
movie night log 7/16/16

Jul 16th, 2016
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  1. Frisk: * I bet you can breathe fire! Can you?
  2. snowdinpoppy: * Well...I can use fire magic.
  3. TrueChara: [[ hi hello i am here for probably like 10 minutes before i have to run ]]
  4. snowdinpoppy: *But..I'm not really all that good with it
  5. sanscipher: * How do I catch a Sans?
  6. fallenfamily: "Cause otherwise they would have broken out of the Pokeballs you use to catch them before the dea;'s sealed."
  7. thesneak: WHAT IF THEY'RE TOO WEAK.
  8. Frisk: * Ooooh, well, it's still fire either way! [ Thumbs up. ] You'll get better! I know it!
  9. fallenfamily: "The weakest ones can break out."
  10. thesneak: [he's going to argue this. please don't. please just distract him.]
  11. foxysierra: (OMG
  12. foxysierra: (POLKMON
  13. snowdinpoppy: *Yeah! I'm taking lessons on how to better control it
  14. Streamersans: (( :yyyy ))
  15. foxysierra: (YES
  16. foxysierra: (WEIRD AL
  17. snowdinpoppy: ((How am I not surprised to hear this from you Tenta? XD))
  18. snowdinpoppy: ((Love it ))
  19. awakened_arti: ((Wait what
  20. thesneak: [Sperare is completely unconvinced and moves away from the group.]
  21. sanscipher: ((WEIRD AL!))
  22. delyne: (( mm, gotta brb headache's getting worse ))
  23. drterminalgaster: hello there!
  24. snowdinpoppy giggles and starts dancing to the song.
  25. mischief_rei: lol, howdy all
  26. Streamersans: ((wellp my roommate refuses to pause his 43gb download so we're gonna have some frameloss))
  27. snowdinpoppy: *Hiya!
  28. AskDogi: (( this song omg ))
  29. thesneak: (what the Heck)
  30. dragonsmith: *The random smith sits away from the group,enjoying the music.
  31. fallenfamily:
  32. snowdinpoppy: ((its all good))
  33. fallenfamily: ( y )
  34. Frisk: * That's good! [ Frisk pulls out their cards, waving to the incoming peeps. ]
  35. drterminalgaster: this is my first time here and i love it!
  36. snowdinpoppy: *Hehe, good! Mr. Sans' movie nights are always so much fun!
  37. mischief_rei: For once I can actually join in :> ty for the notice
  38. dragonsmith: (my first time also.)
  39. awakened_arti: ((Nothing nrings people together like Pokemon
  40. awakened_arti: (brings*
  41. Frisk: [[ the subway station..........
  42. Frisk: [[ my fav place ever
  43. mischief_rei: agreed
  44. snowdinpoppy: ((exactly. The other day, I saw so many folks at some spots, some kids and even older adults too))
  45. AskDogi: (( POKEMONS ))
  46. mischief_rei: who's everyone's favorite pokes?
  47. fallenfamily: (remember that once comic for the subway where someone trew out a wailord.)
  48. Coldsoul: (( i got my stepmom into pokemon and she had a vast knowledge of it she didnt even know about ))
  49. ModDoggo: ((Okay done, I am here OFFICIALLY))
  50. dragonsmith: (my mom found multiple zubats in our apartment.)
  51. snowdinpoppy: *Thats really hard...I really do like Vulpix and Flareon.
  52. awakened_arti: ((Rotom is my big fave
  53. pikku: [[ slides in did someone say Pokemon?]]
  54. snowdinpoppy: ((I love Vulpix and Vaporeon ))
  55. fallenfamily: "What about Vaporeon?"
  56. ModDoggo is now very officially here!!!
  57. foxysierra: (Vulpix is my favorite pokemon)
  58. thesneak: (this is not the correct muse tbh i'm going to swap out)
  59. snowdinpoppy: *Vaporeon? Its cute too
  60. awakened_arti: ((Poppy my strongest Poke in GO is a Vaporeon currently!
  61. snowdinpoppy: *Mr. Doggo! You made it!
  62. fallenfamily: "Vaporeon is cut- oh hi Doggo."
  63. awakened_arti: ((mY jOLTEON IS IN SECOND PLACE
  64. snowdinpoppy: (( same))
  65. fallenfamily: ( o hi mark)
  66. awakened_arti: ((Caps oops
  67. snowdinpoppy: ((With a Poliwrath in second))
  68. Frisk: * Ho-oh, ummm! Crobat and Vespiquen!
  69. drterminalgaster: ah pokemon i've been to that world once so much L.O.V.E i gained from it
  70. Streamersans waves to Doggo. Papyrus waves too, decidedly more excitedly.
  71. AskDogi: (( Mine is a Jolteon ))
  72. mischief_rei: Mine oddly is Beedril, Raichu, and Espurr
  73. ModDoggo: * Hey Poppy! Did I miss anything? I...Literally had to run here
  74. dragonsmith: *the dragon waves at Doggo.
  75. awakened_arti: ((My Parasect is the third strongest somehow
  76. snowdinpoppy giggles and shakes her head.
  77. awakened_arti: ((That powerhouse mushroom buggy
  78. snowdinpoppy: *Not yet, we were talking about pokemon. Oh! I brought the cookies I made too!
  79. AskDogi *The Dogi arrive, sans their axes. It's a bit of an odd sight.
  80. awakened_arti: ((Crorad! : D
  81. snowdinpoppy: *Everyone, if you're hungry, I have pokeball shaped cookies and tea!
  82. Frisk: [[ i fuckin love haxorus, volcarona, sunkern, and slowking ]]
  83. AskDogi: (Hello, everyone~!)
  84. ModDoggo waves back at Sans and Papyrus. Sup.
  85. AskDogi: (( ayy, arti!! ))
  86. drterminalgaster: oh hello doggo! it's been awail since i've seen a doggo ohh! tea!
  87. AskDogi: Hey, sans, hey, Doggo!
  88. Coldsoul: (( is it strange that my fav pokemon is Psyduck ))
  89. fallenfamily waves to everyone coming in now.
  90. AskDogi: Hey, papyrus!
  91. Frisk waves.
  92. Streamersans: * hey.
  93. Streamersans: HELLO!!
  94. snowdinpoppy: *Hi Mr. Amy, Mrs. Ressa!
  95. dragonsmith: *the dragon is focusing on a game.
  96. snowdinpoppy: *Would anyone like some cookies?
  97. AskDogi *Something, about Frisk, but Ressa gives a wave anyway. Deja-vu, maybe.
  98. drterminalgaster: i would love one
  99. Frisk: [[ i miss the days of vgc where this theme played hardcore. throughout the entire place.
  100. AskDogi: Yes, please, Poppy!
  101. mischief_rei: <Rei raises her hand> me?
  102. ModDoggo: * You know i'll take a couple, sis.
  103. fallenfamily: "Sans does the couch cushion usually try to assimilate?"
  104. snowdinpoppy: *Hehe, they're sugar cookies. Have as many as you like everyone!
  105. Frisk: * I wouldn't mind some!
  106. snowdinpoppy: *Mr. Sans, Mr. Papyrus, would you like one too?
  107. dragonsmith: hello.
  108. foxysierra: (omg
  109. Streamersans: * i'm always up for cookies. | YES! PLEASE.
  110. foxysierra: (pokerap
  112. snowdinpoppy: ((hella ))
  113. foxysierra: (YES
  114. awakened_arti: ((HelP
  115. Frisk: [[ aaaaaAAA
  116. fallenfamily: (( INCENSE WAS A MISTAKE
  117. AskDogi: (( ;v; memories ))
  118. snowdinpoppy: ((used to be able to sing the whole thing))
  119. ModDoggo takes, like, 5 cookies. He stuffs 3 in his mouth almost immediately.
  120. Streamersans: ((i can STILL sing it. git gud))
  121. Frisk: [[ i only know the hoenn pokerap
  122. snowdinpoppy happily hands out cookies to everyone.
  123. snowdinpoppy: ((I can stil somewhat))
  124. drterminalgaster: [takes a cookie] ah wonderful sans is here how could i not notice?
  125. Streamersans: ((i can also sing the japanese b/w one a little bit))
  126. dragonsmith: *the dragon accepts one cookie.
  127. lastchanceflowey: * I ain't heard of these monsters.
  128. Frisk grabs a cookie, nodding a thanks to Poppy and they nibble on it.
  129. delyne: *Unnamed accepts a cookie and begins nibbling on it idly*
  130. fallenfamily has obtained a Sugar Cookie!
  131. Streamersans: * well i mean. i'm kinda small. easy to miss me.
  132. mischief_rei: I can only imagine how long the song has to be now with the current poke'rate
  133. Coldsoul: (( well ))
  134. Streamersans nibbles a cookie. As does Papyrus.
  135. snowdinpoppy: *Hehe, made them all today. It was fun frosting them to look like Pokeballs.
  136. drterminalgaster: [[i have no sound on my computer i am just here for fun]]
  137. dragonsmith: ((how do you color your text?))
  138. Streamersans: ((use /me))
  139. mischief_rei: Your own recipe? Oooor maybe nerdynummies?
  140. comicdings: [quietly appears.]
  141. ModDoggo: ((By the way, if you ever wanna wipe yourself out, mow the lawn in about 98 degree weather.))
  142. awakened_arti: ((WEEZING IN MY APARTMENT IM GONNA DIE
  143. Streamersans: ((GIT GUD IT WAS LIKE 103 HERE TODAY))
  144. comicdings: (get on my level it was 108)
  145. snowdinpoppy: *Well...guess you can say I was on underNET, watching videos
  146. fallenfamily: (108 GET)
  147. awakened_arti: ((TOXIC GAS
  148. fallenfamily: (oh)
  149. snowdinpoppy: *caught me red-pawed. Hehe
  150. comicdings: (welcome to texas frickers)
  152. fallenfamily: (alabama.)
  153. Streamersans: ((I'M IN SAN ANTONIO, FUCKER))
  154. dragonsmith *The dragon nibbles on a cookie while playing pokemon pearl.
  155. mischief_rei: I feel like a freaken pansy. It's 97 and I'm on fire
  156. Lady_Divine: Divine quickly walks inside, shivering quite a bit.
  157. AskDogi *Dogamy and Dogaressa grab some bone shaped cookies.
  158. comicdings: (I KNOW LMAO)
  159. AskDogi *Nibble nibble.
  160. Streamersans sneers. Slightly.
  161. ModDoggo: ((Also im not good at telling temperature just by feel so im probably lowballing it))
  162. delyne: (( O))
  163. delyne: (( THIS IS GOOD ))
  164. comicdings: (this is Hen still c )
  165. sanscipher: ((It's pretty cool over here.))
  166. comicdings: (EMOJI NO)
  167. snowdinpoppy: *Oooo, catchy!
  168. AskDogi: (( !! ))
  169. informalroman: Hello everyone
  170. Frisk: [[ im in michigan and its 78 degrees here
  171. mischief_rei: >.> there's a mashup...of these two...this is news to me
  172. drterminalgaster: [[i am gonna go see you!]]
  173. Frisk: [[ it used to go up to the 90s what the heckie
  174. Coldsoul: (( im gon bring in,,, my muse but from a diff timeline where Nothing Event Stuff is happenin ))
  175. Streamersans: ((PETS HEN ON THE FACE...))
  176. comicdings: (that me face..........)
  177. mischief_rei: If you don't want that wonderful temp, gimmie!
  178. Lady_Divine: "Oh, thank the stars, finally! Hello, everyone!"
  179. Streamersans: * sup, pal.
  180. dragonsmith "hey,everyone."
  181. sanscipher: * Heya
  182. AskDogi: Hello!
  183. comicdings: oh, heya.
  184. AskDogi *Amy waves!
  185. Frisk: * Yo!
  186. mischief_rei: -Rei waves to Divine-
  187. acedetective1947: (( Wuz gud y'all ))
  188. Lady_Divine: "H-How are you all, t-today...?"
  189. dragonsmith *the dragon waves back.
  190. comicdings: relatively bored. hoping to make some new acquaintances.
  191. mischief_rei: "Tired, but ok."
  192. Streamersans: * this is a good place to do so.
  193. mischief_rei: "You?"
  194. comicdings: geh heh. good to hear.
  195. Coldsoul: * (Winter walks in and sits down, waving to the Dogi and to the Birb Frisk. Seems as if nothing went wrong in her timeline, but she feels a sense of deja-vu.)
  196. snowdinpoppy: *Hm? OH! Hi everyone!
  197. awakened_arti: ((Yo Ace
  198. Coldsoul: * H-hi...!
  199. acedetective1947: (( ayyy ))
  200. AskDogi: What would your pokemon teams, be, anyway?
  201. AskDogi: (Hey, winter~!)
  202. Frisk waves back to their friend, a cookie in their mouth.
  203. Lady_Divine: "Fr-Freezing..." Divine takes a seat on a couch.
  204. fallenfamily: "...We don't talk about that."
  205. sanscipher: * I'm glad to see another one of these, Sans. Even if it's short.
  206. comicdings: pokemon? oh, you mean the game. i don't really have time for it.
  207. AskDogi: Sans, Papyrus?
  208. Streamersans: * i try to sneak 'em in when i can.
  209. ModDoggo: * Heck if I know, all my Pokemon info comes from Elysia and she barely told me anything.
  210. dragonsmith *the dragon's sitting in the back,in a beanbag chair.
  211. Streamersans: * huh? oh. dunno.
  212. Streamersans: I WANT AN EEVEE!!
  213. comicdings: yikes
  214. comicdings is comically taken off guard by the shouting.
  215. snowdinpoppy: *I'd love an eevee too Mr. Papyrus!
  216. Coldsoul: * (She's uninjured, but she notices Poppy and waves. Is this Pokemon talk, she couldn't tell.) O-oh, h-hey Poppy!
  217. Streamersans gently pats his brother to calm his Overwhelming Desire for an Eevee. sh
  218. AskDogi: Yeah, eevees are cute...
  219. Frisk: * Tropius, uh, Venomoth! Venomoth's cool!
  220. snowdinpoppy: *Hm? Oh, hi Winter!
  221. AskDogi: I'd love one too!
  222. Streamersans: ((RPING THEM BOTH ON THIS NAME IS HARD))
  223. mischief_rei: lol, they are adorable, ant they Pap?
  225. Frisk: [[ johto journeys is a good arc
  226. Pikku: [There we go. All set. ouo ]
  227. AskDogi: (And if I got one, me and my hubbys' eevees would surely turn into sylveon~!)
  228. sanscipher: ((oh god im eating my snack so fast my tummy hurst i need to saavee itt but its goooddd...))
  229. mischief_rei: dudud dudu
  230. Asriel: ((I live!))
  231. Frisk: [[ waddup!!!
  233. fallenfamily: "I got a Cubone."
  234. dragonsmith *the dragon has various pokemon games around him.
  235. Pikku: [[Welcome!]]
  236. fallenfamily: "Which is interesting."
  237. ModDoggo: * Are there any that are really cool looking or have swords?...And maybe one in pink?
  238. fallenfamily: "To...think about."
  239. snowdinpoppy: *Hehe, I'd love to see that! We could have them with matching capes, Mr. Papyrus!
  240. mischief_rei: anyone play Stardew Valley?
  241. comicdings: well, i guess if i had to pick. [scrolling through his phone.] maybe uh... duskull.
  242. Coldsoul: * (Winter kicks her feet excitedly, smiling a little bit. She seems rather happy.) ... i-is everyone t-talking a-about P-Pokemon?
  243. awakened_arti: ((DOGGO
  244. Frisk: * There's a sword `mon!
  245. awakened_arti: ((there is literally
  246. awakened_arti: ((Sword pokemon
  247. fallenfamily totally isn't glancing at all the skeletons in the room.
  248. snowdinpoppy looks over towards Winter and nods her head.
  249. AskDogi: Uh... Doublade, i think?
  250. AskDogi: (Or aegislash..)
  251. comicdings glances right back.
  252. awakened_arti: ((Doublade and then Aegislash
  253. snowdinpoppy: *Uh huh! I made some pokeball cookies if you'd like one, Winter.
  254. ModDoggo: ((Yeah, I know that. But Doggo doesn't))
  255. Frisk: * Yep! Can't forget Honedge.
  256. fallenfamily Cubone is an odd concept to think about in present company.
  257. AskDogi: You can use aegislash as a sword and shield if it likes you~!
  258. awakened_arti: I was acyually talkin to Doggo
  259. comicdings: duskull, and... hmm. this is harder than i thought it would be.
  260. awakened_arti: since I don't have a character here : I
  261. Streamersans: * i met a cubone once. they were chill.
  263. comicdings: [judge, from offscreen: someone gave me a cubone once]
  264. Pikku: ... Is it Meta for a Pokemon to talk about Pokemon?
  265. dragonsmith "also,sans you left your sock by the tv again."
  266. mischief_rei: lol
  267. Coldsoul: * (She nods her head before perking up by what Poppy says. She nods.) Y-yeah! I bet t-they're g-good!
  268. Asriel: Oscar: Greetings everyone.
  269. AskDogi: Not really.
  270. Streamersans: ((blows kisses @ judge...))
  271. snowdinpoppy: *Yeah they are, go ahead and try one. Hi Oscar!
  272. sanscipher: >Cipher is resisting to eat more cereal from his box, but it tastes to good...
  273. ModDoggo: * Really? Cool!...Wait, wouldn't that hurt if I hit things with them?
  274. comicdings: [judge: oh no. the fourth wall has not protected me.]
  275. Asriel: Oscar: Hello, Poppy.
  277. fallenfamily: "Not really Doggo."
  278. fallenfamily: "They are literally like. Steel."
  279. mischief_rei: Gawd, experiencing bad lag
  280. comicdings: [judge: well, i've been hit. tell my bro i love him.]
  281. Streamersans: * i think i'd prefer a marowak, honestly.
  282. awakened_arti: Steel types are pretty strong Doggo
  283. Frisk: * They're also ghosts.
  284. mischief_rei: brb
  285. fallenfamily: "Also a Ghost type but don't think about that too much."
  286. Asriel: Oscar: What is everyone talking about?
  287. awakened_arti: The sword pokemon is literally a sword possessed by a spirit
  288. AskDogi: Lucario is cool, too!
  289. Streamersans: * and maybe a houndoom.
  290. ModDoggo: * Steel can still get damaged.
  291. Coldsoul: * (She gets up and walks over to Poppy and she takes one, smiling. She reaches a hand in her pocket and leaves a little paper star near her!) T-thanks!
  292. awakened_arti: Ghost types are my favorite dude
  293. comicdings: oh? i want a sword possessed by a spirit.
  294. Coldsoul: * (She walks back to her seat.)
  295. Coldsoul: (( brb ))
  296. dragonsmith "heh."
  297. comicdings: wait, this is still pokemon, isn't it. tch.
  298. Pikku: Hey-- We're talking about the Honedge line?
  299. snowdinpoppy: ((oh hell yeah))
  300. Frisk: * I love Flying types myself. I want my own flock to spend time with.
  301. AskDogi: Yeah.
  302. snowdinpoppy: *You're welcome Winter! Hope you like it!
  303. AskDogi: (We like steel and fighting types!)
  304. sanscipher: * Since we still got half an hour till the movie, who wants to guess what types we would all be if we were Pokemon?
  305. Asriel: Oscar: Hmm...I don't know of any possessed swords.
  306. ModDoggo: * Okay but do any Pokemon come in pink?
  307. AskDogi: Because we fight, and our axes are made of steel.
  308. awakened_arti: Plenty
  309. AskDogi: Plenty, yeah.
  310. awakened_arti: Clefairy
  311. awakened_arti: Jigglypuff
  312. awakened_arti: Ditto
  313. fallenfamily: "Outside of pokemon GO, gunna have to say Chandlure is my favorite"
  314. AskDogi: Wigglytuff!
  315. sanscipher: Lots of em do, Doggo
  316. Frisk: * Sylveon!
  317. snowdinpoppy bobs her head to the song and starts dancing around.
  318. comicdings: slowpoke apparently does
  319. Pikku: Munna's mostly Purple, but It's still pretty Pink
  320. mischief_rei: Types? Hmmmm...That's a toughie
  321. comicdings: uhh. lickitung too.
  322. sanscipher: Though, we're guessing our types
  323. Asriel: Oscar: What is a Pokemon?
  324. Pikku: Oh-- And spritzee
  325. AskDogi: Slowbro and slowking, too
  326. Pikku raises a paw
  327. AskDogi: (Yeah!)
  328. comicdings: yeah, those two.
  329. awakened_arti: I think you'd like Sylveon Doggo
  330. dragonsmith "i would have a team of dragon pokemon."
  331. Frisk: * I have no clue what type I'd be, honestly.
  332. mischief_rei: Rei mules over the idea. "Doggo would be Steel Type"
  333. snowdinpoppy: *Oooo, I saw what a Sylveon looks like. They're super pretty and I want one!
  334. fallenfamily: "Apparently that thing's flames feed off souls."
  335. awakened_arti: Or Ditto, since it can take the shape off whatever pokemon it sees
  336. sanscipher: Frisk, hmm...
  337. Streamersans: * probably normal/dark. i think paps would just be normal/fairy. | YES, PROBABLY!! FAIRY TYPES ARE GOOD.
  338. AskDogi: (hmm,)
  339. ModDoggo: * Those are just random words to me, you know. Show me Sylveon.
  340. comicdings: i don't know what type i'd be. dark, i guess.
