
Just another chat with Kaia

Aug 25th, 2013
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  1. [21:19] * Kaiasha consults her map one last time before looking up, the house is lit, someone is home
  2. [21:20] * Kaiasha knocks on the door carefully, she hopes she didn't interrupt anything
  3. [21:22] * Hearth picks up her journal and jumps off of the bed. She walks over to the trunk and carefully places it back in. She closes the trunk and nods to herself before hearing a knock at the door and gets a bit startled as her heart skips a beat and she jumps. "...Wh-Who is it?"
  4. [21:23] <Kaiasha> "It's Kaia!"
  5. [21:24] * Hearth takes a few breaths to get her heart rate back down as she walks to the door and opens it, smiling at the mare on the other side "Oh, hi there Kaia"
  6. [21:25] <Kaiasha> "Hey hearth, how are you doing?"
  7. [21:26] <Hearth> "Doing well doing well. How about you, how are you holding up? Oh, and you can come on in if you want." *backs up and holds the door, making room for Kaia to enter*
  8. [21:27] * Kaiasha walks in "Just fine, just wanted to finish that conversation we started last night"
  9. [21:28] * Hearth closes the door behind Kaia "Oh yeah, I was actually just thinking about that."
  10. [21:30] <Kaiasha> "Yeah sorry to conk out on you like that, then leave so soon, but Liven would have my ass (literally) if I wasn't at my shift
  11. [21:32] <Hearth> "Oh nononono, it's fine. Gotta do what you gotta do."
  12. [21:32] <Kaiasha> "Anyways lets see where was I... odd voice, sudden change in de- RIGHT! anyways what I have is called a tulpa."
  13. [21:33] * Hearth beams and gets very excited "You have a tulpa!?"
  14. [21:34] * Kaiasha awkwardly nods "Yeah... two actually, but the other one isn't very vocal...."
  15. [21:35] <Hearth> "You have two!? Oh my god, that's soo cool!"
  16. [21:36] * Kaiasha blushes from the suddenness "Um... yes... "
  17. [21:37] * Hearth calms herself down after noticing Kaia's reaction, but can't stop from smiling "Ah, sorry about that. I just am really interested in tulpas."
  18. [21:39] <Kaiasha> "It's okay, I just never tell people about them, saves me a lot of hassles and awkward questions."
  19. [21:40] * Hearth nods "Mhmm, understandable. Some people also aren't too keen on the idea of having a tulpa."
  20. [21:41] <Kaiasha> "It kind of meshes poorly with modern psychology, very VERY poorly. in fact most doctors would call me nuts."
  21. [21:45] * Hearth shrugs "Eh, I personally don't see the problem with it. Heh, but I guess that's partly because I kinda want one myself too."
  22. [21:45] <Kaiasha> "Anyways the talkative one, which you met yesterday, is name Yuna. Like the the main character from Final Fantasy X"
  23. [21:46] <Kaiasha> "Although the name and personality do not match"
  24. [21:46] * Hearth nods "Ah, okay. I don't know too much about the character, so I wouldn't know."
  25. [21:47] <Kaiasha> "Never played the game?"
  26. [21:49] * Hearth shakes her head "Nope, sorry to say. Friends told me I should play it, just never did."
  27. [21:50] * Kaiasha puts a hoof to her cheek for a second pondering "Well that's besides the point, anyways yeah Yuna the Tulpa, she spends about half her time as a winged human, the other half as an alicorn." realizes what she just said "Look I didn't pick the alicorn for mshe did."
  28. [21:52] * Hearth nods and chuckles a little "Okay okay, cool"
  29. [21:57] * Kaiasha sighs "Anyways I keep giving attention to her, and she can do neat little things, like posses me and walk around in my body, or even take over while I take a break in my mindscape
  30. [22:00] * Hearth 's jaw drops slightly "Wow, that's awesome. How long did it take you to get to this point?"
  31. [22:01] * Kaiasha "Yuna is 10 months old since I first made her, anyways on that last part, I only did it once (last night) and really shouldn't be done that way, the key point is effort put in, not actual time."
  32. [22:06] <Hearth> "Ah, okay. Still, that's amazing. Wish I could find the effort to actually get a tulpa" *sighs*
  33. [22:08] <Kaiasha> "Its really quite simple, just take an hour out of your day to meditate, or what we call forcing. It takes a good bit of time to get going, but oh, that feeling when you first get talked to. "
  34. [22:11] <Hearth> "Yeah, I worked on it for a while back on Earth. I forget why, but I just kinda stopped. I did a lot of passive forcing, and a decent amount of active forcing. I was talked to once. I remember I was starting to doze off a little and she snapped me out of it, heh. I get distracted way too easily."
  35. [22:15] <Kaiasha> "Hey keeping a tulpa around is good, just try not to make one that is based off of another pony/person, that tends to give them serious existential issues"
  36. [22:16] <Hearth> "Oh yeah, I know that. I've done A LOT of reading on tulpas...just gotta find the effort to put into it."
  37. [22:20] <Kaiasha> "Hell, even if you get distracted, just putting in time every day seemed to help me."
  38. [22:21] <Hearth> "Yeah...I just have problems keeping with a schedule"
  39. [22:24] * Kaiasha smiles "I know that feeling Anyways what have you been up too around the town? I have been busy keeping sick ponies healthy myself. and thinking about honey."
  40. [22:26] <Hearth> "Oh, nothing much, just keeping up a journal and talking to GreenLight a little more."
