
Nick has a request of Faerzen

Aug 3rd, 2015
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  1. [18:33] * solemnSketcher has started pestering visceralVanguard
  2. [18:33] <solemnSketcher> so...
  3. [18:33] <solemnSketcher> hello?
  4. [18:34] <solemnSketcher> so... i... uhhh... wanted to say that... eh... i arrived safely at my planet
  5. [18:34] <solemnSketcher> the baby is doing fine
  6. [18:35] <@visceralVanguard> Oh, hello, Nick.
  7. [18:35] <@visceralVanguard> That's good to hear.
  8. [18:35] <solemnSketcher> how.... how are you doing?
  9. [18:35] <@visceralVanguard> I'm still rather trying to shake the sleep from my brain at the moment.
  10. [18:35] <@visceralVanguard> I woke up not too long ago from a very relaxing nap.
  11. [18:35] <@visceralVanguard> It was nice. :)
  12. [18:36] <solemnSketcher> oh. you were taking a nap? that's... nice... i guess
  13. [18:36] <@visceralVanguard> Yes, it was.
  14. [18:36] <solemnSketcher> : )
  15. [18:36] <solemnSketcher> im glad yo are doing fine
  16. [18:36] <@visceralVanguard> Regent was nice enough to allow me to sleep without switching bodies or waking up on Prospit so I didn't have to deal with any of that.
  17. [18:36] <solemnSketcher> oh
  18. [18:37] <solemnSketcher> i rather miss sleeping
  19. [18:37] <solemnSketcher> dreaming was just... something.
  20. [18:37] <solemnSketcher> i miss that
  21. [18:37] <@visceralVanguard> I didn't realize how much I missed it until now.
  22. [18:37] <@visceralVanguard> It honestly felt amazing to give my mind and body a true respite, even if it was only for a short while.
  23. [18:38] <solemnSketcher> yeah... that sounds great
  24. [18:38] <solemnSketcher> so...
  25. [18:38] <solemnSketcher> i...
  26. [18:39] <@visceralVanguard> Hmm?
  27. [18:39] <solemnSketcher> dang... its hard to choose words after all this stuff
  28. [18:39] <@visceralVanguard> You have been thinking, haven't you.
  29. [18:39] <@visceralVanguard> About what I said earlier.
  30. [18:39] <solemnSketcher> yes... just a bit. yes
  31. [18:40] <@visceralVanguard> Am I correct in presuming you have questions?
  32. [18:40] <@visceralVanguard> I know I would if I had the great misfortune to be on your end of the deal in this case.
  33. [18:40] <solemnSketcher> ...well... not exacty... questions...
  34. [18:41] <solemnSketcher> just... a single request
  35. [18:41] <solemnSketcher> but its a big one
  36. [18:41] <@visceralVanguard> What is it?
  37. [18:41] <solemnSketcher> faerzen
  38. [18:41] <solemnSketcher> please
  39. [18:42] <solemnSketcher> never keep a secret from me again
  40. [18:42] <@visceralVanguard> <there is a pause>
  41. [18:43] <@visceralVanguard> I'm sorry, please excuse me for a moment, I would like to take Regent off for this.
  42. [18:44] <solemnSketcher> ...oh
  43. [18:44] <@visceralVanguard> Okay, I have returned.
  44. [18:44] <solemnSketcher> just... take your time... i dont want to... get too deep in that topic
  45. [18:44] <@visceralVanguard> I.... don't think I can or want to subject Regent to any more crap from my mind at the moment.
  46. [18:44] <@visceralVanguard> I've already done enough to that crown as it is.
  47. [18:45] <@visceralVanguard> .... and I've only just met it.
  48. [18:45] <@visceralVanguard> Wow, that does seem to be a pattern here, doesn't it?
  49. [18:45] <solemnSketcher> heh.
  50. [18:46] <@visceralVanguard> Nick....
  51. [18:46] <@visceralVanguard> I'm so sorry
  52. [18:46] <solemnSketcher> faerzen
  53. [18:46] <@visceralVanguard> I didn't think.....