  341. comicdings: you too, huh?
  342. Frisk: * Don't say Flying, that's too obvious.
  343. acedetective1947: (( Alright, let's be real. Who's the one person in here that prefers Digimon? There's always at least one ))
  344. AskDogi *Amy whips his phone out and starts looking it up.
  345. snowdinpoppy: *If I can't have a Sylveon...a plushie would be okay!
  346. mischief_rei: ME ACE
  347. Frisk: [[ tbh i like both :'
  348. fallenfamily: "Grass may be mine?"
  349. comicdings: oh, miltank is also pink.
  350. Asriel: ((Me, Ace))
  351. acedetective1947: (( Gud ))
  352. Streamersans: ((i don't Prefer it but /quietly pets gatomon beanbags))
  353. mischief_rei: Freaken Digigmon ftw
  354. acedetective1947: (( Diversity ))
  355. comicdings: [Screaming in the background. Miltank.]
  356. awakened_arti: ((permission to show doggo a link?
  357. mischief_rei: can't freaken type
  358. fallenfamily: "Have a habit of picking one up for my team most of the time."
  359. Streamersans: ((go for it))
  360. awakened_arti: here ya go Doggo
  361. snowdinpoppy: *See Mr. Doggo, isn't it pretty?
  362. espetale: .o.
  363. comicdings: (miltank is one of a handful of pokemon i can never love because of gym leaders)
  364. Asriel: Oscar: I feel left out. What is a pikeman?
  365. Streamersans: * i bet mettaton would have a sylveon.
  366. snowdinpoppy: *Pokemon are little creatures that have special powers Oscar!
  367. Streamersans: * it's showy.
  368. ModDoggo: * Holy crap it's adorable
  369. Pikku raises a paw again
  370. Asriel: Oscar: Oh, so like monsters?
  371. awakened_arti: Called it B]
  372. snowdinpoppy: *See? Isn't it?
  373. AskDogi: It is!
  374. Pikku: I'm one of like-- 700 now?
  375. snowdinpoppy: *Kinda Oscar
  376. sanscipher: I think I'd be some sort of Ghost Psychic or Ghost Fairy, I dunno.
  377. comicdings: would mettaton have a ghost-type?
  378. ModDoggo: * Its like if you were a Pokemon, Poppy!
  379. snowdinpoppy blushes and giggles.
  380. awakened_arti: Mettaton would likely be a Rotom!
  381. AskDogi: ((afk))
  382. snowdinpoppy: *Me? A Sylveon?
  383. Frisk: * Golurk, though. Like, it's a flying robot!
  384. awakened_arti: Electric/Ghost type!
  385. awakened_arti: And my fave pokemon tbh
  386. comicdings: a... hold on, let me look that up.
  387. AskDogi *The Dogi space out a bit and nuzzle with each other.
  388. sanscipher: MTT would probably be a Ghost/Steel type
  389. Asriel: Oscar: So, the way you describe them, pokemon are classified by the magic they use?
  390. Streamersans: * yeah.
  391. pocketfrisk: (( oh my god ))
  392. snowdinpoppy: *Yeah, they have different elements and powers
  393. mischief_rei: Hmm, I'd see Sans and Pap as Psychic
  394. ModDoggo: * Yeah! Unless you have a better one
  395. comicdings: oh, if that's so, then i'd be a ground-dark type.
  396. comicdings: does that even exist.
  397. snowdinpoppy: *Hehehe, I would be a Sylveon! I wish I could have one.
  398. ModDoggo: * Cause I only know like....5 different ones
  399. awakened_arti: comicdings there is!
  400. pocketfrisk: (( i've been looking for this 3ds vault. for about. 1 hour. and i just realized. it was on my desk
  401. Frisk: * I guess I'm a Staraptor.
  402. Streamersans: ()
  403. sanscipher: Maybe even Steel/Phsycic, since robots are made of Metal and Magic
  404. Asriel: Oscar: that case, what class would you define me as if I were a 'pokemon'?
  405. espetale: * Oh man, movie with Sans .o.
  406. awakened_arti: I beleive it's Hippowdon but it could just be ground
  407. Streamersans: ((oh ))
  408. Streamersans: (( rip * ))
  409. Streamersans: ((fucking custom emojis i hate this website))
  410. comicdings: uh, there's a crocodile that's ground-dark.
  411. snowdinpoppy: *Hmmmm, I don't know...there should be a pokemon thats like you, Oscar
  412. comicdings: yeah, i could work with that.
  413. awakened_arti: I said rotom simply because it's a ghost that can posses electronics in canon
  414. stillmeChara: Can I be a knife-type Pokemon?
  415. comicdings: bisharp.
  416. awakened_arti: so it would be most like Mettaton as a ghost in a robot body
  417. ModDoggo mentally notes to find a Sylveon for Poppy, or at least the closest thing to it
  418. stillmeChara: ...true.
  419. comicdings: yep.
  420. sanscipher: Knife? Fighting type pokemon
  421. stillmeChara: But my favorite was always Azelf!
  422. stillmeChara: So obviously I'd be Psychic~
  423. snowdinpoppy: *A Mew is really cute too.
  424. snowdinpoppy: *Oh! A Mew is pink too, Mr. Doggo!
  425. Asriel: Oscar: I see, so, I am a Bisharp according to you?
  426. comicdings: nah you'd be a dark type.
  427. espetale: * Hope I make it before the movie starts. I need to do something real quick.
  428. stillmeChara: What? No!
  429. Streamersans: * mew is good.
  430. comicdings: wh? no i wasn't talking to you.
  431. stillmeChara: Azelf is 100% Psychic.
  432. sanscipher: So... Fighting/Dark?
  433. stillmeChara: Oh, OK~
  434. AskDogi *The Dogi snap back to reality.
  435. comicdings: oh my god. nevermind.
  436. AskDogi: (muh...?)
  437. AskDogi: What'd we miss?
  438. Asriel: Oscar: Oh, my bad.
  439. stillmeChara: Well, Azelf is the Being of Willpower!
  440. ModDoggo: * Okay hold on, i'll look that one up on my phone.
  441. pocketfrisk: * i think i'd be a tiny pokemon. but i don't really know any tiny pokemon..
  442. Frisk: * I like one of those news ones, too. [ Taps a finger to their chin. ]
  443. Frisk: * Solgaleo..?
  444. stillmeChara: When it flew, people gained the determination to do things!
  445. stillmeChara: Joltik is pretty tiny.
  446. AskDogi: Mew's great, yeah!
  447. snowdinpoppy: *Oh, we're just talking about Pokemon Mr. Amy, Mrs. Ressa.
  448. ModDoggo: * ...Oh, yeah its cute!
  449. AskDogi: Hey, little frisk.
  450. snowdinpoppy: *Mr. Doggo said if I was a pokemon, I'd be a Sylveon!
  451. AskDogi: You'd be Joltik!
  452. pocketfrisk: * and there was also that one.. flabebe!
  453. Streamersans: * heheheheheheh.
  454. AskDogi: (Probably..)
  455. pocketfrisk: * oh! uhm.. hello.
  456. snowdinpoppy: ((good song ))
  457. awakened_arti: ((YESSS
  458. Asriel: Oscar: I am unfamiliar with pokemon.
  459. espetale: * Well, I'm waiting until my family is ready, then I'll be right back.
  460. Asriel: ((Omfg))
  461. awakened_arti: ((CHILLS
  462. comicdings: oh. heh.
  463. sanscipher: * PERFECT song!
  464. snowdinpoppy giggles and sings along.
  465. Frisk: [[ pokemon and chill
  466. awakened_arti: ((IM HURTING FROM NOSTALGIA
  467. AskDogi: (We'd both be Lucario!)
  468. sanscipher: ((NOOO my snacks gone and my tummy hurts ;-
  469. awakened_arti: ((Tenta get out of my apartment lol
  470. Asriel: Oscar: Oh, this song might answer my question.
  471. AskDogi: I'd be male, and Ressa'd be female, but we both would be Lucario.
  472. pocketfrisk: * what's better, pokemon sapphire or pokemon y?
  473. sanscipher: ((umm i meant a ; - ; ))
  474. AskDogi *Amy shivers.
  475. ModDoggo: * Well I know which one i'd be! That green and black dog one with the scarf, forget the name
  476. AskDogi: Don't make me choose between my babies..
  477. awakened_arti: Zygarde?
  478. AskDogi: Zygarde?
  479. comicdings: zygarde.
  480. Streamersans: * zygarde.
  481. Frisk: * Zygarde 50 percent?
  482. pocketfrisk: * oh! that one's a zygarde.
  483. awakened_arti: Doggo lmao
  484. AskDogi: (Zygarde!)
  485. ModDoggo: * Yeah that one
  486. Streamersans: ((wheezes))
  487. comicdings: immediate reaction.
  488. snowdinpoppy: *Hehehe, I know which one you're talking about
  489. Asriel: Lautrec: I'm Steel and Poison.
  490. comicdings: heh heh heh.
  491. awakened_arti: That's a legendary and it turns into
  492. awakened_arti: like
  493. awakened_arti: a snake
  494. Asriel: Oscar: *He keeps listening to the song*
  495. AskDogi: A bunch of different things.
  496. awakened_arti: then a giant mech...thing
  497. comicdings: [looks mildly distressed at his own laugh.]
  498. ModDoggo: * Okay I like the dog part and the mech part
  499. Frisk: * I'd be a Staraptor, definitely! I'm bold and fast!
  500. comicdings: oh, by the way. have we introduced ourselves?
  501. comicdings: just wanted to know if i missed that or something.
  502. Streamersans: * i don't believe so.
  503. Frisk pumps fists in the air, chirping.
  504. muffetbae: [[yo.]]
  505. ModDoggo: * Snake part, ehhhh
  506. comicdings: well. might want to get that out of the way.
  507. Streamersans: ((SAMUUUUU))
  508. snowdinpoppy: ((Samu!))
  509. comicdings: if i may suggest it.
  510. comicdings: (HOWDY)
  511. Frisk: [[ samu u nerd
  512. ModDoggo: ((Hey Samu!))
  513. snowdinpoppy: *Hi Ms. Muffet!!
  514. muffetbae: [[ey babs.]
  515. sanscipher: * What's that pokemon that uses it's tongue as a scarf again?
  516. sans gave Mod status to muffetbae
  517. awakened_arti: ((Sup Samu~!
  518. Modmuffetbae: *Hello, deary.
  519. Asriel: ((SAMUUUUUUUUUU!!))
  520. pocketfrisk: * i haven't met one of you. internally, i'm screaming, but it doesn't seem like any of you are going to kill me. so. that's good. and we're talking about pokemon! which is always fun. i didn't know they had it in the underground.
  521. AskDogi: ((AYY SAMU))
  522. Modmuffetbae: [[hello everyone..]]
  523. Frisk: * Greninja!
  524. snowdinpoppy: *Ms. Muffet, I made pokeball cookies if you'd like one!
  525. pocketfrisk: (Hell. )
  526. AskDogi: No, this is a neutral ground.
  527. comicdings: that's not exactly an introduction, but...
  528. mischief_rei: Woooork you stupid internet BOX!
  529. comicdings: well, technically it is.
  530. AskDogi: No human-killing here!
  531. pocketfrisk: (WHAT
  532. Modmuffetbae: [[i might not be like.. totally active. my mental state is shit rn.]]
  533. AskDogi: (( ;v; *hugs ))
  534. Modmuffetbae: [[but im here]]
  535. Asriel: Oscar: I guess, I would be a Fire type?
  536. comicdings: (take care of yourself. unu)
  537. snowdinpoppy: ((Its all good *pats*))
  538. Streamersans: ((hugs a loT))
  539. mischief_rei: ~.~ of course this crud happens now
  540. Frisk: [[ awww hopefully u feel better friend ;v;
  541. acedetective1947: (( Same though ))
  542. pocketfrisk: * yeah, greninja.
  543. Asriel: ((Pats the cute Samu))
  544. awakened_arti: ((TBH Samu I think some nostalgic Pokemon content is excellent for a shitty mood~
  545. mischief_rei: Heya muffet. :3
  546. awakened_arti: ((Good vibes and such
  547. Modmuffetbae: *Hello, deary!
  548. comicdings: so. uh. as i was saying. introductions. unless we're not doing that. which is fine, too.
  549. AskDogi: (Hey, Muffet~)
  550. Modmuffetbae: [[ i thought so too. s'why im here.]]
  551. AskDogi: Hello, Muffet.
  552. comicdings: i'm fine with remaining an enigma.
  553. ModDoggo: * Anyway, again, I only know like 6 different Pokemon so if you got a better idea
  554. Modmuffetbae: *Hello, you two.
  555. Streamersans: * well. i mean. a lot of folks here already know each other.
  556. awakened_arti: ((I hope ya feel better Samu~!
  557. snowdinpoppy: *Hehe, its okay Mr. Doggo.
  558. awakened_arti: ((SICK
  559. Modmuffetbae: [[thank you bab.]]
  560. comicdings: and those who just got here?
  561. sanscipher: ((Everyone here is my senpai now.))
  562. Asriel: Oscar: Hello there, Miss Muffet.
  563. comicdings: eh.
  564. AskDogi: How're you doing tonight?
  565. mischief_rei: introductions sounds ok
  566. AskDogi: (Introductions?)
  567. snowdinpoppy: *I wanna become one of the Elite Four, with cute pokemon!
  569. Modmuffetbae curtsies
  570. awakened_arti: ((Four*
  571. Streamersans: * i would hope everyone here knows who i am. this is my house. | IT'S MY HOUSE TOO!! | * yes.
  572. AskDogi *Ressa's paying attention, as usual.
  573. Modmuffetbae sits next to her favorite skeleton
  574. comicdings: yeah, i've seen you in passing.
  575. mischief_rei: lol, yes, we know
  576. awakened_arti: I may have snuck in the back way
  577. Asriel: Oscar: Who are the Elite Four?
  578. Frisk: * Yeah, obviously, I'm Frisk. The Determinator, the Egg Hatcher!
  579. Streamersans snuggles Muffet. Papyrus gives them room.
  580. awakened_arti: Sorry Sans, there was a pokemon I wanted in here
  581. ModDoggo: * I dunno what that means but im sure you'll be the best Elite 4 ever, sis!
  582. pocketfrisk: (( guys i have the file of my old friend who stole my level 100 jolteon, what do i do to it as revenge for jolteon ))
  583. snowdinpoppy: *The Elite Four are trainers that are the best of the best.
  584. AskDogi: Four pokemon trainers that are the best there are, simple!
  585. Streamersans: * stop stealing my cool house pokemon.
  586. pocketfrisk: (( also he doesnt have a 2ds anymore lma ))
  587. Modmuffetbae pulls paps over too. Get in here u tall boney nerd
  588. pocketfrisk: (( lmao ))
  589. AskDogi: (Hey, Doggo, wanna snuggle?)
  590. ModDoggo: * Well then, you'll be the best of the best of the best!
  591. ModDoggo: * I think
  592. awakened_arti: YEah Doggo, there are the 4 trainers you battle before the Pokemon Champion
  593. snowdinpoppy: *Hehe yeah!
  594. Asriel: Lautrec: I should be a member of the Elite Four then.
  595. stillmeChara: Technically speaking, the Elite Four are the second, third, fourth, and fifth best!
  596. awakened_arti: Who is the best out of everyone in the entire region
  597. mischief_rei: I used to go by Farren's Fandoms, but I changed to center my muse more; Rei. Pleasure to meet you all
  598. Streamersans | Papyrus makes an awkward little squawking sound. But this is fine.
  599. comicdings seems more interested in picking at the carpet now.
  600. stillmeChara: The 'best of the best' is the Champion of the Pokemon League!
  601. awakened_arti: That is actually the end goal in most Pokemon games
  602. comicdings: (brb)
  603. pocketfrisk: * one question i ask, is: what is the name of the human with bird features?
  604. Streamersans waves a hand and uses magic to deposit a single cookie on comicdings.
  605. sanscipher: * Fifteen minutes, everyone!
  606. Frisk: * We can't forget the Professors!
  607. Asriel: Lautrec: I want cunning pokemon.
  608. AskDogi: (They're pretty good, too!)
  609. AskDogi: We want reliable, honorable pokemon!
  610. awakened_arti: to become the Champion!
  611. AskDogi: But nice is good, too...
  612. pocketfrisk: [ Frisk pokes Frisk. ] * what's your name? no reason. just.. asking.
  613. stillmeChara: Reliable?
  614. ModDoggo: * I'll just take the cool looking ones or the pink ones.
  615. stillmeChara: Honorable?
  616. Modmuffetbae paps voice NO FIGHTING. sans voice (shakira shakira)
  617. stillmeChara: No, what you want is strong Pokemon!
  618. Frisk: * Mhm, awfully important too! Juniper is..! [ They halt their rambling and turned to the tiny Frisk and blinking. ]
  619. Streamersans snorts.
  620. awakened_arti: Honestly you can be strong AND have cute pokemon
  621. comicdings: oh. thanks.
  622. pocketfrisk: [ Frisk whimpers, a bit scared. ]
  623. Frisk: * Frisk. No last name, it's just Frisk!
  624. Modmuffetbae mun ain't apologizing for that it was hecking funny.
  625. sanscipher: *Hey, where are those Pokéball cookies I've heard about?
  626. mischief_rei: Exactly. Look at Wigglytuff
  627. stillmeChara: Also, cute Pokemon. Ideally, you want a Pokemon that is both strong and cute!
  628. snowdinpoppy: *Oh! Right here! I still got plenty!
  629. mischief_rei: Cute and freaken hulk-like
  630. snowdinpoppy: *They're on the refreshment table
  631. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa finally go sit down on a couch, getting nice and comfy.
  632. sanscipher: * Ah, thanks.
  633. ModDoggo: * Anyway, yeah, sure, Amy and Ress, we can cuddle.
  634. sanscipher: * Didn't see that
  635. stillmeChara: ...You know what'd go great with this movie night?
  636. stillmeChara: Jelly donuts.
  637. comicdings: messy.
  638. Streamersans SNORTS.
  639. AskDogi *There's a space between them they leave for a certain hot doggy.
  640. comicdings: i want it.
  641. Asriel: Lautrec: What's a really smart and sneaky pokemon?
  642. mischief_rei: You had to say donuts? ~.~
  643. Streamersans: * jelly onigiri.
  644. mischief_rei: I wannnnt
  645. comicdings: (i found. pokemon 2000 MLG.)
  646. ModDoggo plops right down in that space.
  647. awakened_arti: ((OH YEAH
  648. snowdinpoppy: ((awww man, nostalgia here))
  649. comicdings: (im laughing.)
  650. awakened_arti: ((TO VIRIDIAN CITYYYYYYYYY
  651. Asriel: ((freaking wow))
  652. Frisk: [[ on the ROAD
  653. pocketfrisk: * huh? f-frisk? t-that.. that's strange..
  654. comicdings: (i'd link it here but. nah)
  655. pocketfrisk: * that's my name too.
  656. mischief_rei: Oh gawd, that reminds me of when I did exactly that. I made Jelly filled Onigiri when I was middle schooler
  657. Frisk adjusts their seat on the couch, shrugging.
  658. AskDogi *The Dogi squeeze just a bit closer to Doggo, laying their heads on his shoulders, hugging him tight in a soft embrace, though not the most fuzzy because of their cloaks.
  659. awakened_arti: Look at this lady Doggo
  660. awakened_arti:
  661. comicdings: (OH GOD)
  662. comicdings: (THAT'S MY IRL NAME)
  663. awakened_arti: One of the Elite four AND cute pokemon
  664. comicdings: (THAT'S TOO SPOOKY)
  665. comicdings: (GET RID OF IT)
  666. Asriel: ((So Spoopy)
  667. sanscipher: >Cipher picks up a Pokéball cookie and walks back to where he was.
  668. mischief_rei: It was not as appealing as all that.
  669. snowdinpoppy dances around to the music. Shes having a great time!
  670. Frisk: * I've met like a few with my name, it's nothin' special. Those are, uh, alternates, of course.
  671. pocketfrisk: * what?
  672. ModDoggo puts his arms around the Dogi, squeezing them close
  673. comicdings just eats the cookie whole.
  674. AskDogi *Amy's bobbing his head to the music.
  675. ModDoggo: * Thats a LOT of hair on that lady.
  676. sanscipher: * Oh my god I just remembered
  677. pocketfrisk: * what.. what's an alternate? as far as i know, there's only me that's me.
  678. sanscipher: * Hey Sans, can I check your closet real quick?
  681. ----------------------
  684. Asriel: ((TENTA
  685. 8bitoperator: they look bigger. im pretty sure they just. fuse
  686. Coldsoul: * (She rubs her back with her hand, sliding out from under the couch.) D-don't do that W-Wander!
  687. fallenfamily: (Can't believe tent- oh they live.)
  688. thetruehalfblood: *sans?
  689. pocketfrisk: * frisk, how do i introduce myself to winter?
  690. comicdings: yea?
  691. asgore: camp sucks theres bugs everywhere and death))
  692. lastchanceflowey: * There are three other eggs on the back.
  693. sanstheskell: * SURE THEY WERE BROCK
  694. Coldsoul: (( sudenly everything becomes shaded ))
  695. wanderandward: -Hey your fault for hiding under there heh.-
  696. Asriel: ((There is no Brock, only Tracy))
  697. Frisk: * Be casual, Frisk!
  698. fallenfamily: "That is irresponsible care of your pokemon how dare you."
