
Endtown RPG Session #22

Jan 30th, 2016
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  1. Zokva: so when do we start, I wona see how hard I fail :D
  2. GM (GM): We already have, I'm stalling.
  3. But lets get some stuff out of the way.
  4. Martin Baron: "Roll for surgery!" 1 "You brutally stab the man's heart out and hold it out while chanting like in that one movie"
  5. GM (GM): Zokva, Lex, who are your characters?
  6. Lex P.: i linked a sheet for my character. should it be PDF format?
  7. Martin Baron: Nah, the PDF is just for easy editing. I used a still image of the sheet.
  8. GM (GM): Nah, just to remind me.
  9. Really that's a reflection on the GM than the system, I think.
  10. Lex P.: alright i got it in
  11. Clayton R.: How much are apartments GM? I didn't see them in the doc.
  12. Martin Baron: I'm pretty sure with all the blood money we got we could just outright buy it without having to worry about rent.
  13. GM (GM): You know, I don't know!
  14. Afew months ago I asked Aaron that sort of thing and he said he was going to get back to me on it.
  15. So its free!
  16. Clayton R.: alright then
  17. GM (GM): Endtown is a repubdemocommipluristan state until otherwise noted!
  18. Martin Baron: I haven't been to my apartment in a week. Dust bunnies are gonna be fucking everywhere.
  19. Clayton R.: no martin you can't make jokes, you're crazy
  20. Martin Baron: Eeugh, dust must be a real bitch for mutants. Being covered in hair and being a certain species that sheds a lot.
  21. Gwoss
  22. Zokva: hue
  23. nice token I have there
  24. Martin Baron: Oh GM, I vote we change the Rock Lobster to this Lobsterman. This one is much more terrifying.
  25. Martin Baron:
  27. Clayton R.: Is that a crab monster kaiju token?
  28. Martin Baron: It's perfect
  29. GM (GM): First thing I grabbed.
  30. Martin Baron: It's a nice picture.
  31. GM (GM): snip snip snab. Let's get rolling.
  32. Suule S.: I can buy some skills now, right?
  33. GM (GM): Yes, this would be the time to buy skills
  34. Zokva: so how do I meet these loosers?
  35. Suule S.: In the hospital probably
  36. Zokva: kek
  37. Traver S.: Indeed. Me and Suule are indeed in the hospital.
  38. Suule S.: Because Everett instead of getting healed is working on crunching the data from the servers
  39. Martin Baron: You'll be looking over Traver, since his character has literally 1 HP left.
  40. GM (GM): I got a plan Zokva
  41. Zokva: do tell
  42. GM (GM): Okay!
  43. Primary Doc:
  44. Suule S.: BTW: Gonna buy Electronics but dunno if the pissed off panda should be weilding a shotgun with napalm shells or a chemical thrower
  45. GM (GM): Its a .wor so let me know if it loads proper.
  46. *.docx
  47. Suule S.: I'll go with .12g
  48. Traver S.: I'm at far more then 1 now!
  49. Zokva: I already have the rule-book
  50. don't worry
  51. GM (GM): Only major highlights is that damage values have been tweeked for melee and schism rules have been changed abit.
  52. Martin Baron: Speaking of guns, Marty needs one too. Maybe a shotty.
  53. Zokva: oh
  54. Martin Baron: Like claws doing thrice as much damage as a kitchen knife?
  55. GM (GM): Yeah, that's been altered abit.
  56. Clayton R.: I have a shotgun in lockup Martin
  57. Martin Baron: Good lord, with my speed, I can get right in someone's face in one action, shoot them, then have enough speed to run a mile away in one action.
  58. Suule S.: Okay Dante
  59. As long as you leave a "FUCK YOU" note you'll be solid.
  60. Traver S. could already do that! Haha.
  61. GM (GM): Oof, I forgot to edit abit. Ah well, too late for now.
  62. Game...Start!
  63. We begin where we left off, with Clayton wagging with Mallard, Everett and DJ in sick bay, and Mana kicking it in a new apartment.
  64. GM (GM): Some people are complete murder hobos for once.
  65. Clayton R. groans, even after a period of rest, he still had some questions for Mallard. After a short time, he approaches Mallard. "Security confiscated the Topsider suit I aquired... They said I should talk to you for further use of it... Do you think you could get the rip on the thing sealed... a mostly fixed topsider suit could be invaluable to our group."
  66. Martin is... Where is martin?!
  67. Clayton R.: ((shieet))
  68. Traver S. DJ is literally humming a good bit.Hopefully the Panda has the bed next to his.
  69. the phone for rings in Mallards lab.
  70. Suule S. is of course being a stubborn fool and does his assigned task of crunching data they aquired at Trask factory. Possibly much to the complains of the hospital staff
  71. Mallard answers, and after hitting afew "W"s he hands the phone over to Clayton.
  72. Clayton R. is confused at first, then answers. "Hello...?"
  73. GM (GM): "Yeah, didn't think this would happen so soon already. It's been less than a goddamn hour" Mallard says.
  74. DonkeyCop: Yes, I-uh, Mallard wanted to know if a certain people showed up?"
  75. M. Walker passes by the front desk of the complex, silent save the necessary pleasantries of checking herself in to her new accomodations
  76. Traver S.: "So! Suule, how's the numbers looking?" DJ asks, hopefully trying to keep him from opening up any stitches he got from all that paper work.
  77. DC: "We have one of your people in lockup. He's kinda hurt.
  78. Clayton R. asks "Our team from the surface regrouped at his lab if that's what you're asking... What is this about?"
  79. Clayton R. pauses, "Oh... Who is it? What happened to them?"
  80. DC: "Yeah, we'll need you to come down to the station. Post bail."
  81. Clayton R. curses. "Who is it, and how much is this going to cost me?"
  82. DonkCo: "We'll let you know after medical and hosing him down.
  83. the other line has hung up.
  84. Suule S. turns to DJ "Hmmm? Oh, just useless data. I'm no accountant and I doubt paychecks are what we want to know about. There's a couple of transfer orders. Maybe that will tell us something. At this point I have a hard time figuring out what is important here."
  85. Clayton R. turns back to Mallard. "Let me know about sealing up that topsider suit's rip. we WILL need that in the future... I have to go. Police have someone in Lockup."
  86. GM (GM): So, one of your own is in jail. It's probably walker, she's a trouble maker!
  87. Martin Baron: ((Stupid dog! You made us look bad!))
  88. M. Walker slowly ascends the steps, weighed down by both physical and mental baggage
  89. GM (GM): We will get into Everett's findings in a little bit.
  90. M. Walker: ((Hahaha))
  91. round everybody up and move to the station?
