
Metastuck-- HSG and Moths

May 20th, 2012
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  1. Mspaintadventuresforum [MSPAF] began pestering Homestuck general [HSG]
  2. MSPAF: Hey, Homestuck General, are you there?
  3. MSPAF: Tumblr seems to be having some problems with some of the frogs she’s been breeding.
  4. HSG: >implying I care about tumblr fucking up our frogs
  5. HSG: This session is complete horseshit anyway.
  6. MSPAF: This is serious; she sounded like she really needs help, and since you have a jetpack you’d get to her faster than any of us.
  7. HSG: Yeah, nah. She’s a cunt, she can ask me herself.
  8. MSPAF: You know she won’t. For once, would just help us out here.
  9. HSG: Fine, whatever. You’re lucky I’m not going to make you beg on your hands and knees-
  10. MSPAF: Deviantart and I will meet you there.
  11. mspaintadventuresforum[MSPAF] began ceased Homestuck general [HSG]
  12. HSG: Fuck, you never let me finish
  13. Homestuck general [HSG] has ceased pestering mspaintadventuresforum [MSPAF]
  15. --
  17. The redhead scowls, pushing back from his computer and swatting at the multitude of moths that had seemed to taken up residence on his planet. He didn’t always see them, but they practically swarmed him anytime he talked to the other players or on the rare occasions he delved into the cave where his denizen dwelled. Even if mspaf was right, he hated visiting her land and he definitely hated having to spend any time with her and her trigger happy ass but it was a pretty choice ass you really need to j-j-jam it in one of these days as fucking if you’d bang a 2/10 man hater like tumblr she wasn’t even worth fapping over which you did several times even though your fatlust demands you bend dA over FUCK NO fuck yes no fuck shit fuck you
  19. He shakes his head of the thoughts about deviantart’s jiggly ass at he slides his arms into the straps of his jet pack, the machine almost instantly PFUUUU’ing into the air, as if Homestuck General’s natural state is rage. As he flies over the hazy mixture of green and purple that is his shitty conksuck land speaking of conksuck that fucking clown needs to hurry up and get his ass acquainted with Kanaya’s powerful, powerful chainsaw, do you think Kanaya tried to shove her chainsaw up Rose’s vagina but only while it was off and let the blades gently caress her insides ROSE/KANAYA IS A SHIT SHIP HOLY FUCK GO BACK TO TUMBLR
  21. He literally rockets upwards, flying towards his gate and through the thick green clouds rapidly before he notices something out of the corner of his eye. He blinks, ignoring it, before he notices a cloud moving directly towards him. In an instant, he’s surrounded by the feathery soft wings of moths chasing after him, diving towards the flames of his jet pack. Homestuck General squawks no fuck they’re just moths god damn and fans the crowd away. The continue bumping into him, bumping into each other, and burning on the flames as their bright colors flash in his eyes and blind every living thing in the area.
  23. “For FUCKS sake why do they have to change color?” The anger only increases the flames, which increases the amount of moths until HSG is flapping his arms and screaming at the small creatures. When several fly into his mouth at once he literally screams, almost loud enough to cover the sound of his jet pack sputtering. It dies a moment later, unable to continue while the red head is too panicked to properly rage.
  25. “Aw fuck AW FUCK, I fucking hate moths.”
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