  699. awakened_arti: GOD ITS SO CHEESY I LOVE
  700. asgore: boy isnt it))
  701. Frisk: [[ tracy was one of my inspirations to draw believe it
  702. Streamersans: ((WHO'S READY TO CRY))
  703. AskDogi: (( when i think pokemon movie ))
  704. Frisk: [[ ME
  705. sanstheskell: ((boi))
  706. AskDogi: (( i think ))
  707. Frisk: [[ i have a tissue box nearby ;w;
  708. comicdings: (IM ALWAYS READY)
  709. ModDoggo: ((Always ready))
  710. foxysierra: (has tissues, I'm ready)
  711. comicdings: (FOR TEARS)
  712. AskDogi: (( vacation's where i wanna be ))
  713. 8bitoperator: {{I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENS BUT IM SCARED}}
  714. pocketfrisk: * i don't know how to be casual, i've been living homeless in snowdin for 3 years. i have made no social interaction in that time.
  715. Coldsoul: * (She notices Poppy and gives another wave. She forgot that she said hi.)
  716. Asriel: ((Ready Spaghetti-os))
  717. awakened_arti: This is the story
  718. AskDogi: (( repeat after me i need a vacation ))
  719. asgore: OH RIGHT this is my favorite one))
  720. Coldsoul: * (She climbs back up onto the couch.)
  722. awakened_arti: of why Team Mystic, Instinct and Valor should be friends
  723. fallenfamily: "Aren't those Hibiscus?"
  724. snowdinpoppy: *Ooo, pretty flowers.
  725. AskDogi: (Yeah, they are pretty.)
  726. comicdings is eating grapes on the ceiling.
  727. 8bitoperator: no way, screw that
  728. sanstheskell: * hey it's ok, no matter what team you are you'll only hold a gym for a day
  729. foxysierra: (funny how this predicted the conflict with pokemon go)
  730. Coldsoul: (( the world dusts ))
  731. lastchanceflowey: [[ team harmony ]]
  732. Frisk clasps their hands together, leaning in to watch closely.
  733. 8bitoperator: i'm team mystic and i'm gonna win
  734. AskDogi: Sounds like a prophecy to me.
  735. Asriel: Oscar: .....A prophecy of apocalypse.
  736. AskDogi: Team mystic here, too!
  737. awakened_arti: I love this movie
  738. Coldsoul: * (Winter scoots right over to Frisk and reaches over to poke their cheek.)
  739. wanderandward: -Ah new riend is here! Hey there poppy!-
  740. Streamersans: ((MYSTIC REPRESENT))
  741. Coldsoul: * Boop!
  742. fallenfamily: "Mystic."
  743. AskDogi: (Go team mystic~!)
  744. awakened_arti: Team Instinct for life
  745. 8bitoperator: as soon as, like. my phone stops thinking i've been at this surface restaurant for three days straight.
  746. comicdings: (aLL of yall are going to DESTROY THE WORLD)
  747. sanstheskell: ((WHATS THE BLUE ONE AGAIN. TEAM MYSTIC))
  748. 8bitoperator: {YE}
  749. sanstheskell: ((YE IM BLUE))
  750. ModDoggo: ((Fuck Mystic, GOTTA GO VALOR))
  751. Frisk: [[ lmao im on team i dont own pokemon go
  752. asgore: team instinct because what the hell is impulse control))
  753. fallenfamily: "I like this tech speech filter."
  754. Coldsoul: (( team mystic ))
  755. Asriel: Lautrec: Titans are birds?
  756. 8bitoperator: {i was about to join team instinct but all my friends are mystic So}
  757. Asriel: ((THAT COMPUTER IS LYING!))
  758. comicdings: (he looks like a yugioh antagonist)
  759. sanscipher has set a bowl under comicdings for any grapes that fall down for him to eat instead.
  760. sanstheskell: * what the fuck
  761. comicdings: ok, rude
  762. Frisk coos, glancing at Winter to poke back.
  763. fallenfamily: "Airship."
  764. AskDogi: (( better pick those grapes up offa the grrroooounnd ))
  765. sanstheskell: * bullshit
  766. Coldsoul: * (She squeaks before counter-poking! Poke poke poke.)
  767. comicdings: how much money did he sink into this
  768. Asriel: Oscar: It Flies?
  769. snowdinpoppy: *Thats....big
  770. asgore: thats a big fortress holy hell))
  771. ModDoggo: ((Isnt it weird that this man in the Pokemon world has a biblical mural in his high tech super base))
  772. sanstheskell: * bull fucking shit that thing wouldn't be able to fly
  773. comicdings: what's an economy
  774. 8bitoperator: ok there's like no way this should work
  775. Frisk: * Oh dang, how is that even working?
  776. AskDogi: Sky fortress!
  777. lastchanceflowey: [[ this man has "fuck you" money ]]
  778. thetruehalfblood: ((If i would choose a team,valor would be my team))
  779. sanscipher: * That's a, uhh, big.. whatever it is...
  780. fallenfamily: ((reasons.))
  781. fallenfamily: ".... is he playing chess?"
  782. ModDoggo: * It works. Thats how
  783. comicdings: wow ok if you were firing ice at my island i'd come to mess you up too
  784. sanstheskell: * realistically that thing shouldn't be able to fly how the h e l l is it flying
  785. Asriel: Oscar: It's shooting Ice Magic?
  786. sanscipher: * My GOD
  787. AskDogi: (Dunno... Magic?)
  788. comicdings: that's rude
  789. sanscipher: * I want one
  790. Frisk: [[ id make my own team and it's called team jade. come join if you love pasta and life deers
  791. AskDogi: (Ice magic, yeah!)
  792. pocketfrisk: * frisk being around other people makes me nervous. can i lie down in your hair?
  793. undauntedgunner: I want a gun that can do that.
  794. snowdinpoppy: *Uh oh...I think someones angry.
  795. Coldsoul: * I c-can do i-i-ice magic!
  796. comicdings: yes, he's playing chess. with living creatures
  797. AskDogi: He's pitting the birds against each other, I think...
  798. Coldsoul: * K-kinda! I-I'm bad a-at it!
  799. fallenfamily: "He's trying to bring inbalance."
  800. comicdings: alright. i'm sure this isn't a metaphor.
  801. Asriel: Lautrec: That's a freaking Chicken.
  802. fallenfamily: "To lure it out."
  803. Coldsoul: (( FIRE BIRB ))
  804. ModDoggo: * Is that a bird on fire?
  805. Frisk: * IT'S ME.
  806. comicdings: yes.
  807. 8bitoperator: listen i think we can catch a literal god without violence
  808. AskDogi: (It is!)
  809. sanscipher: * I want a ship like that
  810. ModDoggo: * I want that one.
  811. AskDogi: !!
  812. snowdinpoppy: *Oh no!
  813. sanstheskell: * how the fuck do THOSE WORK
  814. Coldsoul: (( *bird screaming* ))
  815. fallenfamily: "Well it's gone now."
  816. comicdings: probably the same way a pokeball works
  817. Frisk: * Also, if you wanna lie in my hair, I don't recommend it. I haven't brushed it in weeks.
  818. Asriel: Lautrec: If it Resists, then yes, you fight to catch a god.
  819. ModDoggo: * OH! HEY!!
  820. 8bitoperator: what kind of CHESS
  821. undauntedgunner: Sans, technology is amazing.
  822. AskDogi: (He is a JERK.)
  824. ModDoggo: * Let the bird go!
  825. AskDogi: (a jerky jerk jerk.)
  826. awyeahson: (my old account refused to log in so i had to make a new one with an incredibly punny name)
  827. Frisk: * They're legendaries, what the HECK MAN.
  828. asgore: fucked up chess))
  829. fallenfamily: "So it is gone forever."
  830. comicdings: oh, isn't the point of your games to catch legendaries?
  831. awyeahson: ( I was here already earlier)
  832. AskDogi: What's that song..?
  833. foxysierra: (lugia's cry gives me shivers
  834. Frisk: * Finger wings.
  835. foxysierra: (I'm not alone, right?
  836. Coldsoul: * Y-yeah, r-right, Ressa! A j-jerk.
  837. awyeahson: (Aw yeah, son -- Allison ))
  838. awakened_arti: ((totally
  839. comicdings: (I love this opening so much)
  840. Asriel: Lautrec: He caught the Chicken. Let's cook it now.
  841. sanstheskell: * there is no realistic way for those two rings to have enough technology inside them to be able to do THAT, scan.
  842. Frisk: * Also, it's to beat the leagues. Not catch `em!
  843. AskDogi: (METAL.)
  844. comicdings: (because i'm LAME)
  845. sanscipher Idly reaches into the grape-catching bowl. No grapes yet.
  846. AskDogi: (SO METAL.)
  847. wanderandward: -Ugh, thanks.-
  848. Streamersans: ((it's so painfully 2000s))
  849. asgore: isnt it__
  850. asgore: ))*
  851. AskDogi: (( i know ))
  852. foxysierra: (feel my pain
  853. thetruehalfblood: *i try to grab doggo's attention, but fail*
  854. comicdings: oh god
  855. AskDogi: (( that's my aesthetic and i love it ))
  856. Coldsoul: (( oh god ))
  857. Asriel: Oscar: Actually, didn't that fire bird kinda look like Capital?
  858. comicdings: i didn't expect the sudden narrator
  859. foxysierra: (I had to survive 90s and 2000s)
  860. fallenfamily: "WHO IS THAT SPEAKING."
  861. awyeahson: (( i was around for the rescue adventure thing but darn you @login process)
  862. 8bitoperator: pikachu youre gonna fall into the ocean
  863. Coldsoul: (( AAAAAA ))
  864. Frisk: [[ MY BOY TRACY
  865. snowdinpoppy: ((>>)
  866. awyeahson: A narrator.
  867. Streamersans: * just the narrator.
  868. fallenfamily: "WHERE IS THIS MAGIC MAN."
  869. Coldsoul: (( NOSTALGIA ))
  870. sanscipher: * It's god
  871. AskDogi: I hope pikachu can swim.
  872. comicdings: narrator. chill.
  873. Modmuffetbae: [[im back /w pasta]]
  874. awakened_arti: AH ASH AND MISTY
  875. sanstheskell: * everything is cold and snowing back in my timeline
  876. snowdinpoppy: ((wb))
  877. asgore: it'll be his greatest... UNTIL THE NEXT MOVIE,))
  878. Streamersans: ((i smooch the samu))
  879. ModDoggo: ((Is it good pasta, Samu))
  880. fallenfamily: "I'm joking."
  881. lastchanceflowey: [[ FUCK YOU TRACY ]]
  882. Frisk: * Pokemon time! Awww yeah!
  883. Coldsoul: (( no ))
  884. awakened_arti: YEAH BOY
  885. comicdings: that's a big pokemon.
  886. foxysierra: (the boat driver looks like the protagonist of gold/silver with green hair
  887. asgore: on which note))
  888. fallenfamily: "O hey, Lapras!"
  889. snowdinpoppy: *Oo wow
  890. Frisk: [[ how dare u say that about tracy i love tracy
  891. AskDogi: (( all your pain will soon be in your past(a) ))
  892. asgore: has anyone caught a lapras))
  893. Coldsoul: (( pls ))
  894. comicdings: (no but i got a snorlax!)
  895. awyeahson: I can relate to Togepi on a personal level...
  896. fallenfamily: (someone on my campus did.)
  897. sanstheskell: ((i wanna replay a pokemon game. do a nuzlocke or something))
  898. 8bitoperator: {I ACTUALLY HAVE A SCYTHER}
  899. asgore: my dad caught an aerodactyl))
  900. fallenfamily: (it's leader at one of the gyms.)
  901. sanscipher: ((Autotune))
  902. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa sing along!
  903. Frisk dances along, tweeting to the music. Bless.
  904. comicdings: (im sorry but if you are a togepi you are now my child i dont make the rules. im togekiss)
  905. foxysierra: (here I am in the middle of nowhere
  906. undauntedgunner: (( i just want honedge or doublade or aegislash
  907. fallenfamily: (scyther and Pincer.)
  908. sanstheskell: ((i keep catching water types nowhere near water???))
  909. Frisk: * We all live in the Pokemon wooorld~!
  910. foxysierra: (can't catch much other than birds, bugs, and zubat
  911. asgore: im just waiting for it to get to the other gens))
  912. comicdings: oh
  913. Asriel: Lautrec: I want that Green Sword arms thing.
  914. undauntedgunner: (( but my phone doesnt support pokemon go..
  915. awakened_arti: GG ASH
  916. fallenfamily: "Snorlax was A MISTAKE."
  917. Frisk: [[ to people with pokemon go, can i have a water bottle and catch a pokemon near it
  918. Streamersans: ((it me))
  919. asgore: i really want a beheeyem.))
  920. Frisk: [[ its u!!!
  921. comicdings: (petal faster tenta)
  922. pocketfrisk scoots closer to Winter.
  923. awakened_arti: THE TEAM
  924. AskDogi: Uh.
  925. Modmuffetbae: [[smooches tenta and doggo]]
  926. awakened_arti: MY FAVES
  927. Streamersans: ((MAKE ME))
  928. comicdings: (FASTER NERD)
  929. Frisk: [[ beheeyem is such a good pokemon ;A;
  930. pocketfrisk: * u-uhm.. hello! uhm. what's your name?
  931. sanstheskell: ((i caught a squirtle, at least five staryu, and one poliwag. nowhere near water.))
  932. asgore: img oign to fuckin drag myself to goddamn flatwoods to get a beheeyem))
  933. comicdings: (i caught a goldeen at a construction site)
  934. AskDogi: (( smooches samu and tenta and joe and everyone ))
  935. asgore: they're my favorite pokemon))
  936. Frisk: * A storm? Huh.
  937. acedetective1947: (( I didn't know Kanye West sung the pokemon theme song ))
  938. AskDogi: (( because u all deserve smooches ))
  939. asgore: i love them so much even if they're slow))
  940. sanstheskell: * sudden storm because this movie needed conflict
  941. ModDoggo: ((*Smooches Samu*))
  942. 8bitoperator: zoinks!
  943. awyeahson is a togepi. Allison is now a cute egg baby. Finally
  944. fallenfamily: (fucking burns up how dare u cro)
  945. comicdings: i think it might be related to the catching of the firebird.
  946. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks at the Frisk that is scooting by her.) O-oh? H-hello! How a-are you?
  947. Asriel: Oscar: How?
  948. AskDogi: (That was sudden!)
  949. Coldsoul: * E-erm, m-my name i-is Winter!
  950. fallenfamily: "Imbalance."
  951. comicdings: don't know. i've never seen this.
  952. Asriel: Oscar: It's a Firebird, not an ocean bird.
  953. awyeahson: ((there's no pocket go in my area. i live in SEA so))
  954. Coldsoul: (( do not smooch me ))
  955. fallenfamily: "With it,brings chaos."
  956. comicdings: heat directly affects currents.
  957. asgore: i like how they either make cute pokemon sounds or make their own noise and then staryu just 'AAH')
  958. sanstheskell: * holy shit that is one big magikarp
  959. comicdings: temperature and all that.
  960. AskDogi: (That is a LOT of magikarp.)
  961. awyeahson: ((there))
  962. asgore: i relate to staryu))
  963. sanscipher: * Carp carp
  964. Frisk flies off to get a few more cookies and heads back to their seat, munching away.
  965. AskDogi: Pikachu is determined.
  966. pocketfrisk: * o-oh!! okay. uhm. my name is frisk! and.. uh.. i'm fine.. right now!
  967. Frisk: * Determination.
  968. 8bitoperator: y'all
  969. Frisk puffs chest out.
  970. Asriel: Oscar: What's making that noise.
  971. AskDogi: There's that cry, again....
  972. snowdinpoppy nibbles on a cookie and stares at the screen.
  973. 8bitoperator: is lugia the loch ness
  974. awyeahson: What's a loch ness?
  975. comicdings drops a grape.
  976. Coldsoul: * O-oh! N-neat!
  977. fallenfamily: "Really."
  978. Frisk: * A locked Ness.
  979. awyeahson: W-what's a Ness?
  980. Coldsoul: * (She sets her hand down by Frisk. They can climb up on it, if they want.)
  981. awyeahson squints.
  982. fallenfamily: "Wouldn't beable to tell ..."
  983. acedetective1947: (( It's like Sans ))
  984. Asriel: Lautrec: EAT THE FISH
  985. pocketfrisk: * y-yeah. um. woah, it's-
  986. fallenfamily: "Wow they got REKTED"
  987. acedetective1947: (( But not at all ))
  988. Frisk: * I dunno, what is a Ness?
  989. foxysierra: (pikachu knows
  990. pocketfrisk: * it- it's cloudy..
  991. 8bitoperator: aw, c'mon guys i'm bein' serious
  992. AskDogi: (Some kid in a striped shirt.)
  993. Asriel: ((TENTA))
  994. comicdings: (tenta pLS)
  995. AskDogi: We think...
  996. Streamersans: (( :y ))
  997. foxysierra: (puns
  998. asgore: rip))
  999. snowdinpoppy: ((pfft))
  1000. AskDogi: (( carp insurance >:v ))
  1001. comicdings: birds.
  1002. asgore: BIRBS))
  1003. awakened_arti: Team Rocket were always my faves
  1004. Frisk: * Me!
  1005. asgore: touches screen))
  1006. asgore: birbs))
  1007. Frisk: [[ frisks kind
  1008. AskDogi: (( it me ))
  1009. pocketfrisk runs up onto Winter's shoulder, and sits down.
  1010. comicdings: oh god
  1011. comicdings: what is that
  1012. awyeahson: But a lot of people wear striped shirts! Especially kids!
  1013. pocketfrisk: * oh hey. it's a birb.
  1014. AskDogi: A mime.
  1015. pocketfrisk: * it was.
  1016. fallenfamily: "Professor stop."
  1017. awakened_arti: The WORST pokemon tbh
  1018. comicdings: i don't trust it
  1019. awakened_arti: >.>
  1020. pocketfrisk: * a birb.
  1021. asgore: ldjsfkg))
  1022. Frisk: * I haven't been wearing a striped shirt.
  1023. 8bitoperator: that voice should not come out of that body
  1024. fallenfamily: "She's too young for you."
  1025. ModDoggo: * I do not want that one
  1026. asgore: here we go))
  1027. lastchanceflowey: [[ oak you ruined it ]]
  1028. snowdinpoppy: *That one...looks weird.
  1029. acedetective1947: (( Way to go Doc ))
  1030. ModDoggo: * Not anywhere near me at that
  1031. AskDogi: (Me neither..)
  1032. Coldsoul: * (She notices Tiny is on Winter's shoulder, and she lets out a small chuckle.) H-hey!
  1033. fallenfamily: "Wow thanks mime."
  1034. Asriel: ((Rayquaza, get off your lazy ass and fix this))
  1035. Coldsoul: * T-that t-tickles.
  1036. awyeahson: And do....... does plaid count as stripes?
  1037. awyeahson: Also, I blame that mime.
  1038. AskDogi: Again, that was really sudden, what the HELL.
  1039. pocketfrisk: * !! oh! i'm sorry, i'll get off if you want me to.
  1040. Frisk: [[ this is michigan
  1041. 8bitoperator: {im pretty sure everyone in this movie just lives in kansas}
  1042. wanderandward: -Huh, is that a bug on you, kissan?-
  1043. fallenfamily: "And imbalence, brings chaos."
  1044. comicdings: (welcome to northern texas)
  1045. Frisk: [[ it snowed once here in august
  1046. AskDogi: (An aurora!)
  1047. asgore: ??????????????))
  1048. Coldsoul: * N-no, heheh, it's oOOIT'S NOT A BUG!
  1049. comicdings: (this is basically what it's like up there)
  1050. snowdinpoppy: *That..can't be good
  1051. comicdings: ok so that was pretty dramatic
  1052. Frisk: * Caw??
  1053. asgore: here we go))
  1054. Coldsoul: (( me ))
  1055. sanscipher: * Well okay then
  1056. fallenfamily: "Remove something key from the world, nature itself will crumble."
  1057. ModDoggo: * Okay im pretty sure things like that arent supposed ot happen
  1059. comicdings: (revenge, i mutter as his bike gets carried away)
  1060. asgore: same))
  1061. AskDogi: What happened to the water on his jacket?
  1062. acedetective1947: (( CAAAN YOOOUUU DIG IT?! ))
  1063. Frisk: * It's a hoarde of Diglett!
  1064. Coldsoul: (( there goes my bike ))
  1065. pocketfrisk: * OH GOD. THAT'S ALOT OF DIGLETTS.
  1066. wanderandward: -Hah, whateve you are keep movin!-
  1067. AskDogi: That's a lot of digletts, yeah.
  1068. lastchanceflowey: [[ they took his bike because he was riding it where he wasnt supposed to ]]
  1069. comicdings: (EXACTLY)
  1070. AskDogi: (Aww, sad Pikachu...)
  1071. awyeahson: ...I can relate to a lot of Pokemon. Like Diglett.
  1072. fallenfamily: "Thas a sad Pikachu."
  1073. Coldsoul: * (Winter's fluffy hair is Very Close to tiny. It is knotted, though.)
  1074. asgore: theres a time and place for everything))
  1075. comicdings: i'd give it some grapes
  1076. asgore: and that time, it was now then))
  1077. awyeahson: I want to be a Diglett one day...
