

Sep 25th, 2016
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  1. The Frozen North: An armored escort was a nice touch, no doubt. The walk up north was relatively short, but still tiring; after the past day and a half, fatigue is starting to set in early. The bitter cold is getting worse, and doesn't help much at all. (Temperature outside has reduced by 1.)
  2. After a few kilometers north, the six of you finally arrive at your destination: Camp Saam. Supposedly, you're here to catch a ride. The road to the Crossroads is long, and the path to Marrowshire even longer. A chariot is almost certainly needed.
  3. It's midday. The sun is high, and in the distance, you hear the rattling and clanging of what must be some sort of training ground. You see younger recruits in the distance, firing arrows and swinging swords with or without much grace. Behind them is a series of tents, surrounded by plated pterippi. There's no doubt about it -- this place is for the military, and the military alone.
  4. The Frozen North: In the center of the camp stand two ponies, one clad in light chainmail, the other adorned in brazen bronze plate from head to toe. With his grizzled face, used armor, and menacing appearance, you know two things. One, this stallion is important and a veteran. Two, he's the one you're going to have to talk to.
  5. The armed guards stop on the trail just off of the camp, waiting for you to approach the camp. It's all up to you now, it seems.
  6. Pterippi Scout: "Please, Captain, you must at least listen to my pleas!"
  7. Nimble W.: (Have... have I missed something?)
  8. Victoria Faraday: (An entire session if I recall correctly :D)
  9. Volgarr: [Oh right you weren't here for the dragon fight]
  10. Pterippi Scout: (Yes, you have. You were escorted north after you stopped a bunch of robbers.)
  11. Victoria Faraday: (Who knew the Bard was secretly the Dragonborn?)
  12. "I would say that either myself or Spring should do the talking, but frankly I'm still not entirely sure why we're here again. It was this or exile, wasn't it?"
  13. Pterippi Scout: (Not much happened that would effect you much, Nimble. They did quite a bit of fighting.)
  14. Nimble W.: (AAAAAAAAAGH)
  16. Bard is somehow dragonborn
  17. Nimble W.: (Did we get anything from that?)
  19. Captain Lockhold scowled even deeper than he had been before, which was outright impressive considering the hellfire in his eyes. "Let me be clear, PRIVATE," he barked in a deep, booming voice that brooked no argument and seemed to shake the very snowdrifts around them. "I MUST do nothing. What I SHOULD do is clip your wings with your own gods-damned sword and leave you to DIE IN THE WASTES so the ghosts of the comrades YOU failed can have their way with you! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"
  20. Bard: (I put it in the 'crew' thing in the journal. I took inventory.)
  21. Nimble W.: (We have a journal?)
  22. Volgarr: [We have a journal!?]
  23. Victoria Faraday: (The Roll20 thing?)
  24. Pterippi Scout: (The Roll20 thing. lemme paste your inventory real quick.)
  25. Nimble W.: (This is new to me. Explain in Skype because taking up space here.)
  26. Pterippi Scout: Loot yet to distribute:
  27. Bits: 0
  28. Barrel for flintlocke
  29. Two empty bottles
  30. Fisherman's knife
  31. leather vest X1
  32. Pterippi Scout: leather work boots X2
  33. leather cap X1
  34. rope
  35. flint
  36. How about later?
  37. Volgarr: But then I can't see here .p.]
  38. Nimble W.: (Also, hey, the bard came along.)
  39. Pterippi Scout: (I'll explain later. For now, let's do this thing, all right?)
  40. Volgarr: Aight]
  41. Wrought Iron: (Yep. Volgarr's love interest came along.)
  43. Pterippi Scout looks as if he's about to soil himself. It takes every last ounce of his willpower not to take a few steps back from his barking Captain. He opens his mouth to say something, yet nothing at all comes out.
  44. Pterippi Scout: "Y-Yes, sir!" he finally shouts.
  45. Victoria Faraday: "No? Nopony's going to explain to me why we're here again? Alright."
  47. Pterippi Guard turns to Victoria.
  48. Pterippi Guard: "Did you not receive a message?"
  49. Nimble W.: (Gimme a minute. I've gotta get this figured out, apparently. Inventory and shit.)
  50. Victoria Faraday: "I was not the one given the message, and nobody has told me much."
  51. Pterippi Guard: (Nimble, don't bloody worry about it right now.)
  52. (It might be buggy. I'm new to this too.)
  53. Victoria Faraday: "... It didn't help I was drinking a bit at the time, but that's neither here nor there."
  54. Nimble W.: (I mean my inventory. Gotta get my shit figured out.)
  55. Pterippi Guard: Dagger DAM 2 | RNG 1 | One-handed | Short | Assassin
  56. Insulated Leather Vest ARM 3 | Warmth 4
  57. Saddle
  58. +1 Extra Bag
  59. Flint Rock
  60. Rope
  61. Pterippi Guard: Writing Stationery
  62. Jar
  63. 275 bits
  65. Captain Lockhold takes a moment to calm himself from 'murderous' to merely 'incensed,' the larger stallion looking as if he stands head and shoulders over the poor scout... in fairness, he nearly does. "The only reason I haven't shoved your own stallionhood so far up your own ass that you're coughing piss for a week is because I need every able-bodied stallion I can get, and you just barely qualify. Now GO DO YOUR DAMNED JOB."
  66. Pterippi Guard: "It is my understanding you are here because you have been summoned."
  67. "By the Warchief in Marrowshire, if my memory serves me correctly."
  68. "I'm assuming you will need a chariot, since the lot of you have no wings."
  69. Volgarr: And we're to find one here?
  70. Nimble W.: (Wait, I thought you just said I got other stuff?)
  71. Victoria Faraday: "Thank you very much."
  72. Pterippi Scout: (The GROUP got other stuff. You have YET to split it!)
  73. (All of you have this, to share.)
  74. (Work it out later. Please.)
  75. Pterippi Guard: "Of course. And, yes. Chariots, although fairly rare, are around. One of them is here."
  76. "I'm impressed you're actually getting one for free."
  77. Victoria Faraday: "Wonderful. This should be fairly easy."
  78. Volgarr: And they're willing to just let us use it? I can't believe that
  79. Pterippi Guard: "Neither can I."
  80. "Now. Talk to the Captain.
  82. Nimble W. rolls her eyes. "The guy in armor is half right. We were summoned, yes, but it was either come along or get kicked out into hostile territory."
  83. Victoria Faraday: "I assume he's one half of all that commotion over there?"
  85. Northern Spring pretends it was her that did that, not Nimble
  87. Pterippi Scout nods and salutes, still quivering in fear. "Y-Yes, sir! Where shall I--... Shall I return to my previous position, sir?"
  88. Victoria Faraday: [nimble what are you doing in the north and why are you a female]
  89. Pterippi Guard: "Rot. I'll take the north end, you take the south. Due to an incompetent scout, Lockhold wants us along the trail to sound alarm should something come up."
  90. Captain Lockhold: "If you think you're capable of managing it this time. I'm hard-pressed for COMPETENT scouts, so I suppose you'll have to continue to suffice."
  91. Pterippi Guard: "Of course. Can't have another attack like that. I can hear the Captain from over here."
  92. Victoria Faraday: "... Well, come on everyone, let's get this over with. Wrought, Freyja, keep quiet, please."
  93. Pterippi Scout: "O-Of course! Yes, sir. I'll take my leave."
  95. Pterippi Scout turns around and very hastily trots in the opposite direction.
  97. Volgarr follows along silently, just waiting patiently
  98. Northern Spring: "Aww, are you sure? I'm certain we could get the big guy to do something crazy again."
  99. Victoria Faraday: "You remember as well as I do what happened last time."
  100. Wrought Iron: "Why do ya wan' me ta go 'zerk?"
  101. Northern Spring: "That's the point! It's a joke."
  102. Victoria Faraday: "That is the exact thing we do not want you to do."
  103. Bard: "You coming?"
  105. Bard waves at Volgarr.
  106. Northern Spring: "I'll keep serious when we need to be. But we're still walking. We'll be fine."
  107. Volgarr: Yeah, yeah, of course! Jus', not overly eager to be in tha middle o' things
  109. Captain Lockhold glances over to the newcomers, then back to the scout that's just departed, then back to the rag-tag party at his gates. "... Is that little snot REALLY this incompetent?"
  110. Victoria Faraday: "Captain Lockhold, I presume?"
  111. Captain Lockhold: "The one and only. And you are?"
  112. Victoria Faraday: "Victoria Faraday. We've been summoned to Marrowshire, and apparently we are supposed to pick up a chariot from here."
  113. Bard: Wrought, roll perception.
  114. With a +1.
  115. Discernment, rather.
  116. Blah.
  117. Wrought Iron: rolling 1d10
  118. (
  119. 9
  120. )
  121. = 9
  122. Target 4
  124. Captain Lockhold is silent for several long seconds that feel like they stretch on for hours as his ice-cold eyes simply stare at Victoria in what can only be described as pure, unrestrained disbelief.
