
Shrunken Ponyville Adventure

Apr 16th, 2012
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  1. Part 1
  2. >It is mid-day, and the clouds begin to gather as the Pegasus ponies prepare to unleash a dreadful downpour over Ponyville.
  3. >your cottage is on the outskirts of town, so it would have taken a while to get there. You instead think of a closer shelter.
  4. >“Twilight would probably help.” you think to yourself. You had spent weeks helping Twilight study, and are confident that she would accommodate you.
  5. >The rain begins to pour down. You feel your clothes beginning to gain weight from the sogginess as you approach the library.
  6. >Despite your rush to get out of the rain, you calmly knock on the door. The door slowly opened and the purple pony stuck her head out.
  7. >”Hey there.” She smiled. “What are you doing in the rain? Come on in and I’ll fetch a towel.”
  8. >You thankfully step inside and wait as Twilight fetched a towel. You notice a large pile of books next to a pillow; many of the books were labeled ‘Anatomy’.
  9. >“I guess Twilight has been busy.” You think to yourself. You knew better than to mess with anything, especially Twilight’s study materials, so you leave the books alone.
  10. >Twilight returns and tosses you a fresh towel. You thank her and happily start drying yourself.
  11. >“Studying some anatomy?” You ask her as she sits on the pillow. “Yeah, I've been studying the digestive process. Want to join me?” she replied. You nod, and sit next to her.
  12. >“Why the sudden interest?” You press on. “It’s a pretty basic process, and we do it all the time.”
  13. >“I know, but I want to see exactly what happens to what is consumed.” Twilight looks at you.
  14. >“To be able to witness it completely go through the digestive system firsthand would be quite an experience, don’t you think?”
  15. >“Well.” You say as shuffle around uncomfortably. “Wouldn’t it also kill you? That stomach acid’s strong stuff!”
  16. >“Not necessarily.” She replies. “At least, not if you CAN’T die.”
  17. >You give her a puzzled look. “Say what, now? What do you mean ‘can’t die’?”
  18. > “Well.” She gives you a nervous look. “I was recently able to make a potion that would solve that problem, thanks to Zecora.”
  19. >She continues “It will make you invincible and small, and will last until you drink the antidote.”
  20. >“Well, good luck finding someone to volunteer of that fantastic voyage” you joke, you look at Twilight, who has started to stare expectantly at you.
  21. >“What? Why are you staring at me like that?” you ask. She slowly approaches you. “Would you do it? Please? It would really help me out.”
  22. >“Ask Spike to.” you suggest. “I already did that, and he refused. Besides, he went to Canterlot for tonight and won’t be back until tomorrow.” She said, giving you a dejected look.
  23. >“No way. Not doing it.” You stand up and start backing away. You glance at the window.
  24. >The downpour was getting very bad, but you consider braving it to avoid the uncomfortable situation. You go for the door, and pull on the handle.
  25. >The door would not budge, and you release the handle in surprise when you notice that Twilight’s magic was keeping it shut.
  26. >“I won’t be taking no for an answer.” Twilight said in a sinister tone. She uses her magic to lift you in the air. She slams you to the wall and binds you with magical chains.
  27. >You struggle, trying to free yourself from the chains, but it is no use. The more you try to fight the chains, they more they tighten.
  28. >“Let me go, Twilight!” you protest. Twilight levitates a strange vial to your face and forces you to drink the contents. She then drinks a potion and her horn begins to glow.
  29. >The horn emits a strange beam at you. You feel the room spinning as you get smaller and smaller. You begin to feel nauseous and close your eyes.
  30. >It all stops and you look around, but it’s too dark to see. You see light penetrating and crawl towards it.
  31. >You eventually reach the light and get to your feet. The entire library has grown! You turn around and jump in fright as you notice your clothes lying on the ground. You were shrunk.
  32. >You panic, wondering what happened, until a large hoof came crashing down besides you and knocked you down.
