It's empty, thank the Moon.
  154. >Now you can fetch a new barrel, meaning you won't have to watch the debauchery on stage.
  155. >Still, the moans are now loud enough to haunt you right up to the cellar door.
  156. >Amidst the Ferret King's barrels of wine and ale, you finally find peace.
  157. >You take your sweet time looking for a barrel marked 'Swine's Delight', the lords' favourite.
  158. >Eventually, you pick up a barrel and reluctantly return to the show.
  159. >As you leave the wine cellar, a round of applause indicates the current couple has finished, probably in more than one way.
  160. >While the ferret congratulates the performers on their 'most exquisite display of love', you refill your pig's cup.
  161. >"Good horse!"
  162. >You take the 'compliment' with a nod.
  163. >As you turn to take your place behind his seat, the Duke slaps your flank.
  164. >"Good horse, good ass."
  165. >You take a deep breath and manage to rein in your anger.
  166. >These swines deserve nothing less than the spit.
  167. >The appearance of the next performers takes your mind off the pig.
  168. >As one, you and your fellow princesses gasp in shock, as you see two of your subjects appear on stage.
  169. >You recognise them as Cheerilee and Big Mac.
  170. >Visibly shaking, they look to Celestia with pleading eyes.
  171. >You fear this won't end well, there is no way your sister will let this slide.
  172. >"What is the meaning of this?!"
  173. >Seems you were right.
  174. >With a fake smile of innocence the Ferret King addresses Celestia.
  175. >"What seems to be the problem? Are you not pleased to see your ponies participating?"
  176. >"You will not disgrace my subjects like this! Let them leave right now!"
  177. >The ferret strokes his whiskers and then smiles like a devil.
  178. >"How about we make a deal, princess? The show must go on, so if your subjects cannot perform, you need to arrange a replacement."
  179. >You exchange glances with the others, and wordlessly, you reach a decision.
  180. >"We'll take their place," Cadance says.
  181. >She and Celestia take the stage and guards take your ponies away.
  182. >"Well then, ladies, show us your moves!"
  184. --------------------
  186. >Drenched in sweat and other fluids, Celestia and Cadance stumble off the stage.
  187. >"A very impressive first-time performance, ladies. You may go and freshen up before your return to your duties, Dinar will show you the way."
  188. >The Chamberlain and a pair of minotaurs escort them away and now the rodent turns to you.
  189. >"You may accompany us to the next event of this grand feast!"
  190. >Levitating goblets and barrels, you follow the lords into the adjacent chamber.
  191. >This room is less spacious and only dimly lit.
  192. >In the back, on an elevated platform, stands an iron pillory, painted black and adorned with grinning skulls.
  193. >On either side of the construction stands a large griffon, clad in plates of jet.
  194. >As before, four lavish seats stand in the middle, where the swines and the rodent take place.
  195. >"My esteemed friends, welcome back to the chamber of repentance! Guards, bring in tonight's first sinner!"
  196. >The griffons disappear through a door in the back.
  197. >They quickly return, dragging a sobbing mint green mare between them, Lyra Heartstrings.
  198. >You quickly scan the room, but you don't find any whips, clubs or anything that might bring the little pony harm.
  199. >Hoping to avoid angering the King, you remain silent as the griffons lock her in the pillory, forcing her to stand on her rear legs.
  200. >Unfortunately, she notices you, and her pleading eyes chip away at your resolve.
  201. >Then the griffons vanish and reappear once more, carrying two large baskets.
  202. >One contains a dirty red mass that you recognise as overripe tomatoes.
  203. >The other's foul stench indicates rotten eggs.
  204. >No, they can't be planning what you think they are.
  205. >"Gentlemen, you know the drill. May the sinner be cleansed by decay!"
  206. "Stop!"
  207. >The King turns to you with a shit-eating grin.
  208. >Curses! He tricked you!
  209. >Even the pig lords snigger at the mistake you just made.
  210. >But there is no going back now.
  211. "In what manner has the mare transgressed, Your Highness?"
  212. >"Disobedience, amongst other things."
  213. >"Please, Princess Luna, help me!"
  214. >The ferret gives you a smug look.
  215. >"I see you are concerned with your subject. We could make an arrangement."
  216. >You sigh.
  217. "Very well, we shall take her place in the pillory."
  218. >Before long, the cold metal presses against your coat.
  219. >As the ferret picks the first tomato, you steel yourself.
  220. >Be strong, be calm.
  221. >The red orb comes hurtling towards you, and you close your eyes.
  222. >You don't flinch as it shatters against your visage.
  223. >The scarlet mush drips down your muzzle, staining the blue.
  224. >The pigs now open fire and hit after hit you endure.
  225. >A small pause occurs in the barrage.
  226. >You risk a peek and see the nobles now taking ammunition from the egg basket.
  227. >At the same time, the Chamberlain walks into the room, Celestia and Cadance in tow.
  228. >Their faces display a mix of shock and anger as they spot you.