  1078. Asriel: Oscar: MONSTERS!
  1079. asgore: o jesus))
  1080. comicdings: nah
  1081. fallenfamily: "Oh it's the locals."
  1082. AskDogi: Monsters...?
  1083. ModDoggo: * Cool masks.
  1084. awyeahson: I don't know! Haha.
  1085. Frisk: [[ oaks words echoed.... theres a time and place for everything
  1086. comicdings: see. just humans.
  1087. Asriel: Oscar: Oh.
  1088. comicdings: you can tell when their heights don't vary enough.
  1089. acedetective1947: (( Tracy just threw his friends under the bus - are we ignoring that? ))
  1090. espetale: * Back and glad I see some pokemon
  1091. Frisk [ * ACT > * STICK TONGUE OUT ]
  1092. AskDogi: So sassy...
  1093. fallenfamily: "Oh crap she's burning them."
  1094. awyeahson: Is somebody going to help me dig a hole and let me live in it?
  1095. comicdings: is she a teenager
  1096. wanderandward: ((pfft, tiny climbin winters knotted hair like a pirate climbing the riggings of a ship : P ))
  1097. Frisk: * I like her!
  1098. lastchanceflowey: [[ that kid is a poopy ]]
  1099. acedetective1947: (( *ANGST* ))
  1100. AskDogi: (( afk again ))
  1101. comicdings: woah
  1102. Asriel: ((Poppy is so Sassy))
  1103. sanstheskell: * holy shit
  1104. Coldsoul: (( close up on nose ))
  1105. asgore: bird man))
  1106. comicdings: wow alright
  1107. Frisk: * What.
  1108. snowdinpoppy: ((Oh geez))
  1109. Frisk: * Misty's a trainer??
  1110. fallenfamily: "Why vanquish them?"
  1111. acedetective1947: (( Wait what ))
  1112. comicdings: oh. good
  1113. comicdings: they're just messing around
  1114. Frisk relaxes, cooing.
  1115. fallenfamily: "Why not tal- OH"
  1116. asgore: hwat the fuck))
  1117. Frisk: * Oh!
  1118. foxysierra: (Mysty's face
  1119. sanstheskell: * holy shit
  1120. awyeahson: W-welcome kiss?
  1121. comicdings: oh she's gonna mess him up
  1122. snowdinpoppy: ((hehehe))
  1123. acedetective1947: (( PEANUT BUTTER AND JEALOUS ))
  1124. Frisk: * Ahahaha!
  1125. snowdinpoppy: *Oh boy
  1126. awakened_arti: THe original ship
  1127. Modmuffetbae: [[wow ]]
  1128. fallenfamily: "That sounded like a zipper."
  1129. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa ALMOST kiss Doggo on each cheek.. then pull back. Gotta cut back on the affection, even if it would be fitting with the movie.
  1130. fallenfamily: "How."
  1131. AskDogi: (( ok afk for real for a bit ))
  1132. Coldsoul: * (She is smiling and kicking her feet a lot. She's vibrating.)
  1133. snowdinpoppy grins and bounces to the music.
  1134. asgore: everythings gonna go wrong in 3 seconds here we go))
  1135. comicdings drops another grape.
  1136. comicdings: frick
  1137. espetale: *starts enjoying the pokemon movie* owo
  1138. Asriel: Lautrec: Huh, this reminds me a bit of China, but not quite. Like it was further east.
  1139. Frisk immediately takes that grape and eats it.
  1140. Streamersans: * rip grape
  1141. fallenfamily: "YOu gotta pick up those grapes, dude."
  1142. comicdings: ...
  1143. fallenfamily: (OH MY GOD.)
  1144. Frisk: * Thanks.
  1145. comicdings: (I JUST GOT THAT JOKE)
  1146. Asriel: Oscar: Oh...Oh my.
  1147. fallenfamily: (WHOOOAAAAAAA)
  1148. comicdings: (I CANNOT BELIEVE)
  1149. awyeahson: ((hold on let me move to chrome))
  1150. asgore: ..tahts a fucke dup joke oh my god))
  1151. acedetective1947: (( TENOUTTATEN ))
  1152. comicdings: ok, being on the ceiling means i can't auto catch grapes
  1153. sanscipher Cipher snatches it from the bowl and jams it into his mouth.
  1154. snowdinpoppy lifts her ears at the tune.
  1155. pocketfrisk starts to lose balance on winter's shoulder.
  1156. espetale: * LUGIA SONG!
  1157. sanscipher: * This is mine now.
  1158. Frisk whistles.
  1159. snowdinpoppy: *Wow...
  1160. comicdings: someone else ate it first.
  1161. Asriel: Oscar: Didn't the Water Dragon sing that song?
  1162. comicdings: you're too slow.
  1163. Frisk: * Yeah, too slow! Go faster!
  1164. ModDoggo: * ...Woah...
  1165. Coldsoul: * (Winter doesn't notice at first, but she puts her hand right next to her shoulder.) H-hey?!
  1166. comicdings: how does she play all that without inhaling?
  1167. fallenfamily: "Big lungs."
  1168. Asriel: Lautrec: She breathes through her nose/
  1169. pocketfrisk: * oh!! sorry. i was just.. not used to this.
  1170. comicdings: if she did breathe through her nose, it would interrupt the notes?
  1171. acedetective1947: (( *JEALOUSY INTENSIFIES* ))
  1172. pocketfrisk: * wow, she's thirsty.
  1173. sanscipher: * Almost all?
  1174. ModDoggo: * ALMOST all???
  1175. comicdings: almost all
  1176. sanstheskell: * is that an orange lemon
  1177. Asriel: Lautrec: Someone's never played a wind instrument.
  1178. foxysierra: (fire ice lightning island
  1179. fallenfamily: "It's a joke."
  1180. comicdings: i am literally a skeleton
  1181. Frisk bleps, brushing their feathers against the couch.
  1182. foxysierra: (so original
  1183. wanderandward: -Just grab onto her hair for balance...and if you fall off you can swing around heh-
  1184. comicdings: of course i've never played a wind instrument
  1185. fallenfamily: "Calm down."
  1186. espetale: * I love the Lugia Movie
  1187. fallenfamily: "Wow."
  1188. fallenfamily: "So much flirt."
  1189. Asriel: Oscar: Handsome? He's a child.
  1190. acedetective1947: (( She requires hydration ))
  1191. foxysierra: (lol
  1192. sanscipher: * So much ryming
  1193. Frisk: * Me too, Misty.
  1194. snowdinpoppy: *His ego...
  1195. 8bitoperator: i'm RESPONSIBLE...
  1196. awakened_arti: 10 year old vim and vigor at it's finest
  1197. Coldsoul: * W-Wander! (She gets a little bit nervous and she runs her fingers through the left side of her hair. Welp, she jerked her head badly.) !!!!!
  1198. ModDoggo: * No, now I wanna know whos the one guy who screwed up something so simple.
  1199. fallenfamily: "She's giving you a run for your money, Dogi."
  1200. comicdings: immediately. let's not sleep
  1201. asgore: wheres that one pokemon quote thats like))
  1202. 8bitoperator: wait a minute he's seriously 10?
  1203. pocketfrisk 's ears perk up hearing Wander talking to them.
  1204. Coldsoul: (( no thnk u i have a girlfriend ))
  1205. comicdings: pikachu wants ash to stop flirting
  1206. asgore: 'love is the most important thing in the world' 'but what about pokemon')
  1207. asgore: somethin like tht))
  1208. espetale: * I have Sans watching the movie
  1209. Frisk: * Yeah, stop flirting Ash.
  1210. comicdings: (petal FASTER tenta)
  1211. pocketfrisk: * oh uh. i wouldn't do that! it must hurt.
  1212. asgore: rip tenta))
  1213. Asriel: ((Poor Tenta
  1214. Coldsoul: * O-oww...
  1215. wanderandward: -What? Knotted up like rope, you'd barely feel it heheh-
  1216. sanscipher: * Nearly got hit.
  1217. comicdings: they never catch a break, do they?
  1218. fallenfamily: "SEE"
  1219. Modmuffetbae: [rip tenta]
  1220. fallenfamily: "WHAT DID I SAY"
  1221. comicdings: (slowking voice: i could go for some pants)
  1222. Streamersans: * that's asgore.
  1223. Coldsoul: * I-I'd still f-feel it!
  1224. Frisk: * Slowking!
  1225. asgore: ecuse mme))
  1226. comicdings: yes. that's definitely asgore.
  1227. fallenfamily: "IMBALANCE BRINGS CHAOS."
  1228. Streamersans: ((u fuckin heard me))
  1229. asgore: jidsgf; i should be ic but im too tired))
  1230. comicdings: well that was dark.
  1231. asgore: that si me i do nothing except sit around))
  1232. espetale: * Espetale sits on the couch watching this.
  1233. pocketfrisk: * a-are you okay, winter?
  1234. Asriel: Oscar: A Funeral at Sea. How sad.
  1235. Coldsoul: * S-still n-n-need to b-brush my h-hair...
  1236. ModDoggo: * I would disagree if I didnt work for Asgore myself
  1237. AskDogi: (( back ))
  1238. Coldsoul: * O-oh, I'm f-fine!
  1239. comicdings: at least they're ok.
  1240. asgore: i thought for 3 seconds she said 'this stupid fucking ritual')
  1241. snowdinpoppy: *And I've met Mr. Asgore yeah
  1242. ModDoggo: * So yeah, I see it
  1243. espetale: ((Wb))
  1244. asgore: my brain is bad at filling in the blanks))
  1245. Coldsoul: * A-Asgore?!?!
  1246. Frisk: [[ same omg
  1247. Asriel: Lautrec: Asgore is a big baby.
  1248. Streamersans: * the original tsundere.
  1249. Frisk: * I haven't met Asgore.
  1250. 8bitoperator: me too tracy
  1251. foxysierra: (tracy
  1252. foxysierra: (tracy no
  1253. Asriel: Lautrec: He tried to give me tea.
  1254. fallenfamily: (melody is giving Dogi a run for their money, she's embodying flirt.)
  1255. comicdings drops another grape, this time on purpose.
  1256. pocketfrisk: * your hair looks nice when it's braided, but i think you should go with what's more comfortable.
  1257. awakened_arti: Ah such memories from this movie
  1258. wanderandward: -Can't disagree with that kissan, how do you keep getting it tangled up so badly?-
  1259. Asriel: Lautrec: After he destroyed my world view.
  1260. Coldsoul: * (She tenses, letting a shiver go down her spine.)
  1261. ModDoggo: * He gives EVERYONE tea
  1262. AskDogi *The Dogi snap back to reality; seems they had spaced out watching the movie.
  1263. Coldsoul: * I l-leave i-it a-a-alone!
  1264. Streamersans takes the grape.
  1265. Coldsoul: * F-for a week!
  1266. sanscipher: *Sans, I was THIS close to saying that first!
  1267. comicdings: welp.
  1268. Streamersans flicks it back at Dings.
  1269. AskDogi: (Yeah, he served tea at our wedding..!)
  1270. awakened_arti: MY FAVE BIRD INBOUND
  1271. Frisk: * I'm guessing I can have tea with him if he does that.
  1272. comicdings catches it in his teeth.
  1273. awakened_arti: ZAPDOS MY MAN
  1274. comicdings: nice. thanks.
  1275. Streamersans: * show-off.
  1276. sanscipher: Dangit
  1277. Frisk whispers, "Rayquuuuaza."
  1278. Asriel: ((The Day After Tomorrow.))
  1279. comicdings: i won't deny it.
  1280. wanderandward: -Where theres you, is that thing actually talking?!-
  1281. AskDogi: !!!
  1282. 8bitoperator: "i wonder if this is what's been upsetting all the pokemon" you think
  1283. Asriel: ((Al Gore would blame Global Warming))
  1284. fallenfamily: "There's a reason Articuno ain't going yet."
  1285. ModDoggo: * He gives me tea when its my turn to deliver the guard reports up to him.
  1286. asgore: she looks dead inside))
  1287. asgore: i relate))
  1288. Frisk: * Brock, please.
  1289. pocketfrisk: * hey, would you mind if i untangled your hair, if it's so uncomfortable?
  1290. snowdinpoppy whines.
  1291. comicdings: that boat isn't going to last.
  1292. fallenfamily: "Cause they know they can take everything when Zapdos goes down."
  1293. comicdings: i'm calling it now.
  1294. AskDogi *Amy hugs Doggo a bit closer.
  1295. Coldsoul: * (She nods her head, tearing up a bit.) I-I-I'm really s-scared o-of Asgore...
  1296. Asriel: Lautrec: I didn't stick around to learn more about the guy. Not when a Royal Guard could easily come in and kill me in my sleep while at the Royal Palace.
  1297. fallenfamily: "Path of least resistance."
  1298. snowdinpoppy: *That storm is really bad..
  1299. sanscipher: * Roll credits.
  1300. ModDoggo: * And that takes like 5 minutes to do once I get up to New Home.
  1301. AskDogi: Asgore's REALLY kind..
  1302. espetale: Merp
  1303. comicdings: yeah, rip.
  1304. undauntedgunner: Why doesn't that boat have backup rockets?
  1305. screwthisimfab: // but why
  1306. AskDogi: Even when he's doing something he really doesn't want to.
  1307. comicdings: lets split up gang
  1308. acedetective1947: (( Don't Starve: Shipwrecked ))
  1309. Asriel: Lautrec: I can confirm. He didn't want to fight me the entire time we were fighting.
  1310. comicdings: (GOD IT IS)
  1311. fallenfamily: "Pikachu please."
  1312. ModDoggo: * Not everything has rockets, Scan
  1313. Coldsoul: * I d-don't w-w-wanna get h-hurt b-by him, t-though...!
  1314. asgore: ..WHEEZES))
  1315. AskDogi: (Well, everything SHOULD have rockets!)
  1316. sanscipher: * Stranded Deep
  1317. fallenfamily: "Wh...."
  1318. comicdings: remember when you called me a show off earlier
  1319. undauntedgunner: What?! What do you mean, not everything has rockets?
  1320. fallenfamily: "Oh."
  1321. Frisk: * I want rocket wings!
  1322. Sharkatak waves to everyone
  1323. wanderandward: -Its a sad truth scan.-
  1324. dollytech: ((I'M SCREAMING))
  1325. espetale: *being a derp and watching Pokemon* 'w'
  1326. ModDoggo: * I don't have rockets! Where would I even put them??
  1327. asgore: rip))
  1328. foxysierra: (physics
  1330. sanscipher waves back.
  1331. asgore: there u go))
  1332. ModDoggo: * On my butt???
  1333. comicdings: (frickin bye)
  1334. undauntedgunner: In the hilts of your swords!
  1335. acedetective1947: (( Rip Tenta ))
  1336. AskDogi: On your legs, maybe!
  1337. fallenfamily: "Yes Doggo."
  1338. AskDogi: (Or arms!)
  1339. Streamersans: * booster butt.
  1340. undauntedgunner: Rocket swords.
  1341. Frisk: * Ahaha!
  1342. Asriel: ((Doggo's Butt Rockets))
  1343. Frisk: * Rocket boots!
  1344. AskDogi *Amy giggles. That was a silly image, he had to admit.
  1345. Sharkatak: "What'd I just walk into..?"
  1346. Asriel: ((He Farts to Fly))
  1347. Streamersans: ((goes to tell doggo an inappropriate joke privately))
  1348. fallenfamily: (Doggo's Butt Rock)
  1349. ModDoggo: * I dont like wearing shoes
  1350. Coldsoul: * (She whines a bit, tensing even more. She's gon cry. Bad Thoughts.)
  1351. Frisk: * Y'know, if we all had rockets, we'd be Team Rocket!
  1352. dollytech: In the future, I wanna build a house but like, the foundation have rockets so when we get robbed we can go to outer space and throw the robbers out of airlock!
  1353. comicdings: good job splitting up gang
  1354. wanderandward: -Kissan...?-
  1355. dollytech does a silly little dance!
  1356. awakened_arti: OH I REMEMBER THIS
  1357. sanscipher holds a hand under Comicdings, as if a grape might fall any second.
  1358. fallenfamily: "We'd have to be a team first, Frisk."
  1359. Asriel: Oscar: BOAT!
  1360. awakened_arti: SO RIDICULOUS
  1361. asgore: technology))
  1362. awakened_arti: BUT COOL
  1363. acedetective1947: (( That's pretty handy ))
  1364. comicdings makes a point of not dropping any grapes
  1365. snowdinpoppy: *Whoa...
  1366. comicdings: what
  1367. AskDogi: (SO cool.)
  1368. undauntedgunner waves hello to Allison!
  1369. comicdings: that is destroying the bottom of that boat
  1370. Coldsoul: * ... I-I'm scared.
  1371. dollytech waves back!
  1372. sanscipher lowers his hand.
  1373. acedetective1947: (( I don't think this is covered by her insurance policy ))
  1374. Streamersans: * so much boat abuse.
  1375. Frisk: * Then, we can be a team!
  1376. awakened_arti: This boat will never be seaworthy again after this
  1377. comicdings: that physically hurt to watch
  1378. ModDoggo: * Seriously, shoes just dont feel right on my feetpaws. I dunno how Amy and Ressa can handle wearing just sandals.
  1379. sanscipher: * Oh my god
  1380. lastchanceflowey: * Maybe if they fix it up.
  1381. wanderandward: *Wander pats the seat beside him and opens his cloak.*
  1382. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa start growling.
  1383. awakened_arti: MY BOY
  1384. dollytech: I will forever and always want a spaceship house.
  1385. snowdinpoppy: *That jerk..
  1386. awakened_arti: ZAPDOS
  1387. comicdings: (that screaming though. hi vitium)
  1388. pocketfrisk lightly brings Winter's braided hair towards themselves, untangling it slowly, and gently. They seem to enjoy it, as it easily passes time.
  1389. Frisk: * Zapdos, oooh no.
  1390. lastchanceflowey: * It's screaming! Cool.
  1391. comicdings: pikachu please have pity on the frail and exhausted human
  1392. fallenfamily: "Zapdos tryin to figure out what's up."
  1393. asgore: soon))
  1394. AskDogi: They're special sandals, Doggo, fitted to our feet.
  1395. Asriel: (Fier Island
  1396. comicdings: (tenta pls)
  1397. sanscipher: * I hope that guy gets a good taste of KARMA.
  1398. AskDogi: (They're..not the most comfortable, but they protect their feet, even if they deaden our senses.)
  1399. Coldsoul: * (Her hair is really knotted, but not braided. She scoots toward Wander's seat, sniffling a bit.)
  1400. awakened_arti: Zapdos taking control since the balance was disrupted
  1401. awakened_arti: Like
  1402. ModDoggo: * Oh. Well I still hate wearing things on mine
  1403. comicdings: steal the ancient treasure.
  1404. awakened_arti: Moltres is gone? TIME TO MAKE MY MOVE
  1405. AskDogi: Fire orb?
  1406. asgore: borb
  1407. sanscipher: * Your holding too many dogs.
  1408. comicdings: they're on the fire island right now apparently.
  1409. Frisk: * Maybe, it can summon Groudon.
  1410. AskDogi: (There we go!)
  1411. asgore: ancient artifact))
  1412. 8bitoperator: ok im sorry but taking that thing doesn't seem like a good idea
  1413. Frisk 's eyes twinkle.
  1414. Asriel: Oscar: Fire Island lacks fire...oh, shiny.
  1415. comicdings: eh, might as well.
  1416. Asriel: ((TENTA!))
  1417. fallenfamily: "Is that not...burning?"
  1418. comicdings: are you kidding me
  1419. dollytech: Frisk! The one with wings-
  1420. awakened_arti: THE MOTTO
  1421. Streamersans: * zapdos has an advantage over moltres and articuno already, though.
  1422. AskDogi: (( ayy tenta ))
  1423. comicdings: true.
  1424. awakened_arti: LOL
  1425. foxysierra: (they're aware
  1426. wanderandward: *The goop loosely wraps the cloak around the kid, careful not to jstle tiny.* -Thinkin of Asgore again?-
  1427. comicdings: flying type is still weak.
  1428. ModDoggo: * Pffft
  1429. acedetective1947: (( Tenta, you said you'd reinforce that wall! ))
  1430. foxysierra: (timing jokes
  1431. sanscipher: * Rest in rip.
  1432. AskDogi: THERE'S their ship!
  1433. Streamersans: ((IT KEEPS BREAKING))
  1434. AskDogi: (Rest in ship!)
  1435. fallenfamily: "However, who cares about 'advantage?' "
  1436. dollytech: Frisk, I'm gonna say, you're a cutie. But yeah.
  1437. comicdings: pfffttt.
  1438. dollytech: EVERYONE KNOWS THAT ALREADY, right?
  1439. asgore: dfgkhlfg))
  1440. comicdings: (oh no james would know..............)
  1441. Asriel: Oscar: Oh my.
  1442. Frisk: * Ahaha! Me, cute?
  1443. awakened_arti: I LOVE TEAM ROCKET
  1444. snowdinpoppy: *Hehehe..
  1445. fallenfamily: (tenta wow)
  1446. snowdinpoppy: *Uh oh
  1447. awakened_arti: SUCH SASS
  1448. sanstheskell: ((tenta. incredible)
  1449. sanscipher: ((THat scene gave me deja vu))
  1450. pocketfrisk: * zapdos!
