
Weiss Telepathy

Dec 6th, 2016
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  1. Key: Dezue
  2. Character: Weiss
  3. Skill: Telepathy (as telekinesis)
  5. Weiss was becoming more and more concerned about his language barrier between himself and other living beings around him. There was no way for him to ever get his point across simply, there was no way for him to be part of conversations, there was no easy way to ask for things or teach people things. It had become a real problem in regards to him teaching Retsel how to use the Zanzoken technique correctly and it was definitely a problem when he was trying to bargain in the store for something.
  7. Weiss sat on his rock, meditating the situation over. There had to be something in the recesses of his mind that could help him, he was after all, a truly enlightened being in a sense. Though his actions over the last few years were nothing short of violent or chaotic, he was still at peace with himself and knew he was just doing what he knew how to do best.
  9. While in this state of mind he began to think of ways to communicate, whether it was through speech how others did it or through his hand gestures, neither seemed suitable for him to get things done efficiently. He knew he could understand himself when he thought about things and always wondered how much easier it could be if people could just read his thoughts. But such a being did not yet exist to his knowledge, perhaps the gods, or whatever it was that watched over them knew what he was thinking, but never anyone else.
  11. But how would the gods know these things? Of course they were gods...but how? Did they search deep into his soul and grab the answers? Did they simply just know all things? Was this some kind of lead on a way Weiss could talk to others like him or unlike him in kind? What if others reading his thoughts wasn't the answer he thought. What if he needed to put his thoughts into peoples minds so that he knew they were hearing them? Waiting for someone with psychic powers that strong was just as unlikely if not more unlikely than him projecting such things on other people.
  13. He gave it a shot, thinking of the person he last spoke to, Retsel. He thought deeply as to where he could be in the world and simply decided to think of the shop. Heading over there he perused the bargain store and looked over somethings before being greeted by Retsel himself. At first Weiss just gave a blank stare and continued to think to himself. <You can hear me, you can hear me, you can hear me...> But of course Retsel didn't here him and with a blank expression on his face simply said "touching costs extra..."
  15. Weiss didn't want to touch anything, he just wanted to get a word through, just one, something anything would do. He just needed some way of getting out some sort of vocalisation. The dragon like doll concentrated harder on the ki like connection between the two of them, as their unseen auras shared space in the room, the overall presence of their energies unbeknown to the untrained eye. At last Weiss felt something.
  17. With a last ditch effort he let out a sort of yell in his head and projected it out (in one sense or another) towards Retsel. A simple "Hey!" blurted itself out in the mind of the human. Retsel didn't seem startled by this, in fact, he seemed like he was arguing with it in his own mind. As if to tell it to go away or do something like the other voices that may or may not have occupied the mind of the shopkeeper. Weiss tried again with a interested and suspicious feeling like it worked.
  19. <Hey can I buy one of your dolls?> Weiss asked politely waiting for Retsel's expression to either change or some other form of reaction if the telepathy indeed worked. Retsel set down his backpack and removed a large cloak from within, draping it around his right shoulder he stuck his left arm through the other sleeve while hunching down a bit. He opened it outwards with his left arm to reveal a plethora of different dolls made after cartoons and people he has met in his time on Earth. "Which one?" He replied.
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