  33. >You look up and stare in horror at the now-massive Twilight looking down at you.
  34. >“Now then, shall we begin?” Twilight said as she walked over the table. “I’ve prepared this special quill, notebook, flashlight, and camera for your journey.”
  35. >“I am still not going to do it.” you try to feign a strong defense.
  36. >“It seems to me that you don’t really have a choice, now.” She gives you a dominant stare.
  37. >You know she is right, and you choose not to argue any further.
  38. > In your current position she could to whatever she wanted. While Twilight occupies herself with finding the minuscule tools, you attempt to sneak away.
  39. >You make for the pile of books, hoping to seek refuge in one. “Found them- hey! Where’d you go?!” Twilight yells.
  40. >You sprint for the books. You dive for the pile, but you suddenly halt in midair.
  41. >Twilight lifts you up to her face. “I wouldn’t recommend trying to escape, even if you are invincible. You might have a hard time getting around at your size.”
  42. >She massages your tiny, naked body with her hoof, and you feel a twinge of pleasure.
  43. >“Getting excited?” she teases. You look down and notice your excitement, which you swiftly attempt to hide.
  44. >“Sh-shut up!” you stammer. “It’s kind of hard not to when you keep rubbing me like that!”
  45. >“Well then, what would you say if I…rewarded…you if you did this?” she shoots you a very naughty look. You find yourself speechless and feel your entire face turn red.
  46. >“I’ll take that as a yes.” She giggles and drops you on the table. She hands you a small satchel with a camera, notebook, flashlight, and quill inside.
  47. >“They should be able to hold up inside me as well.” She said.
  48. >You consider running again, but the table was too high off the ground. “How’s about a little taste test?” she winks at you.
  49. >She sticks out her tongue and slowly approach. Her tongue presses against you and caresses the front of your body.
  50. >The tongue lifts you into the air, you slide off and land on your back onto the table.
  51. >Then the tongue pins you against the hard wood. The moisture surrounds as the tongue continues to stroke you. You feel Twilight’s breathing getting harder.
  52. >“She’s enjoying this.” you think to yourself.
  53. > After working your body over with her tongue a few more times, she pins you down and works solely on your tiny erection.
  54. >You don’t know whether to be impressed or shocked as she rubs her tongue against your privates with complete precision.
  55. >You struggle to hold back your pleasure as she increases her speed.
  56. >You finally give in and ejaculate. She swallows and licks her lips. “Where’d you learn how to do that?” you ask breathlessly.
  57. >“It was a little trick I learned from Celestia.” she smiles seductively “I learned a lot from her.”
  58. >“Of course you did.” you think to yourself.
  59. >She leaves the room for a moment and comes back with a glass of water and a muffin. “Here comes the part where I eat you.” Twilight informs you.
  60. >“First, I am going to eat you, and then the muffin. That way, you can record what happens to the muffin as it falls into the stomach.” she says.
  61. >You gulp, trying to hold back your fear, and nod. She picks you up. “Don’t worry.” She assures you. “I’m 100 percent sure you’ll be just fine. I’ve prepared for this.”
  62. >She opens her mouth and drops you inside.
  63. >You yell “W-wait, I’ve changed my mind!” and try to grab a hold of the slimy tongue. Your hands keep losing their grip as you attempt to work your way to her teeth.
  64. >She makes several “mmm” sounds and moans as she tosses your tiny, struggling body around.
  65. >You finally reach the teeth and fruitlessly try to force your way out. The tongue pins you against the teeth and works your body over once more.
  66. >You slowly get weaker as the tongue’s strength and the saliva begin to tire you. You weakly yell again for her to let you out.
  67. >Twilight ignores your pleas as she tilts her head back. You slide down the tongue and into the throat.
  68. >She gulps. “No going back now.” You gloomily state as you slide down the esophagus. You hear her beginning to munch on the snack.
  69. >You pull out the notebook and quill, while holding the flashlight in your teeth. You record the feeling of being pushed down as the esophagus forces you to the stomach.
