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Jul 29th, 2015
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  1. options:
  2. Prefix: &9[Silverline]&7
  3. MaxTries: 1001
  4. ChunkWaitTicks: 10
  5. ScatterWaitTicks: 1
  7. command /scatterall <world> <integer> <integer>:
  8. description: Scatter command
  9. usage: /scatterall <world> <radius> <mindist>
  10. permission: skript.scatter
  11. trigger:
  12. if (size of (all players)) is equal to 0:
  13. message "{@Prefix} Nobody online. Insert Sadface!"
  14. stop
  15. broadcast "{@Prefix} Attempt with radius &6%arg 2% &rand mindist. &6%arg 3%&r..."
  16. command "/scatter-playsound note.harp"
  17. set {_Players::*} to all players
  18. set {_Size} to (size of {_Players::*})
  19. loop {_Size} times:
  20. loop {@MaxTries} times:
  21. if loop-number-2 is equal to {@MaxTries}:
  22. message "{@Prefix} Could not get position &7[&f%loop-number-1%&9/&f%{_Size}%&7]"
  23. command "/scatter-playsound random.break"
  24. stop trigger
  25. set {_ThisLocation.Okay} to true
  26. set {_ThisLocation.Sky} to (the location at ((random integer between (0-(arg 2)) and ((arg 2)-1))+0.5), 255, ((random integer between (0-(arg 2)) and ((arg 2)-1))+0.5) of the world (arg 1))
  27. loop ((loop-number-1)-1) times:
  28. {_ThisLocation.Okay} is true
  29. distance between {_ThisLocation.Sky} and {_FinalLocation.Sky::%loop-number-3%} is less than (arg 3)
  30. delete {_ThisLocation.Okay}
  31. if {_ThisLocation.Okay} is true:
  32. set {_ThisLocation.Ground} to {_ThisLocation.Sky}
  33. while (block at {_ThisLocation.Ground}) is air:
  34. if y-coordinate of {_ThisLocation.Ground} is less than 4:
  35. delete {_ThisLocation.Okay}
  36. stop loop
  37. set {_ThisLocation.Ground} to location 1 below {_ThisLocation.Ground}
  38. if {_ThisLocation.Okay} is true:
  39. if (block at {_ThisLocation.Ground}) is lava, water or cactus:
  40. delete {_ThisLocation.Okay}
  41. if {_ThisLocation.Okay} is true:
  42. set {_FinalLocation.Sky::%loop-number-1%} to {_ThisLocation.Sky}
  43. set {_FinalLocation.Ground::%loop-number-1%} to (location 1 above {_ThisLocation.Ground})
  44. stop loop
  45. set {Scatter.DisableChunkUnloading} to true
  46. set {_ApproxTime} to {_Size}*{@ChunkWaitTicks}/20
  47. broadcast "{@Prefix} Positions found, pre-loading chunksets&r!"
  48. broadcast "{@Prefix} Operation will take approx. &4%{_ApproxTime}% seconds&r!"
  49. command "/scatter-playsound fireworks.launch"
  50. loop {_Size} times:
  51. if command sender is not online:
  52. broadcast "{@Prefix} Operation failed, chunkloading player logged out."
  53. command "/scatter-playsound random.break"
  54. stop trigger
  55. teleport (command sender) to {_FinalLocation.Ground::%loop-number%}
  56. message "{@Prefix} Loading Chunkset &7[&f%loop-number%&9/&f%{_Size}%&7]" to command sender
  57. wait {@ChunkWaitTicks} ticks
  58. broadcast "{@Prefix} &4All locations loaded."
  59. command "/scatter-playsound random.explode"
  60. wait 40 ticks
  61. set {_Count} to 0
  62. loop {_Players::*}:
  63. increase {_Count} by 1
  64. if (loop-value) is not online:
  65. broadcast "{@Prefix} &cNot online: &7[&f%{_Count}%&9/&f%{_Size}%&7]&4 : &6%loop-value% &r- scheduling."
  66. set {ScatterScheduler::%loop-value%} to {_FinalLocation.Ground::%{_Count}%}
  67. else:
  68. teleport (loop-value) to {_FinalLocation.Ground::%{_Count}%}
  69. broadcast "{@Prefix} &aScattered &7[&f%{_Count}%&9/&f%{_Size}%&7]&4 : &6%loop-value%"
  70. command "/scatter-playsound note.bass"
  71. wait {@ScatterWaitTicks} tick
  72. broadcast "{@Prefix} &aAll players scattered."
  73. command "/scatter-playsound fireworks.twinkle"
  74. delete {Scatter.DisableChunkUnloading}
  77. # variables
  78. # {Teams::*} - list of integer - all team numbers currently active
  79. # {Team.%integer%.Set} - true/null - Team created?
  80. # {Team.%integer%::*} - list of "text" - player names in that team (TEXT!)
  81. # {Teams.InTeam::%player%} - integer/null - what team is player in?
  84. command /scatterteams <world> <integer> <integer>:
  85. usage: /scatterteams <world> <radius> <mindist>
  86. permission: skript.teams
  87. trigger:
  88. set {_Count} to 0
  89. loop {Teams::*}:
  90. {Team.%loop-value%::*} is set
  91. increase {_Count} by 1
  92. add {_Count} to {_Scatter.Teams::*}
  93. set {_Scatter.Team.%{_Count}%::*} to {Team.%loop-value%::*}
  95. loop all players:
  96. {Teams.InTeam::%loop-player%} is not set
  97. add (name of loop-player) to {_Solos::*}
  99. broadcast "{@Prefix} Attempt with radius &6%arg 2% &rand mindist. &6%arg 3%&r..."
