
azure/gardenGnostigal rp jade/fatrose boob expans. sex unfin

Mar 6th, 2013
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  1. -- gardenGnostical [GG] began pestering thicksetTherapist [TT] at 15:11 --
  2. [15:11:52] GG: hi rose!
  3. [15:13:05] TT: Oh. Good morning, Jade.
  4. [15:13:14] GG: how are you??
  5. [15:13:55] TT: Not too bad.
  6. [15:14:13] TT: Uneventful, but I never consider such a state to be detrimental.
  7. [15:14:30] GG: of course!
  8. [15:14:50] GG: i just wanted to know if you wanted to ummm
  9. [15:14:55] GG: cuddle or something
  10. [15:15:51] TT: Hm. I can't say that I would mind such affairs, although I'm a bit curious as to why you're in such a state as to require intense physical affection.
  11. [15:16:19] GG: sorry :/
  12. [15:16:31] GG: its just ever since i lost bec ive been getting these weird feelings
  13. [15:16:44] GG: like i could really go for my tummy being rubbed right about now
  14. [15:17:00] TT: That's hardly a thing to be sorry for. The loss of a loved one can be emotionally taxing.
  15. [15:17:22] GG: actually i usually only get them around the times i usually played with bec
  16. [15:17:51] GG: right now something is telling me that my tummy going unrubbed means someone is in danger
  17. [15:17:51] TT: Hmm
  18. [15:17:57] GG: :I
  19. [15:18:12] TT: Interesting.
  20. [15:18:25] GG: are you in danger right now rose
  21. [15:18:37] TT: If I am, I'm woefully unaware of it.
  22. [15:18:51] GG: sigh u_u
  23. [15:20:03] GG: do you know anyone who wouldnt mind cuddling??
  24. [15:21:08] TT: I certainly wouldn't mind, especially if you need the comforting.
  25. [15:21:35] GG: are you sure? :o
  26. [15:21:49] TT: Of course. It's the least I can do to help.
  27. [15:22:02] GG: :D thanks rose!
  28. [15:23:11] -- gardenGnostical [GG] flashes into existence with a crack of bright green energies in front of Rose, her dog ears twitching in excitement. --
  29. [15:25:39] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] can't help but startle a bit at her abrupt appearance. She was sitting in a comfy chair, idly reading a thick novel and sipping a small mug of warm cocoa, and she glanced up at Jade to give her a warm smile once the slight shock wore off. --
  30. [15:26:13] GG: hi rose!!
  31. [15:26:42] TT: Ah. Hello.
  32. [15:27:45] -- gardenGnostical [GG] peers over Rose's shoulder at whatever it is she's reading. --
  33. [15:27:54] GG: whats this?
  34. [15:29:17] TT: Ah, it's a novel I recently picked up. I felt that I needed something new to read, and although it was in a discount bin I find it to be quite enjoyable. Provided you can look past some of the glaring character flaws and plot holes.
  35. [15:29:34] GG: what is it called??
  36. [15:30:24] TT: Silven Peaks, written under an anonymous penname.
  37. [15:31:03] GG: sounds neat! do you need a refill?
  38. [15:31:26] TT: I'm quite alright. I appreciate the offer, though.
  39. [15:31:33] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] glances up and smiles warmly at Jade. --
  40. [15:31:45] -- gardenGnostical [GG] beams back down at her and nods. --
  41. [15:31:59] GG: ooook then! mind if i snuggle up with you??
  42. [15:32:36] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] blushes a tiny bit at her enthusiasm, although she gives a curt nod and shifts her bulk sideways slightly yo try and allow Jade room to squeeze into the chair. --
  43. [15:34:27] -- gardenGnostical [GG] simply climbs onto Rose atop the chair cushion. Her hands glow briefly, resulting in Rose's bottom swelling enough to fill the small space she had previously offered the other girl. Jade flashes her a toothy smile and wraps her arms around Rose's torso, resting her head against her shoulder. --
  44. [15:35:39] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] reddens more at the feeling of her rump expanding slightly, and glances down at the puppygirl hugging her wide stomach, double chin accuentated from the way she titled her head down. --
  45. [15:35:52] TT: You seem comfortable.
  46. [15:35:59] GG: mhmmmm!
  47. [15:36:03] GG: are you comfortable??
  48. [15:36:15] TT: Quite.
