
[spg] Untitled (Pinkie Pie) by Unknown

Aug 6th, 2018
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  1. >you know something is wrong when you see Pinkie’s face
  2. >walking through the door you see the lines of red on her pink cheeks
  3. >You drop your briefcase on the floor and take off your shoes, putting them by the door.
  5. “Hey, Pinkie, what’s wr-”
  7. >Ohhh.
  8. >Oh, you can see it, now.
  9. >it’s on the kitchen floor, and it’s a MESS.
  11. >The leftover homemade cobbler was in the fridge when you left
  12. >but now it’s all over the floor, broken glass container and all.
  13. >Pinkie sits next to it with a sniffle, and looks tentatively up at you
  15. >”Hi, masterrr.”
  17. >Boy, she knows she’s in for it.
  18. >Well, damn
  19. >You told her before you left, NO eating all the food in your refrigerator without your permission
  20. >she had raided your fridge too many times, and it was something you had told her more than once not to do
  21. >but here it was
  22. >the evidence of her disobedience
  23. >aaaall over the floor
  25. >Your heart beats fast
  26. >Pinkie cries in front of you, sitting beside her mess
  27. >knowing she was naughty while you were gone, again
  29. >but you aren’t mad.
  30. >I mean, disappointed, sure
  31. >at her, not respecting you enough to just do what you ask
  32. >and that your delicious cobbler was gone
  33. >but at the same time, you’re…
  34. >excited
  36. >The excitement you always had when Pinkie Pie just had to disobey you.
  38. >but you don’t let it show to her
  39. >You put on a stern face and look at her with seriousness
  40. >you shake your head, and point at the disaster on the floor tile
  42. “Pinkie Pie. What did I tell you before I left? What is this?”
  44. >Pinkie wilts
  45. >she cringes when she answers, stammering and squeaking her voice with regret
  47. >”The c-cobbler, master. I t-t-tried to k-keep it a secret, but I dropped it, and…”
  49. >Well, you can see that
  50. >but you didn’t ask the question because you didn’t know
  51. >it honestly just...
  52. >damn, it was so cute when she was guilty.
  53. >but you kept those feeling deep down and shook your head at her again.
  55. “Pinkie, this is a gigantic mess. You knew better, eh?”
  57. >She nods her little head, and wipes her weepy eyes.
  58. >you can feel your pulse in your fingertips, and you feel like you’re short of breath
  59. >it’s hard to maintain your tough gaze at her when you don’t feel mad
  60. >Pinkie doesn’t know better, though
  62. >“Yes, Master, I did, and I’m really, super duper sorry…”
  64. >That may be the case
  65. >But this was not going to be swept under the rug
  66. >you both knew what was happening next
  67. >you shake your head for the third time, and point at her mess again
  69. “I’m sure you are Pinkie, but you were very disobedient once again. You can’t seem to control yourself when it comes to food, and like I’ve said, when we have meals, you can eat then. But you just haven’t listened to me, have you?”
  71. >She shakes her head, and points her snout down at the floor.
  72. >You sigh.
  74. “That’s what I thought. So, I’m going to help you learn, so that the next time you want to do this, you’ll remember why it’s not such a good idea.”
  76. >now, here comes the calm, steady breathing.
  77. >The pressing your legs together
  78. >and tightening your leg muscles
  79. >keeping yourself under control…
  81. >Pinkie gives a puppy-like whine, and she gets up from the floor
  82. >She folds her hooves together, and dips her head in a low bow
  84. >“Master, I’m super sorry, y-you don’t have to…”
  86. >Oh shit, oh shit
  87. >here it comes
  88. >the word of the hour
  89. >the reason for your excitement
  91. >“...s-spank me!”
  93. >But you do.
  94. >She obviously needed it, you tell yourself
  95. >justify to yourself
  96. >after all, she did flagrantly disobey you again
  97. >and…
  98. >You didn’t get a chance to do this very often.
  100. >Pointing at the mess, you answer her with a direct order.
  102. “Oh no, Pinkie. You do, and you know it. Clean up this mess, make sure that floor is spotless. And when you’re done, you march right on over to my room, got it?”
  104. >And with that, you turn around, pointing to the mess one last time
  105. >Pinkie whimpers behind you, but you hear a “Yes, Master” in there somewhere
  106. >You walk to your room, and now that your front side is out of view, you can breathe just a little easier
  108. >Because right now, you’ve got a boner that you can NEVER let her know about.
