
Officio Draft

Mar 28th, 2016
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  1. The Arbiters/Wardens
  3. ==Base Concepts:
  4. * The Arbiters are somewhat akin to the Adeptus Arbites in that they have a role of enforcers. Although the 7th carries the official title of Peacekeepers, the Arbiters are not concerned by spirituality nor peace.
  5. * The main duties of the Arbiters include acting as diplomats to try to diminish inter-Officio conflicts, eliminate troublesome elements, hunt down rogues and sects of all kinds, as well as being the wardens of a special prison for Magical girls.
  6. * Where other Officios have the advantage of material assets, potent magics, sheer numbers or holy scriptures, the Arbites share the use of technology as one of their main assets. A spartan level of training and a respectable amount of Culexi also helps.
  7. * The Arbiters' main base is located somewhere in the depths of the Marina Trench, where only Incubators' Technology can reach. Contact with the surface is made through a trio of unarmed transport submarines protected by Incubator technology.
  8. * The Arbiters' Incubator recruit from anywhere without care for territory or jurisdiction, but a good portion of his contractors come from nearby countries in eastern Asia or Oceania.
  9. * The Arbiters also take inspiration from The Clans from BattleTech through the Star System of combat organization and Sibkos, their mixture of training and technology, as well as a variant of the Zellbrigen code of Honor. It could be argued they also fit the White Scars legion since both take heavy inspiration from the Mongol Hordes.
  10. * The Arbiters favor speed and shock in combat, preferring to outmaneuver and disorganize enemies than to meet them head-on with brute force. Sowing confusion in enemy ranks is also a common tactic whether by taking out the leadership, using shock tactics or just being all over the place.
  12. ==Composition:
  13. Incubator: Juuichibey?
  14. Warmaster (Khan): Huang Zhao (Currently MIA)
  15. Equerry (SaKhan): Kenshin Miyamoto (Currently Acting Warmaster)
  16. Combat Classes: 102 Stars (510 girls)
  17. ¤ Celestial Keshik (9 stars - 15 Vindicare, 15 Eversor, 5 Calidus, 5 Culexus, 5 Venenum)
  18. ¤ Alpha Galaxy (15 Stars - 75 girls, mixed Eversor/Vindicare)
  19. ¤ Beta Galaxy (15 Stars - 75 girls, mixed Eversor/Vindicare)
  20. ¤ Gamma Galaxy (15 Stars - 75 girls, mixed Eversor/Vindicare)
  21. ¤ Delta Galaxy (15 Stars - 75 girls, mixed Eversor/Vindicare)
  22. ¤ Epsilon Galaxy (15 Stars - 75 girls, mixed Eversor/Vindicare)
  23. ¤ Omega Galaxy (18 stars - 60 Callidus, 30 Culexus)
  24. Non-Combat-classes: 39 stars (195 girls)
  25. ¤ Ansuz Galaxy (12 stars - 60 Vanus)
  26. ¤ Berkana Galaxy (12 stars - 60 Vanus)
  27. ¤ Uruz Galaxy (15 stars - 75 Venenum)
  28. 705 total personnel
  32. ==Combat Structure:
  33. The Arbiters organize not in large squads of 10 or 12, but rather around a smaller unit of 5 magical girls named a Star. Stars are often recruited from girls of close and similar backgrounds, even together if at all possible, and are kept together as sisters in arm from basic to the battlefield. Fierce inner competition regularly pits Stars versus Stars in an attempt to reinforce close bonds and to motivate them to constantly outdo one another.
  35. The rank of squad leader is here replaced by 'Star Commander' for each squad. Three Stars, or squads, are organized together in Novas, under the intermediate supervision of a similarly-titled Nova Commander. A particularity of the Arbiters however is to deploy a third level of organization, the Galaxy. Composed of 5 Novas - or 15 Stars - they are led by a Galaxy Commander which is roughly equivalent in authority but different in purpose to a Rank Leader. The Keshik is the personal Galaxy and elite force of the Warmaster, or Khan, and is rarely deployed together outside of particularly drastic events.
