
Abnormal Norman 28: Past Wounds

Nov 3rd, 2013
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  1. Abnormal Norman 28: Past Wounds
  2. _____________________________________________
  4. Three people breathe in the stone less place
  6. Stood there in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
  8. A woman smirks, a shattered man crawls, whose frown,
  10. And wrinkled lip of pride of cold command,
  12. watched by his son whose face with dread
  14. A pistol locked on to the forehead
  16. The girl that mocked you with her mouth and said:
  18. >"You took away four years! Do you even remember me?"
  20. "...Your name is Gilda, the Saint's Bro's saint."
  22. >"Then look at your demise, oh mighty, and despair!"
  24. *BANG*
  26. ...Nothing beside remains. The eyes of your son searched
  28. that colossal wreck, a gun held by his hand.
  30. >The loud and level sound, heard far away.
  31. ___________________ ______________________________
  33. 13 years ago
  34. Be Richard Normal, Norman's father
  36. Driving in a police car with your partner, Joe [spoiler]Remember him from the series?[/spoiler]
  37. >"Look man, all I'm saying is that there is no way that guy could have walked out of that court innocent. We had TONS of evidence against him!"
  38. "Yeah, all of those mysteriously disappearing."
  39. >"Man, we're never getting these streets clean. Philadelphia's a hellhole."
  40. "Maybe, but if we worked hard enough, even if we only made about 2% a difference in this place, we've done more than any corrupt cop has done in his whole life."
  41. >"Heh, I admire your optimism, Normal."
  42. "It's what keeps me sane, heh."
  43. >"Speaking of sane, how's having a kid? I know at the age of 2-7, kids can be a real headache."
  44. "Little Norman's doing fine. He's diligent and studying hard. Besides, I'd worry more about him going to high school."
  45. >"Got that right. High school's a bitch."
  46. "Not for you, though. You were all smooth back then, especially with Cloudy Quartz."
  47. >"Yeah, what a girl. She taught me how to bake, even became my supporter."
  48. "I still don't get why the two of you never tied the knot."
  49. >"Do you really think I had a shot with her against a military man?"
  50. "Heh. Igneous Rock, or should I say Major Rock."
  51. >"I still think about the past, you know, Normal?"
  52. "Like the question 'What if you had married Cloudy?'
  54. *BANG* *BANG*
  55. >"Holy-"
  56. "What was that?"
  57. >Gunfire. Someone's been shooting.
  58. >"Shit. Sounds like it came from that apartment."
  59. >Joe points across. You stop the car and got out.
  60. "Stay Frosty."
  61. >"Like glazed doughnuts."
  62. "Dammit Joe, you're making me hungry."
  64. >You walk across the street. As you moved closer to the apartment, you hear a faint rap music.
  65. >You lean towards the left side of the door.
  66. >Joe moves in to knock for questioning, but then;
  68. *CRASH*
  69. >A man's body breaks through the door, thrown.
  70. >Joe dodges him in time.
  71. >"HOLY COFFEE!"
  72. >You lean inside. Joe goes to the thrown man to check his pulse."
  73. >"He's still alive, but he's been beaten up pretty bad."
  75. >A large man charges towards you and smashes you to a wall.
  77. >You look at his eyes. They're white as snow. You can barely see the pupils.
  78. >One of the signs that the man has been using steroids and cocaikes *.
  79. >[spoiler] *Parody of cocaine being cupcakes. -Dan[/spoiler]
  80. >You reach for your belt and tazed the man's arm.
  83. >He throws you to the ground and stomps on your stomach.
  84. "OOFFF!"
  85. >"Normal! Are you...What the..."
  86. >Officer Joe sees the brute of a monster.
  87. >He takes out his taze gun and shoots it to his knees
  88. >*BZZZZT*
  89. >"AAAHHH."
  90. >The goliath falls to the ground on his knees.
  91. >You stood up and whacked the back of his head with your pistol.
  92. "Cuff him. I'll go check upstairs."
  93. >"Shit, this is a big guy."
  94. "For you, he is. For me, he's no stronger than any junkie on this neighborhood."
  95. >Just then, a civilian comes running down the stairs.
  96. >"Oh god, Officers!"
  97. "What happened?"
