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Jul 1st, 2016
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  1. Lincoln was in his room studying when he heard a knock at the door. After waiting a few seconds, the knob turned and a brown haired girl peeked inside. "Hey Linc," Lynn said as she walked into his room. Lincoln's heart started beating in his chest. It was a ...recent development, but the two of them have been taking their sibling bonding to new and much more intimate territory. He fully expected Lynn to jump on top of him the second she closed the door, but disappointingly she just plopped onto his bed and threw a tennis ball at the wall. It bounced with a thud and landed back in her hand. She threw it again.
  3. *thud*
  4. *thud*
  5. .....
  6. *thud*
  8. "Hey Linc, sometimes when we're uh...y'know...doing that, you say that you love me." Lincoln dropped his pencil. His mind raced back to the last time Lynn went into his room. How he had said those words over and over and over while they were tangled up in his bedsheets. Lynn went on, "I really like when you do that, it gets me going more than anything. But it feels different. It doesn't sound like how you say it to Lucy, or Leni. I'm just...I wanna know what you mean by that, y'know?" Lynn was growing frustrated with her emotions, how feminine they made her appear. She kicked the back of Lincoln's chair in a show of aggression. "Hey, are you even listening?" she asked impatiently.
  10. Lincoln snapped to attention. He had to say something to fill the awkward silence in the room. "Of course I'm listening. It's... complicated though," Lincoln stalled, trying to find the right words to explain himself. "I love you just as much as I love any of my other sisters!" He immediately realized that was the wrong thing to say. Lynn furrowed her brow and crossed her arms. She was visibly dissatisfied with his answer and was about to say something before Lincoln's door opened up again. Another brown haired girl poked her head out, this time it was Luan.
  12. "Hey, you guys wanna watch a movie? Cop School is gonna be on in ten minutes. This movie's so good, it should be illegal! Haha," Luan laughed.
  14. Seeing an escape from an awkward conversation with Lynn presenting itself, he agreed to movie night. "Sure! Let's go!" He grabbed Lynn's hand and dragged her downstairs with Luan leading the way. After a few minutes, all three were situated on the couch with popcorn and drinks in hand. As the credits from the preceding movie began to play, they heard a knock at the door. Luan was the closest, so she got up to see who it was. Lincoln's eyes were fixated on the screen as he felt his cheeks grow hot. He knew that Lynn was staring directly at him, but if he never turned to look, she would never be able to say anything, right?
  16. "Oh hey, Bobby," Lincoln heard Luan say as she answered the door. He had heard that name countless times in the past few weeks, it was the only word his sister Lori say for the past few weeks. Lincoln was happy that she found someone. It meant that she was never in a bad enough mood to lash out at her younger siblings, but it was starting to get a little irritating how often she proclaimed the two of them were in love. Oh boy, there's that "L" word rearing it's head again. Lincoln was going to gripe some more, but was startled by the sound of their cat meowing loudly and running out of the house. "Cliff wait!"
  18. A little later, Luan walked back, accompanied by another set of footsteps. "Hey guys, Bobby's here." she said. "Bobby, this is Lynn, and this is Lincoln." The two of them turned and greeted Bobby before looking back at the TV. Luan must have made some joke at Lincoln's expense because he heard Luan's characteristic laughter and saw Lynn smile. Lynn only ever enjoyed Luan's jokes if they were about him. Lincoln saw Bobby stifle a laugh and sit down on the couch with them on the end next to Luan. Lincoln fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat, settling into the couch cushions. He should use the movie's runtime to think of a better answer to Lynn's big question.
  20. He didn't get much time to think, though, as the ridiculousness of the movie demanded his full attention. Neither he nor Lynn "got" Cop School's humor and spent the entire duration questioning the jokes and incomprehensible story. Bonding together while criticizing the movie, Lincoln was happily surprised to feel Lynn's hand creeping over to meet his on their end of the sofa. As their fingers intertwined, a tiny smile crept over Lincoln's face. He didn't dare look at her, lest he risk exposing their secret, but this small gesture was enough.
  22. The younger kids on the couch were relieved when the movie was over. The humor just wasn't for them, and the terrible pun Bobby made afterwards only made their eyes roll, although Luan sure seemed to like it. As she threw back her head and laughed, Lincoln turned and looked at Lynn. He was reminded of how pretty she was. She never wore makeup or styled her hair in anything other than a utilitarian ponytail, Lynn was just naturally beautiful, in that "lumberjack's daughter" sort of way.
  24. Lincoln wanted her badly. He put together a simple excuse to leave the living room and hoped that Lynn would be able to catch on. "Hey guys," Lincoln said while clearing his throat. "Movie night was fun, but I think I gotta do some homework. Nice meeting you, Bobby." Lincoln got up and started walking toward the stairs. When he didn't hear Lynn say anything, he quickly shot a look at her and silently urged her to follow suit.
