
Early birth things

Nov 28th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence and Remy's cab pulled up to his parents place from the airport. The trunk was popped so they could get their suitcases out Cadence got the driver paid and climbed out to help get the suitcases out. She was sore from their weekend, but in a way she wasn't complaining about.
  2. Tsaaq: "Stop that." Remy got out of the vehicle and swatted her hand away and went to pull his luggage up the walkway that was mostly clear from melted snow. He heard barking in the distance and smiled. "Are there like, actual plans for my birthday?" Remy asked. // Hayley was upstairs in her room on her laptop. The kitties cuddled up with her. Her parents elsewhere in the house. Probably watching tv. She heard Petey barking and she got up from her bed. "What you crazy dog?" She asked.
  3. Covet: Cadence gave a laugh, then looked at him. "Define actual plans?" She asked him with a smile. "I've got a few things up my sleeve. Sounds like Petey is happy you're home." Cadence gave a bit of a sigh, "I didn't want to leave, but I'm also happy that we're closer to home."
  4. Tsaaq: He shrugged his shoulders as he went to open the door. "I'm home." Remy called out. With a loud bark Petey jumped up and put his paws on his legs. Remy put the suitcases aside and crouched down and went to give Petey scratches. The doggo rolled onto his back for tummy rubs. "Anybody to home?" He asked as he looked back at Cadence. "Are your plans sex related cause you were limping." // Hayley heard Remy call out from downstairs and Sylvester immediately went to waddle down the stairs because that cat loves Remy. She jogged behind cat and went to stand at the top of the stairs. "Shush, I don't know where they are." Hayley said in reference to the parents.
  5. Covet: "I'm still trying to decide that. You might have broke me..." She said with a laugh. Then looked up at Hayley, "Hey, Did we miss anything while we were gone?" She asked her as she leaned against her suitcase.
  6. Tsaaq: He started to pridefully laugh. "Sorry. I'll be more gentle next time." Remy said. "Any crazy parties?" He asked Hayley as he stood up. // "Everybody heard about how you fucked up James and Connor on thanksgiving. Usual small town bullshit." Hayley shrugged her shoulders at his inquiry. "Boring shit. As usual. Peaceful as fuck honestly." She said.
  7. Covet: "You will not." Cadence said looking at him, then turned her head back towards Hayley. "Is everyone going to fear the Berkoff house for a while?" She asked with a smirk. "I'm glad it was peaceful for you."
  8. Tsaaq: "I will!" He argued. "If they didn't already fear the Berkoff household they're morons." Remy declared as he herded Petey into the living room with him. His eyes going wide with rage when he saw Sylvester trying to join them. "Get the fuck out of here. I swear to fucking god. Sylvester. Get out. I want to spend time with my dog." He went to quietly scold the kitty through his teeth. // Hayley went to follow them into the living room, shaking her head at Remy. "Stop it." She said before trying to pick up the giant cat. "How was your honey moon?"
  9. Covet: Cadence scoffed and rolled her eyes at Remy as he argued with her. "Clearly James and Connor needed a reminder..." She said then gave a pout as Remy yelled at the cat, but not surprised because of how much he enjoyed his dog. "It was perfect." Cadence told Hayley. "I'll spare you the details, but we had this penthouse suite. The only part that sucked was how many stairs there were. I'm not sure if I'm sore because of them, or.. well.. Other things."
  10. Tsaaq: He grumbled and went to sit. "Don't forget about Eugene." He retorted. Petey immediately jumped in his lap and Remy let out a loud grunt then chuckled. "Shhhhh!" He hushed Cadence quickly. "Don't talk about the other stuff." // Hayley went to turn on the tv as she pulled Sylvester into his lap. "Gross." Hayley said immediately. "At least you had fast internet and delivery McDonalds?"