  98. >"Some gang thing from what I heard *sniff* t-they pointed a gun at us...and-"
  99. >You put your hands on her shoulders.
  100. "Calm down, miss. Just tell me what happened."
  101. >"T-they shot the couple next door!"
  102. "Crap. Joe, let's go."
  103. >"Shouldn't we call for back up?"
  104. "Hmm..."
  105. >You talk to the civilian again.
  106. "Ma'm, how many are up there?"
  107. >"T-two, I think. Third floor."
  108. "We can handle this, now come on!"
  109. >"Aight. Miss, can we store this big guy in the closet for a while?"
  110. >"B-be my guest."
  111. >Joe stores the guy in the closet and runs back to you.
  112. >You and Joe go up the stairs.
  113. >A path of blood goes from the outside of door #28
  114. >You unholster your pistol and leaned to the side.
  115. >The sound of crying can be heard from the room.
  116. >"Shit, we're really doing this."
  117. "Alright on three."
  119. You ready yourself
  121. "One"
  122. >Joe goes in front of the door.
  124. "Two"
  125. >The crying from inside intensifies.
  127. "THREE!"
  128. Joe kicks the door down.
  130. "POLICE, HANDS IN THE...air?"
  131. >The sight stains your memories for life.
  132. >Four dead bodies lie on the floor of the room.
  133. >A girl, kneeling with her hands and shirt, bloodied.
  134. >No more than six or seven years old.
  136. >Behind her, a man wearing the same coat as the steroid guy, dead
  137. >The dead guy is gang member from the 'Diamond Dogs' gang, stabbed in the knee and the chest, based on his coat.
  138. >Another body on her far right. A knife stuck to the chest. Possibly thrown.
  140. >She holds her face, crying over her parents dead body.
  141. >The blood from her hands smeared to her face.
  143. >You walk towards the girl.
  144. "Little girl" you said.
  145. >She wipes the tears from her eyes.
  146. >"I...I'm sorry for your -"
  147. >She doesn't hesitate and hugs you like a lost sheep who had found a good sheperd.
  148. >The girl trembles. She has seen, and possibly done terrible things.
  149. >You hold her tight, telling her:
  151. "Everything's going to be alright."
  153. Police Precinct
  155. >"I got her files. Her name's Gilda Gryffindor. Age 6.
  156. "Poor kid. Had to go through that."
  157. >"No shit. Let's see, she has a grandmother living on Cloudsdale. She can live with her once we get in contact with her."
  158. >You look through the files. Her mother and father had affiliations with background gangs, before their wedding.
  159. >They cut their ties with them once the mother was in labor.
  160. "Any reason why they killed the kid's parents?"
  161. >"Not so much. The Diamond Dogs had no affiliation whatsoever with her parents, so we had to rule out gang warfare for the time being."
  162. "So it was an assassination?"
  163. >"More of a robbery. The next door civillian heard screaming and struggling about something that involves meteors."
  164. "Meteors?"
  165. >"Apparently, space rocks have been the apple of a certain gang's eye. Like the monkey effect, rival gangs would think it sells big on the black market."
  166. "So these space rocks are worthless or what?"
  167. >"We don't know."
  168. "Alright. What about the raging hulk over by the interrogation room."
  169. >"Him? He just went overboard on the steroids and cocaike."
  170. >My nose was right!
  171. "Did he give anything important?"
  172. >"He knows as much as an infant. He was doped as fuck when you guys cuffed him.
  173. "Darn."
  174. >You stood up from your seat and went to where Gilda was sitting.
  175. "Hey there, sport. You alright?"
  176. >She doesn't speak. She continues to look down.
  177. "Listen, we're going to find these men and bring them to ju-"
  178. >"It's no use."
  179. >The girl speaks.
  180. >"I've heard my mom speak of them and how they could easily manipulate the system. There is no end to this."
  181. "Gilda..."
  182. >"My father taught me to accept whatever has been given to me. I know that whatever happens, nothing can bring back mom and dad."
  183. "You're a smart girl, Gilda. Use those smarts for studying. We're calling your grandmother to see if she'll come pick you up."
  184. >Gilda falls into silence again.
  185. >You leave to give her some time alone.
  187. >"Well, Normal, how is she?"