  54. [18:46] <@visceralVanguard> We talked about this before
  55. [18:46] <@visceralVanguard> Do you remember back when we were talking at my house about your mask and my book?
  56. [18:46] <solemnSketcher> yes
  57. [18:46] <solemnSketcher> i remember
  58. [18:47] <@visceralVanguard> About how neither of were really capable of understanding or using well the other
  59. [18:47] <solemnSketcher> ...
  60. [18:47] <@visceralVanguard> About how we would need to trust each other and give each other some leeway even if we didn't really know why
  61. [18:47] <@visceralVanguard> I took that and ran with it
  62. [18:48] <solemnSketcher> hmmm...
  63. [18:48] <@visceralVanguard> I never thought I would dig myself in such a whole that it would become such a problem
  64. [18:49] <@visceralVanguard> But I was so wrong
  65. [18:49] <@visceralVanguard> Now that I have spent all that time with you and gotten to know you, I want to say I would rather have had it this way then never getting to know you
  66. [18:49] <@visceralVanguard> But that's so unbelievably selfish!
  67. [18:50] <solemnSketcher> faerzen
  68. [18:50] <@visceralVanguard> Yeah?
  69. [18:50] <solemnSketcher> im gonna stop you right there
  70. [18:50] <solemnSketcher> i dont want us to talk about that without... being face to face
  71. [18:50] <@visceralVanguard> Yes..... that is probably best.
  72. [18:51] <solemnSketcher> we were going to meet up in your planet right?
  73. [18:51] <@visceralVanguard> Yes, I would like that very much.
  74. [18:51] <@visceralVanguard> I don't know about that with all of the things that have happened recently; I may be tied up here.
  75. [18:51] <@visceralVanguard> But I will let you know as soon as I know either way.
  76. [18:52] <@visceralVanguard> I would say head to my house whenever you get the chance and I will make my way there as soon as I am able.
  77. [18:52] <solemnSketcher> lets have a meal one again. lets discuss it over food, maybe a nice relaxing "nap"?
  78. [18:52] <solemnSketcher> *once
  79. [18:53] <@visceralVanguard> That does sound nice, yes.
  80. [18:53] <solemnSketcher> it will be nice :)
  81. [18:53] <solemnSketcher> would you mind me using the wonders of constant hot water once again?
  82. [18:54] <@visceralVanguard> If you think you can handle it, then by all means. :)
  83. [18:54] <@visceralVanguard> My house has a great deal of novelties in it I am sure you will find interesting or useful.
  84. [18:54] <solemnSketcher> i hope your shower doesn't attack me once again :p
  85. [18:54] <@visceralVanguard> Make yourself at home :)
  86. [18:55] <solemnSketcher> :)
  87. [18:55] <solemnSketcher> so... how about you?
  88. [18:55] <solemnSketcher> anything you are looking forward to?
  89. [18:56] <@visceralVanguard> in returning home?
  90. [18:56] <@visceralVanguard> Hmmmm.
  91. [18:57] <@visceralVanguard> Given how delicious your stew was before, I am going to have to say I am most looking forward to whatever food it is we end up making.
  92. [18:57] <solemnSketcher> well... depends on what you like!... what kinds of stuffs do you like?
  93. [18:58] <@visceralVanguard> I am sure whatever you make will be delicious. I tend to not be terribly picky when it comes to food!
  94. [18:59] <solemnSketcher> :)
  95. [19:00] <solemnSketcher> relaxing for a while would be nice... dont you think?
  96. [19:00] <@visceralVanguard> That is what Reggie was trying to talk to me about before I fell asleep.
  97. [19:00] <@visceralVanguard> That didn't go terribly well though, I'm afraid.
  98. [19:01] <solemnSketcher> with all that has been going on i see how
  99. [19:02] <@visceralVanguard> Yeah......
  100. [19:02] <@visceralVanguard> Nick
  101. [19:02] <@visceralVanguard> I'm doing it again.
  102. [19:02] <@visceralVanguard> Deflecting questions.
