
Randy Credico on Fred Dicker (09/15/2017)

Dec 9th, 2017
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  1. Supplemental document for: "Theory that Roger Stone's back channel to Wikileaks was Randy Credico", link:
  3. Transcript of relevant portion of "Focus on the State Capitol" with host Fred Dicker, broadcast date: September 15, 2017. Excerpt goes from 32:32 to 46:22.
  5. File link:
  8. Randy Credico is joining us right now, he's just back from Great Britain, where he had a three hour meeting, lunch meeting, with a very controversial international figure, Julian Assange. Good morning, Randy, great to have you with us.
  11. Hey, it's always a pleasure to be on this show. You know what I like about TALK 1300? And I give a lot of credit to Paul Vandenburgh...for the great line-up that you have, is that this station, and some of the hosts, Fred, have been very good - and objective - about Julian Assange, and I - that would be Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, and others. You know, Fred, why is it that conservative talk show hosts are soo good on this issue, from my point of view, and the liberal press is so bad?
  13. DICKER
  14. Michael Savage, is he in that category, because I think he's one of the names you mentioned, or two of the names, are not on this station. Michael Savage is in the afternoon. I don't know where he stands on the Assange issue. Do you know?
  17. I don't know either, to be honest with you, Michael Savage. All I know is, he's very entertaining, and that's something about right wing radio, Fred, or conservative radio. I may not agree with him, but when I'm driving in California, up the coast, I listen to Michael Savage, you may not agree with him on everything, it's just that they're more entertaining. What do you think the problem is, here, Fred?
  19. DICKER
  20. Well, I think you're touching on something that's very real. I think that conservatives generally are much more content with their lives, and they have a perspective on things, which "the left" and especially "the hard left", which is always angry, about almost everything, always angry - if you're always resentful, kindof tough to be funny. And entertaining.
  23. How am I funny, Fred?
  25. DICKER
  26. [pause] Say it again?
  29. Do you consider me hard left?
  31. DICKER
  32. I don't consider you hard left. I think you're a mixture, of various political positions, for instance on the Second Amendment, you're very comfortable with the NRA's position on it.
  35. Oh my god, I get so much heat from the left because I support [laughs] I support the Second Amendment. But, at any rate- But you're always- You know, Fred, you always give me a lot of leeway here. I want to get back to Assange. You know, I-
  37. DICKER
  38. What's the latest with him? Have you heard from at all from him since you're back in-
  41. Yeah yeah yeah.
  43. DICKER
  44. -in the United States.
  47. Basically, Hillary Clinton, who has pipe dreams, I believe, of, like, making a comeback, in 2020...and blames everything on him. It's what I've been saying all along, Fred. The reason Hillary Clinton lost the election is because Hillary Clinton _ran_. That's the reason why she lost the election. She was the worst candidate-
  49. DICKER
  50. Fifty three excuses are not sufficient? [laughs]
  53. It's not-
  55. DICKER
  56. Fifty three or forty two, I don't know what the number is now, excuses she comes up with in her new book, doesn't explain it all?
  59. [laughs] First of all, no, who's gonna buy that book? Who's gonna read that book? She doesn't have a hardcore following, I mean, she-
  61. DICKER
  62. Not anymore.
  65. Right now, not anymore. Whatever following she had, and she sabotaged Bernie Sanders - and she did. That's what the focus should be on, the fact that she collaborated with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and others, to sabotage Bernie, if anyone interfered in this election, it was her. And and...hence, Donald Trump is the president. And I don't know if Sanders would have beat Trump, certainly she did not go to Michigan, Julian Assange did not tell her not to go to Michigan, not to go to Minnesota, or Wisconsin, uh or Pennsylvania, [laughs] I mean, how did she lose those states? You know? So, at any rate, I think, I had a wonderful time- Fred, I wish I could get you to have a meeting, I know you'd go out there, to London, because you'd find this individual is a very very uh good man, he's a decent person, doesn't have an evil bone in his body, and-
  67. DICKER
  68. He's extraordinarily courageous in many ways-
  71. He's very courageous-
  73. DICKER
  74. He's a bright guy-
  77. Fred-
  79. DICKER
  80. To put up with what he's put up with.
  83. Can you imagine the _pressure_, that this guy has gone through, and he continues to be productive, and continues to maintain his sense of humor, he was on my show a couple of times, and he had some very very funny, uh comments about various uh situations...