  188. "She's smart, and accepting, I can tell you that."
  189. >"You think she'd be fine without her parents?"
  190. "Well, she's not gonna be Batman."
  191. >"Haha."
  193. >Minutes later, her grandmother comes to pick her up and becomes her legal guardian for the rest of her childhood.
  194. >You waved goodbye to her, wishing her the best of luck on her life while you process some documents for your report.
  195. >Little did you know, this wasn't the last time you'd see her.
  197. Seven Years after the incident.
  199. "SHIT, RUN DASH, RUN!"
  201. Be Gilda
  202. Cloudsdale, age 13
  204. >Outrunning a convenience store guard with your buddy, Rainbow Dash.
  205. >Man, getting liqour has got to be the hardest thing to do as a kid.
  206. >"Come on, Gilda! I'm getting ahead of you!"
  208. "HAHAHAHAH"
  209. >You and Rainbow Dash took multiple shortcuts, twists and turns around the neighborhood.
  210. >Cloudsdale has the fastest guys on the planet.
  211. >And you've been running here your whole life.
  212. >"ACK!"
  213. >Rainbow Dash trips, and the guard is right behind you.
  214. >"GOTCHA KID!"
  215. >The guard grabs Rainbow Dash by her arm.
  216. >She struggles to break free.
  217. >You stopped running, took a pebble and threw it at the guard's hand.
  218. >"OUCH!"
  219. >The guard lets go of Rainbow and she runs away.
  220. >You and Rainbow Dash laugh as you managed to lose the guard.
  222. >After that, you stop by her house and proceeded to hide the liqour in the tree on her backyard.
  223. "Aww man that was great!"
  225. >"Yeah! You shoot pretty good! I thought you were gonna hit me!"
  226. "Me? Hitting my best pal? Nah, I got the best arm in town!"
  227. >"Pretty sure one day you'd go from throwing rocks to throwing darts, or maybe even knives like the circus."
  228. >"A-Aheh, y-yeah."
  229. >Throwing knives still remind you of the dreadful day.
  230. >The day you killed the two men who killed your parents out of a minute of pressure and insanity.
  231. >You try your hardest to repress that memory in your head.
  232. >"Uhh, Gilda?"
  234. "Hmm?"
  235. >You turn around to see two angry faces.
  236. >Rainbow's parents caught us.
  237. "H-hey!"
  239. >Twenty minutes later, Rainbow's getting a lecture from her mom.
  240. >You on the other hand are somewhat banned from hanging out with her.
  241. >"Oh well."
  242. >That won't last.
  243. >...
  244. >Great, now I'm bored.
  245. >Walking down the street, you see an older teenager, getting cuffed by the police.
  246. >You hide by a wall to get a closer look.
  247. >"I'll have you know that crime doesn't pay, except for us, we get paid for your crimes."
  248. >"Come on, I swear I didn't do anything!"
  249. >"We found an ounce of Muffinphetamine in your pocket, plus I'm certain you're underaged to be carrying a six-pack of beer."
  250. >Looks like someone like your own got busted.
  251. >And she has some booze! I wonder if she'd give me one if I help her out...
  253. >You grabbed three pebbles from the ground, and with your sniper-like eyes, threw them directly at the cop's head.
  254. >"OW, OW, OW! HEY WHAT GIVES?"
  255. >The cop turns around to see you, giving the [spoiler] >:P [/spoiler] face.
  256. "hahahaha"
  257. >"WHY YOU LITTLE!"
  258. >He comes towards you. You run away to circle around him.
  259. >The cuffed teen looks at you. She seems impressed.
  260. >"Hey, where'd you go?"
  261. >Once you circled around him, you creeped behind him, jumped and shoved a garbage can up his body.
  262. >"WHOA, H-HEY, HEY!"
  263. >He's distracted. You grab the keys from his belt and began to unlock the teenager's cuffs.
  264. >"Whoa, thanks kid!"
  265. >Once the cuffs were out, the teenager then walks to the police officer and cuffs his ankles.
  266. >The cop tumbles down and rolls along the street, like a character from those silly cartoons.
  267. "Hahaha, wow."
  268. >"I'll say. Thanks again for helping me out, kid."