  103. [19:02] <solemnSketcher> perhaps you could use some water too? having hot warm water pouring into you is always relaxing
  104. [19:03] <solemnSketcher> how so?
  105. [19:03] <@visceralVanguard> Apparently I am still adept at it because you don't seem to have noticed off hand.
  106. [19:03] <@visceralVanguard> I never answered your initial question.
  107. [19:03] <@visceralVanguard> I've been trying to think of what I want to say.
  108. [19:04] <solemnSketcher> look. lets do something real quick.
  109. [19:04] <solemnSketcher> dont think about it
  110. [19:04] <solemnSketcher> and just write it
  111. [19:04] <@visceralVanguard> I haven't been able to come up with anything I even remotely find satisfactory
  112. [19:05] <@visceralVanguard> So I will say a little bit
  113. [19:05] <@visceralVanguard> But I think actions speak louder than words
  114. [19:05] <@visceralVanguard> So I will cut myself off and follow through
  115. [19:05] <@visceralVanguard> To answer your request
  116. [19:06] <@visceralVanguard> fuck
  117. [19:06] <@visceralVanguard> I had something
  118. [19:06] <@visceralVanguard> now it's gone
  119. [19:06] <solemnSketcher> this is interesting.
  120. [19:07] <solemnSketcher> i had... never seen you like... well, like this
  121. [19:07] <@visceralVanguard> .....
  122. [19:07] <solemnSketcher> its so much different than in our other... well... sad moments
  123. [19:07] <@visceralVanguard> What do you mean?
  124. [19:08] <solemnSketcher> you actually seem to... be confused
  125. [19:08] <@visceralVanguard> Well, you nailed that one right on the head
  126. [19:09] <solemnSketcher> at other times there was always something to do right? there was always something to say... something to think about?
  127. [19:10] <@visceralVanguard> All there really needs to be right now is me looking at my own heart and mind and how I feel about you and all of this.
  128. [19:10] <@visceralVanguard> But the more I try and think about that and figure that out, the harder it is.
  129. [19:10] <solemnSketcher> that's... one of the most important questions i was going to ask you
  130. [19:10] <@visceralVanguard> I honestly have absolutely no fucking clue what I'm doing right now.
  131. [19:10] <solemnSketcher> but i feel that i should leave it for when we... actually are with each other
  132. [19:11] <@visceralVanguard> I agree
  133. [19:11] <solemnSketcher> so... i guess... yeah
  134. [19:12] <@visceralVanguard> Okay, well I don't really know exactly what's going to come out of my mouth or how representative it is about what I am actually feeling but I'll just go
  135. [19:12] <@visceralVanguard> I supposed confused thoughts are better than no thoughts
  136. [19:12] <@visceralVanguard> And along those lines I suppose the short answer to your questions is "I don't know"
  137. [19:13] <@visceralVanguard> I want the answer to be "Absolutely. No problem."
  138. [19:13] <@visceralVanguard> But I don't want to be so hasty to make a promise I can't keep
  139. [19:13] <solemnSketcher> ...
  140. [19:13] <@visceralVanguard> You don't deserve that
  141. [19:13] <solemnSketcher> i understand.
  142. [19:13] <solemnSketcher> an honest harsh truth is better than an empty promise
  143. [19:13] <@visceralVanguard> I want to just say "Yes!" without a thought in the world!
  144. [19:14] <@visceralVanguard> But I want you to know that the reason I'm not isn't because I don't trust you or anything
  145. [19:14] <@visceralVanguard> I'm hesitating because I think I need to do some thinking about what kind of person I am and how I affect other people
  146. [19:15] <@visceralVanguard> If you think about it, I have never actually lied to you
  147. [19:15] <@visceralVanguard> I have been very, very careful about that!
  148. [19:15] <@visceralVanguard> But that doesn't change anything.
  149. [19:15] <@visceralVanguard> If anything, that just makes it worse.
  150. [19:15] <@visceralVanguard> Anyways, I should stop talking now.