  92. Clayton R.: (( I was thinking of just heading there alone. Others need to stay at the hospital... so maybe Walker.))
  93. M. Walker: ((Sure))
  94. Traver S.: "Well. That makes sense. Wish I could help there though. I'm no good at numbers sadly." the Rat goes on with a shrug before leaning back into his bed. "...Though I don't even know how much I can help really, what even was that before?"
  95. Clayton R. gives Walker a call on the way to the station, something about someone in jail.
  96. Clayton R.: ((and the jail is a dungeon!))
  97. Martin Baron: ((Crab man's in jail too? Also, hi.))
  98. GM (GM): Crab monster! You've been volunteered to help a fellow endtowner with his wounds!
  99. M. Walker is barely able to toss her duffle bag on her new bed, before turning around and sprinting to the station
  100. GM (GM): Due to the freaky nature of his arrest they didn't send him to a hospital!
  101. Suule S. just replies "Mhm, pity. Two would make it faster" lurking at the screen, writing stuff down, then going through the numbers again.
  102. GM (GM): That work for you?
  103. Zokva: Certenly, good Sir
  104. also I'm a Lobster
  105. not a Crab
  106. Clayton R. turns to Walker as she enters, "Glad you can make it... it looks like the police got Martin for some reason... This should be reeaaaal fun." He remarks sarcastically.
  107. Martin Baron: No need to be so crabby about it
  108. Zokva said in a heavy slavic accent
  109. GM (GM): There you go!
  110. M. Walker sighs, adding "Dammit...alright, let's go I guess."
  111. Zokva: (kek)
  112. Clayton R.: ((GM fails because the token isn't a south park crab people))
  113. GM (GM): But the bunny really is busted, roll a medical skill to patch him up some.
  114. Suule S.: ((Token crab guy))
  115. Zokva: (right)
  116. Lex P.: fuking crabs
  117. Martin Baron: ((Please don't take my heart out and start yelling Kali Ma))
  118. Zokva unfolds his Surgical kit
  119. Suule S.: ((Isn't that more of a Schism broken person thing?))
  120. Zokva: rolling 1d100
  121. (54)= 54
  122. Clayton R.: ((can't you add a medical knowledge bonus Zokva?))
  123. Zokva: (beyond rolling 1d100 I'm not sure what I am dong)
  124. Lex P.: lol
  125. Zokva: (doing*)
  126. GM (GM): Well, you got surgery 3 so It was a success.
  127. You had some key items in your kit so Martin is healed +60.
  128. Zokva: (I just know it's roll high)
  129. GM (GM): You sew up those gashes
  130. The Donkey speaks!
  131. Martin Baron: ((I hope I'm unconscious.))
  132. Clayton R. curiously watches the lobster at work
  133. Zokva: what happened to you boy, you look like you have been chewd up and spit out
  134. GM (GM): "We found your boy here covered in blood and tied to a hand.
  135. "We disposed of the hand."
  136. Zokva: dragi Bože
  137. Clayton R. blinks, turning to the cop. "I'm sorry... did you say he was tied to A HAND?"
  138. Suule S.: ((Well that's a bit grim))
  139. Martin Baron doesn't respond. He looks at everyone in the room with fear, his eyes diluted heavily. Absentmindedly, he begins to tug at his ears with one of his hands, a look of fear frozen on his face.
  140. Zokva: Šo si to činio mali?
  141. GM (GM): "Also suffering severe cuts along the chest, and acting suspiciously."
  142. M. Walker flinches in disgust with Clayton's outburst. "What, really...?"
  143. Zokva: you ok boy?
  144. don't worry you good as new
  145. GM (GM): ((Obviously, they had their reasons for sending the one surgeon they have with natural body armor...)
  146. Clayton R. shifts his gaze back to Martin, carefully watching him. "Do you know anything about what he was doing, or was he just found like that? I swear he was with me just a short time ago..."
  147. Martin Baron: "Leave me be! None of you are right! None of this is right! Dear God, what the hell has happened to us?!" he shouts, tugging harder on his ears as if he's trying to take them off.
  148. The officer points, "See, that kind of behavior."
  149. Clayton R. furrows his brow, turning back to the cop. "Is he entering schism syndrome?"
  150. Zokva: STOP THAT!? You'll hur yourself
  151. GM (GM): "We believe he was in some sort of fight. The other parties haven't been found."
  152. Zokva: (so wait what was my guy doing before being summoned here?)
  153. GM (GM): (They got a rabbit in acting crazy with massive chest wounds. You were called to patch him up.)
  154. Martin Baron continues to tug harder, ignoring the surgeon's command. His head being pulled back each time he tugs as he beings to shout "I can't take it off! Please! Take them off!"
  155. Zokva: (right)
  156. GM (GM): (We are now dealing with said rabbit)
  157. "Should we hold him down, doc?" Asks the apathetic officer
  158. M. Walker blinks, trembling slightly in concern and fear. She's seen this, before.
  159. Martin Baron: Tears begin to stream down his face as he pulls his ears harder with each tug.
  160. Zokva: moment
  161. Zokva get's out a bottle
  162. Clayton R. expression remains the same. He doesn't like where this is going, "Why wasn't he taken to a medical facility if he was found after the fact?.. Was he like this the whole time?"
  163. Zokva: boy commere
  164. drink this
  165. GM (GM): drink?
  166. Zokva: (Rakija - very strong alcohol)
  167. (either it'll have no efect ot knock him out)
  168. Donkey: "we called as soon as we brought him in. Probably not a good idea to have him in a hospital where he could escape.
  169. Martin Baron takes the bottle, not reading whatever might be on it. At this point, he would drink swill if it might make him feel better.
  170. Donkey: "Also, we determined most of the blood we found -wasn't his-"
  171. Zokva: (we're talking 70 - 90 % range)
  172. Suule S.: ((Curing a man with Rakija? Just shoot him.))
  173. Zokva: (not cureing him distracting him)
  174. Suule S.: ((No one should be exposed to anise vodka))
  175. ((NO ONE))
  176. GM (GM): (Well, it'll have an effect, that's for sure.)
  177. Martin Baron: ((Just to note: He's been drunk since he left Mallard's lab.))
  178. Zokva: (>compareing Rakija to Vodka)
  179. Clayton R. shakes his head. "Alright... so what's next then. Are we sending him to a sanitarium or is a criminal investigation being opened up or something?"