  70. >You then fall into the stomach and notice the acid’s beginning to rise. You look up and notice the muffin bits dropping over your head.
  71. >You dodge and weave your way around the muffin bits so you wouldn’t be crushed, all the while taking pictures of the dissolving food.
  72. >you record the breakdown of the food, grateful that you are invincible and won’t end up like that muffin.
  73. >The stomach finally opens up and you drop into the lower intestine. You look up and record the already broken up muffin bits being broken up even further by the small intestine’s wall.
  74. >You then enter the large intestine and watch as the liquid gets sucked out of the muffin bits. You drop to the kidneys and they force you towards the anus.
  75. >When you hit the smelly wall, you complete your analysis and store the items in the satchel. You begin to force your way out while holding your breath.
  76. >Twilight jumps when she feels you punch your way out of her butthole. She uses her hoof to pull you out.
  77. >You have to cover your eyes as the light, and notice that mid-day had turned into evening.
  78. >“How’d it go?” she says with a worried look. You take the notebook out and give her a tired thumbs up.
  79. >“Yes, fantastic!” she happily says. Her gleeful expression turns sour when she catches a whiff of your terrible odor.
  80. >“Ugh. You smell awful.” she holds her nose. “How about a bath?”
  81. > She drops you in the tub and creates a small puddle for you to wash off in. Then she covers her hooves in soap and starts rubbing you.
  82. >Covered in soap, you roll around in the puddle again and wash yourself off.
  83. >She picks you up and smells you once more. “All clean.” She smiles.
  84. >“Now then.” She shifts her tone completely. “I did promise you a reward for being such a good test subject.”
  85. >She brings her lips mere inches away from your face and says “Let’s go to my room.” The warmness of her breath engulfs your body. You hypnotically reply “Uh-huh.”
  86. >She carries you upstairs and carefully places you on her bed. She hops into the bed, lies on her back, and spreads her legs. “Whenever you’re ready.” She breathes heavily.
  87. >You inch your way to the gigantic pussy, stretching out your hands. As you reach for it, you see it twitch in anticipation.
  88. >You begin rubbing your hands against her marehood; Twilight bites her lower lip and begins to shift in the bed.
  89. >“Don’t stop” she moans. Unable to keep up with her constant shifting around, you jam both your arms and legs inside the pussy and begin rubbing her insides.
  90. >You could feel the moisture of her juices completely engulf you, and you become aroused. You let yourself sink further inside and squirm even harder.
  91. >You grab the outside of her pussy with both of your hands and move yourself in and out. You try to keep your grip as Twilight’s juices began to cover your entire body.
  92. >Her wetness finally causes you to lose your grip, and you find yourself trapped with only your head sticking outside.
  93. > You see her gigantic hoof descending towards you, hopefully to pluck you out. Instead, the hoof shoves you deeper and deeper inside.
  94. >You massage her insides, hearing her muffled moans and feeling her hoof stroke her vagina. You continue to go deeper into the giant pony.
  95. >Your descent is finally halted when you hit a lump. You suppose that the lump is most likely her g-spot, and begin rubbing it.
  96. >Unable to hold back your own lust, you unleash your load and take a moment to catch your breath. “Don’t stop!” you hear Twilight yell; you come to your senses and continue rubbing her.
  97. >Finally, Twilight reaches her peak, and orgasms. She holds open her pussy as her orgasm forces you out.
  98. >She lifts you to her face and licks off the juices. “That was fantastic.” She said breathlessly.
  99. >She then drops you onto the bed and falls back into a deep sleep. You rub yourself against her to dry off, and sleep next to her.
  101. Part 2
  102. >The next morning, you awaken with a start in the empty bed, and notice Spike staring at you. “Holy guacamole, dude. You got small!” he exclaims.
  103. >“He won’t be staying that way.” Twilight says. She begins to cast the unshrinking spell. You feel a warm light beginning to surround you.
