
In which Kaz obtains a cult

Nov 13th, 2015
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  1. [22:34] <Kazuma_Raigeki> ===BEGIN===
  2. [22:34] <Anastasia_Locke> "How on earth am I a LIAR?"
  3. [22:35] <Serket> The Loremaster refuses to behold your question, and waits eagerly for Kazuma's answer.
  4. [22:35] * Anastasia_Locke readies an action to use Crush 1
  5. [22:35] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "How is she a LIAR?"
  6. [22:36] <Serket> The Loremaster frowns at you, and says that he would like you to answer his question before he answers any of yours. It's only fair, he tells you.
  7. [22:37] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I'll hear your compromise once you tell me how she's lying."
  8. [22:37] <Serket> He says if you wanted it to be that way then you should have asked him why she was lying before he brought up the compromise, as it stands, the order of questions has been shifted into his favor, and thus demands to be answered.
  9. [22:38] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Well, I can't really answer anything until you tell me the compromise."
  10. [22:38] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "So, you might as well explain how she's lying."
  11. [22:39] * Anastasia_Locke laughs
  12. [22:39] <Anastasia_Locke> "Yeah Kaz!"
  13. [22:40] <Serket> He tells you that his question was whether or not you wanted to hear the compromise. Is that a yes, he asks?
  14. [22:40] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "After you explain how she's lying."
  15. [22:40] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I'm the knight, I can make commands like that."
  16. [22:40] <Serket> You're the Knight? He asks.
  17. [22:41] <Anastasia_Locke> "Your question can wait!"
  18. [22:41] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "You said my save data tells the story of the knight."
  19. [22:41] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I wrote the save data."
  20. [22:41] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Ergo, I am the knight."
  21. [22:41] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Now please give me my save data so I can end the cutscene."
  22. [22:42] <Serket> He continues to re-affirm that this is not your save data, especially because he doesn't know what that is and thinks it is probably a made-up word. He wonders if you are a liar as well.
  23. [22:43] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I asked you how you wanted me to prove it, and you didn't answer, so I just assumed you believed me."
  24. [22:44] <Serket> He asks you exactly what a 'save data' is and why this one is so important to you.
  25. [22:44] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Hang on, I answered your question, it's my turn."
  26. [22:44] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Why is Ana lying?"
  27. [22:47] <Serket> He says that she is lying simply because he thinks so, and he is the grand loremaster, and the grand loremaster is always right.
  28. [22:47] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Seems about right."
  29. [22:47] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Well, I'm the main character, and I'm right."
  30. [22:47] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "So I'd kinda like my data back, please."
  31. [22:48] <Serket> He asks you why this particular 'save data' is so important to you, and would you like another copy.
  32. [22:48] <Serket> We have like, six-hundred of them, he says.
  33. [22:48] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I want the one you took from my inventory."
  34. [22:49] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "You can copy my data all you want, let you guys stop being NPCs and have a taste of the main character lifestyle, if you want."
  35. [22:49] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Just give me back what's rightfully mine."
  36. [22:49] <Serket> He tells you that he does not know which Tome is the original one.
  37. [22:49] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Then just gimme all of them, that's fine."
  38. [22:49] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Better safe than sorry, right?"
  39. [22:50] <Serket> He says the only way that you may be given your own Tome of Erudition is by being a member of the cult.
  40. [22:51] <Anastasia_Locke> "You know what I think, Kaz?"
  41. [22:51] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Whatcha think?"
  42. [22:52] <Anastasia_Locke> "I think the grand loremaster is lying to us."
  43. [22:52] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Really?"
  44. [22:52] <Anastasia_Locke> "Really."
  45. [22:52] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Why on Earth would the grand loremaster lie to us?"
  46. [22:52] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "He is clearly always right."
  47. [22:53] <Anastasia_Locke> "Oh yeah, good point. I was forgetting that part."
  48. [22:53] <Anastasia_Locke> "We should definitely do EVERYTHING this guy says to."
  49. [22:53] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I am in complete agreement of this statement."
  50. [22:53] <Serket> The Loremaster, with his limited understanding of sarcasm, thanks you for your co-operation.