  180. GM (GM): (Oh yeah, right.
  181. Martin Baron: ((Make a roll on whether he passes out or gets even more rowdy?))
  182. M. Walker looking side to side, sighing with regret.
  183. GM (GM): There are actually rules for this.
  184. Roll 1d100 and try to get under your strength bonus.
  185. Martin Baron: ((Strength bonus is times 5 right? In which case, it's not gonna succeed because it'll be 20.))
  186. rolling 1d100
  187. (22)= 22
  188. ((Hory shit))
  189. Zokva: (hue)
  190. GM (GM): You get drunk enough to sleep alittle.)
  191. Zokva: (he just get's more rowdy)
  192. (good)
  193. Zokva grabs the bottle
  194. Zokva: (how much did he drink)
  195. GM (GM): (He was actually pretty plastered.
  196. Cop: "Well, that's better. To be honest we have nothing.
  197. Zokva: Djeca danad ni malo Alkohola ne mogo podnjet
  198. Zokva drinks a sip
  199. Zokva: so what'll be of this poor soul
  200. Clayton R. watches as the scene unfolds, checking in with Walker periodically... she still looked somewhat shaken... about as much as he was.
  201. Cop: "We will call the hospital to see if anyone comes in fitting the description of the injury. As our man here we just have to let him go."
  202. Cop: "We will call the hospital to see if anyone comes in fitting the description of the injury. As our man here we just have to let him go."
  203. Martin Baron: ((I get free alcohol, surgery, and released from prison after an hour for cutting a guy's hand off? Radical.))
  204. Cop: "We don't have a sanitarium, if we did we would probably just call it Endtown-2 or something."
  205. Zokva: Šarmantno
  206. Cop: "Alright, thanks doc. You probably want out of that cell now."
  207. Zokva: da
  208. M. Walker seems lost in thought, worrying about the hand he was found with. She doesn't want to end up in that situation again.
  209. GM (GM): The officer escorts Martin out of the cell. "Mallard is using some pull here but he knows more about what you guys do then I do."
  210. Clayton R. quietly watches as Martin is escorted out of the cell
  211. Zokva: you ok miss
  212. Jakov Kovać: what now
  213. Martin Baron can barely stand, let alone comprehend what the lobster said.
  214. GM (GM): ((To the hospital!
  215. Lex P.: lol
  216. Martin Baron: ((Oh GM, what about my stuff? Is it stuck in the evidence locker or handed off to Mallard?))
  217. GM (GM): They took your two knives, everything else is passed off to, well, the people with you.
  218. They you'll get them back when you are conscious
  219. Martin Baron: ((Oh, thought he was half awake when you said they escorted me out. Alright, let's go on to the sick bay.))
  220. Later, at the Endtown hospital
  221. Suule S. is taking a nap in the pile of notes
  222. We join Everett and DJ as the recoperate/ datamine the computers they found in an effort to find off the boredom of florescent lighting and recycled air!
  223. Traver S.: DJ is moving said pile about a bit so that he can put a cover over Everett.
  224. Clayton R. makes a point to remain silent, he keeps an eye on Martin
  225. M. Walker follows along with Clayton, feeling an odd sense of obligation, especially since she has every reason to suspect he's at least involved in a murder
  226. GM (GM): Everett now has the blanketed status condition!
  227. Jakov Kovać Just follows them since they're ging back to the hospital
  228. Martin Baron: ((They didn't find the body, so I'm only guilty of assault.))
  229. GM (GM): (Hey, like tetris!)
  230. (You guys are kind of VIPs now.)
  231. Traver S.: DJ waves to them as they enter and puts a finger in front of his mouth! They should be quiet, the dude is napping right now.
  232. over the last few hours Everett and DJ have found out the following facts:
  233. Clayton R. sighs in relief. He was in no mood to hear Everett rant about topsiders again
  234. One: The facility was run by Trask LLC. and was making zero missles.
  235. GM (GM): ((Eh, the panda just needed something to work on!))
  236. Two: There were seven other facilities for munitions in the hillside area.
  237. Suule S.: ((Well they can probably read all of that from the notes))
  238. GM (GM): ((Yeah, just nudge you to the side abit.))
  239. Traver S.: (DJ probably heard all these things and is relaying it.)
  240. Three: The locations of these sites, although the map is of Hillside for what good that does.
  241. Martin Baron: ((And we got 7 people. There's no time to waste, we must all go our separate ways to blow up each facility's missiles before the Topsiders take them!))
  242. Four: According to the email server. Jessie is a hussie who wears a tight dress to try to seduce her boss... That might not be useful...
  243. Traver S.: (Not without pictures.)
  244. Suule S. has a very uneasy rest so far, kicking the blanket constantly muttering something to himself.
  245. Traver S.: "...I'd say he's dreaming, but he's neither a dog, nor restful." DJ pauses. "...nah'ffense meant" he quickly adds seeing as Walker is here.
  246. GM (GM): A doctor and nurse nod to the vistors. The welcome Jakov back with a wave.
  247. ((Roll to take offense!))
  248. M. Walker shakes her head "None taken, heh."
  249. Clayton R. leans back against a wall, waiting as everyone get's comfortable
  250. Jakov Kovać greats collegs
  251. Suule S. gasp and wakes up breathing hard, looks around and covers his face "...Thank God."
  252. Traver S.: "Nightmare?" he asks Everett?
  253. .*
  254. Jakov Kovać: so what has our bussy patient been up too
  255. Suule S. gets off the bed, puts on his shirt and quickly ties his tie "Make nothing off it. I get those when I'm stressed."
  256. Martin Baron stays asleep.
  257. Suule S.: Well you know doc, trying to do my job while you tried to tell me to get re... what's up with Martin?
  258. Martin Baron: ((Hi dittos))
  259. Suule S.: And why the hell he's covered in blood?
  260. Martin Baron: Fug
  261. Jakov Kovać looking at all the notes
  262. Traver S.: "...Good question."
  263. Jakov Kovać: Who is Jessie
  264. GM (GM): (Terrible nightmares!
  265. Traver S.: "Why is Martin covered in blood... again."
  266. M. Walker seeks out and sits in one of the chairs. She's been on her feet for hours, and they're killing her
  267. Martin Baron: ((I didn't get any noightmares, didn't take one bit of MP damage from the jelly))
  268. Jessie, in accounting apparently.
  269. Suule S.: ((Didn't get anything either, but Everettt is not doing well!))
  270. Suule S. swipes the notes from the doc's claw "Excuse me, that's confidential."
  271. GM (GM): The nurse and doc leave, giving you some privacy.
  272. Jakov Kovać: so the note states
  273. Suule S.: Well first I want to know what the hell happened with Martin and was Clayton involved.
  274. Because I swear to God, I know you're somewhat responsible for this.
  275. GM (GM): ((Martin was fighting for us all!
  276. Clayton R. speaks up. "We don't know why... Police called me saying they found him like that, acting suspiciously... also tied to a severed hand."
