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Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. Chiyu: WHy do you feel the need to be in the call? o-o Its not like we'll all just stop talking here
  2. ExplicitKontent: SORRY
  3. ExplicitKontent: z
  4. VividEmotions: Because I'm about to play dragon ball z
  5. IlShulI: awe, happens to me too when i do which is like rarely
  6. VividEmotions: And I can talk while playing
  7. VividEmotions: But its okay
  8. ExplicitKontent: >->
  9. VividEmotions: I know when I'm not accepted someone where so no worries
  10. Chiyu: Well that's your decision to play that tho xD
  11. IlShulI: <-<
  12. ExplicitKontent Flicks him
  13. VividEmotions: No need to stur the pot >.>
  14. IlShulI: o-o -dodges it-
  15. Chiyu: I'm not stiring any pot. It's just silly of you to act like that because you won't be added to the call. But it's your decision to play dragon ball soooo I don't get it
  16. ExplicitKontent: BECCA'S MOM IS GOING HAM
  17. ExplicitKontent: LOL
  18. Angelicpearl25: kms
  19. VividEmotions: Well for one it does not matter if I play a game or not XD
  20. CeIleste: when arent you in trouble becca
  21. ExplicitKontent: xd
  22. ExplicitKontent: I'M DYING LMAO
  23. ExplicitKontent: THE SASS
  24. ExplicitKontent: LMFAO
  25. Chiyu: You're putting yourself in the position to not be able to talk to everyone but getting mad when you won't be put in a call
  26. IlShulI: XD
  27. Angelicpearl25: kill me
  28. Chiyu: Doesn't make sense
  29. VividEmotions: Look if your going to hang around me know I'm a realist. If I see somthing the way it is I will call it out
