
Sam & Tiamat: The (Soul) Talk.

Aug 29th, 2015
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  1. [23:03] Arkalest |Saaaaaaaaaaam?|
  2. [23:03] Arkalest |We need to talk about your tendency to stick your soul into other people.|
  3. [23:04] Sam sighs. |Right. . . go ahead then.|
  4. [23:05] Arkalest |Boundaries.|
  5. [23:05] Arkalest |You need to start putting them up.|
  6. [23:06] Sam |And after we spent so much time tearing them down?|
  7. [23:08] Arkalest |I am not saying to go full hedgehog. I am saying that we perhaps need to make a code of conduit for this.|
  8. [23:09] Arkalest |And yes, you are right- The thing is, after destruction comes rebuilding.|
  9. [23:11] Sam |Look, I know the thing with Irune was wrong, I miscalculated and didn't realize what it was I was /actually/ doing. I'm going to be *much* more aware of that in the future.|
  10. [23:13] Arkalest |Yes. That does not preclude the fact that you should start thinking down of what is acceptable and whaat is not- Consent aside, not all souls are equal.|
  11. [23:14] Sam | . . . Why do I feel like this is the Soul equivalent to The Talk?|
  12. [23:15] Arkalest |Because it is?|
  13. [23:16] Arkalest |Look, the..:Equivalent to Soul STDs exist..:| There is a hint of unease inT iamat's voice- As if she is recollecting something unpleasant.
  14. [23:16] Arkalest |Let's not achieve the dubious honor of being the first ones to catch them.|
  15. [23:16] Sam |Right. Well, go ahead then, I'm listening. . . ohh. . . ok uhh. . . Yikes.|
  16. [23:16] Sam |Yeaaah.|
  17. [23:18] Arkalest |See, the thing is- You need to start compiling a list of do's and don'ts.|
  18. [23:21] Sam |Right.|
  19. [23:23] Arkalest |Not all souls are qual in terms of daimotopography, meaning that you might end up causing damage even if you are utterly careful-- That, and as Gregor showed us, you might end up discoverinb things that not even the subject is aware of...|
  20. [23:25] Sam |I had no plans of diving into anyone's soul inless I had no other choice. Gregor was. . . that was bad enough Tiamat.|
  21. [23:26] Arkalest |Yes. hence the need to prevent any repeats of it...|
  22. [23:27] Arkalest |What I am saying is that you should ante up the security. Be on guard when you dive.|
  23. [23:27] Sam |I've been working on that Mind Shield thing, I mean that was the whole reason why I went to Irune over that in the first place.|
  24. [23:29] Arkalest |It would work only if you were aware that there is something...Fishy going on.|
  25. [23:29] Arkalest |So you would need to be on your toes anyway.|
  26. [23:30] Sam groans at the pun |Yeah, I'm still working out how to get a early warning system in place.|
  27. [23:34] Arkalest |Well, that is good, but...You need a more meticolous approach. COmpile some notes on the subject's previous life experiences and behavior in order to understand how their soul would be set up, for example.|
  28. [23:35] Sam |Tiamat, I am not making any plans of diving into anyone's souls inless I /really/ have to. Hell, even someone asked me I'd almost certainly say no.|
  29. [23:36] Arkalest |That always bears repeating, Sam. It always does.|
  30. [23:36] Arkalest There's a sort of tone of grandmotherly concern in her voice.
  31. [23:37] Sam |But. . if I /do/ find myself in the position of having to dive, I'll do as you say.|
  32. [23:40] Arkalest |Promise me?|
  33. [23:40] Sam |Tiamat, I swear that I will avoid soul-diving inless I have a overwhelmingly good reason to do so, and in such a case I will take all appropriate precautions I can.|
  34. [23:42] Arkalest |Good. | The relief is almost èalpable.
  35. [23:43] Sam |. . . Sorry I worried you so much. . .|
  36. [23:47] Arkalest She sighs- A bubbly, deep sound. |No. no. it is fine..|
  37. [23:49] Sam |No it. . . it really isn't. I . . I was so cavalier about my own safety Tiamat. I . . . never really considered the fact that other people cared about me. . . I just. . . I . . I wasn't apologizing for just this but. . . for all the stuff before.|
  38. [23:50] Sam hugs himself. |I just. . . God I was just so. . . pathetic . . .|
  39. [23:52] Arkalest She wordlessly mind-hugs you-- A cool sensation.
  40. [23:53] Sam |I. . . thank you for everything Tiamat. I'm not. . . I'm not fixed, maybe not even good but. . . I'm better than I was, I think.|
  41. [00:01] Arkalest You can feel her relent the hug a bit, letting you know that she is listening.
  42. [00:03] Sam |I . . . never-mind, it's not anything I haven't said at this point anyways. I'll get better in time.|
  43. [00:05] Arkalest |I believe in you.|
  44. [00:06] Sam "It just took me a while to believe it myself. . . Thank you Tiamat.|
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