  1451. Frisk scoffs, folding their arms.
  1452. awakened_arti: ZAPDOS MY MAN
  1453. comicdings: waaaaauuuughhhhhh
  1455. Modmuffetbae: [james gay af bye.
  1456. Frisk: * I ain't cute!
  1457. AskDogi: (( that meowth is a gem ))
  1458. awakened_arti: MESS SHIT UP
  1459. Asriel: Lautrec: It's a Thunderbird. HAhaha
  1460. foxysierra: (team instinct in this movie isn't as chill as they are in real life
  1461. AskDogi: (( just like tenta is a gem ))
  1462. acedetective1947: (( Gotta say, that's pretty metal ))
  1463. comicdings: huuuuuaahhhh.
  1464. asgore: im not as chill as i am in real life))
  1465. wanderandward: -Lintu shaddup...plenty cute.-
  1466. Modmuffetbae: [[ok but.. who's mystic here?]
  1467. sanscipher: * You are and you know it, Frisk.
  1468. snowdinpoppy: ((This reminds me of the Articuno blog I used to run))
  1469. dollytech: You're the cutest!
  1470. Coldsoul: * (She nods, sniffling again. She wipes the tears off her face with the arm that Tiny is on.)
  1471. fallenfamily: "Pikchu plz."
  1472. AskDogi: (( MYSTIC REPRESENT o7 ))
  1473. Streamersans: ((MYSTIC REPRESENT))
  1474. 8bitoperator: DID PIKACHU JUST PICK A FIGHT
  1475. asgore: theres me main man))
  1476. AskDogi: (( JINX ))
  1477. Modmuffetbae: [MYSTIC REPRESENT]]
  1478. comicdings: he's trying to open up communication.
  1479. awakened_arti: INSTINCT FOR LIFE
  1480. fallenfamily: (MYSTIC REPRESENT.))
  1481. dollytech: Don't you dare lie! I have hard evidence that you are cute!
  1482. Asriel: ((Edge Represent))
  1483. ModDoggo: ((FUCK MYSTIC! VALOR ALL THE WAY!))
  1484. acedetective1947: (( VALOR! ASSEMBLE! ))
  1485. Coldsoul: (( MYSTIC ))
  1486. Frisk pouts aggressively, purring.
  1487. comicdings: (wow ok this got aggressive all of a sudden)
  1488. Coldsoul: (( I LOVE MYSTIC ))
  1489. AskDogi: What's all the blue stuff...?
  1490. dollytech: ((team pokemon go is unavailable in my country ))
  1491. awakened_arti: Zapdos claiming Moltre's island
  1492. Frisk: * Guuuuys! I'm not cute!
  1493. comicdings: called it.
  1494. AskDogi: Ah, alright.
  1495. pocketfrisk drops the half-untangled hair back towards Winter's back, trying to hold their balance on their own.
  1496. undauntedgunner: (( Team My-Phone-Doesn't-Support-Pokemon-Go
  1497. comicdings: just shock someone. they'll talk to you.
  1498. 8bitoperator: if only talking irl worked like this
  1499. sanscipher: * Also, might I add, saying your not cute makes you even cuter.
  1500. dollytech: Oh my gosh! Don't let me play boyband songs to you, Frisk!
  1501. ModDoggo: * ?????
  1502. asgore: 'HUAAAAAH')
  1503. Frisk: [[ what is my cat doinG UNDER MY DESK
  1504. acedetective1947: (( Communication via tazer ))
  1505. AskDogi: (What he's hearing must be shocking!)
  1506. awakened_arti: THERE WE GO
  1507. awakened_arti: CALLED IT
  1508. Asriel: Oscar: I don't like that. I like fire.
  1509. awakened_arti: DISRUPTING THE BALANCE
  1510. dollytech: (( @scanmun you're on the same team as my mom ))
  1511. comicdings: oops
  1512. 8bitoperator: waitwaitwaitwaitwait lemme get this straight.
  1513. foxysierra: (electric chicken
  1514. dollytech: (( what's your phone anyway? asus?? ))
  1515. wanderandward: -Aw, don't worry about the big goat Kissan. He won't hurt you as long as he doesn't see ya.-
  1516. undauntedgunner: (( rad
  1517. fallenfamily: "Which was part of the trap."
  1518. foxysierra: (chicken arise
  1519. comicdings: oh, so that wouldn't overload the stupid machine?
  1520. snowdinpoppy: *Oh dear..
  1521. Frisk: * Don't, I wanna hear this movie! `Sides, me being cute would be a myth.
  1522. foxysierra: (arise chicken arise
  1523. comicdings: (ARISE CHICKEN, ARISE)
  1524. Asriel: ((ARISE CHICKEN)
  1525. fallenfamily: "Good job Zapdos, you fell for it."
  1526. undauntedgunner: (( mine is an iphone 4S
  1527. AskDogi: (Fell right into his trap.)
  1528. Coldsoul: * (She nods, sniffling more.) T-there's a c-chance, t-t-though.
  1529. Frisk: [[ tfw eating chicken
  1530. Asriel: ((CHICKEN ARISE!!))
  1531. sanscipher: * DUN DUN DUUUUN
  1532. asgore: i relate greatly to screeching lightning chicken))
  1533. undauntedgunner: (( you need an iphone 5
  1534. 8bitoperator: are we basically sayin' now that like all three of them are just fighting, and wanna take ovr each other's ilsands, and on epokemon comes up just ok y'all knock that off
  1535. comicdings: yes
  1536. Streamersans: * yeah.
  1537. fallenfamily: "Oh shit waddup."
  1538. 8bitoperator: .32222.
  1539. comicdings: so, that didn't overload the ship?
  1540. sanscipher: ((RAAAAAWW))
  1541. snowdinpoppy: *No, Zapdos run!
  1542. AskDogi: Here come the squares!
  1543. dollytech: I want to punch that Yu-Gi-Oh villain guy in the snout.
  1544. ModDoggo: * Must have a big battery on that thing
  1545. comicdings: (I KNOW HE LOOKS LIKE ONE)
  1546. undauntedgunner: I wish you luck in punching him.
  1547. Asriel: ((I AM MAGNETO! MASTER OF MAGNET!!))
  1548. wanderandward: -Nope, just stay clear of New Home and you'll be just fine Win.-
  1549. 8bitoperator: {asdgHADgaghah my cat walked on my keyboards orry}
  1550. asgore: rip lightning chicken
  1551. fallenfamily: "Is the next one gunna be triangles."
  1552. eudevie: ((ok what i wanna know is how do those rectangles fly even))
  1553. pocketfrisk lightly pulls the hair back again, continuing to untangle it, after maintaining their balance.
  1554. AskDogi: (Yeah, they must have planned for that, huge, empty power cells.)
  1555. acedetective1947: (( HAHA! TAKE THAT NATURE! ))
  1556. Frisk suddenly extends their wings out, drooping them over the couch. They're worried for Birdkind.
  1557. Coldsoul: * O-okay, fine...
  1558. fallenfamily: "I swear if it is."
  1559. pocketfrisk: (THATS A GYM)
  1560. dollytech: (( my dad is watching attack on titan omg))
  1561. comicdings: prize. rude.
  1562. AskDogi: (They'd be full, now, of course.)
  1563. snowdinpoppy growls, her fur puffing up.
  1564. Frisk: * Luuugia, no.
  1565. AskDogi: There's that noise...
  1566. Coldsoul: * (Winter is accidentally papped by Frisk's wing.)
  1567. dirtyglxtchgen: (hoi)
  1568. awakened_arti: yeah the prize is total world destruction
  1569. awakened_arti: gg asshole
  1570. Frisk: [[ yo
  1571. asgore: fo real))
  1572. AskDogi: Lugia..!
  1573. comicdings: more
  1574. sanscipher: ((I just realized that his map looks like Pokémon Go))
  1575. Asriel: Oscar: *Looks at Poppy.* I know you're angry, Poppy, but you look really cute when you do that.
  1576. dollytech: ((I SNORTED. WHY IS MY DAD WATCHING AOT))
  1577. comicdings: (welp pack it in guys we are working for this dude)
  1578. asgore: HUAAAAH))
  1579. acedetective1947: (( AAAAA! AAAAAAA! AAAAAA! ))
  1580. comicdings: oh sure you can just read that immediately.
  1581. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa are growling quietly.
  1582. Modmuffetbae: [[zap is just.. fucking screaming omf.]]
  1583. dollytech slides over to Winter
  1584. comicdings: no big deal.
  1585. dollytech: Hey, you alright?
  1586. ModDoggo: * Why does that mural remind me of something...?
  1587. Frisk: * Let them go!
  1588. Asriel: ((OMFG))
  1589. dollytech: ((zap's scream is. screamo. where are the electric guitars. wait. crap.))
  1590. AskDogi: (( gotta catch them all ))
  1591. comicdings: (lmao all yall)
  1592. sanscipher: * Gotta catch them all!
  1593. AskDogi: (( sound familiar? ))
  1594. comicdings: (I KNOW RIGHT ovo)
  1595. pocketfrisk: [ Winter's hair is fully unbraided, and Frisk lets it go back to where it's supposed to be naturally. ]
  1596. ModDoggo: ((The villain is you))
  1597. awakened_arti: Turns out this guy's name is Lawrence III
  1598. Asriel: ((Pokemon aren't supposed to be Collected))
  1599. comicdings: (we are the villain)
  1600. lastchanceflowey: [[ i identify with this guy ]]
  1601. asgore: rich people.jpeg))
  1602. fallenfamily: (( except they are))
  1603. AskDogi: (( lupin III guy ))
  1604. Coldsoul: * (She nods, relaxing a bit.) I-I'm still s-scared...! (She looks at Frisk, smiling just a little bit.) T-thank you.
  1605. comicdings: (GOD)
  1606. awakened_arti: What a pompous sounding name
  1607. asgore: gods it rly is))
  1608. awakened_arti: Lawrence the Third
  1609. AskDogi: (( this is his new flying machine ))
  1610. Asriel: ((His ceiling disagrees with Arceus))
  1611. comicdings: reewwwwwww
  1612. Streamersans: ((r e p r e s e n t))
  1613. wanderandward: -Kid was thinking about the King...-
  1614. asgore: 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE))
  1615. pocketfrisk: * I-It's no problem!
  1616. asgore: screeching bird trio))
  1617. acedetective1947: (( REEEEEEEEE ))
  1618. fallenfamily: ((Time to control all 3 bitches)
  1619. asgore: fantastic.))
  1620. Frisk screeches.
  1621. comicdings: rewwwwww.
  1622. AskDogi: How majestic...!
  1623. foxysierra: (It's ice pigeon
  1624. sanscipher: ((EEE)))
  1625. asgore: pls dont use that word))
  1626. fallenfamily: (you just got outplayed.)
  1627. ModDoggo: ((I cant believe the clone of the dreams of people's vision of Leonardo da Vinci is back))
  1628. Modmuffetbae: [[tenta i see what u did there.]
  1629. eudevie: ((jabooty?))
  1630. Frisk: [[ i see that symbol over there
  1631. comicdings: (wow alright thanks for that word)
  1632. AskDogi: (Jabooty island.)
  1633. comicdings: (THAT WAS AN EKANS)
  1634. comicdings: (EKANS IS NOT A WATER POKEMON)
  1635. Modmuffetbae: [[ @ tenta ) ye bab. ]]
  1636. foxysierra: (Ekans doesn't care what you think
  1637. awakened_arti: Ekans can swim tho I guess
  1638. Frisk: * Scraaaah!
  1639. foxysierra: (it swims anyway
  1640. comicdings: (can you teach it surf)
  1641. snowdinpoppy whines, not liking whats happening.
  1642. fallenfamily: (ever hear of water snakes.)
  1643. Frisk: [[ is that how birds screech
  1644. acedetective1947: (( "Whoops, I think we just hit a flock of pidgey" ))
  1645. sanscipher: (The Helicopter Pokémon!)
  1646. comicdings: (but ekans can only be found on land)
  1647. comicdings: (you have to take into consideration the area they are found)
  1648. dollytech: Oak's drawing skills are excellent.
  1649. pocketfrisk: * nice drawings.
  1650. Frisk: [[ that 90s multi pen
  1651. undauntedgunner: Oak draws better than me.
  1652. Asriel: ((Scientists actually have to be good at drawing))
  1653. comicdings: (THERE IT IS)
  1654. AskDogi: (That's Kyogre's job!!)
  1655. asgore: is there an ekans in the water))
  1656. Frisk: [[ no wonder my dad wants me to be a scientist
  1657. dollytech: Scan, how do you draw anyway?
  1658. Modmuffetbae: [ oak is bullshitting 95% of this.]]
  1659. ModDoggo: * I dont understand any of this, other than "DONT MESS WITH THE BIRDS"
  1660. asgore: ekans cna swim???))
  1661. comicdings: (THATS WHAT I WAS SAYING)
  1662. eudevie: ((ok so what about Kyougre?))
  1663. dollytech: By shooting the paper?
  1664. Modmuffetbae: [[the pokemon world makes no fucking sense omg]]
  1665. awakened_arti: This was before Kyogre sucker's
  1666. undauntedgunner: I don't, that's how.
  1667. asgore: OH NO THATS SAD))
  1668. comicdings: (kyogre isn't in this region)
  1669. awakened_arti: Lugia is the OG
  1670. AskDogi: You shouldn't mess with birds!
  1671. undauntedgunner: I use a paintball gun.
  1672. Frisk: * Nooooo!
  1673. AskDogi: (Ah, alright..)
  1674. acedetective1947: (( CUE THE MEDIA FOCUSING ON THAT ))
  1675. comicdings: (i could use pants)
  1676. Asriel: Lautrec: OH! So the moral of the story is to kill all three birds.
  1677. snowdinpoppy: *His Mom is really worried..
  1678. asgore: SAME))
  1679. Streamersans: ((asgore with slowking's voice tho))
  1680. eudevie: ((the ocean is across the whole planet tho))
  1681. ModDoggo: * And awww...What a good mom...
  1682. asgore: im alughign))
  1683. AskDogi *Ressa snickers.
  1684. asgore: thats fantastic))
  1685. wanderandward: *The goop pokes Winter a few times* -No point in dwellin on him now kid, alright?-
  1686. Coldsoul: * (Winter puts her hand right next to Tiny, allowing them to go onto it if they wanted.)
  1687. Asriel: Oscar: We could all use pants.
  1688. dollytech: Bro, unless you want to make abstract art, don't use a paintball gun!
  1689. fallenfamily: (I could use pants - Asgore )
  1690. AskDogi: I couldn't, I hate pants!!
  1691. comicdings drops a grape.
  1692. Coldsoul: * (Squeak squeak squeak!)
  1693. ModDoggo: ((Next Pokemon series should be about Ash's mom. Pokemom.))
  1694. Streamersans: * that bird is pretty chill.
  1695. fallenfamily: (Yup I'm dead bye everyone. there I go.)
  1696. Coldsoul: (( MYSTIC FTW ))
  1697. asgore: screeching ice bird))
  1698. AskDogi: (It's super majestic..)
  1699. Frisk: [[ team jade represent
  1700. dollytech: I mean, I only know how to right with nice text- but...
  1701. undauntedgunner: I use a really small paintball gun to do the fine details!
  1702. snowdinpoppy: ((This makes me wanna run my Articuno blog again))
  1703. AskDogi: (( MYSTIC YE ))
  1704. comicdings: (... you had one?)
  1705. pocketfrisk: ( i, for one, am part of team jade )
  1706. dollytech: ((*write))
  1707. Frisk: [[ yES
  1708. Asriel: ((Tenta WOW! THAT BURN!))
  1709. dollytech: (( let me join team jade
  1710. comicdings: (TENTA PLS)
  1711. 8bitoperator: SICK BURNS
  1712. awakened_arti: I LOVE meoWTh
  1713. Frisk: [[ i used to run an arceus blog
  1714. fallenfamily: (TENTA STOP)
  1715. comicdings: good job.
  1716. Streamersans: (( :y ))
  1717. awakened_arti: I OFRGOT HOW SASSY HE WAS
  1718. awakened_arti: And also how dumb ash was
  1719. awakened_arti: Yes Tackle the electro cage, good idea
  1720. Frisk: [[ join team jade we have free copic markers
  1721. awakened_arti: that'll work
  1722. Asriel: Oscar: Winter, look away.
  1723. AskDogi: Fireballs!
  1724. espetale: * Just in time to watch the fun
  1725. ModDoggo: ((How could you forget how dumb Ash is))
  1726. pocketfrisk: (( FREE COPICS IM IN ))
  1727. comicdings: (ash is so stupid lbr)
  1728. Coldsoul: * W-wha-- !!!!!
  1729. AskDogi: (Yeah, look away, Winter.. please.)
  1730. pocketfrisk: (( NEO WE HAVE FREE COPICS ))
  1731. comicdings: oooh, the sea beast isn't having this.
  1732. ModDoggo: ((Like being dumb is half his character))
  1733. Coldsoul: * (She already looked.)
  1734. foxysierra: (lugia pissed
  1735. Frisk clasps their hands together in a prayer.
  1737. Coldsoul: * (She tenses and lets her hand fall down from her shoulder.)
  1738. Coldsoul: (( OK IM JOINING!!! ))
  1739. AskDogi: You need all 3 to break it, fire, electricity and ice.
  1740. Frisk: * Ice??
  1741. ModDoggo: ((Like his plan here is literally "SHOOT THING WITH THINGS")
  1742. AskDogi: (Guessing..?)
  1743. Asriel: ((OH! The Japanese version of this scene))
  1744. fallenfamily: "Everything has fields around it."
  1745. wanderandward: ((damn, think im a few minutes behind. damnit vaughn.))
  1746. Asriel: ((Tracy explains how Science and Chemistry makes Explosion with Lightning, Bubbles, and Fire))
  1747. ModDoggo: (("Damn that didnt work, MORE THINGS))
  1748. comicdings: (JUST USE EVERYTHING)
  1749. AskDogi: Fried chicken?
  1750. 8bitoperator: {NEED MoRE DAKKA}
  1751. Frisk: * Boom.
  1752. fallenfamily: (it worked joe.)
  1753. foxysierra: (fire chicken
  1754. undauntedgunner: (( SHOOT EVERYTHING TO WIN
  1755. AskDogi: (Nah, there we go.)
  1756. foxysierra: (electric chicken
  1757. fallenfamily: (So.)
  1758. foxysierra: (they rise
  1759. pocketfrisk: [ Frisk leans towards Winter's hair, trying to use it as a blanket of a sort, since it's so long. ]
  1760. snowdinpoppy: *They're free!
  1761. comicdings: (U WANNA GO M8)
  1762. Asriel: ((Lightning Eletrolyzes the water or something and releases o2 and Fire Ignites it))
  1763. dollytech: Scan, what if there was like... A gun that shoots rainbow beads...? And it's like... randomized?
  1764. asgore: they fite))
  1765. Coldsoul: * !!!
  1766. sanscipher: * My god...
  1767. AskDogi: WHAT.
  1768. snowdinpoppy: *Uh oh...why was he attacking him?
  1769. AskDogi: (Why are they fighting??)
  1770. comicdings: well one attempted a hostile takeover
  1771. Coldsoul: * T-this i-i-is s-scary...!
  1772. dollytech: And for every bead there was a different effect?
  1773. ModDoggo: ((Yes I know Matt I was syaing that just before it actually worked))
  1774. comicdings: of the other's island
  1775. asgore: because pokemon go))
  1776. awakened_arti: TBH Even tho Lawrence was messing things up having em captured was likely preferable
  1777. comicdings: so that certainly happened.
  1778. Frisk: * But, they freed each other.
  1779. Asriel: Lautrec: Ambition, Power, Greed. Shall I go on?
  1780. awakened_arti: GG heroes
  1781. comicdings: oh, i'm sure that was an attempt to kill them
  1782. Asriel: Lautrec: They want more Territory.
  1783. awakened_arti: you made everything worse
  1784. undauntedgunner: ... That depends. What do you mean by effect?
  1785. comicdings: not save them
  1786. Frisk: * But, heroes never die!
  1787. sanscipher: ((THey're not, they're destroyin the fortress.))
  1788. espetale: * Even though I've seen this movie a hundred times, I still question why they fight.
  1789. dollytech: Anyway, Zapdos sounds like a screamo artist.
  1790. foxysierra: (look at his face
  1791. foxysierra: (so sick of this shit
  1792. fallenfamily: "He seems okay with this."
  1793. awakened_arti: Territory
  1794. snowdinpoppy: *Oh dear...
  1795. fallenfamily: "How."
  1796. awakened_arti: They want what the others have
  1797. ModDoggo: * He can probably just buy another
  1798. asgore: 'not this shit again'
  1799. asgore: ))*
  1800. AskDogi: (Zapdos sounds like me when I was first learning screamo.)
  1801. fallenfamily: "That is his ship, is life's work."
  1802. comicdings: (the mlg scene is comin up and im PREPARED)
  1803. dollytech: (screamo...)