  30. ExplicitKontent: I WILL NOT KILL YOU
  31. ExplicitKontent: LMAO
  32. VividEmotions: Thats just me XD
  33. VividEmotions: I saw that I'm not accepted in the call so I made that statement and thats it o.o
  35. Chiyu: That's not the way it is tho lolAnd no you acted like a brat at first then you said that
  36. VividEmotions: I also know that Bubblelicious over here does not like me XD
  37. IlShulI: Imao
  38. Chiyu: But mkay
  39. ExplicitKontent: I'M FUCKING CRACKING UP
  40. ExplicitKontent: TRYING SO HARD TO BE QUIET
  41. VividEmotions: Chiyu just say no chris we find youv annoying and we are avoiding you in a call
  42. VividEmotions: Sorry but it kind of annoys me when people sugercult somthing XD
  43. Chiyu: And did anyone say that?
  44. Chiyu: Nah you're just assuming shit
  45. ExplicitKontent: No Chris, we find you annoying and we are avoiding you in a call.
  46. Chiyu: DIfferent story
  47. VividEmotions: No I'm calling it on how it is XD
  48. Angelicpearl25: kmmmmmmmmmmmmsssssssssssssssssssss
  49. VividEmotions: There
  50. VividEmotions: See
  51. Chiyu: Learn to read the words on the screen instead of the ones in your head
  52. VividEmotions: Thats what I'm talking about :P
  53. ExplicitKontent: I was only repeating what you said
  54. VividEmotions: ~ gives her a cookie~
  55. ExplicitKontent: I don't really know you
  56. ExplicitKontent: OH SHIT
  57. ExplicitKontent: COOKIE
  58. ExplicitKontent Grabs it
  59. Chiyu: Don't assume the worst of people or assume they think the worst of you because someone tells you no
  60. Chiyu: Jfc
  61. VividEmotions: Well thats me if you don't like it oh well
  62. VividEmotions: Thats unfortunate
  63. ExplicitKontent: z
  64. ExplicitKontent: z
  65. ExplicitKontent: z
  66. Chiyu: Mkay, no worries. We obviously differ on how we think someone should act properly. That's all good
  67. VividEmotions: ~ Warps my arms around BubbleLicous and Beccas Shouders~
  68. VividEmotions: Yep we sure do
  69. VividEmotions: You assmue people are goody to shoes
  70. ExplicitKontent: z
  71. VividEmotions: I assmue people are all dicks like me XD
  72. Angelicpearl25: maddie kill me
  73. ExplicitKontent: NO LOL
  74. Angelicpearl25: ;-;
  75. Chiyu: Um, I assume people say what they mean instead of say whatever you make in your mind
  76. Chiyu: up*
  77. Chiyu: Nothing about goody too shoes
  78. Chiyu: Maybe you shouldnt assume everyones a dick to you and people wouldn't be
  79. VividEmotions: Look Chiyu let me teach you real life no one even me give to shits about anyone even you XD
  80. Chiyu: Funny how that would probably work
  81. VividEmotions: No one gives a shit about me
  82. VividEmotions: No one gives a shit about becca
  83. Chiyu: LOL I know a lot about real life, trust me
  84. ExplicitKontent: LIE
  85. VividEmotions: Or bubblelicious
  86. Chiyu: I give a shit about Bexxa
  87. Chiyu: Becca*
  88. Chiyu: I give a shit about Maddie
  89. VividEmotionsVividEmotions WhisperAdd Friend: Everyone is only out to get one another XD
  90. ExplicitKontent: I give a shit about Becca.
  91. ExplicitKontent: Thanks.
  92. VividEmotions: Thats why there is alot of break ups and divorces
  93. VividEmotionsVividEmotions WhisperAdd Friend: The world is fucked up
  94. VividEmotions: I choiced to accept it
  95. Chiyu: Wow, I had a fucked up childhood and I don't think everyone is a big bad wolf out to get everyone
  96. VividEmotions: And if everyone is going to be a dick hey why not have my fun :P
  97. Chiyu: Thats really sad, I'm sorry you're living life like that
  98. ExplicitKontent: BECCA GROWLED AT HER MOM
  99. VividEmotions: Well Chiyu we all choice how we live
  100. ExplicitKontent: LOL
  101. VividEmotions: All we can do is hope for the best
  102. IlShulI: z
  103. Angelicpearl25: KILL ME
  104. Angelicpearl25: FUCK MY LIFE
  105. Angelicpearl25: Grrrr
  106. VividEmotionsVividEmotions WhisperAdd Friend: Becca
  107. VividEmotions: Want to go out >o>
  108. Angelicpearl25: -.-
  109. CeIleste: yeah with me
  110. CeIleste: not him
  111. ExplicitKontent: S h u t u p
  112. CeIleste: <3
  113. Angelicpearl25: ofc bbg
  114. VividEmotions: 5th time in a row XD
  115. Angelicpearl25: I'll go out with u o;
  116. VividEmotions: Really :o
  117. CeIleste: (;
  118. VividEmotions: I bought some moive tickets
  119. IlShulI: z
  120. ExplicitKontent: z
  121. ExplicitKontent: z
  122. ExplicitKontent: z
  123. ExplicitKontent: z
  124. Chiyu: That's true. But don't act like a brat to people because you have a fucked up sense of life, not everyone does
  125. VividEmotions: I have other friends going out with me :P
  126. IlShulI: z
  127. IlShulI: z
  128. ExplicitKontent: KAYLA GO OUT WITH ME
  129. Angelicpearl25: XDDD
  130. Chiyu: OKAY MADDIE
  131. Angelicpearl25: z
  132. ExplicitKontent: <3
  133. Chiyu: I GOT YOU BBY
  134. VividEmotions: Oh sorry Chiyu I'm just hyper
  135. VividEmotions: I drank 20 cans of soda
  136. Chiyu: <3
  137. VividEmotions: But if you think about it I treated Becca like shit and she still wants to be friends :o
  138. VividEmotions: So she earned my respect
  139. Angelicpearl25: I did growl at my mom.
  140. Chiyu: Why treat anyone like shit..?
  141. Angelicpearl25: xDD
  142. VividEmotions: Shes not one of those soft I cry alot people XD
  143. Chiyu: Soft I cry a lot people
  144. Angelicpearl25: >-> You treat me like shit, not just treated xDD
  145. Angelicpearl25: But I have a brother who is worse
  146. Angelicpearl25: So it's nothing.
  147. Chiyu: You mean people who have actual feelings you could hurt?
  148. IlShulI: e.e
  149. Angelicpearl25: Plus I told you off
  150. Chiyu: Oo[s
  151. Chiyu: Sorry thats half of the world
  152. Angelicpearl25: So you stopped
  153. Angelicpearl25: xD
  154. VividEmotions: >o>
  155. Chiyu: Oops*
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