  100. command "/scatter-playsound note.harp"
  101. set {_Size} to ((size of {_Scatter.Teams::*})+(size of {_Solos::*}))
  103. # this is copied from the above scatter
  104. loop {_Size} times:
  105. loop {@MaxTries} times:
  106. if loop-number-2 is equal to {@MaxTries}:
  107. message "{@Prefix} Could not get position &7[&f%loop-number-1%&9/&f%{_Size}%&7]"
  108. command "/scatter-playsound random.break"
  109. stop trigger
  110. set {_ThisLocation.Okay} to true
  111. set {_ThisLocation.Sky} to (the location at ((random integer between (0-(arg 2)) and ((arg 2)-1))+0.5), 255, ((random integer between (0-(arg 2)) and ((arg 2)-1))+0.5) of the world (arg 1))
  112. loop ((loop-number-1)-1) times:
  113. {_ThisLocation.Okay} is true
  114. distance between {_ThisLocation.Sky} and {_FinalLocation.Sky::%loop-number-3%} is less than (arg 3)
  115. delete {_ThisLocation.Okay}
  116. if {_ThisLocation.Okay} is true:
  117. set {_ThisLocation.Ground} to {_ThisLocation.Sky}
  118. while (block at {_ThisLocation.Ground}) is air:
  119. if y-coordinate of {_ThisLocation.Ground} is less than 4:
  120. delete {_ThisLocation.Okay}
  121. stop loop
  122. set {_ThisLocation.Ground} to location 1 below {_ThisLocation.Ground}
  123. if {_ThisLocation.Okay} is true:
  124. if (block at {_ThisLocation.Ground}) is lava, water or cactus:
  125. delete {_ThisLocation.Okay}
  126. if {_ThisLocation.Okay} is true:
  127. set {_FinalLocation.Sky::%loop-number-1%} to {_ThisLocation.Sky}
  128. set {_FinalLocation.Ground::%loop-number-1%} to (location 1 above {_ThisLocation.Ground})
  129. stop loop
  130. set {Scatter.DisableChunkUnloading} to true
  131. set {_ApproxTime} to {_Size}*{@ChunkWaitTicks}/20
  132. broadcast "{@Prefix} Positions found, pre-loading chunksets&r!"
  133. broadcast "{@Prefix} Operation will take approx. &4%{_ApproxTime}% seconds&r!"
  134. command "/scatter-playsound fireworks.launch"
  135. loop {_Size} times:
  136. if command sender is not online:
  137. broadcast "{@Prefix} Operation failed, chunkloading player logged out."
  138. command "/scatter-playsound random.break"
  139. stop trigger
  140. teleport (command sender) to {_FinalLocation.Ground::%loop-number%}
  141. message "{@Prefix} Loading Chunkset &7[&f%loop-number%&9/&f%{_Size}%&7]" to command sender
  142. wait {@ChunkWaitTicks} ticks
  143. broadcast "{@Prefix} &4All locations loaded."
  144. command "/scatter-playsound random.explode"
  145. wait 40 ticks
  146. set {_TeamSize} to (size of {_Scatter.Teams::*})
  147. set {_SoloSize} to (size of {_Solos::*})
  148. set {_PositionCount} to 0
  149. set {_TeamCount} to 0
  150. set {_SoloCount} to 0
  151. loop {_Scatter.Teams::*}:
  152. increase {_PositionCount} by 1
  153. increase {_TeamCount} by 1
  154. broadcast "{@Prefix} &rScattering &4Team %{_TeamCount}%&r:"
  155. loop {_Scatter.Team.%loop-value%::*}:
  156. set {_Player} to ("%loop-value-2%" parsed as offlineplayer)
  157. if {_Player} is not online:
  158. broadcast "{@Prefix} &b- &6&l%{_Player}%&r: §4Not online &b- §rscheduling."
  159. set {ScatterScheduler::%{_Player}%} to {_FinalLocation.Ground::%{_PositionCount}%}
  160. else:
  161. teleport {_Player} to {_FinalLocation.Ground::%{_PositionCount}%}
  162. broadcast "{@Prefix} &b- &6&l%{_Player}%&r: §aScattered!"
  163. command "/scatter-playsound note.bass"
  164. wait {@ScatterWaitTicks} ticks
  165. broadcast "{@Prefix} &rScattering &5Solos&r!"
  166. loop {_Solos::*}:
  167. increase {_PositionCount} by 1
  168. increase {_SoloCount} by 1
  169. set {_Player} to ("%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer)
  170. if {_Player} is not online:
  171. broadcast "{@Prefix} &b- &6&l%{_Player}%&r: §4Not online &b- §rscheduling."
  172. set {ScatterScheduler::%{_Player}%} to {_FinalLocation.Ground::%{_PositionCount}%}
  173. else:
  174. teleport {_Player} to {_FinalLocation.Ground::%{_PositionCount}%}
  175. broadcast "{@Prefix} &b- &6&l%{_Player}%&r: §aScattered!"
  176. command "/scatter-playsound note.bass"
  177. wait {@ScatterWaitTicks} ticks
  179. broadcast "{@Prefix} &aAll players scattered."
  180. command "/scatter-playsound fireworks.twinkle"
  181. delete {Scatter.DisableChunkUnloading}
  183. command /scatter-playsound <text>:
  184. permission: skript.scatter.playsound
  185. trigger:
  186. loop all players:
  187. command "/playsound %arg 1% %loop-player%"
  189. on chunk unload:
  190. {Scatter.DisableChunkUnloading} is true
  191. cancel the event
  193. on skript start:
  194. delete {Scatter.DisableChunkUnloading}
  196. on join:
  197. {ScatterScheduler::%player%} is set
  198. teleport player to {ScatterScheduler::%player%}
  199. delete {ScatterScheduler::%player%}
  200. broadcast "{@Prefix} &aScheduled late-scatter of %player%."
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