  125. Bard: Dooohohohoho. Wrought, that armor the Captain has is something to behold. That is heavy bronze plate -- much heavier than you've seen back home. (Armor rating of 25.)
  127. Victoria Faraday stares on back with her unamused gaze, slowly raising an eyebrow at the silence. Of course it wouldn't be so easy.
  128. Captain Lockhold: "... If I hadn't rutted the gods to death myself when I was a younger stallion, I would assume you were messengers from heaven to serve your role in some sort of fucking divine prank."
  130. Wrought Iron doesn't seem to be paying attention to the captain, but is admiring the armor.
  131. Victoria Faraday: "If I was trying to bullshit you, Captain, you'd think I'd use a bit of a more believable request. At any rate."
  133. Victoria Faraday turns around to address the group.
  134. Victoria Faraday: "Who had the letter we recieved?"
  135. Bard: Also, Wrought, you're gettin' pretty cold. Nothing too major yet, but still a little irritating.
  136. Northern Spring: "The pegasus over there had it, last I saw. I'm not sure if she passed it over, though."
  137. Victoria Faraday: "Freyja?"
  139. Captain Lockhold is quickly going from confused to annoyed, and if what they've seen of his demeanor is anything to go by, they won't like what comes next.
  140. Freyja: "Hmm?" The mare blinks, looking to the short, brown one. "Oh! The letter. Sorry..." She digs about on her person, producing the letter, and passing it to Victoria.
  142. Victoria Faraday takes it. "Thank you."
  144. Victoria Faraday steps on up and offers it to the Captain.
  145. Victoria Faraday: "This is the letter we received."
  146. Northern Spring: (She's gonna touch the butt...)
  147. Victoria Faraday: (also brb)
  148. (aight)
  150. Captain Lockhold snatches it from her and briefly glances over it; they can tell from the way his black mood returns almost immediately is a sign that he can't believe what he's reading for a wide variety of reasons. He throws the parchment to the ground with another frustrated shout, this time allowing himself to unhinge enough to stamp the ground with one powerful hoof hard enough to shake the snow beneath the party- though the letter remains curiously unharmed. "Of all the fucking gods-damned times a filly-rutting chieftain gets off his fat, warty rump to send me a direct order, and it's to--! To a bunch of gods-forsaken DIRT PONIES--!" His rant quickly devolves into unintelligible growling with much gnashing of teeth.
  152. Freyja is mildly insulted. She's clearly not a filthy dirt horse.
  154. Wrought Iron was not paying attention to him, still looking at his armor
  156. Volgarr continues relaxing at the back of the group
  158. Victoria Faraday slowly picks up the letter, before stepping on back. "An order is an order, Captain. Now, I'd very much just like to be on my way, as I'm sure you have many important things to do."
  160. Northern Spring lets out a short sigh. This guy was just a bundle of joy. "We're not exactly happy with it either. We're only here because of what's on the parchment, and wouldn't bother you if we didn't have to."
  162. The Frozen North || Most of the commotion around the camp stops. The trainees stop training, the doctor stops healing, the blacksmith stops working, and the gravedigger stops digging. They all stop and stare, silent in awe and disbelief.
  163. Bard: "Uhm, friends? You might want to... Uhm..."
  165. Northern Spring glances briefly towards the bard. "Might want to...?"
  166. Bard: "...Be careful with your choice of words?"
  168. Bard muttered, so as to not get the Captain's attention.
  170. Captain Lockhold takes a deep, shaky breath, his nostrils flaring as the fire eternally burning just beneath the surface is slowly but surely encased in the shell of thick, black ice around his heart. "Oh, no. No, no, no," he replies, taking another moment to calm himself as he sighed and rubbed the bridge of his muzzle, resigning himself to the sheer absurdity of this entire situation. "Let me be clear, girl: Orders be damned, you're not going to just waltz in here and deprive me of the only luxury we have left. If we don't have that chariot, more of my men will die, and if more of my men die, then there will be no one left but me and the winter winds to keep me company. I may be good, but I'm not THAT good."
  172. Bard blinks, her jaw unhinged. It seems she has a hard time believing what she just heard.
  173. Bard: "But, sir, you--... You can't just deny an order from the High Chief! He'd likely have your head!"
  175. Northern Spring folds her ears back against her head. "Then shall we just send a response explaining the situation? I'm sure they would understand."
  176. Captain Lockhold: "It'll either be him or the barbarians if these outlander runts take the chariot. I will deny any order I damn please if it's SUICIDE."
  178. Victoria Faraday tilts her head, giving a few moments pause as she thinks through what to say and what not to say. "Mmm. A wise choice for a leader but hardly one your superiors will appreciate, when all is said and done. But you don't seem like the kind of fellow who cares much about that, so I suppose that's no matter to you." she says, mulling over a few things. "But we need a way up there, because it's clear they want us for some reason. Why? I couldn't tell you."
  179. Captain Lockhold: "Well, I don't imagine there's anything you could offer in trade, and even if there was..." He glances briefly at the mares present, one by one, and then lets that line of thought drop away; he apparently doesn't think their relatively petite frames would be able to take much brothel work anyway. "You're right, girl: I'm NOT the 'kind of fellow who cares much about that.' If I'm going to die for a cause, then I want to at least know WHY. Is that so fucking wrong?"
  181. Bard stands closer to her friends.
  183. Volgarr reflexively gives her a pat on the back "Well, it's not as though we can make it out there on foot. S'pose we could always head back to town, and wait for anoth'r messanger?"
  185. Bard looks over at Volgarr, concern on her face. "...Your orders are to report to them as quickly as possible, if I recall correctly. I do not think they would appreciate much dilly-dally over a chariot. I think they'd rather have you trot the way there."
  186. Victoria Faraday: "I respect that, but I can't give you the answers straight away. Perhaps once we get to where we're going we can send some sort of message back, but that definitely won't sate you for the moment, will it?" she says, a small frown coming over her face. "Was this the only chariot you've ever had? Or could there be, perhaps, one that got damaged in combat?"
  187. Pterippi Recruit: "How bloody stupid are you?!"
  188. "Do you think we can just --"
  190. Captain Lockhold shook his head. "One and only one. If I didn't know better, I would say the chief's wanted me dead this entire time."
  191. Pterippi Recruit: "--Pull wood out of our asses?!"
  192. Bard: "Oh dear..."
  193. Volgarr: We really don't seem ta have much choice here, ya see?
  195. Northern Spring glances towards the recruit. "We're offering suggestions to a problem. Comments like that won't really help either side."
  196. Pterippi Recruit: "So your solution is to take our only chariot?! How are we gonna carry our weapons? Our armor? Our tables, our tents, our wounded? My sister is bleeding to death in there! That chariot's going to take her to the Crossroads tomorrow! You can't just--!"
  198. Pterippi Recruit unsheathes her sword.
  200. Captain Lockhold glances over at the recruit; he doesn't say anything out loud, but it's enough of a look to make it clear that the younger stallion's presence is not desired at these negotiations.
  201. Victoria Faraday: "... Wait a moment."
  202. Captain Lockhold: (>Stallion)
  204. Victoria Faraday looks at the recruit
  205. Captain Lockhold: (Well shut my whore mouth then)
  206. Victoria Faraday: "That chariot is taking her to the crossroads tomorrow?"
  207. Pterippi Recruit: "Captain -- Sir, I --! I can NOT let them take that chariot from us!"
  209. Pterippi Recruit takes a very small step back.
  210. Northern Spring: (Shit. Now we've gotta watch a pony die.)
  211. Victoria Faraday: (you mean aside from the times we've already done that)
  213. Pterippi Smith lets out a deep sigh, and goes back to sharpening one of the swords on his table.
  214. Northern Spring: (Yeah, but this one's a recruit. Bad start to his military career.)
  215. Captain Lockhold: "Don't you think I know that?" His tone is calmer, but it is no less commanding or envenomed. "Isn't this lovely? Either we say yes and die like fuckin' dogs in the dirt, or we say no and our own gods-damned chieftain puts our heads on pikes and parades us around as traitors." He closed his eyes and let out another sigh. "Recruit, do not for a single SECOND think I don't realize what's at stake here." And just for that one fleeting second, they don't see a tower of muscle and rage and authority: They see an old, exhausted warhorse who's been fighting longer than he can remember, a bastion of strength in an ocean of madness.
  216. Volgarr: [Nah he still seems pretty far in the madness zone]
  217. Captain Lockhold: (You shut your whore mouth, runt)
  218. Freyja: )Zing!)
  220. Pterippi Recruit grits her teeth. The wind gusts and sends a chill down everyone's backs. The recruit looks like she's starting to tear up, but heeds her Captain's words. "...Y-Yes, -sir-." With that, she re-sheathes her sword and steps back.
  222. Captain Lockhold watches her stand down and then turns back to Victoria. "Now... reminds me again why it's so important for YOU to have that chariot. Oh, right. Not even you are sure."
