
Hand In Hand (ch3)

Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. Day 3: Laughter
  3. Disclaimer: I do not own Little Witch Academia.
  5. ----------
  7. Chapter 3.
  9. Typically, the journey back seems to take only half the amount of time of the journey there, but in Akko's case it's the reverse. The process of going on her little stroll to the clearing with Diana had felt like it had flown by all too quickly, since she'd been enjoying herself so much.
  11. So naturally the desperate trek home, with Diana despondent on her back, was all the more harrowing and seemed to take three times longer than it should have.
  13. By the time the buildings are in sight, Akko is all but running, doing her best not to jostle her girlfriend.
  15. Sensing the change in motion rouses Diana from her state of unconsciousness. As she opens her eyes and finds herself on Akko's back with Luna Nova in sight once again, she pieces things together.
  17. "Akko..."
  19. At the sound of Diana's voice, Akko gasps and skids to a frantic halt.
  21. "Diana? I-I'm sorry! Was I going too fast? Are you okay?"
  23. "For the most part. You may let me down, Akko."
  25. "Huh? A-Are you sure? Can you stand? At least lemme get you inside first."
  27. Akko's thankful for the late hour if only for the fact that there's no one else in the hallways. She kicks one of the entrance doors open and carefully slips inside, making absolutely sure the door won't bump Diana. Akko immediately turns toward the dorms. Diana protests.
  29. "Akko-"
  31. "I'm bringing you back to your room."
  33. "Akko, I'm well enough to stand now. Let me down."
  35. Akko pauses, skeptical, but does as she asks. She crouches down and lets Diana off, quickly standing straight up again so she can turn around and support her. Diana sways only a little bit and does need to hold onto Akko a bit for balance. Akko pulls her into a frantic embrace.
  37. "Diana, I was so worried! What if you'd... if you'd lost your magics again...?"
  39. Diana flinches in her arms. She has to admit the possibility had crossed her mind as well. But she brushes the thought aside.
  41. "My strength will return fully in a few days' time. When we cast spells we use a fraction of our magical energy, but gradually regain what we've lost through eating and sleeping. The same is true for what happened tonight. Only it was more akin to casting a hundred spells all at once."
  43. "What would you have done if you'd depleted your magic altogether?!" Akko demands. "You could've gone into a coma or something!" She squeezes her more tightly in defiance of the thought. Diana lifts her arms, still shaking slightly, as she hugs Akko's shoulders.
  45. "I apologize, Akko. I never meant to upset you."
  47. "You don't have to apologize," Akko mumbles into her collar. "Just get better as quickly as you can."
  49. "I will." Diana smiles, resting her chin on Akko's shoulder, folding both arms across her back.
  51. They hold each other there for a moment, hidden behind a jutting corner of the hallway. When they both feel well enough to ease apart, Diana motions to the herbs Akko has tucked into her sash.
  53. "You'd best turn those in to Professor Finneran, lest she come hunting for you tonight."
  55. "Let her. I'm not gonna leave you alone when you're like this, Diana. You need to go back and rest."
  57. "And I shall. But first allow me to accompany you to the office to prove I'm fit enough to do so."
  59. Akko pouts. She knows Diana will come with her regardless of what she wants her to do. At least if Akko gets ride of the plants and completes the assignment now she won't have to worry about Finneran coming for her.
  61. So she begrudgingly accepts the fact that she'll have to see the cranky old witch again tonight. But when she slips her arm around the small of Diana's back, it's gentle and caring.
  63. "Lean on me. And if you need a break from walking just tell me."
  65. "I certainly will."
  67. Diana would've liked to think she could make it a far as the office without having to cling onto Akko's back, but she'd given up more magic than she'd initially thought. Her steps are swaying slightly, and her vision blurs in and out of focus. More than once she has to quietly request they pause. Each time Akko steps close to hug her, letting Diana feel the warmth and support of her body until she's steady once again.
  69. They make it to Professor Finneran's office, where Diana leans against the wall and opts to wait outside. Akko leaves her with a kiss and hurries into the room, not listening at all to Finneran's chiding about being tardy. She simply dumps the herbs onto her desk with a rushed, "Here I finished the assignment bye" and scurries back out, closing the door behind herself before further chastisement can reach her.