  85. DICKER
  86. How many years has he been in the Ecuadorian embassy? I mean, that's gotta be driving him crazy.
  89. Well, yes, Fred.
  91. DICKER
  92. It's like a prison, in a sense.
  95. You know, it's five years come June 19th.
  97. DICKER
  98. Gilded cage.
  100. CREDICO
  101. Five years. Inside this place. It takes- Look, Kropotkin- What was his name, [Peter] Kropotkin? He spent two years in the Peter and Paul Prison, in St. Petersburg, back in 1870 [sic, 1872], with the Tsar. And had, like, a small window - he was able to write for the "National Geographic", because he was so talented, and really-
  103. DICKER
  104. And because the Tsar wasn't quite as cruel to him as he was to many others.
  106. CREDICO
  107. Yeah. The Tsar was not as - and you know what helped him get out of there? His jailer. His jailer broke him out of there, after two years [sic, after four years, and he escaped from another prison, not the Peter and Paul]. What he did was, he walked in circles, every single day, and was able to maintain his sanity. Look, it's a very small place, the embassy in London, how he's able to do it, it's really a sign of a courageous, heroic, dedicated individual, and, you know, if they go after him, Fred, you'll make a martyr out of him, so I- I- I'm hoping that Trump will give him a pardon, and you never know. You never know with Trump.
  109. DICKER
  110. He's not an American citizen. He hasn't been charged with anything criminal in the United States, yet.
  112. CREDICO
  113. Can you imagine if you were charged, Fred, and let's say, in Britain, if you called somebody a public figure there, a liar? They could actually charge you with- You could be up for a libel case. If you say anything there. If you're-
  115. DICKER
  116. They don't have a First Amendment.
  118. CREDICO
  119. No, they don't have a First Amendment. They have the libel laws, there. If you say something bad about somebody, you get sued all the time. I got a friend of mine, Craig Murray, the writer, who you may have heard of, Craig Murray, who right now is going through that, somebody called him a name, and he called back, and said, "That guy's a liar," the next thing you know, he's facing bankruptcy, because of a libel suit against him.
  121. DICKER
  122. Let me ask you about something, we don't have that much time remaining. I don't know if you've been following, but I've been hearing from a lot of listeners to my show, if I know about Andrew Cuomo's latest move, he's going to the Virgin Islands, on a fact finding tour. The U.S. Virgin Islands. Says he's been invited to go down there by the governor of the Virgin Islands. He doesn't go, or spend any time at all in so many communities in New York State that are suffering, but he's going to spend the day at least, down in the Virgin Islands. What do you make of that?
  124. CREDICO
  125. Well...first thing he'll do is, is he'll buy a couple of boxes of cigars because there's no duty, or the governor will give him a couple of boxes of Cuban cigars, if his supplies run out. What do I make about it? It's just another way of trying to get attention, for himself. It really is unconscionable. Why doesn't he go to Binghamton? Why doesn't he go to Buffalo? You want to go to some disaster areas? Take your motorcycle, Andrew, and go down Highway 81, 81, to Binghamton, to the Delaware water gap. Alright? If you're really wanna see some devastation, go to Hoosick Falls, or whatever Falls Steve McLaughlin has so been good on, know, there's a lot of disasters going on right here, the disastrous subway system, you know, I hope everybody's okay...
  127. DICKER
  128. Contrast with England- London system. Poor London, they got the bomb this morning. Fortunately, it doesn't look like anybody was killed.
  130. CREDICO
  131. Yeah, well, you know what, Fred? I stepped- The one remark I made to somebody there was, "This looks porous." You don't have any guards at these stations, these stations- the subway system is so comprehensive, and it's so beautiful, so clean, it's cool inside, and you have people that stand there, and tell you where to go, you have people on the platform, announcing the on-coming train, which way to go, where to make the switch, but some of them - can be vulnerable to backpacks, and things like that. In spite of all of the cameras they have everywhere, it's a massive system, and the one here, of course, is a disaster in and of itself, vulnerable-
  133. DICKER
  134. Did you ever speak to Julian Assange about Andrew Cuomo, get any sense of what he may think of him? Because his name might have come up, when you're discussing potential presidential candidates.
  136. CREDICO
  137. Yeah, I did. I did bring up Cuomo, we did talk about the two Fredos in the family, separated at birth, Andrew and the younger Fredo, about...we didn't elaborate on that, he did talk about Chris Cuomo, _a lot_. Chris Cuomo is, in my opinion, a complete buffoon, I'm sure he feels the same way about that. But he's a grandstander- That time- I guess he got a cue from his brother to be in Florida, the whole time, get as much attention, stretching it he still there, by the way?
  139. DICKER
  140. I don't know if that's true. I don't watch him very often.
  142. CREDICO
  143. Yeah. It's tough to watch. You know what's the worst thing about watching CNN? When Cuomo's on? Is to watch all of these phony ads, that they're still running around the clock. Where are they getting the money to run these ads about the great miracle in New York?