  151. [19:15] <solemnSketcher> i must say. i admire your carefully selection of words
  152. [19:15] <solemnSketcher> *careful
  153. [19:16] <@visceralVanguard> I am not sure that is something you should admire
  154. [19:16] <@visceralVanguard> Look where that has led us
  155. [19:16] <solemnSketcher> ...
  156. [19:16] <@visceralVanguard> Anyways, I said actions speak louder than words
  157. [19:16] <@visceralVanguard> So here I go
  158. [19:17] <@visceralVanguard> Even though I can't give an unequivocal "yes" answer right now
  159. [19:17] <@visceralVanguard> I want to try and work towards that
  160. [19:17] <@visceralVanguard> I think these are things you should know
  161. [19:17] <solemnSketcher> and that's just what i want to hear from you.
  162. [19:17] <@visceralVanguard> I haven't necessarily been keeping them from you as secrets
  163. [19:18] <@visceralVanguard> But I haven't gone out of my way to tell you them either
  164. [19:18] <@visceralVanguard> Some of them might be quite weighty topics, so I think we should hold off on discussing them in too much depth until we see each other in person
  165. [19:18] <solemnSketcher> i agree
  166. [19:18] <@visceralVanguard> 1. Lyra
  167. [19:19] <@visceralVanguard> With the time I've spent with her, I've found her to be an incredibly unstable and rattled human being
  168. [19:19] <@visceralVanguard> She has incredible drive and motivation
  169. [19:19] <@visceralVanguard> But she is inordinately rash and careless
  170. [19:20] <@visceralVanguard> I suspect there are a great deal more mental issues lurking under the surface, but suicidal, sociopathic, and masochistic are certainly up there
  171. [19:20] <@visceralVanguard> I see parts of myself that I hate in her, perhaps that is why I can't seem to get along with her.
  172. [19:20] <@visceralVanguard> Anyways, that is Lyra, so be careful around her.
  173. [19:21] <@visceralVanguard> That also ties into what we are doing now.
  174. [19:21] <@visceralVanguard> 2. The Trial
  175. [19:21] <solemnSketcher> yeah. lyra is quite someone...
  176. [19:21] <@visceralVanguard> Abyss has bound her into a contract that one of her alternate selves signed that is incredibly bad for her
  177. [19:21] <solemnSketcher> oh lord... that darn thing
  178. [19:22] <@visceralVanguard> We are currently having a judicial process where Lyra is protesting this
  179. [19:22] <@visceralVanguard> My Regent book is acting as presiding judge
  180. [19:22] <@visceralVanguard> I have been more or less forcibly put in the position of acting as Lyra's lawyer in the proceedings
  181. [19:22] <solemnSketcher> hmmm
  182. [19:23] <solemnSketcher> yeah... i know some of those words. i get the general idea of what you are saying
  183. [19:23] <solemnSketcher> will this make you bound to any kind of thing?
  184. [19:23] <@visceralVanguard> I ensured that it wouldn't before I even began
  185. [19:23] <solemnSketcher> good.
  186. [19:23] <@visceralVanguard> But knowing Abyss, I wouldn't be surprised if something happens anyways.
  187. [19:24] <@visceralVanguard> If this trial fails for us, I do not even want to think of the consequences
  188. [19:24] <solemnSketcher> if there is anyone i know that could succesfully argue against a supernatural entity it would be you
  189. [19:24] <@visceralVanguard> The contract essentially binds Lyra's soul to Abyss if her claims fall through here
  190. [19:25] <@visceralVanguard> I didn't want to worry you about it, but I think you should know
  191. [19:25] <@visceralVanguard> Hiding it isn't going to change anything
  192. [19:25] <@visceralVanguard> Perhaps you will be more ready if...... I fail
  193. [19:25] <@visceralVanguard> More ready now that I have told you about this, that is.
  194. [19:26] <solemnSketcher> look. as you said... you were never letting me go right?
