
Hekmatyar nicks code, gets called out on it, throws a fit

Jun 9th, 2014
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  1. <Hekmatyar> WAKEY WAKEY
  2. <Hekmatyar> plees
  3. <Hekmatyar> hellaw :3
  4. <TerminusEst13> Yo.
  5. <Hekmatyar> have you checked the pastebin :o
  6. <TerminusEst13> ?
  7. <Hekmatyar>
  8. <Hekmatyar> In short, I need some sort of confirmation from you; of which I am allowed to use the samus class in gvh (which has been made by the two of us, so credited in the credit.txt file in the wad) :D
  9. <TerminusEst13> Dunno what to tell you. I told you to use the resources, as long as you didn't use my code from Dreadnought. Turns out you did, even right down to the indents and the commented-out functions. If you want to rewrite the code to be yours and original, sure, go ahead. In the meantime, though, it's not really a go.
  10. <Hekmatyar> I basically did everything you told me to do
  11. <Hekmatyar> And I did rewrite it, according to you, and according to GVH :o
  12. <TerminusEst13> Why would you rewrite the comments?
  13. <TerminusEst13> Why would you rewrite those indents without making them smoother with the others?
  14. <Hekmatyar> hang on, i'll be right there, ready to talk with you :p
  15. <Hekmatyar> no hard feelings or anything, but I did everything you told me to D:
  16. <Hekmatyar> but ehh
  17. <Hekmatyar> i'll brb , k? :3
  18. <Hekmatyar> I swear; I recoded the ehh death animation for her
  19. <Hekmatyar> like
  20. <Hekmatyar> the cybgibber
  21. <Hekmatyar> the iodsa deaths
  22. <Hekmatyar> the damages
  23. <Hekmatyar> ehhh
  24. <Hekmatyar> and then i basically followed your instructions on how to make the weapons (aka. charge beam, missiles + super missile) work in GVH
  25. <Hekmatyar> I did nothing else :o
  26. <Hekmatyar> I swear on my liiiiiife D:
  27. * Hekmatyar has quit (Client exited)
  28. <Hekmatyar> And I'm back
  29. <Hekmatyar> Another thing I'd like to ask is the following; How can the same wanted result of a weapon differ in coding, while it needs to be exactly the same in working. Pretty sure, for example, that the decorate command "actor" is no different in any other decorate file
  30. <Hekmatyar> See where I'm headed?
  31. <Hekmatyar> I just followed your instructions on how to make the class compatible with GVH
  32. <TerminusEst13> ...Very, very easily. The result can be the same, but the order, code, and even the formatting can be completely, completely different.
  33. <Hekmatyar> yeah, well sorry that I can't code like some crazy coder, who's been doing this for quite some time <.< You could've also told me that I shouldn't do what you were saying
  34. <Hekmatyar> Oh well
  35. <Hekmatyar> Guess no Samus class at all, cuz I'm unable to do it
  36. <Hekmatyar> Even when you tell me how to do it
  37. <Hekmatyar> I'm not allowed
  38. <Hekmatyar> ffs
  39. <TerminusEst13> What I've said has never changed. You can use the resources how you want, just please don't copy/paste my code. You did, complete with comments, formatting, and margins. It doesn't matter that you "basically" did what I told you to do, what matters is that even if it's just a few blocks, you stole my code after I asked you not to. If you can rewrite the code to be 100% original, your take on it,
  40. <TerminusEst13> your interpretation, without my comments and without my margins and without my formatting, you can use it.
  41. <TerminusEst13> In the meantime, no, I don't appreciate you taking all I taught you and just throwing it out the window in favor of just copy/paste. I'm quite certain you can do it, it's not a difficult task. I even told you how to make things easier.
  42. <Hekmatyar> Well, guess what; For me it IS difficult. I'm not like you, and probably never will be. I'm too fucking retarded for this kind of shit. I know how to do it according to what you've taught me, with the exact same entries that you've given me to put in the decorate file; You haven't taught me how to do it differently from how you'd do it, because you taught me how to do it your way, because you told me to. So in
  43. <Hekmatyar> all of that, the conclusion is simple; I can't do it, and that's that. End of the line...
  44. <TerminusEst13> I guess we're at an impasse, then.
  45. <Hekmatyar> Just leave me alone
  46. <Hekmatyar> Alright, give me one example how the following part of the scripting can be put differently:
  47. <Hekmatyar> ACTOR SuperMissile
  48. <Hekmatyar> {
  49. <Hekmatyar> Radius 16
  50. <Hekmatyar> Height 12
  51. <Hekmatyar> Speed 35
  52. <Hekmatyar> Damage (5)
  53. <Hekmatyar> Scale 1.25
  54. <Hekmatyar> Projectile
  55. <Hekmatyar> +FORCERADIUSDMG
  56. <Hekmatyar> DeathSound "supermissile/hit"
  57. <Hekmatyar> Obituary "%o ate %k's super missile."
  58. <Hekmatyar> DamageType "SuperMissile"
  59. <Hekmatyar> Decal Scorch
  60. <Hekmatyar> States
  61. <Hekmatyar> Because I see all of those lines in all of the classes being present in GVH
  62. <TerminusEst13> actor NewSuperMissile
  63. <TerminusEst13> {
  64. <TerminusEst13> Radius 12
  65. <TerminusEst13> Height 10
  66. <TerminusEst13> RenderStyle Translucent
  67. <TerminusEst13> Alpha 1.0
  68. <TerminusEst13> Damage (random(5,10))
  69. <TerminusEst13> SeeSound "fwoosh"
  70. <TerminusEst13> DeathSound "boom"
  71. <TerminusEst13> Decal "DoomImpScorch"
  72. <TerminusEst13> Obituary "%k ate on %o's super missile!"