  1804. AskDogi: (I was.. really hard to listen to, heheheheh!)
  1805. Asriel: Lautrec: If Asgore was here, he'd try to give everyone Tea then slip on Ice.
  1806. dollytech: ((i liked screamo. ironically))
  1807. AskDogi: You kinda were, pfft..
  1808. ModDoggo: * He can buy one, he cna buy another
  1809. Coldsoul: * (Okay, Winter is tearing up. She wraps the cloak around her...)
  1810. Frisk: * Really, `Ress? I'd wanna hear sometime!
  1811. comicdings: (thanks tenta)
  1812. asgore: rip))
  1813. sanscipher: * rip
  1814. comicdings: there they go
  1815. acedetective1947: roll actors
  1816. fallenfamily: "Gotta go fast."
  1817. wanderandward: *Goop pulls the poor kid close.*
  1818. Coldsoul: * (She looks a little disturbed. By ice thing.)
  1819. dollytech: For that bead gun.
  1820. fallenfamily: "FASTER"
  1821. Asriel: ((CONVENIENCE))
  1822. AskDogi: (Right now, maybe? I can do a good screamo yell but i'll strain my voice pretty badly.)
  1823. comicdings: well that was easy.
  1824. dollytech: Explosions. Poison.
  1825. pocketfrisk: [ Frisk tries to hug Winter to calm her down. ]
  1826. ModDoggo: * Good thing magic items are nearly unbreakable
  1827. Asriel: Oscar: Water Dragon God of the Ocean.
  1828. AskDogi: Yeah!
  1829. dollytech: Lightning and death?
  1830. snowdinpoppy: *Oh no, why are they fighting each other?
  1831. foxysierra: (lol
  1832. Asriel: ((....Tenta why))
  1833. fallenfamily: (...)
  1834. AskDogi: Ew...
  1835. foxysierra: (elemental pigeons
  1836. awakened_arti: A visual representation of Pokemon Go Rivalry
  1837. Streamersans: (( :y ))
  1838. comicdings: we are all speculating and nobody knows why.
  1839. Frisk: * I think it's best if you do it when you feel like you want to, y'know?
  1840. sanscipher: * Meowth...
  1841. fallenfamily: (tenta.)
  1842. asgore: hell brids))
  1843. fallenfamily: (please.)
  1844. comicdings: personally i'd be angry enough to attack whatever was in my way after being released.
  1845. dollytech: I have a lot of dreams, man.
  1846. dirtyglxtchgen: "Am I late?" Had literally just arrived.
  1847. dirtyglxtchgen: (:v)
  1848. comicdings: well that was convenient.
  1849. dollytech: Sometimes I want to be a vigilante, but sometimes I want to be...
  1850. Frisk: * Yeah.
  1851. snowdinpoppy: *Whoa!
  1852. Coldsoul: * (Winter is starting to cry. She doesn't like fighting.) !!!
  1853. dollytech: I want to be a gunboat...!
  1854. AskDogi: (...yeah.)
  1855. Asriel: Oscar: There it be.
  1856. undauntedgunner: A gunboat?
  1857. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa both shiver.
  1858. awakened_arti: THE STAR OF THE SHOW ARRIVES
  1859. pocketfrisk: (( SHOOSH WINTER ))
  1860. dollytech: Even when I'm a little girl!
  1861. comicdings: BEAT IT.
  1862. pocketfrisk: (( dont cry ))
  1863. sanscipher: ((Winter is coming...))
  1864. dollytech: I want to be a little girl gunboat!
  1865. foxysierra: (lugia- throws them, they should be fine
  1866. Coldsoul: (( SHES GON FITE ))
  1867. Asriel: Lautrec: Fuck that Boat.
  1868. AskDogi: Bye bye, boat.
  1869. comicdings: oh hi.
  1870. undauntedgunner: Well, whatever you end up being, I'll support you in your endeavors.
  1871. dollytech: ((i read that as winter coming o mf g)
  1872. wanderandward: -Hm, think things are bout to get better kissan, dont worry.-
  1873. Asriel: Oscar: Don't say that around Poppy! *He slaps Lautrec*
  1874. Frisk: * Slowking!
  1875. dollytech: Even when my eyes become flashlights?
  1876. comicdings: wow, ok. imagine asking asgore if he can talk on meeting him.
  1877. Coldsoul: * B-better?
  1878. snowdinpoppy twitches her ears and looks up.
  1879. snowdinpoppy: *Huh?
  1880. AskDogi: (( slowking just constantly has a :y face ))
  1881. comicdings is up.
  1882. undauntedgunner: Listen...
  1883. Asriel: Oscar: He said nothing. Don't listen to this Goober.
  1884. undauntedgunner: You gotta have SOME way to see.
  1885. acedetective1947: (( Slowking for Asgore Voice headcanon ))
  1886. Asriel: Lautrec: Oscar you dunce.
  1887. ModDoggo: * Good thing he can tell each island by sight.
  1888. comicdings: the bird told him
  1889. Frisk: * Slowking knows everything.
  1890. AskDogi: (( EEEEEEEEE ))
  1891. fallenfamily: "How did he know."
  1892. Coldsoul: (( EEEEEEEE ))
  1893. AskDogi: (....dunno.)
  1894. 8bitoperator: he's a psychic type that's not very surprising ash
  1895. fallenfamily: "THIS IS IMPORTANT, PLEASE."
  1896. asgore: EEEEEEEEEEEEE))
  1897. dollytech: Slowking looks utterly disappointed.
  1898. Frisk: [[ wrrrrrrry
  1899. AskDogi: (Maybe because he was on each island?)
  1900. Asriel: ((It's Tough to be a God))
  1901. awakened_arti: CmON ASH
  1902. snowdinpoppy: *Whoa..
  1903. awakened_arti: YEAHHHH
  1904. awakened_arti: LUGIA IS HEERE
  1905. AskDogi: (( Ash Dies Again: The Movie ))
  1906. undauntedgunner: Ash, no, don't you remember what happened last time you stood in front of a pokemon's attack?!
  1907. comicdings: nice.
  1908. wanderandward: -Alright, well not right away, swear i heard a different bird though.-
  1909. Asriel: Oscar: WATER DRAGON!
  1910. Frisk lets out a large whistle!
  1911. undauntedgunner: You turned to stone!
  1912. acedetective1947: (( Ash for Team Valor confirmed ))
  1913. Frisk: * Bragon!
  1914. pocketfrisk: * that makes no sense. why would he run into a warzone and say "cut it out!!!"?????
  1915. comicdings: because he's dumb.
  1916. AskDogi: Lugia!
  1917. snowdinpoppy: *Whoa...thats a beautiful pokemon.
  1918. Asriel: Lautrec: BIRD
  1919. sanscipher: * Lugia!
  1920. ModDoggo: * Okay I want that one too.
  1921. pocketfrisk: * woah, these are beautiful birds.
  1922. Coldsoul: (( that sound is me ))
  1923. comicdings: oh, you mean like this guy?
  1924. wanderandward: -Oh there we go! See kissan?-
  1925. dollytech: I want searchlight eyes. Maybe only one searchlight eye. I'll wear an eyepatch when I don't want to use my searchlight.
  1926. AskDogi: (Their cry is really beautiful..)
  1927. awakened_arti: Lawrence! JUST GIVE IT A REST
  1928. dollytech: I'll fight the forces of evil!
  1929. Coldsoul: * (She sniffles, watching. She nods.) O-oh...?
  1930. Frisk: * Lugia doesn't belong to anyone!
  1931. Asriel: Lautrec: Asshole, you've been Grounded. How do you expect to get out of here?!
  1932. sanscipher: * Too bad you can't get it seeing your fortress is destroyed.
  1933. comicdings: ow.
  1934. undauntedgunner: That sounds like a plan, sis. I look forward to seeing you fight bad guys.
  1935. AskDogi: !!!!
  1936. asgore: whale bird))
  1937. comicdings: disrespect
  1938. AskDogi: (Water tornado!!)
  1939. ModDoggo: * Of course not! I'll actually let it outside for one thing
  1941. dollytech: (( do it child))
  1942. sanscipher: ((Yes.))
  1943. Asriel: Oscar: It's three against one.
  1944. AskDogi: (To me, it seems that Lugia's too strong to be owned by anyone.)
  1945. undauntedgunner: (( ye
  1946. comicdings: thanks for that obvious comment, slowking.
  1947. wanderandward: ((nah, frisk is a spearow!))
  1948. AskDogi: (I'd rather be a friend to it than anything else, really.)
  1949. Frisk grabs a feather that's fallen from their wings and flicks it somewhere.
  1950. comicdings: (spearow are MEAN)
  1951. Asriel: Lautrec: Welp, World's fucked.
  1952. AskDogi: ..yeah.
  1953. Frisk: [[ uh huh! a spearow
  1954. fallenfamily: "And now they're ganging up on him."
  1955. AskDogi: On equal terms.
  1956. Frisk: [[ frisk has always been one owo
  1957. lastchanceflowey: [[ chara's a spearow ]]
  1958. pocketfrisk: (( nevermind then ))
  1959. snowdinpoppy: *Oh no!
  1960. Asriel: Oscar: *Punches Lautrec this time. Bad Lautrec(
  1961. fallenfamily: "Dead."
  1962. AskDogi: Not superior or inferior to them.
  1963. comicdings: dang that was fast.
  1964. Frisk: * !!!
  1965. asgore: imploded dragon bird))
  1966. lastchanceflowey: [[ frisk is a pidgey ]]
  1967. ModDoggo: * OH!!
  1968. Coldsoul: * R-Ressa...? (She turns her head toward Ressa.)
  1969. Coldsoul: (( rekt ))
  1970. comicdings: one hit kill.
  1971. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa start whining.
  1972. dirtyglxtchgen: (rekt)
  1973. AskDogi: (..yeah...?)
  1974. dollytech: ((i should name a togepi after allison??? maybe. when i finally get pokemon go))
  1975. Frisk: [[ hush frisk is a spearow. small and angry
  1976. comicdings: (spearow almost killed pikachu in the first episode)
  1977. fallenfamily: "Resume fighting."
  1978. comicdings: (jsyk)
  1979. eudevie: ((dolly,it seems only the first 150 are in there right now))
  1980. undauntedgunner: (( i cant believe winter is pikachu
  1981. Frisk: [[ >w> ye
  1982. dollytech: ((ah yeah ))
  1983. Coldsoul: * W-why d-did you s-s-say for me n-not to look?
  1984. dollytech: ((rifp me))
  1985. comicdings: (oh man that cgi)
  1986. pocketfrisk: (( whats the tiny frisk tho ))
  1987. AskDogi: (I was aware you don't like fire or horrible fighting..)
  1988. AskDogi: (Both of those things were happening.)
  1989. AskDogi: Turn to ASH...
  1990. Asriel: Lautrec: ....Oh not.
  1991. comicdings: ...
  1992. comicdings: are you kidding me
  1993. awakened_arti: There ya go guys
  1994. ModDoggo: * Oh...OH MY GOD
  1995. awakened_arti: you caught it
  1996. sanscipher: * Turn to Ash!
  1997. Frisk is filled with Determination and... uh.
  1998. awakened_arti: ; P
  1999. comicdings: that is the worst legend i have ever heard.
  2000. Frisk: * Wow. Amazing.
  2001. pocketfrisk: (( what pokemon would tiny be tho ))
  2002. Asriel: Lautrec: No. Nono nononononononononon NONONONONONONONONONONONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  2003. AskDogi: I should've caught that sooner...!
  2004. asgore: you've done it before you fuck))
  2005. dollytech: When I fight bad guys! I'm gonna be on TV! Not a normal preschooler! Not a normal light cruiser! A wonderful mix of both!
  2006. awakened_arti: ASH YOU DID IT BEFORE
  2007. wanderandward: -Whoa, horde of critters.-
  2008. awakened_arti: CHILL
  2009. fallenfamily: "And their dead."
  2010. asgore: wait no he doesnt remember))
  2011. acedetective1947: (( Ash is like: I'm like 11, why does this shit keep happening to me ))
  2012. comicdings: b o b.
  2013. Frisk: * Why couldn't Misty be the chosen one?
  2014. dollytech: ((accurate))
  2015. AskDogi: (Bob Ketchum.)
  2016. Frisk sputters, "BOB."
  2017. comicdings: oh my god. bob.
  2018. dollytech: Misty being the chosen one would be nice.
  2019. acedetective1947: (( Robert Ketchum ))
  2020. Frisk: * I know right, she's a gym leader!
  2021. Asriel: His name is Satoshi in Japan.
  2022. sanscipher: ((Gotta bob em all))
  2023. AskDogi: (Revive ocarina!)
  2024. Coldsoul: * (She sniffles a little bit and nods, turning her head back toward the screen.)
  2025. Frisk: * She's no Jasmine, but, Misty!
  2026. pocketfrisk: ( tiny frisk would be a fletchling )
  2027. AskDogi: They're back..
  2028. acedetective1947: (( ...the world shall turn to Bob ))
  2029. undauntedgunner: I'll have to get a cable box, then. All I watch on TV are DVDs and VHS tapes.
  2030. Coldsoul: (( the gay magic revives lugia ))
  2031. sanscipher: * RAINBOWS
  2032. comicdings: i was going to ask if sound can reach that far but then again that's specifically lugia's song so-
  2033. AskDogi: Mega Evolution?
  2034. comicdings: what
  2035. snowdinpoppy: *Hes okay!
  2036. asgore: the guardian of lgbt))
  2037. comicdings: what the he ck
  2038. Asriel: ((THIS MOMENT
  2039. AskDogi: (Pseudo-mega evolution...)
  2040. undauntedgunner: Unless you put your escapades on a DVD!
  2041. Frisk: * Lugia's talking???
  2042. Asriel: ((CRINGE WORTHY FOR ME
  2043. foxysierra: (three boring ones
  2044. acedetective1947: (( WHAT THE HELL ))
  2045. awakened_arti: TRUE ANIME
  2046. comicdings: i love how he doesn't even question the voice
  2047. Frisk: [[ tHREE BORING ONES
  2048. comicdings: (THREE WARRING ONES)
  2049. AskDogi: I think it's telepathy.
  2050. Coldsoul: (( the three stooges ))
  2051. dollytech: I can compile the news reports on a tape!
  2052. Asriel: Lautrec: The Three Boring Ones.
  2053. Frisk: [[ thats what i heard pfff
  2054. acedetective1947: (( Did Pokemon just pull a JoJo ))
  2055. asgore: yes))
  2056. Frisk: * The Power of /THREE./
  2057. awakened_arti: Dude Ace have you never seen this movie?
  2058. dollytech: The powers of BEES.
  2059. Asriel: ((Ok Ash, you can totally leave the world to end. Buh bye!)
  2060. Coldsoul: * (She watches the three pokemon and she shivers.)
  2061. AskDogi: Bees!!!
  2062. acedetective1947: (( I'll admit it: I only saw the first movie ))
  2063. Frisk: [[ gasp
  2064. foxysierra: (ash you wimp
  2065. awakened_arti: DUDE YOU'RE MISSING OUT
  2066. Coldsoul: (( DID I HEAR "WARUDO" ))
  2067. asgore: hes sad))
  2068. dollytech: ((confession i only watched the darkrai movie))
  2069. acedetective1947: (( and SOME of the Gen 1 anime )
  2070. sanscipher: * The power of LICE
  2071. asgore: ZA WARUDO))
  2072. Frisk: [[ ZA WARUDO
  2073. eudevie: ((isn't ash still only like 10))
  2074. Asriel: Lautrec: I'LL DO IT, YOU TWERP!
  2075. AskDogi *Amy cringes a bit.
  2076. foxysierra: (dolly
  2077. dollytech: ((immortality))
  2078. Coldsoul: (( ZA WARUDO!!! ))
  2079. asgore: yes))
  2080. foxysierra: (you must now watch them all
  2081. ModDoggo: * Wow he got over that quick
  2082. comicdings: eyyyyyyy.
  2083. sanscipher: * DO IT! JUST DO IT!
  2084. foxysierra: (puns
  2085. Coldsoul: (( dead ))
  2086. asgore: goddamn it))
  2087. acedetective1947: (( woah - that was quick ))
  2088. awakened_arti: PUNS
  2089. dollytech: ((hourai elixir)
  2090. AskDogi *Ressa groans.
  2091. ModDoggo: * UGH!!
  2092. comicdings: geh heh heh heh.
  2093. Frisk: * OH MY GOSH.
  2094. AskDogi: (UGH...)
  2095. asgore: the real 2000 experience))
  2096. undauntedgunner: These puns...
  2097. pocketfrisk: * oh my gosh how does he trip so easily.
  2098. dollytech: ((ash drank the hourai elixer))
  2100. asgore: FLY))
  2101. comicdings: at least he doesnt have cold feet.
  2102. lastchanceflowey: [[ he wished on ho-oh to be on a pokemon adventure forever ]]
  2103. awakened_arti: POKEMON SLEDDING GOOOO
  2104. ModDoggo: * What
  2105. asgore: THATS REDUNDANT))
  2106. foxysierra: (at this point he couldn't fly on charizard
  2107. lastchanceflowey: [[ thats why he's always ten ]]
  2108. ModDoggo: * JUST FLY ON THE DRAGON
  2109. AskDogi: Pokemon bobsled!
  2110. Frisk: * I walk around Snowdin barefooted, he'll be fine.
  2111. foxysierra: (he can't do that until the third movie
  2112. acedetective1947: (( SLAVE LABOR ))
  2113. acedetective1947: (( I'M CALLING THE UNION ))
  2114. comicdings: oh sure, fly on the dragon, make yourself a target
  2115. Asriel: Lautrec: Ride on the Ocean God.
  2116. foxysierra: (because charizard stays in the charizard village to train
  2117. lastchanceflowey: * You're going to lose toes like that.
  2118. comicdings: oh wait, don't ride on the god
  2119. comicdings: they're going to attack the god
  2120. foxysierra: ( I know this...frick...
  2121. asgore: ocean man,))
  2122. Coldsoul: * (Winter takes her hand and puts it right next to her shoulder so Tiny can get off. She's gon do something.)
  2123. AskDogi: (( dead ))
  2124. comicdings: it's a big Target
  2125. dirtyglxtchgen: "Wouldn't flying on the dragon make him more of a target? Or more likely to get hit."
  2126. dollytech: I wish I had better shoes.
  2127. sanscipher: * Helicopter Fainted!
  2128. comicdings: exactly
  2129. pocketfrisk: [ Tiny hops off. ]
  2130. comicdings drops a grape.
  2131. undauntedgunner: I'd fight a god bird.
  2132. Frisk: * Same.
  2133. undauntedgunner: I've fought regular gods before, it can't be that different.
  2134. comicdings: what did i say.
  2135. dollytech: I keep walking 'round Snowdin with only my party shoes and stockings!
  2136. ModDoggo: * Not unless it flies close to the ground, like it is right now
  2137. awakened_arti: I LOVE TEAM ROCKET IN THIS FILM
  2138. comicdings: what did i say. they would attack
  2139. dollytech: W-what's fighting a god like?
  2140. Asriel: Oscar: I'd fight the power.
  2141. AskDogi: (I wouldn't.. I may be strong, but I'm no god.)
  2142. wanderandward: -Hm? Whatre you up to kissan?-
  2143. AskDogi: Me neither.
  2144. Asriel: Lautrec: Row Row.
  2146. dirtyglxtchgen: "You were saying?"
  2147. Coldsoul: * (She scoots over and sets Tiny on Frisk's lap. She then proceeds to jump behind the couch again.)
  2148. ModDoggo: * What difference would it make??
  2149. acedetective1947: (( Ash confirmed Team Valor ))
  2150. snowdinpoppy: *C'mon Ash, you can do it!
  2151. undauntedgunner: It's rad! It's super rad.
  2152. sanscipher Reaches for the bowl and grabs the grape.
  2153. comicdings: do you want to get on the god
  2154. snowdinpoppy bounces in Doggo's lap.
  2155. wanderandward: -oh.-
  2156. comicdings: while it's maneuvering LIKE THAT.
  2157. eudevie: ((charizard isn't even flapping the fuck))
  2158. pocketfrisk: * !!! oh, hey, frisk!
  2159. Frisk paps their finger on Tiny's head.
  2160. dollytech: I want to fight a god now! Let's make a party thing!
  2161. pocketfrisk: * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2162. Frisk: * Sup.
  2163. ModDoggo: * Yes
  2164. 8bitoperator: i'm like, reasonably convinced i could fight a god and win.
  2165. undauntedgunner: Yeah!
  2166. ModDoggo: * YEs I do
  2167. dollytech: You know!! Adventuring party!
  2168. undauntedgunner: We just have to find a god first.
  2169. awakened_arti: HERE IT COMES
  2170. comicdings: well it'd be nice knowing you then, doggo.
  2171. awakened_arti: IM SO READY
  2172. AskDogi *Amy very gently pats Poppy's head.
  2173. Frisk: * I don't really flap when I fly myself.
  2174. Coldsoul: * (She skitters close to Amy and peeks up by him.) Boo.
  2175. 8bitoperator: or at least like, win against the suckers who claim he's a god.
  2176. dollytech: I'm gonna be the engineer-slash-sniper of the team!
  2177. Frisk: [[ tissues ready everyone
  2178. AskDogi: Team rocket saves the day??
  2179. awakened_arti: YEAH BOOOOY
  2180. sanscipher pops the grape into his mouth, watching the movie closely.