  49. [15:36:30] GG: good :)
  50. [15:36:34] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] flashes her a tiny smile and wraps one thick arm around Jane's shoulders, using her other hand to hold her book. --
  51. [15:36:58] -- gardenGnostical [GG] nuzzles her cheek into the crook (or lack thereof) of Rose's neck and sighs contently. --
  52. [15:38:14] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] idly pets her hair, enjoying the sensation of Jade sinking into her blubbery frame ever-so-slightly. --
  53. [15:38:34] GG: you can keep reading if you want
  54. [15:38:52] TT: I wouldn't want to be ignoring you.
  55. [15:39:19] GG: if you scratch behind my ears you can ignore me all you want :p
  56. [15:39:32] TT: Mm. Well, when you put it that way.
  57. [15:39:54] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] chuckles a bit, her bulk wobbling ever-so-slightly, and reaches her plump fingers behind Jade's ears to scritch at them. --
  58. [15:40:03] GG: mmmmmmmmm...
  59. [15:40:26] -- gardenGnostical [GG] sighs blissfully, her right foot twitching in appreciation of the gesture. --
  60. [15:40:39] GG: thanks a bunch rose :)
  61. [15:40:50] TT: My pleasure.
  62. [15:41:08] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] continues to scratch away, inadventantly squishing Jade against her doughy midriff in the process. --
  63. [15:42:09] -- gardenGnostical [GG] lets her head sink into Rose's chest, enjoying her softness. Her eyes flutter shut, but her smile remains as her foot continues twitching. --
  64. [15:42:19] GG: thats the spot......
  65. [15:43:25] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] scratches a little harder at Jade's comment, dragging her shortly-trimmed nails across the apparently-sensitive skin and allowing herself to smile as Jade's involuntary twitching sends minute ripples through her body. --
  66. [15:43:49] GG: mmmmmmm...
  67. [15:45:00] -- gardenGnostical's [GG'S] hands glow dimly. Rose may not notice it, but her entire body seems to swell just a bit, her chest in particular. Jade appears unaware of these less-than-minute changes as well, simply burying her cheek deeper into Rose's bosom. --
  68. [15:46:10] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] continues pleasuring Jade's ears with her rampant scratching, hearing the comfy chair creak slightly but not paying it any attention, aleady too focused on both the smaller girl and her book. --
  69. [15:48:12] -- gardenGnostical [GG] sighs as Rose's body continues its slow growth in all directions, her bust now eclipsing three or four cup sizes larger than normal. --
  70. [15:48:37] TT: ...Erm. Jade?
  71. [15:48:45] GG: hm?
  72. [15:49:04] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] glances down, cupping a breast in one hand. --
  73. [15:49:13] -- gardenGnostical [GG] stops the inadvertant growth, peering up as if nothing had happened. --
  74. [15:49:24] GG: is it the foot thing??
  75. [15:49:30] GG: i cant really control that :(
  76. [15:49:30] TT: ...Mmmn. Nevermind.
  77. [15:49:35] TT: The foot thing is fine.
  78. [15:49:42] GG: are you sure?
  79. [15:49:55] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] shrugs slightly and resumes scratching, keeping one eye on her breasts. --
  80. [15:50:08] GG: aahh....
  81. [15:51:27] -- gardenGnostical [GG] returns to resting her head against Rose's chest, her foot resuming its rhythmic twitching. In no time, Jade's hands begin glowing again, Rose's bust swelling as it did before, and the rest of her body growing a bit slower. --
  82. [15:53:27] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] definitely notices the growth this time, as well as the chair creaking much more ominously, and she can feel Jade sinking further into her shirt-straining cleavage, but the other girl is just so happy and content with her scratches that the blubbery goth doesn't have the heart to stop. --
  83. [15:55:42] -- gardenGnostical [GG] hardly notices Rose's body beginning to strain the chair underneath them. Her head now dwarfed by Rose's bosom, she unconsciously readjusts her grip to hug most of Rose's shoulder and chest, her foot's spasms increasing in intensity. --
  84. [15:57:45] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] opened her mouth to say something about what was happening, but was cut off by a loud, popping tear forming in the front of her shirt. The poor top had finally been defeated by her expanding bustline --
  85. [15:57:45] TT: , and the collar tore down the middle, causing a surge of now-freed titflesh to escape through the opening. Without the shirt in the way, it was obvious just how much bigger Rose's breasts had become, especially with the way they were painfully overflowing both cups of her tight bra, and she winced with a blush as the realization of just how much she had grown sank in.
  86. [15:58:36] GG: huh?
  87. [15:58:51] TT: ...Oh.