  277. Martin Baron: ((I was in a Bloodsport competition with 80s action music blaring in the background. It was badass))
  278. Clayton R. makes a point to glare at Everett after his accusatory statement
  279. Suule S. looks a bit shocked and disturbed "He... is not schisming, isn't he?"
  280. Clayton R. waves his hand dismissively. "I asked the same question to the police... never got a real answer."
  281. Martin Baron: ((Should I roll to wake up out of my alcohol induced sleep or can I do so whenever I like?))
  282. GM (GM): ((No, you have been awake for the last serveral minutes
  283. Martin Baron: ((Oh))
  284. GM (GM): Ah, gotta stretch.
  285. Jakov Kovać asks if we can get some eather for Martin should he be rowdy when he wakes
  286. GM (GM): brb. Let's reconvine in 30 minutes, okay?
  287. Suule S.: Can't you guys put him in a some treatment until he recoverse? Use lithium salts?
  288. Jakov Kovać also asks if we have a straight jacket
  289. Clayton R.: ((alright))
  290. Suule S.: ((Kinky :P))
  291. Martin Baron: ((Alright))
  292. Jakov Kovać: ((I'm asking this my collegs in the hall))
  293. Martin Baron can barely make any sudden movements. He feels like several knives are stuck in his brain, so he stays in the corner of the room on the ground, barely paying any attention to the others as he tries to recall what exactly happened earlier.
  294. Jakov Kovać goes to Martin
  295. Jakov Kovać: so how's our newest patient doing
  296. ((is there a roll for a general checkup))
  297. Martin Baron: ((Best wait for GM to return.))
  298. Clayton R.: ((we're paused right now))
  299. Martin Baron: ((Gonna head out and grab chicken, hope he decides that 10 minutes = 30 minutes.
  300. Suule S. ughs as he gets dressed "Should've taken a shower first probably. Well here's the notes, Apex boy, have fun reading" he says handing Clayton about 20 pages of notes
  301. Martin Baron: ((*hope he doesn't))
  302. Suule S.: ((We're paused but we can do character interaction, just not rolls))
  303. Traver S.: "Heh. Funny."
  304. Clayton R. rolls his eyes, taking the notes. "You know, there is nothing wrong with a tactical advantage Panda..."
  305. Suule S.: ((Tactical Advantage Panda... That paints a funny picture))
  306. Not when you wish you could turn everything with that symbol into dust.
  307. Clayton R.: ((shit I just noticed my grammar there))
  308. Suule S. looks at Mana "And how you're holding up? I didn't have a time to ask you before I rushed off."
  309. M. Walker replies, "I killed a fellow mutant, and I got an apartment for it...I mean, yeah, he was probably going to end up a MUTT, but..."
  310. Martin Baron: ((I got chicken))
  311. Clayton R. interjects, "Happens to all topside teams... it get's easier. I think."
  312. Suule S. waves his hand off "He was insane and a topsider. He probably dusted a hundred or more of mutants before he got changed. Don't lose your sleep over it, you've done the world a favour."
  313. Traver S.: "...Don't worry to much about it Mana. That sort of thing happens... Especially the way the world is now." DJ resting his head on his arms behind him in the bed he has sequestered.
  314. M. Walker nods slowly, and with resignation
  315. Martin Baron: Looking up towards Jakov, Martin slowly answers "I'm..." He pauses, frowning slightly as he rubs his head. He's not sure why his ears hurt so much. "...fine."
  316. Suule S. looks at Martin "And our mad hare wakes up. You still with us Martin? I'm getting worried about you."
  317. Jakov Kovać: DOBRO
  318. good to hear
  319. Martin Baron looks past the bed, spotting Suule. Albeit, a very blurry Suule. His chest is starting to hurt as well. Martin tries to remember what happened after he accepted that drink from Mallard.
  320. Traver S.: "Same. Course same could be said of you Everett." he comments cooly. Acting like he's invincible since he's in a hospital bed.
  321. Jakov Kovać: boy lay on the bed and breathe deeply, we don't want ya to throw up on the cleen floor now
  322. Clayton R. turns his attention away from Everett and back toward Martin, walking toward him. "How you doing Martin... You gave the police quite a show apparently... Do you remember anything?"
  323. Suule S. squints his eyes at DJ "I can assure you I'm perfectly sound of mind. Once I'll get out of the hospital we can start thinking what to do with the Trask depots. Possibly booby trap them in case Topsiders want to tinker with them. Or straight blow them up"
  324. Martin Baron stands up, almost falling immediately. Miraculously, he makes it on top of an empty bed. "No... Yes... A dog." Martin says, slowly recollecting the fight he was in.
  325. M. Walker perks her ears a moment
  326. Traver S.: DJ shrugs. "I'm just saying, you went a little mad back there man." he pauses a moment before shaking his head and saying "Nah, I shouldn't be giving you $#&% about that." he says before getting up. "Speaking of the Depots. What's the plan besides blowing them up? Is there even a workable order?"
  327. Clayton R. nods, continuing. "I see... what else can you recall? Do you remember feeling very.... frustrated with your ears?"
  328. Martin Baron continues. "Took Mallard's... drink. Walked down an alley. A dog and rat appeared."
  329. Traver S.: "Can't just run around to them randomly."
  330. Suule S. shrugs "I can probably work it out somehow from the most to the least stocked. Might try to get some solid booster rocket fuel from them as well because it serves as good base for explosives"
  331. Traver S.: "And if not... we could just rig the missles themselves to go off."
  332. Martin Baron: "Dog was... Yeah, he was Feesh's gang... Wanted to kill me. Play a... game." he continues, pausing frequently while holding his hand on his head.
  333. Suule S.: Right right. I can do that.
  334. Clayton R. looks confused. "Feesh... Who's Feesh... What kind of game?"
  335. GM (GM): I'm back, full of coffee. Ready to roll.
  336. DJ knows Feesh and the dog
  337. Traver S.: "Feesh was...he was bad news."
  338. Martin Baron: "Got a rag... Can't remember what it's called. Tied it around our... hands, gave me a knife. Said whoever... gets untied dies." he continues, the pain in his head getting more intense yet his eyes get wider as he remembers more and more.
  339. Traver S.: "He set bombs all under the hospital. We stopped him." DJ says very seriously. More so then anything you all have heard him say up to this point.
  340. Clayton R. listens cautiously, nodding toward the the lobster Doctor, should he need to interject.
  341. Suule S. just looks at Martin with a cringe... not the first time he heard of sick games, but certainly he never got used to them.
  342. Jakov Kovać gets some local anestetic ready
  343. GM (GM): ((This very hospital, actually.))
  344. Martin Baron: "That... that $#&%. I shot him dead. I felt awful then, but he deserved it. That was before now though." he says, a look of pure anger on his face.