  229. >They remain collected, however, and move to their masters' side.
  230. >Now the first eggs reach their goal.
  231. >The impacts hurt more now, but you take solace knowing that you spared your subject this fate.
  232. >This Ferret King is a cruel beast, but he will not break you.
  234. --------------------
  236. >"Dinar, give the princess a bath while we proceed to the dance floor."
  237. >Finally the griffons free you from the pillory.
  238. >You've never felt this dirty and you doubt one bath will wash away the stench and shame.
  239. >You follow the green human to a door with carvings of all sorts of sea creatures.
  240. >"Take all the time you need, my lady," he says and holds the door for you.
  241. >You step into the room, where you find a large tub.
  242. >It's already filled and the water is covered in a layer of foam.
  243. >As you close the door behind you, something rises from the water.
  244. >You adopt suspicion as it turns out the be a green siren.
  245. >"My lady, I am here to assist you."
  246. >Merely another colourful servant of the king, it seems.
  247. >Slipping out of your stained dress, you step into the water, it's warmness flooding over you and the first bit of filth dissolving.
  248. The tub is surprisingly deep, the water submerging all but your head.
  249. >The mare swims up to you with a sponge.
  250. >"May I?"
  251. >You nod and let her work her magic.
  252. >With a smile and humming a tune, she gently starts cleaning your face.
  253. >You close your eyes and start to relax.
  254. >Her sweet breath overruns the stench lodged in your nostrils.
  255. >It's been long since you've been treated like this.
  256. >The sponge moves on to your neck, the siren's face still close to yours.
  257. >Then, with a small splash, the siren submerges and her tickling touch moves on to your legs.
  258. >After your fourth leg, the sponge's touch disappears, her wordless song still emanating from beneath the waves.
  259. >You open your eyes and look around, but see nothing for all the foam.
  260. >Then, her tail wrapping around your belly, she rises from the depths.
  261. >She lies down on your back and strokes your mane.
  262. >It's been long since you've felt a gentle touch in this manner.
  263. >Your mind is numb, your senses excited.
  264. >In a moment of weakness, you nearly moan.
  265. >You blush heavily and hide your face in the bubbles around you.
  266. >Dangerously close to your ear, a warm current breathes past you.
  267. >"It's my pleasure, my lady.."
  268. >N-no, you shouldn't...
  269. >Her lips graze your neck, sending shivers across your body.
  270. >Her tailfin gracefully visits your underworld, adding to the mix of soap and water.
  271. >You turn your head to find her lips and find them waiting eagerly.
  272. >What you find inside proves to be an aphrodisiac and under the guidance of her song, you fall into a slippery ecstasy.
  274. --------------------
  276. >"DOWN! THE! HATCH!"
  277. >Under the crowds elated cheers, you open up the barrel, sending its contents pouring down on the Duke.
  278. >If he wasn't already on his back, he would soon have slipped in the fast growing puddle of cider beneath him.
  279. >Even so, there is enough liquid entering the pig to knock out a grown stallion.
  280. >The waterfall turns into a trickle and soon the cask is empty.
  281. >"Blue, more!"
  282. >Obeying his wish, you turn to the pyramid of barreled delight.
  283. >However, just as you lift the next batch of booze into the air, a gurgling sound arises from the pig's throat.
  284. >To your dismay, the noble starts to vomit vehemently.
  285. >While you avert your gaze, the crowd breaks out in laughter.
  286. >Behind their ranks you notice some servants with pained expressions.
  287. >A minotaur and a human step forward.
  288. >They carry the swine to his chair and make sure he doesn't choke on his puke.
  289. >Hopefully this marks the end of your master's feasting exploits for tonight.
  290. >"Well, who here thinks they can beat my friend the Duke? Who can down a second barrel?"
  291. >Cries and hands rise up in the audience, eager to prove their worth to the Ferret King.
  292. >The critter appoints a black bulky minotaur, who roars as he steps forward.
  293. >"I WILL DRINK IT ALL!"
  294. >"Well then, commence!"
  295. >Not bothering to wait for your help, the minotaur grabs a barrel, rips off the lid, and starts chugging.
  296. >You prepare the next two containers, as it doesn't seem he'll stop at one.
  297. >It does not take long for him to finish his first barrel, after which he smashes it on the ground.
  298. >The second one he empties with equal speed, but halfway through the third, he pauses.
  299. >To your surprise he puts the barrel down.
  300. >You didn't think this challenge would end gracefully.
  301. >Your hopes and dreams are shattered as the minotaur emits the loudest belch you have ever heard.
  302. >Eagerly, he resumes his drinking and quickly drains the barrel.
  303. >You float the next one over to him, opened and ready to pour.
  304. >Impatiently, he takes a few wobbly steps toward the cask.
  305. >He grabs it tight and tilts it above his head.
  306. >Just as the cider starts its descent, the barrel slips and crashes into the minotaur.
  307. >He loses his balance and tumbles to the floor.
  308. >"Is there no one who can hold his liquor?"
