

Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. Trailblazers vs MonECW Inc. No DQ Elimination
  3. Stevie Ray and Pitbull #1 start off with strikes, before the Pitbull runs the ropes and is caught off guard by a bicycle kick out of nowhere! 1-2-3!
  5. First elimination: Stevie Ray elminates Pitbull 1 by pinfall with a Drive-By.
  7. Incensed, Pitbull #2 runs into the ring, and immediately goes for Stevie's head with elbows, just bashing Stevie's head until the ref has to pull him off. As Pitbull 2 tags in Angle, the ref determines that Stevie is too hurt to continue.
  9. Pitbull 2 eliminates Stevie Ray by referee decision after elbow strikes.
  11. Osamu Nishimura tags in, and stares down Angle, before going for a lockup. The two of them exchange hold after hold, squirming out of each other's submissions with the greatest of finesse, almost at an impasse. But Ahmed Johnson runs out from the back with a chair, and starts attacking the Trailblazers. Once they've been temporarily slowed, he runs into the ring, and along with Angle and Pitbull #2, he just wails on Nishimura, focusing on the legs. Once he finishes, he leaves the chair in the ring and runs off as Angle hooks in the Ankle Lock. Nishimura tries to get to the ropes, but he has to tap out.
  13. Angle submits Nishimura with the ankle lock.
  15. Angle tags in Pitbull #2 as Rocky Maivia hits the ring and completely dominates the Pitbull. One uranage later, and the Pitbull is out.
  17. Rocky Maivia eliminates Pitbull #2 by pinfall with a uranage.
  19. Rocky stands tall, calling out Brian Lee. "YEAH, YOU! YOU SEVEN FOOT TALL TRICK OR TREATER! I DON'T KNOW WHETHER TO FIGHT YOU OR SEND YOU OFF TO COMIC-CON!" Lee steps into the ring for the first time in the match. Before, he had simply stood on the apron. Rocky starts punching him, but he shows no pain. Rocky winds up for a big punch, and again, it doesn't faze Lee. He slaps him, kicks him in the gut, thumbs the eye, still no reaction. Finally, Rocky goes low. He delivers a large kick to Lee's groin, finally staggering him. Rocky hits the ropes, delivers a clothesline, further staggering Lee. He hits the rope again, but this time, he uses his rebound energy to whip Lee to the ropes. As Lee returns, Rocky hoists him up, and plants him down with a Spinebuster! Rocky slowly slips off an elbow pad, throws it to the crowd, and goes for a flashy elbow drop, but Lee sits up as he's about to drop it. Rocky is shocked, and looks at the chair Ahmed left in the ring earlier. As Lee begins to rise, Rocky gets a few whacks to the back in with the chair, staggering Lee even more. Lee tumbles to the outside to get his urn, and Rocky follows, but on the far end of the ring. Rocky whacks his chair against the barricade a few times, and gets a running start before delivering a brutal overhead shot! Lee, however, blocks it with the urn! He then delivers a kick to Rocky's groin, doubling him over so Lee can deliver an elevated powerbomb to the ring apron! Lee re-enters the ring as Rocky writhes on the outside.
  21. The ref counts. 1...2...Rocky starts to get up. 3...4...5...Rocky is on one knee now. 6...7...He's grabbed one rope. 8...He's pulling himself in...9...Rocky gets back in the ring just in time! He crawls over to Lee, and starts pulling himself up. Lee stares down at him, and Rocky gives the bras d'honneur. Lee lets out a guttural yell, and pulls Rocky up for the Tombstone. As Taz tries to break it up, DiBiase pulls him off the apron.
  23. 1...2...3. Brian Lee eliminates Rocky Maivia with a tombstone.
  25. As Rocky tries to crawl out, Lee follows behind, hoping to get a few more blows in. They eventually start beating each other with chairs, and after a particularly sick shot to the head, Rocky beats Lee down to the floor before staggering to the back, using the chair as a crutch of sorts.
  27. Lee sits up as the ref counts 5, and gets back into the ring. Taz, now alone against the world, goes for more strikes on Lee, and Lee seems to have been heavily affected by the previous brawl, swaying uneasily after each blow. Taz goes for the Brooklyn Boot, staggering him further. Taz takes advantage, hitting a Tazplex for the 3. Angle does not try to break it up as he's arguing with DiBiase on the outside.
  29. Taz eliminates Brian Lee with the Tazzplex.
  31. As Lee's elimination is announced, Angle turns from DiBiase and runs into the ring, getting the jump on Taz with a german suplex! He holds on and goes for a second! A third! He goes for a fourth, but Taz elbows him, turns around, and goes for a belly-to belly! Another belly-to-belly! 3! 4! He goes for 5, but Angle goes for a low blow, hooks the leg, and goes for a fisherman suplex! 2! 3! 4! 5! After the fifth, he goes for the pin!
  33. 1..2...2.9! Taz kicks out, and Angle rolls to the outside, getting a chair. He whacks it against the barricade a few times, before rolling back into the ring. As he does so, Taz has gotten back up, and hit the ropes. As Angle gets to his feet, Taz Brooklyn Boots the chair right into his face! Angle, staggered and starting to bleed, falls right into Taz's arms, as Taz sets up for a vertical suplex--NO! A BRAINBUSTER! And not just one! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! Angle is not moving! Taz goes for the cover!
  35. 1...2...And DiBiase pulls the referee out of the ring! Taz follows, and gets in a shouting match with DiBiase and the ref on the outside. As they bicker, Angle starts to get to his feet, still gushing blood. He stands, he looks into the camera with a sick grin, AND HE PULLS DOWN HIS STRAPS! He hits the ropes, JUMPS OVER THE ROPES, AND KNOCKS TAZ AND THE REF INTO THE CROWD!
  37. Taz and Angle start beating on each other with chairs, cups, anything they can find! The ref, still unconscious after Angle's amazing dive, does not count them out. After a particularly brutal shot leaves Angle leaning on the barricade, Taz gets a running start and Angry Man's Clotheslines the both of them over to the ringside area!
  39. Angle and Taz struggle to their feet, as the ref finally awakens. They roll into the ring at the same time, on opposite ends. Taz hits the ropes for a Brooklyn Boot, but Angle grabs it and rolls under into the ankle lock! Angle is screaming and bloody as he just grinds Taz's ankle! Taz crawls in agony towards the ropes, but since this is a No DQ match, Angle doesn't have to break the hold. Taz climbs up the ropes, onto one foot, and hits an enzuigiri onto Angle! Angle is swaying, so Taz whips him into the corner before running to the opposite corner and running in for an Angry Man's Clothesline! He hits the opposite corner again and goes for another clothesline! He goes for a third, but Angle hits him with a devastating elbow strike, before hitting the modified fireman's carry that JR calls the Angle Slam! Angle looks over Taz, and goes to the top, setting up for a moonsault? Angle stays up a bit too long, gloating to the crowd, allowing Taz to get up, climb behind him, and HIT A TOP ROPE TAZZ-PLEX! Taz takes no time locking on the Tazmission afterward, as the ref finally re-enters the ring!
  41. Angle simply refuses to tap, screaming "NO! NEVER! I WILL NEVER! TAP! OUT! NEVER! Never... never..." as he slowly fades out of consciousness. The ref raises his arm once... twice... three times. Taz wins! This was a really fun match, and Taz looked great. By the end, there was a pretty decent E-C-DUB chant.
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