  104. >The light suddenly shorts out. “Uh-oh.” Twilight says. “Uh-oh? Why uh-oh?” you ask.
  105. >“Err…well, I think that invincibility potion you drank has a secondary effect, and I can’t magic you back to your original size.”
  106. >You feel your jaw drop. “You mean…I’m stuck like this?!” you raise your voice.
  107. >“No, of course not.” Twilight nervously replies. “It will just take a little more studying to work around the potion and restore you.”
  108. >“At least,” she continues “you will be invincible while you’re small. Nothing bad can happen to you.”
  109. >You groan. “How long will it take?”
  110. >Twilight begins to search for potion remedy books. “Hopefully not too long, don’t worry. I’ve assigned Spike as your protector.”
  111. >“Oh joy.” You think to yourself. Spike quickly snatches you up and gives Twilight a salute. “You can count on me.” He happily says.
  112. >Twilight thanks Spike and goes upstairs. Spike looks at you and his innocent smile turns mischievous. “Hey bro, can you do me a solid?” he whispers.
  113. >“I don’t like the sound of this.” You say.
  114. > Spike pays you no mind. “You see, around this time, Rarity locks herself in her room and does some private things. I don’t know what they are, but you could probably take a picture of them!”
  115. >You question why, and he answers “If it’s something she doesn’t want people to see, I could blackmail her into going on a date with me!” he hops around with glee.
  116. >“No way. I don’t want Rarity mad at me!” you say.
  117. > “Please?” Spike tries to persuade you. You shake your head. His grip tightens as he keeps pleading you to do so.
  118. >Finally annoyed by the pressure of his grip and the sound of his pleas, you yell “Fine! I’ll do it!”
  119. > “Alright! You’re the best, man.” Spike cheers.
  120. >He hands you the satchel and carries you all the way to Carousel Boutique.
  121. >He opens the door, and sneaks upstairs. He places you at the top of the stairs.
  122. >“Here” He says, handing you a pin. To you it feels like a large sword. “In case Opal finds you.”
  123. >You sprint to Rarity’s room, and Opal pounces in front of you.
  124. >You jump back, avoiding her swipe.
  125. >You bravely charge at Opal and begin using your pin as a fencing sword. “Why the hell am I doing this again?” you ask yourself.
  126. >You fend off her dangerous claws and see your opening. You jab the pin forward and stick her in the nose.
  127. >Opal rears back in pain and rubs her nose. You leap for safety under Rarity’s locked door. Opal attempts a final jump at you, but slams against the door.
  128. >You squeeze your way through the bottom of the door and find yourself in a large bedroom with a large, fancy bed: Rarity’s bedroom.
  129. > “Not right now, Opal. Mommy’s busy right now.” Rarity yells from atop the bed. You use the needle and climb up the bed. You notice an opening in the side of the blanket and jump in.
  130. >You use your flashlight to work your way under the blanket. You stop when you see her two white hooves under the blanket.
  131. >The blanket opens up, you keep yourself hidden near the edge as you see Rarity’s front right hoof descending towards her vagina.
  132. >She strokes the edges of her pussy and begins to moan. You begin taking pictures with the camera.
  133. > “Oh yeah. Right there.” She breathes heavily. Her hoof begins to penetrate.
  134. >When you see the juices beginning to seep from the pussy, you are reminded of your time with Twilight and become aroused.
  135. >Rarity seems too preoccupied with her masturbation to notice the constant clicking of your camera.
  136. >The hoof penetrates deeper and Rarity’s moans become more voluminous. She begins to leak juices at a swifter rate.
  137. >Rarity lets out a little squeal, most likely meaning that she has located her g-spot.
  138. >Meanwhile, as if in a trance, you slowly inch your way towards the vagina. She suddenly stops, and you snap out of it.
  139. >You stand completely still, convinced that she has spotted you. “Let’s step this up a bit.” She tells herself as she pulls out a dildo. You sigh in relief and back up a bit.