  195. [19:27] <@visceralVanguard> Yes, but there is little I have the power to do if a powerful dark entity rips you away from me
  196. [19:27] <@visceralVanguard> I still don't particularly know anything about this "Abyss"
  197. [19:27] <solemnSketcher> if your soul is bound to supernatural entities.... i would fucking tear apart heaven and hell to make sure you will be able to keep that promise
  198. [19:28] <solemnSketcher> look. cheesy words aside, im sure you will do fine
  199. [19:28] <solemnSketcher> you are faerzen norstov after all
  200. [19:28] <@visceralVanguard> I hope it never comes to that then.
  201. [19:28] <@visceralVanguard> Thank you for your encouragement :)
  202. [19:28] <@visceralVanguard> Reggie was trying to talk to me about this before I took a nap
  203. [19:29] <@visceralVanguard> That was also.... less than effective.
  204. [19:29] <@visceralVanguard> I guess that leads into the next thing I want to tell you
  205. [19:29] <@visceralVanguard> 3. Reggie (crown)
  206. [19:30] <@visceralVanguard> Reggie is an empath, sensing emotions and feelings around him. He feels emotions especially strongly if those emotions are suppressed or hidden in someone
  207. [19:30] <@visceralVanguard> If you wear the crown, Reggie is able to manipulate your emotions and feelings
  208. [19:30] <@visceralVanguard> To a limited extent, with your permission, even your actions
  209. [19:31] <solemnSketcher> so...
  210. [19:31] <@visceralVanguard> I am reasonably certain that Reggie's motives are positive, in our favor, but they are still risky abilities to have
  211. [19:31] <solemnSketcher> i guess he brought up something you didn't want to know?
  212. [19:32] <@visceralVanguard> Not really, no
  213. [19:32] <@visceralVanguard> Reggie, because of all of his emotional connections, is a very, very sensitive being
  214. [19:32] <@visceralVanguard> Being around Lyra all of the time took its toll on him and he felt immensely guilty and like a failure for not being able to fix and help Lyra
  215. [19:33] <@visceralVanguard> I took Reggie from Lyra to attempt to defuse the situation, and it worked
  216. [19:33] <@visceralVanguard> I have been wearing Reggie since then.
  217. [19:33] <@visceralVanguard> He has been very respectful
  218. [19:33] <@visceralVanguard> Especially when it comes to boundaries
  219. [19:33] <@visceralVanguard> However, before my nap, we got talking
  220. [19:34] <@visceralVanguard> About this trial, about Lyra, about you, about everything that has happened recently
  221. [19:34] <@visceralVanguard> I basically lost it right there in the gas station.
  222. [19:34] <@visceralVanguard> Crawling up to that mattress to sleep was basically the most I could do at the time I was such a mess.
  223. [19:36] <solemnSketcher> are... are you completely ok faerzen?
  224. [19:36] <@visceralVanguard> I never said I was okay
  225. [19:36] <@visceralVanguard> Right now I can assure you I am nowhere near okay
  226. [19:36] <solemnSketcher> sigh... i know.
  227. [19:36] <@visceralVanguard> But that doesn't matter, we have a case to fight.
  228. [19:36] <solemnSketcher> this is just... are you worse than when we started this conversation?
  229. [19:37] <@visceralVanguard> I.... don't know
  230. [19:37] <@visceralVanguard> I don't think so?
  231. [19:37] <@visceralVanguard> I think it has been good getting these off of my chest
  232. [19:38] <@visceralVanguard> I am beginning to wonder if it will ever be physically possible to be "okay" again
  233. [19:38] <@visceralVanguard> But that is a whole different topic I would rather not delve into now
  234. [19:39] <solemnSketcher> faerzen...
  235. [19:40] <solemnSketcher> i want you to be ok. i want us to be okay.
  236. [19:40] <solemnSketcher> i just fucking want to finish this game
  237. [19:40] <@visceralVanguard> Me too!
  238. [19:41] <@visceralVanguard> I know for a fact it is possible for us to complete this game successfully
  239. [19:41] <solemnSketcher> you want... us?
  240. [19:41] <@visceralVanguard> What I do not know is at what cost it will be
  241. [19:41] <@visceralVanguard> What do you mean?
  242. [19:41] <solemnSketcher> do you think it would be possible?