  345. Jakov Kovać: boy breathe in
  346. Suule S. coughs "Remind me never to piss you off, Martin."
  347. Jakov Kovać: breathe out
  348. GM (GM): ((Am I the only one who's heard of african tug of war?))
  349. Traver S.: "...You shouldn't have felt awful at all. I'm stilling missing a neighbor thanks to people like them." he notes sadly. "...And I had even thought about... ahem. Moving on."
  350. Jakov Kovać: ((yes))
  351. Suule S.: (( I heard of it. ))
  352. ((Along with other fun activities))
  353. Traver S.: (I haven't.)
  354. Martin Baron ignores Jakov, continuing with his story. "The dog wanted to kill me. I was still drunk and could barely tell what was happening. As soon as he said go, I started stabbing his hand."
  355. Clayton R. is gesturing to the doctor now, he should probably take action. "Martin... You need to calm down, you're getting too restless." He says, firmly placing a hand on Martin's shoulder.
  356. Jakov Kovać ask his collegs to come in
  357. all comes rushing back to Martin!
  358. Martin Baron shoves Clayton's hand off. He needs to finish. "I kept stabbing his $&#*ing hand, he kept trying to stop me, but I kept going. It eventually came off." Martin starts to bare his teeth.
  359. Jakov Kovać: HOLD HIM DOWN
  360. M. Walker grimaces
  361. GM (GM): The staff agrees
  362. They make a wrestle attack!
  363. Suule S.: ...well this is a mildly unpleasant situation.
  364. Martin Baron struggles against the doctors, yelling "I SHOULD HAVE KILLED HIM! HE SHOULD HAVE DIED IN THAT ALLEY!"
  365. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+10
  366. (74)+10= 84
  367. Will you parry martin?
  368. Martin Baron: ((Does my speed bonus count against wrestle or is it strength bonus?))
  369. GM (GM): You can parry with speed.
  370. Lex P.: shit what the fuck is going on
  371. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  372. (67)+45= 112
  373. GM (GM): Once you're grappled, you use str.
  374. Badger is pushed aside.
  375. Heron nurse attempts a grapple.
  376. rolling 1d100+10
  377. (45)+10= 55
  378. Martin Baron yells even louder as he shoves the doctors off. "HIS FRIEND RAN, HE DIDN'T! HE TRIED TO CLAW MY GUTS OUT!"
  379. M. Walker steps back from the scene, giving the doctors a wide berth
  380. Traver S. meanwhile is moving to get up. Like he's going to intervene should the doctors be unable to handle him.
  381. GM (GM): Ah, the bird missed.
  382. Clayton R. frowns, moving in to try and subdue Martin
  383. Jakov Kovać just plunges the syring with the anestetic in to Marins leg and applyes the anestetic
  384. Suule S. gets off his bed and grabs his blanket to aid in holding Martin down.
  385. Martin has is alittle upset!
  386. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  387. (17)+35= 52
  388. GM (GM): Player on player action!
  390. Traver S.: (Lewd.~)
  391. Lex P.: lol
  392. Jakov Kovać: ((Just tell me if I roll anything))
  393. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  394. (32)+45= 77
  395. GM (GM): Parried.
  396. Suule S.: ((Let's gang up on the bunny))
  397. rolling 1d100+20
  398. (55)+20= 75
  399. GM (GM): Should we roll intiative?
  400. Clayton R.: ((I guess))
  401. Suule S.: ((It doesn't matter, since Martin's Initiative is 0 according the the rules))
  402. Jakov Kovać: ((so do I roll?))
  403. Martin Baron: ((I'm no longer on those rules))
  404. GM (GM): Yes.
  405. Suule S.: ((Oh right))
  406. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+50
  407. (29)+50= 79
  408. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+60
  409. (73)+60= 133
  410. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  411. (15)+45= 60
  412. Jakov Kovać: rolling 1d100+8
  413. (80)+8= 88
  414. GM (GM): You're too hot to handle for the medical staff!
  415. Jakov Kovać: ((did I do right?))
  416. Martin Baron voice continues to get louder. "I'LL FIND HIM! I WILL FINISH WHAT I $&%#ING STARTED!"
  417. GM (GM): Ah, no.
  418. your mind bonus is +40 jak.
  419. Suule S.: (Okay let's do it...)
  420. Traver S.: rolling 1d100 + 20
  421. (94)+20= 114
  422. Jakov Kovać: ((right))
  423. ((so does 120 stab him or what?))
  424. GM (GM): Means you go much further ahead of him in the turn order.
  425. ((Use your claws!
  426. Martin Baron: ((You have his gear, he's just got his hands.))
  428. rolling 1d100+20
  429. (3)+20= 23
  430. (Ow)
  431. Jakov Kovać: ((so we just ignoreing this -> Jakov Kovać just plunges the syring with the anestetic in to Marins leg and applyes the anestetic ))
  432. Suule S.: ((I'm pretty sure with my roll that anesthetic goes into my leg))
  433. Martin Baron: ((You have to aim and attack for that. Can't just say it happens man.))
  434. ((Unless the GM wills it.))
  435. GM (GM): Sorry, Jakov, I though you were rolling for intiative.
  436. Jakov Kovać: ((that's why I asked if I roll something))
  437. GM (GM): ((Well, let's roll that after suule.))
  438. Jakov Kovać: ((I asked to do that before the init roll))
  439. ((right))
  440. Suule S.: ((I already rolled my melee roll... it was 3))
  441. ((I think that's a critical failure))
  442. GM (GM): Nah, a 1 is a failure.
  443. Still a miss
  444. Suule S.: ((Phew))
  445. GM (GM): One more action
  446. Suule S.: One more try then
  447. rolling 1d100+20
  448. (5)+20= 25
  449. Martin Baron: ((Too slippery for ya))
  450. Jakov Kovać: ((damn))
  451. GM (GM): Thwip swoosh
  452. You kicked a puppy or something today, man!
  453. Kovac!
  454. Lex P.: ouch
  455. Suule S.: ((I made fun of Clayton! Karma is a bitch))
  456. Jakov Kovać: ((alright what do I roll))
  457. Martin Baron: "YOU NEED TO LET ME GO! HE WILL GET AWAY IF I DON'T FIND HIM!" Martin yells out.
  458. GM (GM): Roll a 1d100 + your speed bonus
  459. You have 5 so its +25
  460. Jakov Kovać: rolling 1d100+25
  461. (61)+25= 86
  462. GM (GM): I guess it's agility bonus
  463. That's a stab
  464. Martin Baron: ((Parry?)
  465. Jakov Kovać: ((kinky))
  466. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  467. (41)+45= 86
  468. GM (GM): Oh wow.
  469. Jakov Kovać: ((a draw))
  470. Suule S.: (( Well damn))
  471. GM (GM): Ties go to defender
  472. You have one more action Lobby
  473. Traver S.: (A literal 3rd strike parry.)
  474. Jakov Kovać: rolling 1d100+25
  475. (7)+25= 32
  477. GM (GM): And a miss.
  479. Traver S.: "Please stop yelling everyone, others are sleeping in here!"
  480. GM (GM): ((Hey, he did a good job patching him up! Its doing the opposite is just counter productive!))
  481. Jakov Kovać: My patients don't usually attack back
  482. Suule S.: ((DJ has a heart of gold))
  483. Martin Baron: "Oh okay, sorry DJ."
  484. GM (GM): DJ's turn
  485. Martin Baron: ((Did he roll?))
  486. ((Oh, got his icon mixed up.))