  145. DICKER
  146. They're getting it from you and me, New York State taxpayers, funding what's meant to be a kind of, what is a leitmotif, a backdrop, for Cuomo to claim that things are going so well in New York.
  148. CREDICO
  149. This is all about promoting him in 2018 and 2020. That's what it is, and there's something, I think, illegal about- certainly immoral about this.
  151. DICKER
  152. You know what's terrible? Is that nobody- You speak up against it, I speak up against it, when was the last time you heard any real Republican voices in New York? And I don't mean that Republicans are good per se, but there should be a counter-point, there should be a loyal opposition. There's none out there. It's just silence from everybody.
  154. CREDICO
  155. [does Nixon] You know, Fred, my son-in-law, Ed Cox [chairman of the New York State GOP], should be saying something about this. I know I would. Now-
  157. DICKER
  158. Say what, Mr. President?
  160. CREDICO
  161. He's a fighter. He'd be out there doing the whole Nixon thing. [drops Nixon act] No, I can't can't- You're right, Fred, nobody- I haven't heard anybody say anything.
  163. DICKER
  164. It's pathetic in New York. The lack of an opposition. The lack of a counter-point. The newspapers themselves, the editorials are generally so weak, with rare exception, the [New York] Post has some good editorials, the New York Times...
  166. CREDICO
  167. I think Tom Dinapoli has a few things to say about it-
  169. DICKER
  170. Just a few, and he's nervous, he's afraid of Cuomo, or he doesn't want to have to get into fights with Cuomo, as you well know...
  172. CREDICO
  173. Yeah. Yeah. Well, he's vicious and he's vindictive, know, hopefully Stephanie Minor, or one of these others will step up to the plate, do the right thing, and let's-
  175. DICKER
  176. President's grand-daughter, Cynthia Nixon.
  178. CREDICO
  179. Yeah. Yeah.
  181. DICKER
  182. She's related to Richard Nixon, right?
  184. CREDICO
  185. [does Nixon] My fellow Americans...a Nixon would be a good one. [drops Nixon] Just keep that Nixon name going-
  187. DICKER
  188. Think of the headlines in a Democratic primary - "Nixon beats Cuomo".
  190. CREDICO
  191. [laughs] Yeah. Yeah, that would be great. Maybe Bill Samuels will- We'll see what happens. Somebody's gotta run against him. I don't want to do it again. Although I still have some great literature from back then when I did run against him in 2014. But, you know, I can't raise the money, and I don't want to give up my radio show, and I got things to do in Hollywood, and so, you know, it takes up a lot of time to run for office, [inaudible]
  193. DICKER
  194. -what an opportunity it is. Whoever runs against him, a Democrat, is likely to easily get thirty percent, or more of the vote. Nobody had ever heard of Zephyr Teachout. She ran in 2014, and people all the time now, and have for years, talk about Zephyr Teachout.
  196. CREDICO
  197. Yeah, yeah.
  199. DICKER
  200. What a smart way for some up and coming Democrat to establish his or herself.
  202. CREDICO
  203. Yes, if this was the 19th century, there would be somebody out there, doing it, one of these Hamilton versus Burr type deals, would get out there and do it, and let the mud sling everywhere. But I don't know if they have that kind of spirit anymore. If anybody has that kind of spirit, really is doing it for the good of New Yorkers, I don't think the Republicans have a candidate that can beat Cuomo, but certainly if the Democrats, they have a good field, Cuomo is disliked, he's going to the Virgin Islands, work on that tan, come back, and do his work-out in front of the Jim Morrison poster, and-
  205. DICKER
  206. We're almost out of time, I gotta get going, I'm heading over to Spitzie's, I gotta take you over there one of these days, a great Harley dealer, in Albany. They've got a new bike for me, I want to check it out. I'm excited about that. Listen, I understand the Reverend Al Sharpton may be giving some thought to running against Andrew Cuomo in the primary next year. How would that go, you think, Rev?
  208. CREDICO
  209. [doing Sharpton] Uh, Fred, I think I could do it. Uh, but clearly, I would need a lot of jack. Uh, probably twenty thirty million dollars. And if-
  211. DICKER
  212. Sounds like a real opportunity, Reverend.
  214. CREDICO
  215. -ten dollars, I could beat this guy. Now, Jumaane Williams, would be a good candidate too. But we gotta extricate this guy out of Albany. He's been there for eight years, it seems like a lifetime, Fred. I might even do it for less money. Maybe, a million dollars. Maybe five hundred thousand dollars. But somebody's got to do it.
  217. DICKER
  218. Reverend, it would make for a great campaign, that's for sure. Certainly and interesting one. It would attract a lot of national attention, and we know how much you like that. Reverend Al Sharpton, Randy Credico, friend of Julian Assange, thanks for joining us this morning, great to have you with us.
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