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a guest
Jun 14th, 2013
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  1. 1081 2013-06-14 13:59:35 info: Profile "VPN" saved.
  2. 1082 2013-06-14 13:59:35 debug: Some passwords which are need got from password enter dialog.
  3. 1083 2013-06-14 13:59:35 debug: No default interface given, tried default interface, got success, using "eth0".
  4. 1084 2013-06-14 13:59:35 debug: pppd peer script: /etc/ppp/peers/kvpnc.VPN
  5. 1086 2013-06-14 13:59:35 debug: Authentication method: mschap-v2
  6. 1087 2013-06-14 13:59:35 info: "chmod" begin.
  7. 1088 2013-06-14 13:59:35 debug: chmod of /etc/ppp/pap-secrets (go-rwx) started.
  8. 1089 2013-06-14 13:59:35 info: "chmod" finished.
  9. 1090 2013-06-14 13:59:35 debug: pppd secrets file: /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
  10. 1091 2013-06-14 13:59:35 debug: Username: Prijem1
  11. 1092 2013-06-14 13:59:35 info: "chmod" begin.
  12. 1093 2013-06-14 13:59:35 debug: chmod of /etc/ppp/chap-secrets (go-rwx) started.
  13. 1094 2013-06-14 13:59:35 info: "chmod" finished.
  14. 1095 2013-06-14 13:59:40 debug: pppdHasRequireMppeSupport: true
  15. 1096 2013-06-14 13:59:40 debug: PppdMppeRequired: false
  16. 1097 2013-06-14 13:59:40 debug: /usr/sbin/pppd has MPPE support.
  17. 1098 2013-06-14 13:59:40 debug: pppd: /usr/sbin/pppd
  18. 1100 2013-06-14 13:59:40 debug: Trying to connect to server "xx.xx.xx.xx" with user "Prijem1"...
  19. 1102 2013-06-14 13:59:40 debug: Setting DNS_UPDATE "NO".
  20. 1103 2013-06-14 13:59:40 debug: "pppd" started.
  21. 1104 2013-06-14 14:00:11 info: Connection has been terminated.
  22. 1105 2013-06-14 14:00:11 debug: There is a reason for stop connecting, terminating "pppd" process.
  23. 1106 2013-06-14 14:00:11 debug: Disconnect requested
  24. 1107 2013-06-14 14:00:11 debug: Disconnect requested, status connecting
  25. 1108 2013-06-14 14:00:11 debug: Killing process while connecting.
  26. 1110 2013-06-14 14:00:11 debug: "PppdDownScript" started.
  27. 1111 2013-06-14 14:00:11 debug: "PppdDownScript" (/admin/.kde/share/apps/kvpnc/pppd.Maruto.down) finished.
  28. 1112 2013-06-14 14:00:11 debug: Default route was restored.
  29. 1113 2013-06-14 14:00:11 debug: pppd secrets file: /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
  30. 1114 2013-06-14 14:00:11 success: Successful connect try canceled.
  31. 1115 2013-06-14 14:00:11 debug: Disconnected.
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