  51. [22:54] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Oh my gosh, he doesn't get it."
  52. [22:54] * Anastasia_Locke bursts into laughter
  53. [22:54] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "That is adorable."
  54. [22:54] <Serket> The Loremaster asks what is so funny.
  55. [22:54] <Serket> He would like to laugh too, he tells you.
  56. [22:55] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Well, I'd like my save data back, but that's clearly not going to happen."
  57. [22:56] <Serket> He tells you that he may think about giving you your own Tome Of Erudition if you can make him laugh.
  58. [22:56] <Anastasia_Locke> "Hey, Kaz?"
  59. [22:56] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Knock knock."
  60. [22:56] <Anastasia_Locke> "I think I might have a way to check if a book is yours or not."
  61. [22:56] <Anastasia_Locke> "Maybe."
  62. [22:56] <Serket> Who's there, the Loremaster replies.
  63. [22:57] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (You're helping me still, right?"
  64. [22:57] <Kazuma_Raigeki> )
  65. [22:58] <Anastasia_Locke> "I'll have to check some stuff, but it should work."
  66. [22:58] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (Strat?)
  67. [22:58] <Anastasia_Locke> (Yes)
  68. [22:58] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "John Cena."
  69. [22:58] <Kazuma_Raigeki> roll 2#1d20+4
  70. [22:58] <`DICE> Kazuma_Raigeki rolled 2#1d20+4 [ 1d20=19 ]{23}, [ 1d20=7 ]{11}
  71. [22:58] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (23.)
  72. [22:58] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (This is perform, by the way)
  73. [22:59] <Serket> The Loremaster asks you who John Cena is.
  74. [22:59] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (You can't really resist a good performance.)
  75. [22:59] <Anastasia_Locke> "FIND OUT THIS SUNDAY!"
  76. [22:59] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "AT THE WWE"
  77. [22:59] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "SOOOOOOOOOOOOOPER SLAMMMMMMM"
  78. [22:59] <Anastasia_Locke> "WOOOOO!"
  79. [23:00] <Serket> The creature does not seem to get it.
  80. [23:00] * Anastasia_Locke bursts into a giggling fit
  81. [23:01] <Kazuma_Raigeki> The creature doesn't really need to get it.
  82. [23:02] <Kazuma_Raigeki> The performance was JUST THAT GOOD.
  83. [23:02] <Serket> The Loremaster backs slowly away from the insane laughing people.
  84. [23:02] * Kazuma_Raigeki helps herself to the save data.
  85. [23:02] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Thank you!"
  86. [23:03] * Kazuma_Raigeki skims over the save data to ensure it wasn't tampered with.
  87. [23:03] <Serket> The Loremaster scrambles back up to the people and asks for the tome back.
  88. [23:03] <Serket> The 'save data' appears to have been written over with in a number of pink scrawls on seemingly every page.
  89. [23:03] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "What did you do to it?"
  90. [23:03] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Where is my data?"
  91. [23:04] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (Still helping me out here?)
  92. [23:04] <Serket> He still has absolutely no clue what you mean by 'data' and continues to request the tome be given back to him.
  93. [23:04] <Anastasia_Locke> "Kaz?"
  94. [23:04] <Anastasia_Locke> "Captcha it and check the code."
  95. [23:05] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Is code the thingy for making stuff?"
  96. [23:05] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I skimmed through the memo you made, but didn't really try it out yet."
  97. [23:05] <Anastasia_Locke> "Yeah."
  98. [23:05] <Anastasia_Locke> "I'm doing some now."
  99. [23:05] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Well, then I didn't check the code for my data."
  100. [23:06] <Anastasia_Locke> "No, check the code for this one."
  101. [23:06] * Kazuma_Raigeki checks the code.
  102. [23:06] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Now what?"
  103. [23:06] <Anastasia_Locke> "Just put the card where I can see it."
  104. [23:07] * Kazuma_Raigeki holds the card in front of the phone, but away from the loremaster.
  105. [23:07] <Serket> The loremaster reaches for the card as his subordinates watch the three of you from the sidelines.
