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a guest
Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. options:
  2. xMin: -2500
  3. xMax: 2500
  4. zMin: -2500
  5. zMax: 2500
  6. yMin: 80
  7. yMax: 90
  8. world: world
  10. aliases:
  11. blocktpr = 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 49, 7, 8, 5, 18, 172, 24, 9
  13. variables:
  14. {godteleport.%player%} = false
  16. on rightclick on stone button:
  17. block behind target block is sponge:
  18. set {_targetx} to a random integer between {@xMin} and {@xMax}
  19. set {_targetz} to a random integer between {@zMin} and {@zMax}
  20. set {_targety} to 0
  21. set {_random.pos} to location at {_targetx}, {_targety}, {_targetz}
  22. biome at {_random.pos} is ocean or river or deep ocean:
  23. send "&4Blad: &cLokacja znajduje sie na oceanie!"
  24. else:
  25. loop blocks above the block at location of {_random.pos}:
  26. if block at location of loop-block is blocktpr:
  27. if block above the block at location of loop-block is air or water:
  28. if block 1 above the block at location of loop-block is air:
  29. if block 2 above the block at location of loop-block is air:
  30. set {_pos} to block above the block at location of loop-block
  31. apply speed 3 to the player for 15 seconds
  32. apply regeneration 10 to the player for 10 seconds
  33. set {godteleport.%player%} to true
  34. send "&8&lยป &cPrzeteleportowano na kordynaty &6x: %{_targetx}% z: %{_targetz}%&7!" to player
  35. add 64 cooked porkchop to player
  36. add 64 cooked porkchop to player
  37. teleport player to {_pos}
  38. wait 10 seconds
  39. set {godteleport.%player%} to false
  40. stop
  42. on damage:
  43. if {godteleport.%victim%} is true:
  44. cancel event
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