  224. The Frozen North || There's some muttering among the recruits to your south, by the chariot. They seem just as distraught as everyone else.
  225. Captain Lockhold: (*remind)
  226. Victoria Faraday: "... How about this." she says, waiting for a moment to get the Captain's attention once more. "We hitch a ride on your chariot to the Crossroads tomorrow. We help out as best we can between now and then. When we get to Marrowshire, we tell your chieftain that you helped us as best you could - and maybe if we're all lucky - that you deserve reinforcements and extra supplies. The chariot's going to the crossroads anyway, with or without us, and, we're just extra protection if anybody decides to ambush it."
  227. "Any other outcome seems bad for you in some regard, does it not?"
  228. Pterippi Medic: "...Captain?"
  230. Pterippi Medic steps up to the Captain's side.
  232. Captain Lockhold looks over to her, not ignoring Victoria but also not acknowledging her just yet. "Yes?"
  233. Pterippi Medic: "We would not have nearly enough room for all of them. The chariot can only carry so many without us having to do some oblong cramming."
  234. "We have three bodies in there that are unable to move. We also need room for whatever supplies we're bringing with. To say we could fit...."
  236. Pterippi Medic counts.
  237. Pterippi Medic: "...Six more?"
  238. "It's almost outrageous."
  239. Freyja: "I'll fly."
  240. Bard: "I can fly, as well."
  241. Pterippi Medic: "...Four..."
  242. "...Four is..."
  243. Volgarr: Much more doable?
  245. Pterippi Medic sighs.
  246. Freyja: "I may be able to carry one of the smaller ones, as well."
  247. Northern Spring: "Two of the group have wings, and the big guys back there can take turns helping to pull the thing. That way, we're not all in the cart at the same time. Would that help?"
  248. Pterippi Medic: "Are you liscensed, miss?"
  250. Pterippi Medic looks at Freyja.
  251. Freyja: "Licensed?"
  253. Captain Lockhold remains silent, simply mulling over the options being presented to him... although it's clear none of them are options he likes.
  254. Pterippi Medic: "Or in any way certified?"
  255. Freyja: "I meant one of the non injured little ones..."
  256. Pterippi Medic: "...Mmm."
  257. "Very well then."
  259. Pterippi Medic turns to the Captain. "Our injured may not like travelling with them, but if it must be done, it must be done."
  260. Pterippi Medic: "I will need some time to arrange things, however. One can't sit up. One can't even move."
  261. Victoria Faraday: "I have medical knowledge. If you wish, I could help?"
  263. Pterippi Medic turns to Victoria.
  264. Pterippi Medic: "...You do?" she asks, clearly taken aback.
  265. Victoria Faraday: "I do."
  267. Captain Lockhold nodded slowly, giving the medic the softest expression any of them had seen him grant to anyone thus far. "Better they're briefly discomforted than left to die for the convenience of outlanders..." Victoria's proposal got his attention and he glanced between the two mares. "... Are you the only one?" he addressed Victoria, not with urgency but with something approaching it.
  268. Victoria Faraday: "Unless the rest of the group has been holding back on me, then yes."
  270. Pterippi Medic glances at the Captain, and then turns back to Victoria. "Perhaps you could help, then."
  271. Pterippi Recruit: "For some bloody reason, I don't think I -trust- these blokes with my sister."
  273. Pterippi Medic glances at the recruit. "You said the same thing about me, and now look at her. Her heart is still beating and she still has all four of her legs. It's a damned miracle. I'd like to say it's by my hooves, as well."
  275. Captain Lockhold frowned, but he nodded again. "... Do what you can for those that are wounded." He looked to the doctor again as if making sure she approved-- and then the recruit had the poor sense of speaking out again. "Oh?" he snapped. "And tell me, would you rather she CONTINUE to die? Tell me, recruit, what better option do you have to propose?"
  276. Pterippi Recruit: "What better option?! Why don't you just let us go?! Neither of us want to be here! We were forced to come, by the draft in Bor!"
  277. "The fight is pointless! What are we fighting for?! All we've ever known is fighting! Day and night, with bears, dirt fucks, and now caribou!"
  278. "And for what?! Glory?!"
  279. Victoria Faraday: "If there are no more complaints, lead me towards the medical tent and I shall begin work. I'm sure you could find some use for everyone else for the next day."
  280. Northern Spring: (I say again, we're gonna see a pony die tonight.)
  281. Volgarr: [We haven't gone a single session without it yet!]
  282. Northern Spring: (The session with the letter didn't have a death. :3)
  283. Pterippi Recruit: (Whose fault do you think all of that is~?)
  284. Northern Spring: (Hey, I haven't done anything.)
  285. Pterippi Recruit: (you could have prevented this)
  286. Captain Lockhold: "So those that can't fight never have to see the same horrors as those that can," he answered, though it was clear he might not keep his already-compromised temper much longer.
  287. "And the same rule applies that always has since the day you and every other recruit came over these walls: If you don't like it, then you are free to make your OWN damn way home."
  288. "Am."
  289. "I."
  290. "Clear."
  292. Pterippi Recruit snarls, and after a moment of aggravated, tear-strained huffs, she unsheathes her sword, and throws it on the ground at the Captain's hooves. "...Then perhaps I will. Mayhaps I'll fly to Pingwin. Their nation has been at peace for almost a century. We could certainly learn from them."
  294. Freyja watched, drawing a slow breath between her teeth. That wasn't good.
  296. Victoria Faraday approaches the medic. "Shall we begin?"
  298. Pterippi Recruit was clearly scared. She was horrified. But something bold must have overtaken her. She stands proud and tall in the Captain's face.
  299. Pterippi Medic: "...Follow me. Please.
  300. Volgarr: Yeah, let's...get anywhere but here
  302. Captain Lockhold kicks her discarded blade to the side and lets it come to rest in a nearby snow drift. "It wasn't by abandoning their sisters when they needed them most," he answered softly, almost too softly to be heard by any except the recruit herself.
  304. Northern Spring steps over to Freyja. "Tell me. What sort of punishment do deserters have turned on them here? I'm afraid we may have just sparked something nasty."
  305. Freyja: "You've been here several days. Do you really need me to say it out loud?" She asked, speaking softly.
  306. Pterippi Recruit: "...My entire country turned their back on me the moment they declared war. I was promised safety. Instead, I found a sword and a helmet awaiting me."
  307. "I don't know when it's going to end."
  308. "And I--I can't! I just--! I can't! I shan't! It's been far too long!"
  310. Victoria Faraday doctors
  312. Captain Lockhold reached forward to put a single massive hoof on her shoulder, his raw power alone probably capable of sending her crashing to the ground... but that iron-like strength was almost impossibly gentle as he looked down at the young soldier who was having a nervous breakdown. "Recruit. Look at me."
  313. Pterippi Recruit: Victoria, the sight isn't pretty. What you can see is clearly the result of an unexpected attack and untrained soldiers. Several broken bones, a plethora of gashes, and on one, a missing foreleg.
  314. You manage to help with your bandages and knowledge of sewing, but they will all take quite a long time to heal.
  316. Pterippi Recruit turns up to look at her Captain.
  318. Bard sighs.
  319. Bard: "She's from Bor."
  320. Northern Spring: "I've seen plenty, Freyja, but this is the first military camp we've been in. Excuse me if I expect worse."
  321. Bard: "The draft was harsh there."
  323. Victoria Faraday does her best to comfort the conscious ones as she tends to their wounds.
  324. Captain Lockhold: "I don't know when it's going to end either. I can't tell you that we're all going to make it out of this alive. But I swear to you that every single one of you is important to me, even if we're not important to our nation. As long as there is breath in my body and cunning in my mind and we stand strong together, I will do everything in my power to make sure each and every one of you makes it home, even if it means I do not."
  325. Pterippi Medic: "I cannot thank you enough for this, miss. I'm... I'm terribly sorry you had to trot into this whole mess."
  326. Volgarr: It certainly seems. I still fail ta see how we're to put an end to any'a this
  327. Victoria Faraday: "I'm just trying my best to help while I'm here. I didn't quite expect all this, walking into it all, either."
  329. Pterippi Recruit seems taken aback, and touched by his words. She doesn't speak for a long, tense moment, and her eyes are everywhere but on Lockholds. But, finally, after a minute of thought, she holds her head up.
  330. Pterippi Recruit:
  331. "...Fine. I'll... I'll stay."
  332. "I just want to talk to my sister one last time, in case I never see her again."
  333. "Sir."
  335. Captain Lockhold he nods. "Of course."
  336. Captain Lockhold: (Just take that 'he' right on outta there)
  337. Pterippi Medic: "A lot of unexpected things have been happening as of late."
  338. Volgarr: [It's his distant ancestor, Lockholdhe]
  339. Northern Spring: (That explains the sudden change of demeanor.)
  341. Pterippi Recruit walks into the tent, and immediately sits down next to her sister without saying a word.
  343. Captain Lockhold returns to look over what's left of the party; the storm has passed, and he's back to business as usual. "Now then... which of you are warriors, and what are the rest of you capable of?"