  26. "Uh...yeah, homework." Lynn took her brother's excuse and recycled it for own sake as she jumped off the couch and followed Lincoln to the stairs. He breathed a sigh of relief and and walked side by side with her. Lynn reached out and grabbed Lincoln's hand to gave it a playful squeeze. Without saying a word, when they reached the foot of the stairs, they turned and entered Lincoln's room, shutting the door behind them.
  28. Lynn jumped into her brother's arms and kissed him, pressing her tongue forcefully against his lips. He opened his mouth and let her in. Lincoln could tell that she had been waiting the whole movie for this, he felt the same way. As their tongues danced, Lincoln shuffled backwards trying to keep himself upright while carrying his sister. When his legs bumped into the bed, he fell back, and the two of them started fondling each other and rapidly shedding articles of clothing. Socks, shirts, underwear were thrown in random directions as the two messily made out.
  30. Lincoln loved the way that Lynn kissed. It was so much more aggressive than anything he encountered with his meager dating experience. It was another sport for her, a competition, and Lynn played to win. She used her tongue as an extension of her body, dexterously wrestling with his, flipping his over at her will, pinning his down for the count. An imaginary ref counted off in her head, "1,2...3!" Lynn loved assuming dominance over him, moaning in celebration of her undefeated record. If Lynn would not be satisfied with anything other than victory, Lincoln was in it for the love of the game.
  32. Flushed and sweaty from the exertion, Lynn rolled off Lincoln and punched the air to commemorate her win. Lincoln's mind was spinning from the makeout session, all he could do was stare up at the ceiling. She had kissed him speechless. Lynn reached down and felt how hard Lincoln had gotten and was happy to see that he was almost fully erect, standing at attention. She gave his penis a light tap and laughed as it swayed back and forth. "Aw hey, little guy. I missed you too!" Lynn rolled onto her side and draped a leg over her brother's waist to get a better angle. Spitting into her hand for lubricant, she grasped his cock, the slimy texture of the saliva making Lincoln shudder. She started jerking him off, beginning slowly but gradually increasing her tempo.
  34. Lynn's arm was pistoning up and down, her hand moving so fast that it was blurry to the naked eye. Her legs were bouncing up and down against Lincoln's from the momentum and both sets of legs were drenched in sweat. He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. Lynn probably noticed her brother biting his lip and teased him, "Don't tap out on me now, lil bro, we still have ten rounds!" Her words sparked a rare instance of competitive spirit within him, and Lincoln went on the offensive. While Lynn was jerking him off, he reached over and returned the favor, plunging two fingers directly inside of her soaking wet pussy. Lynn moaned at this intrusion, her eyes closing as she relished the feeling of being filled, but quickly opened her eyes and threw down the gauntlet. "The first person to cum, loses. You ready?"
  36. "Ready," Lincoln grinned. She might have a headstart, but he had gotten to know her body especially well. Lincoln fingered her at a tremendous speed, nearly matching Lynn's movements stroke for stroke. Unsurprisingly, she was enduring the pressure. Thanks to her supreme athletic ability, Lynn was able to hold off her orgasm, while Lincoln was edging closer and closer to defeat. He had to reveal his trump card. While he was shoving his fingers in and out, Lincoln wrapped his thumb around and used it to rub her clit at the same time. It was a blitz, Lynn was caught completely off guard. She arched her back, and her body felt like a live wire as jolts of electricity shot through her. Lynn curled her toes and would have screamed out loud if Lincoln hadn't muffled her with his hand. She came over and over, her juice squirting out in an arc, drenching the bedsheets in cum.
  38. Amazed at his victory, Lincoln let his concentration falter for just a millisecond, and Lynn had a chance for vengeance. Reaching around him, she took a finger and shoved it up his ass, pressing the little button inside that made Lincoln immediately fire off his load, spurts of cum landing on his stomach all the way up to his chin. He moaned out in pleasure, calling out Lynn's name as he road out an intense orgasm. The two of them were panting, their chests heaving in and out as if they had just run a marathon. Soaked in each other's sweat, saliva, and cum, Lincoln and Lynn drifted off to sleep.
  40. Several hours later, the storm that had been brewing announced its presence, bathing the night sky with light and shaking the earth to its core with the subsequent thundercrack. "What was that!" Lincoln blurted out in alarm, waking up in a cold sweat. Pulling his head up from the covers, his heart was pounding at a thousand beats per minute.
  42. "It's just a storm," Lynn replied. "Don't tell me you're scared of a little lightning?" Calmed by Lynn's light teasing, Lincoln settled down and heard a set of footsteps climb the stairs and continue down the hall. "Now get back over here," she whispered playfully. Lynn gestured him over with one finger.
  44. Lincoln sought to defend his masculinity. "Scared? Who said anything about being scared?" He puffed out his chest and put on a false sense of bravado. "Just like Ace Savvy, I'm as manly as they come!" He imitated his favorite superhero while pulling Lynn close and kissing her like a damsel in distress he had just rescued.
  46. She laughed and pushed him off with ease. "Please, Linc, you're less of an Ace and more of a Queen. Which makes me the King." Lynn took her little brother and put him in a headlock while her legs snaked over and around his thighs, completely immobilizing him in a full body lock. She brought her head down to his ear and whispered, "Now say it."