  110. *minutes pass*
  112. >the paddle you bought was in the drawer
  113. >you remember when you first bought it
  114. >the day when you were at your wits end with Pinkie Pie, her adorable but exasperating behavior
  115. >You decided to do something about it
  117. >But you did care a lot about her
  118. >She was a sweet, kind, caring girl
  119. >so affectionate, nuzzling you all the time
  120. >snuggling with you on the sofa, giving you a shoulder rub after a hard day’s work
  121. >asking you about your day, smiling wide
  122. >and not to mention, she was a DYNAMITE baker and cook
  123. >And you loved hearing her talk, spending quality time with her
  125. >which is why you feel guilty about exactly what it was that you were going to do now.
  127. >You’re not a good person, are you?
  128. >you can’t be
  129. >I mean, sure she needed some discipline, the crazy pink puffball
  130. >and when you did this, it was effective for a long time afterwards
  131. >hell, she seemed to still like you just fine!
  132. >but that wasn’t why you chose it to begin with, was it?
  134. >You grab the pillow
  135. >sit down on the bed, and put it on top of your lap
  136. >over the slight protrusion in your jeans, so she wouldn’t see it
  137. >or feel it
  138. >just like the other times…
  140. >You put the little square paddle down next to you
  141. >these things were kind of abundant around here
  142. >it was the south, after all
  143. >hell, you got this one at a mom and pop store gift shop
  144. >boy, any kid whose parent got that from the shop wouldn’t exactly view it as much of a gift…
  146. >But it worked perfectly well
  147. >Even though it’s a kind of souvenir paddle
  148. >one of those silly ones with the engravings, a couple of flames with the words “HOT SEAT” written on it
  149. >Pinkie’s seat was certainly going to be flaming before you were done with her tonight...
  151. >There’s a moving shadow in the hall
  152. >It gets smaller and darker as it nears the entrance
  153. >getting closer very slowly, and you make out the shape of a pony on the wall
  154. >then, Pinkie Pie emerges through the door, and points her teary eyed face away from you
  155. >The bulge in your jeans twitches, but you keep it down
  156. >Pinkie’s eyes water and she wordlessly comes over to you
  157. >Boy, oh boy…
  158. >You nod your head approvingly
  160. “Good girl, Pinkie.”
  161. >Oh, shiiiiit
  162. >Yeah, you think you just leaked a little, uh, downstairs
  163. >You have so much luck that Pinkie listens to you when she’s in big trouble
  164. >You couldn’t get up and grab her with this rising erection in your pants
  165. >not without her seeing it, at least
  167. >You push those thoughts away when your quivering pink pony inches toward you
  168. >Pinkie Pie stammers
  170. >“I’m really s-s-super sorry, Master, honest. P-Pleaaase, it hu-hurts so much and it n-never ends...”
  172. “No, stop that right now.”
  174. >Pinkie squeaks, silenced by you
  175. >You never tolerated that kind of begging from her before.
  176. >She knows it won’t do any good
  177. >You’ve decided she should be punished, and she will be…
  179. >no matter what your angry conscience screams at you… telling you to stop… telling you to just look at Pinkie’s terrified face…
  181. >You pat your pillow covered lap
  182. “You disobeyed me again, Pinkie, and you are going to get a spanking for it. Up, now, so we can get this done.”
  184. >Your tone is much firmer and angrier sounding than it ever is
  185. >Because of this, Pinkie gulps and just nods her head, and begins to do what you commanded her
  186. >Pinkie shakes uncontrollably as she reaches up with her hooves
  187. >she puts them next to your lap and pulls herself on top of your bed
  189. >from there, you take over
  190. >you reach underneath her, and lift her up and over your pillow covered lap
  191. >a hand firmly pins her down, and she lies flat across
  192. >even through the pillow you can feel her fast breathing expanding her ribcage
  193. >and her crying already starting, too…
  195. >You push that out of your mind
  196. >you try to forget for a moment what her bright smile looks like, or the sound of her laughter
  197. >thoughts of her happiness, genuine happiness being with you
  198. >the guilt knowing what you really feel having her laying over your legs
  199. >all the things that would make that twitching bump in your jeans get smaller...
  201. >No better way to push those thoughts away than just getting this started
  202. >You grab the paddle, and lay it flat over her pudgy pink rear end
  203. >the “HOT SEAT” flaming logo faces up
  204. >that wood is cold, and Pinkie Pie flinches and squeezes her butt muscles when she feels it, and covers her head with her wiggly front legs
  206. >bracing herself...
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