  243. [19:41] <solemnSketcher> for us to actually stay... togheter?
  244. [19:42] <@visceralVanguard> Oh, that is what you mean by "us"
  245. [19:42] <@visceralVanguard> Again, I am going to have to say "I don't know"
  246. [19:42] <@visceralVanguard> I want the answer to be "Yes!"
  247. [19:42] <solemnSketcher> ...i am afraid that at the present moment i am in the same situation
  248. [19:42] <@visceralVanguard> But I know that is just a ball of selfish egotism speaking and I don't want to just hide more problems that will only end up hurting you more
  249. [19:43] <@visceralVanguard> We should talk about this more in person, I think
  250. [19:43] <solemnSketcher> yes.
  251. [19:43] <solemnSketcher> please
  252. [19:43] <@visceralVanguard> I don't think I will have any clearer thoughts on the matter then than I do now, but oh well.
  253. [19:44] <solemnSketcher> as i said earlier... lets discuss it over a meal.
  254. [19:44] <@visceralVanguard> Talking about knowing it is possible for us to win the game......
  255. [19:44] <@visceralVanguard> There is something I have been saving for last.
  256. [19:44] <@visceralVanguard> I have been putting it off because I think it is going to be the hardest for me to say.
  257. [19:45] <@visceralVanguard> If I am correct in my suppositions, it is also probably going to be the hardest for you to hear as well.
  258. [19:45] <@visceralVanguard> I will not lie or hide the fact that I have intentionally and actively been attempting to hide this bit of information from you.
  259. [19:46] <@visceralVanguard> Again, I told myself it was in your best interest, but we both know how absolutely fucking terrible of an excuse that is now.
  260. [19:46] <@visceralVanguard> I do not know how you will react, and I can ask you not to overreact, but that would only be even more hypocritical of me.
  261. [19:47] <@visceralVanguard> The doomed version of yourself from that timeline that killed everyone. The timeline you met Faerzen and Byron from?
  262. [19:47] <@visceralVanguard> He is here.
  263. [19:47] <solemnSketcher> <no response at first>
  264. [19:47] <@visceralVanguard> Well, not anymore. But he was.
  265. [19:48] <solemnSketcher> <still no response>
  266. [19:48] <@visceralVanguard> I don't know how he got to be here, but he was banished far, far away.
  267. [19:49] <@visceralVanguard> Reggie has assured me he is of no concern for the time being, but I still want you to know.
  268. [19:49] <@visceralVanguard> Of all people who should know, I feel it should be you.
  269. [19:49] <solemnSketcher> ...thanks for letting me know...
  270. [19:49] <@visceralVanguard> How.... are you doing?
  271. [19:50] <solemnSketcher> i... am not sure...
  272. [19:50] <solemnSketcher> this... is a weird emotion... yes, its anger... but... it feels... different
  273. [19:50] <solemnSketcher> yes... its...
  274. [19:51] <solemnSketcher> its just something
  275. [19:51] <@visceralVanguard> I don't even expect you to know how you're feeling about this
  276. [19:51] <@visceralVanguard> I certainly don't know how I feel.
  277. [19:52] <@visceralVanguard> I do want to say one thing that I have said before
  278. [19:57] <@visceralVanguard> I think it is quite a bit more applicable now than it was before however, considering that your alternate self is physically here now. You are not responsible for anything he did or that he will do.
  279. [19:58] <solemnSketcher> ...well... that's something
  280. [19:58] <@visceralVanguard> I don't know what he has been doing, where he is, or who he has talked to, but I do know he has been face to face with Lyra, both Regents, and I
  281. [19:58] <@visceralVanguard> He and Lyra spent a substantial amount of time together, actually
  282. [19:59] <solemnSketcher> im... im not even surprised
  283. [19:59] <solemnSketcher> ill have to question lyra about this after this settles down
  284. [20:01] <@visceralVanguard> Please do not tell Lyra I told you this next bit of information, but I think it would also be helpful for you to know.
  285. [20:01] <solemnSketcher> so... what is he like?