  269. "Eh, I was bored, plus you remind me of me."
  270. >"I remind you of you? Kid, you act as if you're older than me."
  271. "Hey, I'm at least better than you. I haven't been caught!"
  272. >"Whoops, looks like that cop's gettin out of his can. Gotta go."
  273. "W-wait. Can I hang out with you?"
  274. >"What? Why?"
  275. "W-well, my home's boring. Grandma always keeps asking me to give her a massage."
  276. >Both you and the teenager imagine a grandmother's scrunchy old back. Spines tingle and she nearly vomits."
  277. >"Alright kid. You did me a solid, plus you seem pretty cool."
  278. >She hands you a can of cold beer. You immediately took a sip.
  279. >"Where'd you learn to move like that?"
  280. "Self taught."
  281. >"You know, I work for a bunch of people who could use someone of your skill."
  282. "Are you offering me a job?"
  283. >"Don't know if they'd let a kid like you in, though."
  284. "Why? Because I'm a kid, they think I'm a dweeb? I'll show them!"
  285. >"Feisty , aren't you? I think they'd like you. Name's Bottle Cap.
  286. "Gilda."
  287. >"Alright, Gilda. Lets go show the Saint's Bro that you're a perfect new candidate for their opening. Oh, and if anyone asks, you're 18 and you haven't gotten a groth spurt yet."
  288. "You think they'd believe that?"
  289. >"Heh, no, not the big leagues. My group would, though. They're idiots.
  290. "Hey, if the pay is good, I'm in."
  291. >You finish your can of vice delight and hung out with Bottle Cap, not knowing she would lead you to an even greater life of crime.
  293. One Year Later
  295. Be Richard Normal, Norman's father.
  296. Police Precinct
  298. >"Hey Normal! We got another junkie, up by the interrogation room."
  299. "Another one? They're getting easier to arrest!"
  300. >"Ehh, not really. Found five guys so high on Muffinphetamine that one of them OD'd and the car they were driving crashed through the wall."
  301. "Damn. Were they just junkies or..."
  302. >"I found some reports on them. Turns out they were ex-Saints Bro members. According to one of them, they got kicked out for insubordination or some shit like that."
  303. "Wait, don't those guys usually just kill insubordinate members?"
  304. >"No, they kill rats and snitches. It's the 'Mode s'abstenir' that kills insubordinates."
  305. "Wait, who are they again?"
  306. >"French gang who does fashion and shit, I don't know. They use fashion gimmicks as their weapons."
  307. "Uhh...right, so back to the junkies."
  308. >"The one in the interrogation room is willing to talk. Based on her tone of voice, she's pretty pissed."
  309. >You walk towards the window of the interrogation room.
  310. >The junkie shivers as she walks around like a mad scientist. Her face filled with rage.
  312. >"Girl's name is...Bottle Cap. Used to be a runner for Saint's Bro's escapades, now an addict with a thirst for vengeance."
  313. "Alright, I'll go talk to her."
  314. >You enter the room, eyes on the files you're carrying.
  315. >Bottle Cap sits down, angry as hell.
  316. " ex Saint's Bro willing to talk about her ex-gang's affairs. Not to imply or anything, but aren't you afraid of dying for ratting?"
  317. >"Excuse me?" she said
  318. "I find this suspicious. All the Saint's Bro members we've captured either took the life time sentence or took cyanide."
  319. >"Look man, I ain't afraid of some punk gang, especially Saint's Bro, those retarded fucking...CAN'T SEE TRUE TALENT...HACKS..."
  320. "Look, calm down. I know the Muff's effects haven't left you yet."
  321. >"Whatever, man. I just want you to hurt them and hurt them good. Especially that...girl..fuck, what's her name...GILDA. Yeah, that bitch."
  322. "Wait, wait...Gilda?"
  323. >"Y-YEAH. White-purple hair, tomboyish, good with knives."
  324. "Whoa, whoa."
  325. >Gilda...where have you heard that name before?"
  326. "Listen, I may or may not know this...Gilda. Tell me why you want her crushed?"
  327. >"She fucking abandoned us. She moved up in the gang's position in less than 5 months, and I've been working for them for five years! I BROUGHT HER IN THE GAME, AND THIS IS HOW SAINT'S BRO REPAYS ME?"
