
Scooby Doo Movies: Scooby meets MLP

Jan 5th, 2015
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  1. The Original prompt was someone wanting shaggy in equestria
  3. >be shaggy
  4. "like this place sure, h"uh scoob?"
  5. >you had been dragged into investigating a haunted school
  6. >you split up with the rest of the gang like always
  7. >after a while you and scooby tried to find the cafeteria
  8. >"reah rit is" scooby said trialling on your heels looking around
  9. >"really reepy"
  10. >you both come across the court yard
  11. >see a gaint horse statue with mirrors on each side of the base
  12. "check this out scoob." you say walking up to the statue
  13. "this statue is pretty groovy eh scoob"
  14. >you both stand infront looking into the mirrors
  15. >"ree hee hee, rah" scoob says as you both make faces into the mirror
  16. >both of your faces falter as you see a person in a cloak stand up from behind you
  17. "like gulp, are you seeing what im seein?"
  18. >scooby jumps into your arms "rah....ri rish ri ridnt" he squeks out as you both tremble
  19. >you slowly turn around, trembling all the while
  20. "ZOINKS!" you yelp out as the figure pushes you against the mirror
  21. >or at least it should have been against the mirror
  22. >you feel as nothing is behind you as you a scooby fall into a black void
  23. >you black out
  24. >your mind is filled with delicious foods that you wanna eat
  25. >you start to feel something shake you from your dream
  26. "like five more mins scooby" you mutter out
  27. >"raggy.....raggy rake up" the feeling of you being shook intensifies
  28. >you eyes snap open
  29. >you see scooby switching from looking at you to over his shoulder
  30. >hes trembling
  31. "like did you get the number of that bus?" you groggily say as you sit up
  32. >your eyes adjust to the light, you are in some kinda castle
  33. >looking you feel scooby tugging on your shirt, whimpering
  34. >you look to where he is pointing
  35. "whats scoob? im trying to get our bearin......"
  36. >you see six colorful ponies staring at you
  37. >sounds like whispering coming from them, but that cant be right
  38. "like scoob, there just some ponies, stop being afraid and lets find out where we are"
  39. >you say as you get up
  40. >"what in tarnation are yall doing in the castle?" the pony with the hat yells out
  41. >you freeze and look at them scooby jumps into your arms again
  42. "like did you just talk?" you stammer out
  43. >"rit rid raggy it rid!"
  44. >the pony with the purple hair pouts abit
  45. >"why ofcourse darling, now why are you and that....that diamond dog are in this castle?" she asks as they all take a step foward
  46. >"What...what kinda creature are you?" the yellow one whispers out hiding behind her friends
  47. >take a step back as they advances
  48. >"Rhuts a raimdon rog?" scooby asks you quietly
  49. "like i dont know scoob, but whatever it is they think your one." you says as you take another step backwards looking around for a way out
  50. >the purple one looks at you inquisitively, "girls, i think hes from the mirror, you know where my other friends are." she said taking another step forward
  51. >you keep backing up untill you bump into something or some one
  52. > you and scooby both look up at the towering figure behind and now above
  53. >it looks like a miss match of different animals
  54. >it gives you a toothy grrin
  55. >"why hello there, raggy is it?"
  56. >you start to sweat as you see his sharp teeth flash before your face
  57. > he gets in closer to your face
  58. >you make a large gulp sound
  59. >you see him snap his fingers before dissapearing
  60. >you blink before turning back to the talking ponies
  61. >instead your face to face withe creature from before
  62. >"" it says snapping its jaw infront of you
  63. >scooby and you lose it
  64. "ZOINKS!" you yell out
  65. >scooby starts screaming
  66. > you both take off towards the nearest door
  67. >you hear laughter behind coming from the weird monster
  69. >be discord
  70. >you just scared the crap out of the visitors from twilights mirror
  71. >you look over at the gang wiping a tear from you eye
  72. "did you see that, that was...was priceless!" you laugh even more
  73. >you see that none of your friends are amussed, well except for rainbow dash, she is trying to hold back her laughter abit before being elbowed by applejack she was always down for a good prank.