  106. [23:07] <Anastasia_Locke> "Awesome, thanks. I'll see if I can find a shot of the code from one of the other times you brought it out around me."
  107. [23:07] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (Keyword: away from the loremaster)
  108. [23:08] <Serket> (The little guy can still try)
  109. [23:08] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Oh yeah, I took it out right when I got here."
  110. [23:08] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "No, you don't get this back."
  111. [23:08] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Not until my data is restored."
  112. [23:08] <Anastasia_Locke> "Somewhere in my home?"
  113. [23:08] <Anastasia_Locke> "When was the last time you used it that one of my cameras could have seen it?"
  114. [23:09] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Do you have a recording of the video feed of me?"
  115. [23:09] <Anastasia_Locke> "This feed?"
  116. [23:09] <Anastasia_Locke> "Yeah."
  117. [23:09] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Oh, right..."
  118. [23:09] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Aurora's my server..."
  119. [23:10] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Darn it."
  120. [23:10] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Well, I'm sure I've used it before at your house."
  121. [23:10] <Anastasia_Locke> "Exactly. I'll get Ninja and the others looking through the records."
  122. [23:10] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Awesome, thanks!"
  123. [23:10] * Kazuma_Raigeki turns to the loremaster.
  124. [23:10] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Until I get my data back, this belongs to me."
  125. [23:11] <Serket> The Loremaster says that's fine, he'll just get another one.
  126. [23:12] <Serket> Welcome to the cult, by the way, he says.
  127. [23:12] <Anastasia_Locke> "Hey, great job Kaz!"
  128. [23:12] <Anastasia_Locke> "Now you have a cult!"
  129. [23:12] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "If it's fine, then why were you so unhappy to give it to me to begin with?"
  130. [23:12] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Heck yeah, I do!"
  131. [23:12] <Anastasia_Locke> "I've got a zoo!"
  132. [23:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Nice!"
  133. [23:13] <Anastasia_Locke> "This game is awesome."
  134. [23:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "So awesome."
  135. [23:13] <Serket> The loremaster points out that you're only a part of the cult, and you don't own the cult.
  136. [23:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "No, I own the cult."
  137. [23:13] <Anastasia_Locke> "She so owns the cult!"
  138. [23:13] <Serket> No you don't, he tells you.
  139. [23:13] <Serket> The large spider outside of this fort says otherwise.
  140. [23:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I actually do."
  141. [23:13] <Anastasia_Locke> "She kinda does, yeah."
  142. [23:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> roll 2#1d20+6
  143. [23:13] <`DICE> Kazuma_Raigeki rolled 2#1d20+6 [ 1d20=2 ]{8}, [ 1d20=15 ]{21}
  144. [23:14] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (21.)
  145. [23:14] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 2#1d20
  146. [23:14] <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 2#1d20 [ 1d20=18 ]{18}, [ 1d20=15 ]{15}
  147. [23:14] <Anastasia_Locke> (18)
  148. [23:14] <Serket> He says okay, but he also suggests not walking out of the fort as long as you claim to own the cult.
  149. [23:15] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Ana, you have video feed of this, right?"
  150. [23:15] <Anastasia_Locke> "I do."
  151. [23:15] <Anastasia_Locke> "Several."
  152. [23:15] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "This guy just admitted that I own the cult now?"
  153. [23:15] <Anastasia_Locke> "He did."
  154. [23:15] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Perfect."
  155. [23:16] <Serket> He tells you that he doesn't own the cult.
  156. [23:16] <Serket> And that you don't either.
  157. [23:16] <Anastasia_Locke> "Not anymore you don't!"
  158. [23:16] <Serket> He tells you the spider owns the cult and you should probably be pretty afraid of it.
  159. [23:16] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "No, I own the cult."
  160. [23:16] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Yo, spider, I own the cult now, ok?"
  161. [23:16] <Kazuma_Raigeki> roll 2#1d20+6
  162. [23:16] <`DICE> Kazuma_Raigeki rolled 2#1d20+6 [ 1d20=9 ]{15}, [ 1d20=5 ]{11}
  163. [23:16] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (15.)