  48. "Say...what?" Lincoln coughed out.
  50. "Say you're a queen, and that I'm your king!" Lynn grinned mischievously as her free hand made it's way down Lincoln's bare chest.
  52. "What? N-never! Unhand me at once you fiend!" Lincoln had enough control over the situation to joke around, which Lynn wasn't happy with. She tightened her grip on his body, forcing him to squeak like a mouse. Her free hand found it's target, Lincoln's boyhood slowly growing erect from the pressure. It was almost as if she had contorted her victim's body in a way that forced blood flow to his cock. "Saaaay it, Lincooooln..." Lynn's singsong voice belied her lewd intent. Her fingers gently traced their way down from the tip of his cock to the base and back up again, tantalizing in its movements but denying him pleasure, holding it out at arm's length.
  54. "F-fuck..." was the only coherent word Lincoln could utter at this point. He needed this, masculinity be damned. "Fine...Lynn. You win! I'm a queen and you're my king." He thrust his hips impotently trying to make contact with her fingers.
  56. "Mmm, that's my girl," Lynn said as she grasped his cock and started stroking it. Satisfied with his submission, Lynn allowed him this temporary pleasure.
  58. A loud crash and a sparking, popping noise rang throughout the house like a gunshot. "Shh...what was that?" Lincoln asked in a hushed whisper. Lynn released Lincoln from the body lock and they both listened intently. A set of footsteps raced down the stairs, most likely one of their sisters investigating the noise. Lincoln had a moment of clarity in his otherwise hormonal sex-clouded mind. "Should we go see what's wrong?"
  60. "Nah, it'll take care of itself," Lynn dismissed the notion flatly. "We'd have to put on clothes, it'd be too much of a pain..." she started listing off excuses. "Besides, there are other things worth doing..." Lynn lowered her eyelids and gave Lincoln a seductive gaze. She wasn't the most feminine of his sisters, but Lincoln had to admit Lynn could be damn sexy when she wanted to. Her bedroom eyes were almost hypnotic.
  62. "O-other things? Like...what?" He was utterly, entirely wrapped around her finger at this point.
  64. "Hmm, I dunno..." Lynn ran her hand through Lincoln's hair and firmly grabbed a handful of white hair by the roots, flaring up every available pain receptor in her brother's head. An outburst of pain followed, which Lynn quelled by letting go and caressing his cheek with the back of her hand. "You never gave me an answer, bro. Not a good one, at least. So now that I have your attention, I want to hear what you were gonna say."
  66. Lincoln tried his best to recollect what Lynn was talking about, then remembered the question she asked him earlier that night. What did he mean when he said "I love you" to her? Hmm, what...did he mean, exactly? This might've been the hardest question he had to answer. If he gave the wrong answer, he feared for his well being. But should he? Lynn was trying to understand his emotions, was there a wrong answer to give?
  68. Feeling like he was on the edge of a cliff about to jump off, Lincoln took a deep breath and began. "I care about you. I mean, of course I care about you, you're my sister. But I think it goes deeper than that. On a purely physical level, I think you're beautiful and you're strong in a way that makes me feel protected, even if sometimes you're so rough on me that it feels like abuse. I think a part of me likes that, though. In any case, we've shared something so intimate that of course I'd feel a sense of attachment to you."
  70. Lincoln felt himself grow more confident with each word, so he continued. "On an emotional level, though, I feel like you get me. You understand me on a level that no one else does, and to have a person I can be myself around is so comforting. I can be insecure or afraid or happy or sad, it doesn't matter. You're always there for me. When I say I love you, I mean that I love you. I mean that you're the only person I want in my life and you make me happier than I've ever been. This is entirely new territory for me, but I like what we have."
  72. Silence. Lincoln had just talked his mouth off and all he had to show for it was silence. Did she even hear him? Was this some weird form of rejection? A million questions were threatening to race through his mind, but a drop of water landed on his forehead, bringing him out of his head. Was there a leak in the roof or something? Another droplet fell onto him, running down his face. It made its way down to his lips and he tasted it. Salt? Lincoln looked up to see the source of the water were tears welling up and falling from Lynn's eyes.
  74. "Lynn, are you...crying?" Lincoln asked in disbelief.
  76. "N-no! Why would I be crying? There must be a leak in the roof or something." Lynn blushed wildly, countering her display of emotion by punching him in the arm. Lincoln rubbed the sore spot gingerly, and when Lynn reached back for another swing, she saw him wince. "Two for flinching, jerk." Instead of throwing her whole fist into it, she lightly tapped him. Tired of maintaining her tough facade, Lynn gave up the act and put her arms around her brother, bringing him in for a tight hug.
  78. "I love you, Lynn," Lincoln said, curled up in her embrace.
  80. ", I love you too." It was shaky at first, but he knew she meant it.
  82. They fell into sleep easily, drifting off to the sound of rain lightly tapping against the window.
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