  140. >Rarity shoves the dildo inside, and the juices begin to flow again.
  141. >“Harder.” She tells herself as she moves the dildo in and out at a faster rate.
  142. >Her juices fall everywhere, and you move from side to side to avoid it.
  143. >She growls and shoves it in at an alarmingly fast rate.
  144. >She arches her back and unleashes. Her hind leg twitches and shoots out, knocking you backwards.
  145. >“What was that?” Rarity is snapped out of her pleasured state. You scramble to your feet and hide the camera in your satchel.
  146. >You attempt to hide in the safety of the blanket, but the gigantic hoof crashes in front of you. “Going somewhere, you perverted little bug?” she booms.
  147. >She uses her magic and lifts you towards her. “Now then, what do we- oh!” Rarity gasps when she notices that it’s you.
  148. >“Well now, this is quite a surprise.” Rarity blushes awkwardly. “How, may I ask, did you end up here?”
  149. >You tell her about Twilight’s shrinking spell mishap, and lie when you say that Spike ‘accidentally’ lost you.
  150. >“That’s quite a story.” Rarity concludes. “Well, then. I’d like to ask you one more thing.” She begins to stroke her body. “Like what you see, little darling?” she coos.
  151. >You cannot help but let your jaw drop as she displays her gigantic, magnificent body. Rarity giggles at your reaction.
  152. >”Oh, and I love your little accessory.” She pokes at your satchel. She quickly pulls it off and says “I wonder what’s inside?”
  153. >She lifts out the camera and the flashlight and looks closely at them. Her expression then turns very, very sour.
  154. >“And what is this?” she points at the camera. You shift uncomfortably in the air, unable to answer.
  155. >She brings you close to her face and forces you to look into her angry eyes. “Well?” she persists.
  156. >“I-uh, well. You see…” you decide to save your own skin. “Spike made me do it!” you blurt out.
  157. >“Don’t you dare try to blame little Spikey-wikey.” She nudges you with an accusing hoof.
  158. >There is a knock on the door. You hear Fluttershy say “Ummm…Rarity? Hello?”
  159. >She drops you and your objects. The flashlight breaks, but you manage to grab the camera in time and stuff it in the satchel.
  160. >You listen to the conversation.
  161. >“Yes, dear? What can I do for you?” Rarity asks.
  162. >”Well, um. I just wanted to ask…I mean…If you don’t mind.” Fluttershy stammers.
  163. >“Spit it out, dear!” Rarity encourages her.
  164. >”I…I want to borrow your dildo!” Fluttershy squeaks. Rarity jumps in surprise.
  165. >“Why on earth would you” Rarity begins.
  166. >Fluttershy interrupts “You see…I’ve just been feeling so tense!”
  167. >She continues “I…I couldn’t find mine. Please?”
  168. >“Oh my, that’s…such a strange request.” Rarity says. “Well…I just used it. I can clean it and let you borrow it. Just give me a minute dear!”
  169. >She brushes Fluttershy out, and then walks up to you with a mischievous grin on her face.
  170. >“How would you like to be Fluttershy’s plaything?” she asks. “It’s either that….or use that camera to MY advantage.”
  171. >“Just what would YOUR advantage be?” you hesitantly ask.
  172. >“Well…you could…” She pauses. “Perhaps, get some nice pictures of the stallions in town?”
  173. >”Hell no!” you yell.
  174. >“Fine then.” She pouts. “Then I hope you like dark spaces, darling. You’ll be seeing them a LOT more.”
  175. >She washes the dildo off and places it on the bed. She takes a spool of thread and tightly binds your entire body to the dildo. She then takes a tiny bit of cloth and gags your mouth with it.
  176. >She places you in the box, and gives a final remark. “Good luck, dear. Hope you enjoy the ride.” She plants a big, wet kiss on your tiny face and then puts the lid on and gives the box to Fluttershy.
  177. >You shift around in the box as Fluttershy carries you off to her house.
