
NormanOnline Level3 (Higher Part1)

Sep 18th, 2013
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  1. >Be BlueBlood.
  2. >Silence.
  3. >The congratulation message is still hovering above Alexander’s corpse.
  4. >This calm is a really enjoyable contrast with the hardships you just went through…
  5. >“We did it!” yells the annoying pink one, straight in your left ear.
  6. >“That, right now, was soo~ cool Blue!” comments Dash, giving you a good slap on the back for good measure.
  7. “Thank you, but I did what I had to do, that’s it and nothing more.”
  8. >“Aww listen to him bein’ all modest.”
  9. >“One thing’s sure, I misjudged you Blue, you’re a good guy.”
  10. >Ugh, even the redneck and the jock…
  11. >“Well, this could’ve gone better, but it also could’ve gone a lot worse. Good job everyone.” assesses Scott.
  12. >“Look at these drops! I’ll start to calculate the best division of those immediately!” exclaims Twilight, rubbing her hands together.
  13. >“If no-one minds, can we call it a day? I’m barely standing… Too much stress for me.” complains the hippie, before letting a heart-stopping cute yawn.
  14. >“I agree with Shy, we’ll make our first foray on the second stratum tomorrow. Same hour?”
  15. >Everyone agrees with Norman’s idea and one after the other, they disappear in a column of blue light, until only two players are left.
  16. >“I’m not sure if I already said it, but thanks for earlier.” says Norman, holding out his hand.
  17. >You hesitate a second before shaking it.
  18. “I heard you say it and you already know what I think of it: I did what I had to do. I’ll see you tom-“
  19. >“No, not yet… I want to talk a bit… About that one Fall Formal.”
  20. “What is there to say? Rarity already told you everything you needed to know. End of discussion.”
  21. >“I disagree. There are two things she did not tell me: one, why did she forgive you and two, why did you seek her forgiveness?”
  22. >You pause. And think about what you’re about to reveal.
  23. “Unfortunately, she is the only one who can answer the first question, as for the second, I do not know the reason.”
  24. >“What?”
  25. “To tell you the truth: I do not feel any remorse towards what I did that day. However… Something inside of me told me that I had to earn her pardon… It is a fairly uncomfortable sensation… To feel like someone else is pulling the strings…”
  26. >Norman stares at you for a moment, you cannot tell if he believes you or not.
  27. >“Ha… I guess you are pretty tired too, you’re not making much sense to me right now. Welp, sorry for bothering you with that. Thanks again, say hello from me to Principal Celestia and Luna, sleep well and see you tomorrow.”
  28. “No problem, I will and don’t be late.”
  29. >Two clicks and a colorful whirlwind later and you are back to the real world.
  30. >You put the FIGear on your desk and head downstairs, your aunt will be back soon and it’s your turn to cook, may as well get started now…
  32. >Back to Norman.
  33. >Your brain reconnect slowly with the rest of your body, you sit on your bed, take off the machine encasing your head and put your beanie back to its rightful place. And smile.
  34. “That lying asshole.”
  37. Meanwhile, on the 3rd Stratum.
  38. >Be FeatherWeight
  39. >1st and 2nd Stratums share a pretty similar design: the player starts in the town, rolling plains are crossed with roads linking a half dozen of dungeons together and at the opposite of the town, on the horizon, the Tower can be seen.
  40. >3rd however is a dense forest. And the closer you go to the tower, the more of a marsh it becomes.
  41. >Coming here without the rest of the team was a stupid idea!
  42. >Correction it is the stupidest idea you ever had!
  43. >The mobs are tough as hell, there are traps everywhere, the town is at the other side of the map and the PVP mode is constantly enabled!
  44. >“Hahaha! What on earth are you doing kid? Your build is shit! No Deadly Spike and your Trigger is Vanishing Cloud? Please uninstall.”
  45. >And when you thought this couldn’t get worse… You managed to attract a Player Killer… Great job.
  46. >“Now let’s be serious for a sec… Your Midnight Cape looks pretty neat… Give it to me and I’ll let you run to your mom… Good deal no?”
  47. “Didn’t you say my build was shit?”
  48. >Me and my big mouth.
  49. >“Hooo… A smart one, aren’t ya? Okay… Let’s play some more…” says the hooded player walking towards you.