  71. She finds Diana right where she'd left her and hurries over to wrap her arm around her again. Diana kisses her cheek in return. Akko spares a moment to brush their noses together briefly, then turns them back the way they'd come.
  73. "C'mon. You need to rest and recover."
  75. As they set off once again with Akko supporting and guiding their pace, Diana feels her heart flutter a bit. She's often the one taking charge and taking care of Akko. But these few times when Akko takes absolute control and is determined to take care of Diana make the white-haired witch feel flattered. She'd never accept being a burden, but Akko never makes her feel that way, even if she truly might be.
  77. Diana does her best to keep pace with her, though it's Akko who keeps slowing down to compensate for Diana's gait. She leaves Diana only briefly to rush to the cafeteria when they are near it, grabbing a bottle of water and bringing it back to her girlfriend, begging her to drink. Diana does as much as she can manage and Akko finishes the rest before tossing the bottle to a nearby waste bin. She misses, and Diana makes her go pick it up and dispose of it properly.
  79. After that it's just a few more minutes before they make it to the dorms, and then Diana's suite. The lights have been dimmed with curfew passed, and all is quiet. Diana pushes through into her own room. Akko makes a move to follow, and Diana turns back to her.
  81. "Akko, you needn't stay here. I'll be all right."
  83. "Nope. I'm staying."
  85. "Akko-"
  87. "I'm staying, Diana."
  89. Diana knows she herself can sometimes be equally as stubborn, and she sympathizes with Akko on that. But for now she lets Akko into the darkened suite without a fight.
  91. Hannah and Barbara are asleep in their beds, which Akko is glad for. If they found out something had happened to Diana while Akko was with her, they would've bit her head off.
  93. Akko guides Diana across the room, avoiding the furniture and tip-toeing around the bookshelf to Diana's space.
  95. There's a little spell they cast whenever they decide to spend the night together, one that forms a barrier of the senses at the edge of the bookshelf so that Hannah and Barbara or anyone else can't enter without permission. It allows Akko and Diana more intimate moments without interruption or fear of being seen or heard. They can speak as loudly as they please without risk of waking Diana's teammates.
  97. Akko casts that spell now, relieved when they finally make it to Diana's bed. She sits down with her on the edge, still supporting most of her girlfriend's weight.
  99. "We made it," Akko sighs. "How are you feeling?"
  101. "Tired, as you might imagine. But all right."
  103. "Are you sure? You're still shivering a little."
  105. "That's nothing that a good night's rest won't fix."
  107. Akko is relieved just in hearing Diana talk about sleep. She nuzzles her cheek again, hugging her around the waist.
  109. "I'm so glad you're okay."
  111. Diana wraps both arms around her shoulders again.
  113. "Thank you for the concern, Akko. I truly do appreciate it." After a moment they ease apart. Diana begins taking off her shoes, but just doing that much seems to exhaust her. "I fear I'll be sleeping in this tonight," she mutters, looking over her uniform.
  115. "You have a spare, right? Just wear that tomorrow. Or better yet, don't come to class. Just rest."
  117. "We will have to see about that."
  119. Akko takes her own shoes off as well before giving Diana another hug. She slowly pushes her down onto the bed, pinning her there softly. Diana sighs, sounding more enervated than ever. Akko cuddles up to her side, draping an arm across her shoulder.
  121. "Are you sure you're okay?"
  123. "Yes." Diana positions her own arm across Akko's back and keeps her close. Akko nuzzles against her shoulder.
  125. "You were so cool out there tonight, saving those moths. But you put yourself in danger because of it. Because I tripped and woke them up. It's my fault..."
  127. "Akko." Diana speaks her name sternly, a warning. "Please do not blame yourself for my actions."
  129. "But-"
  131. "Hush. Else I will have to give you something else to think about."
  133. As she says this, Diana lets her arm trail down Akko's back. She glides her fingers over the brunette's side unsuspectingly before making a surprise attack. She presses her fingers in at Akko's hip, causing her to yelp and jerk.
  135. "Uwaaaah-?!" Akko flops around in place from the unexpected tickle, shuddering against Diana as she recovers from the shock. "D-Diana?! What the heck was that?!"
  137. Diana gets a chuckle from her reaction – the exact kind of reaction she'd been hoping for.
  139. "Nothing at all. Just a slip of the hand."
