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Jan 14th, 2011
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  1. $ grep -ir 'accounts' *
  2. app/views/accounts/edit.html.erb:<%= link_to 'Back', accounts_path %>
  3. app/views/accounts/show.html.erb:<%= link_to 'Back', accounts_path %>
  4. app/views/accounts/new.html.erb:<%= link_to 'Back', accounts_path %>
  5. app/views/accounts/index.html.erb:<h1>Listing accounts</h1>
  6. app/views/accounts/index.html.erb:<% @accounts.each do |account| %>
  7. app/helpers/accounts_helper.rb:module AccountsHelper
  8. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb:class AccountsController < ApplicationController
  9. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # GET /accounts
  10. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # GET /accounts.xml
  11. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: @accounts = Account.all
  12. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: format.xml { render :xml => @accounts }
  13. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # GET /accounts/1
  14. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # GET /accounts/1.xml
  15. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # GET /accounts/new
  16. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # GET /accounts/new.xml
  17. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # GET /accounts/1/edit
  18. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # POST /accounts
  19. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # POST /accounts.xml
  20. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # PUT /accounts/1
  21. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # PUT /accounts/1.xml
  22. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # DELETE /accounts/1
  23. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: # DELETE /accounts/1.xml
  24. app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb: format.html { redirect_to(accounts_url) }
  25. config/routes.rb: resources :accounts
  26. log/development.log:Started GET "/accounts" for at 2011-01-04 15:08:49 -0500
  27. log/development.log: Processing by AccountsController#index as HTML
  28. log/development.log:Started GET "/accounts" for at 2011-01-04 15:55:24 -0500
  29. log/development.log: Processing by AccountsController#index as HTML
  30. log/development.log: app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb:5:in `index'
  31. log/development.log:Started GET "/accounts" for at 2011-01-04 15:55:34 -0500
  32. log/development.log: Processing by AccountsController#index as HTML
  33. log/development.log: app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb:5:in `index'
  34. log/development.log:Started GET "/accounts" for at 2011-01-04 15:55:44 -0500
  35. log/development.log: Processing by AccountsController#index as HTML
  36. log/development.log: app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb:5:in `index'
  37. log/development.log:Started GET "/accounts" for at 2011-01-11 17:02:40 -0500
  38. log/development.log: Processing by AccountsController#index as HTML
  39. log/test.log:Unable to load accounts, underlying cause No such file to load -- accounts
  40. log/test.log:Unable to load accounts, underlying cause No such file to load -- accounts
  41. log/test.log:Unable to load accounts, underlying cause No such file to load -- accounts
  42. log/test.log:Unable to load accounts, underlying cause No such file to load -- accounts
  43. log/test.log:Unable to load accounts, underlying cause No such file to load -- accounts
  44. log/test.log:Unable to load accounts, underlying cause No such file to load -- accounts
  45. test/unit/helpers/accounts_helper_test.rb:class AccountsHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
  46. test/functional/accounts_controller_test.rb:class AccountsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
  47. test/functional/accounts_controller_test.rb: assert_redirected_to accounts_path
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