  41. [22:31] * Kaiasha puts a hoof to her chin "I see."
  42. [22:33] <Hearth> "Yeah, he had to run off to the clinic. I was actually going to see if I could catch him again before you came by."
  43. [22:38] * Kaiasha has a look in her eye but cannot find a way to turn the outcome to a favorable one. "I see. why?"
  44. [22:39] <Hearth> "Hmm? Why what?"
  45. [22:40] <Kaiasha> "Just curious, whatcha need to see him for?'
  46. [22:42] <Hearth> "Oh ahh...nothing really. Just to talk. He seems...nice."
  47. [22:43] * Kaiasha suspicion level rising "nice? Don't tell me you have your eyes on /another/ stallion so soon?"
  48. [22:44] * Hearth blushes a bit "Oh ahh...I mean, Bob wouldn't want me to just mope around...and I just want to get to know the guy. He seems like someone I'd really like."
  49. [22:50] * Kaiasha scratches her chin "Just as long as you aren't trying to fill him in for bob. be careful I say, great danger lies in trying to make someone something that they aren't
  50. [22:53] * Hearth looks down and to the side, avoiding eye contact "O-Okay...I'll keep that in mind..."
  51. [22:56] <Kaiasha> "It's quite painful to watch, believe me I hang on tulpa forums, every once in a rare while we got a fuckwit who recreated a dead loved one in their head, it's not pretty.
  52. [22:58] * Hearth continues to stare at the imaginary spot in the distance, tensing up for a moment before responding "...yeah, okay..."
  53. [22:59] <Kaiasha> [TFW I want to say something about letting go]
  54. [23:00] <Hearth> [Wait, have you read my journals OOC yet?]
  55. [23:00] <Kaiasha> [no]
  56. [23:00] <Hearth> [Okay, carry on]
  57. [23:01] <Kaiasha> [But Kaia knows a incoming trainwreck when she see's it]
  58. [23:01] <Hearth> [Mhmm, mhmm indeed]
  59. [23:03] * Kaiasha sighs "anyways enough about this bullshit, I'd rather talk tulpas, not about Sierra Madre, You say you had one?"
  60. [23:05] * Hearth reluctantly looks back to Kai "Uhh, kinda. I mean, like I said, I forced for maybe a month or so, and I did get a verbal response back once, well I'm pretty sure it was. Like I said, was kinda dozing off when it happened."
  61. [23:09] <Kaiasha> "Ah, did she have a name? what did she look like?"
  62. [23:12] <Hearth> "Oh, well ahh, I was mostly just focusing on getting sentience and personality down first, so I didn't visualize too much. And her name was Naomi." (Nay-oh-me)
  63. [23:14] <Kaiasha> "Hmm, I personally prefer having a form down, easier to talk to something you can visually imagine. "
  64. [23:16] * Hearth nods "Yeah, I can see how that would help. Would probably also help with my focusing problems."
  65. [23:26] * Kaiasha smiles "Who knows I might get to meet her some day."
  66. [23:26] <Hearth> "'s been a while since I last talked to her, though..."
  67. [23:33] == GreenLight [] has joined #bobfire
  68. [23:36] <Hearth> [Eyyyyyy]
  69. [23:36] <GreenLight> [Ey]
  70. [23:36] <Kaiasha> "Alright, I won't pressure you but yesterday really made me consider putting more time into yuna, and derpy, you may not know it, but she really helped me last night"
  71. [23:39] * Hearth nods, her gaze shifting downwards once more "Yeah, must be real nice having someone with you no matter what."
  72. [23:39] <GreenLight> [...Inb4 Bob Tulpa]
  73. [23:39] <GreenLight> [Oh shit]
  74. [23:39] * GreenLight put two and two together... And came up with 5
  75. [23:40] <Hearth> [:3]
  76. [23:40] <Hearth> [Really bad ideas, I'm too good at them]
  77. [23:41] <Kaiasha> [There are dire warnings on every tulpa forum about making tulpas of ded peple]
  78. [23:43] * Kaiasha puts a hoof on hearths shoulder "It's hard to explain, while Yuna is no replacement for a person to talk to , and derpy cannot compare to actually having someone to hold at night, they really help on those rough nights when alone"
  79. [23:43] <Hearth> [What don't you get about REALLY GOOD AT BAD IDEAS]
  80. [23:43] <Hearth> "Yeah..."
  81. [23:45] <Hearth> "Which reminds me..." *hugs Kaia* "Thank you again for letting me stay with you."
  82. [23:50] <Kaiasha> "Hey no problem, I should thank you too, I don't.... well lets just say I think I benefited as much as you did" she embraces hearth [You think hearth has bad ideas? Kaia is still playing her game just with new pieces]
  83. [23:50] <GreenLight> [Oh Lawd]
  84. [23:51] <Hearth> [Hmmm?]
  85. [23:53] * Hearth smiles lightly "Hey, sometimes we just need a little snuggle and a warm body to sleep with, right?"
  86. [23:55] <Kaiasha> "I find myself needing those more often than not."
  87. [23:58] <Hearth> "Umm...I uhhh, I could really use a snuggle right now...I-I mean, if you don't mind."
  88. [23:59] <Kaiasha> !roll 1d20
  89. [23:59] <Kaiasha> [Derp one sec]
  90. [23:59] <Hearth> [hue]
  91. [23:59] * Kaiasha blushes "Don't we all? Comere"
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