  487. Traver S.: DJ sidesteps all the friendlies and moves to sweep Martin off his feet!
  488. Martin Baron: ((I'm in bed, brah.))
  489. GM (GM): Well, you rolled
  490. Now its your turn.
  491. Traver S.: (Ah, I missed that.)
  492. Well. DJ will just come and try and hold him down.
  493. >Which was the second part of the original plan.
  494. GM (GM): So, roll to attack
  495. Traver S.: So! Rolling to grapple.
  496. rolling 1d100 + 40
  497. (68)+40= 108
  498. GM (GM): I'll make it a note to refine wrestling rules this week.
  499. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  500. (78)+45= 123
  501. GM (GM): That's a grabble.
  502. Martin Baron: ((CAN'T STOP ME!))
  503. Traver S.: (No way! He teched my grab)
  504. GM (GM): Two more actions.
  505. ((Crazy dice rolls today.
  506. Traver S.: Well. No reason not to try again! "C'mon. Keep with us!"
  507. Martin Baron: ((Wouldn't it be one since he moved?))
  508. ((Well he is right next to me.))
  509. Traver S.: (That is true, movement counts.)
  510. rolling 1d100 + 40
  511. (7)+40= 47
  512. Suule S.: ((Damn it Martin, this is crazy)
  513. ((This is just like one of my Japanese animes))
  514. Traver S.: (The warp is overtaking him.)
  516. GM (GM): (Fun fact: My brother used to play Skaven in WH. Warp is life, warp is love.)
  517. Martin Baron: ((Miss?))
  518. GM (GM): Yep
  519. Suule S.: ((Skaven rule supreme!))
  520. GM (GM): Base roll must be 20< for a basic melee attack.
  521. Suule S.: ((Well Clayton, he's your big moment))
  522. Martin Baron: ((Now imagine this fight except I'm feral trying to kill you all.))
  523. ((Utter chaos))
  524. GM (GM): Actually, I think DJ might have one action left.
  525. ((Might want to keep that actually, DJ.
  526. Martin Baron: ((He moved, attacked, then attacked again. But aight.))
  527. Suule S.: ((Watership down))
  528. GM (GM): ((You got to realize everyone is defenseless without actions.))
  529. Traver S.: (Nah. I did move...I ACCEPT THE HELPLESSNESS.)
  530. GM (GM): Ah, then no.
  531. Gassy Masky!
  532. Your turn!
  533. Clayton R. tries again to subdue the mad rabbit
  534. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  535. (81)+35= 116
  536. GM (GM): Move and an attack.
  537. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  538. (13)+45= 58
  539. Jakov Kovać: ((finaly))
  540. GM (GM): Nope, he has a grip around your torso!
  542. Clayton R.: "CLAM DOWN DUMBASS! You are going to get yourself killed!"
  543. GM (GM): Martin's turn!
  544. Try to get yourself killed!
  545. Martin Baron: ((How many actions do I got? And what do I roll for getting out of dis grapple?))
  546. Clayton R.: ((I have one move left BTW, but I'll save it))
  547. Suule S.: ((Look at it this way -at least we're not playing 3E.))
  548. GM (GM): ((Let me check.
  549. Traver S.: (If we were we'd be knee deep in spells.)
  550. (And I'd be a monk.)
  551. Suule S.: ((Well
  552. ((More so I remember one time someone grappled someone in combat in 3E...))
  553. Martin Baron: ((I'd probably be a rogue. Love those sneaky breeki fuckers.))
  554. GM (GM): You've spent 3 actions.
  555. Traver S.: (Oh lord, grapple rules.)
  556. GM (GM): So you're out!
  557. Martin Baron: ((I'm guessing I can't dodge next turn?))
  558. Jakov Kovać: ((rouge bro))
  559. GM (GM): ((Yep.
  560. Martin Baron: ((That's red, Jakov.))
  561. GM (GM): Well, 5 people are tackling you. That's something.
  562. Everett!
  563. Jakov! Your turn!
  564. Jakov Kovać: ((alright do I roll to stab him again))
  565. GM (GM): Okay!
  566. Martin Baron: ((Nothing I can do if it hits?))
  567. Jakov Kovać: ((so yes or no?))
  568. GM (GM): Well, your arms are free.
  569. Martin Baron: ((Gotta be free, gotta run.))
  570. GM (GM): Yes, stab him.
  571. Jakov Kovać: ((k))
  572. GM (GM): Scutter named stab'im
  573. Martin Baron: "NO NO NO" Martin yells out.
  574. rolling 1d100+45
  575. (44)+45= 89
  576. GM (GM): You can't dodge or move with a masked human attached.
  577. Suule S.: ((Ack, was just geting my drink))
  578. GM (GM): Parried!
  579. Another action Jakoc
  580. Jakov Kovać: rolling 1d100+25
  581. (83)+25= 108
  582. Martin Baron: ((Eh, let's see if something works out.))
  583. rolling 1d100+45
  584. (59)+45= 104
  585. ((So close.))
  586. Clayton R. groaned "Doc... COME ON!"
  587. Jakov Kovać: ((finnaly anestetic applied))
  588. GM (GM): Shink!
  589. Jakov Kovać: Jebo ti Vraga Zečino
  590. Suule S.: Phew...
  591. GM (GM): Let's see.
  592. We used to have rules for resisting durgs.
  593. drugs.
  594. Martin Baron: ((Dear lord, concerning my rolls I might just eject the liquid out my nose.))
  595. GM (GM): But that was deleted along with poisons and blowpipes.
  596. So, let's roll it this way.
  597. Traver S.: (Nah man, you'll just store it in your eyes.)
  598. Martin Baron: ((CAN'T STOP WONT STOP))
  599. GM (GM): Roll a 1d100, if you roll under your strength bonus you will be simply drugged/intoxicated.
  600. Martin Baron: ((Gonna save it to spray in the dogs eyes like Jurrassic park.))
  601. rolling 1d100
  602. (33)= 33
  603. GM (GM): So close.
  604. (Since I hate having coma players, I'll say you have been sedated enough that the visions and voices stop.)