  2181. asgore: ayy boi))
  2182. ModDoggo: * Where are you even going to find a god
  2183. Frisk: * HERE WE GO.
  2184. awakened_arti: YOU BET YOUR ASS THEY DO
  2185. Asriel: Oscar: Hey guys. When we get to the Surface, do you think we can all go on an adventure?
  2186. acedetective1947: (( *ZYDECO INTENSIFIES* ))
  2187. AskDogi: (TEAM ROCKET SAVES THE DAY!!)
  2188. asgore: dslfkdf))
  2189. comicdings: nice. they're being helpful.
  2190. 8bitoperator: easy, doggo! find a guy with a bigger ego than all the underground.
  2191. Frisk points at themselves, "The god is right here!"
  2192. comicdings: uh huh.
  2193. 8bitoperator: search long enough and you'll find em. lmao.
  2194. awakened_arti: Such dorks
  2195. sanscipher: * What ash said.
  2196. snowdinpoppy: *Yeah! Go go go!
  2197. pocketfrisk: [ Tiny doesn't reply, they're still flustered by the pet!!! ]
  2198. AskDogi: AW, YEAH!!
  2199. dollytech: We're going to find a god to beat up! I want to be the youngest person to fight a god!
  2200. pocketfrisk: (( brb ))
  2201. wanderandward: *Flicks Frisks nose.* -Puny god.-
  2202. dollytech: Or maybe a demon! Demons are fun too!
  2203. comicdings: pick a minor god.
  2204. Streamersans: ((meowth continues to have unfortunate fingers))
  2205. Coldsoul: * (She just jumps from Amy yelling, and she falls backwards, slipping off the couch.) Aah!
  2206. comicdings: (GOD)
  2207. AskDogi: (I know a god, but you won't be able to beat him up, for sure.)
  2208. ModDoggo: ((Im not the only one who saw that, good))
  2209. asgore: zoom))
  2210. AskDogi: (( wait what ))
  2211. awakened_arti: THe Lucario Movie was pretty good as well
  2212. AskDogi: (( i missed it ))
  2213. sanscipher: ((Meowth fliped us the bird.))
  2214. dollytech: Oooh! Maybe I can go demon hunting!
  2215. Frisk chirps at the flick, sticking their tongue out.
  2216. AskDogi: (( ah alright ))
  2217. ModDoggo: ((Yeah lets go with that))
  2218. Coldsoul: * (She was leaning on the top of the couch and she fell. Darn.)
  2219. Frisk: * I'm a puny god, alright!
  2220. comicdings: (heh, ifthat's what YOU saw)
  2221. AskDogi: (( ???? ))
  2222. Asriel: ((I saw that too, Joe.))
  2223. Streamersans: ((ssshhh))
  2224. sanscipher: ((Yes, I also saw the.. other thing...
  2225. awakened_arti: Ooh Doggo I bet you'd love lucario
  2226. sanscipher: ((ANYWAY))
  2227. awakened_arti: he's right up your ally tbh
  2228. acedetective1947: (( Meanwhile - In the Bayous of Louisiana ))
  2229. dollytech: ((my fave part of the darkrai movie was the baron lickylicky part...))
  2230. sanscipher: ((Likin the movie so far))
  2231. AskDogi *Dogamy yawns.
  2232. undauntedgunner: I've only fought two demons before. I wish you luck, Al.
  2233. ModDoggo: * Oh, I know what a Lucario is!
  2234. asgore: baron lickylicky i relate
  2235. asgore: ))*
  2236. dollytech: ((mainly because i like lickylicky))
  2237. AskDogi: (Lucario's the BEST pokemon.)
  2238. comicdings: (lucario has unfortunate typing)
  2239. sanscipher: * RUN!
  2240. asgore: honestly no at this point you KNOW i'm ooc im not gonna correct myself w parenthesies))
  2241. wanderandward: you have silver bullets by any chance?-
  2242. ModDoggo: * They would be better with swords though
  2243. comicdings: (HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN)
  2244. Coldsoul: * Oww... oww. (She sits behind Amy's spot while behind the couch, rubbing her back with her hand again.)
  2245. snowdinpoppy: *Oh no..!
  2246. foxysierra: (articuno get wrecked
  2247. Asriel: ((DOWN GOES TEAM MYSTIC))
  2248. asgore: eat shit mystic))
  2249. asgore: im kidding))
  2250. Streamersans: ((FUQ U))
  2251. acedetective1947: (( Valor for Victory ))
  2252. ModDoggo: ((What Flare said))
  2253. asgore: IM KDIDNG))
  2254. foxysierra: (weak to both electricity and fire
  2255. ModDoggo: ((NOT ANYMORE))
  2256. undauntedgunner: Yeah, I do! I have silver bullets soaked in holy water and garlic extract.
  2257. awakened_arti: DONT LEAVE TEAM ROCKET BEHIND DUDE!
  2258. AskDogi: Lugia has a really attractive voice..
  2259. foxysierra: (lol
  2260. asgore: dragon bird jesus))
  2261. wanderandward: -Kissan, be careful!-
  2262. AskDogi: (SO smooth.)
  2263. undauntedgunner: Supernatural Slayers.
  2264. foxysierra: (mystic icon in the bottom right corner
  2265. comicdings judges you from the ceiling.
  2266. awakened_arti: How ungrateful of you
  2267. foxysierra: (I'm not the only one who saw, right?
  2268. Frisk: [[ youre not the only one
  2269. dollytech: I'd like to fight demons with homemade weapons!
  2270. sanscipher: (I missed it)
  2271. comicdings: (WEIGHTWATCHERS)
  2272. AskDogi: (( saw w h a t ))
  2273. acedetective1947: (( Lugia is so chill about this ))
  2274. asgore: WEIGHTWATERS IM))
  2275. Coldsoul: * (Winter walks back to her seat and she sits down politely, sighing. Her back still hurts.)
  2276. awakened_arti: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
  2277. asgore: THAT SHITS SO OLD))
  2278. AskDogi: (( nevermind i'll drop it ))
  2279. acedetective1947: (( WEIGHTWATCHERS ARE YOU KIDDING ME ))
  2280. comicdings: (bye tenta)
  2281. comicdings:
  2282. awakened_arti: TEAM ROCET
  2283. comicdings: (NOOOOGHH GO)
  2284. Frisk: * And unite all people in our nation.
  2285. comicdings: (i hecked)
  2286. asgore: huadhsufh))
  2287. awakened_arti: NOOOOO
  2288. AskDogi: Team rocket..!
  2289. dirtyglxtchgen: "But they're falling this time."
  2290. Frisk: [[ spaces in the parathenteses
  2291. acedetective1947: (( That actually gave me chills ))
  2292. wanderandward: -Anyways, might need your help with demon number three sometime-
  2293. sanscipher: * Rip
  2294. asgore: HUAHAUAHA))
  2295. comicdings: they live.
  2296. Frisk: * Oh!
  2297. foxysierra: (that cold water alone
  2298. foxysierra: (they'd drown from the shock
  2299. awakened_arti: Of course they live lol
  2300. AskDogi: (!!!!)
  2301. sanscipher: * Look at those pokemon to CAPTURE!
  2302. undauntedgunner: (( team rocket outfits are like wetsuits
  2303. Asriel: Oscar: Oh/
  2304. comicdings: (they'd fall unconscious from the height first)
  2305. awakened_arti: But I love Team Rocket
  2306. Streamersans: ((the water isnt actually cold))
  2307. Streamersans: ((it's surface frozen bc articuno))
  2308. dollytech: ((screaming gyarados))
  2309. lastchanceflowey: [[ not even cold water. from that height its like concrete ]]
  2311. foxysierra: (belly flop
  2312. comicdings: (you hit from a high enough elevation, and...)
  2313. espetale: * Wow. I come back and the movie is almost over
  2314. foxysierra: (into the ice
  2315. comicdings: (well. it's not pretty)
  2316. asgore: it's pokemon dude))
  2317. foxysierra: (and water
  2318. espetale: lol
  2319. asgore: they're not gonna die.))
  2320. undauntedgunner: (( are yall seriously talking about physics
  2322. comicdings: (yes i am)
  2323. Frisk: [[ yeah shounen anime
  2324. undauntedgunner: (( in pokemon???
  2325. asgore: its a pokemon movie,))
  2326. foxysierra: (haha
  2327. Coldsoul: * I d-don't t-t-think I s-should mess w-with anyone a-anymore.
  2328. comicdings: (I AM)
  2329. AskDogi: (( best va ))
  2330. awakened_arti: Real world science doesn't apply to pokemon lol
  2331. snowdinpoppy: *Oh no!
  2332. lastchanceflowey: [[ TEAM ROCKET ARE GHOSTS CONFIRMED ]]
  2333. Asriel: Lautrec: Stupid freaking pokemon
  2334. asgore: FUCKER))
  2335. awakened_arti: WHAT AN ASSHOLE
  2336. Frisk: * WOW.
  2337. acedetective1947: (( Unless you're either reading Pokemon Manga or playing Pokemon Tabletop, ppl don't die ))
  2338. comicdings: (MLG POKEMON)
  2339. wanderandward: *Wander slides over and pats Winters head.* -Are you hurt?-
  2340. Streamersans: ((man dont get me started on the manga))
  2341. awakened_arti: GET WITH THE PROGRAM ASSHAT
  2342. asgore: your destiny as an asshole))
  2343. snowdinpoppy: *Nooo!
  2344. Frisk: [[ depends on the pokemon manga, theres a lot of them
  2345. sanscipher: * Exept your ship is destroyed.
  2346. AskDogi: LUGIA!!
  2347. Frisk: [[ but pokemon special, good shit
  2348. Streamersans: ((i used to have nightmares over that arbok))
  2349. awakened_arti: THe manga is actually insanely dark
  2350. foxysierra: (hyper beam fricker
  2351. awakened_arti: like
  2352. comicdings: (DORITOSED)
  2353. ModDoggo: * Can this guy wait until the world ISNT about to get destroyed???
  2354. asgore: based aeroblast))
  2355. awakened_arti: I'd venture to say the anime and manga are like night and day
  2356. AskDogi: (Lugia.....)
  2357. Frisk: [[ cough. blue and silver in the manga.
  2358. acedetective1947: (( Rip world ))
  2359. AskDogi: Like the sun and the moon..?
  2360. comicdings: (oh god pokespec)
  2361. Frisk: [[ or was it green? i dont remember.
  2362. Streamersans: ((pokemon fuckin die in the manga))
  2363. asgore: yeah thts true))
  2364. snowdinpoppy: *Oh no...
  2365. foxysierra: (they do
  2366. comicdings: (dont get me started on pokespec it's so messed uo)
  2367. comicdings: (up)
  2368. asgore: the manga is fucked up))
  2369. Frisk: [[ but yeah! those two made me sad.
  2370. sanscipher: * Oh noooo
  2371. foxysierra: (arbok gets cut in half, right?
  2372. Streamersans: ((yeah))
  2373. Frisk: [[ theres a LOT MORE tho
  2374. comicdings: (AND THE ELITE FOUR)
  2375. Coldsoul: * (She nods, holding her hands to her chest.)
  2376. undauntedgunner: (( a ton of pokemon get rekt in the manga
  2377. Frisk: [[ like the end of the black/white manga,i i cant spoil.
  2378. awakened_arti: Ghost types are no joke and terrifying in the manga as well
  2379. acedetective1947: (( *Raises a red flag* "REVOLUTION, COMRADES! ))
  2381. comicdings: hey.
  2382. comicdings: language.
  2383. foxysierra: (take this, because you obviously know how to play this instrument
  2384. Streamersans: ((i havent read any of the manga since then tho))
  2385. asgore: straight))
  2386. ModDoggo: * Also I dont think Misty knows how to play the thing
  2387. awakened_arti: I miss Misty and Brock tbh
  2388. Frisk: [[ cant forget the rse arc
  2389. ModDoggo: * So theres that
  2390. Frisk: [[ aaa
  2391. awakened_arti: The original couple of seasons were the best I feel
  2392. dollytech: ((i only read one issue of the d&p manga because i can't find a good place to buy from))
  2393. AskDogi: It looks pretty hard to play.
  2394. eudevie: (( you not have a starmie and staryu))
  2395. Frisk: [[ theyre all scanned online
  2396. wanderandward: -What did you hurt Win?-
  2397. sanscipher: ((Yar har?))
  2398. dollytech: ((i should look ))
  2399. Frisk: * You got it, Ash.
  2400. awakened_arti: Misty you're a water gym leader you should know CPR
  2401. acedetective1947: ^^^
  2402. ModDoggo: * Apparently he didnt need it!
  2403. foxysierra: (logic
  2404. comicdings: it looked like she was performing it before the zoom in.
  2405. awakened_arti: granted
  2406. AskDogi: (DETERMINATION.)
  2407. acedetective1947: (( She would have wanted to give him mouth-to-mouth anyway ))
  2408. Frisk: * Heck yeah!
  2409. espetale: * DETERMINATION, ASH!
  2410. Asriel: Oscar: That's fortunate.
  2411. comicdings: wow thanks for asking if i'm ok, slowking.
  2412. Frisk is filled with DETERMINATION.
  2413. Coldsoul: * (She pokes the left side of her back, and she winces.)
  2414. espetale: I like the snowking
  2415. ModDoggo: * Okay. Now what?
  2416. AskDogi: Time to see what these do..
  2417. espetale: Slowking*
  2418. comicdings: lightshow!
  2419. snowdinpoppy: *Whoa...
  2420. sanscipher: ((Placing the final orb fills you with DETERMINATION.))
  2421. Asriel: ((SNOWPEA!))
  2422. ModDoggo: * Oh...
  2423. AskDogi: Green stuff!
  2424. Streamersans: * green magic.
  2425. awakened_arti: TO HELL
  2426. asgore: greeeen))
  2427. acedetective1947: (( *SANDSTORM INTENSIFIES* ))
  2428. comicdings: oh? now that's interesting.
  2429. AskDogi: (Healing magic...?)
  2430. awakened_arti: ASH GOES TO HELL
  2431. awakened_arti: Jk
  2432. foxysierra: (lol
  2433. Frisk: * It's healing it!
  2434. AskDogi: They're becoming crystals..
  2435. Asriel: ((Interwebs Lagging))
  2436. AskDogi: (( imagine she just starts playing the Song of the Sun ))
  2437. wanderandward: -Ah, bruised that side hm? Just try to avoid bumping it alright?-
  2438. espetale: * Playing the song fills Melody with DETERMINATION.
  2439. AskDogi: (( wrong song ))
  2440. asgore: SONG OF THE SUUUUN))
  2441. Frisk: [[ song of the sun yo......
  2442. Asriel: Oscar: Poppy could totally learn that song and save the world.
  2443. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa are starting to tear up.
  2444. Asriel: Lautrec: Or I could learn it.
  2445. asgore: where's ambrosia when u need it, man))
  2446. Coldsoul: * (She nods while watching the movie intently.)
  2447. sanscipher: (Imagine she started to play Memory)
  2448. Coldsoul: (( mystic is back up ))
  2449. foxysierra: (and thus the elemental chickens were calmed and peace was restored to mcdonalds
  2450. AskDogi: (( AMBROSIA IS MINE AND M I N E A L O N E ))
  2451. snowdinpoppy: *Hehehe, I don't paws can't move that fast.
  2452. asgore: HUAHAUHA))
  2453. dollytech: ((oh my god descole no))
  2454. Frisk: [[ descole will stop at nothing for ambrosia
  2455. asgore: descole yes))
  2456. espetale: * The slowking just wanted some pants.
  2457. snowdinpoppy smiles and hums to the song.
  2458. Frisk: [[ whispers. play azran legacy.
  2459. asgore: when did a full orchestra come in))
  2460. ModDoggo: ((I am seriously tempted to just show the Layton movie again sometime))
  2461. AskDogi *The Dogi hum to the song as well.
  2462. dollytech: ((au in which everything is the same except allison is secretly descole))
  2463. asgore: show it again dude))
  2464. ModDoggo: ((Cause its SO GOOD))
  2465. espetale: Dunno, Asgore
  2466. asgore: it was fantastic))
  2467. wanderandward: ((Do it, please!
  2468. Frisk: [[ layton is brilliant ;o;
  2469. sanscipher also starts to hum along to the song.
  2470. AskDogi *Happy tears are streaming down Amy's face, and Ressa's sniffing.
  2471. comicdings: (I AM NOT CRYING)
  2472. asgore: im havin memories to this song bro))
  2473. Asriel: ((Flare is being OOC, Esp))
  2474. dollytech: ((allison is x character will forever be my catchphrase))
  2475. AskDogi: S-so.. such a good ending..
  2476. 8bitoperator: ok now catch the god ash
  2477. fallenfamily: "Yo what."
  2478. Frisk covers their mouth, eyes twinkling and glowing a bright red. So beautiful.
  2479. 8bitoperator: CATCH the GOD
  2480. undauntedgunner: (( i cant believe allison is megaman x
  2481. dollytech: FIGHT THE GOD
  2482. Frisk: * Naaature!
  2483. asgore: wow))
  2484. AskDogi: Befriend the god!
  2485. comicdings drops a grape.
  2486. foxysierra: (blasphemy
  2487. 8bitoperator: don't fight the god!!! just catch the god
  2488. asgore: dragon bird god))
  2489. Asriel: Lautrec: EAT THE GOD'S HEART!
  2490. comicdings: oh wait wh
  2491. sanscipher: (The grape bowl is now a tear bowl, Dings.
  2492. foxysierra: (holy shit
  2493. wanderandward: -Lucky brat...gets to fly.- *Envious goop is a bit jealous.*
  2494. foxysierra: (calm down kids
  2495. Asriel: Lautrec: I BET IT'S A BOSS MONSTER!
  2496. dollytech: ((au in which allison is satan))
  2497. fallenfamily: "Dude at that point I think Lugia would accept Ash as his Trainer what the heck."
  2498. comicdings: what.
  2499. awakened_arti: We should watch The 3rd movie now
  2500. AskDogi: (Whoa.)
  2501. awakened_arti: Or Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
  2502. sanscipher catches the grape before it falls in
  2503. AskDogi: W h o a..
  2504. asgore: the brass tho))
  2505. asgore: godam))
  2506. dollytech: ((allison is satan. or maybe the broken god...))
  2507. dirtyglxtchgen: "..Wow."
  2508. Streamersans: * only time for one movie tonight, sorry.
  2509. snowdinpoppy: *Yay! They're not fighting anymore!
  2510. fallenfamily: (Just one movie arti ;c; )
  2511. pocketfrisk: * oh my gosh it is so majestic.
  2512. sanscipher throws the grape back up to dings.
  2513. awakened_arti: Fair enough
  2514. foxysierra: (no spell of unknown?
  2515. foxysierra: (poopy
  2516. AskDogi: SO majestic.
  2517. Frisk: [[ i think we did spell of the unown
  2518. comicdings catches it with one hand.
  2519. acedetective1947: (( "So we all good, fam?" - Lugia to the three arsebirds ))
  2520. comicdings: thanks.
  2521. AskDogi *Ressa and Amy happily snuggle against Doggo.
  2522. Streamersans: ((i have work at 8am so no double feature))
  2523. awakened_arti: I mean since Sans is such a busy guy ; P
  2524. sanscipher: * No problem.
  2525. dollytech: ((allison is the broken god and she finds this out and wants to fight herself))
  2526. foxysierra: (I see
  2527. awakened_arti: (giving sans a hard time, not you tenta ; P
  2528. foxysierra: (yes, sleep then
  2529. Asriel: ((Android 13: That is a big Bird.))
  2530. foxysierra: (rest
  2531. comicdings: i still have no clue what that was.
  2532. fallenfamily: (Go to slep u meme and a 1/2 )
  2533. comicdings: or why it was brought up.
  2534. espetale: * I love this song
  2535. asgore: i need to eat after this in any case))
  2536. asgore: screaming birds))
  2537. asgore: there they go))
  2538. dollytech: ((plot twist: allison is a cowboy))
  2539. wanderandward: -Lintu, scream with your kin!-
  2540. comicdings: well that was a turnaround wasn't it folks.
  2541. awakened_arti: I think this one and te original are probably the best pokemon movies out of them all
  2542. asgore: 'holy fuck the legend really was true')
  2543. snowdinpoppy: *Wow..
  2544. Frisk screeches.
  2545. 8bitoperator: now CATCH! THAT! POKEMON!
  2546. dollytech: ((plot twist: allison /is/ the plot twist))
  2547. sanscipher: ((Plot twist: A plot twist happens.))
  2548. AskDogi: I like the one with Latias and Latios, to be honest!
  2549. fallenfamily: "Well actually."
  2550. Coldsoul: * (Winter shrinks at the screech, twitching.) !
  2551. AskDogi: (That one's pretty good too, yeah..)
  2552. fallenfamily: "It coulda."
  2553. Asriel: Lautrec: Back to the Sea, Whale Bird.
  2554. 8bitoperator: ok thanks ash you're a bad pokemon trainer
  2555. pocketfrisk: * ow! friiisk!
  2556. awakened_arti: Im not saying the othhers are bad
  2557. asgore: HOOPA MOVIE RERUN WHEN))
  2558. pocketfrisk: * that was so loud.
  2559. AskDogi: I know!
  2560. comicdings: his mom's gonna kill him
  2561. awakened_arti: just that the two ffrst ones were likely the best out of em all
  2562. espetale: * The Slowking just wanted some pants!
  2563. asgore: nothing has changed, hoopa is still my son))
  2564. AskDogi: When they're all great, it's kinda hard to compare sometimes.
  2565. fallenfamily: "THAT ONE IS SAD AS HECK WHAT YOU MEAN RESSA..."