  178. >You see light again as she opens the box and places the dildo on the bed. You try to call out to her, but your sounds are muffled by the cloth.
  179. >Unable to escape. You lurch forwards and backwards, trying to knock the Dildo over.
  180. >Fluttershy hovers in the air and begins to descend. Her pussy begins to drip on you as it wets with anticipation.
  181. >The dildo begins to penetrate the pussy, and you give up struggling and accept your fate. You fruitlessly attempt a final muffled yell as all light begins to get cut off.
  182. >As she slides down, you are completely engulfed in her moist cavern.
  183. >She begins to cycle her body, and you feel your binds beginning to weaken.
  184. >You yank your hands free and undo the cloth gag. You decide against detaching yourself from the dildo, so you would not get lost inside Fluttershy’s cunt.
  185. >As you move your arms against the moist walls, you hear her moaning.
  186. >Hoping to get her to notice you, you begin to beat against the walls even harder.
  187. >The walls close in around you as Fluttershy reaches her peak. With one mighty shove, she forces the dildo in.
  188. >The binds completely break at the force of the shove, and she starts to pull upwards.
  189. >You attempt to grab the top of the dildo, but you fail.
  190. >Fluttershy orgasms, and you plop onto the dildo, now completely covered. You squirm and fall onto the bed.
  191. > “Fluttershy! Help!” you yell.
  192. >She shrieks and promptly removes you from the bed. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were on there.” She quickly says, wiping you off.
  193. >“Wait.” She pauses. “How’d you get so small? And-What were you doing on that?!” She shoots you a nasty look.
  194. >You reiterate the events of that morning, and Fluttershy nods in understanding. “Well I guess I can forgive you then, but you really shouldn’t let Spike persuade you like that!”
  195. >“Someone should really talk to him about his issues.” You agree.
  196. >“Umm, well, you’re not one to talk.” Fluttershy blushes and smiles. You look down and notice your still-erect penis.
  197. >“N-now wait just a second!” You stammer, attempting to hide your privates. “I have an excuse! I-“ she cuts you off, gently putting her hoof on your face.
  198. >She shushes you, and forces her hoof against your body. You feel yourself begin to relax as she skillfully massages your tiny body.
  199. >You lay spread-eagled on the bed as she begins to rub your privates.
  200. >You squirm in pleasure under the massive hooves as she rubs even harder.
  201. >“I’m probably going to have to wash this bed now.” she says distractedly.
  202. >You can’t take any more, and ejaculate all over her hooves. You quickly apologize, but she just smiles and licks her hooves clean.
  203. >“You’ve been gone nearly half the day; I bet Twilight is worried sick about you.” She says caringly.
  204. >She beckons a falcon to her and asks it to take you to the library. The falcon nods and lets you climb on its back. It takes off towards the library.
  205. >“Finally.” You say to yourself. “This whole mess is finally over! Now nothing can possibly go wrong!”
  206. >You hear a loud “Whoa!” from above.
  208. Part 3
  209. >You look up and see Rainbow Dash careening straight towards you!
  210. >“Aww, come on!” you yell as the athletic mare smashes into the falcon. You three collapse onto the ground with a thud.
  211. >Still shaken by the crash, you latch onto what you think is the falcon.
  212. >When you come to your senses. You realize that you are clutching onto Dash.
  213. > Trying to stay calm, you inch your way to her neck and climb to the top of her head. You then hide in her mane.
  214. >You peek outside of her foresty mane and notice that she is headed for Sugarcube Corner.
  215. >You descend back into the mane and pray that she lands soon so you can make your escape.
  216. >Dash lands in front of the candy store. You attempt to jump off, knowing that the fall won’t kill you. However, you become too tangled up in her mane.
  217. >She walks up to the counter, and Pinkie greets her.
  218. >“Heya Dashie!” She gleefully says. Dash returns the greeting.
  219. >“Got that special cupcake I ordered yet, Pinkie?” Dash asks.