  286. [20:01] <@visceralVanguard> While the two of them were together, he had a set of clothes made for you.
  287. [20:01] <solemnSketcher> what
  288. [20:01] <@visceralVanguard> I believe Lyra intends to pass them on to you at some point.
  289. [20:01] <solemnSketcher> like... what?
  290. [20:02] <solemnSketcher> uhh...
  291. [20:02] <@visceralVanguard> Despite their origins, I can assure you they are normal clothes.
  292. [20:02] <solemnSketcher> clothes?
  293. [20:02] <@visceralVanguard> They are not a secret attempt at killing you or driving them insane.
  294. [20:02] <@visceralVanguard> I saw them being made myself.
  295. [20:02] <solemnSketcher> but... why, what?
  296. [20:02] <@visceralVanguard> I do not know why.
  297. [20:02] <solemnSketcher> this is way more surprising than him being here
  298. [20:03] <@visceralVanguard> To answer your question about what he is like.
  299. [20:03] <@visceralVanguard> I believe the most succinct answer I can give you is "unpredictable"
  300. [20:03] <solemnSketcher> oh
  301. [20:03] <@visceralVanguard> It is not entirely accurate as I have been able to predict some of his motives, but it is essentially correct.
  302. [20:04] <@visceralVanguard> One thing that is quite predictable about him, however, is you.
  303. [20:04] <@visceralVanguard> In everything he has done and said to Lyra and I, he has always gone out of his way to protect you.
  304. [20:04] <solemnSketcher> he's still me after all
  305. [20:04] <solemnSketcher> ...
  306. [20:05] <solemnSketcher> look at the screen on sabath.
  307. [20:06] <solemnSketcher> i... there's no words to describe my expression
  308. [20:06] * visceralVanguard pulls up SABATH on her e-glasses
  309. [20:07] <solemnSketcher> <if you look, nick is literally making a :l >
  310. [20:07] <solemnSketcher> <he looks rather funny>
  311. [20:08] <@visceralVanguard> I.... I don't really know what to say, so I suppose I'll clarify a little bit more?
  312. [20:08] <solemnSketcher> that's... umm... well...
  313. [20:08] <solemnSketcher> clothes? protecting me? what. the. actual. fuckity. fuck
  314. [20:08] <@visceralVanguard> He has gone out of his way to try and hide his physical existence here from you.
  315. [20:08] <solemnSketcher> now what, is it my birthday?
  316. [20:09] <@visceralVanguard> He forbade Lyra of telling you where the clothes came from
  317. [20:09] <@visceralVanguard> When we spoke, he told not to tell you about it
  318. [20:10] <solemnSketcher> well. he is quite something.
  319. [20:10] <@visceralVanguard> Indeed.
  320. [20:10] <solemnSketcher> i see why. i would just go paranoid and or angry
  321. [20:11] <solemnSketcher> so... question
  322. [20:11] <solemnSketcher> does he have wings?
  323. [20:12] <@visceralVanguard> Yes, in a way.
  324. [20:12] <@visceralVanguard> He has physical black wings like yours, yes, however, one of them has been removed and the other seems quite injured.
  325. [20:13] <solemnSketcher> oh... that brings up questions
  326. [20:13] <@visceralVanguard> I do not know what caused the physical damage to them, however.
  327. [20:13] <solemnSketcher> but we atleast know he got them in first place.
  328. [20:14] <solemnSketcher> ...i want to talk to him
  329. [20:14] <@visceralVanguard> I think that this is a whole new realm of discussion right now that we very much need to dig into, but we should probably wait until we are together in person.
  330. [20:14] <@visceralVanguard> I don't even know what to say in response to that, Nick.
  331. [20:15] <solemnSketcher> you dont have to answer
  332. [20:15] <@visceralVanguard> He was surprisingly benevolent towards you when we talked, but he was also terrifying to me.
  333. [20:15] <solemnSketcher> faerzen... can i idolize you once again?
  334. [20:15] <@visceralVanguard> Why do you ask that?
  335. [20:15] <@visceralVanguard> You know what my answer is going to be.