  605. Martin Baron: "NO NO NO NO No no no... no... n...o..." Martin shouts, the drug taking quick effect.
  606. GM (GM): -15 to Ag rolls, etc.
  607. Martin Baron: ((There wasn't any vision or voices. He just really wanted Dog dead.))
  608. GM (GM): ((Ah right, your burning fury has been subdued a little.
  609. Clayton R. keeps Martin held tight, keeping his composure until the Doc gave him the signal.
  610. Suule S.: ...can someone tie him down to the bed?
  611. Jakov Kovać: Good Idea
  612. Martin Baron: ((I'll be fine with coma. We can just say after a bit he's up, but less... fast.))
  613. Traver S. proceeds to take a seat on one of the beds and checks to see if one of his wounds has opened up. "...Never a day to rest..."
  614. Jakov Kovać asks he's collegs if we should give him another shoot just to be safe
  615. Martin Baron: ((Yay aggressiveness!))
  616. GM (GM): The badger doctors says, "Probably not. He may be hyper but his size can't process that much. We aren't in the coma business."
  617. Traver S.: (Martin is super strong.)
  618. Suule S. takes off his shirt and tie, tosses it on the bed, grabs a towel and heads to the showers "After all of this, I just need a long shower... "
  619. BadDoc: "I think your friend has early Schism syndrome."
  620. Traver S.: "See ya' when you get back Everett." he says rubbing his hands through his dreads.
  621. Martin Baron: ((Oh shit, GM, the Aggression part. I didn't do any damage to anything during combat.))
  622. Lex P.: oh shit
  623. Traver S.: "...Early...?"
  624. Clayton R. sighs, "It sure feels like it."
  625. Traver S.: "You mean it can get worse?"
  626. Martin Baron: ((Make the roll now?))
  627. GM (GM): You can still talk Martin, you're just super-drowsey!
  628. Jakov Kovać: o dragi bože
  629. GM (GM): Also, that whole dog swearing death to you and your friends doesn't seem so bad or urgent right now!
  630. Martin Baron: "Please... stop... Let me... out..." Martin mutters out, his eyes almost completely closed.
  631. GM (GM): The doctor continues, "So I wouldn't do anything to stress your friend right now. He'll probably come to feeling abit better.
  632. Martin Baron: ((Anyway, so no damage to anything unless the parries count. Do the 2d10 roll?))
  633. GM (GM): No, I don't think so.
  634. Martin Baron: ((Ok, that's good. Also, oh shit, blood.))
  635. GM (GM): I would roll for getting a hypodermic but it's just a prick.
  636. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  637. (15)= 15
  638. ((I failed. I'm hypodermic now.))
  639. ((Fug))
  640. GM (GM): Alright fine. One of your new phobias is a fear of needles.
  641. Oh right, the schism.
  642. Martin Baron: ((Daw shit, that was just a joke bro. Just a joke!))
  643. Suule S.: (( Write that down on trait/afflicitons ))
  644. Clayton R. looks down at Martin. "You have to calm down first... You are far too dangerous to let go until you calm down."
  645. Martin Baron: ((I'll roll with it though, no need to take it back.))
  646. GM (GM): Nah, you were fighting pretty good.
  647. No mp loss.
  648. Martin Baron: ((I'm more worried about the bloody footsteps on the left rooms.))
  649. GM (GM): ((It's a very poorly funded hospital.))
  650. Martin Baron: "He...'ll... Get us... I don't... want... him... to."
  651. Traver S.: (Or its all in your mind!)
  652. Martin Baron: ((TURNS OUT I'M STILL IN THE POLICE CELL!))
  653. Traver S.: "...Well. Is there anything we could do to help him not be stressed?"
  654. GM (GM): ((You know, this is alot to do for a guy you wooped like a rented mule.))
  655. Martin Baron: ((They really don't want him to get up and start Martix-dodging his way out of the room to go kill the pirate dog.))
  656. GM (GM): The doc says, "Try to be less confrontational. Maybe have him do social, upbuilding things.
  657. Doc: There is a theory of coming to accept that you're a half-animal, half-human freak of nature but that is just a theory.
  658. Does he like doing anything besides getting into back alley knife fights?
  659. Martin Baron: Something about those words hit Martin. Half-animal, half-human. He starts to remember what he was doing in the cell. A mild panic worms its way back into his mind.
  660. Clayton R. shrugs with Martin in his arms. "I'm not sure. He wears a hockey Jersey." He looks down. "Do you like Hockey?"
  661. GM (GM): ((Don't use the HAHH-word around schism cases!))
  662. Martin Baron: ((Animal hybrid triggers me. I'm man-kin.))
  663. Suule S.: ((Martin has been TRIGGERED. -20 MP until he gets access to twitter.))
  664. Jakov Kovać: ((degenerate))
  665. GM (GM): The doctor turns to his chitin covered college, what do you think Dr. Kovac?
  666. M. Walker is still considering what martin was raving about, and is weighing her options between it being paranoid madness or valid warning. Either way, this is a hell of a way to start her residence here, and there's no way she's going to be able to sleep well, if at all.
  667. Traver S.: "...I know. We'll start a band."
  668. Jakov Kovać: you know very well I'm far more profeciant surgeon then psyhiatrist
  669. Traver S. is clearly joking.
  670. Martin Baron slowly nods. His jersey might have sustained a few rips from the earlier fight. Martin makes a silent note to visit a tailor later.
  671. GM (GM): ((You could roll your doctorate skill, kovac. If you want, anyway.))
  672. Jakov Kovać: I only got to to read up some psyhiatry text when I imigrated to here, before this mess
  673. GM (GM): ((Then your skill tells you a frontal lobotomy will fix alot of these problems.))
  674. Jakov Kovać: so take my advice with a grain of salt
  675. Martin Baron: ((Then Martin rolls another dodge. He's too wily to pinpoint with your silly science!))
  676. Jakov Kovać: ((my guys more of hand on type, give him a open wound and broken bones and he'll saw it and set it back to the right place))
  677. GM (GM): ((I'm really trying to not make a claw joke here.))
  678. Jakov Kovać: :^)
  679. Martin Baron: ((I'm sure it's gonna claw it's way out sooner or later.))
  680. GM (GM): At this point the nurse says, "Why don't you do an aid run? Helping other people is a great way to shake the crazy off!"
  681. Jakov Kovać: but considering my field, a frontal Lobotomy will potentially cure him of all his ills
  682. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow. "A what?"
  683. GM (GM): The doctor nods, "Yes, I think you people have vehicles as well. Am I right?
  684. Suule S.: (( How badly shot is the jeep?))
  685. NurseBird: "Oh, when we get a request we send off personel and medical supplies to colonies in trouble."
  686. Martin Baron: ((I'm pretty sure there's enough bullets in the Jeep to fill an entire arsenal's worth of magazines.))