  220. > “Just a sec!” Pinkie hops into the back, and comes back with a special-looking gift.
  221. >“Thanks Pink.” Dash tosses her some bits, and flies out the door.
  222. >Dash reaches her cloud-home and sets the gift down. You finally untangle yourself from the mane and jump forwards.
  223. >You land on her nose and wave your arms to get her attention. “Hey, Dash!” you yell.
  224. >Dash screams and falls back; you are launched in the air and land on the center of the rainbow cupcake.
  225. >You attempt to free yourself from the icing prison, but it’s too thick to escape.
  226. >“Who-what?” Dash says in shock. She looks down at you struggling to get out of the cupcake and laughs.
  227. >“Hey that was a pretty good scare, short stuff. But you should really watch where you land.” Dash chuckles. “You messed up my cupcake.”
  228. >You tell Dash about how you ended up there, wisely leaving out the naughty bits. This brings a huge smile to Dash’s face, a smile that you don’t like very much.
  229. >“So you can’t be harmed, right?” Dash asks.
  230. >“Yes.” You hesitantly reply “Why do you ask?”
  231. > She feigns a shrug “No reason.” She then looks hungrily at you. “I guess it’s safe for me to eat my cupcake now.”
  232. >“W-What?!” you yell in horror. “Why would you do that, Dash?”
  233. >“You always did win at hoof wrestling.” She frowns. “Now I can show once and for all that I am the strongest around!”
  234. >Realizing that you have sealed your fate as her plaything, you barely have time to react as Dash begins to eat the sides of the cupcake.
  235. >Finally freeing yourself from the icing, you try to hop off, but Dash catches you with her tongue and forces you back on. “I’m saving the best part for last.” She giggles.
  236. > Dash completely devours the rest of the cupcake, and tosses you in the air.
  237. >Your icing-caked body lands on her tongue, and she begins to toss you around.
  238. >“mmm…you taste pretty good.” Dash says.
  239. >Her tongue pins you down and begins to wipe the icing off of you.
  240. >The saliva completely coats you as she licks your entire body.
  241. >She eases, allowing you wriggle out of the tongue’s grasp and work your way out of her lips.
  242. >You poke your upper body out, and she gently begins to suck you back inside. You place your hands on her lips and try to pull yourself away.
  243. >“You’re putting up a pretty good fight there, Shorty.” Dash winked. “But I’m getting pretty bored now. What do you say we end this?”
  244. >“No, Dash! Please don’t! I’ll admit that you’re the strongest!” your pleas go unheard as she tilts her head back and prepares to swallow.
  245. >Not wanting to become part of another pony’s digestive system, you defend yourself by doing something you later wish that you hadn’t done.
  246. >You unleash a fart that filled her cavernous maw. Dash gags and spits you out. You land safely on the cloud.
  247. >“You disgusting little shrimp!” she coughs and hacks. You try to crawl away, but the hoof pins you down.
  248. >The softness of the cloud almost counters the force of her hoof, but you could still feel the pain.
  249. >“Why’d you do that?!” she demands. Your face creates a puzzled expression as you reply “You just tried to eat me!”
  250. >“I wouldn’t hurt you though! You would pass through just fine!” she says.
  251. >“I know….I just….I don’t want to get eaten again!” you protest.
  252. >Dash gives off a little growl, and you feel the hoof crush you more.
  253. >“Fine then.” She calmly eases her hoof and lets you get up.
  254. > “It’s fine if you don’t want to go down THAT hole. I got another hole for you.”She grins evilly. “I guess I can just fight stink with more stink.”
  255. >Your eyes grow wide, and you say “Oh crap.” Dash gives you a naughty look and says “that’s the idea!”
  256. >You instantly realize which hole she’s talking about, and run for your life.
  257. >She uses her powerful wings to knock you over, and then she swoops above you.
  258. >You make one final gulp of fresh air as the anus descends on you; you are crushed beneath the weight of the massive flank.
