
Charter Mage in Equestria

Jun 23rd, 2012
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  1. Just another day, in the city of Belisaere.. the sun was shining, bright and strong. Within a week Midsummer would be upon the Old Kingdom, when there would be feasting and celebrations around the Charter Stones that dotted the land.
  2. Along the King's Road; Anonymous ambled along. The light breeze coming from the harbor cooling the hot stones, and bringing with it the faint odor of salt and fish.
  3. "Wonder what the docks will be like in a few days time," thought the Mage idly. "Never been there during the celebrations, now that I think about it. Wonder if the Master will need all of us.. Hah, knowing the old goat he'd keep me back just to appreciate the 'grandeur' of the royal family praying at the Great Stones for hours on end."
  4. Pausing to watch a street entertainer, he chuckled and gasped along with the rest of the audience as he made a kitten appear and disappear in a box without the use of a mark. Sure to be sleight of hand, yet the skill needed to achieve it was impressive by any standard. Leaving only after tossing a couple small silver coins into the conjurer's box as he started his card routines, Anonymous sighed at the view of the castle above him. In the lofty Court therein, Lords and Ladies competed for both the King Touchstone's and each other's good graces; and to destroy the good image of those that were not in their good favor. At the King's side no doubt the Royal Mage would be standing by: there to both assist the king in spellcasting and knowledge of magics beside those suited for battle, and to subtly guard him with his own spells.
  5. "And he's only going to be there for another quarter of a glass before it's time for lessons, let's not forget. What was it this time? Illusion, no wait.. Sendings? Either that or wards. At least I hope we get to learn more about enchanting items.. and I'm timewasting, aren't I?"
  6. Thus; the young Mage turned about to bring himself back towards the Royal palace of Belisaere, where his master doubtless awaited his presence for yet another lecture.
  8. "WHERE have you been then lad?! Eh? Decided to hitch a ride on a tortoise and visit the Wall did you? Or did you just think you'd have a little nap for a few hours?!"
  9. Holding in a wince, Anonymous glanced at the hourglass in the corner, even now the last few grains trickling through. A minute, at most he was late, surely. But the old man did love his rants..
  10. "I just got a little delayed while walking in the city-"
  11. "OH well that's just FINE and dandy isn't it? Just went for a little walk? Well I suppose you know all about what we're going to be studying today don't you?"
  12. To this, Anonymous just stayed silent; trying to ignore the growing smirks on his friends faces. They all had to endure this at least once a week, but watching each other get laid into such was never unentertaining.
  13. The Royal Mage of the Old Kingdom could probably have put that street performer out of a job if he shouted at his apprentices in public for loose change.
  14. "...well.. get back into place Anonymous! Come on! Come on! Haven't got all day!"
  15. "And of course," Anonymous's mind remarked to itself "it's my fault we're now five minutes late.."
  16. Taking his place lined up in the classroom, he awaited his Master's instructions for the day.
  17. "Today.. we're going to be going somewhere rather special. Touchstone, our great King-" (Always was an incredibly royalist, too) "has allowed us leave to visit and utilize the Great Charter stones for today's lesson."
  18. Even the normal strict atmosphere couldn't help Anonymous and the other few apprentices glancing at each other, whispering amazedly,
  19. "THE Charter ston-"
  20. "Only those with the bloodlines-"
  21. "I thought they couldn't-"
  22. "Heard that if you-"
  23. "THAT'S ENOUGH MUTTERING! I know, I know, it's not exactly often that lowly apprentices are given leave aside from special occasions; but with Midsummer coming, the King and I thought a practical lesson on warding spells would be useful. So we'll be placing guarding spells around the area using the Stones power. May as well see what you'll be one day guarding, eh? Now get a move on!"
  25. Splash.
  26. Splosh
  27. "UUURGH, something *slimy* touched my leg!"
  28. Sighing, our 'hero' waded through the waist-high waters of the Reservoir, trying to ignore the chilling cold and comments of the other apprentices.
  29. For some reason, the raft usually used was being repaired for the ceremony. So for today, some rather expensive robes were being waterlogged just for the occasion.
  30. Above their heads, small charter-marks of light lit the place. Or more illuminated the gloom. For one of the places the Great Charter slept; the environs never seemed all that.. 'Great'
  31. Even so.. the Stones presence was certainly noticeable. As they grew closer, the light grew; the simple fact they were closer to the Stones making the marks glow brighter.
  32. Even the water, when scooped up to trickle through fingers revealed it was more charter-mark than water. Marks of wetness, of cold, of damp, of water.. infinite in their variety as the world was.
  33. "Nearly there! Nearly *cough* there.."
  34. Well, at least the old goat was having a bad a time as they were.. possibly worse, actually considering his age.
  35. "Wonderful, and now I'm feeling sympathetic for the crotchety bugger." muttered Anonymous as he felt a fish swim between his legs.
  36. And then, there in front of them and out of the gloom were the Stones. Unremarkable aside from a faint glow that even the weakest sunlight could overpower.
  37. Until you looked closely, and saw the charter-marks upon charter-marks writhing and flowing on them. And even closer still, with marks utop marks utop marks..
  38. Snapping back to reality, Anonymous tore his gaze from them. His master laying a hand on one to tap into the Charter; letting it flow through him as he traced marks of warmth and light to dispel the cold.
  39. "Right! Take a few minutes to.. to get used to the cold. Cast whatever spells you feel are necessary to work and we'll get start- *cough* started excuse me.."
  40. Serves you right for shouting at me, really. Old goat.
  42. The Great Charter stones. One of the Seven Great Charters. From which Charter Mages plucked their marks to cast spells and protected the Kingdom..
  43. "In a way it's incredible to be able to get this close, let alone use them.." breathed the Mage. Slowly reaching out like another of his classmates was. The others either not as in awe or looking around the cavern instead.
  44. As soon as his hand touched a Stone, it all went wrong.
  45. Marks of warmth and light entered Anonymous's mind, and he let them flow. The Great Charters were said to have a slight mind of their own, and if it wanted to keep him warm, or if he simply did it instinctively.. who was he to argue?
  46. But the marks just didn't stop. Going from those to keep the area comfortable to those of.. movement? Protection. Translation. Travel. Binding. Releasing. Destruction. Creation. Marks he didn't even know and those he did, of frightening power. Once he recognised a mark that he knew would destroy him without help of other Mages, sword and wand yet passed through. Yet it continued.
  47. Unable to stop speaking the marks or move his arms as his fellows watched on.
  48. Unable to breathe or think aside from the marks flowing from the Charter through him.
  49. Unable to answer his master's plea to stop or tell him what was happening.
  50. And then it was all over.
  51. Blackness was all there was. And pain. Not the pain of wounds but.. of having run for too long, for having done too much in too short a time, perhaps? Maybe this was what being old felt like. thought Anonymous
  52. "Hope this isn't what the old man feels like, otherwise I'd actually have to start feeling sorry for him.."
  53. Slowly he cracked his eyes open, wincing at the harsh sunlight that streamed down.
  54. "At least they got my out the reservoir.."
  55. Sitting up, holding his side; Anonymous chuckled as he moved.
  56. "Heh, 'least I'll be able to say I can cast those... those.. marks... oh Charter preserve me."
  57. Before him; was a field of dazzling green, brightly colored wildflowers blooming freely and bees merrily buzzing to and fro.
  58. With the city of Belisaere nowhere in sight.
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