  164. [23:17] <Serket> The spider is outside, remember the large, towering spider you saw when entering this place?
  165. [23:17] <Serket> He's talking about that spider.
  166. [23:17] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (I'm calling it out the door)
  167. [23:18] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (Unless there's an actual closed door.)
  168. [23:18] <Anastasia_Locke> "Hey Kaz, you have a laptop, right?"
  169. [23:18] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Yep, it's at home."
  170. [23:18] <Anastasia_Locke> "Rats. Carry it around with you from now on, okay?"
  171. [23:19] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Kk!"
  172. [23:19] <Anastasia_Locke> "Thanks!"
  173. [23:19] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "So, my first order as cult leader."
  174. [23:19] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Is for you to give me all the copies you made of my save data."
  175. [23:19] <Serket> He says that he can't do that.
  176. [23:20] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Why not?"
  177. [23:20] <Serket> Because he's not the leader of the cult anymore, and he doesn't have the authority to do that.
  178. [23:20] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Ok, then where are they? I'll get them myself."
  179. [23:21] <Serket> He says the cult leader should know where they are.
  180. [23:21] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Can the ex-cult leader show me where they are?"
  181. [23:21] <Kazuma_Raigeki> roll 2#1d20+6
  182. [23:21] <`DICE> Kazuma_Raigeki rolled 2#1d20+6 [ 1d20=15 ]{21}, [ 1d20=4 ]{10}
  183. [23:21] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (21.)
  184. [23:22] * Anastasia_Locke continues giggling at Kaz's antics
  185. [23:22] <Serket> He says he doesn't have the authority to show you where the books are because he isn't the cult leader anymore.
  186. [23:23] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "As the cult leader, I give you the authority to do whatever I want you to. And right now, I want you to show me where my data copies are."
  187. [23:23] <Serket> He says the cult leader can't pass on authority like that, it simply isn't allowed in the strict hierarchy of the cult.
  188. [23:23] <Serket> He'd think that, as the cult leader, you'd know that.
  189. [23:24] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "As the cult leader, I'm changing the rules."
  190. [23:24] <Serket> He tells you that the cult leader can't change the rules, as they are quite literally set in stone.
  191. [23:25] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Well, I'm getting a new stone to carve."
  192. [23:25] * Anastasia_Locke laughs some more
  193. [23:25] <Anastasia_Locke> "Yeah Kaz! I can help with the carving!"
  194. [23:25] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Yes, you are the cult's new official stone carver."
  195. [23:25] <Anastasia_Locke> "Woohoo!"
  196. [23:25] <Serket> He says that you can't do that, as one of the official cult commandments is thou shall not carve another stone.
  197. [23:26] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Keep up the good work, and you'll earn a couple promotions."
  198. [23:26] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I'm changing the commandments."
  199. [23:26] == nameRedacted [] has joined #RPGStuck_Serket
  200. [23:26] == nameRedacted [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  201. [23:26] <Serket> He tells you that you can't change the commandments.
  202. [23:26] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I just did."
  203. [23:26] <Anastasia_Locke> "I'm pretty sure you can!"
  204. [23:26] <Serket> He's actually really disappointed in your knowledge of how the cult operates.
  205. [23:26] <Anastasia_Locke> "Because you're a liar, remember?"
  206. [23:27] <Serket> He contemplates contacting Yolobroth and telling him of this injustice.
  207. [23:27] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "As the cult leader, I give myself the secondary rank of 'Grand Loremaster.'"
  208. [23:27] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "And the Grand Loremaster is always right."
  209. [23:28] == Thingymabob [] has quit [Ping timeout: 192 seconds]
  210. [23:28] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20 to retain ability to breath through laughter
  211. [23:28] <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20 to retain ability to breath through laughter [ 1d20=4 ]{4}
  212. [23:28] <Serket> The Ex-Loremaster says that's it, he is officially resigning from the cult.
  213. [23:28] * Anastasia_Locke falls on the floor
  214. [23:28] <Serket> He tells you that you will rue the day you came here.
