

Oct 15th, 2014
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  1. Hart Foundation vs Two Man Power Trip
  3. The TMPT enter first, to boos and jeers from the crowd. The Harts get a big pop as they enter. Owen and Triple H start in the ring, locking up collar-and-elbow. The bigger man, Hunter seems to get the advantage and forces Owen into the TMPT corner, Austin grabbing his arms so that HHH can send him to the ground with a punch to the jaw. Owen springs back up, though, and starts one-two punching HHH, driving him to the ropes with an unusual fury. HHH manages to reach over and tag in Austin, who climbs in just in time to be Irish Whipped to the far corner. Owen tags in Bret.
  5. The Hitman continues the attack, but Austin seems resilient, and the two trade punches in the middle of the ring until Austin whips Hart into a clothesline and tags HHH back. Hunter beats down Bret further before sending him over the ropes and onto the floor. The two brawl outside the ring as the ref sloooowly counts, HHH having the advantage but Bret returning blows. However, HHH drives the action towards his corner, and Austin leaps down from the apron to help slam Bret into the barricade. HHH steps back into the ring at the count of 6, Bret lies prone on the floor.
  7. 7... Owen runs over to Bret... 8... helps get him back on his feet... 9... Bret rolls onto the mat just in time. Austin starts attacking Owen as HHH toys with his opponent on the floor. The ref finally comes over to ringside and forces the two to separate, not noticing HHH choking Bret.
  9. HHH gets the weakened Hart in place for the Pedigree... but Bret flips him over and starts applying the Sharpshooter! Hunter is agonized but Bret is too weak to sustain it for long and they both collapse to the mat, crawling towards their corners.
  11. Bret makes the tag! The crowd goes nuts as Owen leaps in, just as HHH tags in Austin. Owen attacks Stone Cold with a series of punches, fired up by what he saw happen to his brother. The two run the ropes and Owen catches Austin for a
  12. leg lariat! Austin goes down but staggers to a standing position in the middle of the ring- right in time for Owen to hit a Missile Dropkick!
  14. 1... 2... 2.9- as HHH rushes in to break up the pin. Bret climbs in and the two brawl, and Austin uses the distraction to nail Owen with a gut kick before delivering a Stone Cold Stunner! He visibly hooks Owen's tights as the ref counts-
  16. 1... 2... 3! The TMPT win.
  18. The ref raises Austin and Hunter's arms in victory. The audience's boos fill the arena. Owen and Bret can be seen exchanging trash-talk with the two inside the ring as we fade out.
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