  88. [15:58:57] -- gardenGnostical [GG] peers back up at Rose, surprised to have her view blocked by a formidable bustline. --
  89. [15:59:17] GG: ummm
  90. [15:59:32] GG: what
  91. [15:59:47] TT: ...Hm. This is...I'm not sure if I should say interesting or alarming.
  92. [16:00:04] GG: i
  93. [16:00:11] GG: didnt notice this before
  94. [16:00:29] GG: um
  95. [16:00:54] -- gardenGnostical [GG] pokes one of Rose's spilling boobs. --
  96. [16:01:03] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] jiggles and blushes a little. --
  97. [16:01:23] TT: ...Are you alright, Jade?
  98. [16:01:23] GG: rose
  99. [16:01:32] GG: im a little confused i guess
  100. [16:01:44] GG: were you always this chesty???
  101. [16:01:58] TT: No. Not until just now.
  102. [16:02:09] GG: did you hit super puberty
  103. [16:02:19] TT: I..doubt that.
  104. [16:02:22] TT: ...Hm.
  105. [16:02:33] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] reaches forward and gives Jade's ear an experimental scratch. --
  106. [16:02:42] GG: mmmm...
  107. [16:03:19] -- gardenGnostical [GG] giggles, causing Rose's breasts to spill out just a bit more, her pink areoli poking just over the cups of her bra. --
  108. [16:03:35] TT: I think I may have found the problem.
  109. [16:03:42] GG: what?
  110. [16:03:58] TT: Have you been feeling any sort of...power?
  111. [16:04:10] GG: what do you mean??
  112. [16:04:39] TT: I think you might be subconsciously effecting, bust, with your latent abilities.
  113. [16:04:54] GG: oh...
  114. [16:05:08] GG: dang it i thought i had that under control
  115. [16:05:14] GG: :I sorry rose
  116. [16:05:27] TT: Mmm...It's alright. I don't hold it against you.
  117. [16:05:39] GG: do you want me to put you back??
  118. [16:06:09] TT: Well...You seem awfully comfortable. As long as you can revert me to a more mobile state before you go, I suppose we can let it stay for now.
  119. [16:06:19] GG: yay!
  120. [16:06:53] -- gardenGnostical [GG] with that exclamation, Rose's bust finally snaps her bra, swelling out and onto her lap, which displaces Jade considerably. --
  121. [16:07:07] GG: gosh dang it :/
  122. [16:07:21] TT: Well, before that...
  123. [16:07:45] GG: i can fix your bra i promise!
  124. [16:09:05] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] gives a soft, meek smile at Jade, reaching both flabby arms over her head and peeling off her top. The shirt would have to be fixed later, and the bra was snapped in half, but she didn't seem to part --
  125. [16:09:05] TT: iculararily mind, allowing herself a soft blush as she managed to remove both garments. Now fully topless, the full expanse of her pale flesh was visible, both breasts resting atop her wide, smooth stomach, nipples stiffening slightly at the exposure.
  126. [16:09:31] GG: ...
  127. [16:09:56] -- gardenGnostical [GG] can't help but cup her palm over a pert nipple, gazing intently into the expanse of cleavage before her. --
  128. [16:10:26] TT: Mmmn...I hope you don't mind. It's a lot more comfortable when they aren't being squeezed so tightly by the fabric.
  129. [16:10:42] GG: i dont mind at all :p
  130. [16:10:56] GG: is it cold??
  131. [16:11:25] TT: Only compared to the warmth of my shirt. I assure you, I'm well-insulated enough.
  132. [16:11:40] GG: if you say so
  133. [16:11:51] TT: Mmhm.
  134. [16:12:10] -- gardenGnostical [GG] wraps her arms around Rose's now gigantic bust, nestling her face into the creamy, pale flesh. --
  135. [16:12:30] GG: i guess ill have to go without the ear scratches...
  136. [16:12:52] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] leans back in the chair, giving Jade ample space to bury herself in the abyssal cleavage and rest her lower body against Rose's gut. --
  137. [16:13:02] TT: Mmm...Maybe not.
  138. [16:13:23] TT: me smirks and reaches forward, sliding a finger behind Jade's ear once against and iving her a playful scritch.
  139. [16:13:37] GG: i meant unless you want to turn into a boob m-mmmmmm...