  329. "Wait...exactly how?"
  330. >"She did shit for them, and apparently she was better at it than we are, those pricks..."
  331. "...Excuse me for a moment."
  332. >You walk outside the interrogation room.
  333. >"Something wrong, Normal?"
  334. "She mentioned a name. Gilda. It seemed familiar."
  335. >You go in the archives to check out the name. Pulling the file from the cabinet, you got a blast from the past.
  338. >Gilda Gryffindor. Age 6 when she was last here. She's probably 14 or something now.
  339. >This girl's parents was taken from her when she was six. You remember now.
  340. >The night she lost her parents.
  342. >Joe comes in the archive room.
  343. >"Something wrong?"
  344. "Remember that kid we saved eight years ago? The one with the apartment and the guy who roid-raged on us."
  345. >"..."
  346. >"Oh yeah, I think so. There was that kid there, right? The one who killed tho-"
  347. "Yeah. I don't want to dwell on that too much. She didn't kill those men."
  348. >"What do you think happened? They threw the knife at each other? Look, the kid killed two guys and she probably got traumatized. It was self defense, man."
  349. "Yeah, though what I feared for her has come true."
  350. >"What?"
  351. "Apparently, the junkie in the interrogation room got her to work for Saint's Bro."
  352. >"Whoa, shit, really?"
  353. "Yeah. I'm going to talk to her some more."
  355. >You head on back to the interrogation room. Bottle Cap's still shaking.
  356. "So what exactly did Gilda do to get a high position in the gang?"
  357. >"I...I don't know. She did that shit herself. She said we weren't fit for the job, that snake! Also, I think she saved...uhh...saved the boss' son."
  358. "Who's the big boss' son?"
  359. >"Like I'd know. They keep their aliases tight. We just call them the boss. But sadly, I'm not here to rat out the boss. I want Gilda to suffer behind bars. Death sentence would be nicer."
  361. >Right now, the muff's screwing with her way of thinking.
  362. "And how exactly would I catch Gilda?"
  363. >Heard she's going on a raid secret from the big boss. They're going to raid science lab somewhere at Baltimore and the Diamond Dogs were planning on raiding it the day after tomorrow."
  364. "Why wait for another day?"
  365. >"Heard the lab was too well guarded for a gang. I'm guessing they need prep time."
  366. "If you were kicked out, how do you know about this?"
  367. >"Ever heard of the word 'inside-bribery'?"
  369. "And you're sure of this information?"
  371. >"What reason would I have to lie to you?"
  373. "One last thing. When will they raid it?"
  374. >Bottle Cap laughs.
  375. >"Cop, they're already on their way.
  376. "WHAT?"
  377. >You storm out and grabbed your partner by the arm.
  378. >"WHOA, what's happening, Normal?"
  379. "Saint's Bro's going to raid the Baltimore science facility."
  380. >"Wait, wait, wait. Shouldn't we have back-up on this?"
  381. "No time to assemble and briefing. We'll call for backup later. Right now, we need to get there fast."
  382. >There's still time to talk the girl out of this life.
  383. >I hope.
  384. >You got inside your car and drove off to Baltimore's Science Facility.
  386. >As you stop near the building, you readied your ears to hear if there's gunfire.
  387. >...
  388. >Too quiet. You and Joe went outside and went in the building.
  389. >The smell of fresh blood and dead corpses fill your nostrils.
  390. "Ugh, smells like my mother's bathroom in here.
  392. >The building's in a blackout. No lights, and is suspiciously too quiet.
  393. >"Richard, we should call for back-up, man. This is getting freaky."
  394. >You and Joe go up the stairs. Blood everywhere.
  395. >You hear screaming. A woman shouting her anger.
  396. >"Sir, is that who I think it is?"
  397. "I don't know. Feels like déjà vu, huh?"
  398. >"No shit. At least there wasn't anyone downstairs that was on steroids."
  399. >You check the corpses filled with gunshots. They're from the building's guards, Diamond Dogs and Saint's Bro.
  400. >Some of the corpses have knives stuck to their bodies.
  401. "Diamond Dogs? The junkie said they were going to raid the place two days from now."
  402. >"Maybe she was wrong?"