  37. While no such thing is necessary when fighting Witches, standard combat procedure dictates the use of a code in all communication between combat units of the Officio to avoid leaking intelligence and to make communications more fluid. The designation of any given magical girl during is as follows: First the name of the Galaxy under which she serves. Second is the number of the Nova within that Galaxy, usually 1 through 5. Third goes the Star within the Nova, which is denoted Red, Blue and Yellow, in this order. Finally, the last number of the code represents the individual magical girls within a Star. As such, a transmission of "Alpha 3-red-1 here, target neutralized, Red-4 at 20, RTB" would indicate that the Star Commander of Red Star, Third Nova, Alpha Galaxy has accomplished her objective, that the fourth member of Red Star was badly injured (20% combat capacity), and that the Star is proceeding to the evacuation zone.
  39. ==Special Ranks:
  40. ¤ Arbiter:
  41. Drawn exclusively from the Keshik, the formal title of Arbiter refers to veteran Magical Girls who travel the world to settle disputes and attempt to soothe relations between Officios which are on the brink of conflict. They are both skilled negotiators and seasoned fighters, expected to be able to solve any tough situation they find themselves in, whether by words or swords. An Arbiter is not limited by Rank and could be any member of the Keshik.
  43. ¤ Headhunters:
  44. Organized on the Star level, Headhunter units are specialized in taking down other magical girls. Most of the time, Headhunters are deployed to take down rogue magical girls or groups of magical girls that represent threats to the Officio system or its activities. They are often composed of Eversors and Vindicares, but it is not unheard of for a Star of Headhunters to be made up fully of Callidae to take down the leaders of a particularly large group, usually cults. It is also rumored that at least one Star of Headhunters is composed solely of Culexi.
  46. ¤ Storm Riders:
  47. The pinnacle of the 11th's combat doctrine is found in the Storm Riders, magical girls trained to use motorcycles designed by Juuichibey to both amplify their mobility and inherent powers. All members of the Keshiks are Storm Riders, but veteran girls of the other Galaxies can also be Storm Riders. Due to the tightly-knit nature of the 11th's Stars, it is very rare for a lone magical girl to ride one of the motorcycles if the rest of her star does not, unless she also happens to be an Arbiter or a Galaxy Commander.
  50. ==Headquarters and installations:
  51. The Headquarters of the 11th is located in Challenger Deep, within the Marina Trench. It is a rather large compound partially underground and powered by local, geothermal energy. In addition to the facilities for magical girls, the compound includes deep-sea mining ventures. These mines are largely automated to reduce the amount of support personnel needed and represent a cornerstone of the 11th's income. The base is very highly self-sufficient and personnel serving there are often cut off from the outside world entirely for various amounts of time.
  53. Another feature of note in the 11th's Headquarters are the Catacombs. Far under the Abyssal plains and away from the main compound, the Catacombs are the Alcatraz of the Magical World; a prison from which there can be no escape not due to the guards or the security, but due to the sheer suicidal recklessness of trying to ascend the Marina unprotected. Rogue or disobedient magical girls who are not merely retired by their own Incubators - whether because they still have uses, petty vengeance or whatever else - are often sent here. The 11th will attempt to reform prisoners into working members of the Officio System again, but will not waste precious Seeds on lost causes. It is not rare for such lost causes to simply be left alone to rot until they Witch Out, only to then send the clean-up squad and harvest the Seed.
  55. At least one Galaxy of combat magical girls defenses the Headquarters at any given time, this is usually the lot of Epsilon Galaxy. Similarly, the Ansuz Galaxy, composed of Vanus, also remain in the station at all time to take care of the countless files within, from each known Rogue's individual profile, to the diplomatic status and strength of the other Officios to detailed profiles of all third party organizations such as cults and churches. The Berkana Galaxy of Vani are spread across the 11th's minor bases on the surfaces which serve as docking points for the submarines.
  57. Transport between the Marinas' base and the surface docks is done through a trio of large submarines: Jormugandr, Leviathan and Tiamat. These massive beasts have no weapons, but they are able to deploy an entire Galaxy of magical girls in one trip and are protected with a respectable array of Incubator-Tech, from the mere depths protection, to stealth measure and security in the form of Silent Room airlocks preventing infiltrations.