  344. Captain Lockhold: (Not even a Crunch Buttsteak like him can stay seething mad for that long. He's gonna go into emotional shellshock eventually.)
  345. Bard: "...Uh..."
  347. Victoria Faraday looks over towards the recruit and her sister from a short distance away. (How bad were her wounds?)
  349. Wrought Iron raises a hoof. "Oi'm a warr'r."
  350. Volgarr: Fisher.
  351. Wrought Iron: "Oi c'n also repair things."
  352. The Frozen North: Her woulds were notably bad. Her inner thigh on her hind leg was slashed. The leg was saved, and hopefully will be if it doesn't get infected. However, the blood loss was tremendous. This, coupled with a broken collar bone, jaw, and rib or two, proves to be very dehabilitating.
  354. Victoria Faraday looks towards the recruit. "... I'll get her the best medical attention I can manage in the Crossroads. You'll see your sister again, I promise."
  356. Northern Spring steps up towards the captain. "As you've already learned, Victoria is competent with healing. I'm good with nature and language. The big red one can hit hard. The one behind him is a bard, and behind that one is good with fishing. The one behind me is, well... a local, I suppose. She's from this continent."
  358. Pterippi Recruit looks up at Victoria. "You had better. I think she's all I have left sometimes when I'm out here. And I really hope she doesn't come back out to the front."
  359. Victoria Faraday: "I'm a mare of my word."
  360. Pterippi Recruit: "More than can be said for most."
  362. Victoria Faraday resumes... medicine-ing!
  364. Captain Lockhold nodded. "Right." He pointed at Wrought and then gestured to the blacksmith not far away. "See if you can be useful to him. If not, do what you can to whip those recruits over there into shape." He looked to Freyja. "You can go ahead and start training them, unless there's something else you'd rather do." The icy stare in his eyes made it clear he hoped she had nothing else she'd rather do before he looked over to Volgarr and Northern. "You two..." A silence as he mulled over it and finally came to a grim decision. "... We need every able-bodied gravedigger we can get."
  366. Wrought Iron nods and heads to the blacksmith. "Need enna 'elp?"
  368. Pterippi Smith looks up to Wrought, and then steps off of his chair.
  369. Pterippi Smith: "Get to grinding. I have armor to repair."
  371. Northern Spring sighs. "Right. Mind pointing us in the right direction?"
  373. Wrought Iron nods and takes his place in front of the grinding wheel
  375. Pterippi Smith gets to work on fixing a set of chainmail.
  376. Pterippi Smith: "...It's not every day you meet a dirt horse."
  378. Captain Lockhold pointed in her namesake's direction, where they could see pterippi already shoveling behind the tents. "It's not the most glorious job, I realize, but I'm sure you'll manage."
  379. Pterippi Medic: "Pray tell, miss. What is your name?"
  380. Wrought Iron: "Oi've only been up 'ere a couple days. Name's Wrought."
  381. Victoria Faraday: "Victoria Faraday."
  382. Pterippi Smith: "I figured as much. Well met."
  383. "They call me Cobble."
  384. Volgarr: Gravediggin'? Well, s'pose it's favorable to tha arguin
  385. Pterippi Medic: "...Victoria."
  386. "I'll be sure to spread word of your expertise."
  387. Captain Lockhold: "The dead seldom quarrel."
  388. Pterippi Medic: "I'll tell the Captain, as well."
  390. Wrought Iron nods. "Noice ta meet ya."
  392. Northern Spring shrugs and turns to Volgarr. "Well... I suppose we're off."
  394. Pterippi Smith sighs, working on some of the straps. His voice is low and growly; it's clear he's just as fatigued as anyone else in the camp. "...How did you even get here? Aren't there regulations on travel? I thought only diplomats were allowed from Heaven's Peaks."
  395. Pterippi Gravedigger: "...Does..."
  396. Volgarr: Migh' as well, yeah
  397. Pterippi Gravedigger: "Does this mean I get a break?"
  398. Pterippi Medic: "It's been years since I've seen such expertise."
  399. "Perhaps this is why you were called to Marrowshire?"
  400. Wrought Iron: "'Eaven's Peaks? Naw, we're from 'questria. Down south."
  401. Northern Spring: "It means whatever you want it to mean. We were sent up here to help."
  403. Pterippi Smith stops what he's doing, drops his hammer, and looks at Wrought in shock.
  404. Pterippi Gravedigger: "...Please. I need to sleep. I haven't slept for a day and a half."
  405. Volgarr: Though, it'll be one less hole for us to dig if ya stop soon of fallin' into one yourself
  407. Wrought Iron blinks. "...Wha'd Oi say?"
  408. Pterippi Gravedigger: "...That's... A very, very good point."
  409. "Don't tell the Captain."
  410. Freyja: (GAH!)
  411. Wrought Iron: (Oh god, Wrought's talking again! Everyone hit the deck!)
  413. Pterippi Gravedigger drops his shovel and naps.
  414. Pterippi Smith: "The... You're from the southern tribes?"
  415. Victoria Faraday: "Doubtful, but... hm. We shall see when we arrive, I suppose."
  416. Pterippi Medic: "I'd hope."
  418. Wrought Iron nods. "Yep. Princess Celestia picked us ta come up north fer diplomatic reasons."
  419. Pterippi Medic: "Do you want to stay in here and console the patients, or would you rather do something else? The captain wouldn't want two in here. Wasted horsepower."
  420. Pterippi Smith: "...Who?"
  422. Volgarr is quick to claim the dropped shovel, and strike it into the earth
  423. Pterippi Smith: Volgarr! Roll brawn. Spring! Roll brawn at a +1.
  425. Northern Spring nods, then quickly looks for a nearby shovel. Assuming she finds one easily enough, she picks it up and starts digging.
  426. Victoria Faraday: "I am also competent in mechanics, so I suppose. They seem like they will be fine for the night."
  427. Northern Spring: rolling {1d10}<3
  428. {(
  429. 5
  430. )}
  431. = 0 Successes
  432. Wrought Iron: "One of our Princess's. They rule our kingdom."
  433. Northern Spring: (Shit.)
  434. Pterippi Smith: Spring, the ground's frozen. That shovel isn't gonna budge.
  435. Victoria Faraday: (wrought what did I say)
  436. Captain Lockhold: (You actually managed to fill up one of the already shoveled graves)
  437. Pterippi Smith: "...I'm sorry, but ya bloody what?"
  438. Volgarr: rolling d10
  439. (
  440. 1
  441. )
  442. = 1
  443. Y-yaaaaay]
  444. Victoria Faraday: [1 is a good thing ye butt]
  445. Pterippi Smith: "We haven't heard from the southern tribes in -centuries-."
  446. Confirm it!
  447. Volgarr: rolling d10
  448. (
  449. 4
  450. )
  451. = 4
  452. Target 5]
  453. Wrought Iron: "We've go' two Princess's who rule our kingdom. They overthrew Discord an' rest'red peace ta our lan'."
  455. Victoria Faraday leaves the medical tent, then!
  456. Pterippi Smith: Welp, Volgarr, looks like that you got a good patch, as well as some pretty decent forelegs. You make very quick work of that ground.
  458. Volgarr STRIKES THE EARTH etc, etc
  460. Northern Spring sighs. "Well... I suppose we know which of us is better at this."
  461. Pterippi Smith: You now have 2 empty graves.
  462. "..."
  463. "D'ya mind slowin' the fuck down?"
  464. "I am beyond lost."
  465. Volgarr: Spring, ya mind helpin' me ta roll these two into place?
  466. Victoria Faraday: "Wrought? Need any help over here?"
  468. Northern Spring moves to one of the bodies
  469. Volgarr: [Damage control quick!]
  471. Volgarr moves the other into it's grave
  472. Wrought Iron: "Jus tellin' 'im 'bou' th' Princess's an' all."
  474. Victoria Faraday stares.
  475. Victoria Faraday: "... Wrought, do you remember what I told you?"
  476. Bard: "Uhm... Miss, uh, Freyja, right?"
  478. Bard waves
  479. Freyja: "Yes?"
  480. Wrought Iron: "No' ta eat th' yellow snow?"
  481. Victoria Faraday: "Besides that."
  482. Bard: "I really hope the Captain doesn't yell at you for not doing what he said."
  484. Pterippi Smith facehoofs.
  485. Pterippi Guard: "Sir."
  487. Wrought Iron smirks. "Oi dunno. you've tol' me a lo' o' things."
  488. Victoria Faraday: [you butt, Moondew]
  489. Wrought Iron: [I don't remember. Do you really expect the meathead to?]
  491. Victoria Faraday sighs and rubs her temples. "So. What work is there to do over here?"
  492. Captain Lockhold: "Any progress to report in training?"
  493. Victoria Faraday: [Maybe.]
  494. [Oh well.]