  50. >From his sleeves appear two sets of claws, blood stains all over the blades.
  51. >Suddenly, a sound of a spring unwinding is heard and the PK is hanging upside down from a branch…
  52. >“Traps? Really? Kid you’re the most disappointing Assassin I ever met.”
  53. “I- I don’t have any traps skills… Maybe it is a natural one?”
  54. >“Sadly, the only natural ones on this stratum are Poison Needles, darling.”
  55. >“Ha! When I said run to your mom I didn’t thought she would be the one to run to us!”
  56. >“Mother, me? Do I look old FeatherWeight?”
  57. “I must’ve died… I see dead players.”
  58. >“I assure you dear, the rumors of my death are exaggerations… Based on a truth, I’ll admit that much.”
  59. >“So, your babysitter came to save ya… Disappointments after disappointments… Anyway, do you mind letting me down so I can fuck you up?”
  60. >“How rude, do you need me to teach you some manners?”
  61. >“Hahaha! Even 2v1 I’ll kill you both!”
  62. >“Feather, stay out of it. And don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.”
  63. “O-okay Rarity…”
  64. >As soon as you’re far enough, the trap releases the PK who does a small spin before landing on his feet…
  65. >He starts walking in a circle around your old classmate, eying her up and down.
  66. >“Heee… That’s some good items you’ve got on you girl… Never saw that robe before… What quality?”
  67. >Rarity doesn’t even look at him.
  68. >“9, my entire equipment is 8 or above. I only wear the best.”
  69. >“Whoo… A farmer? Tell you what, gimme your stuff and I’ll escort you to town, like a true gentleman… Honest deal, I promise.”
  70. >“Sorry darling, but I do not need anyone’s help to go anywhere right now… maybe another time? Also I take offense to that title you gave me, everything I own was handcrafted with care and love by myself, I’m an artist you see?”
  71. >“I see… How about a dance then?”
  72. >“With pleasure, you can even choose the rhythm.”
  73. >The man grins and lunge towards Rarity’s back, but never reaches it, he’s frozen midair at arm’s length.
  74. >“Pff, Assassins… No subtlety whatsoever.”
  75. >With an elegant sweep of the arm, she slaps him in the face, the ice shatters and the PK is sent crashing against a tree 3 meters further.
  76. >A full minute is spent on watching the PK trying to stand, too dizzy to attack.
  77. >“GAH! You bitch!”
  78. >“Such language… You do need a second slap young man.”
  79. >“Hoo… The only one who’s gonna get bitchslapped is you…”
  80. >Blind with rage, the PK lunges again, this time, he uses a branch between him and his target to disappear in the foliage.
  81. >Silence.
  82. >“You know, trying to backstab me again isn’t going to work…”
  83. >A rustle in the leaves and a volley of daggers buries itself where Rarity stood a second ago, the clearing seems deserted, until the sound of steel lacerating flesh is heard and the PK falls on the ground with a pained grunt, his opponent, without a scratch or a hair out of place, lands gracefully right before him.
  84. >“This is my victory, be gone and behave, or I’ll have to educate you some more, and it will hurt on a whole different level.”
  85. >She walks to you and gesture a “follow me” to which you obey.
  86. “Thanks Rarity. You saved my hide.”
  87. >“Think nothing of it. I must say, you’ve grown a lot since last I saw you. How are you doing?”
  88. >You’re about to answer when a red light flare in the right corner of you field of vision, Sixth Sense Passive! Attack from behind!
  89. >Your reflex is lightning fast and you parry the claws going straight for your friend’s nape.
  90. >“I’ll fucking kill you bitch!” yells the PK.
  91. >The pressure he’s putting on your blades is too much and you start to lose the contest of strength, then, as soon as it began, the push weakens before the man falls on the ground. Nine red stains expanding around his heart.
  92. >Silence. You look to your savior with horrified eyes. Something glimmering red retreats under her sleeve.
  93. “Y-You… Killed him…”
  94. >She sighs.
  95. >“I did… Come Feather. The Gate to previous Stratums isn’t far.”
  96. “B-But! You know the story about in-game death and…”
  97. >“I know Feather… I know…”
  98. >She doesn’t look back and keep walking... And you follow, keeping your distance.
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