  74. > you look at them and roll your eyes
  75. >"discord that wasnt very funny" fluttershy says stomping her hoof
  76. >"go and apologize to them right now mister." she sounds angry
  77. >still discord
  78. >you lower your head and sigh
  79. "very well, im sorry. i just couldnt help it"
  80. >"its not us you should be apologizing too." applejack states
  81. >"come on girls, we need to split up and find them before the get hurt or cause a panic in ponyville" twilight says running off
  82. >the rest of the girls nod before spliting off different ways
  83. >fluttershy stays with you
  84. >"come on discord we need to find them so you can apologize to them."
  85. >you sigh
  86. "yes fluttershy" you snap your fingers and you are both disappear into another part of the castle
  88. >be shaggy
  89. >you and scooby are running faster then before
  90. >sure you fought zombies, and demons, and witches but compared to that...thing, those were nothing
  91. >you turn down several hallways before reaching a dead end
  92. "like this might be the end, old buddy old pal of mine." you say hugging scooby
  93. >scooby is trembling before looking over his shoulder
  94. >"rook raggy a roor!" he points out
  95. > you look over and see the door
  96. "good job scoob! maybe its away out of the crazy bin." you says putting scooby down and walking over to the door.
  98. > you open and see a gaint kitchen
  99. "like awesome!, lets eat scoob. cant run on an empty diet." you say entering the kitchen and closing the door behind you and scooby
  100. >"reah, reah." scooby says licking his chops pointing to his mouth
  101. >you search and search the only thing you find in the cupboards are dandelions and some hay,
  102. "ofcourse itll only be food for horses.....well when in rome." you say as you make a dandelion and hay sandwich big enough for both you an scooby.
  103. > you start to split it when scooby runs up
  104. >"rook raggy, rapples." he said dragging over a barrel of apples
  105. "good find scoob," you say as you grab a couple of apples and slice them up adding to the tower of sandwich
  106. >scoobys practically drooling now and so are you.
  107. >it has been about an hour since you last ate
  108. "welp, old buddy. heres your half."
  109. >you slide of half of the tower
  110. >"raggy...rot rauce." scooby says excitedly
  111. >you look at scooby and smile
  112. "you're right scoob, gotta have hot sauce." you say pulling a bottle of hot sauce from your pocket.
  113. >you pour it on the sandwiches before smashing them down and eating them
  114. "you know scoob, those dandelions and hay arent that bad."
  115. >scooby nods his head. "reah, reah, rapples rare rood roo." he says taking abit out of one
  116. "like hand me one scoob."
  117. >scooby toss you one
  118. >you devour it rather quickly
  119. "like lets load up and get out of this creepy castle" you say as you start stuffing your pockets and shirt with apples
  120. >you both here a gaint clang coming from the other side of the wall
  121. "like, i think they found us scoob.." you whisper
  122. >scooby nods his head
  123. >both of you tip toe to the least full barrel a jump in, closing the lid
  124. >you hear the door open up and hoof steps walking in
  125. >they're atleast two of them in the room.
  126. >"yall think they"re in here?" one says
  127. >"maybe....when i get really scared i know i want cake." a very giggly voice says
  128. >you hear the steps get louder as they approach the barrel
  129. "like act natural scoob" you whisper as the lid starts to move
  130. >you see the pink pony looking down at you
  131. >only your head is visible as its above the apples.
