
2016 didn't suck okay

Dec 27th, 2016
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  1. 2016 in review
  2. ----------------
  4. Wow where to start, my life is DRASTICALLY different from this time last year.
  6. I genuinely disliked my life at the end of 2015, I had a job I hated, I was still living at home, I wasn't happy with my personal life either. I credit my sanity through that time and into 2016 to everyone keeping me positive and being awesome.
  8. At the beginning of the year I lost my job, which sucked, but I got to go to AGDQ16, hang out with friends and really get my priorities straight. I was jobless for about 4 months and that sucked but at the end of april i got a job and moved to Atlanta. This was the turning point, I feel like my life began again when I got here. Little things that really bugged me when I was in virginia, like my drive to and from work, no longer bother me at all. I get to live exactly how I want to live, I'm in a city that I really like, and I have a good job that pays well and keeps me busy.
  10. In june I went to china for 3 weeks and while it started out really tough for me, I had a mini panic attack and was just generally in shock at the drastic change, I quickly realized that the break from life and the new friends I made were totally worth it, and the trip quickly became a positive thing. After I got back from china I had a week vacation at Anime Expo and SGDQ which were both absolutely amazing. I got to see so many people, and both events were just awesome as well.
  12. After SGDQ it was kinda quiet for a while, playing overwatch was pretty great, played a bunch of other games that were good as well. mpg moved here at the end of september and that was also amazing. I cant say how happy I am with him as a roommate. Anime Weekend Atlanta happened the same week and that was awesome.
  14. Thats pretty much it up until now. New job, new home, new life. Its pretty great too. So all you people who say 2016 is the worst year, im sorry to hear that because 2016 has owned for me.
  16. Superlative things:
  18. Best Speedrun: RDD - La Mulana
  19. Best Stream: usedpizza - SMT3: Nocturne
  20. Best Game: Overwatch
  21. Best Anime I watched: Tied between Shinsekai Yori and Eureka Seven
  22. Best Knox: Knox (follow him @knoxisbest)
  23. Best Holiday Festivities: Secret Santa
  24. Best Emote: usedBalding
  25. Best Song?: Impossible Choice so heres a good one
  27. Worst Meme: LUL
  29. Plans for 2017:
  30. Play more rhythm games
  31. Get better at current video games
  32. Stream regularly - This is a big one I really want to get a schedule going
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