  687. GM (GM): ((The jeep has about 130 hp left.
  688. ((There is the APC))
  689. Traver S.: "...That's...a good idea."
  690. GM (GM): ((Maybe you can build a new vehicle out of the two!))
  691. Martin Baron: ((Yeah! A Jeep with tank treads!))
  692. Jakov Kovać: ((kek))
  693. GM (GM):
  694. Jakov Kovać: ((you gonna make an armoured beetlle))
  695. GM (GM): ((It's beautiful!))
  696. Clayton R. shakes his head. "I don't know... any time we go topside, it doesn't end well for us. .. I think he should stay here, have some therapy... watch some old hockey tapes or something."
  697. M. Walker nods, adding "and it's not exactly in the best condition, either.
  698. Doc: "There's money in it. Besides, it sounds like your boy isn't getting along with the local color."
  699. Suule S.: (( I propose to find a Reliant Robin and do this ))
  700. Martin Baron: ((Leave him alone in a hospital. Right, then he can dodge past 20 NPCs and scrounge all of Endtown to punch a handless Dog to death.))
  701. the doctor slaps Jakoc on the back, "Besides, Dr. Kovac here is going to need some help with all this!"
  702. Traver S.: "Honestly. Bringing him with us might be for the best. I'd say. Being locked up won't do him good."
  703. Jakov Kovać: Indeed, I not strong enough to carry the suplys on my own
  704. also my claws are not to suited to cary may things at once
  705. Doc: Well, you guys can rest up abit before heading out. Besides, it took five of you to wrestle this wack job to the ground!"
  706. Martin Baron: ((Thanks for the action music GM. Makes everything badass))
  707. GM (GM): I really like that feature.
  708. Jakov Kovać: ((action music?))
  709. Clayton R. frowns, "I'm not sure you all understand what we've run into up there... it's likely what put him in this condition in the first place." Clayton sighs, looking back down at Martin. "I can't believe I'm asking this, but what do you think? Do you want to stay in therapy for a bit, or do you want to come topside?
  711. GM (GM): ((Roll 20 has a jukebox feature that allows the GM to play music.
  712. Martin Baron: ((Turn up the volume on your computer, or check the settings and turn the music there up.))
  713. Jakov Kovać: ((I know that but there was no music))
  714. GM (GM): Really? check your settings.
  715. Everyone has been submitted to Stan Bush for the last hour.
  716. Martin Baron: ((Play the action music from the earlier fight, would ya?))
  717. Jakov Kovać: ((music is at max))
  718. ((still nothing))
  719. GM (GM): Really?
  720. Jakov Kovać: ((silence))
  721. Let's end game session here.
  722. Martin Baron: ((You using stereo speakers? A television? Something's volume must be off. Check elsewhere see if you hear sound there.))
  723. Lex P.: probably something goin on in your computer
  724. GM (GM): Okay, does anyone here anything right now?
  725. Jakov Kovać: valume is one
  726. I've been listening to my own music for the last 2 hours
  727. because there uually is no music on theese games
  728. ((silence))
  729. Traver S.: Strong.
  730. Martin Baron can barely decide. He doesn't care for therapy and might be able to escape, but he wants to keep the others safe. Perhaps getting out of this tomb might make his head stop pounding. Eventually, he says "I'll go... with you guys..."
  731. Jakov Kovać: is this something soundcloud related?
  732. GM (GM): Yeah, it's played through soundcloud
  733. Jakov Kovać: like I need an account or something?
  734. GM (GM): No...
  735. Martin Baron: No, I don't have one.
  736. Clayton R.: ((Tee session ended Baron, too late. Clayton didn't hear you, nobody did.))
  737. Martin Baron: :(
  738. Everett Pillory: (( Mean ))
  739. Martin Baron: Anyways, gotta decide XP from last session, the secret session, and this session.
  740. Jakov Kovać: well i dunno then why no music
  741. Traver S.: The power of the Secret session is to strong.
  742. Jakov Kovać: suule did you have music?
  743. Clayton R.: ((from my perspective, Martin is mean))
  744. Martin Baron: ((Here's the secret session.))
  746. Everett Pillory: (( Yes I do ))
  747. GM (GM): Much fun was had.
  748. Okay, let's get to XP
  749. Mysteries of the jukebox will wait for a sec.
  750. Martin Baron: Played 80s action music, met an old friend, sliced his hand off, then got a free room with a donkey room mate. It as rad.
  751. Jakov Kovać: pitty
  752. GM (GM): It was something only fighters understand!
  753. Fire in your veins and lightening in you eyes!
  754. Jakov Kovać: I'd have been happyer if ya hadn't told me that there was music
  755. Martin Baron: Didn't want to share the secret session with y'all till after the session once you got a rough picture of what happened.
  756. Jakov Kovać: now I wona figure it out and fix it
  757. GM (GM): True.
  758. Martin Baron: Anyways, I get all the XP for my cool moves and for being awesome.
  759. GM (GM): Anyway. We didn't have xp last week so let's give everyone 10+ for their urban todos.
  760. Everett Pillory: Martin MFUP
  761. Martin Baron: Oh wait, you did give me the secret session XP. Skip that then.
  762. Traver S.: Strong.
  763. GM (GM): +5 to Clay, DJ Martin, Panda, and Jakov for sub duing a major threat.
  764. True.
  765. Let's vote on the mvp
  766. Everett Pillory: I'm not sure who to call MVP here
  767. GM (GM): I'd say either Clay or Jakov for actually hitting Martin.
  768. M. Walker: Yeah
  769. Everett Pillory: Or Martin for being batshit insane
  770. Jakov Kovać: so when xp?
  771. Traver S.: Indeed. They managed to actually do it.
  772. GM (GM): True. That was entertaining.
  773. Now.
  774. Martin Baron: I'd say clay, otherwise no one would've hit me. Can't vote for myself though.
  775. GM (GM): You have +15 so far, jakov
  776. Jakov Kovać: yay
  777. Clayton R.:
  778. Everett Pillory: I vote for Martin for being insane
  779. Lex P.: lol
  780. Martin Baron: Martin for President of Neitherlands
  781. M. Walker: Oh geez
  782. GM (GM): True. okay. +10 to Martin then.
  783. Everett Pillory: "Make the wasteland great again"
  784. GM (GM): I gotta roll, thanks everybody for playing today. You did great.
  785. Also this brought up the wrestling mechanics.
  786. Martin Baron: Dodges every attack Why wont you die?! "Agility, son."
  787. Oh, that's neat
  788. GM (GM): I think they are useful but need to be better explained.
  789. Everett Pillory: Clayton as Raiden makes sense
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