FED: Betrayer War: Caranthir

Jan 22nd, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Name: Caranthir
  2. Age: 23
  3. Class: Fighter
  4. Special: Clear a Path
  5. When the Fighter attacks an enemy unit on forest terrain, the enemy unit does not get the defensive bonuses from being on forest terrain. In addition, if the enemy has any effects that activate while on Forest terrain, it is ignored, except for Clear a Path.
  6. Character Skill: Adept: After you hit an attack, there is a Skill % chance you will get an immediate additional attack in. This skill does not activate on an attack activated by this skill.
  8. Affinity: Wind
  9. Personal Fault: Going Berserk: If an ally is reduced to 0 HP, -5 HP at start of turn.
  10. Personal Skill: Blood Thirsty: If a unit within 3 spaces is reduced to 0hp, +15 HIT until the start of next turn.
  11. Personal Skill: Challenge Accepted: If an enemy is adjacent to Caranthir at the beginning of his turn, +5% Adept Chance in next combat.
  12. Personal Skill: --
  14. Preferred Stats: Strength, Skill
  15. Weapon Skill: Hacking (C), Axe (D)
  17. Level: 7
  18. Total Level: 7
  20. Base Stats:
  21. HP: 33+1 (85%)
  22. STR: 7+2 (70%)
  23. MAG: 0
  24. SKL: 4+1 (70%)
  25. LUK: 2 (50%)
  26. DEF: 3 (25%)
  27. RES: 0 (10%)
  28. SPD: 3 (60%)
  29. MOV: 5
  30. CON: 10
  31. AID: 9
  32. LED: 0
  34. Levels Gained:
  35. Level 2: +1HP, +1STR, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1SPD
  36. Level 3: +1HP, +1STR, +1SKL, +1SPD
  37. Level 4: +1HP, +1STR, +1SKL, +1LUK, +1SPD
  38. Level 5: +1HP, +1STR, +1SKL, +1LUK, +1DEF
  39. Level 6: +1HP, +1STR, +1SKL, +1LUK, +1DEF, +1SPD
  40. Level 7: +1HP, +1STR, +1SKL, +1LUK, +1SPD
  42. Current Stats:
  43. HP: 41 (85%)
  44. STR: 15 (70%)
  45. MAG: 0
  46. SKL: 11 (70%)
  47. LUK: 6 (50%)
  48. DEF: 6 (25%)
  49. RES: 0 (10%)
  50. SPD: 8 (60%)
  51. MOV: 5
  52. CON: 10
  53. AID: 9
  54. LED: 0
  56. Supports:
  59. Inventory:
  60. Name | Type ( ) | Rng | Wt | Mt | Hit | Cr | Ql
  61. Iron Axe | Hack (E) | 1 | 8 | 8 | 75 | 0 | 28/40
  62. Swordreaver | Hack (C) | 1 | 12 | 11 | 65 | 5 | 25/25
  63. Reverses Weapon Triangle
  65. Battle Stats:
  66. Iron Axe
  67. Rng: 1
  68. AT: 23
  69. Hit: 100
  70. Crit: 5
  71. AS: 8
  72. Eva: 20
  73. DG: 6
  75. Swordreaver
  76. Rng: 1
  77. AT: 26
  78. Hit: 90
  79. Crit: 10
  80. AS: 8
  81. Eva: 20
  82. DG: 6
  84. Bio: Taken into slavery by a criminally aligned Lumber corporation, Caranthir was taken from his village and put to work as a woodcutter. After cruel treatment by his masters, the young child ones in anger threw a branch against the overseer for which he was punished severely. Death was to be the resolve of his crime and the young man was bound by a rope between 4 horses. Dismemberment was imminent, but through luck or gods smiling faithfully upon him the ropes of all but two of the horses snapped and the beasts of burden ran away.
  86. Sadly two remained, The strongest that pulled from the two would also be freed from the rope that kept it in place however it would not be the rope that snapped. The left arm of Caranthir followed in a gory display of what happened to those who struck their masters. In a sadistic way, the overseer was please for the hand that struck him was lost.
  88. After a swift patching up, He was put back to work this time with a much smaller axe.
  90. Freedom was earned through an uprising, The slaves took up arms against the masters and slaughtered them to the last man and woman. From one of these masters, Caranthir claimed a prosthetic arm that fitted well with the one he lost. Upon discovery that Slaving was taking place in his lands, wherein no man was meant to live in bondage following the death of the Dragon King, the Hero King Arya retained Caranthir to scour his kingdom for signs of more slavers, and to put them to the headsman's axe where they would be found. Even now, with the Hero King dead and gone, he serves the crown.
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