  496. Pterippi Recruit || The whole crowd of recruits looks at eachother.
  497. Wrought Iron: [His skull's thicker than the ice on the lakes here.]
  498. Pterippi Recruit: It looks like that's a resounding 'nope', cap'n.
  500. Wrought Iron shrugs. "Jus' go' some blades ta grin' an' sharpen'."
  501. Pterippi Smith: "Help would be appreciated."
  502. "I have another stone in my tent."
  503. Captain Lockhold: "Exactly as suspected. Fortunately, if I'm as right as I usually am, that very well might be changing very soon."
  505. Northern Spring grabs the shovel again and tries her hoof at digging a second time
  507. Pterippi Recruit rumblegrumble
  508. Pterippi Guard: "Sir. Captain."
  509. Victoria Faraday: "Excellent. Which tent is yours? I'll grab it."
  510. Northern Spring: (Roll again, I assume?)
  511. Pterippi Guard: (Sure.)
  512. Volgarr: Looks like we're down to tha' enemy's losses, now. Wha's got them wantin' to bury those?
  513. Pterippi Guard: Also, volgarr, Spring, it's up to you if you want to just dig a mass grave for the Caribou or be respectful.
  514. Northern Spring: rolling {1d10}<3
  515. {(
  516. 6
  517. )}
  518. = 0 Successes
  519. Captain Lockhold: "Yes?"
  520. Victoria Faraday: [I don't think that syntax is gonna work for the rolls we have here.]
  521. [Because that's definitely a success.]
  522. Northern Spring: (How else do you set the target?)
  523. Victoria Faraday: [Y'just say it and eyeball it 8D]
  524. Volgarr: [Because we're using that weird doubled over system, it won't recognize it .p.]
  525. Pterippi Guard: "Permission to go back to the barracks?"
  526. Northern Spring: (I've seen other rolls that have the target in them, though. :c)
  527. Freyja: (Sorry I've been so rare. I'm bouncing around a lot of things, and then I got called to do something birthday related, for my brother.)
  528. Victoria Faraday: [Are you sure we weren't just saying 'Target X'?]
  529. Pterippi Guard: (It's fine.)
  530. Northern Spring: (Maybe? I dunno.)
  531. Victoria Faraday: (Because that's all we have been doing :D)
  532. Northern Spring: (AGH, THE GRAVE HIT ME)
  533. Pterippi Guard: (WHOP)
  535. Captain Lockhold gave the guard a closer look with a keen eye; he was certain someone under his command wouldn't ask for a break if there wasn't a good reason for it... but then, this had been a very strange day indeed. "How long have you been on duty, soldier?"
  536. Pterippi Guard: Anyhow, Spring. You dig a decent sized hole. Not enough for 5 bodies, but.
  537. "Since last high noon, sir."
  538. Lockhold, it's about 10 AM right now.
  540. Captain Lockhold nodded in reply. "Permission granted; go get your rest while you have the chance. I'll take your watch for you myself."
  542. Northern Spring continues digging?
  543. Pterippi Guard: "Thank you, sir."
  544. Roll at a -1, Spring.
  545. Vic, did you say anything in reply to Wrought or the Smith?
  546. Northern Spring: rolling 1d10
  547. (
  548. 4
  549. )
  550. = 4
  551. rolling 1d10
  552. (
  553. 2
  554. )
  555. = 2
  556. (I only wanted one...)
  557. Victoria Faraday: Victoria Faraday: "Excellent. Which tent is yours? I'll grab it."
  558. Pterippi Guard: (Oops.)
  559. Northern Spring: (Both failed anyway.)
  560. Pterippi Guard: Spring, your forelegs are getting very, very tired.
  561. You're gonna have to take a break.
  562. Pterippi Smith: "I'm in the back of the large green tent, just to your left, miss."
  564. Northern Spring puts her shovel down, looking towards Volgarr. "I can't... keep this up." She pauses to try and catch her breath. "I don't do... physical stuff."
  565. Victoria Faraday: "Thank you."
  567. Victoria Faraday heads over and grabs the thing!
  568. Pterippi Smith: Boop.
  569. Roll brawn.
  570. Victoria Faraday: rolling d10
  571. (
  572. 1
  573. )
  574. = 1
  575. Pterippi Smith: Confirm.
  576. Victoria Faraday: rolling d10
  577. (
  578. 4
  579. )
  580. = 4
  581. Pterippi Smith: You find a way to sling it on your back with ease. It's impressive how fast you moved.
  582. "...Wow. That was quick."
  583. Victoria Faraday: "Thank you."
  585. Victoria Faraday grabs a weapon and begins to sharpen.
  586. Pterippi Smith: "Grab any sword on the table. They need sharpening."
  587. "You, big lad. Wrought, was it?"
  589. Wrought Iron nods. "Aye."
  590. Captain Lockhold: "They haven't broken anything yet, have they, Cobble?"
  592. Volgarr lets out a sigh, stepping over to where she had begun to dig "An' you'r supposed ta help us survive out here?"
  593. Volgarr: rolling d10 to continue the digging
  594. (
  595. 1
  596. )
  597. = 1
  599. Pterippi Recruits look at Freyja, collectively.
  600. Pterippi Recruits: Confirm, Volgarr.
  601. Volgarr: rolling d10 I guess
  602. (
  603. 1
  604. )
  605. = 1
  607. Freyja looks at the recruits, blinking. " do you all know, so far?"
  608. Northern Spring: (Volgarr should just be our new muscle.)
  609. Pterippi Recruits: Roll again. Target 6.
  610. Volgarr: [I AM ONE WITH THE SHOVEL]
  611. rolling d10
  612. (
  613. 6
  614. )
  615. = 6
  616. There I got a six, like you asked]
  617. Victoria Faraday: [>slam shovel on the ground]
  618. Captain Lockhold: (You dig a hole to Saddle Arabia)
  619. Victoria Faraday: [>suddenly all the graves are done]
  620. Pterippi Recruits: By the gods. Volgarr? you dig a grave plenty big, and in record time. Anyone that saw that would be incredibly impressed. And possibly attracted, at that rate.
  621. Northern Spring: (Swoon~)
  622. Victoria Faraday: (You gotta compete with the Bard, though)
  623. Northern Spring: (SWOOOON~~~)
  624. Captain Lockhold: (Dem grave-diggin' hips)
  625. Bard: "What in Tartarous?"
  626. Pterippi Recruits: Sorry Umi.
  628. Pterippi Recruits all look at eachother again, confused.
  629. Pterippi Recruit: "...I know how to hit stuff," one says, holding up a cheap schimatar.
  630. Freyja: "Okay. Umm, pair up and spar?"
  631. Volgarr: That'll fit 'em, won't it? Spring?
  633. Captain Lockhold (throws a brick at Cobble's head to get the old fart's attention)
  635. Pterippi Recruits look at you with fear.
  636. Pterippi Recruit: How long?
  637. Freyja: "What?"
  638. Pterippi Smith: "Huh?"
  639. Freyja: "Umm...ten minutes?"
  640. Pterippi Smith: "Wha?"
  641. Captain Lockhold: "They haven't broken anything yet, have they?"
  643. Northern Spring blinks a few times, then looks over to Volgarr. "Uuh... yeah. I think it should. Most of them, at least."
  644. Pterippi Smith: "Oh, no. This one's actually a smith."
  645. Northern Spring: "How... how did you do that, though?"
  646. Pterippi Smith: "And the miss here is... Probably just as strong as I am."
  647. "We have no trouble."
  648. Volgarr: There's all'a wha', four left? LE's start rollin' 'em in, then
  649. Bard: "I turned away for... Not even half a minute..."
  650. "What happened?"
  651. Volgarr: I dug a hole.
  652. Bard: "I just look, and..."
  653. "You just..."
  654. "You were..."
  655. "I..."
  656. "What?"
  657. Freyja: "Okay. Hooves only. Umm, ten minutes. Keep track of hits."
  659. Captain Lockhold looked at Victoria as if for the first time; if he hadn't trusted the old-timer so completely, then he would have blamed the blacksmith's jaundice. "... I see. Carry on, then." He moved on to where the graves were being dug; surely nothing unexpected was waiting for him there.
  661. Northern Spring moves to one of the bodies, then looks at the bard. "Well... it seems our fishing pony here has a secret talent for digging. Pretty impressive."
  662. Captain Lockhold: "... By the fucking gods."
  663. Volgarr: Have we done something wrong, now?
  664. Pterippi Recruits: rolling 5d10
  665. (
  666. 6
  667. +
  668. 3
  669. +
  670. 3
  671. +
  672. 7
  673. +
  674. 5
  675. )
  676. = 24
  677. rolling 5d10
  678. (
  679. 1
  680. +
  681. 7
  682. +
  683. 8
  684. +
  685. 6
  686. +
  687. 3
  688. )
  689. = 25
  690. rolling 1d10
  691. (
  692. 1
  693. )
  694. = 1
  695. rolling 1d10
  696. (
  697. 4
  698. )
  699. = 4
  700. Northern Spring: (Grave is too big. Fill it in and start over.)
  701. Captain Lockhold: "Unless you made some sort of dark pact to make that filly-rutting crater in the five minutes I turned my head."