  60. ==The Riders' Steeds:
  61. The motorcycles used by the 11th are a product of Incubator Technology and feature a number of system and weaponry. There are a few different models, which are optimized for different Ranks, but all of them share a few key components. Firstly, all of them are much larger than a civilian equivalent and are not subtle; being bulky and loud. On the other hand, they are much more resilient, both to damage and wear. Every model also include a set of jettisonable thrusters which allow them to be air-dropped directly into zones of conflict. Finally, every model features a special slot in which a magical girl may inset her Soul Gem. Doing so allows her to empower her mount with her own inherent abilities. For example, a magical girl who is able to perform great bursts of speed will be able to push her ride even faster than its mechanical specification.
  63. ¤ Vulture Mod-D:
  64. The Vulture was the first production model and is best suited for Vindicares. Allying speed and unexpected armor, the Vulture is heavily armed for long-ranged engagements. At the front of the vehicle is a weapon shaped like an auto-cannon that is powered directly by the Rider's own abilities when her Soul Gem is inserted and which serves as an amplifier, allowing a Vindicare capable of direct magical attacks suppress and harass foes with quick fire at a lessened strain to her soul Gem. If no such ability is possessed, the amplifier may be replaced by a similar weapon firing mundane ballistic projectiles. In addition, the back of motorcycle houses two missile launchers, one on each side, capable of providing indirect fire support.
  66. ¤ Timber Wolf Mod-D:
  67. Complementing the Vulture as the staple ride for Vindicares, the Timber Wolf is designed for Eversors. Although it is less armored, it is faster, allowing it to swoop in for the kill with ease. Similarly to the Vulture it also features launchers in the back, but those are loaded with short-range, streak lock-on missiles that are better suited at covering the Eversor's mad dashes with smoke charges or fragmentation charges. While most Eversors will be able to use their magical weapons with ease while mounted, for those with weapons of short reach such as knives and the likes, the Timber Wolf can be equipped with an heavy tungsten carbide lance that is charged with magical energy through the Gem interface.
  69. ¤ Loki Mod-E:
  70. Unlike the previous combat models, the Loki trades weaponry for a potent noise dampener and an ECM module. Those allied with a Callidus' natural skills with concealment allow Callidea riders to quickly infiltrate into hostile territory, whether it be for the purpose of gathering intel or to assassinate a target hidden away. Even without Callidae illusion, the Loki is coated with light altering cameleoline cells, that camouflage it in any environment, although it drains the vehicle's speed. full-body suits of Cameleoline are also available, of course.
  72. ¤ Fire Moth Mod-A:
  73. A recent development of the 11th to provide specialized mounts for the less-common Ranks, like the Loki, the Fire Moth has no weapon save for point-blank LAMS defenses. Like the Vulture, it is lightly armed and very fast for quick relocations. The Fire Moth is a Command and Control bike best suited for Vanus, but can also be used by Commanders who prefer to concentrate on coordinating the girls under their supervision than to lead the charge. The Fire Moth is equipped with a potent sensor suite which is complemented by a set of drones stored and launched from the back which can provide information in several simultaneous locations. The Fire Moth can 'paint targets' in its direct line of sight for Vindicares' Timber Wolf to home in for indirect fire or for Eversors' Vultures to flank.
  75. ¤ Conjurer Mod-A:
  76. Designed in parallel with the Fire Moth, the Conjurer is built for Venenums in mind and, again, has no weapon systems besides LAMS. It is unique in the fact that it is more or less a deployable platform which allows a Venenum to either perform field treatment or synthetization in Lab-like environment. The back of the Conjurer deploys into a stable platform long enough to serve as a surgery bed or work table, the sides of the back can store all sorts of tools and instruments. The front of the vehicle houses a shield-like field generator that creates a sanitized environment to work in by killing all bacteria and pathogen as it expands and preventing more from entering.
  79. ==Code of Zellbrigen:
  80. Zellbrigen in the 11th Officio is the practice of honorable, ritualized duels. While something like this may be scorned at in modern times, it serves many clear purposes. First and foremost, it is an integral part of the magical girls' training which force them to hone their skills in combat rather than rely on situational, underhanded tricks to win at all costs. It also serves as a way to settle disputes of all kinds in a manner that is universally respected, but does create a 'might is right' mentality.