  2566. awakened_arti: 10/10 REACTION
  2567. pocketfrisk: (( WHAAAAT? MY MOM!!!! ))
  2568. asgore: same))
  2569. AskDogi: (I KNOW.)
  2570. wanderandward balls up his cloak and flings it at Frisk! Time to catch a Spearow!
  2571. acedetective1947: (( "Ow! My labega! ))
  2572. 8bitoperator: me too momther
  2573. AskDogi: (That's why I love it~)
  2574. awakened_arti: *LOUD EYE ROLL*
  2575. fallenfamily: (It Toriel.)
  2576. awakened_arti: COMON MOOOM
  2577. Asriel: Oscar: Isn't he 10 years old?
  2578. AskDogi: (It's one of the few movies that never fails to make me bawl.)
  2579. awakened_arti: IM 10 YOURE EMBARASSING ME
  2580. Asriel: Oscar: And she let him leave?
  2581. AskDogi *Amy sniffles.
  2582. pocketfrisk jumps in front of the balled cloak!
  2583. fallenfamily: "It human goatmom."
  2584. snowdinpoppy: *Awww...
  2585. Asriel: Oscar: And she's...there is no logic to this situation.
  2586. AskDogi: a-aww....
  2587. ModDoggo: * ...Hhinnn...
  2588. awakened_arti: LOUD GROAN
  2589. awakened_arti: Pfft
  2590. pocketfrisk: * no catching today!!
  2591. Coldsoul: (( hair starts to flow with great animation ))
  2592. asgore: huahah))
  2593. awakened_arti: 'Thanks mom.'
  2594. snowdinpoppy smiles and wags her tail.
  2595. foxysierra: (stand still
  2596. snowdinpoppy: *Such a good Mom
  2597. Frisk shuts their mouth, thrown off a bit by the ball. They snort, fluffing up.
  2598. foxysierra: (dramatic face cam
  2599. AskDogi *Amy just dries his eyes on Doggo's shoulder.
  2600. sanscipher: * I'm not crying...
  2601. asgore: hair animatioooon))
  2602. espetale: * Catching tears fill me with DETERMINATION.
  2603. AskDogi: snf..
  2604. Coldsoul: (( tht is when u know when its supposed to be a sentimental moment ))
  2605. Frisk: * Cooooo.
  2606. foxysierra: (THE ANCIENT MEW
  2607. AskDogi: Y-you're my hero, you know that, Doggo?
  2608. dollytech: One day I'm going to kill demons and use them to upgrade my armor!
  2609. foxysierra: (OMG
  2610. comicdings: wait
  2611. wanderandward: -Dammit, caught a bug instead.-
  2612. comicdings: is he gonna try again
  2613. Frisk: [[ the CARD
  2614. Asriel: Oscar: He's gonna do it again?
  2615. asgore: i have that card c: ))
  2616. comicdings: welp
  2617. Frisk: [[ same
  2618. espetale: Mew
  2619. foxysierra: (you know that card wasn't in the theater I went to
  2620. fallenfamily: "So what he gunna do now."
  2621. awakened_arti: I think he may hhave actually learned\
  2622. asgore: u fuckr))
  2623. dollytech: But for now! I'll be doing silly umbrella dances!
  2624. foxysierra: (they only had the birds
  2625. awakened_arti: not to be an asshat
  2626. dirtyglxtchgen: "Oh hey they're still alive."
  2627. ModDoggo: * ...YEah...Yeah I do...
  2628. comicdings: hi slowking
  2629. pocketfrisk: * yay. for once.
  2630. acedetective1947: (( So, are we going to arrest that guy for war-crimes or...? ))
  2631. Frisk: [[ i have the bird card
  2632. Asriel: Lautrec: What?
  2633. foxysierra: (uhoh
  2634. undauntedgunner: Allison, that sounds metal as h... Heck.
  2635. foxysierra: (4th wall break
  2636. comicdings: there goes the fourth wall
  2637. Frisk: * What.
  2638. AskDogi: uh.
  2639. Asriel: Oscar: We are, actually.
  2640. awakened_arti: *waves*
  2641. lastchanceflowey: [[ fuck u ]]
  2642. fallenfamily: "..."
  2643. AskDogi: (What.)
  2644. asgore: 4TH WALL BREAKING))
  2645. acedetective1947: (( TENTA! THE WALL! ))
  2646. sanscipher: * There goes the fourth wall!
  2647. acedetective1947: (( GET THE DUCT TAPE ))
  2648. Coldsoul: (( bye ))
  2649. asgore: THAT'S BAD))
  2650. fallenfamily: "Sans, close the movie."
  2651. Streamersans: (( :y ))
  2652. pocketfrisk: * thats fourth-wall breaking.
  2653. asgore: huahuah))
  2654. snowdinpoppy: ((pffft))
  2655. AskDogi: So confused.)
  2656. awakened_arti: YES
  2657. Asriel: ((Credits
  2658. Streamersans: * no?
  2659. comicdings: there it goes.
  2660. awakened_arti: CREDITS SONG
  2661. asgore: that was great))
  2662. fallenfamily: "Before something bad happens."
  2663. asgore: softly kicklfisp))
  2664. pocketfrisk: * Great, Good Movie tm
  2665. dollytech does a barbershop routine!
  2666. asgore: im really tired))
  2667. snowdinpoppy: *Such a pretty song...
  2668. 8bitoperator: and [james voice] that's bad!
  2669. comicdings: that was good.
  2670. asgore: i need to get food))
  2671. fallenfamily: "I don't like how he looked at us."
  2672. AskDogi *Ressa sings along.
  2673. awakened_arti: *was totally singing this in my stream the other day*
  2674. asgore: so i must go))
  2675. asgore: alas..))
  2676. Streamersans: ((goodbye friend))
  2677. espetale: * Well that was nice looking at this again.
  2678. asgore: arti hmu next stream aight man?))
  2679. comicdings: geh heh heh. not a bad movie.
  2680. asgore: well! byebye guys! good stream ))
  2681. acedetective1947: (( Good movie - made my evening exponentially better! ))
  2682. awakened_arti: No prob
  2683. AskDogi: I'm just so, so glad that you're here, Doggo..
  2684. snowdinpoppy starts singing along with Ressa.
  2685. Asriel: Lautrec: The power of one? That was the efforts of so many people.
  2686. dollytech: ((this movie was really nice ))
  2687. awakened_arti: Any pokemon movie is a good mood lifter
  2688. AskDogi: that you're someone that I can rely on, talk to, and believe in.
  2689. Coldsoul: * (Winter gets up. Time to go back to timeline that Doesn't Really Exist.)
  2690. awakened_arti: Except the giritina movie
  2691. awakened_arti: that one was
  2692. pocketfrisk: * that was fun. i don't know where i'm going now, though.
  2693. comicdings: (nostalgia crash, man. my favorite pokemon movie. thank u so much)
  2694. Frisk: * We're all one in the heart. I guess?
  2695. awakened_arti: mmmmmm not good
  2696. 8bitoperator: gotta go myself, next movie for me's starting up. see y'all later!
  2697. ModDoggo: * Same here, Amy.
  2698. espetale: *MOVIE
  2699. AskDogi: I believe in you.. and I bet you believe in me and Ressa, too..
  2700. AskDogi: (Love you, Doggo.)
  2701. acedetective1947: (( Remember kids - Vikings are from Minnesota ))
  2702. undauntedgunner: (( seeya around flare
  2703. sanscipher: * That was a great movie...
  2704. wanderandward: -Hm, leavin by yourself kissan?-
  2705. awakened_arti: Thanks tenta
  2706. Streamersans: ((i'm incredibly amused, you can see the frame glitch when the credits change bc they're originally in japanese))
  2707. comicdings: thanks for letting us come in and watch.
  2708. AskDogi: (Yeah, it was.)
  2709. dollytech: I'm gonna go sooner or later- I got a rad fighting game to play and stuff!
  2710. ModDoggo: * Of course, I do, nothing will change that. I love you...
  2711. espetale: APPLAUSE
  2712. awakened_arti: a wwonderful nostalgic trip into the past
  2713. pocketfrisk: * frisk, do you have anywhere to go?
  2714. Streamersans: * ... stick around for a bit, buddy. i need to talk to you about something.
  2715. comicdings: (YEAH I SEE IT)
  2716. Streamersans is looking at Dings.
  2717. awakened_arti: Im not crying now honest
  2718. comicdings shrugs.
  2719. comicdings: sorry if i messed up the ceiling.
  2720. Coldsoul: * (She nods, walking out the door. Back to Other Timeline.)
  2721. awakened_arti: wait who is sans talking to
  2722. AskDogi: Love you, too.
  2723. snowdinpoppy: *What a pretty song..
  2724. Streamersans: ((WHEEZES I FORGOT ITS IN HERE))
  2725. Asriel: Oscar: !!!!!!!
  2726. foxysierra: (weird al again
  2727. awakened_arti: WHOA
  2728. snowdinpoppy: ((OH GOD))
  2729. wanderandward: *Waves*
  2730. Asriel: Lautrec: Uh
  2731. AskDogi: (( WELP ))
  2732. acedetective1947: (( OH MY GOD ))
  2733. comicdings: (OH MY YGOF)
  2734. awakened_arti: A COMPLETE 180
  2735. undauntedgunner: (( this fuycki g song
  2736. AskDogi: (( CRACKING UP ))
  2737. ModDoggo: ((WELL THEN))
  2738. Frisk: [[ jfc
  2739. comicdings: (THERE GOES THE MOOD)
  2740. Frisk: [[ surprise
  2741. dollytech: ((WHEEZE))
  2742. acedetective1947: (( ARE YOJU +IOGJOIJ___))
  2743. AskDogi: (( I C ANT BREATHE
  2744. ModDoggo: * WELL
  2745. eudevie: ((FUCKING WEIRD AL))
  2746. comicdings: (IM WHEEZING)
  2747. pocketfrisk: * frisk? you're going somewhere, right?
  2748. wanderandward: ((lmao, yes!!
  2749. sanscipher gets up and hauls the spiderbag to San's closet.
  2750. stillmeChara: * Chara snickers.
  2751. snowdinpoppy: ((PFT!))
  2752. AskDogi: (( FUCK ))
  2754. acedetective1947: (( I can't believe Ace is fucking Dead ))
  2755. pocketfrisk: (( THAT WAS AMAZING ))
  2756. Frisk: * I don't know where that somewhere is.
  2758. ModDoggo: * AND THEN IT GOES BACK TO...
  2759. dollytech: ((i'm dying))
  2760. pocketfrisk: (( AND THEN IT GOES BACK ))
  2761. awakened_arti: PERFECT TIMING
  2762. Asriel: (And now I can go.
  2763. Streamersans is fucking wheezing laughing.
  2764. Asriel: ((Later everyone!))
  2765. comicdings dropped all his grapes in the confusion
  2766. pocketfrisk: * oh. do you live somewhere?
  2767. wanderandward: ((laters pool
  2768. AskDogi *The Dogi are cracking up too, they can't breathe.
  2769. comicdings is cleaning them up
  2770. AskDogi *They were NOT prepared for that.
  2771. pocketfrisk: * because i don't. somewhere to live would be nice.
  2772. ModDoggo is trying to keep himself from laughing at this!
  2773. Frisk hops off, shaking their head.
  2774. sanscipher holds up the bucket for all the grapes.
  2775. Frisk: * I'm homeless.
  2776. acedetective1947: POLKAMON
  2777. acedetective1947: THE TITLE OF THE SONG IS POLKAMON
  2778. snowdinpoppy: *That was a great movie..
  2779. acedetective1947: GOD BLESS YOU WEIRD AL
  2780. AskDogi: Yeah..
  2781. dollytech snorts.
  2782. awakened_arti: Okay
  2783. AskDogi: We should be..heheheh...!
  2784. dollytech: POLKAMON.
  2785. foxysierra: (:y
  2786. AskDogi: We should b-be going, woof.
  2787. dollytech: Frisk!
  2788. awakened_arti: ((who was sans telling to stay erlier
  2789. foxysierra: (it comes
  2790. Frisk: * Have been for a while, so, I'll be heading to someone's roof to sleep for the night.
  2791. snowdinpoppy: ((I see that!))
  2792. comicdings: (:y )
  2793. Frisk: * Hm??
  2794. Frisk: [[ :y
  2795. undauntedgunner: (( :y
  2796. acedetective1947: (( Aight, g'night y'all ))
  2797. comicdings: alright, almost done with these grapes.
  2798. Streamersans: ((he was telling dings))
  2799. dollytech: Maybe you can, uh...
  2800. dirtyglxtchgen: "Homeless people unite, I just sit in a ..uh, 'dead' timeline."
  2801. comicdings: (eheeheehee)
  2802. sanscipher: :y
  2803. AskDogi: Night, Doggo.
  2804. awakened_arti: ((Ah, just curious
  2805. AskDogi: (Night, Doggo, night, Poppy..)
  2806. dollytech: Homeless folks!
  2807. awakened_arti: ((Hope me coming in ooc wasn't an issue tenta
  2808. espetale: CLAP
  2809. snowdinpoppy: *Huh, theres still some cookies left..anyone want them?
  2810. ModDoggo: * Yeah, I should get Poppy home. Night Amy, Night Ress.
  2811. dollytech: You guys can hang out at my fort, maybe!
  2812. pocketfrisk: * oh! uhm.. can i come with you, frisk?
  2813. snowdinpoppy: *Oh! Goodnight Mr. Amy, Mrs. Ressa!
  2814. sanscipher opens up his pocket and pours all the grapes in from the bucket.
  2815. wanderandward: *The amalgam waves farewell and strolls on out.*
  2816. dollytech: Cookies!
  2817. espetale: *Espetale starts to clap.
  2818. dollytech: I'd like cookies-
  2819. Streamersans: ((i'll keep it going a lil))
  2820. snowdinpoppy: *Yeah, they're pokeball cookies
  2821. awakened_arti: I would use spindle but I retired the blog and I don't wanna reset him just for movie night lol
  2822. sanscipher: ((MY GOD YEEES))
  2823. Frisk: * I don't want to know what happened to that timeline, but--- I wouldn't mind, I prefer the rules though.
  2824. snowdinpoppy: *You can have the rest if you like!
  2825. snowdinpoppy: *I made them myself
  2826. ModDoggo: * Whatever you guys dont eat i'll eat
  2827. comicdings has eaten all the grapes he's dropped.
  2829. sanscipher: ((Thank you for the SharaX))
  2830. AskDogi *Ressa and Amy give Doggo a gentle kiss on each cheek, before each of them gently pet Poppy's head.
  2831. Frisk: * You can come with me, yeah.
  2832. espetale: Hum
  2833. undauntedgunner: (( au where spindle lives inside movie night
  2834. snowdinpoppy wags her tail and yips from the pets.
  2835. AskDogi *They get up to leave, un-nestling Doggo from between them.
  2836. AskDogi: Bye, Poppy!
  2837. dollytech nabs some cookies and stuffs like two each at a time in her mouth. Allison no, you'll choke
  2838. snowdinpoppy: *Bye!
  2839. comicdings: (i love all mixes of heartache and ASGORE)
  2840. pocketfrisk climbs up onto Frisk's shoulder.
  2841. snowdinpoppy: *Hehehe, don't eat them too fast.
  2842. sanscipher: ((The grapes have created a paradox.))
  2843. awakened_arti: Wait flare yo still here?
  2844. AskDogi *The Dogi leave for their own cabin.
  2845. comicdings: (honestly ASGORE is my favorite undertale song)
  2846. Frisk heads for the door, balancing some cookies on their head as they get out. See yall.
  2847. espetale: Hey Sans, can I post the broadcast in my tumblr?
  2848. awakened_arti: Oh hey I'll be streaming tomorrow!
  2849. dollytech hasn't eaten for some time...
  2850. sanscipher idly takes a grape out of his pocket and pops it into his mouth.
  2851. awakened_arti: I'm doing a Pokemon Silver Nuzlocke
  2852. Streamersans: * the show's over, pal. don't post anything.
  2853. Streamersans: * this is just for cooldown.
  2854. snowdinpoppy: *The cookies aren't going anywhere, have the rest.
  2855. espetale: Oh, XD
  2856. snowdinpoppy: *Mr. Doggo, is it time to go home?
  2857. awakened_arti: and some don;t starve shipwrecked
  2858. comicdings is now on the ground where he belongs.
  2859. awakened_arti: Maybe some folks and come and watch me ;w;
  2860. dollytech proceeds to eat more slowly. And between bites...
  2861. Streamersans plops down next to Dings.
  2862. espetale: Nice song o3o
  2863. dollytech: Man, I don't know whether I should just play video games or actually fix my fort-
  2864. comicdings: heya.
  2865. Streamersans: * hi.
  2866. ModDoggo: * Yeah, unless you want to stay here a little longer
  2867. ModDoggo: * Or go somewhere else.
  2868. dollytech: My fort is getting really disorganized!
  2869. snowdinpoppy: *I wanna say goodbye to Mr. Sans and Mr. Papyrus first.
  2870. comicdings: sorry about the uh, occasional grape drop.
  2871. foxysierra: (imma go now
  2872. undauntedgunner: Your fort?
  2873. sanscipher leans back in a normal beanbag chair, listening to the conversations.
  2874. foxysierra: (thanks for the stream tenta
  2875. Streamersans: * s'fine. s'not what i wanted to talk to you about.
  2876. espetale: I'm just gonna sit around.
  2877. Streamersans: (( ))
  2878. ModDoggo: * Go ahead, whenever you're ready to go.
  2879. foxysierra: (night everyone~
  2880. comicdings: (niiiight!)
  2881. sanscipher especially listens closely to the one right next to him.
  2882. dollytech: Yeah! The one with boxes and blankets and poles? I managed to get myself a tire swing!
  2883. snowdinpoppy: *Ok!
  2884. snowdinpoppy: *Bye Mr. Sans and Mr. Papyrus, thank you for another great movie night!
  2885. undauntedgunner: Oh, sweet!
  2886. dollytech: I want to make some upgrades to it! Especially to the dungeon!
  2887. awakened_arti: I think it's time
  2888. undauntedgunner: Wait, you have a dungeon?
  2889. awakened_arti: for Arti to depart San's plce as well
  2890. Streamersans takes a moment aside to wave to Poppy, as does Papyrus, who has moved to clean up the kitchen.
  2891. espetale: I watched the entire movie with my Ukagaka Sans
  2892. awakened_arti: I got cookies to click and starving to not do
  2893. snowdinpoppy: *Okay, I'm ready Mr. Doggo!
  2894. dollytech: Yeah! Like, dungeon city.
  2895. ModDoggo: * Bye Sans, see you later!
  2896. awakened_arti: Thanks Sans for the wonderful nostalgia trip
  2897. Streamersans: * see ya, friends.
  2898. snowdinpoppy: *Bye!
  2899. awakened_arti: Spindle and rhett say hi everyoneeee
  2900. ModDoggo: * Alright, wanna ride or walk?
  2901. undauntedgunner: Oh man, that sounds rad.
  2902. dollytech: Also, that movie was real nice, Sans!
  2903. awakened_arti: *cartwheels out through the chimney*
  2904. snowdinpoppy: *Hmmmm...I can walk this time.
  2905. undauntedgunner: Yeah, thanks for hostin', Sans!
  2906. snowdinpoppy turns and waves at everyone.
  2907. snowdinpoppy: *Bye Everyone, hope you all enjoyed the cookies!
  2908. comicdings waves back.
  2909. dollytech: I should go now- do my fort managin', play video games with my seal friends...
  2910. snowdinpoppy: *...Team Valor!
  2911. ModDoggo holds out his handpaw for Poppy to grab, if she wished.
  2912. stillmeChara: Team Valor~
  2913. undauntedgunner: ... There were cookies? Aw, man.
  2914. Streamersans: * team mystic.
  2915. ModDoggo: * Team Valor!!
  2916. snowdinpoppy giggles and holds onto Doggo's paw.
  2917. sanscipher waves to Poppy as they leave.
  2918. ModDoggo: * (Whatever that means)
  2919. snowdinpoppy: *Theres still some on the table Scan, you can have some!
  2920. dollytech: Yeah! Try them! They're fan-tas-tic!
  2921. snowdinpoppy: *They look like pokeballs.
  2922. comicdings: so you wanted to talk to me about something other than grapes.
  2923. ModDoggo starts to lead Poppy out of the house, time to go home.
  2924. dollytech: I'd like to learn baking someday!
  2925. snowdinpoppy: *Bye!!
  2926. undauntedgunner: Sweet! Thanks, Poppy!
  2927. Streamersans: * mhm.
  2928. dollytech skips away.
  2929. undauntedgunner: Seeya around!
  2930. ModDoggo: * Bye, guys.
  2931. Streamersans: * your choice whether we take this privately or not.
  2932. undauntedgunner: And also, seeya Allison!
  2933. dollytech: Bye guys! Meet me at my crib!
  2934. ModDoggo and Poppy are gone soon enough.
  2935. comicdings: depends on the topic?
  2936. Streamersans: * the topic is you.
  2937. undauntedgunner grabs a handful of pokeball cookies to save for later, then prepares to ollie outie.
  2938. undauntedgunner: Seeyall around.
  2939. comicdings without hesitation. 'private.'
  2940. Streamersans: * alright.
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