  702. Volgarr: Dark wha now?
  703. Pterippi Recruit: "...Uh..."
  704. "Miss?"
  706. Freyja watches/
  707. Freyja: "What happened?"
  708. Pterippi Recruit: "I hit him too hard."
  709. Captain Lockhold: (He's saying that y'all best not be satanists)
  710. Freyja: "What?"
  711. Northern Spring: "...filly-rutting...?"
  712. Volgarr: [I know, I know, ic, though]
  713. Bard: "He -- He did, Captain."
  714. "I saw it."
  715. Pterippi Recruit: "I..."
  716. "Hit him. In the jaw."
  717. "Hard."
  719. Pterippi Recruits turn to look.
  720. Freyja: "...did you just kill him with one hit?"
  721. Pterippi Recruits: "I hope not."
  723. Captain Lockhold looks at Volgarr suspiciously. "... If I had anything resembling a fishing rod, I'd give it to you and point you to the nearest river so you could solve our food supply issues for the next year and a half."
  724. Pterippi Recruits: "I think he's just... Out."
  725. Freyja: "Oh good."
  726. Pterippi Recruits: "Uhm..."
  728. Pterippi Recruits pokes
  729. Pterippi Recruit: "I'm...
  730. "Is he gonna be okay?"
  732. Freyja checks!@
  734. Bard bites her cheek.
  735. Bard: Roll discernment, Freyja.
  736. Freyja: rolling 1d10
  737. (
  738. 8
  739. )
  740. = 8
  742. Volgarr shifts his weight, looking back at the elongated pack of wrapped cloth over his back "If there's anythin' a size to fish out, jus say the word an I'll bring it up, for a price, 'course"
  743. Bard: Uh...
  744. His neck. It's snapped.
  745. He's dead.
  746. Freyja: "Umm...shit."
  747. Bard: That hit must have been perfect.
  748. Northern Spring: (I KNEW WE'D SEE ONE DIE TONIGHT!)
  749. Volgarr: [You didn't see it at least!]
  750. Freyja: "Err...he's dead."
  751. Victoria Faraday: (I'm gonna go cook some popcorn for just how MAD the captain's gonna be.)
  752. Bard: "...I... I think I'm gonna go trot, for a minute."
  754. Bard seems to be a little embarassed.
  755. Captain Lockhold: (I...)
  756. Pterippi Recruit: "...What?!"
  757. Captain Lockhold: (I don't even know what to do.)
  758. Volgarr: [.3.~]
  759. Pterippi Recruit: "I punched him!"
  760. "How could I break his neck?!"
  761. Captain Lockhold: (Well punch him again! Maybe that'll fix it!)
  762. Freyja: "Umm, okay. One of you go get the Captain for me."
  763. Bard: "Uhm, Volgarr?"
  764. Volgarr: Aye?
  765. Pterippi Recruit: "O-Okay!"
  766. Bard: "I'll be... Uhm, trotting around. Come grab me if you need me."
  767. Volgarr, roll discernment.
  768. You too, Spring.
  769. Volgarr: rolling d10 target 3
  770. (
  771. 10
  772. )
  773. = 10
  774. :D]
  775. Pterippi Recruit: "Captain!"
  776. Victoria Faraday: [:D]
  777. Pterippi Recruit: Confirm.)
  778. Northern Spring: (At least we know he's still mortal.)
  779. Volgarr: rolling d10
  780. (
  781. 10
  782. )
  783. = 10
  784. Northern Spring: (...oh god.)
  785. Pterippi Recruit: Confirm.)
  786. Volgarr: :D?]
  787. rolling d10
  788. (
  789. 1
  790. )
  791. = 1
  793. Captain Lockhold wasn't entirely sure what else to say to this god amongst grave diggers, but the way one of the recruits was approaching didn't do much to set his mind at ease. "Yes, recruit?"
  794. Pterippi Recruit: ...
  795. Victoria Faraday: [IT'S HAPPENING.JPG]
  796. Northern Spring: (WHAT)
  797. Volgarr: I'm in tears over here why's this so busted]
  798. Pterippi Recruit: STOP DOING THIS SHIT)
  799. Victoria Faraday: (KEEP ROLLING)
  800. (DON'T STOP)
  801. Pterippi Recruit: (ROLL AGAIN)
  802. Volgarr: rolling d10
  803. (
  804. 9
  805. )
  806. = 9
  807. Northern Spring: (WHAT DO WE COUNT THIS AS?)
  808. Victoria Faraday: (uh)
  809. Northern Spring: (IS THIS A SUCCESS?)
  810. (A FAIL?)
  811. Volgarr: A double Negative Positive crit]
  812. Pterippi Recruit: He has a +1. That's a pass, by the rulebook.)
  813. Victoria Faraday: (IT IS DIVINE INTERVENTION)
  814. Captain Lockhold: (What the fuck)
  815. Pterippi Recruit: Volgarr?
  816. Okay, it's hard to explain what you're feeling right now. You're fatigued, cold, exhaustd, hurt, and overall, it's hard to focus. But, as you set down your shovel, you look over at the Captain and the Bard. The Bard is blushing very very visibly, and as soon as you look, she averts her gaze and trots off. You... You're not sure what exactly that means, but you think she miiiiight have a bit of a crush on you after that nice performance.
  817. "Captain. I killed one of the other recruits by accident."
  818. Umami S.: (I keep losing connection.)
  819. Captain Lockhold: Silence reigns.
  820. Pterippi Recruit: (Refreshh.)
  821. Umami S.: (Just did.)
  823. Victoria Faraday ceases sharpening to look towards the captain.
  824. Pterippi Recruit: (Oh. BLoody hell.)
  825. (Is it storming?)
  827. Volgarr jolts his head over to the approaching recruit as this is said, then nervously looks back towards the bard and drops his shovel "I'll go, uhh, see what's bothering her, rather'n stay here I believe"
  829. Pterippi Smith looks at the Captain in shock, as well.
  830. Umami S.: (Nah, just terrible internet.)
  831. Captain Lockhold: "... Repeat what you just said."
  833. Northern Spring blinks in confusion and shock, both at VolgarrxBard and at the latest bit of news. "I'll just, uuh... move these bodies." And she begins to do so.
  834. Pterippi Recruit: "The big lady ordered us to spar for ten minutes. I caught my partner by surprise."
  835. "His neck is broken."
  837. Wrought Iron stops sharpening to listen
  838. Captain Lockhold: ...
  839. ...
  840. "Show me."
  842. Pterippi Recruit jogs back over.
  844. Northern Spring just... movin' some bodies.
  846. Bard turns around. "Huh?"
  848. Captain Lockhold gives the still-lukewarm corpse a cursory glance before taking a moment to collect himself. The gods hated him. That was the only possible explanation. "How did you even MANAGE to do this, soldier?"
  849. Pterippi Recruit: "I--... I don't think he saw it coming. I nailed him right in the jaw. His head twisted and I heard a crack."
  850. Victoria Faraday: (Well, you did rut them to death in your younger years, so maybe they're a little miffed about that!)
  851. Umami S.: "That...that's impressive."
  853. Freyja says that!
  854. Captain Lockhold: (Callback!)
  855. Volgarr: 're you okay, miss? Is all the, ahhh.. action back thee gettin' to ya?
  856. Bard: "Uhm, y-yes, I'm... I'm just fine."
  857. Northern Spring: (More like gettin' to the action.)
  858. Bard: "I just wanted to trot around. Stretch out a little."
  859. Roll Discernment, Volgarr.
  860. Wait, hold on.
  861. Roll a 3d10.
  863. Volgarr roll d10 if you insist
  864. Volgarr: rolling 3d10
  865. (
  866. 7
  867. +
  868. 6
  869. +
  870. 10
  871. )
  872. = 23
  873. Bard: rolling 4d10
  874. (
  875. 7
  876. +
  877. 1
  878. +
  879. 7
  880. +
  881. 1
  882. )
  883. = 16
  884. Yyyyeah, that's a lie.
  885. Victoria Faraday: (Are contested rolls finally getting some use?)
  886. Bard: (Yes.)
  887. Victoria Faraday: (yay writing up those rules had a purpose)
  888. Pterippi Recruit: "I... I..."
  889. "I'm so sorry, Captain."
  890. "I didn't mean to."
  892. Victoria Faraday decides to go back to sharpening things, only slightly concerned over what happened
  894. Captain Lockhold looks like he's just completely and utterly done with this entire situation. He can't even work up the wherewithal to be angry at so unexpectedly losing another soldier... besides, if they died to a punch from another newblood, what would a rutting CARIBOU do to them? "You will bury him yourself, cadet. You will hold every funeral rite known to this nation and every other nation, and then you will inform every single one of this recruit's next of kin, personally, that YOU murdered them, once you get the chance." A pause. "... But for now, burying him will suffice. And then get your ass back over here. Murder is no excuse to avoid training, do you understand me?"
