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Jul 7th, 2016
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  1. ares. im bored. tell me something interesting
  2. Quote Edit
  3. Ares
  4. (IP: None of your damn business) Ares 216
  5. Replied: 10 hours ago · Report
  6. There once was man from tonoa who was a banana picker. One day he hear a strange noise coming from the sky. He wondered what it could be he hadn't heard anything like that before. The noise came closer and closer but he couldn't see anything apart from the sky and birds. All of a sudden a great sky whale flew above him and started circuling the field. The sky whale started to get lower and lower until it was hovering right on top of him. He didn't know what to do he was in shock he hadn't see anything like it before. The sky whale was right above him and still going down the banana farmer didn't know if the sky whale had scene him. After about 10 seconds of hovering the nana farmer started to run. He ran and ran as fast as he could but it was useless the sky whale was to big . The sky whale had come down so far the it had hit the banana farmer in the head knocking him out. Later that day the banana farmers wife came out looking for him. She search for hours finding nothing until she stumbled to what she thought was a sheep that had been eaten by a wolf she didn't think about it and she walked away. She felt something under her foot she looked down and picked the object up. At first she thought it was a price of the sheep. She when to put it down when she saw something glistening in the sun on the sheep part when had a look and it was the banana farmers wedding ring
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