  132. >scooby and you don't move a muscle
  133. >she rubs her chin with one hoof before lower the lid again
  134. >"just apples in here." you hear her say as she trots off
  135. >scooby starts to sniffle abit
  136. >hes about to sneeze
  137. "like stop!" you say as you put your finger under his nose
  138. >he sighs its gone
  139. "that was like really close......ACHOO!" you sneeze
  140. >the barrel falls apart leaving you and scooby exsposed
  141. >"what in tarnation?" the pony with the hat says as both look at you
  142. >" guys a really good at hide and seek." the pink one giggles
  143. >they both start to advance "no hold on there fella, we dont mean any harm." the orange one says
  144. >you both scramble to get up but start sliping on the apples
  145. >scooby falls and slides into you
  146. >causing you to land on a barrel
  147. >you start to move backwards as you run foward
  148. >the barrel rolling underneath you
  149. >"RAGGY!" scooby calls out as he gets up and starts to run after you
  150. >the two ponys jump out of the way
  151. >you stumble and some how you manage to turn the barrel so its rolls out the door and then down the hall
  152. "LIKE SCOOB! HELP!" you call out as you gain momentum.
  153. >the barrel is speeding down the hall
  154. >you scooby trying to catch up, but those ponies are on his tail
  155. >the barrel hits a lip on the floor
  156. >causing the barrel to smash sending you backwards
  157. >in air you see that monster fly out of nowhere in front of scooby
  158. >"found you!" it laughs
  159. >you land hard on the floor hitting your head on the edge of something
  160. >the mirror
  161. >you kinda make something out through it
  162. >the rest of the gang
  163. "SCOOB! A WAY OUT OF THIS LOONEY BIN!" you call out
  164. >oh no
  165. >scooby is covering his face with his paws, completely surround
  166. >you try to think of away to save him
  167. >the monster and the ponies start to get closer
  168. >then an idea hits you
  169. >you pull out a box of scooby snacks and slide one his way
  170. "HERE SCOOB! LETS GET OUT OF HERE!" you yell
  171. >scooby lifts one paw and sees the snack infront of him
  172. >he grins and eats it
  173. >you see the courage fill him instantly as he barks at the ponies
  174. >"RACK, RACK RI RAY!" he nips at them
  175. >"my word, how brutish." the white when says they back off alittle
  176. >giving scooby enough of an opening to run past them towards you
  177. >"RAGGY!" he yelps as he jumps at you
  178. > you catch him and fling both of you into the mirror
  179. >the world goes black
  180. >"shaggy....shaggy you okay?"
  181. >you open your eyes
  182. >everythings blurry but soon you see Velma and the rest of the gang
  183. "like we made it!" you get up fast wrapping velma in a hug
  184. >velma adjusts her self into your hug then smiles
  185. >"glad you to are okay." she says adjusting her glasses
  186. >Fred and Daphne walk up to you guys
  187. >behind them a cloaked figured and a police officer holding onto that figure
  188. >"glad we found you guys, thought you guys might have gotten hurt." fred says walking up to you pating you on the back
  189. >"yeah, but while Velma was looking for you we caught the "ghost"." she says air quoting the ghost part
  190. >she takes of the figures hood revealing a school teacher
  191. >"It was Professer Discord all along." fred said
  192. >"he was trying to scare the people her so the school could shut down." Daphne piped in
  193. >velma put her hand to her chin " but why?
  194. >the discord fellow looks familier but you cant say why
  195. >discord smiles, "lets just say i like a good prank." he says as the cop takes him away
  196. >"would have gotten away with it too, if it wasnt for you meddling kids and the dog too" he says before he and the cop dissapear
  197. > you stand up and look at scooby
  198. "was that, like a dream?"
  199. >scooby shrugs "Ron't rnow?"
  200. >the gang starts to walk away towards the exit
  201. "well, that was crazy scoob. glad we're back"
  202. >you start to walk away
  203. >you hear tapping
  204. >its coming behind you
  205. >you and scooby turn around slowly
  206. >you see the monster from before grinning from behind the mirror
  207. >he begins to drag a claw down the mirror
  208. >you and scooby start to shake in fear
  209. >the monster heads slowly comes out of the mirror
  210. >right in your face
  211. >"!"
  212. >you and scooby shriek and run past the gang and jump into the mystery machine
  214. > Discord laughs as he wipes his tears away
  215. "ah....what fun."
  216. >he goes back into the mirror but stops
  217. "well......good night everyone, hope you enjoyed it."
  218. >snaps his fingers and everything goes black
  219. fin
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