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- Table of Contents
- @Clauses/Misc
- @Roster
- @Type Changes
- @Move Changes
- @Stat/Movepool changes
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- #Clauses/Misc
- Team Preview on
- Sleep clause
- Freeze clause
- Species clause
- The type chart is modernized.
- (Ghost is super-effective against Psychic; Ice is not very effective against Fire; Bug is NVE against Poison; and Poison is neutral against Bug)
- 1/256 is gone. All rejoice.
- Recover, Rest and Softboiled also don't fail sometimes like they do in RBY.
- Paralysis as a secondary status works as it does in modern gens.
- (Body Slam can paralyze normals, etc)
- _________________________________________________________________________
- #Roster
- Aerodactyl
- Alakazam
- Arbok
- Articuno
- Beedrill
- Butterfree
- Chansey
- Charizard
- Cloyster
- Dragonite
- Dugtrio
- Electabuzz
- Electrode
- Exeggutor
- Flareon
- Gengar
- Golbat
- Golduck
- Golem
- Gyarados
- Hypno
- Jynx
- Kabutops
- Machamp
- Magmar
- Magneton
- Moltres
- Muk
- Nidoqueen
- Ninetales
- Parasect
- Pidgeot
- Pinsir
- Poliwrath
- Primeape
- Slowbro
- Snorlax
- Starmie
- Tangela
- Tauros
- Vileplume
- Zapdos
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- #Type Changes
- Butterfree - Bug/Psychic
- Charizard - Fire/Dragon
- Electabuzz - Electric/Fighting
- Golduck - Water/Ghost
- Magmar - Fire/Fighting
- Magneton - Electric/Rock
- Ninetales - Fire/Psychic
- _________________________________________________________________________
- #Move Changes
- #Acid: 70 BP, 50% chance to lower defense
- #Bind: 40 BP, 8 PP, partial trapping for 2-3 turns (accuracy remains 75)
- #Wrap: 40 BP, 8 PP, partial trapping for 2-3 turns (accuracy remains 85)
- #Clamp: 70 BP, 5 PP, partial trapping for 2-3 turns (accuracy remains 75)
- #Fire Spin: 30 BP, 8 PP, partial trapping for 2-3 turns (accuracy remains 70)
- #Karate Chop: Fighting type
- #Gust: 80 BP, Flying type, 30% chance to lower attack
- #Poison Sting: 95 BP, 30% chance to poison
- #Tri Attack: Ghost type
- #Dream Eater: 200 BP, Ghost type, works against sleeping, poisoned, or badly poisoned targets, heals 100% of damage dealt.
- #Leech Life: 60 BP, heals 100% of damage dealt
- #Mega Drain: heals 100% of damage dealt
- #Submission: 100 accuracy, 100 BP
- #Petal Dance: 120 BP (repeats 2-3 turns, then confuses user)
- #Thrash: 100 BP, Dragon type (repeats 2-3 turns, then confuses user)
- #Toxic: 100 accuracy
- #Twineedle: 40 BP per hit (still 20% poison chance per hit)
- #Vice Grip: Bug type, high critical hit ratio
- #Mimic: Mimicked moves remain on the userβs moveset even if the user switches out. Jynx, Flareon, Articuno, Magneton, Dugtrio, and Pidgeot are now the only users of Mimic.
- #Solar Beam: 100 BP, +1 Special during charge turn
- #Sky Attack: +1 Defense during charge turn
- #Rock Slide: 85 BP
- #Disable: 100 accuracy, 3pp. Disabled moves remain Disabled indefinitely, even if the Disabled Pokemon switches out. If you try to Disable a second move, the second move will be successfully Disabled, but the first move will no longer be Disabled. Tangela, Ninetales, and Muk are now the only users of Disable.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- #Stat/Movepool Changes
- Charizard - Learns Thrash
- Butterfree - 70/55/60/95/80 | +10/+10/+10/+15/+10 | Learns Leech Life, Solar Beam
- Beedrill - 65/80/40/45/130 | 0/0/0/0/+55 learns Dream Eater, does not learn Swords Dance
- Pidgeot - 83/110/75/105/100 | 0/+30/0/+35/+9
- Arbok - 60/105/69/65/100 | 0/+20/0/0/+20
- Nidoqueen - 90/92/87/75/85| 0/+10/0/0/+9 | learns Softboiled
- Ninetales - Learns Psychic, Disable
- Golbat - 85/90/80/80/90 | +10/+10/+10/+5/0 | Learns Acid, Gust, Super Fang
- Vileplume - 80/105/85/100/80 | +5/+25/0/0/+30 | Learns Razor Leaf
- Parasect - 90/115/130/80/30 | +30/+20/+50/0/0 | learns Twineedle, Vice Grip
- Golduck - Learns Tri Attack, doesn't learn Submission
- Primeape - 65/105/60/60/125 | 0/0/0/0/+30
- Flareon - 115/130/90/110/65 | +50/0/+30/0/0
- Poliwrath - 90/115/95/70/70 | 0/+30/0/0/0 | Learns Dream Eater, Karate Chop
- Machamp - 100/130/100/65/55 | +10/0/+20/0/0
- Magneton - 120/60/95/120/70 | +70/0/0/0/0
- Muk - 145/105/85/75/50 | +40/0/+10/+10/0 | learns Acid
- Hypno - 85/113/70/115/67 | 0/+40/0/0/0
- Electrode - 65/65/70/110/140 | +5/+15/0/+30/0
- Gyarados - Learns Sky Attack, Tri Attack
- Aerodactyl - Learns Rock Slide, Softboiled
- Dragonite - Learns Thrash
- Magmar - 65/95/57/85/120 | 0/0/0/0/+27 | learns Vice Grip
- Moltres - Learns Solar Beam
- Kabutops - Learns Rock Slide
- Dugtrio - 35/110/50/70/120 | 0/+30/0/0/0 | learns Tri Attack
- Tangela - 85/55/115/100/60 | +20/0/0/0/0 | learns Disable, does not learn Sleep Powder
- Chansey - does not learn Solar Beam
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