  309. >The king's comment triggers roaring laughter from the crowd.
  310. >Then, the spark of an idea lights up in his eyes.
  311. >"Princess Luna, how about we hold a little wager?"
  312. >What is the critter up to this time?
  313. "What would be the rules of thine game, my lord?"
  314. >The ferret grins.
  315. >"I bet that no pony can outdrink my subjects and I dare you to prove me wrong."
  316. >You take a look at the drained barrels on the ground.
  317. >You're not sure about your subjects, but you yourself would definitely not beat the minotaur.
  318. "What do we stand to gain from this wager?"
  319. >This is where his face truly lights up, no doubt delighted by his own deviousness.
  320. >"Well, suppose you win, which you won't, I'll release the winning pony. If you lose, however, you'll end up in my dungeon."
  321. >A golden opportunity, if you can find a suitable pony.
  322. >You scour your mind, recounting the ponies you met in their dreams.
  323. >The pegasus mare, Rainbow Dash, she liked her cider alright.
  324. >There's also Applejack; surely a pony who makes cider should be able to handle it well.
  325. >Or maybe you should summon her brother?
  326. >The ferret's eyes burn on you expectantly and you make your choice.
  327. "We shall accept your challenge."
  328. >"Excellent! Which of the prisoners should I send for?"
  329. "Our champion shall be the earth pony named Applejack."
  330. >The king raises an eyebrow.
  331. >"Is that the orange one?"
  333. --------------------
  335. >A minotaur enters the room, carrying Applejack under his arm.
  336. >"Let go of me!"
  337. >Less than gently he puts her down next to you.
  338. >"Princess Luna, what are you doing here?"
  339. "We require your-"
  340. >"I'll do the talking, Princess, this being my court and all."
  341. >You glare angrily at the ferret, who smirks back at you.
  342. >"Prisoner, your princess has chosen you as her champion for this wager. My contestant has downed three barrels of my finest cider, you are to try and beat him."
  343. >The mare shoots you a worried look.
  344. >"Three barrels? That's a lot, Princess," she whispers.
  345. "We have faith in thee."
  346. >The king claps his paws.
  347. >"Without further ado, you may start!"
  348. >You open up a barrel for the pony.
  349. >The mare grabs a previously unused tankard off the ground and gets her first taste of the barrel.
  350. >After a deep swig, her face turns into a grimace and she spits it all out.
  351. >"Yuck! Are ya trying to poison me?!"
  352. >You grin as the ferret's face gets red.
  353. >"You will drink it and you will like it!"
  354. >"Ya really should get a new supplier, even Flim and Flam made better cider!"
  355. >The Ferret King fails to find words for his anger, but the Duke comes to his aid.
  356. >"Less talk, more drink, horse!"
  357. >The earth pony turns to you with a confident smile.
  358. >"Dontcha worry, Princess, I reckon I could drink the whole pyramid if I had to; this 'cider' is hardly more than apple juice."
  359. >Thank the Moon, you chose the right pony for the job.
  360. "Well then, bottoms up!"
  361. >The pony lies down on her back and you pull the bung from its hole.
  362. >For the duration of the first barrel, all is quiet.
  363. >The crowd is uncertain whether to cheer for their king's opponent, though some look excited.
  364. >Halfway the second barrel, Applejack motions for you to put the plug back in.
  365. >The king is already smiling triumphantly when a roaring belch escapes the mare.
  366. >Now, the crowd no longer hides their excitement.
  367. >Cheers and chants rise up and your champion resumes drinking.
  368. >They swell up to a thunderous cascade as the end of the third barrel comes into sight.
  369. >"More! More! More!"
  370. >Obliging the audience's wish, you take a fourth barrel from the pile.
  371. >But before you can pull the plug, Applejack motions you to wait.
  372. >Instead of letting the liquid pour down on her, she takes off the lid of the barrel and with cheerful 'Geronimo!' dives into the barrel.
  373. >Literally.
  374. >Beneath the head stuck atop the barrel, sounds of splashing and drinking reach you and the crowd.
  375. >It's clear that you've won this wager and it's now your turn to smile triumphantly.
  376. >A little later, the barrel falls over, spilling the last remnants of its contents along with AJ to the floor.
  377. >"Told ya I could do it."
  379. --------------------
  381. >After the feast, you find yourself before the ferret on his throne.
  382. >"Well, you have fulfilled your duties, princesses, I'll release a prisoner of your choice."
  383. >You huddle together with Celestia and Cadance to discuss your choice.
  384. >"Twilight."
  385. >"Twilight."
  386. "Should we not at least give the others-"
  387. >"Twilight."
  388. >You can hardly say it surprises you.
  389. >You turn back to the king.
  390. "We ask of thee to release Princess Twilight Sparkle to us."
  391. >"The purple one? Excellent choice! I'll have her delivered to your chambers."
  392. >You bow in thanks before the ferret.
  393. >"Now, you are dismissed. Shoo! I have important business to attend to."
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