  895. Volgarr: That doesn' sound..I...look, if I've done somethin' to offend ye, I didn' mean...
  897. Northern Spring makes her way over to join some of the others, having finished moving the bodies
  898. Pterippi Recruit: "...But... But, Sir, I--!"
  899. "I didn't want him to die!"
  900. "I just did what I was told!"
  901. Captain Lockhold: "That's nice. Will that bringhim back?"
  902. Pterippi Recruit: "His blaring insults about my mother certainly didn't help!"
  903. Captain Lockhold: (*bring him)
  904. Pterippi Smith: "What the hell."
  905. "You guys show up, and stupid things start happening."
  906. Captain Lockhold: (People keep fucking messaging me on Steam and I can't see typos and it's REALLY STARTING TO CHEESE ME OFF BOYO.)
  907. Pterippi Smith: "Are you guys cursed?"
  908. Victoria Faraday: "... No comment."
  909. Wrought Iron: "Oi think it follows us."
  910. Bard: "Oh! No! No, Volgarr, I--no, I'm fine."
  911. "Trust me. You didn't do anything wrong."
  912. Northern Spring: "I'm sure our curse plus your captain's history of... rutting gods to death have made a wonderful combination."
  913. Pterippi Smith: "Seriously, what the hell?"
  915. Victoria Faraday gives Wrought a blank, disapproving stare.
  917. Wrought Iron looks back, not understanding
  918. Victoria Faraday: "Did they even call for a medic or someone once?"
  919. Wrought Iron: (I love playing a dense character!)
  920. Volgarr: Well, d'ya mind if I walk along with'ya, then? I'd sooner be out of this partic'lar fiasco, if I can
  921. Pterippi Smith: (I fucking love you guys.)
  922. Northern Spring: (Swiggity swooty)
  923. Pterippi Smith: (Just putting that out there right now.)
  924. (This is the most fun I've had in years.)
  925. Northern Spring: (
  926. Captain Lockhold: "What are you WAITING on, recruit? That fucking grave isn't going to dig itself while you mewl excuses at me!"
  927. Northern Spring: (SON OF A BITCH, THAT WAS A HEART)
  929. Freyja is just trying to catch up...
  930. Northern Spring: (IT WON'T LET ME SHARE MY AFFECTION)
  931. Bard: "...Oh."
  932. "You want to... Come with me?"
  934. Bard starts to get a dopey smile on her face.
  935. Captain Lockhold: (Come with, come on, same diff~)
  937. Pterippi Recruit scrambles, and goes to grab the corpse
  938. Pterippi Recruit: "Why did this have to happen to me?!"
  940. Captain Lockhold begins rhythmically slamming his forehead against the side of the wagon.
  942. Volgarr grins happily, hurrying along to catch up to her "It's always nicer to have company along tha way, right'? "
  943. Victoria Faraday: (hey Nimble, ♥)
  944. Northern Spring: (:c)
  945. Victoria Faraday: (♥)
  946. Pterippi Recruit: >bard has brawn 2
  947. oh boy
  948. this probably won't end well
  949. Bard: rolling 1d10
  950. (
  951. 10
  952. )
  953. = 10
  954. ...
  955. Northern Spring: (FUCKING HELL)
  956. Bard: ...
  957. .
  958. Victoria Faraday: (o no)
  959. Bard: .......
  960. Volgarr: Won'tendwell,huh]
  961. Bard: rolling 1d10
  962. (
  963. 3
  964. )
  965. = 3
  966. Wrought Iron: (Did it dun dead?)
  968. Bard looks at Volgarr, in an almost dopey state of awe. Her wings slowly unfurl from her sides, and she takes a step closer to Volgarr. If Volgarr knew anything about pegasi, he'd know what that meant. Slowly, she reaches up, slides a foreleg behind Volgarr's head to onto the back of his neck, and looks up at him.
  969. Bard:
  970. "Company? I've... I... I'd really like company right now, actually..."
  971. Pterippi Recruit: "Are... Are we done, Captain?"
  972. Northern Spring: (After another week, Bard is hit with the debuff: Pregnant. She must move slower, eat more, and always carry a sign that says "Babby on board!")
  973. Captain Lockhold: "You're not done until she SAYS you're done."
  974. Pterippi Recruit: "Are we done?"
  975. And absolutely everyone goes silent.
  976. Freyja: "Err...yeah, go..go think about what happened."
  977. "Or don't."
  979. Volgarr walks along with her then, blissfully confused as hell, all things considered "Well then i's good I'm around, then, where should we head?"
  981. Volgarr would have a better response, but can't stop laughing to into!]
  982. Bard: "Hmm. I'm not sure. How about one of the empty tents, out back?"
  984. Bard grins wide.
  985. Northern Spring: (Suddenly, we all get an urge to go to the empty tents.)
  987. Volgarr nods "Tha' seems as good a destination as any!"
  988. Bard: "I have a feeling we'll get yelled at if the Captain sees us out here doing nothing."
  989. "I'll follow you."
  990. Wrought Iron: (So, who's more dense: Wrought or Volgarr?)
  991. Victoria Faraday: (Wrought, definitely.)
  992. Bard: Volgarr by a longshot.)
  993. Pterippi Smith: "I have seen some shit..."
  994. Victoria Faraday: "We all have."
  995. Pterippi Smith: "No, I mean today."
  996. Victoria Faraday: "We ALL have."
  998. Volgarr leads along, enjoying the relatively nice condition "So...?"
  999. Bard: "Soooo...?"
  1000. Victoria Faraday: "Do we have alcohol here?"
  1001. "Anything at all?"
  1002. Pterippi Smith: "None at all, sadly."
  1003. Victoria Faraday: "Damn."
  1004. Pterippi Smith: "I hear you."
  1005. Wrought Iron: "Ya had me goin' 'ere fer a minute."
  1006. Volgarr: Well, you seem ta be in higher spirits! Gettin' away from the commotion really helped, huh?
  1007. Captain Lockhold: (Lockhold's probably downed it all in the last ten minutes.)
  1008. Bard: "Y-Yeah... You could say that, I guess."
  1009. "It's a lot better when you're able to relax."
  1010. "And feel safe."
  1011. Captain Lockhold: ("Hold me. Hold me with your strong, grave-digging arms.")
  1013. Volgarr lets out a somewhat hollow chuckle "Feel safe, righ'"
  1014. Wrought Iron: (And look. Look at me with your special eyes.)
  1015. Bard: (this kills the sides)
  1016. "No, no, I really do feel safe."
  1017. Volgarr: In this warcamp?
  1019. Bard looks at Volgarr. "I know, it sounds odd. But I feel safe whenever you're around. It's comforting, knowing someone as strong you is around. Especially when you're the friendliest face here."
  1020. Pterippi Smith: "...Huh?"
  1021. "What's goin' on over there?"
  1023. Pterippi Smith points to Volgarr and the bard.
  1025. Pterippi Smith , hopefully, is out of Volgarr's earshot and sight.
  1027. Northern Spring shrugs. "They went for a walk after we... uuh... after Volgarr finished the graves."
  1029. Wrought Iron looks over at them. "20 bits says 'ey're gonna fuck."
  1030. Victoria Faraday: "I just say we leave them be. I've had enough of today at this point."
  1031. Volgarr: Now tha's just flattery Though, it'd be hard not to be friendly, 'round you, hah!
  1033. Victoria Faraday glares at Wrought, before groaning heavily.
  1035. Northern Spring turns to Wrought. "In a military camp with guards patrolling everywhere? You're on."
  1036. Victoria Faraday: "You're not supposed to say that out loud!"
  1037. Wrought Iron: (I love being in this character. I have an excuse to have no filter between brain and mouth.)
  1038. Pterippi Smith: "..."
  1039. "You. Big lug."
  1040. "We need to have a drink. If we ever see eachother."
  1041. Wrought Iron: "Then how's anypony gonna be able ta take th' bet?"
  1042. Victoria Faraday: "You don't MAKE a bet. Out of respect!"
  1043. Bard: "Oh, you're just saying that."
  1045. Bard playfully bumps Volgarr with her shoulder.
  1046. Wrought Iron: "Obvi'sly, ya've nev'r been ta my home town. These kind o' bets 're common."
  1048. Wrought Iron smirks at the smith. "Ya go' tha' righ'."
  1049. Victoria Faraday: "Manners, Wrought. Manners!"
  1050. Wrought Iron: "Oi'm no' at th' dinn'r table, Vicky."
  1052. Victoria Faraday just holds her head down and grabs another blade to sharpen.
  1053. Wrought Iron: (Smartass mode engaged.)
  1055. Volgarr laughs and bumps back "I's no lie, though! You've been tha only one here treatin' any of us somewha' decently, played music for us and everything!"
  1057. Northern Spring rolls her eyes, then shakes her head. "Oh, come on. It's not THAT rude. He's not saying anything bad about them. Besides, I'm sure any mare on this frozen continent would be after him if they saw his crazy digging."