  403. >You climb up the stairs some more. The shouting intensifies.
  405. >"What's happening?"
  406. "No idea. It's up another floor
  408. >"It does sound like the girl from years ago!"
  409. "Shh"
  410. >Another flight of stairs.
  412. >"Wait, C4?"
  413. "What's going o-"
  415. "WHOA!"
  416. >From the smoke stretching across the floor above, gunshots were heard.
  418. >It's happening again. This time, the victim of the past is the criminal.
  419. >Through the thick white smoke, you make your way through.
  420. >"Man, I told you we should have called for back-up!"
  421. >As you make your way through, you go inside the hole in the wall, blasted by the C4.
  422. >The smoke clears up, and you see Gilda, a bit grown up, holding a scientist at gunpoint.
  423. >Through the sides of the room, more dead guards. All of them knives to their chest and throat.
  427. >Gilda looks behind and throws a knife from her sleeves.
  428. >You dodged in time but it hits your partner in the shoulder.
  430. >Her two goons fire at you. You fired back.
  431. >In five seconds, both goons lay dead from headshots while you took bullets to your stomach and leg.
  432. "ARRGH."
  433. >You stood up and pointed your gun at her.
  434. >She talks to you as a cop.
  436. "GILDA." you shouted.
  437. >She turns around, surprised that someone mentions her name.
  438. >You look at her, a child holding an adult at gunpoint.
  439. "I was there, when you lost your parents, but there is no reason for you to become what killed your parents!"
  440. >>>"I'm only doing what you bastards can't.
  441. "Gilda, the Diamond Dogs killed your parents. Why are you pointing a gun at her?" You say, pointing at the scientist.
  442. >>>"You know nothing! There's more to this than just some goddamn turf war!" She said, breaking down into tears. "She...SHE HIRED THOSE BASTARDS."
  443. "What?"
  444. >Gilda cries, lowering her pistol down.
  445. >The scientist slowly grabs an Erlenmeyer flask while Gilda's looking at you.
  446. >>>"Even if you took her to court...she'd find a way to come back to the streets and ruin more lives."
  447. >"Girl, killing these guards, you've already ruined lives." Joe said, trying to take out the throwing knife off his juggling arm.
  448. >>>"The knew the risks that they'd die protecting a building. My parents died for what? FOR OWNING A FUCKING SPACE ROCK?"
  449. >Before Gilda could speak some more, the scientist smashes the Erlenmeyer flask over her head.
  450. >Gilda falls down the floor, unconscious.
  451. >> "All those bar fights were worth it." said the woman in the labcoat."
  452. >You look at her nametag above her right breast. 'Cherry Jubilee'.
  453. >> "Thanks for coming in a knick of time, fellas. Can't say the same for my dead co-workers and guards, though."
  454. "Jesus...All this shooting. What did she mean space rock?"
  455. >"How should I know. Knowing gangsters her age, she was probably high when she got here."
  456. >You silently holster your weapon and cuffed the unconscious girl.
  457. >You then look at Cherry, telling her that she too, is under arrest under suspicion.
  458. >She wasn't too surprised. She understands.
  460. One month Later.
  461. Courthouse
  463. >"Charges were dropped for Cherry, Normal."
  464. "I'm not surprised. How's the kid?"
  465. >"Facing accusations for the murder of 13 people in the building, gang affiliations and public nuicance."
  466. "No drug possession?"
  467. >"Apparently, she never got in the stuff. She's more of a heavy drinker."
  468. "At her age? Kid's not even 17."
  469. >"The gang life can change a person. She's a kid Her lack of understanding just didn't help her see the wrongs of her actions."
  470. "Guessing she's either facing juvies or a life sentence."
  471. >"Yeah."
  472. "...Then again, according to the junkie we found, she saved the Saint's Bro's boss' son, which was how she got up the ranks, despite her age."
  473. >"Really? You think they'd send in lawyers to bust her out?"
  474. "I'd guess yes and no."
  476. >You walk to the lounge to get some coffee. Joe talks to you more about Gilda.
  478. >"When she woke up, she was furious that she never got to put a bullet in Cherry's head."
  479. "Not too weird. Usually people with rage wants to see the fear on their victim's face, crumbling their walls of confidence before putting a bullet."
