
My retelling of Hearts and Hooves day

Aug 1st, 2013
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  2. >be Cheerilee
  3. >be in your 20s
  4. >be teacher at Canterlot High
  5. >today is Valentine's Day
  6. >"Hi Miss Cheerilee!"
  7. >you see Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo
  8. "Hi girls. What do you need?"
  9. >"We made ya this card for Valentine's Day."
  10. >Scootaloo hands you a card, decorated with a large pink glitter heart
  11. "Oh that's so sweet of you. Thank you girls."
  12. >"So who's your special somebody, Ms Cheerilee?"
  13. "Oh I don't have one."
  14. >you think about your high school and college days
  15. >you were outgoing, very social and friendly
  16. >you had a few boyfriends, but none would settle
  17. >your last relationship ended because he cheated on you
  18. >you eventually got over it, but you never looked for a lover since
  19. >being a good teacher with bright young students has also kept you preoccupied
  20. >"Why don't you have one, Ms Cheerilee?"
  21. >why must children ask such questions with innocent eyes
  22. "Well I never found him, now run along children."
  23. >that got you a bit depressed somehow
  24. >be Apple Bloom
  25. >you and the other crusaders are walking around town to find Cheerilee a suitor
  26. >none of them seem just right
  27. >"He needs to be tough, and dependable"
  28. >"But he needs to be caring and gentle"
  29. "How are we going to find somebody like that?"
  30. >"Look girls, I found him!"
  31. >"He's perfect for Ms Cheerilee."
  32. >you look to where Sweetie Bell is pointing
  33. >you see Big Macintosh
  34. >Big Mac is the strongest person you know, pulling a whole cart of apples to town by himself
  35. >He's a caring brother, and he's just as dependable as AppleJack
  36. >but he's still your shy brother
  37. "But Big Mac's shy, he'd never ask Cheerilee to a date."
  38. >Scootaloo nodded in agreement
  39. >"Wait, I have an idea!"
  40. "What is it Sweetie Bell?"
  41. >"A love potion!"
  42. "A love potion?"
  43. >"Yeah, Rarity has this vial labeled Love Potion!"
  44. >"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go get it!"
  45. >be Sweetie Bell
  46. >lead crusaders to Rarity's bedroom
  47. >reach under her bed and grab a small bottle
  48. >hold it out for the crusaders to see
  49. "See, we just have to get Ms Cheerilee and Big Mac to drink this and they'll fall in love with each other."
  50. >"How do we get them to drink this?"
  51. "Applebloom, go tell Big Mac that we need help building a lemonade stand in the park. Scootaloo, go get Ms Cheerilee to the park. I'll set up a picnic for them and put the potion in their drinks. Get them here at 5 o'clock"
  52. >"Yeah ok, got it."
  53. >"Great idea Sweetie Bell!"
  54. >you hope this will work and cheer up Ms Cheerilee
  55. >be Big Mac
  56. >little sister Apple Bloom asks you to help her with building a lemonade stand
  57. >you think this is just one of Apple Bloom's attempts to find her special talent
  58. >you bring your toolbox and some 2x4s and follow Apple Bloom to the park
  59. >as you enter the park, you already see a fully constructed a lemonade stand
  60. >what is the meaning of this
  61. >you stare at Applebloom, visibly annoyed
  62. >"Oh, looks like we finished it already, why don't you sit down and have a drink?"
  63. >you look ahead, spotting a large plaid cloth with a picnic basket and two wine glasses
  64. >you see Ms Cheerilee talking to Scootaloo
  65. >apparently they want you two to sit down together
  66. >Cheerilee sighs, and sits down on the cloth
  67. >you do too
  68. >"Oh sorry Big Macintosh, it seems the girls want you to be my special somebody."
  69. >you can tell she's telling the truth, but you find it odd someone like her is still single
  70. >"Well, let's just humor them, shall we?"
  71. "Eeyup"
  72. >you both pick up your wine glass and take a sip
  73. >woah that's some strong stuff
  74. >you set it down and stare at the glass
  75. >where did they get something like this
  76. >"Oh Big Mac"
  77. >that sweet voice
  78. >you look up to Cheerilee, and stare at her face
  79. >you realize now that she is just gorgeous
  80. >you notice her sexy figure with perfect curves
  81. "Yes?"
  82. >"You just look so dreamy."
  83. "You do too."
  84. >she closes her eyes and puckers her lips
  85. >you lean in for the kiss
  86. >you faintly hear a sigh from Apple Bloom and her friends
  87. >but that doesn't matter right now
  88. >Cheerilee's soft, moist lips
  89. >she sticks her tongue in your mouth
  90. >you can't contain your arousal
  91. >her hand reaches down to and she grabs your crotch
  92. >"Let's go back to my place."
  93. "Eeyup"
  94. >you would follow that hot piece of tail anywhere
  95. >be Rarity
  96. >notice your bedroom door is open
  97. "Sweetie!"
  98. >you look around for anything out of place
  99. >none of your drawers have been opened
  100. >wait, the bed sheets are wrinkled
  101. >you check under your bed and pull out your love potion bottle
  102. >you notice half the liquid is gone
  103. >why would Sweetie Bell use an aphrodisiac, she hasn't even hit puberty
  104. >as you check around the house, you notice your wine cabinet is unlocked
  105. >you notice that one of your port wines is missing
  106. "Sweetie, you have a lot of explaining to do"
  107. >be Cheerilee
  108. >you can't remember last night
  109. >you have a throbbing headache and your legs are sore
  110. >you put your hand on your forehead then you notice your bed shake
  111. >you turn to your right and see Big Macintosh
  112. >you notice his broad, toned hairy chest
  113. "Are you.. naked?"
  114. >"Eeyup"
  115. "Am I naked?"
  116. >Eeyup"
  117. "Did we... do it last night?"
  118. >"Eeyup"
  119. >that explains why your legs feel like it took a pounding
  120. >they don't call him Bag Mac for nothing
  121. "Did you use a condom?"
  122. >Big Mac just silently stares at you
  123. "Oh dear"
  124. >you clearly won't thinking straight
  125. >but you don't feel any sense of regret
  126. >"Miss Cheerilee"
  127. "Yes Big Mac?"
  128. >"Would you like to go on a date with me this weekend?"
  129. "I'd love to"
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