  1058. Pterippi Smith: "Including you?"
  1059. Wrought Iron: "Y'see, she knows wha's up."
  1061. Freyja stays silent, for the sake oh not making anypony kill one another.
  1062. Victoria Faraday: "Not you too, Spring..."
  1063. Wrought Iron: (She's surrounded by savages and roughnecks!)
  1064. Victoria Faraday: "If I went and had... sexual congress with anyone, I wouldn't want others talking about it behind my back!"
  1065. Bard: "I... I, heh..."
  1066. Wrought Iron: "Oi wouldn't mind ponies talkin'."
  1068. Bard blushes profusely. "I guess I was just interested. And you guys seemed nice, and you didn't deserve getting yelled at."
  1069. Bard: "And, you're, uhm..."
  1070. Volgarr: I'm uhm?
  1071. Bard: "...Handsome?"
  1073. Bard smiles a very, very cheesy and embarrassed smile.
  1075. Northern Spring blinks, looking at Victoria, then laughs for a few seconds. "Sexual congress?! Oh, for the love of Celestia, Victoria. Sure, I admit, he was pretty good looking after showing off those hidden muscles. But I'm not the one over there hanging off of him, am I? Besides, if it's this obvious, ponies will know anyway. Lighten up, girl. I promise I won't go blabbing about any of your escapades on the hay pile."
  1076. Pterippi Smith: "Oh, so this is what mares talk about when they go out for a mare's night..."
  1078. Pterippi Smith turns to Wrought.
  1080. Volgarr playfully bumps against her shoulder once more, looking away "An' now you're jus' tryin' ta butter me up!"
  1082. Captain Lockhold overhears them talking and has had enough.
  1083. Victoria Faraday: "I'm..."
  1084. Freyja: "I never talked about this stuff..."
  1085. Bard: rolling 1d10
  1086. (
  1087. 6
  1088. )
  1089. = 6
  1090. Victoria Faraday: "... going to go check on those in the medical tent."
  1091. Captain Lockhold: "Out. Leave. Take the gods-damned chariot and just LEAVE."
  1093. Bard manages to stay on her hooves. "Whoa! Hey! I'm just being honest!"
  1094. Bard: "I mean, you... You're..."
  1096. Bard takes a gander, but tries not to linger. She fails at this.
  1098. Wrought Iron looks at the smith. "Mares from my home confuse me."
  1100. Northern Spring is about to answer to smith, then turns towards the captain. "But... what about the injured ponies?"
  1101. Wrought Iron: (Did... did we make the captain ragequit?)
  1102. Victoria Faraday: (yes)
  1103. Bard: (Yes.)
  1105. Pterippi Medic comes outside.
  1106. Pterippi Medic: (Vic, you want inside, or do you want to hear this rant?)
  1107. Captain Lockhold: "The medics will stabilize them and prepare them for travel ASAP. If you stay here, they're going to die at this rate anyway."
  1108. Victoria Faraday: (I assume being inside I'd hear the rant anyway but okay :D)
  1109. Northern Spring: "Err... well, I agree that some crazy stuff has happened, but I don't think we're quite that bad."
  1111. Volgarr turns back to her, with a nervous grin "If ya keep this up, how'm I supposed ta compliment you back?"
  1112. Bard: "I don't think you have to..."
  1114. Captain Lockhold looks at Northern. "A recruit KILLED another one with a single punch during training. I'm not even entirely sure how you lot have made it this far without burning the country down around you."
  1116. Bard pulls her head back up, looking into Volgarr's eyes.
  1117. Pterippi Smith: "I think they're cursed."
  1118. "Except for the orange one. He's..."
  1119. "...Maybe he's working with dark magic."
  1121. Volgarr stares back, only mostly like a deer caught in headlights "W-well id doesn' mean I don't wan' to, you know"
  1123. Northern Spring pauses, then shrugs. "Well... alright. If you're sure that's the better choice, I can go round up the rest of them."
  1124. Bard: "But still!"
  1125. Volgarr: Still wha?
  1127. Wrought Iron shrugs "It 'elps us sometimes. Caribou couldn' ligh' a fuse ta save 'eir lives. We go' ours li' jus' fine."
  1128. Bard: "I dunno!"
  1129. "I can't think of what to say!"
  1130. Wrought Iron: (Never leave Wrought unsupervised!)
  1131. Bard: "Words aren't coming to my mouth!"
  1132. Northern Spring: (Insert joke here)
  1133. Pterippi Smith: "...He... He actually..."
  1134. "..."
  1135. Northern Spring: (Waiting for final confirmation from Captain?)
  1136. Volgarr: Well, maybe we oughta head back, 'for the others start worying we're trying to abandom 'em?
  1137. Wrought Iron: "Well, Oi 'ad nothin' ta do with tha'. Oi was busy takin' over one o' 'eir boats an' savin' Freyja."
  1138. Captain Lockhold: "Just... just hurry."
  1139. Bard: "...Right. I think your friends are getting on the chariot, since the runners are hooking themselves up."
  1140. Northern Spring: "Alrighty then. I'll go gather the others."
  1141. Pterippi Medic: "Hey! You!"
  1142. "I need help!"
  1143. Volgarr: You're still comin' along with us, aren' ya? I'd, uhh, I'd hate thafta be stuck with them
  1144. Northern Spring: ("You" referring to...?)
  1145. Wrought Iron: "Who?"
  1146. Bard: "Of course I am. But, I'm flying to the Crossroads."
  1147. Volgarr: Ahh, right, right
  1149. Pterippi Medic yelled at, supposedly, everyone by the smith.
  1150. Bard: "I think I'm going to take off right now."
  1151. Volgarr: So soon? Right, well, stick close, just in case?
  1153. Wrought Iron sets down the sword he was sharpening and heads to the mare. He looks at the smith. "Take care o' yerself."
  1154. Bard: "I will. But before I go."
  1156. Northern Spring hangs around the corner of the cart, not wanting to intrude, but totally spying on that hot shit.
  1157. Wrought Iron: (Now kith.)
  1158. Bard: "Look at me. I wanna tell you something."
  1159. Volgarr: Yea?
  1160. Northern Spring: (Bard is captain now.)
  1161. Volgarr: [Aaaahahahaha]
  1163. Bard doesn't bother to glance over her shoulder, perhaps against her better judgement. Once she has Volgarr's attention, she quickly leans forward and gives him a peck on the lips.
  1165. Volgarr flushes a bright red, leaning into it faintly, speechless
  1167. Northern Spring decides that now would be the best opportunity to show up unexpectedly, giving a shout of, "Hey, you two!" before she rounds the corner.
  1169. Bard pulls back but a moment later. She seemed too scared; she was already shaking. As was her breath.
  1170. Bard:
  1171. "I--I'll see you in the Crossroads, okay? Stay safe?"
  1172. "--AAH!"
  1173. Victoria Faraday: [bard is like a startled cat]
  1175. Volgarr nods frantically, turning towards the carts, startled by Spring's sudden intrusion "Y-yeah?!"
  1176. Volgarr: [brb!]
  1178. Northern Spring shrugs. "Seems our departure has been moved forward a bit. The captain didn't seem to like the... strange things that happen around us." She pauses, only half concealing her smile. "I wasn't interrupting anything, was I?"
  1179. Bard: "You--you--oh, no! No, nothing. It's fine."
  1180. Am I to assume you lot are headed to the chariot with the injured?
  1181. Victoria Faraday: Of course.
  1182. Northern Spring: (Oh, I've got some injured ponies down here, too~)
  1184. Northern Spring gestures towards the cart. "Well, if that's the case, it looks like we're loading up. Are the two of you pretty much ready?"
  1185. Bard: "I'm flying to the Crossroads, so ye."
  1187. Freyja prepares to fly alongside the cart.
  1189. Bard steps towards Freyja, waving goodbye to Volgarr as she does.
  1191. Volgarr continues nodding, sneaking a last look over towards the bard before quickly beelining towards the carriage
  1193. Freyja looks to the bard, head tilted, slightly. "Just about ready to go?"
  1195. Bard nods, still flustered and blushing.
  1196. Bard: "Of course."
  1197. Northern Spring: (I'm out of alignment! D:)
  1198. (There! :D)
  1199. Volgarr: Let's be off, then!
  1200. Northern Spring: (Let's just hope the bard can fly with her wings all stuck up like that.)
  1201. The Frozen North: bwuh shit's broke
  1202. And, with that, all of you are on board to a ride to the Crossroads. The road is bumpy, and the chariot is fast; they call them 'runners' for a reason, it seems.
  1203. For the next few hours, you all are on the road. The snowy path races by, and slowly, the sun sets. The wind chills, and the air cools. Most of you are fine, in terms of warmth, but some extra clothing certainly wouldn't hurt.
  1204. Tomorrow, you arrive at the Crossroads. If your current fortune sticks with you, this is either going to end incredibly well, or incredibly horribly.
  1205. The Frozen North: That's it for tonight, folks.
  1206. Nimble W.: Points?
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