  82. Zellbrigen only concerns proper magical girls and in any given conflict, normal humans and rogue magical girls are not normally granted the privilege. Zellbrigen should normally be done between girls of same Rank and in any given engagement, a magical girl may refuse a Challenge from a girl of a different Rank if another unengaged opponent of her correct rank is available to fight instead. A magical girl may not refuse a valid challenge without a good reason lest she suffers great dishonor among her peers. The primary tenets of Zellbrigen are as follow:
  84. 1) No magical girl may target another magical girl's Soul Gem
  85. 2) None shall interfere in the duel between two other magical girls
  86. 3) If any magical girl leaves the designated area of the duel, she forfeits.
  87. 4) No spell, weapon or equipment causing undue amounts of collaterals may be used.
  88. 5) No spell, weapon or equipment requiring or benefiting from outside assistance may be used.
  89. 6) No spell, weapon or equipment which allow the user to control their opponent may be used.
  90. 7) Foreknowledge of the battle through the use of Prognostication voids the duel.
  91. 8 ) The Khan may void any duel at any time if she witnesses a breach of honour not yet covered.
  94. ==Basic:
  95. 1) Common education and orientation - 2 weeks
  96. 2) Common physical advancement training (Burst+Limitbreak) - 2 weeks
  98. 3) Limitbreak Parkour + Martial/Marksmanship A + Field Awareness/Detection - 4 weeks
  100. 4) Livefire Parkour + Rank Duels + Code of Zellbrigen - 1 week
  101. 5) Livefire Parkour + Rank Duels + Driving A- 3 weeks
  103. 6) Martial/Marksmanship B (refinement) + Star-level combat + Codes and procedures - 1 week
  104. 7) Martial/Marksmanship B (refinement) + Star-level combat + Intel Gathering - 2 week
  105. 8) Martial/Marksmanship B (refinement) + Star-level combat + Field Exercises - 1 week
  107. 9) Veteran Challenge + Driving B + Live hunts - 3 weeks
  108. 10) Trial of position - 1 week
  111. ==MGNW Traits:
  112. + Driving
  113. + Spartan training
  114. + Duelist
  115. - Samaritan
  116. - Honour-Bound: Zellbrigen
  117. - Sheltered
  119. Spartan training: (-5)
  120. You have trained with your comrades for more hours than you can care to count and combat routines have become second nature to you. You have gained the ability to work in synergy with your comrades and to understand the turning points of any given battle, giving your all at just the right moment to turn the tides.
  121. Once per combat encounter, declare that you are using your Focus during the Actions Declaration phase. For the duration of this turn, you may re-roll all to-hit and damage rolls once each.
  123. Duelist: (-5)
  124. Your training and combat experience puts a great amount of focus on one-on-one fights. Whether you are a lone operative, or perhaps you simply take pride in fighting honorable duels, you are better suited for this mode of combat.
  125. Whenever you are engaging a single opponent alone, gain +5 To-hit and +5 evasion. These bonuses are immediately negated if the duel is interrupted by either side receiving reinforcements. These bonuses do not apply to sneak attacks.
  127. Honour-Bound: (+5)
  128. Whether it is your own personal beliefs or it is the moral tenets of your faction or religion, you very strongly believe in some sort of moral or ethical code that you take to heart and have a very difficult time going against. Set down your moral code and have it approved by your GM when you take this trait.
  129. You must roll over E+5 on 1d10 to act against your moral code. Even succeeding this roll should still cause doubt and self-questioning to your character.
  131. Sheltered: (+5)
  132. Maybe you were fortunate enough to grow up in an Ivory tower, maybe you were locked in your basement because your parents thought you were an abomination, or maybe you just spent all your time on your phone/computer. Whatever the reasons, you've never really had much experience with the outside world and it makes it more difficult for you to get by in the everyday life of a normal person. (Gameplay effect? Maybe -1 to Acquisition but rather harsh for +5.. Also overlaps with Debt. Could be -1 Fel to normies due to acting like a dildo, but that's also Freak)
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