  73. <TerminusEst13> DamageType "Explosive"
  74. <TerminusEst13> States
  75. <TerminusEst13> {
  76. <TerminusEst13> Spawn:
  77. <TerminusEst13> SMSL AAAAAA 1 A_CustomMissile("MissileSmoke")
  78. <TerminusEst13> loop
  79. <TerminusEst13> Death:
  80. <TerminusEst13> TNT1 A 0 A_Scream
  81. <TerminusEst13> TNT1 A 0 A_Explode
  82. <TerminusEst13> TNT1 A 0 A_SetTranslucent(1,0.9)
  83. <TerminusEst13> BOOM ABCDEFG 3 BRIGHT
  84. <TerminusEst13> stop
  85. <TerminusEst13> }
  86. <TerminusEst13> }
  87. <TerminusEst13> Written on the spot, different formatting, different functions, different features, same basic behavior.
  88. <TerminusEst13> It's the same weapon, but it's a new spot of code.
  89. <TerminusEst13> Oh, I forgot the PROJECTILE and MISSILE flag. Oh well. Point being, there's multiple different ways you can approach something as simple as "a missile that explodes". It is one of the most basic weapons you can code.
  90. <Hekmatyar> That's why I still see the same shit in what you just listed. You also got your obituary messaged twisted there... And from what I know; A super missile from Metroid is still a Super Missile from Metroid, so it's only appropriate for it to retain it's given name. Tbh, I seriously see no real difference in what you've just said... Guess I'm really not going to get through that head of yours. Why did I even bother..
  91. <TerminusEst13> Insulting me is probably not the best way to go about this. I have been nothing but polite to you. Far more polite than anyone else has been, as a matter of fact.
  92. <Hekmatyar> Where the hell did I insult you? It's a fact that I seriously can't get through your head. I know it, and so do you. You can talk whatever you want, because it's your mod.. You shouldn't have told me to put the coding in you were teaching me. Because in the end; it's all been for nothing, since I'm not allowed to use it anyway.
  93. <TerminusEst13> This isn't a matter of you getting through my head. I understand exactly what you're trying to say. I just happen to not agree and am demonstrating to you why I don't agree. What I have said has never changed--you are allowed to use the resources as you see fit, but you are not allowed to use my code. The code I taught you was for reference, it was not for copy/pasting. It was for you to rewrite,
  94. <TerminusEst13> it was not for copy/pasting. It was not for you to copy the length of the margins, which if you had rewritten it would have been smoothed out with the rest of the code. It was not for you to copy the comments, which if you had rewritten it would have been removed since they only comment out functions that aren't useful or being used. There are so many things you would have rewritten in your own
  95. <TerminusEst13> style if you had actually copied them, and despite how you say you see the same shit and how there's no real difference, I know for an absolute fact you can notice the difference in values, the difference in orders, the difference in functions, the difference in States, and even the different names (which you even commented on and told me was different). Even after this entire escapade and after
  96. <TerminusEst13> everything you have said and the temper you've displayed, I was still perfectly willing to let you use the add-on as long as you write your own code--it could even have been the sloppiest, most basic, erronious thing and I'd have told you what you did wrong and how to fix it.
  97. <TerminusEst13> Even the Samsara add-ons, as terrible as they are, had the gall to not copy/paste anything outside of the basic template I provided for people. As broken and floppy as they are, not a single spot of code in it is mine. And, true to form, as broken and floppy as they are, I've never removed them or banned them.
  98. <Hekmatyar> So now what? Just because of my "temper" that I've displayed, you're not going to let me use the resources or what? If not; I am going to find a way to get this coding done. I can fucking guarantee you, "Terminus", that I am not capable of creating such a complicated decorate file in a different way, and I never will be. Just because it's "easy" to you and even if you claim it would even be easy for me; it
  99. <Hekmatyar> isn't. You don't know me, but I do know your skill of decorate which are beyond measures from what I've seen up 'till now. It is NOT easy for me. And even if I would do it according to "your other w
  100. <Hekmatyar> ay", it's probably going to end the same, to the point of which you're not going to allow me to use it, even though it's different. Say what you want, but I won't be able to do some different version of it from what I've learned from what you said... and for what; How is everything you taught me of use if I can't even use it? I would now be able to create another class with that, but that is not what I want. What
  101. <Hekmatyar> I want is for Samus representing Metroid in a mash up of games vs fcking ghouls... You can act all high and mighty all you want, pretty much stomping me fucking down like a bug, and crushing the living shit out of me while I can't do anything about it. I am helpless and useless because of all this shit, and you know that as good as I do.
  102. <TerminusEst13> Not anymore.
  103. <Hekmatyar> I have nothing left to say to you, and I hope you'll do the same
  104. <TerminusEst13> Now, I am revoking your permission. Please do not use Metroid Dreadnought as a basis for your add-ons. Please do not use the code, please do not use the resources, please do not use the sounds, please do not use the visor, please do not use anything from the .pk3 in order to make your Samus add-on.
  105. <TerminusEst13> Hopefully you'll find an alternate source to make use of in the future. Good luck with your further endeavors.
  106. <Hekmatyar> WTF
  107. <Hekmatyar> how am I going to make samus now??
  108. <TerminusEst13> The same way I did.
  109. <TerminusEst13> Start from scratch, bitch.
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