  336. [20:16] <solemnSketcher> i do not
  337. [20:16] <@visceralVanguard> Okay, well then please answer my question of "Why?".
  338. [20:16] <solemnSketcher> i know not much of how things are going to be now
  339. [20:17] <solemnSketcher> because i like doing it. complimenting you makes me happy
  340. [20:18] <solemnSketcher> its just nice
  341. [20:18] <@visceralVanguard> Okay.... I suppose, thanks? :)
  342. [20:19] <@visceralVanguard> My answer is however still going to have to be no. Further feeding my baseless ego is not something that would be beneficial to anyone, especially you.
  343. [20:19] <solemnSketcher> i.. guess so? :)
  344. [20:19] <solemnSketcher> alright then
  345. [20:19] <@visceralVanguard> Compliments are fine, but idolizing me is never going to end well.
  346. [20:20] <solemnSketcher> in that case... before i properly begin searching for any threat nearby
  347. [20:20] <solemnSketcher> faerzen
  348. [20:20] <solemnSketcher> i love you
  349. [20:21] <@visceralVanguard> I love you too, Nick. :)
  350. [20:21] <solemnSketcher> i... guess i should go search now
  351. [20:21] <@visceralVanguard> Stay safe please!
  352. [20:21] <solemnSketcher> ..thats... faerzen... thanks
  353. [20:21] <solemnSketcher> you too
  354. [20:21] <@visceralVanguard> I shall try my best.
  355. [20:22] <@visceralVanguard> I hope for everyone's sakes that it works.
  356. [20:22] <solemnSketcher> <if you look at the screen you would be seeing nick wiping his eyes with his remaining sleeve)
  357. [20:23] <solemnSketcher> hey. faerzen, you... you should get you hair untangled
  358. [20:23] <solemnSketcher> it has been trough a few things and the messy look doesn't really suit you
  359. [20:24] <@visceralVanguard> Hehehehe, I haven't looked in a mirror in a while
  360. [20:24] <@visceralVanguard> Are you okay?
  361. [20:24] <solemnSketcher> well... if you wanted, i could do yoir hair
  362. [20:24] <solemnSketcher> yeah. im okay
  363. [20:25] <@visceralVanguard> I can still see you on the screen here.
  364. [20:25] <solemnSketcher> im still not getting used to hearing that
  365. [20:25] <solemnSketcher> i just get emotional :)
  366. [20:26] <solemnSketcher> <nick is faintly smiling in the screen, waving at the air>
  367. [20:27] <@visceralVanguard> Hi there, Nick :)
  368. [20:27] <@visceralVanguard> Believe me, I am not faring any better over here myself.
  369. [20:27] <solemnSketcher> hi there, faerzen :)
  370. [20:28] <@visceralVanguard> Okay, I should get going back to figure out this dumb trial
  371. [20:28] <solemnSketcher> yeah... good luck faerzen
  372. [20:29] <@visceralVanguard> Let me know if you need anything, and I shall see you at my house soon. :)
  373. [20:29] <solemnSketcher> well... we'll see there
  374. [20:29] <solemnSketcher> :)
  375. [20:29] <@visceralVanguard> What is that supposed to mean?
  376. [20:30] <solemnSketcher> that im gonna hug the fuck out of you?
  377. [20:30] <solemnSketcher> and that is just if you want. of course
  378. [20:31] <@visceralVanguard> I think a hug would be quite nice, yes
  379. [20:31] <@visceralVanguard> I was stuck hugging myself with my wings before I took a nap, and that didn't quite cut it.
  380. [20:31] <solemnSketcher> :)
  381. [20:31] <@visceralVanguard> I will see you soon then for hugs. :)
  382. [20:31] <@visceralVanguard> Talk to you later, Nick.
  383. [20:32] <solemnSketcher> talk to you later faerzen
  384. [20:32] * visceralVanguard bid farewell to solemnSketcher
  385. [20:32] <solemnSketcher> oh. quick question
  386. [20:32] <solemnSketcher> what's your middle name?
  387. [20:32] <solemnSketcher> oh.
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