  480. >"I never got that in those movies. The bad guy always gets away because the hero took 10 minutes talking about justice."
  481. "Haha, yeah."
  482. >"But she's pretty mad at you too. Blames you for denying her her vengeance."
  483. "Don't they all? She wasted her life to become a gangster, a scum of the city."
  484. >"Still, that's not what's boggling my mind for the last few days."
  485. "What is?"
  486. >"Space rocks. Meteorites. You heard them mention it, right?"
  487. "What, you saying they're using space rocks to make some kind of new narcotic?"
  488. >"They seem to think it's worth life and death, yeah. Cherry denies full knowledge on any foreign mineral."
  489. "Hurm."
  490. >As you talk, you see three police officers escorting Gilda. She sees you and her face reeks of utter devastation.
  491. >"That's a scary sight to look at."
  493. "Anyway, wife said I should quit the police force. She got shocked when she found out I got shot twice."
  494. >"Really? You quittin?"
  495. "Probably in a month or a year, once all the paperwork is done and once I've secured another job."
  496. >"Any luck?"
  497. "Found a place filled with open jobs, though."
  498. >"Where?"
  499. "Canterlot."
  500. >"That's pretty far away from here."
  501. "What can I say? Wife was more traumatized than me."
  502. >"What about your kid, uhh Norman?"
  503. "He doesn't know about it yet."
  504. >"Retiring faster than me, huh? Well, I can probably work a few more years here until I have enough cash to build my own coffee shop, or bakery."
  505. "Keep on dreaming. That's how we all get by."
  506. >"...Most of us, anyway."
  507. ______________________________________________
  508. >Years go by. Gilda spent four years in the juvies, as manipulated by the Saint's Bro's lawyers. She never @h@snitched, and had proven herself to be fiercely loyal to the gang.
  509. >She spent those years calming herself, writing to her unknown pen-pal in Philidelphia, training herself to be @h@fit, while vengeance never left her mind.
  510. >Richard Normal quit the police force four years later at his wife's nagging.
  511. >They moved to Canterlot after Richard found a job in a magazine factory.
  512. >He quietly quits and comes back working with the force, this time in Canterlot.
  513. >He spent his time trying to bring down the Saint's Bro with all his heart, hoping that no child will turn to @h@the dark side of the city.
  514. >But even he knows that's an impossible mission.
  515. ______________________________________________
  516. Be Norman
  517. Present Time, desert
  519. >You stand by the desert, Gilda holding a gun to your old man.
  520. >>"These are for those 4 years in the cell, old man."
  521. >"All these years...."
  522. >>"Four years, cop. You denied me FOUR YEARS of my vengeance!"
  523. >"I did not waste four years of your life. You wasted your life ever since you worked for the Saint's Bro...Gilda."
  524. >>"Well, I won't waste time on wasting you."
  525. >She cocks the gun.
  526. >There's no time to lose. You have to save your father.
  527. >You look around. You see the tranquilizer gun one of the cops used on those hybrid guys.
  528. >You ran, slid to it and aimed at Gilda.
  530. *BANG*
  531. "NECKSHOT!"
  532. >Gilda stumbles, strength leaving her arm.
  533. >Your dad is shocked.
  534. >Gilda falls to the ground, unconscious and paralyzed.
  535. >You breathed heavily. A tear falls from your eye.
  536. >You nearly saw your dad die.
  538. >"Hey, aren't you with her?"
  539. >Your father talks to you. He doesn't recognized you thanks to your Burst Blood get-up.
  540. "N-no...y-yes."
  541. >You drag your dad to the wreckage of the police cars along with all the other unconscious cops.
  542. >His partner wakes up, and was surprised to see you carrying the officer.
  543. >>>"F-FREEZE!" He yelled.
  544. >He wasn't at his peak. You took his gun away in a quick swipe, and continued to lay your old man on a car.
  545. >He looks at you with anger, but with a slight hint of gratitude on his eyes.
  546. >You salute him for 0.25 seconds and ran to Gilda.
  547. >You carried her out of the desert and, with the ring's power, jumped out of the area like the Hulk.
  549. End of Chapter 28.
  550. So, how was the re imagining of Norman's reason for moving to Canterlot?
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