  11. Covet: "Yeah, that was a plus." Cadence said with a laugh as she sat down on the couch as well, happy to sit down and relax. She reached over to give Petey pets as well. " Sorry..." Cadence laughed, "Yeah him too, wonder how his nose feels. He could have just stayed out of the whole fight. "
  12. Tsaaq: Remy pulled Cadence in for cuddles as he pet his dog. "It's fine. He's fine. They were just being little shits." He deduced. // Hayley got up from the adjacent couch as she snuck off the to kitchen, sneaking a peek at the time she went to the fridge and grabbed the cake that she and Jacqueline made for him and started to put his candles on, hoping they were distracted enough not to notice she was gone.
  13. Covet: Cadence looked up at Remy and gave him a smile then went to kiss him ." Mhhm. I'm not worried about it. They deserved it for causing drama. Someday it's going to stop right? They'll get their asses kicked enough times to learn that they shouldn't do it." Cadence asked him, assuming Hayley had gone off to get a drink or something.
  14. Tsaaq: "Well..." Remy trailed off. Since he's been alive for well, his whole life. And as long as he's been alive his cousins were garbage. "Yeah sure." He said. Remy threw his head back and shut his eyes. "Let's sleep down here." // She texted Jacqueline and she snuck out of bed just for the occassian. "He's in the living room." She told her mother. Hayley turned off the lights in the living room before she went to around to enter the living room. "Saeng-il chuk ha hab ni da. Saeng-il chuk ha hab ni da." She and Jacque sang happy birthday in Korean.
  15. Covet: "So long as we don't have to bring our luggage upstairs, that sounds fantastic to me."She said then sat up as the lights went out in the living room. "Uh..." she said then looked over at Hayley and Jacque came out with a cake for Remy. She smiled and did her best to sing along in Korean, but her Korean was terrible compared to the rest of them.
  16. Tsaaq: Remy jumped went the lights went off. "Hello?" He called out then jumped. "Oh my god. You guys suck." he covered his face with his hands as they approached him with the cake. // "Blow out your candles" Hayley cheered once they were finished singing // Jacqueline forced his hands down from his face and went to kiss his long haired head. "Happy early birthday my sweet little boy." She said as she patted his shoulder. "Go ahead. Make a wish!" She urged.
  17. Covet: Cadence looked over at Remy looking all embarassed, but it was sweet and cute, especially when his mom called him her little boy. She grinned and waited for Remy to blow out the candles, "Make it a good one."
  18. Covet: [bitch bumped you!]
  19. Tsaaq: He inhaled and blew the candles out loudly and clapped for himself. "Do you wanna know my wish?" Remy asked as he went to get some icing with his finger. // "No! Cause then it won't come true stupid!" Hayley scoffed at him.
  20. Tsaaq: (( She did!))
  21. Covet: "How about instead... you let us know when it comes true?" Cadence said laughing at Hayley's response. "That way... you don't risk it not coming true."
  22. Tsaaq: "Well... Technically it's already come true." Remy shrugged and went to kick Hayley playfully. Petey tried to lick his fingers and he let out a sigh. // She tilted her head at Remy and plopped down beside them. "Huh?" She squinted her eyes. // Jacqueline went to squeeze herself onto the couch as well with the kids, giving huggles to everyone. Remy's birthday was a good day for her to be all cuddley and lovey.
  23. Covet: "You can't wish for something that's already happened." Cadence said, "That's wish...cheating?" She said with a laugh "Are you going to make us all wait to dig into that cake?"
  24. Tsaaq: Remy went to move his hand higher when Petey wanted to taste more icing. "Just go eat it! I'm an old man. The sugar is gonna give me heart burn." He complained. "Come on I guess." He groaned. But he couldn't resist cake. Remy pushed up from the couch and grabbed the cake, leading the group towards the kitchen.
  25. Covet: "Take some tums before bed. I know you're not that old. You've got plenty of life in you Babe." Cadence said as she slowly got up off the couch and made her way into the kitchen with Hayley and Jacque.
  26. Tsaaq: "By the way. Me getting my wish already isn't cheating. Its luck." Remy went to kiss Cadence's forehead as his mother and sister went to grab some fucking cake and I'm sleepy lol.
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