
Pilzgame Mondays Character Reference

May 2nd, 2013
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  2. Leader-Elect/Councillor Cleisthenes: An older gentlemen in his mid-50's, Cleisthenes is both Leader-Elect (A title bestowed upon the democratically elected "Mediator" for Free Council debates, as well as the Free Council representative on the Consilium board. A professor of political sciences, he lives in Baton Rouge, but drives the distance between it and New Orleans to go to meetings.
  3. Deck: A young man of 19, Deck wasn't great at school, but can ride a skateboard easy. He can often be found skateboarding around town, but when you can't find him practising, you might just find him at a community centre, teaching the local kids. Sure, the parents might think he's a nuisance, but it's what kept him out of drugs, and it might save a couple of these kids too.
  4. Chakai: A tall, shapely woman of French ancestry, she is in her late twenties or early thirties. Is very serious and reserved when she is at work, but is the exact opposite outside of it-energetic and bouncy. She owns and works at a Japanese-themed tea shop, known to those who like tea as the best cup of the stuff in the city.
  7. Two-Shoes: A short, thin man of obviously Chinese descent, Two-Shoes is one of the eldest of the New Orleans Awakened. Acts like a very stereotypical crochety old man, but is respected for his insightful-if somewhat barbed-advice. Owns "The Shadow of the East", an antiques shop specializing in Asiatic artefacts. Takes great pride in his selection, not all of which is mundane.
  10. Superstition: A heavyset woman of dark complexion, Superstition operates a local occult store from which she peddles useless trinkets and herbs, spreading rumours to confuse and distract the unenlightened. Still, she is one of the friendliest members of the Guardians, and is quite willing to chat with other Awakened.
  13. Deacon/Councillor Arrow-tip: A lead prosecutor for the police, Arrow-tip is a tall man of middle age, despite his thinning grey hair and the bags under his eyes. Arrow-tip is known for his ambition in both of his lives. His drive to see the Awakened of New Orleans progress is what brought him to the attention of the previous head, and his visionary nature was what convinced the rest to follow. He serves as the Silver Ladder's representative to the Consilium.
  16. Councillor/Adamant Sage Dragon: An ex-con who awakened when he accidentally OD'd on heroin, Dragon is a fierce defender of the people, and a bit of a watchdog for the Consilium. A tall, thin, sickly man who looks to have never recovered from his abuse of his body, he still can put up quite the fight in the sparring ring. He serves as the AA's representative in the Consilium, and is also a bit of a hawk. Can't stand Seers.
  17. Ink: An attorney who works on a part-time volunteer basis for the government as a defence council, Ink is a young, idealistic man whose hatred of inaction is near-legendary among the Consilium, despite his relatively few years with them. Some wonder that he might be better among the Free Council, but Ink feels right at home at the Arrow, where his sense of honour and active nature have marked him to go far. Ink is a friendly, if passionate man.
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