  215. [23:28] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I rue it as soon as you took my data."
  216. [23:29] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Now, since I don't need to worry about you quitting the cult, show me where the data copies are."
  217. [23:29] <Serket> He tells you that if he finds your save data, he will feed it to the great Yogurtboner.
  218. [23:29] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I'm sure he'll enjoy it."
  219. [23:29] <Serket> He then makes his dramatic exit.
  220. [23:29] * Kazuma_Raigeki blocks the exit.
  221. [23:29] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Where's the copies?"
  222. [23:29] <Serket> He pushes down one of the walls of the pillow fort and walks out of it instead.
  223. [23:30] <Serket> The pillow fort collapses on the other frogs and yourself.
  224. [23:30] * Kazuma_Raigeki turns to the other three, much more cooperative frogs.
  225. [23:30] * Kazuma_Raigeki pushes pillows around until the frogs and her are free.
  226. [23:30] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "So, where's the data copies?"
  227. [23:31] <Serket> The frogs tell you that they don't know. Only the Grand Loremaster knows of the location of the ancient Tomes of Erudition.
  228. [23:31] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Wanna go grab the ex-loremaster for me?"
  229. [23:31] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "He's kinda trying to run away from his problems."
  230. [23:31] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "And I don't appreciate that."
  231. [23:31] <Anastasia_Locke> "Can't have people quitting the cult."
  232. [23:31] <Anastasia_Locke> "That's against the commandments."
  233. [23:32] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Exactly."
  234. [23:32] <Serket> He says he doesn't know where the Ex-Loremaster went. He tells you that he isn't like, psychic.
  235. [23:32] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "You don't really need to be psychic, you can just kinda look around to see him."
  236. [23:32] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "He's only been walking for about 4 seconds."
  237. [23:33] <Serket> He tells you that he is not one to question the ways of the True Loremaster, as his group has come to know him.
  238. [23:34] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Oh, you must have not heard me."
  239. [23:34] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I'm the Loremaster now."
  240. [23:34] <Kazuma_Raigeki> roll 2#1d20+6
  241. [23:34] <`DICE> Kazuma_Raigeki rolled 2#1d20+6 [ 1d20=17 ]{23}, [ 1d20=11 ]{17}
  242. [23:34] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (23.)
  243. [23:34] <Serket> He says that they acknowledge you as the new Loremaster, but to them, he will always be known as the True Grand Loremaster
  244. [23:35] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Why won't you question his ways?"
  245. [23:35] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "He lost power for a reason."
  246. [23:36] <Serket> He says that that reason was because some girl came in here and stole his book.
  247. [23:36] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Oh, no, you misunderstand."
  248. [23:36] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "It's my book."
  249. [23:36] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Roll 2#1d20+6
  250. [23:36] <`DICE> Kazuma_Raigeki rolled 2#1d20+6 [ 1d20=7 ]{13}, [ 1d20=11 ]{17}
  251. [23:36] <Anastasia_Locke> "If he lost it, then he obviously deserved to lose it."
  252. [23:36] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (17.)
  253. [23:37] <Serket> The creatures tell you that's not exactly how it works. But he continues to tell you there really isn't anything they can do to help you anymore.
  254. [23:37] <Serket> As the Loremaster has now been walkin for several minuets and they have no clue where he went.
  255. [23:37] <Anastasia_Locke> "Kaz. Wanna try something dangerous?"
  256. [23:38] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Sure!"
  257. [23:38] <Anastasia_Locke> "Point the camera at you."
  258. [23:38] * Kazuma_Raigeki does so.
  259. [23:38] <Anastasia_Locke> "Now keep an eye out in the direction he went."
  260. [23:38] * Kazuma_Raigeki does so.
  261. [23:38] * Anastasia_Locke casts Lift 5 on Kazuma, levitating her and giving her a birds-eye view of the surrounding area
  262. [23:39] * Kazuma_Raigeki looks around for ex-loremaster
  263. [23:39] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (does this give me a bonus to perception, or?)