  140. [16:14:42] -- gardenGnostical [GG] sighs, the familiar growth resuming as Rose starts overburdening the chair. Her breasts begin rivaling beanbag chairs as Jade's foot begins twitching again. --
  141. [16:15:33] TT: We have the means to revert it, so I don't see why I would mind being cast in the role as the terrifying breast monster for the time being. Although I do admit, I worry slightly for-
  142. [16:16:17] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] is cut off by a loud, creaking groan as the back of the comfy chair bends backwards, Rose's feet being lifted slightly as she finds herself in an almost-lying-down position with Jade atop her. --
  143. [16:16:40] GG: what were you saying??
  144. [16:16:45] TT: -the chair. Ah, never mind.
  145. [16:16:58] GG: hehe
  146. [16:17:56] TT: (oh, highlighting the text makes the colors come back)
  147. [16:18:16] -- gardenGnostical [GG] nips playfully at Rose's engorged nipples, now about as large as her pinky finger. --
  148. [16:19:15] TT: Mmmn...I'm starting to wonder if you had a plan coming into this. Lure the poor, innocent lady into cuddles and ear scratchies and then turn her into a bra-busting, chair-crushingly large pillow. Such a scamp, Jade Harley.
  149. [16:19:40] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] can't help but smirk, her tone clearly playful even as the sides of her meaty tits are overflowing either side of the poor chair. --
  150. [16:19:45] GG: hehe thats nonsense rose!
  151. [16:21:12] -- gardenGnostical [GG] kisses fervently across Rose's chest, her playful hands dancing in and out of her pillowy flesh. --
  152. [16:21:34] TT: Mmnnn...
  153. [16:22:21] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] lets her eyes flutter closed at the kissing, clearly enjoying the sensations and allowing her arms to fail to wrap around either side of her bust. The book, long since forgotten, finally falls from her grasp and lands on the floor unceremoniously. --
  154. [16:22:22] GG: i think i might owe you a favor anyway ;p
  155. [16:22:58] TT: For the scratches, or for so generously agreeing to be your personal breast-pillow?
  156. [16:23:09] GG: a little bit of both
  157. [16:23:44] TT: Good dog.
  158. [16:23:44] -- gardenGnostical [GG] wraps her plush lips around Rose's meaty tit and tongues the perky bud gently, one of her hands sneaking its way under the waistband of her skirt. --
  159. [16:24:31] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] bites her lip, more than content to let Jade have her way with her plush, fatty body, breasts jiggling and rippling like gelatin at the slightest movement and sending a blush creeping across the Seer's round face. --
  160. [16:27:10] -- gardenGnostical [GG] pinches the pointed tip between her protruding front teeth and giggles, a faint glow eminating from underneath Rose's skirt. She'd feel her clit swell significantly, and her nether lips become thicker. Jade's nimble fingers dip into her enlarged folds, the pad of her thumb barely able to cover Rose's clit. --
  161. [16:28:34] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] let a sharp gasp escape her plump lips, feeling her groin tingle with energy yet being unable to actually see the effects over her massive body. She leaned further back, ignoring the cries of the abused chair, and let both of her flabby arms dangle off to either side, unable to reach around her tits to stop Jade even if she wanted to. --
  162. [16:30:52] -- gardenGnostical [GG] grows her fingers large enough to fill her slit and begins pumping them slowly into Rose's swollen lips. --
  163. [16:31:07] TT: Nnngggghhh...~
  164. [16:32:08] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] 's head lolls back and her eyes screw shut, her entire body bouncing and wobbling as Jade pumps into her. A throaty moan escape her lips, and she digs her fingers into either side of her titanic, pillowy boobs, desperate to do something with her idle hands as she feels Jade pleasure her. --
  165. [16:34:35] -- gardenGnostical [GG] pulls her mouth of one of Rose's mountainous breasts with an audible pop and beams at where she estimates her head may have been. Her ministrations grow faster, paying no less attention to Rose's throbbing jewel as she places a tiny kiss on Rose's underboob. --
  166. [16:37:00] -- thicksetTherapist [TT] starts gasping in pleasure, breathing growing heavier as Jade speeds up. She barely registers the kiss, but it only makes her hornier knowing that her mounds were so gigantic and so plush that they eclipsed her friend, and her belly and thighs quivered just as much as her tits as she gave a loud, audible yelp-groan, keening for the other girl and feeling sweat begin to form on her brow. --
  167. [16:40:04] -- gardenGnostical [GG] giggles and [[oh no i'm going to be late for class :( this was really fun though, i'll rp with you later!]] --
  168. [16:40:13] TT: (aw kay thats fine~)
  169. -- gardenGnostical [GG] ceased pestering thicksetTherapist [TT] at 16:40 --
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