  141. "Why you- I'll show you a slip of the hand!"
  143. Diana had known when she'd done it she'd be prompting a war, and she's willing to accept that punishment now if it means Akko forgets her guilt.
  145. Akko begins her attack instantly, wiggling her fingers across Diana's stomach, making her girlfriend jolt and twitch as she tries to protect herself to no avail.
  147. Usually Diana is a tough nut to crack. But after what had happened this afternoon it doesn't take much for Akko to start earning giggles from her.
  149. Even though they have their sound barrier up and can be as loud as they want to, Diana tries to suppress her laughter as always. Akko pushes herself up onto her elbows so she can attack more efficiently. Diana, with her cheeks already flushed, tries to turn onto her side, but Akko easily grabs her and pushes her back.
  151. "Wooow~ Diana. Is this all it's gonna take tonight~?"
  153. "A-Akko please-"
  155. "You started it~ I hope you're prepared for the consequences!"
  157. Akko dives in again, pinning Diana beneath her and tickling her mercilessly. As her hands work on disarming her girlfriend, Akko peppers kisses all over her cheeks and forehead.
  159. But even in her weakened state, Diana puts up a good fight. She manages to tickle Akko in return a few times, making her shriek and freeze up. Diana even manages to turn the tables and pin Akko down for a moment to get her revenge.
  161. Their side of the room fills with laughter and stays that way for several minutes. Akko's louder guffaws and shrieks nearly drown out Diana's softer, more refined chuckles, but there's never one voice without the other.
  163. Before long Akko has regained her position and pushed Diana back down, hovering over her, hair a frazzled mess and uniform wrinkled. Diana looks much the same, only to a lesser degree; even when she's frazzled she's still refined somehow.
  165. Akko pants heavily, occasional little wheezes of laughter coming out as she grabs Diana's wrists. With her hands immobilized Diana can't attack, and with her own hands occupied neither can Akko. They've come to a truce.
  167. Akko catches her breath rather loudly, then waits a moment for Diana to do the same. She has her head turned to one side so her soft wavy hair covers half her face, eyes closed and cheeks flushed. As the vigor in Akko's blood fades away she has to appreciate the sight of Diana like this, so pretty and defenseless.
  169. But that's okay. Because Akko will protect her.
  171. Once she's composed herself somewhat, Akko reaches out gently to clear the hair from Diana's face, tucking it tenderly behind her ear.
  173. "Sorry. You were already so exhausted..."
  175. Diana's eyes flutter open once again as she turns her head, looking directly up at her girlfriend.
  177. "I will forgive you, under one condition."
  179. "What's that?"
  181. Smiling, Diana reaches up to cup her face, pulling Akko down for a deep, breathless kiss. Akko crouches over her, distributing her weight evenly over Diana's body.
  183. There are still a few giggles between them as they part from the kiss and get to trailing their lips across whatever skin they can access.
  185. It isn't much longer after that when Akko hears a thin sigh from Diana, and the kisses on her cheek come to a stop. The white-haired witch can barely keep her eyes open anymore. Akko smiles tenderly and brushes their noses together.
  187. "Time for bed, Diana."
  189. "Mm..."
  191. The fact that Diana can't even reply verbally shows just how tired she is.
  193. Akko lets out a big yawn as well as she lies herself down over her. Diana hugs her back softly, curling her fingers into Akko's uniform as the brunette settles against her. Diana isn't shivering anymore, but Akko is still intent on keeping her warm.
  195. "Night, Diana."
  197. Akko kisses her forehead, then her lips one last time. Diana barely has the strength to respond.
  199. "Goodnight... Akko..."
  201. Akko watches in satisfaction as her exhausted girlfriend drifts off to sleep, her breath slow and even. As her body relaxes and recuperates, her magics will have the opportunity to reconfigure and arrange themselves.
  203. Akko admires the sleepy sight of Diana for a moment longer before lying down over her, pressing an ear to her chest to listen. Her pulse drums softly in her collar, and the more Akko listens the more comfortable she gets.
  205. She closes her eyes, lips still curved into a big lazy smile as she follows Diana into slumber.
  207. ----------
  209. A/N: My rule with angst is that it must always be balanced or overshadowed with an equal or greater amount of fluff and happiness.
  211. Next theme: Pampering Akko
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