  264. [23:39] <Serket> (no it just gives you a better point of view :P)
  265. [23:39] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (rip)
  266. [23:39] <Serket> (not everything is a roll, matt x3)
  267. [23:40] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (yes it is.)
  268. [23:40] <Kazuma_Raigeki> roll 1d20+3
  269. [23:40] <`DICE> Kazuma_Raigeki rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=2 ]{5}
  270. [23:40] <Anastasia_Locke> (> Every roll has been useless so far)
  271. [23:40] <Anastasia_Locke> (Advantage, I'm still supporting you)
  272. [23:40] <Kazuma_Raigeki> roll 1d20+3
  273. [23:40] <`DICE> Kazuma_Raigeki rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=6 ]{9}
  274. [23:40] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (Slightly better)
  275. [23:41] <Serket> You look out unto the massive landscape and see several moving specks along the ground, any one of which could be the ex-loremaster, a particularly large spider, or just another random frog. You also happen to see an oddly out-of-place among the spidery expanse white object several miles to the east.
  276. [23:42] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Well, I'm not going to find him from up here, so Ana, wanna bring me to the white object?"
  277. [23:42] <Anastasia_Locke> "You betcha!"
  278. [23:42] <Anastasia_Locke> "Oh, wait!"
  279. [23:42] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I was told to look for something like that."
  280. [23:43] <Anastasia_Locke> "Did you want to come do the thing with me, or keep going here?"
  281. [23:43] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I will right after I check out this thing."
  282. [23:43] <Anastasia_Locke> "Sounds good!"
  283. [23:43] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I promised someone I'd help 'em out."
  284. [23:43] * Anastasia_Locke brings Kaz to the object
  285. [23:46] <Serket> After about an hour and a half of floating through the air, Kazuma eventually touches down next to the object.
  286. [23:46] * Kazuma_Raigeki examines the object.
  287. [23:48] * Kazuma_Raigeki examines the object.
  288. [23:50] <Serket> The object is as was described by Ana's sister, mostly pure-white in colour, aside from a large symbol embedded in the middle of it of a sort of house-shape seperated into twelve pieces. It also appears to be stuck into the ground, not dissimilar to the sword-like object you created during your entry, scaled up several tens of times. On one side of the object rests an opened hatch.
  289. [23:51] * Kazuma_Raigeki attempts to open the hatch.
  290. [23:51] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (Ready an action to draw weapons in case something hostile is inside)
  291. [23:51] <Serket> The hatch is already opened.
  292. [23:51] * Kazuma_Raigeki enters the hatch.
  293. [23:53] * Anastasia_Locke readies an action to yank Kaz away from any danger
  294. [23:53] <Serket> The hatch is home to a ladder leading upwards
  295. [23:54] * Kazuma_Raigeki ascends, still preparing to grab weapons.
  296. [23:56] <Serket> You eventually ascend to the top of the hatch, and are greeted with a door-way on one side of the ladder, through the limited viespace of which, you can see a large terminal with twelve screens affixed to it, the one in the middle is turned on, with a live feed of yourself on it.
  297. [23:56] * Kazuma_Raigeki pauses.
  298. [23:57] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Aña?"
  299. [23:57] <Anastasia_Locke> "Yeah?"
  300. [23:57] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Not you, gimme a second."
  301. [23:57] <Anastasia_Locke> "Um. Okay... ?"
  302. [23:58] <Serket> No reply comes from the door-way.
  303. [23:58] * Kazuma_Raigeki knocks on the doorwar.
  304. [23:58] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (doorway*)
  305. [23:58] <Serket> No reply continues to come from the doorway.
  306. [23:59] * Kazuma_Raigeki enters the doorway.
  307. [00:00] <Serket> You enter the doorway, and are greeted by a room laced with webbing, as if spiders had lived here longer than anything else, aside from the large terminal, nothing particularly remarkable catches your eye, aside from a white creature, about as tall as you, tied up in the corner with spider silk
  308. [00:00] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Oh gosh."
  309. [00:00] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Aña?"
  310. [00:00] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Please..."
  311. [00:01] * Kazuma_Raigeki attempts to captchalogue the screens and silken body.