  259. >She starts to move her flank back and forth, lining you up with her asshole, and squeezes you inside.
  260. >Completely trapped inside her tight anus, you begin to squirm.
  261. >You hear Dash beginning to moan in pleasure. “Good call, dude.” She mocks you “This is soooo much cooler than just eating you.”
  262. >You let your anger get the best of you and start to beat against the walls of her anus, hoping to cause her any amount of discomfort.
  263. >You cry “Dash! Let me out now, dammit!”
  264. >"Oh yeah, that’s it.” She moans in pleasure. She begins to shake her ass, rattling you inside.
  265. >You completely still your body, and she says “Hey? You still alive in there?”
  266. >She squeezes her ass, and the walls close in around you. You can’t stand the feeling of being trapped in such a tight location.
  267. >You begin to squirm again, even harder this time. “There we go.” She sighs.
  268. >Desperate to escape, you attempt a final shove. You hear her give a loud moan, and then a long sigh.
  269. >Dash plops on the cloud and takes you out. “That was awesome!” she exclaims. You notice that she had been pleasuring herself while you were trapped!
  270. >“That was much more satisfying than eating you.” She sighs “Maybe I should keep you around as my ‘personal’ toy.” She giggled.
  271. >“First, we should clean you off.” She spits on you and rubs the spit around your body.
  272. >“Now then.” she turns her back to you. “Let’s see what other kinds of fun we can have. I bet Pinkie might want in on this.”
  273. >You decide to make your escape while she is distracted. “Good thing I can’t die.” You think to yourself as you jump off the cloud.
  274. >You fall to the ground at an increasingly fast pace, and prepare for impact.
  275. >Suddenly, you see Applejack walking under you.
  276. >You land on her hat and knock it off her head. “What in the hay was that?” she says.
  277. >You climb off of her hat and try to get her attention. “AJ, down here!” you yell.
  278. >“What the- hey!” Applejack smiles. She brings her face closer to you and flinches back a bit.
  279. > “Hoo boy, sugarcube, you smell worse than a cow’s behind.” She laughs.
  280. >“Yeah…like you would know.” You sourly say under your breath.
  281. >She shoots you a dirty look and says “Care to run that by me again, little guy?”
  282. >You quickly re-word yourself; it probably was not wise to piss off a pony who could literally make you her sugarcube.
  283. >“Uhh, well.” You stammer. “I’ve recently been shoved up a pony’s butt and spat on. I doubt I smell like a rose garden.”
  284. >This revelation makes Applejack completely forget your wise-crack. You tell her the whole story.
  285. >“And I’m still trying to escape before she sees me! Can you please hide me and take me back to Twilight?” you beg.
  286. >“Sure thing!” she exclaims. She picks you up and puts you inside her hat. She then carefully puts the hat on her head.
  287. >Avoiding the ire of Dash, who is now frantically looking for you, Applejack makes her way to the library.
  288. >She places you on the library table and calls out to Twilight, who has a panicked air around her.
  289. >“Oh thank Celestia you’re alright!” She breathes a sigh of relief. “I should have let Applejack take care of you.”
  290. >“She did a better job at keeping you safe than SOME assistant did!” She gives Spike an angry look.
  291. >You pull out the camera, still intact. “Did you get some good pics?” Spike asks expectantly.
  292. >You all give him an intense and angry stare-down, indicating that he should probably be quiet, and he backs away.
  293. >“Sorry Twilight. The flashlight broke.” You apologize.
  294. >“No harm done; it was only a flashlight.” She smiles. “I’ve found a way to fix your condition, are you ready to go back to normal?”
  295. > “After today, I don’t think I’ll ever be normal again.” You whine.
  296. >Twilight casts the spell, and you finally grow back to normal size.
  297. >You look around and breathe a sigh of relief. You then put on your clothes and leave the library.
  298. >You return to your little cottage, take a shower, and then fall asleep in your bed.
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