
potion discussions

Feb 4th, 2014
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  1. >Ok well i know we are kinda stuck with it unless we have a way to keep track of it somehow? maybe we should have common and rare ingredients?
  2. commons can be handwaved as always available if in season
  3. while rares can only be found on quests
  4. >mm in that case who would gm it and would they need to have a conflict of sorts? mm, either that or as rolled loot then how do miners get paid or find stuff?
  5. >I was also....whyd you do tat we coulda placed that under a paste bin for others to consider ahh fhe afe say you go somewhere special and make a roll for rare ingredients, like the foraging roll
  6. >ok now i have to ask who do you think should be in charge of quests that involve, wait do you mean that the plants and such be a side thing to a main quest?
  8. I don't really like the idea of going out specifically to find XX,
  10. I would ask also how to make it work when they can literally just walk out the door to get the stuff themselves...grr annoyin thing bout wow was that the areas had the stuff listed out in levels of rarity and shit "Well, this would just be for rare ingredients.
  12. the common stuff would just be there, no roll or inventory tracking required"
  14. oh, as a side-loot on a general quest ok so letssay that sweet grass would be what they could find in common and the rest of it being the rare version and such ... "I actually kinda like the idea that sweet grass is rare...
  15. that would mean that you get to store ingredients and not just use everything"
  17. oh, and get rid of daily rolls since sweet grass would be what the potion systme requires for MAGIC to occur "you want to use that sweet grass for an AC pot or an offence?
  18. decisions, decisions..."
  20. Like I said, really don't like them.... now in regards to how much sweet grass they can store...i would say 10 units of it for the season or something along those lines or if you are like flora have it gorwing in the area. well, unless we have potions that use more than one rare ingredient, that's sort of the same thing, mechanicaly
  22. Yes, exactly wwwwwwhhhhhyyyy???????? ahh, kk
  24. so, if someone goes on a quest where a rare ingredient could be found, s/he asks to do a roll but we live in equstria everyhing is magic!
  26. "I'm sort of of the idea that magic should be rare-ish...
  27. as in, it's there, but you won't find a magical flower outside the town gate"
  29. see thats why i am having it be super freakin simple with this cuz i just wanted to go full fantasy so that people can fill in the lanks for me since some people can go no that plant doesnt do that it can kill you or its does x y z etc etc
  31. it's just... why bother with mundane things if magic is so easy to get a hold of?
  33. Anyway we can have that occur as the lil sidequest thing reward if they happen to find it or come across it by the gm rolling some dice IN ANOTHER channel so as to determine this stuff mmm... that was actually something I did on pupose with the other alchemy idea, I wanted to make the system involve some work to figure out
  35. i do too thats kidna why i am leaving it open right now so people can make a super powerful strength potion when they get done with it if they balance out the numbers so people would have to work to get the reward
  37. unfortunatly no one here will actually do that due to um whtas it called spoon feeding or something. you know, the whole "A victory not earned will never taste as sweet" thing
  39. Plus if worse comes to worse we can mix the two and say that these two can work as a guideline for ideas for gms that need help statting thsi crap "also, Booze is wanting someone from the meta in
  40. -plan"
  42. Now my proposal for this is to remove the daily rolls and instead have their be quests or expeditions more or less that go out do their objective and along the way might possibly find a handy herb nearby as well. Now during the dead zones when their are no quests I would propose they set out and IC it somehow where someone can give them descriptions and the like so as to reduce the contstant rolling over and over again. After all isent there a point when a mine runs out of minerals?
  44. I would propose that by the time a new mine is discovered that one of the other mines were to run out and have to be closed due to no more minrals more or less.
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