  312. [00:02] <Serket> The screens are affixed to the terminal, and are immovable. The silk-trapped body does not appear to be captchaloguable either.
  313. [00:03] <Anastasia_Locke> "Kaz, set me down facing that terminal."
  314. [00:03] * Kazuma_Raigeki does so.
  315. [00:03] * Anastasia_Locke telekinetically manipulates the terminal and tries to log on to pesterchum with it
  316. [00:04] <Serket> The terminal cannot be logged onto, as the only input area seems to be a small command-line.
  317. [00:04] * Kazuma_Raigeki inputs the command: "Aña?"
  318. [00:06] <Serket> You hear that odd voice in your head again >Aña?
  319. [00:06] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Where did you go, Aña?"
  320. [00:07] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "People want to find you."
  321. [00:07] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "You still have questions to answer..."
  322. [00:07] <Serket> (Are you still typing it into the terminal?)
  323. [00:08] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (Nope)
  324. [00:08] <Serket> No reply comes from the terminal.
  325. [00:08] * Kazuma_Raigeki sighs.
  326. [00:08] <Serket> The body hears your words, and seems to awaken, it begins sturggling within it's bindings.
  327. [00:08] * Kazuma_Raigeki jumps.
  328. [00:09] * Anastasia_Locke types in "Hello World!"
  329. [00:09] * Kazuma_Raigeki helps him with his bonds.
  330. [00:10] <Serket> Kazuma hears the words in her head again >Hello World!
  331. [00:11] * Kazuma_Raigeki uses her sword to cut the silk.
  332. [00:11] <Serket> You eventually work the creature through his bonds. He introduces himself as PK, and thanks you for your help.
  333. [00:11] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Hello!"
  334. [00:11] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Who did this to you?"
  335. [00:11] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Can you describe her?"
  336. [00:12] * Anastasia_Locke types in "/help"
  337. [00:12] <Serket> He says he doesn't remember who is captor is, as they knocked him out before he saw thm.
  338. [00:12] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Would you like to come with me?"
  339. [00:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "I can take you home, if you'd like."
  340. [00:13] <Serket> Home? He asks you.
  341. [00:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Yeah!"
  342. [00:13] <Serket> He says he can't go back home anymore.
  343. [00:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Why not?"
  344. [00:13] <Serket> He tells you that he was exiled from his hmoe.
  345. [00:14] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Oh, that's terrible."
  346. [00:14] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "However, that's really good backstory!"
  347. [00:14] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Wanna join the party?"
  348. [00:14] <Serket> He says he guesses that he might as well.
  349. [00:14] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Yay!"
  350. [00:14] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Ana, say hi to the new party member, PK!"
  351. [00:14] <Anastasia_Locke> "Hi!"
  352. [00:14] <Anastasia_Locke> "Welcome to the team!"
  353. [00:15] <Serket> PK says hi.
  354. [00:15] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Ok, Ana, can you fly us both back home?"
  355. [00:15] <Anastasia_Locke> "Um... I can try."
  356. [00:15] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Awesome!"
  357. [00:15] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "First..."
  358. [00:16] * Kazuma_Raigeki walks up to the computer, and inputs one final command.
  359. [00:16] <Kazuma_Raigeki> >You are the hero.
  360. [00:16] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Ok, we're good."
  361. [00:17] <Serket> Kazuma hears a voice in her head. >You are the hero.
  362. [00:17] * Kazuma_Raigeki smiles.
  363. [00:17] <Kazuma_Raigeki> "Let's keep it that way."
  364. [00:17] * Kazuma_Raigeki leads PK out of the room and down the ladder.
  365. [00:18] <Serket> (Do you wanna end here, because I have to go xD)
  366. [00:18] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (yeah, for sure)
  367. [00:18] <Kazuma_Raigeki> (Just say Ana carries them home?)
  368. [00:18] * Anastasia_Locke , under huge mental strain, carries them both to Kazuma's home
  369. [00:19] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Can barely afford double Lift 5))
  370. [00:19] <Kazuma_Raigeki> ===END===
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